Please post your comment on Genesis 1:31.

WWW Chat Bible Commentary

User-Posted Comments on Genesis 1:31

It is significant to note that sex was created by God before the entrance of sin into the world.Sex is a wonderful servant but a terrible master.The Husband-wife
relationship is a beautiful relationship.It is compared with Christ-Church relationship in Ephesians 5.The Lord God said,It is not good that the man should be alone.Gen.2:18."
And did not he make one?Yet had he the residue of the spirit.And wherefore one?That he might seek a godly seed......" Mal.2:15.
God blessed man &woman.He said to them,"Be fruitful & multiply..."Gen.1:28.
- Alex (2/17/2009 11:41:23 AM) []
God approved everything He has created at the end of the sixth day.
- Alex (2/16/2009 11:24:04 PM) []

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