Please post your comment on Isaiah 58:14.

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User-Posted Comments on Isaiah 58:14

Why is it that I can find soooo many professed followers of Christ, but not once, Not eVen one have I ever came across a study on what very well could be the most important study of all in order to have a clear understanding of what Jesus is actually doing right now, what the Bible instructs us to be doing in the ant-typical day of atonement in which we are living and how to view all doctrine! And the lens we are to use Close study of the Holy Scriptures is The Sanctuary Message, if you have not heard of this msg or don't know what it is email me @, or if you really wanna get started on knowing the truth call me: 661-889-1888 (my name is Benjamin )
- Benjamin Chaffin (12/6/2016 4:53:24 PM) []

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