NASB — Leviticus 21 — KJV

Regulations concerning Priests

1 Then the LORD° said° to Moses°, “Speak° to the priests°, the sons° of Aaron°, and say° to them:

¶ ‘aNo° one shall defile° himself for a [dead] person° among his people°, 2 aexcept°° for his relatives° who are nearest° to him, his mother° and his father° and his son° and his daughter° and his brother°, 3 also for his virgin° sister°, who is near° to him Ibecause° she has° had° no° husband°; for her he may defile° himself. 4 He shall not defile° himself as a Irelative° by marriage° among his people°, and so profane° himself. 5 aThey shall not make° any baldness°° on their heads°, bnor° shave° off° the edges° of their beards°, cnor° make° any cuts° in their flesh°. 6 They shall be holy° to their God° and anot profane° the name° of their God°, for they present° the offerings° by fire° Ito the LORD°, bthe food° of their God°; so they shall be holy°. 7 aThey shall not take° a woman° who is profaned° by harlotry°, nor° shall they take° a woman° divorced° from her husband°; for he is holy° to his God°. 8 You shall consecrate° him, therefore, for he offers° athe food° of your God°; he shall be holy° to you; for I the LORD°, who sanctifies° you, am holy°. 9 aAlso the daughter° of any° priest°, if° she profanes° herself by harlotry°, she profanes° her father°; she shall be burned° with fire°.

[1] aLv 19:28; Ezk 44:25
[2] aLv 21:11
[3] IOr whom no man has had
[4] ILit husband among
[5] aDt 14:1; Ezk 44:20 bLv 19:27 cDt 14:1
[6] ILit of aLv 18:21 bLv 3:11
[7] aLv 21:13, 14
[8] aLv 21:6
[9] aGn 38:24; Lv 19:29

10 ¶ ‘The priest° who is the highest° among° his brothers°, on whose° head° the anointing° oil° has been poured° and Iwho has been consecrated°° to wear° the garments°, ashall not IIuncover° his head° nor° tear° his clothes°; 11 anor° shall he approach° any° dead° person°, nor° defile° himself [even] for his father° or his mother°; 12 anor° shall he go° out of the sanctuary° nor° profane° the sanctuary° of his God°, for bthe consecration° of the anointing° oil° of his God° is on him; I am the LORD°. 13 He shall take° a wife° in her virginity°. 14 aA widow°, or a divorced° woman, or one who is profaned° by harlotry°, these° he may not take°; but rather°° he is to Imarry° a virgin° of his own people°, 15 so that he will not profane° his Ioffspring° among his people°; for I am the LORD° who sanctifies° him.’”

[10] ILit whose hand has been filled IILit unbind aLv 10:6
[11] aLv 19:28; Nu 19:14
[12] aLv 10:7 bEx 29:6, 7
[14] ILit take as wife aLv 21:7; Ezk 44:22
[15] ILit seed

16 ¶ Then the LORD° spoke° to Moses°, saying°, 17 “Speak° to Aaron°, saying°, ‘No° man° of your Ioffspring° throughout their generations° who° has° a defect° shall approach° to offer° the afood° of his God°. 18 aFor no°° one° who° has a defect° shall approach°: a blind° man°, or° a lame° man°, or° he who has a Iadisfigured° [face], or° any deformed° [limb], 19 or° a man° who° has° a broken° foot° or° broken° hand°, 20 or° a hunchback° or° a dwarf°, or° [one who has] a Idefect° in his eye° or° eczema° or° scabs° or° acrushed° testicles°. 21 No°° man° among° the Idescendants° of Aaron° the priest° who° has a defect° is to come° near° to offer° the LORDS° offerings° by fire°; [since] he has a defect°, he shall not come° near° to offer° athe food° of his God°. 22 He may eat° athe food° of his God°, [both] of the most° holy° and of the holy°, 23 only° he shall not go° in to the veil° or come° near° the altar° because° he has a defect°, so that he will not profane° My sanctuaries°. For I am the LORD° who sanctifies° them.’” 24 So Moses° spoke° to Aaron° and to his sons° and to all° the sons° of Israel°.

[17] ILit seed aLv 21:6
[18] ILit slit aLv 22:19-25
[20] ILit obscurity aDt 23:1; Is 56:3-5
[21] ILit seed aLv 21:6
[22] a1Co 9:13

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Of the priests' mourning.

1 ¶ And the LORDº saidºª unto² Moses,º Speakºª unto² the priestsº the sonsº of Aaron,º and sayºª unto² them, There shall none² be defiledºª for the deadº among his people:º 2 But²² for his kin,º that is nearº unto² him, [that is], for his mother,º and for his father,º and for his son,º and for his daughter,º and for his brother,º 3 And for his sisterº a virgin,º that is nighº unto² him, which² hath had² no² husband;º for her may he be defiled.ºª 4 [But] he shall not² defile¹ª himself,² [being] a chief manº among his people,º to profane¹ª himself.² 5 They shall not² makeºª baldnessº upon their head,º neither² shall they shave offºª the cornerº of their beard,º nor² makeºª any cuttingsº in their flesh.º

[1] Lv 10:6; 21:11; Nu 19:14, 16; Ezk 44:25; Ho 5:1; Mal 2:1, 4.
[2] Lv 18:6; 1Th 4:13.
[4] Ezk 24:16.
[5] Lv 10:6; 19:27; Dt 14:1; Is 15:2; 22:12; Jr 16:6; 48:37; Ezk 44:20; Am 8:10; Mi 1:16.

Of their holiness.

