Parable of Ten Virgins1 “Then° athe kingdom° of heaven° will be comparable° to ten° virgins°, who° took° their blamps° and went° out to meet° the bridegroom°. 2 Five° of them were foolish°, and five° were aprudent°. 3 For when the foolish° took° their lamps°, they took° no° oil° with them, 4 but the aprudent° took° oil° in flasks° along with their lamps°. 5 Now° while the bridegroom° was delaying°, they all° got° drowsy° and [began] to sleep°. 6 But at midnight°° there was a shout°, ‘Behold°, the bridegroom°! Come° out to meet° [him].’ 7 Then° all° those° virgins° rose° and trimmed° their lamps°. 8 The foolish° said° to the prudent°, ‘Give° us some° of your oil°, for our lamps° are going° out.’ 9 But the aprudent° answered°, ‘No°, there will not be enough° for us and you [too]; go° instead° to the dealers° and buy° [some] for yourselves°.’ 10 And while they were going° away° to make° the purchase°, the bridegroom° came°, and those° who were aready° went° in with him to bthe wedding° feast°; and cthe door° was shut°. 11 Later° the other° virgins° also° came°, saying°, ‘aLord°, lord°, open° up for us.’ 12 But he answered°, ‘Truly° I say° to you, I do not know° you.’ 13 aBe on the alert° then°, for you do not know° the day° nor° the hour°. [1] aMt 13:24 bJn 18:3; Ac 20:8; Rv 4:5; 8:10
[2] aMt 7:24; 10:16; 25:2ff [4] aMt 7:24; 10:16; 25:2ff [9] aMt 7:24; 10:16; 25:2ff [10] aMt 24:42ff bLk 12:35f cMt 7:21ff; Lk 13:25 [11] aMt 7:21ff; Lk 13:25 [13] aMt 24:42ff Parable of the Talents14 ¶ “aFor [it is] just° like° a man° b[about] to go° on a journey°, who called° his own° slaves° and entrusted° his possessions° to them. 15 To one° he gave° five° Iatalents°, to another°°, two°, and to another°°, one°, each° according° to his own° ability°; and he bwent° on his journey°. 16 Immediately° the one who had received° the five° atalents° went° and traded° with them, and gained° five° more° talents. 17 In the same° manner° the one who [had received] the two° [talents] gained° two° more°. 18 But he who received° the one° [talent] went° away°, and dug° [a hole] in the ground° and hid° his Imaster’s° money°. [14] aMt 25:14-30; Lk 19:12-27 bMt 21:33
[15] IA talent was worth about fifteen years’ wages of a laborer aMt 18:24; Lk 19:13 bMt 21:33 [16] aMt 18:24; Lk 19:13 [18] IOr lord’s 19 ¶ “Now° after° a long° time° the master° of those° slaves° *came° and *asettled° accounts° with them. 20 The one who had received° the five° atalents° came° up and brought° five° more° talents°, saying°, ‘Master°, you entrusted° five° talents° to me. See°, I have gained° five° more° talents°.’ 21 His master° said° to him, ‘Well° done°, good° and afaithful° slave°. You were faithful° with a few° things°, I will bput° you in charge° of many° things°; enter° into the joy° of your Imaster°.’ [19] aMt 18:23
[20] aMt 18:24; Lk 19:13 [21] IOr lord aMt 24:45, 47; 25:23 bLk 12:44; 22:29; Rv 3:21; 21:7 22 ¶ “Also° the one° who° [had received] the two° atalents° came° up and said°, ‘Master°, you entrusted° two° talents° to me. See°, I have gained° two° more° talents°.’ 23 His master° said° to him, ‘Well° done°, good° and afaithful° slave°. You were faithful° with a few° things°, I will put° you in charge° of many° things°; enter° into the joy° of your master°.’ 24 ¶ “And the one also° who had received° the one° atalent° came° up and said°, ‘Master°, I knew° you to be a hard° man°, reaping° where° you did not sow° and gathering° where° you scattered° no° [seed]. 25 And I was afraid°, and went° away° and hid° your talent° in the ground°. See°, you have° what° is yours°.’ 26 ¶ “But his master° answered° and said° to him, ‘You wicked°, lazy° slave°, you knew° that I reap° where° I did not sow° and gather° where° I scattered° no° [seed]. 27 Then° you ought° to have put° my money° Iin the bank°, and on my arrival° I would have received° my [money] back° with interest°. 28 Therefore° take° away° the talent° from him, and give° it to the one who has° the ten° talents°.’ 29 ¶ “aFor to everyone° who has°, [more] shall be given°, and he will have° an abundance°; but from the one who does not have°, even° what° he does have° shall be taken° away°. 30 Throw° out the worthless° slave° into athe outer° darkness°; in that place° there° will be weeping° and gnashing° of teeth°. The Judgment31 ¶ “But when° athe Son° of Man° comes° in His glory°, and all° the angels° with Him, then° bHe will sit° on His glorious° throne°. 32 All° the nations° will be agathered° before° Him; and He will separate° them from one° another°, bas the shepherd° separates° the sheep° from the goats°; 33 and He will put° the sheep° aon His right°, and the goats° bon the left°. [31] aMt 16:27f; 1Th 4:16; 2Th 1:7; He 9:28; Jde 14; Rv 1:7 bMt 19:28
[32] aMt 13:49; 2Co 5:10 bEzk 34:17, 20 [33] a1K 2:19; Ps 45:9 bEc 10:2 34 ¶ “Then° the King° will say° to those° on His right°, ‘Come°, you who are blessed° of My Father°, ainherit° the kingdom° prepared° for you bfrom the foundation° of the world°. 35 For aI was hungry°, and you gave° Me [something] to eat°; I was thirsty°, and you gave° Me [something] to drink°; bI was a stranger°, and you invited° Me in; 36 anaked°, and you clothed° Me; I was sick°, and you bvisited° Me; cI was in prison°, and you came° to Me.’ 37 Then° the righteous° will answer° Him, ‘Lord°, when° did we see° You hungry°, and feed° You, or° thirsty°, and give° You [something] to drink°? 38 And when° did we see° You a stranger°, and invite° You in, or° naked°, and clothe° You? 39 When° did we see° You sick°, or° in prison°, and come° to You?’ 40 aThe King° will answer° and say° to them, ‘Truly° I say° to you, bto the extent°° that you did° it to one° of these° brothers° of Mine°, [even] the least° [of them], you did° it to Me.’ [34] aMt 5:3; 19:29; Lk 12:32; 1Co 6:9; 15:50; Ga 5:21; Jm 2:5 bMt 13:35; Lk 11:50; Jn 17:24; Ep 1:4; He 4:3; 9:26; 1P 1:20; Rv 13:8; 17:8
[35] aIs 58:7; Ezk 18:7, 16; Jm 2:15, 16 bJb 31:32; He 13:2 [36] aIs 58:7; Ezk 18:7, 16; Jm 2:15, 16 bJm 1:27 c2Ti 1:16f [40] aMt 25:34; Lk 19:38; Rv 17:14; 19:16 bPv 19:17; Mt 10:42; He 6:10 41 ¶ “Then° He will also° say° to those° on His left°, ‘aDepart° from Me, accursed° ones, into the beternal° fire° which has been prepared° for cthe devil° and his angels°; 42 for I was hungry°, and you gave° Me [nothing] to eat°; I was thirsty°, and you gave° Me nothing° to drink°; 43 I was a stranger°, and you did not invite° Me in; naked°, and you did not clothe° Me; sick°, and in prison°, and you did not visit° Me.’ 44 Then° they themselves° also° will answer°, ‘Lord°, when° did we see° You hungry°, or° thirsty°, or° a stranger°, or° naked°, or° sick°, or° in prison°, and did not Itake° care° of You?’ 45 Then° He will answer° them, ‘Truly° I say° to you, to the extent°° that you did° not do° it to one° of the least° of these°, you did° not do° it to Me.’ 46 These° will go° away° into aeternal° punishment°, but the righteous° into beternal° life°.” [41] aMt 7:23 bMk 9:48; Lk 16:24; Jde 7 cMt 4:10; Rv 12:9
[44] IOr serve [46] aDn 12:2; Jn 5:29; Ac 24:15 bMt 19:29; Jn 3:15f, 36; 5:24; 6:27, 40, 47, 54; 17:2f; Ac 13:46, 48; Ro 2:7; 5:21; 6:23; Ga 6:8; 1 Jn 5:11 Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries Copyright © 1981, 1998 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. |
The parable of the ten virgins,1 ¶ Thenº shall the² kingdomº of heavenº be likened¹ª unto² tenº virgins,º whichº took¹ª² their¹² lamps,º and went forthºª to meetºº the² bridegroom.º 2 Andº fiveº ofº themº wereºª wise,º andº fiveº [were] foolish.º 3 They¹ that² [were] foolishº tookºª theirº¹ lamps,º and tookºª noº oilº withº them:º 4 Butº the² wiseº tookºª oilº inº their¹² vesselsº withº their¹² lamps.º 5 Whileº the² bridegroom¹² tarried,ºª they allº slumberedºª andº slept.ºª 6 Andº at midnightºº there was a cryº made,ºª Behold,ºª the² bridegroomº cometh;ºª go ye outºª to¹ meetº² him.º 7 Thenº allº thoseº virginsº arose,ºª andº trimmedºª their¹² lamps.º 8 Andº the² foolishº saidºª unto the² wise,º Giveºª usº ofº yourº oil;º forº ourº lampsº are gone out.ºª 9 Butº the² wiseº answered,ºª saying,ºª [Not so]; lestº there be¹ª not¹ enoughºª² for usº andº you:º butº go² ye¹ª ratherº to² them¹ that sell,ºª andº buyºª for yourselves.º 10 Andº while theyº wentºª to buy,ºª the² bridegroomº came;ºª andº they that were readyº went inºª withº himº toº the² marriage:º andº the² doorº was shut.ºª 11 ² Afterwardº¹ cameºª alsoº the² otherº virgins,º saying,ºª Lord,º Lord,º openºª to us.º 12 Butº he² answeredºª and said,ºª Verilyº I sayºª unto you,º I knowºª youº not.º 13 Watchºª therefore,º forº ye knowºª neitherº the² dayº norº the² hourº whereinºº the² Sonº of manº cometh.ºª [1] Ps 45:9, 14; So 1:3; 5:8, 16; 6:1, 8; Is 54:5; 62:4; Dn 2:44; Mt 3:2; 5:16; 9:15; 13:24, 31, 38, 44, 47; 20:1; 22:2; 24:42; Mk 2:19; Lk 5:34; 12:35; 21:34; Jn 3:29; 1Co 11:2; 2Co 11:2; Ep 5:25; Php 2:15; 2Ti 4:8; Tit 2:13; 2P 1:13; 3:12; Rv 14:4; 19:7; 21:2, 9.
