Please post your comment on John 13:20.

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User-Posted Comments on John 13:20

I once had a Sunday School teacher who occasionally tried to motivate us by saying, "You may be the only Jesus some people ever know." I knew what he meant, and do not disagree with the intent. But to be honest, that sometimes troubled me a bit. Because I know how often and in how many ways I fall short of being Christ-like. Yet Jesus says something here that somewhat seems to fit that line of thinking. I believe the key is this: If Jesus (the Holy Spirit) “sends me”, and I go, then I am doing His will and not my own. And IF I am carrying out His will, in His Spirit, and someone receives 'me', then it is not actually me who they receive, but Him who sent me.

This reminds me also of Matthew 25:40 "...Inasmuch as ye have done [it] unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done [it] unto me." Certainly if we give to a stranger in and for the sake of Christ's love, this applies. Giving for His glory, we give to Him. But if we were to give for our own purpose and benefit - perhaps expecting something in return, a gift or maybe a good name for ourselves - would this verse still apply?

As for the husband and wife and one 'sanctifying' the other, I think you are referring to 1 Corinthians 7:12-16. Reading the scripture in context, we can determine that this particular form of sanctification is distinct from eternal salvation through Christ. He goes on to say in verse 16, "For what know you, O wife, whether you shall save your husband? or how know you, O man, whether you shall save your wife?" The use of the words "you shall save" interestingly fits the topic. The sanctification of the marriage has made the unbelieving spouse holy, of importance to God. But by receiving the believing spouse alone, even through the sanctified bond of marriage, the unbelieving spouse has not automatically received salvation. Something is still missing. And we know that to be Christ, Jesus our Lord, The Truth, The Way, and The Life.

Christ is God's Son, God's flesh. And we, the Church, are now (sometimes tragically) the body of Christ on earth. I am still not entirely comfortable with the statement above, "You may be the only Jesus some people ever know." Jesus is indeed the only way to the Father. But through receipt of and submission to His Spirit, we may be someones way to Him, that they may then someday know Him directly.
- jst (7/12/2011 1:36:21 AM)
Could we as Christians apply this literally; in the sense that: we have Christ's spirit dwelling in us and we are new creatures bearing not only his witness in words but his cross and resurrection in our bodies as well our reedemed souls, could be that whoever receives us, receives all this even though not yet believers? And therefore partaking of the redemption of Christ through us?? In view of this Saint Paul commented that a husband that is an unbeliever is santified by the believing wife...
- Maria (6/24/2011 6:56:18 AM)

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