6 They shall be² holy¹² unto their God,º and not² profaneºª the nameº of their God:º for²² the offerings¹ª of the LORD¹ made by fire,º² [and] the breadº of their God,º they² do offer:ºª therefore they shall be² holy.¹²

[6] Ex 28:36; 29:44; Lv 3:11; 10:3; 18:21; 19:12; 21:8; Ezr 8:28; Is 52:11; Ezk 44:7; Mal 1:6, 7, 11; 1P 2:9.

Of their marriages.

7 They shall not² takeºª a wifeº [that is] a whore,ºª or profane;º neither² shall they takeºª a womanº put awayºª from her husband:º² for² he² [is] holyº unto his God.º

[7] Lv 21:8; Dt 24:1; Is 50:1; Ezk 44:22; 1Ti 3:11.

Of their estimation.

8 Thou shalt sanctifyºª him therefore; for² he² offerethºª² the breadº of thy God:º he shall be² holyº unto thee: for² I² the LORD,º which sanctifyºª you, [am] holy.º

[8] Ex 19:10, 14; 28:41; 29:1, 43; Lv 11:44; 19:2; 20:7; 21:6; Jn 10:36; 17:19; He 7:26; 10:29.

9 ¶ And the daughterº of anyº priest,º if² she profane¹ª herself² by playing the whore,ºª she² profanethºª² her father:º she shall be burntºª with fire.º 10 And [he that is] the highº priestº among his brethren,º² upon² whose² headº the anointingº oilº was poured,ºª and that is consecratedººª² to put¹ª on²² the garments,º shall not² uncoverºª² his head,º nor² rendºª his clothes;º 11 Neither² shall he go inºª to² any² deadºª body,º nor² defile¹ª himself² for his father,º or for his mother;º 12 Neither² shall he go outºª of² the sanctuary,º nor² profaneºª² the sanctuaryº of his God;º for² the crownº of the anointingº oilº of his Godº [is] upon² him: I² [am] the LORD.º

[9] Gn 38:24; Lv 20:14; Jsh 7:15, 25; 1S 2:17, 34; 3:13; Is 33:14; Ezk 9:6; Mal 2:3; Mt 11:20; 1Ti 3:4; Tit 1:6.
[10] Gn 37:34; Ex 28:2; 29:29; Lv 8:7, 12; 10:6, 7; 13:45; 16:32; Nu 35:25; 2S 15:30; Es 6:12; Jb 1:20; Ps 133:2; Mt 26:65.
[11] Lv 21:1; Nu 6:7; 19:14; Dt 33:9; Mt 8:21; 12:46; Lk 9:59; 14:26; 2Co 5:16.
[12] Ex 28:36; 29:6; Lv 8:9, 30; 10:7; Is 61:1; Ac 10:38.

Of their marriages.

13 And he² shall takeºª a wifeº in her virginity.º 14 A widow,º or a divorced woman,ºª or profane,º [or] an harlot,ºª² these² shall he not² take:ºª but²² he shall takeºª a virginº of his own peopleº² to wife.º 15 Neither² shall he profaneºª his seedº among his people:º for² I² the LORDº do sanctifyºª him.

[13] Lv 21:7; Ezk 44:22; 2Co 11:2; Rv 14:4.
[15] Gn 18:19; Lv 21:8; Ezr 2:62; 9:2; Ne 13:23; Mal 2:11, 15; Ro 11:16; 1Co 7:14.

16 ¶ And the LORDº spakeºª unto² Moses,º saying,ºª

The priests that have blemishes must not minister in the sanctuary.

17 Speakºª unto² Aaron,º saying,ºª Whosoeverº² [he be] of thy seedº² in their generationsº that hath² [any] blemish,º let him not² approachºª to offerºª the breadº of his God.º 18 For² whatsoever² manº [he be] that² hath a blemish,º he shall not² approach:ºª a blindº man,º or² a lame,º or² he that hath a flat nose,ºª or² any thing superfluous,ºª 19 Or² a manº that² is² brokenfooted,ºº or² brokenhanded,ºº 20 Or² crookbackt,º or² a dwarf,º or² that hath a blemishº in his eye,º or² be scurvy,º or² scabbed,º or² hath his stonesº broken;º 21 No²² manº that² hath a blemishº of the seedº² of Aaronº the priestº shall come nighºª to offerºª² the offerings¹ª of the LORD¹ made by fire:º² he hath a blemish;º he shall not² come nighºª to offerºª² the breadº of his God.º 22 He shall eatºª the breadº of his God,º [both] of the most¹ holy,º² and of² the holy.º 23 Only² he shall not² go inºª unto² the vail,º nor² come nighºª unto² the altar,º because² he hath a blemish;º that he profaneºª not²² my sanctuaries:º for² I² the LORDº do sanctifyºª them. 24 And Mosesº toldºª [it] unto² Aaron,º and to² his sons,º and unto² all² the childrenº of Israel.º

[17] Lv 3:11, 16; 10:3; 21:21; 22:20; Nu 16:5; Ps 65:4; 1Th 2:10; 1Ti 3:2; He 7:26.
[18] Lv 22:23; Is 56:10; Mt 23:16, 19; 1Ti 3:2, 7; Tit 1:7, 10.
[20] Dt 23:1.
[21] Lv 21:6, 8, 17.
[22] Lv 2:3, 10; 6:16, 29; 7:1; 22:10; 24:8; Nu 18:9, 10, 19.
[23] Ex 30:6; 40:26; Lv 15:31; 21:8, 12; Ezk 44:9.
[24] Mal 2:1; Col 4:17; 1Ti 1:18; 2Ti 2:2.

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