[2] Jr 24:2; Mt 7:24; 13:19, 38, 47; 22:10; 1Co 10:1; 1Jn 2:19; Jde 1:5. [3] Is 48:1; 58:2; Ezk 33:3; Mt 23:25; 2Ti 3:5; He 12:15; Rv 3:1, 15. [4] Ps 45:7; Zc 4:2; Jn 1:15; 3:34; Ro 8:9; 2Co 1:22; Ga 5:22; 1Jn 2:20, 27; Jde 1:19. [5] So 3:1; 5:2; Jna 1:5; Hab 2:3; Mt 24:48; 25:19; 26:40, 43; Mk 14:37; Lk 12:45; 18:8; 20:9; Ro 13:11; Ep 5:14; 1Th 5:6; He 10:36; 1P 5:8; 2P 3:4; Rv 2:25. [6] Ps 50:3; 96:13; 98:9; Is 25:9; Am 4:12; Mal 3:1; Mt 24:31, 44; 25:1, 31; Mk 13:33; Lk 12:20, 38, 46; Jn 5:28; 1Th 4:16; 5:1; 2Th 1:7; 2P 3:10; Jde 1:14; Rv 16:15; 19:7. [7] Lk 12:35; 2P 3:14; Rv 2:4; 3:2, 19. [8] Jb 8:13; 18:5; 21:17; Pv 4:18; 13:9; 20:20; Mt 3:9; 13:20; Lk 8:18; 12:35; 16:24; Ac 8:24; He 4:1; Rv 3:9. [9] Ps 49:7; Is 55:1, 6; Jr 15:1; Ezk 14:14, 20; Ac 8:22; Rv 3:17. [10] Gn 7:16; Nu 14:28; Ps 95:11; Am 8:12; Mt 25:6, 20; Lk 12:36; 13:25; Col 1:12; 2Ti 4:8; He 3:18; 1P 1:13; Rv 1:7; 22:11, 12, 20. [11] Mt 7:21; He 12:16. [12] Ps 1:6; 5:5; Hab 1:13; Lk 13:26; Jn 9:31; 10:27; 1Co 8:3; Ga 4:9; 2Ti 2:19. [13] Mt 24:42; Mk 13:33; Lk 21:36; Ac 20:31; 1Co 16:13; 1Th 5:6; 2Ti 4:5; 1P 4:7; 5:8; Rv 16:15. and of the talents.14 ¶ Forº [the kingdom of heaven is] asº a manº travelling into a far country,ºª [who] calledºª his ownº servants,º andº deliveredºª unto themº his¹² goods.ºª 15 Andº unto oneºº he gaveºª fiveº talents,º¹ to² anotherº two,º andº to anotherº one;º to every manº accordingº to his severalº ability;º andº straightwayº took his journey.ºª 16 Thenº he that had receivedºª the² fiveº talentsº wentºª and² tradedºª withº the same,º andº madeºª [them] otherº fiveº talents.º 17 Andº likewiseº he² that [had received]¹ two,º heº alsoº gainedºª otherº two.º 18 Butº he that had receivedºª oneº wentºª and diggedºª inº the² earth,º andº hidºª his¹² lord'sº money.º 19 ² Afterº¹ a longº timeº the² lordº of thoseº servantsº cometh,ºª andº reckonethººª withº them.º 20 And² so¹ he that had receivedºª fiveº² talentsº cameºª and broughtºª otherº fiveº talents,º saying,ºª Lord,º thou deliveredstºª unto meº fiveº talents:º behold,º I have gainedºª besideº themº fiveº talentsº more.º 21 º Hisº lordº saidºª unto him,º Well done,º [thou] goodº andº faithfulº servant:º thou hast beenºª faithfulº overº a few things,º I will make¹ª thee¹ rulerºª² overº many things:º enter² thou¹ª intoº the² joyº of thyº lord.º 22 º He also¹ that had receivedºª² twoº talentsº cameºª and said,ºª Lord,º thou deliveredstºª unto meº twoº talents:º behold,º I have gainedºª twoº otherº talentsº besideº them.º 23 Hisº lordº saidºª unto him,º Well done,º goodº andº faithfulº servant;º thou hast beenºª faithfulº overº a few things,º I will make¹ª thee¹ rulerºª² overº many things:º enter² thou¹ª intoº the² joyº of thyº lord.º 24 Thenº¹ he which had receivedºª the² oneº talentº cameºª² and said,ºª Lord,º I knewºª theeº thatº thou artºª an hardº man,º reapingºª whereº thou hast¹ª notº sown,ºª andº gatheringºª whereº thou hast¹ª notº strawed:ºª 25 Andº I was afraid,ºª and wentºª and hidºª thyº talentº inº the² earth:º lo,º [there] thou hastºª [that is] thine.º 26 º Hisº lordº answeredºª and saidºª unto him,º [Thou] wickedº andº slothfulº servant,º thou knewestºª thatº I reapºª whereº I sowedºª not,º andº gatherºª whereº I have¹ª notº strawed:ºª 27 Thouº oughtestºª thereforeº to have putºª myº moneyº to the² exchangers,º andº [then] at my comingºª Iº should¹ have receivedºª² mine ownº withº usury.º 28 Takeºª thereforeº the² talentº fromº him,º andº giveºª [it] unto him which hathºª tenº talents.º 29 Forº unto every oneº that hathºª shall be given,ºª andº he shall have abundance:ºª butº fromº him¹² that hathºª notº shall be taken awayºª¹ evenº²² that whichº he hath.ºª 30 Andº cast² ye¹ª the² unprofitableº servantº intoº outerº darkness:º thereº shall beºª weepingº andº gnashingº of teeth.º [14] Mt 21:33; Mk 13:34; Lk 16:1; 19:12; 20:9; Ro 12:6; 1Co 3:5; 4:1; 12:4, 7; Ep 4:11; 1P 4:9.
