NASB — Judges 3 — KJV

Idolatry Leads to Servitude

1 aNow these° are the nations° which° the LORD° left°, to test° Israel° by them ([that is], all° who° had not Iexperienced° any° of the wars° of Canaan°; 2 only° in order° that the generations° of the sons° of Israel° might Ibe taught° war°, IIthose° who° had not IIIexperienced° it formerly°). 3 [These nations are]: the five° lords° of the Philistines° and all° the Canaanites° and the Sidonians° and athe Hivites° who lived° in Mount° Lebanon°, from Mount° Baal-hermon° as far° as ILebo-hamath°. 4 They were for Iatesting° Israel°, to find° out if they would IIobey° the commandments° of the LORD°, which° He had commanded° their fathers° IIIthrough° Moses°. 5 aThe sons° of Israel° lived° among° the Canaanites°, the Hittites°, the Amorites°, the Perizzites°, the Hivites°, and the Jebusites°; 6 and athey took° their daughters° for themselves as wives°, and gave° their own daughters° to their sons°, and served° their gods°.

[1] ILit known aJg 1:1; 2:21, 22
[2] ILit know, to teach them IILit only IIILit known
[3] IOr the entrance of Hamath aJsh 9:7; 11:19
[4] ILit testing by them IILit hear IIILit by the hand of aDt 8:2
[5] aPs 106:35
[6] aEx 34:15, 16; Dt 7:3, 4; Jsh 23:12

7 ¶ The sons° of Israel° did° awhat° was evil° in the sight° of the LORD°, and bforgot° the LORD° their God° and cserved° the Baals° and the IAsheroth°. 8 Then the anger° of the LORD° was kindled° against Israel°, so that He sold° them into the hands° of Cushan-rishathaim° king° of IMesopotamia°; and the sons° of Israel° served° Cushan-rishathaim° eight° years°.

[7] II.e. wooden symbol of a female deity aJg 2:11 bDt 4:9 cJg 2:13
[8] IHeb Aram-naharaim

The First Judge Delivers Israel

9 When the sons° of Israel° cried° to the LORD°, the LORD° raised° up a deliverer° for the sons° of Israel° to deliver° them, aOthniel° the son° of Kenaz°, Caleb’s° younger° brother°. 10 aThe Spirit° of the LORD° came° upon him, and he judged° Israel°. When he went° out to war°, the LORD° gave° Cushan-rishathaim° king° of IMesopotamia° into his hand°, so that IIhe prevailed°° over° Cushan-rishathaim°. 11 Then the land° had° rest° forty° years°. And Othniel° the son° of Kenaz° died°.

[9] aJg 1:13
[10] IHeb Aram IILit his hand was strong aNu 11:25-29; 24:2

12 ¶ Now the sons° of Israel° again° adid° evil° in the sight° of the LORD°. So bthe LORD° strengthened° Eglon° the king° of Moab° against° Israel°, because°° they had done° evil° in the sight° of the LORD°. 13 And he gathered° to himself the sons° of Ammon° and Amalek°; and he went° and Idefeated° Israel°, and they possessed° athe city° of the palm° trees°. 14 The sons° of Israel° served° Eglon° the king° of Moab° eighteen°° years°.

[12] aJg 2:11 bJg 2:14
[13] ILit smote aDt 34:3; Jg 1:16

Ehud Delivers from Moab

15 ¶ But when the sons° of Israel° acried° to the LORD°, the LORD° raised° up a deliverer° for them, Ehud° the son° of Gera°, the Benjamite°, a left-handed°°° man°. And the sons° of Israel° sent° tribute° by Ihim to Eglon° the king° of Moab°. 16 Ehud° made° himself a sword° which had two° edges°, a cubit° in length°, and he bound° it on his right° thigh° under° his cloak°. 17 He presented° the tribute° to Eglon° king° of Moab°. Now Eglon° was a very° fat° man°. 18 It came° about when° he had finished° presenting° the tribute°, that he sent° away° the people° who had carried° the tribute°. 19 But he himself° turned° back° from the idols° which° were at Gilgal°, and said°, “I have a secret° message° for you, O king°.” And he said°, “Keep° silence°.” And all° who attended° him left° him. 20 Ehud° came° to him while he was sitting° alone° in his cool° roof° chamber°. And Ehud° said°, “I have a message° from God° for you.” And he arose° from his seat°. 21 Ehud° stretched° out his left° hand°, took° the sword° from his right° thigh° and thrust° it into his belly°. 22 The handle° also° went° in after° the blade°, and the fat° closed° over° the blade°, for he did not draw° the sword° out of his belly°; and the refuse° came° out. 23 Then Ehud° went° out into the vestibule° and shut° the doors° of the roof° chamber° behind° him, and locked° [them].

[15] ILit his hand aPs 78:34

24 ¶ When he had gone° out, his servants° came° and looked°, and behold°, the doors° of the roof° chamber° were locked°; and they said°, “aHe is only° Irelieving°° himself in the cool° room°.” 25 They waited° until° they Ibecame° anxious°; but behold°, he did not open° the doors° of the roof° chamber°. Therefore they took° the key° and opened° them, and behold°, their master° had fallen° to the IIfloor° dead°.

[24] ILit covering his feet a1S 24:3
[25] ILit were ashamed IILit earth

26 ¶ Now Ehud° escaped° while° they were delaying°, and he passed° by the idols° and escaped° to Seirah°. 27 It came° about when he had arrived°, that ahe blew° the trumpet° in the hill° country° of Ephraim°; and the sons° of Israel° went° down° with him from the hill° country°, and he [was] in front° of them. 28 He said° to them, “Pursue° [them], for the LORD° has given° your enemies° the Moabites° into your hands°.” So they went° down° after° him and seized° athe fords° of the Jordan° opposite Moab°, and did not allow° anyone° to cross°. 29 They struck° down° at that time° about ten° thousand° Moabites°, all° robust° and valiant° men°; and no° one° escaped°. 30 So Moab° was subdued° that day° under° the hand° of Israel°. And the land° was undisturbed° for eighty° years°.

[27] aJg 6:34; 1S 13:3
[28] aJg 7:24; 12:5

Shamgar Delivers from Philistines

31 ¶ After° him came° aShamgar° the son° of Anath°, who struck° down° six° hundred° Philistines° with an oxgoad°; and he also° saved° Israel°.

[31] aJg 5:6

New American Standard Bible
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The nations which were left to prove Israel.

1 ¶ Now these² [are] the nationsº which² the LORDº left,¹ª² to proveºª² Israelº by them, [even]² as many²² [of Israel] as had not² knownºª² all² the warsº of Canaan;º 2 Only² that¹² the generationsº of the childrenº of Israelº might know,ºª to teachºª them war,º at the least² such as² beforeº knewºª nothing² thereof; 3 [Namely], fiveº lordsº of the Philistines,º and all² the Canaanites,º and the Sidonians,º and the Hivitesº that dweltºª in mountº Lebanon,º from mountº² