NASB — Colossians 4 — KJV

Fellow Workers

1 Masters°, grant° to your slaves° justice° and fairness°, aknowing° that you too° have° a Master° in heaven°.

[1] aEp 6:9

2aDevote° yourselves° to prayer°, keeping° alert° in it with [an attitude of] thanksgiving°; 3 praying° at the same° time° afor us as well°, that God° will open° up to us a bdoor° for cthe word°, so that we may speak° forth° dthe mystery° of Christ°, for which° I have also° ebeen imprisoned°; 4 that I may make° it clear° ain the way° I ought° to speak°.

[2] aAc 1:14; Ep 6:18
[3] aEp 6:19 bAc 14:27 c2Ti 4:2 dEp 3:3, 4; 6:19 eEp 6:20
[4] aEp 6:20

5IaConduct° yourselves° with wisdom° toward° boutsiders°°, IIcmaking° the most° of the opportunity°. 6 aLet your speech° always° be Iwith grace°, [as though] seasoned° with bsalt°, so that you will know° how° you should° crespond° to each° person°.

[5] ILit Walk IILit redeeming the time aEp 5:15 bMk 4:11 cEp 5:16
[6] IOr gracious aEp 4:29 bMk 9:50 c1P 3:15

7aAs to all° my affairs, bTychicus°, [our] cbeloved° brother° and faithful° servant° and fellow° bond-servant° in the Lord°, will bring° you information°. 8 a[For] I have sent° him to you for this° very° purpose, that you may know° about° our circumstances°° and that he may bencourage° your hearts°; 9 Iand with him aOnesimus°, [our] faithful° and bbeloved° brother°, cwho° is one of your [number]. They will inform° you about the whole° situation here°.

[7] aCol 4:7-9: Ep 6:21, 22 bAc 20:4; 2Ti 4:12 cEp 6:21; Col 1:7
[8] aEp 6:22 bCol 2:2
[9] ILit along with Onesimus aPhm 10 bCol 1:7 cCol 4:12

10aAristarchus°, my bfellow° prisoner°, sends° you his greetings°; and [also] cBarnabas’s° cousin° Mark° (about° whom° you received° Iinstructions°; dif° he comes° to you, welcome° him); 11 and [also] Jesus° who is called° Justus°; these° are the only° afellow° workers° for the kingdom° of God° bwho are from the circumcision°, and they have proved° to be an encouragement° to me. 12 aEpaphras°, bwho° is one of your number°, a bondslave° of Jesus° Christ°, sends° you his greetings°, always° claboring° earnestly° for you in his prayers°, that you may Istand° IIdperfect° and IIIfully° assured° in all° the will° of God°. 13 For I testify° for him that he has° Ia deep° concern° for you and for those° who are in aLaodicea° and Hierapolis°. 14 aLuke°, the beloved° physician°, sends° you his greetings°, and [also] bDemas°. 15 Greet° the brethren° who are in aLaodicea° and also INympha° and bthe church° that is in IIher house°. 16 aWhen° Ithis° letter° is read° among° you, have° it also° read° in the church° of the Laodiceans°; and you, for your part aread° Imy letter [that is coming] from bLaodicea°. 17 Say° to aArchippus°, “Take° heed° to the bministry° which° you have received° in the Lord°, that you may Ifulfill° it.”

[10] IOr orders aAc 19:29; 27:2; Phm 24 bRo 16:7 cAc 4:36; 12:12, 25; 15:37, 39 d2Ti 4:11
[11] aRo 16:3 bAc 11:2
[12] IOr stand firm IIOr complete or mature IIIOr made complete aCol 1:7; Phm 23 bCol 4:9 cRo 15:30 dCol 1:28
[13] IOr much toil or great pain aCol 2:1; 4:15f
[14] a2Ti 4:11; Phm 24 b2Ti 4:10; Phm 24
[15] IOr Nymphas (masc) IIOne early ms reads their aCol 2:1; 4:13, 16 bRo 16:5
[16] ILit the a1Th 5:27; 2Th 3:14 bCol 2:1; 4:13, 15
[17] IOr continually fulfill aPhm 2 b2Ti 4:5

18II, Paul°, awrite this° greeting° with my own° hand°. bRemember° my IIcimprisonment°. dGrace° be with you.

[18] ILit The greeting by my hand of Paul IILit bonds a1Co 16:21 bHe 13:3 cPhp 1:7; Col 4:3 d1Ti 6:21; 2Ti 4:22; Tit 3:15; He 13:25

New American Standard Bible
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by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved.
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He exhorteth them to be fervent in prayer,

1 ¶ Masters,º giveºª unto [your] servantsº that which is justº andº equal;º knowingºª thatº yeº alsoº haveºª a Masterº inº heaven.º 2 Continueºª in prayer,º and watchºª inº the sameº withº thanksgiving;º 3 Withalº prayingºª also¹² forº us,º thatº Godº would openºª unto usº a doorº of utterance,º to speakºª the² mysteryº of Christ,º forº whichº I am¹ª also¹ in bonds:ºª² 4 Thatº I may make¹ª it¹ manifest,ºª² asº Iº oughtºª to speak.ºª

[1] Lv 19:13; 25:39; Dt 15:12; 24:14; Ne 5:5; Jb 24:11; 31:13; Ec 5:8; Is 58:3, 5; Jr 34:9; Mal 3:5; Mt 23:8; 24:48; Lk 16:1; 19:15; Ep 6:8, 9; Jm 2:13; 5:4; Rv 17:14; 19:16.
[2] 1S 12:23; Jb 15:4; 27:8; Ps 55:16; 109:4; Mt 26:41; Mk 13:33; Lk 18:1; 21:36; Ro 12:12; Ep 6:18; Php 4:6; Col 1:9; 2:7; 3:15, 17; 4:12; 1Th 5:17; 1P 4:7.
[3] Mt 13:11; Ro 15:30; 1Co 4:1; 16:9; 2Co 2:12; Ep 3:1; 4:1; 6:19, 20; Php 1:7, 13, 19; Col 1:26; 2:2; 1Th 5:25; 2Th 3:1; 2Ti 1:16; 2:9; Phm 1:22; He 13:18; Rv 3:7.
[4] Mt 10:26; Ac 4:29; 5:29; 1Co 2:4; 2Co 2:14; 3:12; 4:1; Ep 6:20; Col 4:6.

to walk wisely toward them that are not yet come to the true knowledge of Christ.

5 Walkºª inº wisdomº towardº them that are without,º redeemingºª the² time.º 6 Let yourº speechº [be] alwayº withº grace,º seasonedºª with salt,º that ye may knowºª howº yeº oughtºª to answerºª every¹ man.º² 7 Allº my¹ stateº² shall¹ª Tychicusº declareºª unto you,º [who is] a belovedº brother,º andº a faithfulº ministerº andº fellowservantº inº the Lord:º 8 Whomº I have sentºª untoº youº forº the same¹ purpose,º² thatº he might knowºª your¹ estate,º² andº comfortºª yourº hearts;º 9 Withº Onesimus,º a faithfulº andº belovedº brother,º whoº isºª [one] ofº you.º They shall make knownºª unto youº all thingsº which¹ [are done] here.º

[5] Ps 90:12; Mt 10:16; Ro 16:19; 1Co 5:12; 14:19; Ep 5:15, 16; Col 3:16; 1Th 4:12; 1Ti 3:7; Jm 1:5; 3:13, 17; 1P 3:1.
[6] Lv 2:13; Dt 6:6; 11:19; 2K 2:20; 1Ch 16:24; Ps 37:30; 40:9; 45:2; 66:16; 71:15, 23; 78:3; 105:2; 119:13, 46; Pv 10:21; 15:4, 7; 16:21; 22:17; 25:11; 26:4; Ec 10:12; Mal 3:16; Mt 5:13; 12:34; Mk 9:50; Lk 4:22; 20:20; Ep 4:29; Col 3:16; 1P 3:15.
[7] Ac 20:4; 1Co 4:1; Ep 6:21; Php 2:25; Col 4:9, 12; 2Ti 4:12; Tit 3:12.
[8] Is 40:1; 61:2; 1Co 4:17; 2Co 1:4; 2:7; 12:18; Ep 6:22; Php 2:28; Col 2:2; 1Th 2:11; 3:2, 5; 4:18; 5:11, 14; 2Th 2:17.
[9] Col 4:7; Phm 1:10.