[15] Mt 18:24; Lk 12:48; 19:13. [16] 2S 7:1; 1Ch 13:1; 22:1; 28:2; 29:1; 2Ch 1:9; 15:8; 17:3; 19:4; 31:20; 33:15; 34:1; Ne 5:14; Is 23:18; 49:23; 60:5; Ac 13:36; Ro 15:18; 1Co 9:16; 15:10; 1Ti 6:17; 2Ti 2:6; 4:5; Phm 1:6; 3Jn 1:5. [17] Gn 18:19; 2S 19:32; 1K 18:3; 2K 4:8; Jb 29:11; 31:16; Pv 3:9; Ec 11:1; Mk 14:3; Ac 9:36; 10:2; 11:29; 2Co 8:12; 9:11; Ga 6:9; Ep 5:16; Col 4:17; 1Ti 5:10; 2Ti 1:16; He 6:10; 1P 4:10. [18] Pv 18:9; 26:13; Hg 1:2; Mal 1:10; Lk 19:20; He 6:12; 2P 1:8. [19] Mt 18:23; 24:48; 25:5; Lk 16:1, 19; Ro 14:7; 1Co 3:12; 2Co 5:10; Jm 3:1. [20] Lk 19:16; Ac 20:24; 1Co 15:10; Col 1:29; 2Ti 4:1; Jm 2:18. [21] 2Ch 31:20; Ps 16:10; Mt 10:40; 24:47; 25:23, 34, 46; Lk 12:44; 16:10; 22:28; Jn 12:26; 14:3; 17:24; Ro 2:29; 1Co 4:5; 2Co 5:9; 10:18; Php 1:23; 2Ti 2:12; He 12:2; 1P 1:7, 8; Rv 2:10, 26; 3:21; 7:17; 21:7. [22] Lk 19:18; Ro 12:6; 2Co 8:1, 7, 12. [23] Mt 25:21; Mk 12:41; 14:8. [24] Jb 21:14; Is 58:3; Jr 2:31; 44:16; Ezk 18:25; Mal 1:12; 3:14; Mt 7:21; 20:12; Lk 6:46; 15:29; 19:20; Ro 8:7; 9:20. [25] 2S 6:9; Pv 26:13; Is 57:11; Ro 8:15; 2Ti 1:6; Rv 21:8. [26] Jb 15:5; Mt 18:32. [27] Dt 23:19; Lk 19:22; Ro 3:19; Jde 1:15. [28] Lk 10:42; 19:24. [29] Lm 2:6; Ho 2:9; Mt 13:12; 21:41; Mk 4:25; Lk 8:18; 10:42; 12:19; 16:1, 9, 20; 19:25; Jn 11:48; 15:2; Rv 2:5. [30] Jr 15:1; Ezk 15:2; Mt 3:10; 5:13; 8:12; 13:42, 50; 22:13; 24:51; Lk 13:28; 14:34; Jn 15:6; Tit 3:14; He 6:7; 2P 2:17; Jde 1:13; Rv 3:15; 21:8. Also the description of the last judgment.31 ¶ Whenº¹ the² Sonº of manº shall comeºª inº his¹² glory,º andº allº the² holyº angelsº withº him,º thenº shall he sitºª uponº the throneº of his¹² glory:º 32 Andº beforeº himº shall be gatheredºª allº nations:º andº he shall separateºª themº one¹ª from¹ another,º² asº a shepherdº divideth¹ª² [his] sheepº fromº the² goats:º 33 Andº he shall setºª¹ the² sheepº onº his¹² right hand,º butº the² goatsº onº the left.