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User-Posted Comments on Genesis 1:27

I think the account of creating Adam and Eve in Genesis 2 is simply an insert, provided to give additional information, not gone into in the creation account of Genesis 1. (Like is done is a history book or magazine article.)
- marie (1/2/2017 4:27:18 PM)
i think the reference to the phrase that he created them male and female, has nothing to so with he creating adam and eve at the same time because it says in genesis chapter 2 that there was no man to till the earth hence the reference in chapter that he created them male and female to me means that he created in man the male and female principle which is what gives man dominion over all things because in him lies the creative principle of life.
- samuel (1/2/2017 5:20:57 AM) []
Adam and Eve were created the same day. A few people hold to the account in Gen 2 as a seperate time occurrence than Gen 1. The account read in chapter two is the same aspect of the 6 the day creation - with a tunnel focus on the unique creating of mankind unlike any other portion of creation. Eve was made by God, in the process God used Adams rib to develop a binding relationship (not the need to transmit XX chromosomes).
- Michael Storey (9/21/2014 4:38:06 AM)
The word for "them" is indeed present in the Hebrew, the last word of the verse: "otam." The word "n'kavah" is used rather than "ishah" just as "zakhar" is used instead of "ish"--a natural literary choice in order to underscore the male/female polarity. "Zakhar" and "n'kavah" are even today the words used for male and female, for example, in grammatical contexts.
- Eliot (7/30/2014 2:33:53 PM)
The word for "them" is indeed present in the Hebrew, the last word of the verse: "otam." The word "n'kavah" is used rather than "ishah" just as "zakhar" is used instead of "ish"--a natural literary choice in order to underscore the male/female polarity. "Zakhar" and "n'kavah" are even today the words used for male and female, for example, in grammatical contexts.
- Eliot (7/26/2014 6:16:56 AM)
I would like to know if the word " Them " was added by the translators ? I have check and can't find it in the Hebrew. Also why wasn't "Ishshah" use for female here in the 27th verse. Was it because Eve was a concept not yet come into fusion until chapter 2. We know that man has the X Y chromosome and woman has X X, so in Adam there was in him a potential for Eve.
- Richard (7/16/2014 7:36:43 PM)

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