Solicitude for Israel1 aI am telling° the truth° in Christ°, I am not lying°, my conscience° testifies° with me in the Holy° Spirit°, 2 that I have great° sorrow° and unceasing° grief° in my heart°. 3 For aI could Iwish° that I myself° were baccursed°, [separated] from Christ° for the sake° of my brethren°, my kinsmen° caccording° to the flesh°, 4 who° are aIsraelites°, to whom° belongs bthe adoption° as sons°, and cthe glory° and dthe covenants° and ethe giving° of the Law° and fthe [temple] service° and gthe promises°, 5 whose° are athe fathers°, and bfrom whom° is Ithe Christ° according° to the flesh°, cwho is over° all°, dGod° eblessed° IIforever°. Amen°. [1] a2Co 11:10; Ga 1:20; 1Ti 2:7
[3] ILit pray aEx 32:32 b1Co 12:3; 16:22; Ga 1:8f cRo 1:3; 11:14; Ep 6:5 [4] aDt 7:6; 14:1f; Ro 9:6 bEx 4:22; Ro 8:15 cEx 40:34; 1K 8:11; Ezk 1:28; He 9:5 dGn 17:2; Dt 29:14; Lk 1:72; Ac 3:25; Ep 2:12 eDt 4:13f; Ps 147:19 fHe 9:1, 6 gAc 2:39; 13:32; Ep 2:12 [5] II.e. the Messiah IILit unto the ages aAc 3:13; Ro 11:28 bMt 1:1-16; Ro 1:3 cCol 1:16-19 dJn 1:1 eRo 1:25 6 ¶ But [it is] not as though° athe word° of God° has failed°. bFor they are not all° Israel° who° are [descended] from Israel°; 7 nor° are they all° children° abecause° they are Abraham’s° Idescendants°, but: “IIbTHROUGH° ISAAC° YOUR IDESCENDANTS° WILL BE NAMED°.” 8 That is, it is not the children° of the flesh° who° are achildren° of God°, but the bchildren° of the promise° are regarded° as Idescendants°. 9 For this° is the word° of promise°: “aAT THIS° TIME° I WILL COME°, AND SARAH° SHALL HAVE° A SON°.” 10 aAnd not only° this, but there was bRebekah° also°, when she had conceived°° [twins] by one° man°, our father° Isaac°; 11 for though [the twins] were not yet° born° and had not done° anything° good° or° bad°, so° that aGod’s° purpose° according° to [His] choice° would Istand°, not IIbecause° of works° but IIbecause° of Him who calls°, 12 it was said° to her, “aTHE OLDER° WILL SERVE° THE YOUNGER°.” 13 Just° as it is written°, “aJACOB° I LOVED°, BUT ESAU° I HATED°.” [6] aNu 23:19 bJn 1:47; Ro 2:28f; Ga 6:16
[7] ILit seed IILit in aJn 8:33, 39; Ga 4:23 bGn 21:12; He 11:18 [8] ILit seed aRo 8:14 bRo 4:13, 16; Ga 3:29; 4:28; He 11:11 [9] aGn 18:10 [10] aRo 5:3 bGn 25:21 [11] ILit remain IILit from aRo 4:17; 8:28 [12] aGn 25:23 [13] aMal 1:2f 14 ¶ aWhat° shall we say° then°? bThere is no° injustice° with God°, is there? cMay it never° be! 15 For He says° to Moses°, “aI WILL HAVE° MERCY° ON WHOM° I HAVE° MERCY°, AND I WILL HAVE° COMPASSION° ON WHOM° I HAVE° COMPASSION°.” 16 So° then° it [does] not [depend] on the man who wills° or° the man who aruns°, but on bGod° who has° mercy°. 17 For the Scripture° says° to Pharaoh°, “aFOR THIS° VERY° PURPOSE I RAISED° YOU UP, TO DEMONSTRATE° MY POWER° IN YOU, AND THAT MY NAME° MIGHT BE PROCLAIMED° ITHROUGHOUT° THE WHOLE° EARTH°.” 18 So° then° He has° mercy° on whom° He desires°, and He ahardens° whom° He desires°. [14] aRo 3:5 b2Ch 19:7; Ro 2:11 cLk 20:16
[15] aEx 33:19 [16] aGa 2:2 bEp 2:8 [17] ILit in aEx 9:16 [18] aEx 4:21; 7:3; 9:12; 10:20, 27; 11:10; 14:4, 17; Dt 2:30; Jsh 11:20; Jn 12:40; Ro 11:7, 25 19 ¶ aYou will say° to me then°, “bWhy° does He still° find° fault°? For cwho° resists° His will°?”