º 34 Thenº shall the² Kingº sayºª unto them² onº his¹² right hand,º Come,ºª ye blessedºª of myº Father,º inheritºª the² kingdomº preparedºª for youº fromº the foundationº of the world:º 35 Forº I was an hungred,ºª andº ye gaveºª meº meat:ºª I was thirsty,ºª andº ye gave¹ª me¹ drink:ºª² I wasºª a stranger,º andº ye took¹ª me¹ in:ºª² 36 Naked,º andº ye clothedºª me:º I was sick,ºª andº ye visitedºª me:º I wasºª inº prison,º andº ye cameºª untoº me.º 37 Thenº shall the² righteousº answerºª him,º saying,ºª Lord,º whenº saw² we¹ª theeº an hungred,ºª andº fedºª [thee]? orº thirsty,ºª andº gave [thee] drink?ºª 38 º Whenº saw² we¹ª theeº a stranger,º andº took [thee] in?ºª orº naked,º andº clothedºª [thee]? 39 ¹ Or² whenº saw² we¹ª theeº sick,º orº inº prison,º andº cameºª untoº thee?º 40 Andº the² Kingº shall answerºª and sayºª unto them,º Verilyº I sayºª unto you,º Inasmuch¹ asº² ye have doneºª [it] unto oneº of the² leastº of theseº myº brethren,º ye have doneºª [it] unto me.º 41 Thenº shall he sayºª alsoº unto them² onº the left hand,º Departºª fromº me,º ye cursed,ºª intoº everlastingº fire,º preparedºª for the² devilº andº hisº angels:º 42 Forº I was an hungred,ºª andº ye gaveºª meº noº meat:ºª I was thirsty,ºª andº ye gave¹ª me¹ no¹ drink:ºª² 43 I wasºª a stranger,º andº ye took¹ª me¹ not¹ in:ºª²² naked,º andº ye clothedºª meº not:º sick,º andº inº prison,º andº ye visitedºª meº not.º 44 Thenº shall theyº alsoº answerºª him,º saying,ºª Lord,º whenº saw² we¹ª theeº an hungred,ºª orº athirst,ºª orº a stranger,º orº naked,º orº sick,º orº inº prison,º andº did¹ª notº ministerºª unto thee?º 45 Thenº shall he answerºª them,º saying,ºª Verilyº I sayºª unto you,º Inasmuch¹ asº² ye didºª [it] notº to oneº of the² leastº of these,º ye didºª [it] notº to me.º 46 Andº theseº shall go awayºª intoº everlastingº punishment:º butº the² righteousº intoº lifeº eternal.º [31] Ps 9:7; Dn 7:13; Zc 14:5; Mt 16:27; 19:28; 25:6; 26:64; Mk 8:38; 14:62; Lk 9:26; 22:69; Jn 1:51; 5:27; Ac 1:11; 1Th 4:16; 2Th 1:7; He 1:8; Jde 1:14; Rv 1:7; 3:21; 20:11.
