NASB — Acts 15 — KJV

The Council at Jerusalem

1 aSome° men° came° down° from Judea° and [began] teaching° bthe brethren°, “Unless°° you are ccircumcised° according to dthe custom° of Moses°, you cannot°° be saved°.” 2 And when Paul° and Barnabas° had° Igreat°° dissension° and adebate° with them, b[the brethren] determined° that Paul° and Barnabas° and some° others° of them should go° up to Jerusalem° to the capostles° and elders° concerning° this° issue°. 3 Therefore°, being asent° on their way° by the church°, they were passing° through° both° bPhoenicia° and Samaria°, cdescribing° in detail° the conversion° of the Gentiles°, and were bringing° great° joy° to all° dthe brethren°. 4 When they arrived° at Jerusalem°, they were received° by the church° and athe apostles° and the elders°, and they breported° all° that God° had done° with them. 5 But some° of athe sect° of the bPharisees° who had believed° stood° up, saying°, “It is necessary° to ccircumcise° them and to direct° them to observe° the Law° of Moses°.”

[1] aAc 15:24 bAc 1:15; 15:3, 22, 32 cLv 12:3; Ac 15:5; 1Co 7:18; Ga 2:11, 14; 5:2f dAc 6:14
[2] ILit not a little aAc 15:7 bGa 2:2 cAc 11:30; 15:4, 6, 22, 23; 16:4
[3] aAc 20:38; 21:5; Ro 15:24; 1Co 16:6, 11; 2Co 1:16; Tit 3:13; 3 Jn 6 bAc 11:19 cAc 14:27; 15:4, 12 dAc 1:15; 15:22, 32
[4] aAc 11:30; 15:6, 22, 23; 16:4 bAc 14:27; 15:12
[5] aAc 5:17; 24:5, 14; 26:5; 28:22 bMt 3:7; Ac 26:5 c1Co 7:18; Ga 2:11, 14; 5:2f

6aThe apostles° and the elders° came° together° to Ilook° into this° IImatter°. 7 After there had been° much° adebate°, Peter° stood° up and said° to them, “Brethren°°, you know° that Iin the early° days° bGod° made° a choice° among° you, that by my mouth° the Gentiles° would hear° the word° of cthe gospel° and believe°. 8 And God°, awho° knows° the heart°, testified° to them bgiving° them the Holy° Spirit°, just° as He also° did to us; 9 and aHe made° no° distinction° between° us and them, bcleansing° their hearts° by faith°. 10 Now° therefore° why° do you aput° God° to the test° by placing° upon the neck° of the disciples° a yoke° which° bneither° our fathers° nor° we have been° able° to bear°? 11 But we believe° that we are saved° through° athe grace° of the Lord° Jesus°, in the same° way° as they also° are.”

[6] ILit see about IILit word aAc 11:30; 15:4, 22, 23; 16:4
[7] ILit from days of old aAc 15:2 bAc 10:19f cAc 20:24
[8] aAc 1:24 bAc 2:4; 10:44, 47
[9] aAc 10:28, 34; 11:12 bAc 10:43
[10] aAc 5:9 bMt 23:4; Ga 5:1
[11] aRo 3:24; 5:15; 2Co 13:14; Ep 2:5-8

12 ¶ All° the people° kept° silent°, and they were listening° to Barnabas° and Paul° as they were arelating° what° bsigns° and wonders° God° had done° through° them among° the Gentiles°.

[12] aAc 14:27; 15:3, 4 bJn 4:48

James’s Judgment

13 After° they had stopped° speaking°, IaJames° answered°, saying°, “Brethren°°, listen° to me. 14 aSimeon° has related° how° God° first° concerned° Himself about° taking° from among° the Gentiles° a people° for His name°. 15 With this° the words° of athe Prophets° agree°, just° as it is written°,
  16aAFTER° THESE° THINGS° bI will return°,
19 Therefore° it is amy judgment° that we do not trouble° those° who are turning° to God° from among° the Gentiles°, 20 but that we write° to them that they abstain° from Iathings° contaminated° by idols° and from bfornication° and from cwhat is strangled° and from blood°. 21 For aMoses° from ancient° generations° has° in every° city° those° who preach° him, since Ihe is read° in the synagogues° every° Sabbath°.”

