Jacob Leaves Secretly for Canaan1 Now IJacob heard° the words° of Laban’s° sons°, saying°, “Jacob° has taken° away all° that was our father’s°, and from what° belonged to our father° he has made° all° this° IIwealth°.” 2 Jacob° saw° the Iattitude° of Laban°, and behold°, it was not [friendly] toward° him as formerly°. 3 Then the LORD° said° to Jacob°, “aReturn° to the land° of your fathers° and to your relatives°, and bI will be with you.” 4 So Jacob° sent° and called° Rachel° and Leah° to his flock° in the field°, 5 and said° to them, “aI see° your father’s° Iattitude°, that it is not [friendly] toward° me as formerly°, but bthe God° of my father° has been° with me. 6 aYou know° that I have served° your father° with all° my strength°. 7 Yet your father° has acheated° me and bchanged° my wages° ten° times°; however, cGod° did not allow° him to hurt° me. 8 If° ahe spoke° thus°, ‘The speckled° shall be your wages°,’ then all° the flock° brought° forth° speckled°; and if° he spoke° thus°, ‘The striped° shall be your wages°,’ then all° the flock° brought° forth° striped°. 9 Thus God° has ataken° away° your father’s° livestock° and given° [them] to me. 10 And it came° about at the time° when the flock° were Imating° that I lifted° up my eyes° and saw° in a dream°, and behold°, the male° goats° which were IImating° [were] striped°, speckled°, and mottled°. 11 Then athe angel° of God° said° to me in the dream°, ‘Jacob°,’ and I said°, ‘Here° I am.’ 12 He said°, ‘Lift° up now° your eyes° and see° [that] all° the male° goats° which are Imating° are striped°, speckled°, and mottled°; for aI have seen° all° that Laban° has been doing° to you. 13 I am athe God° [of] Bethel°, where°° you banointed° a pillar°, where°° you made° a vow° to Me; now° arise°, Ileave° this° land°, and creturn° to the land° of your birth°.’” 14 Rachel° and Leah° said° to him, “Do we still° have any portion° or inheritance° in our father’s° house°? 15 Are we not reckoned° by him as foreigners°? For ahe has sold° us, and has also° Ientirely° consumed° IIour purchase° price°. 16 Surely° all° the wealth° which° God° has taken° away° from our father° belongs to us and our children°; now° then, do° whatever°° God° has said° to you.” [1] ILit he IILit glory
[2] ILit face [3] aGn 32:9 bGn 28:15 [5] ILit face aGn 31:2 bGn 21:22; 28:13, 15; 31:29, 42, 53; Is 41:10; He 13:5 [6] aGn 30:29 [7] aGn 29:25 bGn 31:41 cGn 15:1; 31:29 [8] aGn 30:32 [9] aGn 31:1, 16 [10] IOr conceiving IILit leaping upon the flock [11] aGn 16:7-11; 22:11, 15; 31:13; 48:16 [12] ILit leaping upon the flock aEx 3:7 [13] ILit go out from aGn 28:13, 19 bGn 28:18, 20 cGn 28:15; 32:9 [15] II.e. enjoyed the benefit of IILit our money aGn 29:20, 23, 27 17 ¶ Then Jacob° arose° and put° his children° and his wives° upon camels°; 18 and he drove° away° all° his livestock° and all° his property° which° he had gathered°, his acquired° livestock° which° he had gathered° in Paddan-aram°, ato go° to the land° of Canaan° to his father° Isaac°. 19 When Laban° had gone° to shear° his flock°, then Rachel° stole° the Iahousehold° idols° that were her father’s°. 20 And Jacob° Ideceived° Laban° the Aramean° by not telling° him that he was fleeing°. 21 So he fled° with all° that he had; and he arose° and crossed° the [Euphrates] River°, and set° his face° toward the hill° country° of aGilead°. [18] aGn 35:27