[32] Ps 1:5; 50:3; 78:52; 96:13; 98:9; Ezk 20:38; 34:17; Mal 3:18; Mt 3:12; 13:42, 49; Jn 10:14, 27; Ac 17:30; Ro 2:12, 16; 14:10; 1Co 4:5; 2Co 5:10; Rv 20:12. [33] Gn 48:13, 17; Ps 45:9; 79:13; 95:7; 100:3; 110:1; Mk 16:19; Jn 10:26; 21:15; Ac 2:34; Ep 1:20; He 1:3. [34] Gn 12:2; Dt 11:23; Ps 2:6; 24:7; 115:13; Is 9:7; 32:1; 33:22; Jr 23:5; Ezk 37:24; Dn 9:25; Zp 3:15; Zc 9:9; Mt 5:3; 20:23; 21:5; 22:11; 25:21, 23, 41; 27:37; Mk 10:40; Lk 1:31; 11:28; 12:32; 19:38; Jn 1:49; 12:13; 14:2; 19:15, 19; Ac 3:26; 15:18; Ro 8:17; 1Co 2:9; 6:9; Ga 3:13; 5:21; Ep 1:3, 4; 5:5; 1Th 2:12; 2Ti 2:12; 4:8; He 11:16; Jm 2:5; 1P 1:3, 4, 9, 19; 3:9; Rv 5:10; 13:8; 19:16; 21:7. [35] Gn 18:2; 19:1; Dt 15:7; Jb 29:13; 31:16; Ps 112:5; Pv 3:9; 11:24; 14:21, 31; 19:17; 22:9; 25:21; Ec 11:1; Is 58:7; Ezk 18:7, 16; Dn 4:27; Mi 6:8; Mt 10:40; 25:40, 42, 43; 26:11; Mk 14:7; Lk 11:41; 14:12; Jn 13:29; Ac 4:32; 9:36; 10:31; 11:29; 16:15; Ro 12:13, 20; 16:23; 2Co 8:1, 7; 9:7; Ep 4:28; 1Ti 5:10; 6:17; Phm 1:7; He 6:10; 13:1, 16; Jm 1:27; 1P 4:9; 1Jn 3:16; 3Jn 1:5. [36] Jb 31:19; Ezk 34:4; Mt 25:43; Lk 3:11; Ac 20:35; 28:8; Php 4:10; 2Ti 1:16; He 10:34; 13:3; Jm 1:27; 2:14; 5:14. [37] 1Ch 29:14; Pv 15:33; Is 64:6; Mt 6:3; 1Co 15:10; 1P 5:5. [40] 2S 9:1, 7; Pv 14:31; 19:17; 25:6; Mt 10:42; 12:49; 18:5, 10; 25:34; 28:10; Mk 3:34; 9:41; Jn 19:26; 20:17; 21:15; Ac 9:4; 1Co 16:21; 2Co 4:5; 5:14; 8:7; Ga 5:6, 13, 22; Ep 5:30; 1Th 4:9; He 2:11; 6:10; 1P 1:22; 1Jn 3:14; 4:7, 20; 5:1. [41] Dt 27:15; 28:16; Ps 6:8; 119:21, 115; 139:19; Jr 17:5; Mt 3:12; 7:23; 13:40, 42, 50; 25:33, 46; Mk 9:43; Lk 13:27; Jn 8:44; Ro 9:22; Ga 3:10; 2Th 1:9; He 6:8; 2P 2:4; 1Jn 3:10; Jde 1:6; Rv 12:7; 14:10; 20:10. [42] Am 6:6; Mt 10:37; 12:30; 25:35; Jn 5:23; 8:42; 14:21; 1Co 16:22; 2Th 1:8; Jm 2:15; 1Jn 3:14; 4:20. [44] 1S 15:13, 20; Jr 2:23, 35; Mal 1:6; 2:17; 3:13; Mt 7:22; 25:24; Lk 10:29. [45] Gn 12:3; Nu 24:9; Ps 105:15; Pv 14:31; 17:5; 21:13; Zc 2:8; Mt 25:40; Jn 15:18; Ac 9:5; 1Jn 3:12; 5:1. [46] Ps 16:10; Dn 12:2; Mt 13:43; 25:41; Mk 9:44, 46, 48; Lk 16:26; Jn 3:15, 36; 5:29; 10:27; Ro 2:7; 5:21; 6:23; 2Th 1:9; 1Jn 2:25; 5:11; Jde 1:21; Rv 14:10; 20:10, 15; 21:8. ©2011 by First Gospel Publications, Zion, Ill. All rights reserved. For downloads and more information please visit Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Chaldee and Greek Dictionaries Featuring the Living Strong's Lexical Map ©2003 by The WWW Chat Bible Compages. All rights reserved. For how to use color-coding please view []. | |
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