He saluteth them, and wisheth them all prosperity.

10 Aristarchusº myº fellowprisonerº salutethºª you,º andº Marcus,º sister's sonº to Barnabas,º (touchingº whomº ye receivedºª commandments:º ifº he comeºª untoº you,º receiveºª him;)º 11 Andº Jesus,º which¹ is calledºª Justus,º who¹ areºª ofº the circumcision.º Theseº onlyº [are my] fellowworkersº untoº the² kingdomº of God,º whichº have beenºª a comfortº unto me.º 12 Epaphras,º who² is [one] ofº you,º a servantº of Christ,º salutethºª you,º alwaysº labouring ferventlyºª forº youº inº prayers,º thatº ye may standºª perfectº andº completeºª inº allº the willº of God.º 13 Forº I bear¹ª him¹ record,ºª² thatº he hathºª a greatº zealº forº you,º andº them² [that are] inº Laodicea,º andº them² inº Hierapolis.º 14 Luke,º the² belovedº physician,º andº Demas,º greetºª you.º 15 Saluteºª the² brethrenº which are inº Laodicea,º andº Nymphas,º andº the² churchº which is inº hisº house.º 16 Andº whenº this epistleº is readºª amongº you,º causeºª thatº it be readºª alsoº inº the² churchº of the Laodiceans;¹² andº that¹ yeº¹ª likewiseº readºª the² [epistle] fromº Laodicea.º 17 Andº sayºª to Archippus,º Take heedºª to the² ministryº whichº thou hast received¹ª² inº the Lord,º thatº thou fulfilºª it.º 18 The² salutationº by the handº of meº Paul.º Rememberºª myº bonds.º Grace¹² [be] withº you.º Amen.º [[[Written¹ª from¹ Rome¹ to¹ Colossians¹ by¹ Tychicus¹ and¹ Onesimus.]]]¹

[10] Ac 12:12; 13:5, 13; 15:37; 19:29; 20:4; 27:2; Ro 16:2, 21; 2Ti 4:11; Phm 1:24; 1P 5:13; 2Jn 1:8.
[11] Ac 10:45; 11:2; Ro 4:12; 1Co 3:5; 2Co 6:1; 7:6; Ga 2:7; Ep 2:11; Php 4:3; Col 4:7; 1Th 3:2, 7; Tit 1:10; Phm 1:1, 24.
[12] Mt 5:48; Lk 22:44; Jn 12:26; Ro 15:14, 30; 1Co 2:6; 14:20; 2Co 13:11; Ga 1:10; 4:19; Php 3:12; Col 1:7, 9, 22, 28; 2:1; 4:1, 2; 1Th 5:23; Phm 1:23; He 5:7, 14; 6:1; Jm 1:1; 5:16; 2P 1:1; Jde 1:24.
[13] Ro 10:2; 2Co 8:3; Col 2:1; 4:15; Rv 1:11; 3:14.
[14] 2Ti 4:10, 11; Phm 1:24.
[15] Ro 16:5; 1Co 16:9; Col 4:13; Phm 1:2.
[16] 1Th 5:27.
[17] Lv 10:3; Nu 18:5; 2Ch 29:11; Ezk 44:23; Ac 1:17; 14:23; 20:28; 1Co 4:1; Ep 4:11; 1Ti 4:6, 14, 16; 6:11, 20; 2Ti 1:6; 2:2; 4:1, 5; Phm 1:2.
[18] Ro 16:20, 24; 1Co 16:21; 2Co 13:14; 2Th 3:17; 1Ti 6:21; 2Ti 1:8; 4:22; He 13:3, 25.

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