[19] IHeb teraphim aGn 31:30, 34; 35:2; Jg 17:5; 1S 19:13; Ho 3:4 [20] ILit stole the heart of [21] aGn 37:25 Laban Pursues Jacob22 ¶ When it was told° Laban° on the third° day° that Jacob° had fled°, 23 then he took° his Ikinsmen° with him and pursued° him [a distance of] seven° days’° journey°, and he overtook° him in the hill° country° of Gilead°. 24 aGod° came° to Laban° the Aramean° in a bdream° of the night° and said° to him, “IcBe careful° that you do not speak° to Jacob° either° good° or° bad°.” [23] ILit brothers
[24] ILit Take heed to yourself aGn 20:3; 31:29 bGn 20:3, 6; 31:11 cGn 24:50; 31:7, 29 25 ¶ Laban° caught° up with Jacob°. Now Jacob° had pitched° his tent° in the hill° country°, and Laban° with his Ikinsmen° camped° in the hill° country° of Gilead°. 26 Then Laban° said° to Jacob°, “What° have you done° Iby deceiving° me and carrying° away° my daughters° like captives° of the sword°? 27 Why° did you flee° secretly° and Ideceive° me, and did not tell° me so that I might have sent° you away° with joy° and with songs°, with atimbrel° and with blyre°; 28 and did not allow° me ato kiss° my sons° and my daughters°? Now° you have done°° foolishly°. 29 It is in Imy power° to do° you harm°, but athe God° of your father° spoke° to me last° night°, saying°, ‘IIbBe careful° not to speak° either° good° or° bad° to Jacob°.’ 30 Now° you have indeed° gone° away because° you longed° greatly° for your father’s° house°; [but] why° did you steal° amy gods°?” 31 Then Jacob° replied° to Laban°, “Because° I was afraid°, for I thought° that you would take° your daughters° from me by force°. 32 aThe one with whom° you find° your gods° shall not live°; in the presence° of our Ikinsmen° IIpoint° out what° is yours IIIamong° my belongings° and take° [it] for yourself.” For Jacob° did not know° that Rachel° had stolen° them. [25] ILit brothers
[26] ILit and you have stolen my heart [27] ILit steal me aEx 15:20 bGn 4:21 [28] aGn 31:55 [29] ILit the power of my hand IILit Take heed to yourself aGn 31:5, 24, 42, 53 bGn 31:24 [30] aGn 31:19; Jsh 24:2; Jg 18:24 [32] ILit brothers IILit recognize IIILit with me aGn 44:9 33 ¶ So Laban° went° into Jacob’s° tent° and into Leah’s° tent° and into the tent° of the two° maids°, but he did not find° [them]. Then he went° out of Leah’s° tent° and entered° Rachel’s° tent°. 34 Now Rachel° had taken° the Ihousehold° idols° and put° them in the camel’s° saddle°, and she sat° on them. And Laban° felt° through° all° the tent° but did not find° [them]. 35 She said° to her father°, “Let not my lord° be angry° that I cannot°° arise° before°° you, for the manner° of women° is upon me.” So he searched° but did not find° the Ibhousehold° idols°. 36 ¶ Then Jacob° became° angry° and contended° with Laban°; and Jacob° said° to Laban°, “What° is my transgression°? What° is my sin° that you have hotly° pursued° me? 37 Though° you have felt° through° all° my goods°, what° have you found° of all° your household° goods°? Set° [it] here° before° my Ikinsmen° and your Ikinsmen°, that they may decide° between° us two°. 38 These° twenty° years° I [have been] with you; your ewes° and your female° goats° have not miscarried°, nor° have I eaten° the rams° of your flocks°. 39 That which was torn° [of beasts] I did not bring° to you; I bore° the loss° of it myself°. You required° it of my hand° [whether] stolen° by day° or stolen° by night°. 40 [Thus] I was: by day° the Iheat° consumed° me and the frost° by night°, and my sleep° fled° from my eyes°. 41 These° twenty° years° I have been in your house°; aI served° you fourteen°° years° for your two° daughters° and six° years° for your flock°, and you bchanged° my wages° ten° times°. 42 If° athe God° of my father°, the God° of Abraham°, and the fear° of Isaac°, had° not been° for me, surely° now° you would have sent° me away° empty-handed°. bGod° has seen° my affliction° and the toil° of my hands°, so He crendered° judgment° last° night°.” [37] ILit brothers