[13] IOr Jacob aAc 12:17
[14] aAc 15:7; 2P 1:1
[15] aAc 13:40
[16] IOr tent aAm 9:11 bJr 12:15
[17] IGr anthropoi IILit upon whom My name is called aAm 9:12 bDt 28:10; Is 63:19; Jr 14:9; Dn 9:19; Jm 2:7
[18] IOr does these things which were known aAm 9:12 bIs 45:21
[19] aAc 15:28; 21:25
[20] ILit the pollutions of aEx 34:15-17; Dn 1:8; Ac 15:29; 1Co 8:7, 13; 10:7f, 14-28; Rv 2:14, 20 bLv 18:6-23 cGn 9:4; Lv 3:17; 7:26; 17:10, 14; 19:26; Dt 12:16, 23; 15:23; 1S 14:33
[21] II.e. the books of Moses, Gen through Deut aAc 13:15; 2Co 3:14f

22 ¶ Then° it seemed° good° to athe apostles° and the elders°, with the whole° church°, to choose° men° from among° them to send° to bAntioch° with Paul° and Barnabas°—Judas° called° Barsabbas°, and cSilas°, leading° men° among° dthe brethren°, 23 and they Isent° this letter° by them,
    “aThe apostles° and the brethren° who are elders°, to bthe brethren° in cAntioch° and dSyria° and eCilicia° who° are from the Gentiles°, fgreetings°.
    24 “Since° we have heard° that asome° Iof our number° to whom° we gave° no° instruction° have bdisturbed° you with [their] words°, unsettling° your souls°,
    25 ait seemed° good° to us, having Ibecome° of one° mind°, to select° men° to send° to you with our beloved° Barnabas° and Paul°,
    26 men° who have Iarisked° their lives° for the name° of our Lord° Jesus° Christ°.
    27 “Therefore° we have sent° aJudas° and bSilas°, who themselves° will also° report° the same° things° by word° [of mouth].
    28 “For ait seemed° good° to bthe Holy° Spirit° and to cus to lay° upon you no° greater° burden° than° these° essentials°:
    29 that you abstain° from athings° sacrificed° to idols° and from ablood° and from athings° strangled° and from afornication°; Iif you keep° yourselves° free° from such° things°, you will do° well°. Farewell°.”

[22] aAc 15:2 bAc 11:20 cAc 15:27, 32, 40; 16:19, 25, 29; 17:4, 10, 14f; 18:5; 2Co 1:19; 1Th 1:1; 2Th 1:1; 1P 5:12 dAc 15:1
[23] ILit wrote by their hand aAc 15:2 bAc 15:1 cAc 11:20 dMt 4:24; Ac 15:41; Ga 1:21 eAc 6:9 fAc 23:26; Jm 1:1; 2 Jn 10f
[24] ILit from us aAc 15:1 bGa 1:7; 5:10
[25] IOr met together aAc 15:28
[26] ILit given over aAc 9:23ff; 14:19
[27] aAc 15:22, 32 bAc 15:22
[28] aAc 15:25 bAc 5:32; 15:8 cAc 15:19, 25
[29] ILit from which keeping yourselves free aAc 15:20

30 ¶ So° when they were sent° away°, athey went° down° to Antioch°; and having gathered° the Icongregation° together°, they delivered° the letter°. 31 When they had read° it, they rejoiced° because° of its Iencouragement°. 32 aJudas° and bSilas°, also° being° cprophets° themselves°, Iencouraged° and strengthened° dthe brethren° with a lengthy° message°. 33 After they had spent° time° [there], they were sent° away° from the brethren° ain peace° to those° who had bsent° them out. 34 [[IBut it seemed° good° to Silas° to remain° there°.]] 35 But aPaul° and Barnabas° stayed° in Antioch°, teaching° and bpreaching° with many° others° also°, cthe word° of the Lord°.

[30] IOr multitude aAc 15:22f
[31] IOr exhortation
[32] IOr exhorted aAc 15:22, 27 bAc 15:22 cAc 13:1 dAc 15:1
[33] aMk 5:34; Ac 16:36; 1Co 16:11; He 11:31 bAc 15:22
[34] IEarly mss do not contain this v
[35] aAc 12:25 bAc 8:4 cAc 13:12

Second Missionary Journey

36 ¶ After° some° days° Paul° said° to Barnabas°, “Let us return° and visit° the brethren° in aevery° city° in which° we proclaimed° bthe word° of the Lord°, [and see] how° they are.” 37 Barnabas° wanted° to take° aJohn°, called° Mark°, along° with them also°. 38 But Paul° kept insisting° that they should not take° him along° who had adeserted° them Iin Pamphylia° and had not gone° with them to the work°. 39 And there occurred° such a sharp° disagreement° that they separated° from one° another°, and Barnabas° took° aMark° with him and sailed° away° to bCyprus°. 40 But Paul° chose° aSilas° and left°, being bcommitted° by the brethren° to the grace° of the Lord°. 41 And he was traveling° through° aSyria° and bCilicia°, strengthening° the churches°.

[36] aAc 13:4, 13, 14, 51; 14:6, 24f bAc 13:12
[37] aAc 12:12
[38] ILit from aAc 13:13
[39] aAc 12:12; 15:37; Col 4:10 bAc 4:36
[40] aAc 15:22 bAc 11:23; 14:26
[41] aMt 4:24; Ac 15:23 bAc 6:9

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Great dissension ariseth touching circumcision.

1 ¶ Andº certain menº which came downºª fromº Judaeaº taughtºª the² brethren,º [and said],¹ Exceptº ye be circumcisedºª after the² mannerº of Moses,º ye cannotººª be saved.ºª 2 When thereforeº Paulº andº Barnabasº hadºª noº smallº dissensionº andº disputationº withº them,º they determinedºª that Paulº andº Barnabas,º andº certainº otherº ofº them,º should go upºª toº Jerusalemº untoº the² apostlesº andº eldersº aboutº thisº question.º 3 Andº¹ being² brought on their wayºª byº the² church,º they² passed throughºª Pheniceº andº Samaria,º declaringºª the² conversionº of the² Gentiles:º andº they causedºª greatº joyº unto all¹² the² brethren.º 4 Andº when they were comeºª toº Jerusalem,º they were receivedºª ofº the² church,º andº [of] the² apostlesº andº elders,º andº they declaredºª all things¹ that² Godº had doneºª withº them.º 5 Butº there rose upºª certainº ofº the² sectº of the² Phariseesº which believed,ºª saying,ºª Thatº it was needfulºª to circumciseºª them,º andº to commandºª [them] to keepºª the² lawº of Moses.º

[1] Gn 17:10; Lv 12:3; Jn 7:22; Ac 15:5, 23, 24; 21:20; Ro 4:8; 1Co 7:18; Ga 2:1, 3, 4, 12; 5:1, 6; 6:13; Php 3:2; Col 2:8, 11, 16.
[2] Ex 18:23; 1S 8:7; Ac 10:23; 11:12; 15:4, 6, 7, 22, 23, 25, 27; 21:18; 1Co 1:1; 9:19; 2Co 11:5; Ga 1:6; 2:1, 2, 5; Phm 1:8; Jde 1:3.
[3] Is 60:4; 66:12; Lk 15:5, 23, 32; Ac 8:14; 11:18, 19; 13:48, 52; 14:27; 15:12; 21:5, 19; 28:15; Ro 15:24; 1Co 16:6, 11; Tit 3:13; 3Jn 1:6.
[4] Mt 10:40; Ac 14:27; 15:3, 12; 18:27; 21:17, 19; Ro 15:7, 18; 1Co 15:10; 2Co 5:19; 6:1; Col 4:10; 2Jn 1:10; 3Jn 1:8.
[5] Ac 15:1, 24; 21:20; 26:5; Ga 5:1; Php 3:5.

The Apostles consult about it,

6 ¶ Andº the² apostlesº andº eldersº came togetherºª for to considerºª ofº thisº matter.º 7 Andº when there had beenºª muchº disputing,º Peterº rose up,ºª and saidºª untoº them,º Menº [and] brethren,º yeº knowºª how thatº a good¹ while¹ agoº²² Godº made choiceºª amongº us,º that the² Gentilesº byº myº mouthº should hearºª the² wordº of the² gospel,º andº believe.ºª 8 Andº God,º which knoweth the hearts,º bare them¹ witness,ºª² givingºª themº the² Holyº Ghost,º even¹ asº [he did]² unto us;º 9 Andº put¹ª no¹ differenceºª² betweenºº usº andº them,º purifyingºª theirº heartsº by faith.º 10 Nowº thereforeº whyº tempt² ye¹ª God,º to putºª a yokeº uponº the² neckº of the² disciples,º whichº neitherº ourº fathersº norº weº were ableºª to bear?ºª 11 Butº we believeºª that throughº the² graceº of the² Lordº Jesusº Christº we shall be saved,ºª even¹¹ as¹ they.º²²²

[6] Pv 15:22; Mt 18:20; Ac 6:2; 15:25; 21:18; He 13:7, 17.
[7] Ex 4:12; 1Ch 28:4; Jr 1:9; Mt 16:18; Jn 3:27; 15:16; Ac 1:16, 24; 3:18; 4:25; 9:15; 10:5, 20, 32; 11:12; 13:2; 15:2, 39; Ro 10:17; Ga 2:7; Php 2:14.
[8] 1S 16:7; 1K 8:39; 1Ch 28:9; 29:17; Ps 44:21; 139:1; Jr 11:20; 17:10; 20:12; Jn 2:24; 5:37; 21:17; Ac 1:24; 2:4; 4:31; 10:44; 11:15; 14:3; He 2:4; 4:13; Rv 2:23.
[9] Ac 10:15, 28, 43; 14:1, 27; Ro 3:9, 22, 29; 4:11; 9:24; 10:11; 1Co 1:2; 7:18; Ga 3:28; 5:6; Ep 2:14; 3:6; Col 3:11; He 9:13; 1P 1:22.
[10] Ex 17:2; Is 7:12; Mt 4:7; 11:28; 23:4; Ga 4:1, 9; 5:1; He 3:9; 9:9.
[11] Ro 3:24; 5:20; 6:23; 1Co 16:23; 2Co 8:9; 13:14; Ga 1:6; 2:16; Ep 1:6; 2:7; Tit 2:11; 3:4; Rv 5:9.

12 ¶ Thenº allº the² multitudeº kept silence,ºª andº gave audienceºª to Barnabasº andº Paul,º declaringºª whatº miraclesº andº wondersº Godº had wroughtºª amongº the² Gentilesº byº them.º

[12] Ac 14:27; 15:4; 21:19.

13 ¶ Andº after¹ they² had held¹ª their¹ peace,ºª James¹² answered,ºª saying,ºª Menº [and] brethren,º hearkenºª unto me:º 14 Simeonº hath declaredºª howº Godº at the firstº did visitºª the Gentiles,º to takeºª out ofº them a peopleº forº his¹² name.º 15 Andº to thisº agreeºª the² wordsº of the² prophets;º asº it is written,ºª 16 Afterº thisº I will return,ºª andº will build againºª the² tabernacleº of David,º which¹ is fallen down;ºª andº I will build againºª the² ruinsºª thereof,º andº I will set¹ª it¹ up:ºª² 17 Thatº¹ the² residueº of menº might seek afterºª² the² Lord,º andº allº the² Gentiles,º uponº whomº myº nameº is called,ºª¹¹ saithºª² the Lord,º who¹ doethºª allº these things.º 18 Knownº unto Godº areºª allº his¹² worksº fromº the beginning of the world.º 19 Whereforeº myº sentence is,ºª that we troubleºª notº them, which¹ from² among¹ the² Gentilesº are turnedºª toº God:º 20 Butº that we writeºª unto them,º that they abstainºª fromº pollutionsº of idols,¹² andº [from] fornication,º andº [from] things strangled,º andº [from] blood.º 21 Forº Mosesº of¹ old¹ timeº²² hathºª in every¹ cityº² them that preachºª him,º being readºª inº the² synagoguesº everyºº sabbath day.º

[13] Mk 15:40; Ac 2:14, 22, 29; 7:2; 12:17; 21:18; 22:1; 1Co 14:30; Ga 1:19; 2:9, 12; Jm 1:1, 19.
[14] Is 43:21; 55:11; Lk 1:68, 78; 2:31; Ac 15:7; Ro 1:5; 11:36; 1P 2:9; 2P 1:1.
[15] Ac 13:47; Ro 15:8.
[16] 2S 7:11; 1K 12:16; Ps 89:35; Is 9:6; Jr 33:24; Ezk 17:22; Am 9:11; Zc 13:8; Mt 1:20; Lk 1:31, 69.
[17] Gn 22:18; 48:16; 49:10; Nu 6:27; 24:23; Ps 22:26; 67:1; 72:17; Is 2:2; 11:10; 19:23; 24:15; 43:7; 45:7; 49:6; 65:1; 66:18; Jr 16:19; Dn 4:35; Ho 2:23; Jol 2:32; Mi 4:1; 5:7; Zc 2:11; 8:20; Mal 1:11.
[18] Nu 23:19; Is 41:22; 44:7; 46:9; Mt 13:35; 25:34; Ac 17:26; Ep 1:4, 11; 3:9; 2Th 2:13; 1P 1:20; Rv 13:8; 17:8.
[19] Is 55:7; Ho 14:2; Ac 15:10, 24, 28; 26:20; Ga 1:7; 2:4; 5:11; 1Th 1:9.
[20] Gn 9:4; 35:2; Ex 20:3, 23; 34:15; Lv 3:17; 7:23; 17:10; Nu 25:2; Dt 12:16, 23; 14:21; 15:23; 1S 14:32; Ps 106:37; Ezk 4:14; 20:30; 33:25; Ac 15:29; 21:25; 1Co 5:11; 6:9, 13, 18; 7:2; 8:1, 4; 10:20, 28; 2Co 12:21; Ga 5:19; Ep 5:3; Col 3:5; 1Th 4:3; 1Ti 4:4; He 12:16; 13:4; 1P 4:3; Rv 2:14, 20; 9:20; 10:2, 8.
[21] Ne 8:1; Lk 4:16; Ac 13:15, 27.

and send their determination by letters to the churches.

22 Thenº pleased² it¹ª the² apostlesº andº elders,º withº the² wholeº church,º to sendºª chosenºª menº ofº their own companyº toº Antiochº withº Paulº andº Barnabas;º [namely], Judasº surnamedºª Barsabas,º andº Silas,º chiefºª menº amongº the² brethren:º 23 And they wroteºª [letters] byº them¹¹² after this manner;º The² apostlesº and¹ eldersº andº brethrenº [send] greetingºª unto the² brethrenº whichº are ofº the Gentilesº inº Antiochº andº Syriaº andº Cilicia:º 24 Forasmuch asº we have heard,ºª thatº certainº which went outºª fromº usº have troubledºª youº with words,º subvertingºª yourº souls,º saying,ºª [Ye must] be circumcised,ºª andº keepºª the² law:º to whomº we gave¹ª no¹ [such] commandment:ºª² 25 It seemed goodºª unto us,º being assembledºª with one accord,º to sendºª chosenºª menº untoº youº withº ourº belovedº Barnabasº andº Paul,º 26 Menº that have hazardedºª their¹² livesº forº the² nameº of ourº Lordº Jesusº Christ.º 27 We have sentºª thereforeº Judasº andº Silas,º whoº shall¹ª alsoº tellºª [you] the² same thingsº by¹ mouth.º² 28 Forº it seemed goodºª to the² Holyº Ghost,º andº to us,º to lay² upon¹ª youº noº greaterº burdenº thanº theseº necessary things;º 29 That ye abstainºª from meats offered to idols,º andº from blood,º andº from things strangled,º andº from fornication:º fromº whichº if ye keepºª yourselves,º ye shall doºª well.º Fare ye well.ºª 30 Soº¹ when they² were² dismissed,ºª they cameºª toº Antioch:º andº when they had gathered¹ª the multitude¹ together,ºª²² they deliveredºª the² epistle:º 31 [Which] whenº they had read,ºª they rejoicedºª forº the² consolation.º 32 And² Judasº andº Silas,º beingºª prophetsº alsoº themselves,¹² exhortedºª the² brethrenº withº manyº words,º andº confirmedºª [them]. 33 Andº after they had tarriedºª [there] a space,º they were let goºª inº peaceº fromº the² brethrenº untoº the² apostles.º 34 Notwithstandingº it pleasedºª Silasº to abideºª thereº still.¹ª 35 Paulº alsoº andº Barnabasº continuedºª inº Antioch,º teachingºª andº preachingºª the² wordº of the² Lord,º withº manyº othersº also.º