20 On the contrary°, who° are you, aO° man°, who banswers° back° to God°? cThe thing° molded° will not say° to the molder°, “Why° did you make° me like° this°,” will it?
21 Or° does not the potter° have° a right° over the clay°, to make° from the same° lump° one°° vessel° Ifor honorable° use° and another°° IIfor common° use°?
22 IWhat° if° God°, although willing° to demonstrate° His wrath° and to make° His power° known°, endured° with much° apatience° vessels° of wrath° bprepared° for destruction°?
23 And [He did so] to make° known° athe riches° of His glory° upon bvessels° of mercy°, which° He cprepared° beforehand° for glory°,
24 [even] us, whom° He also° acalled°, bnot from among° Jews° only°, but also° from among° Gentiles°.
25 As He says° also° in Hosea°, [19] aRo 11:19; 1Co 15:35; Jm 2:18 bRo 3:7 c2Ch 20:6; Jb 9:12; Dn 4:35
[20] aRo 2:1 bJb 33:13 cIs 29:16; 45:9; 64:8; Jr 18:6; Ro 9:22f; 2Ti 2:20 [21] ILit for honor IILit for dishonor [22] ILit But aRo 2:4 bPv 16:4; 1P 2:8 [23] aRo 2:4; Ep 3:16 bAc 9:15 cRo 8:29f [24] aRo 8:28 bRo 3:29 [25] aHo 2:23; 1P 2:10 [26] aHo 1:10 bMt 16:16 27 ¶ Isaiah° cries° out concerning° Israel°, “aTHOUGH° THE NUMBER° OF THE SONS° OF ISRAEL° BE bLIKE° THE SAND° OF THE SEA°, IT IS cTHE REMNANT° THAT WILL BE SAVED°;
29 And just° as Isaiah° foretold°, [27] aIs 10:22 bGn 22:17; Ho 1:10 cRo 11:5
[28] ILit finishing it IILit cutting it short aIs 10:23 [29] II.e. Hosts IILit seed IIILit been made like aIs 1:9 bJm 5:4 cDt 29:23; Is 13:19; Jr 49:18; 50:40; Am 4:11 30 ¶ aWhat° shall we say° then°? That Gentiles°, who did not pursue° righteousness°, attained° righteousness°, even° bthe righteousness° which is Iby faith°;
31 but Israel°, apursuing° a law° of righteousness°, did not barrive° at [that] law°.
32 Why°°? Because° [they did] not [pursue it] Iby faith°, but as though° [it were] Iby works°. They stumbled° over° athe stumbling° stone°,
33 just° as it is written°, [30] ILit out of aRo 9:14 bRo 1:17; 3:21f; 10:6; Ga 2:16; 3:24; Php 3:9; He 11:7
[31] aIs 51:1; Ro 9:30; 10:2f, 20; 11:7 bGa 5:4 [32] ILit out of aIs 8:14; 1P 2:6, 8 [33] ILit put to shame aIs 28:16 bIs 8:14 cRo 10:11 dRo 5:5 Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries Copyright © 1981, 1998 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. |
Paul is sorry for the Jews.1 ¶ I sayºª the truthº inº Christ,º I lieºª not,º myº conscienceº also bearing¹ª me¹ witnessºª² inº the Holyº Ghost,º 2 Thatº Iº haveºª greatº heavinessº andº continualº sorrow² in¹ myº heart.º 3 Forº Iº could wishºª that myself¹² wereºª accursedº fromº Christº forº myº brethren,º myº kinsmenº accordingº to the flesh:º 4 Whoº areºª Israelites;º to whomº [pertaineth] the² adoption,º andº the² glory,º andº the² covenants,º andº the² giving of the law,º andº the² serviceº [of God], andº the² promises;º 5 Whoseº [are] the² fathers,º andº ofº whomº as concerningº the fleshº Christº [came], who¹ª is² overº all,º Godº blessedº for¹ ever.º² Amen.º 6 ² Notº as¹ thoughº¹² the² wordº of Godº hath taken none effect.ºª Forº they² [are] notº allº¹ Israel,º whichº¹ are of² Israel:º [1] Ro 1:9; 2:15; 8:16; 2Co 1:12, 23; 11:31; 12:19; Ga 1:20; Php 1:8; 1Th 2:5; 1Ti 1:5; 2:7; 5:21; 1Jn 3:19.
