Please post your comment on Song of Songs 6:4.

WWW Chat Bible Commentary

User-Posted Comments on Song of Songs 6:4

Sad,look at me.bad.all his songs.dont cry
- xxx (4/8/2019 9:19:22 AM)
“You are terrible as an army with banners” – S. of S. 6:4. The many banners of victory displayed by the bride of Christ exhibits a conqueror who is in union with Jesus Christ. She is grateful that “God has given the victory through the Lord Jesus Christ” – 1 Corinthians 15:57.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (2/17/2019 5:30:43 AM)
“You are beautiful, O my love…comely as Jerusalem” – Song of Songs 6:4. Jerusalem, “the city of peace”, is the harmony of order, life and love in union and fellowship with the Beloved Christ. He is the peace and rest to all His loving seekers. In turn His loving seekers become His rest and satisfaction! Bridal beauty becomes a dwelling place for God to rest and be satisfied in His purpose and eternal intention. Oh, the harmony of love with these two lovers!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (2/9/2019 4:29:15 AM)
“You are beautiful” – Song of Songs 6:4. Throughout the love Song, the Beloved Christ notices and calls His seeking lover “beautiful” over ten times. Every believer and lover of Christ has a beauty that is recognized by Him. In whatever stage of growth a loving seeker may be, the potential beauty, the actual beauty or the manifested beauty is appreciated and praised by the Bridegroom Christ!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (2/4/2019 4:42:13 AM)

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