[22] 2S 3:36; 2Ch 30:4, 12; Ac 1:23; 6:4; 8:14; 11:22; 15:23, 25, 27, 32, 40; 16:19, 25, 29; 17:4, 10, 14; 18:5; 1Th 1:1; 2Th 1:1; 1P 5:12.
[23] Ac 11:18; 14:27; 15:4, 22, 41; 18:18; 21:3, 25; 23:26; Ro 16:3; Ga 1:21; Jm 1:1; 2Jn 1:3, 13; 3Jn 1:14.
[24] Jr 23:16; Ac 15:1, 9; Ga 2:3, 4; 5:4, 12; 6:12; 2Ti 2:14; Tit 1:10; 1Jn 2:19.
[25] Mt 11:26; Lk 1:3; Ac 1:14; 2:1, 46; 15:2, 6, 22, 27, 28, 35; Ro 16:12; 1Co 1:10; Ga 2:9; Ep 6:21; Col 4:7, 9; Phm 1:16; 2P 3:15.
[26] Jg 5:18; Ac 13:50; 14:19; 1Co 15:30; 2Co 11:23; Php 2:29.
[27] Ac 15:22; 2Jn 1:12; 3Jn 1:13.
[28] Mt 11:30; 23:4; Jn 16:13; 1Co 7:25, 40; 14:37; 1Th 4:8; 1P 1:12; Rv 2:24.
[29] Lv 17:14; Lk 9:61; Ac 15:20; 18:21; 21:25; 23:30; Ro 14:14, 20; 1Co 10:18; 2Co 11:9; 13:11; 1Ti 5:22; Jm 1:27; 1Jn 5:21; Jde 1:20, 24; Rv 2:14, 20.
[30] Ac 6:2; 16:4; 21:22; 23:33.
[31] Ac 15:1, 10; 16:5; Ga 2:4; 5:1; Php 3:3.
[32] Is 35:3; Dn 11:1; Mt 23:34; Lk 11:49; Ac 2:17, 40; 11:23, 27; 13:1; 14:22; 15:41; 18:23; 20:2; Ro 12:6, 8; 1Co 1:8; 12:28; 14:3, 29, 32; Ep 3:5; 4:11, 12; 1Th 2:11; 3:2; 4:1; 5:14, 20; 2Th 3:12; 1Ti 2:1; 2Ti 4:2; Tit 2:6; 1P 5:1, 10, 12.
[33] Gn 26:29; Ex 4:18; Ac 16:36; 1Co 16:11; He 11:31; 2Jn 1:10.
[34] Ac 11:25; 18:27; 1Co 16:12.
[35] Mt 28:19; Ac 13:1; 14:28; 28:31; Col 1:28; 1Ti 2:7; 2Ti 4:2.

Paul and Barnabas, thinking to visit the brethren together, fall at strife, and depart asunder.

36 ¶ Andº someº daysº afterº Paul¹² saidºª untoº Barnabas,º¹ Let us go againºª² and visitºª ourº brethrenº inº everyº cityº whereºº we have preachedºª the² wordº of the² Lord,º [and see] howº they do.ºª 37 Andº Barnabasº determinedºª to take with² them¹ª John,º whose surname wasºª Mark.º 38 Butº Paulº thought¹ª not¹ goodºª² to take¹ª him¹ with²² them,¹ª who¹ departedºª fromº themº fromº Pamphylia,º andº went¹ª not¹ with²² themº toº the² work.º 39 Andº the contention¹ª was¹ª so sharp¹ between²² them,¹ thatº they² departed asunderºª one from the other:ºº and² so¹ Barnabasº tookºª Mark,º and sailedºª untoº Cyprus;º 40 Andº Paulº choseºª Silas,º and departed,ºª being recommendedºª byº the² brethrenº unto the² graceº of God.º 41 Andº he went throughºª Syriaº andº Cilicia,º confirmingºª the² churches.º

[36] Ex 4:18; Jr 23:2; Mt 25:36, 43; Ac 7:23; 13:4, 13, 51; 14:1, 6, 21, 24; Ro 1:11; 2Co 11:28; Php 1:27; 1Th 2:17; 3:6, 10; 2Ti 1:4.
[37] Ac 12:12, 25; 13:5, 13; Col 4:10; 2Ti 4:11; Phm 1:24.
[38] Ps 78:9; Pv 25:19; Lk 9:61; 14:27; Ac 13:13; Jm 1:8.
[39] Ps 106:33; 119:96; Ec 7:20; Ac 4:36; 6:1; 11:20; 13:4; 15:2; 27:4; Ro 7:18; Jm 3:2.
[40] Ac 13:3; 14:26; 15:22, 32; 16:1; 20:32; 1Co 15:10; 2Co 13:14; 2Ti 4:22; Tit 3:15; 2Jn 1:10.
[41] Ac 15:23, 32; 16:4; 18:18; 21:3; Ga 1:21.

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