[2] 1S 15:35; Ps 119:136; Is 66:10; Jr 9:1; 13:17; Lm 1:12; 3:48, 51; Ezk 9:4; Lk 19:41; Ro 10:1; Php 3:18; Rv 11:3. [3] Gn 29:14; Ex 32:32; Dt 21:23; Jsh 6:17; 1S 14:24, 44; Es 8:6; Ac 7:23; 13:26; Ro 11:1; Ga 1:8; 3:10, 13. [4] Gn 15:18; 17:2, 7, 10; 32:28; Ex 4:22; 12:25; 19:3; 24:7; 34:27; Nu 7:89; Dt 7:6; 14:1; 29:1; 31:16; 1S 4:21; 1K 8:11; Ne 9:13; 13:29; Ps 63:2; 73:1; 78:61; 89:3, 34; 90:16; 147:19; Is 5:2; 41:8; 46:3; 60:19; Jr 31:9, 20, 33; 33:20; Ezk 20:11; Ho 11:1; Mt 21:33; Lk 1:54, 69; Jn 1:17, 47; Ac 2:39; 3:25; 13:32; Ro 3:2; 9:6; Ep 2:12; He 6:13; 8:6; 9:3, 10. [5] Gn 12:3; 49:10; Dt 10:15; 27:15; 1K 1:36; 1Ch 16:36; Ps 41:13; 45:6; 72:19; 89:52; 103:19; 106:48; Is 7:14; 9:6; 11:1; Jr 23:5; 28:6; Mi 5:2; Mt 1:1; 6:13; 28:20; Lk 3:23; Jn 1:1; 10:30; Ac 20:28; Ro 1:3, 25; 10:12; 11:28; 1Co 14:16; 2Co 11:31; Php 2:6; Col 1:16; 1Ti 3:16; 6:15; 2Ti 2:8; He 1:8; 1Jn 5:20; Rv 1:18; 5:14; 22:16, 20. [6] Nu 23:19; Is 55:11; Mt 24:35; Jn 1:47; 10:35; Ro 2:28; 3:3; 4:12; 11:1; Ga 6:16; 2Ti 2:13; He 6:17. All the seed of Abraham were not the children of the promise.7 Neither,º becauseº they areºª the seedº of Abraham,º [are they] allº children:º but,º Inº Isaacº shall¹ª thyº seedº be called.ºª 8 That is,ºª They which are the² childrenº of the² flesh,º theseº [are] notº the childrenº of God:º butº the² childrenº of the² promiseº are countedºª forº the seed.º 9 Forº thisº [is] the² wordº of promise,º Atº thisº timeº will I come,ºª andº Saraº shall haveºª a son.º 10 Andº notº onlyº [this]; butº when Rebeccaº alsoº had² conceivedº byº one,º¹ª [even] by ourº fatherº Isaac;º 11 (Forº [the children] being¹ª not yetº born,ºª neitherº having doneºª anyº goodº orº evil,º thatº the² purposeº of Godº accordingº to electionº might stand,ºª notº ofº works,º butº ofº him that calleth;)ºª 12 ¹ It was saidºª unto her,º The² elderº shall serveºª the² younger.º 13 Asº it is written,ºª Jacobº have I loved,ºª butº Esauº have I hated.ºª 14 Whatº shall we sayºª then?º¹ [Is there]² unrighteousnessº withº God?º God forbid.ººª 15 Forº he saithºª to Moses,º I will have mercy² on¹ª whomºº I will have mercy,ºª andº I will have compassionºª on whomºº I will have compassion.ºª 16 Soº thenº [it is] notº of him that willeth,ºª norº of him that runneth,ºª butº of Godº that sheweth mercy.ºª 17 Forº the² scriptureº saithºª unto Pharaoh,º Even forº¹ this¹ same purposeº² have I raised¹ª thee¹ up,ºª² thatº I might shewºª myº powerº inº thee,º andº thatº myº nameº might be declaredºª throughoutº allº the² earth.º [7] Gn 21:12; Lk 3:8; 16:24, 30; Jn 8:37; Php 3:3; He 11:18.
[8] Gn 31:15; Ps 22:30; 87:6; Jn 1:13; Ro 4:11; Ga 3:26; 4:22, 28; 1Jn 3:1. [9] Gn 17:21; 18:10, 14; 21:2; He 11:11, 17. [10] Gn 25:21; Lk 16:26; Ro 5:3, 11. [11] Ps 51:5; Is 14:24, 26; 23:9; 46:10; Jr 51:29; Ro 4:17; 8:28; 11:5, 6, 7; Ep 1:4, 9; 2:3, 9; 3:11; 1Th 1:4; 2:12; 2Th 2:13; 2Ti 1:9; Tit 3:5; 1P 5:10; 2P 1:10; Rv 17:14. [12] Gn 25:22; 2S 8:14; 1K 22:47. [13] Gn 29:31, 33; Dt 21:15; Pv 13:24; Mal 1:2; Mt 10:37; Lk 14:26; Jn 12:25. [14] Gn 18:25; Dt 32:4; 2Ch 19:7; Jb 8:3; 34:10, 18; 35:2; Ps 92:15; 145:17; Jr 12:1; Ro 2:5; 3:1, 5; Rv 15:3; 16:7. [15] Ex 33:19; 34:6; Is 27:11; Mi 7:18; Ro 9:16, 18. [16] Gn 27:1, 9; Ps 110:3; Is 65:1; Mt 11:25; Lk 10:21; Jn 1:12; 3:8; Ro 9:11; 1Co 1:26; Ep 2:4; Php 2:13; 2Th 2:13; Tit 3:3; Jm 1:18; 1P 2:9. [17] Ex 9:16; 10:1; 14:17; 15:14; 18:10; Jsh 2:9; 9:9; 1S 2:7; 4:8; Es 4:14; Ps 83:17; Pv 16:4; Is 10:5; 37:20; 45:1; Jr 27:6; Dn 4:22; 5:18; Jn 17:26; Ro 11:4; Ga 3:8, 22; 4:30. God hath mercy upon whom he will.18 Thereforeºº hath he mercyºª on whomº he willºª [have mercy], andº whomº he willºª he hardeneth.ºª 19 Thou wilt sayºª thenº unto me,º Whyº doth he yetº find fault?ºª Forº whoº hath resistedºª hisº will?º 20 Nay but,º Oº man,º whoº artºª thouº that repliest againstºª God?º¹ Shall¹ª² the² thing formedº sayºª to him that formedºª [it], Whyº hast thou madeºª meº thus?º [18] Ex 4:21; 7:13; Dt 2:30; Jsh 11:20; Is 63:17; Mt 13:14; Ac 28:26; Ro 1:24; 5:20; 9:15; 11:7; Ep 1:6; 2Th 2:10.
[19] Gn 50:20; 2Ch 20:6; Jb 9:12, 19; 23:13; Ps 76:10; Is 10:6; 46:10; Dn 4:35; Mk 14:21; Ac 2:23; 4:27; Ro 3:5, 8; 1Co 15:12, 35; Jm 1:13. [20] Jb 16:3; 33:13; 36:23; 38:2; 40:2, 5, 8; 42:2; Is 29:16; 45:9; Mi 6:8; Mt 20:15; Ro 2:1; 1Co 1:20; 7:16; 1Ti 6:5; Tit 2:9; Jm 2:20. The potter may do with his clay what he list.21 º Hathºª notº the² potterº powerº over the² clay,º ofº the² sameº lumpº to¹¹ makeºª one²² vesselº untoº honour,º andº anotherº untoº dishonour?º 22 [What]² ifº¹ God,º willingºª to shewºª [his] wrath,º andº to make¹ª his¹ power¹ known,ºª²² enduredºª withº muchº longsufferingº the vesselsº of wrathº fittedºª toº destruction:º 23 Andº thatº he might make knownºª the² richesº of his¹² gloryº onº the vesselsº of mercy,º whichº he had afore preparedºª untoº glory,º 24 ¹ Evenº us,º whomº he hath called,ºª notº ofº the Jewsº only,º butº alsoº ofº the Gentiles?º [21] Pv 16:4; Is 64:8; Jr 18:3; 22:28; Ho 8:8; Ac 9:15; Ro 9:11, 18, 22; 2Ti 2:20.
[22] Gn 15:16; Ex 9:16; Nu 14:11, 18; Ps 50:21; 90:11; Pv 16:4; Ec 8:11; Lm 3:22; Mt 23:31; Ro 1:18; 2:4; 9:17, 21; 1Th 2:16; 5:9; 2Ti 2:20; 1P 2:8; 3:20; 2P 2:3, 9; 3:8, 15; Jde 1:4; Rv 6:9, 16. [23] 1Ch 29:18; Lk 1:17; Ro 2:4; 5:20; Ep 1:6, 18; 2:3, 4, 7, 10; 3:8, 16; Col 1:12, 27; 1Th 5:9; 2Th 1:10; 2:13; 2Ti 2:21; Tit 3:3; 1P 1:2. [24] Gn 49:10; Ps 22:27; Ac 13:47; 15:14; 21:17; Ro 3:29; 4:11; 8:28; 10:12; 11:11; 15:8; 1Co 1:9; Ga 3:28; Ep 2:11; 3:6; Col 3:11; He 3:1; 1P 5:10; Rv 19:9. The calling of the Gentiles and rejecting of the Jews were foretold.25 As² he saithºª alsoº inº Osee,º I will callºª them myº people,º which² were notº myº people;º andº her beloved,ºª which was¹ª not¹ beloved.ºª² 26 Andº it shall come to pass,ºª [that] inº the² placeº whereºª¹ it was saidºª unto them,º Yeº [are] notº myº people;º thereº shall they be calledºª the childrenº of the livingºª God.º 27 Esaiasº alsoº criethºª concerningº Israel,º Thoughº the² numberº of the² childrenº of Israelº beºª asº the² sandº of the² sea,º a remnantº shall be saved:ºª 28 Forº he will finishºª the work,º andº cut [it] shortºª inº righteousness:º becauseº a shortºª workº will¹ª the Lordº makeºª uponº the² earth.º 29 Andº asº Esaiasº said before,ºª Exceptº the Lordº of Sabaothº had leftºª usº a seed,º we had beenººª asº Sodoma,º andº been made likeººª untoº Gomorrha.º 30 Whatº shall we sayºª then?º Thatº the Gentiles,º whichº followedºª notº after righteousness,º have attainedºª to righteousness,º evenº the righteousnessº whichº is ofº faith.º 31 Butº Israel,º which followedºª after the lawº of righteousness,º hath¹ª notº attainedºª toº the lawº of righteousness.º [25] Ezk 16:8; Ho 1:1; 2:23; Jn 16:27; Ro 1:7; 1P 2:10.
[26] Is 43:6; Ho 1:9; Jn 11:52; Ro 8:16; 2Co 6:18; Ga 3:26; 1Jn 3:1. [27] Ezr 9:8, 14; Is 1:1, 9; 10:20; 11:11; 24:13; Jr 5:10; Ezk 6:8; Mi 5:3; Ro 11:4. [28] Ps 9:8; 65:5; Is 5:16; 28:22; 30:12; Dn 9:26; Mt 24:21; Ac 17:31; Rv 19:11. [29] Gn 19:24; Is 1:9; 6:13; 13:19; Jr 49:18; 50:40; Lm 3:22; 4:6; Am 4:11; Zp 2:6; Jm 5:4; 2P 2:6; Jde 1:7. [30] Pv 15:9; 21:21; Is 51:1; 65:1; Ro 1:17, 18; 3:5, 22; 4:9, 11, 13, 22; 5:1; 9:14, 31; 10:10, 20; 1Co 6:9; Ga 3:8; 5:5; Ep 2:12; 4:17; Php 3:9; 1Ti 6:11; He 11:7; 1P 4:3. [31] Ro 3:20; 4:14; 9:30; 10:2; 11:7; Ga 3:10, 21; 5:3; Php 3:6; Jm 2:10. The cause why so few Jews embrace the righteousness of faith.32 Wherefore?º Becauseº [they sought it] notº byº faith,º butº as¹ it were² byº the worksº of the law.º Forº they stumbledºª at that stumblingstone;ºº 33 Asº it is written,ºª Behold,ºª I layºª inº Sionº a stumblingstoneºº andº rockº of offence:º andº whosoeverº believethºª onº himº shall¹ª notº be ashamed.ºª [32] Mt 13:57; 19:16; Lk 2:34; 7:23; Jn 6:27; Ac 16:30; Ro 4:16; 10:3; 11:11; 1Co 1:23; 1Jn 5:9.
[33] Ps 25:2, 20; 118:22; Is 8:14; 28:16; 45:17; 54:4; Jol 2:26; Mt 21:42, 44; Ro 5:5; 10:11; Php 1:20; 2Ti 1:12; 1P 2:6, 7; 1Jn 2:28. ©2011 by First Gospel Publications, Zion, Ill. All rights reserved. For downloads and more information please visit Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Chaldee and Greek Dictionaries Featuring the Living Strong's Lexical Map ©2003 by The WWW Chat Bible Compages. All rights reserved. For how to use color-coding please view []. | |
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