[40] IOr drought [41] aGn 29:27, 30 bGn 31:7 [42] aGn 31:5, 29, 53 bGn 29:32; Ex 3:7 cGn 31:24, 29 The Covenant of Mizpah43 ¶ Then Laban° replied° to Jacob°, “The daughters° are my daughters°, and the children° are my children°, and athe flocks° are my flocks°, and all° that you see° is mine. But what° can I do° this day° to these° my daughters° or° to their children° whom° they have borne°? 44 So now° come°, let us amake° a covenant°, Iyou and I, and blet it be a witness° between° IIyou and me.” 45 Then Jacob° took° aa stone° and set° it up [as] a pillar°. 46 Jacob° said° to his Ikinsmen°, “Gather° stones°.” So they took° stones° and made° a heap°, and they ate° there° by the heap°. 47 Now Laban° acalled° it IJegar-sahadutha°, but Jacob° called° it IIGaleed°. 48 Laban° said°, “aThis° heap° is a witness° between° Iyou and me this day°.” Therefore°° it was named°° Galeed°, 49 and IaMizpah°, for he said°, “May the LORD° watch° between° IIyou and me when° we are IIIabsent° one° from the other°. 50 If° you mistreat° my daughters°, or if° you take° wives° besides° my daughters°, [although] no° man° is with us, see°, aGod° is witness° between° Iyou and me.” 51 Laban° said° to Jacob°, “Behold° this° heap° and behold° the pillar° which° I have set° between° Iyou and me. 52 This° heap° is a witness°, and the pillar° is a witness°, that I will not pass° by this° heap° to you for harm, and you will not pass° by this° heap° and this° pillar° to me, for harm°. 53 aThe God° of Abraham° and the God° of Nahor°, the God° of their father°, bjudge° between° us.” So Jacob° swore° by cthe fear° of his father° Isaac°. 54 Then Jacob° aoffered° a sacrifice° on the mountain°, and called° his Ikinsmen° to IIthe meal°°; and they ate° IIIthe meal° and spent° the night° on the mountain°. 55 IEarly° in the morning° Laban° arose°, and akissed° his sons° and his daughters° and blessed° them. Then Laban° departed° and returned° to his place°. [43] aGn 31:1
[44] ILit I and you IILit me and you aGn 21:27, 32; 26:28 bJsh 24:27 [45] aGn 28:18; Jsh 24:26, 27 [46] ILit brothers [47] II.e. the heap of witness, in Aram III.e. the heap of witness, in Heb aJsh 22:34 [48] ILit me and you aJsh 24:27 [49] ILit the Mizpah; i.e. the watchtower IILit me and you IIILit hidden aJg 11:29; 1S 7:5, 6 [50] ILit me and you aJr 29:23; 42:5 [51] ILit me and you [53] aGn 28:13 bGn 16:5 cGn 31:42 [54] ILit brothers IILit eat bread IIILit bread aEx 18:12 [55] ICh 32:1 in Heb aGn 31:28, 43 Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit http://www.lockman.org. NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries Copyright © 1981, 1998 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. |
Jacob upon displeasure departeth secretly.1 ¶ And he heardºª² the wordsº of Laban'sº sons,º saying,ºª Jacobº hath taken awayºª² all² that² [was] our father's;º and of [that] which²² [was] our father'sº hath he gottenºª² all² this² glory.º 2 And Jacobº beheldºª² the countenanceº of Laban,º and, behold,² it [was] not² toward² him as¹ before.º² 3 And the LORDº saidºª unto² Jacob,º Returnºª unto² the landº of thy fathers,º and to thy kindred;º and I will be² with² thee. 4 And Jacobº sentºª and calledºª Rachelº and Leahº to the fieldº unto² his flock,º 5 And saidºª unto them, I² seeºª² your father'sº countenance,º that² it [is] not² toward² me as¹ before;º² but the Godº of my fatherº hath beenºª with² me. 6 And yeº knowºª that² with all² my powerº I have servedºª² your father.º 7 And your fatherº hath deceivedºª me, and changedºª² my wagesº tenº times;º but Godº suffered² him¹ª not² to hurtºª² me.¹ 8 If² he saidºª thus,² The speckledº shall be² thy wages;º then all² the cattleº bareºª speckled:º and if² he saidºª thus,² The ringstrakedº shall be² thy hire;º then bareºª all² the cattleº ringstraked.º 9 Thus Godº hath taken awayºª² the cattleº of your father,º and givenºª [them] to me. 10 And it came to pass² at the timeº that the cattleº conceived,ºª that I lifted upºª mine eyes,º and sawºª in a dream,º and, behold,² the ramsº which leapedºª upon² the cattleº [were] ringstraked,º speckled,º and grisled.º 11 And the angelº of Godº spakeºª unto² me in a dream,º [saying], Jacob:º And I said,ºª Here² [am] I. 12 And he said,ºª Lift upºª now² thine eyes,º and see,ºª all² the ramsº which leapºª upon² the cattleº [are] ringstraked,º speckled,º and grisled:º for² I have seenºª² all² that² Labanº doethºª unto thee. 13 I² [am] the Godº of Bethel,º where²² thou anointedstºª the pillar,º [and] where²² thou vowedstºª a vowº unto me: now² arise,ºª get thee outºª from² this² land,º and returnºª unto² the landº of thy kindred.º 14 And Rachelº and Leahº answeredºª and saidºª unto him, [Is there] yet² any portionº or inheritanceº for us in our father'sº house?º 15 Are we not² countedºª of him strangers?º for² he hath soldºª us, and hath quite¹ª devouredºª also²² our money.º 16 For² all² the richesº which² Godº hath takenºª from our father,º² that² [is] ours, and our children's:º now² then, whatsoever²² Godº hath saidºª unto² thee, do.ºª [1] Gn 31:8; 45:13; Es 5:11; Jb 31:24, 31; Ps 17:14; 49:16; 57:4; 64:3; 120:3; Pv 14:30; 27:4; Ec 4:4; Is 5:14; Jr 9:23; Ezk 16:44; Mt 4:8; 1Ti 6:4; Tit 3:3; 1P 1:24.
[2] Gn 4:5; 30:27; Ex 4:10; Dt 19:4; 28:54; 1S 18:9; 19:7; Dn 3:19. [3] Gn 13:15; 21:22; 26:3, 24; 28:4, 13, 15, 20; 30:25; 31:13, 18; 32:9; 35:1; 46:2; 50:24; Ps 46:1; 50:15; 90:15; Is 41:10; He 13:5. [5] Gn 31:2, 3, 13, 42, 53; 32:9; 48:15; 50:17. [6] Gn 30:29; 31:38; Ep 6:5; Col 3:22; Tit 2:9; 1P 2:18. [7] Gn 20:6; 31:29, 41; Lv 26:26; Nu 14:22; Ne 4:12; Jb 1:10; 19:8; Ps 37:28; 105:14; Is 4:1; 54:17; Zc 8:23. [8] Gn 30:32. [9] Gn 31:1, 16; Es 8:1; Ps 50:10; Pv 13:22; Mt 20:15. [10] Gn 20:6; 28:12; 30:39; 31:24; Nu 12:6; Dt 13:1; 1K 3:5. [11] Gn 16:7; 18:1, 17; 22:1; 31:5, 13; 48:15; Ex 3:4; 1S 3:4, 6, 8, 16; Is 58:9. [12] Gn 30:37; 31:42; Ex 3:7, 9; Lv 19:13; Dt 24:15; Ps 12:5; 139:3; Ec 5:8; Ac 7:34; Ep 6:9. [13] Gn 28:12; 31:3; 32:9; 35:7. [14] Gn 2:24; 29:24, 29; Ru 4:11. [15] Gn 29:15, 27; 30:26; 31:41; Ex 21:7; Ne 5:8. [16] Gn 30:35; 31:1, 9; Ps 45:10. 17 ¶ Then Jacobº rose up,ºª and setºª² his sonsº and his wivesº upon² camels;º 18 And he carried awayºª² all² his cattle,º and all² his goodsº which² he had gotten,ºª the cattleº of his getting,º which² he had gottenºª in Padanaram,º for to goºª to² Isaacº his fatherº in the landº of Canaan.º Rachel stealeth her father's images.19 And Labanº wentºª to shearºª² his sheep:º and Rachelº had stolenºª² the imagesº that² [were] her father's.º 20 And Jacobº stole awayºª² unawaresº to Labanº the Syrian,º in thatº he toldºª him notº that² he² fled.ºª 21 So he² fledºª with all² that² he had; and he rose up,ºª and passed overºª² the river,º and setºª² his faceº [toward] the mountº Gilead.º [19] Gn 31:30, 32; 35:2; Jsh 24:2; Jg 17:4; 18:14, 31; 1S 19:13; Ezk 21:21; Ho 3:4.
[20] Gn 31:20, 27. [21] Gn 2:14; 15:18; 31:23; 46:28; Nu 24:1; 32:1; Dt 3:12; Jsh 13:8; 24:2; Jg 10:18; 1K 17:1; 2K 12:17; Jr 50:5; Lk 9:51. Laban pursueth after Jacob,22 And it was toldºª Labanº on the thirdº dayº that² Jacobº was fled.ºª 23 And he tookºª² his brethrenº with² him, and pursuedºª after² him¹ sevenº days'º journey;º and they overtookºª him in the mountº Gilead.º 24 And Godº cameºª to² Labanº the Syrianº in a dreamº by night,º and saidºª unto him, Take heedºª that² thou speakºª not toº Jacobº either goodº² orº bad.º [22] Gn 30:36; Ex 14:5; Jb 5:12.
[23] Gn 13:8; 24:27; Ex 2:11, 13. [24] Gn 20:3; 24:50; 28:5; 31:10, 29, 42; 40:5; 41:1; Nu 12:6; 22:20, 26; 24:13; Dt 26:5; 2S 13:22; 1K 3:5; Jb 33:15, 25; Ps 105:14; Is 37:29; Ho 12:12; Mt 1:20; 2:12; 27:19. 25 ¶ Then Labanº overtookºª² Jacob.º Now Jacobº had pitchedºª² his tentº in the mount:º and Labanº with² his brethrenº pitchedºª in the mountº of Gilead.º and complaineth of the wrong.26 And Labanº saidºª to Jacob,º What² hast thou done,ºª that thou hast stolen awayºª² unawaresº to me, and carried awayºª² my daughters,º as captivesºª [taken] with the sword?º 27 Wherefore² didst thou flee away¹ª² secretly,¹ª² and steal awayºª from me; and didst not² tellºª me, that I might have sent thee awayºª with mirth,º and with songs,º with tabret,º and with harp?º 28 And hast not² sufferedºª me to kissºª my sonsº and my daughters?º thou hast now² done foolishlyºª in [so] doing.ºª 29 It isº in the powerº of my handº to doºª you hurt:º but the Godº of your fatherº spakeºª unto² me yesternight,º saying,ºª Take thou heedºª that thou speak²² not¹ª to² Jacobº either goodº² or² bad.º 30 And now,² [though] thou wouldest needs¹ª be gone,ºª because² thou sore¹ª longedstºª after thy father'sº house,º [yet] wherefore² hast thou stolenºª² my gods?º 31 And Jacobº answeredºª and saidºª to Laban,º Because² I was afraid:ºª for² I said,ºª Peradventureº thou wouldest take by forceºª² thy daughtersº from²² me. 32 With² whomsoeverº thou findestºª² thy gods,º let him not² live:ºª beforeº our brethrenº discernºª thou what² [is] thine with² me, and takeºª [it] to thee. For Jacobº knewºª not² that² Rachelº had stolenºª them. 33 And Labanº wentºª into Jacob'sº tent,º and into Leah'sº tent,º and into the twoº maidservants'º tents;º but he foundºª [them] not.² Then went² he out¹ª of Leah's¹ tent,º²² and enteredºª into Rachel'sº tent.º [26] Gn 2:24; 3:13; 4:10; 12:18; 20:9; 26:10; 31:16, 36; 34:29; Jsh 7:19; 1S 14:43; 17:29; 30:2; Jn 18:35.
[27] Gn 24:59; 31:3, 20, 31; Ex 15:20; Jg 6:27; Jb 21:11; Pv 26:23. [28] Gn 29:13; 31:3, 13, 24, 55; Ex 4:27; Ru 1:9, 14; 1S 13:13; 1K 19:20; 2Ch 16:9; Ac 20:37; 1Co 2:14. [29] Gn 28:13; 31:24, 42, 53; Jsh 24:2; 2K 19:10; Ps 52:1; Dn 2:47; 3:28; 6:20, 26; Jn 19:10; Ac 5:38; 9:5. [30] Gn 31:19; Ex 12:12; Nu 33:4; Jg 6:31; 18:24; 1S 5:2; 2S 5:21; Is 37:19; 46:1; Jr 10:11; 43:12. [31] Gn 20:11; 31:26; Pv 29:25. [32] Gn 13:8; 19:7; 30:33; 31:19, 23, 30; 44:9; 1S 12:3; 14:24; 2Co 8:20; 12:17. [33] Gn 24:28, 67. Rachel's policy to hide the images.34 Now Rachelº had takenºª² the images,º and putºª them in the camel'sº furniture,º and satºª upon² them. And Labanº searchedºª² all² the tent,º but foundºª [them] not.² 35 And she saidºª to² her father,º Let it not² displeaseººª my lordº that² I cannotºª² rise upºª before²² thee;¹ for² the customº of womenº [is] upon me. And he searched,ºª but foundºª not²² the images.º Jacob's complaint of Laban.36 ¶ And Jacobº was wroth,ºª and chodeºª with Laban:º and Jacobº answeredºª and saidºª to Laban,º What² [is] my trespass?º what² [is] my sin,º that² thou hast so hotly pursuedºª after² me?¹ 37 Whereasº thou hast searchedºª² all² my stuff,º what² hast thou foundºª of all²² thy householdº stuff?º setºª [it] hereº before² my brethrenº and thy brethren,º that they may judgeºª betwixtº us both.º 38 This² twentyº yearsº [have] I² [been] with² thee; thy ewesº and thy she goatsº have not² cast their young,ºª and the ramsº of thy flockº have I not² eaten.ºª 39 That which was tornº [of beasts] I broughtºª not² unto² thee; I² bare the lossºª of it; of my handº² didst thou requireºª it, [whether] stolenºª by day,º or stolenºª by night.º 40 [Thus] I was;² in the dayº the droughtº consumedºª me, and the frostº by night;º and my sleepº departedºª from mine eyes.º² 41 Thus² have I been twentyº yearsº in thy house;º I served² thee¹ª fourteenºº yearsº for thy twoº daughters,º and sixº yearsº for thy cattle:º and thou hast changedºª² my wagesº tenº times.º 42 Exceptº the Godº of my father,º the Godº of Abraham,º and the fearº of Isaac,º had been² with me, surely² thou hadst sent me awayºª now² empty.º Godº hath seenºª² mine afflictionº and the labourº of my hands,º and rebukedºª [thee] yesternight.º [36] Gn 30:2; 34:7; 49:7; Nu 16:15; 2K 5:11; 13:19; Pv 28:1; Mk 3:5; Ep 4:26; Jm 1:19.
[37] Gn 31:32; Jsh 7:23; 1S 12:3; Mt 18:16; 1Co 6:4; 1Th 2:10; He 13:18; 1P 2:12; 3:16. [38] Gn 30:27, 30; 31:41; Ex 23:26; Dt 28:4; Ezk 34:2. [39] Ex 22:10, 31; Lv 22:8; 1S 17:34; Lk 2:8; Jn 10:12. [40] Ex 2:19; 3:1; Ps 78:70; Ho 12:12; Lk 2:8; Jn 21:15; He 13:7; 1P 5:2. [41] Gn 29:18; 30:33; 31:7, 38; 1Co 15:10; 2Co 11:26. [42] Gn 11:5; 16:11, 13; 27:33; 29:32; 31:12, 24, 29, 53; Ex 3:7; 1Ch 12:17; Ps 31:7; 76:11; 124:1; Is 8:13; Jde 1:9. The covenant of Laban and Jacob at Galeed.43 ¶ And Labanº answeredºª and saidºª unto² Jacob,º [These] daughtersº [are] my daughters,º and [these] childrenº [are] my children,º and [these] cattleº [are] my cattle,º and all² that² thou² seestºª [is] mine: and what² can I doºª this dayº unto these² my daughters,º orº unto their childrenº which² they have born?ºª 44 Now² therefore come² thou,¹ª let us makeºª a covenant,º I² and thou;² and let it be² for a witnessº between² me and thee. 45 And Jacobº tookºª a stone,º and set it upºª [for] a pillar.º 46 And Jacobº saidºª unto his brethren,º Gatherºª stones;º and they tookºª stones,º and madeºª an heap:º and they did eatºª there² upon² the heap.º 47 And Labanº calledºª it Jegarsahadutha:º but Jacobº calledºª it Galeed.º 48 And Labanº said,ºª This² heapº [is] a witnessº between² me and thee this day.º Therefore²² was the nameº of it calledºª Galeed;º 49 And Mizpah;º forº he said,ºª The LORDº watchºª between² me and thee, when² we are absentºª oneº from another.º² 50 If² thou shalt afflictºª² my daughters,º or if² thou shalt takeºª [other] wivesº besideº my daughters,º no² manº [is] with² us; see,ºª Godº [is] witnessº betwixt² me and thee. 51 And Labanº saidºª to Jacob,º Behold² this² heap,º and behold² [this] pillar,º which² I have castºª betwixt² me and thee; 52 This² heapº [be] witness,º and [this] pillarº [be] witness,º that² I² will not² pass overºª² this² heapº to² thee, and that² thou² shalt not² pass overºª² this² heapº and this² pillarº unto² me, for harm.º 53 The Godº of Abraham,º and the Godº of Nahor,º the Godº of their father,º judgeºª betwixt² us. And Jacobº swareºª by the fearº of his fatherº Isaac.º 54 Then Jacobº offeredºª sacrificeº upon the mount,º and calledºª his brethrenº to eatºª bread:º and they did eatºª bread,º and tarried all nightºª in the mount.º 55 And early¹ª in the morningº Labanº rose up,ºª and kissedºª his sonsº and his daughters,º and blessedºª them: and Labanº departed,¹ª² and returnedºª unto his place.º [44] Gn 15:18; 21:22, 30; 26:28; 31:48, 52; Dt 31:19, 21, 26; Jsh 22:27; 24:25; 1S 20:14.
[45] Gn 28:18. [46] Gn 31:23, 32, 37, 54; Jsh 4:5, 20; 7:26; Jg 2:1; 3:19; 20:1; 1S 7:16; 10:8, 17; 11:15; 13:7; 15:33; 2S 18:17; 19:15, 40; 2K 2:1; Ec 3:5. [47] He 12:1. [48] Gn 31:23; Dt 2:36; 3:16; Jsh 13:8; 24:27. [49] Jg 10:17; 11:11, 29; 1S 7:5; 1K 15:22; Ho 5:1. [50] Lv 18:18; Jg 11:10; 1S 12:5; Jr 29:23; 42:5; Mi 1:2; Mal 2:14; 3:5; Mt 19:5; 1Th 2:5. [51] Gn 31:45, 51. [52] Gn 31:44, 48. [53] Gn 11:24, 31; 14:22; 16:5; 17:7; 21:23; 22:20; 24:3; 26:28; 31:42; Ex 3:6; Dt 6:13; Jsh 24:2. [54] Gn 21:8; 26:30; 37:25; Ex 18:12; 2S 3:20. [55] Gn 18:33; 24:60; 28:1; 30:25; 31:28; 33:4; Nu 23:5, 8, 11; 24:25; Dt 23:5; 32:36; Ru 1:14; Ps 76:10; Pv 16:7; Ac 28:4. ©2011 by First Gospel Publications, Zion, Ill. All rights reserved. For downloads and more information please visit www.FirstGospel.com. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Chaldee and Greek Dictionaries Featuring the qBible.com Living Strong's Lexical Map ©2003 by The WWW Chat Bible Compages. All rights reserved. For how to use color-coding please view [www.ChatBible.com/key.asp]. |
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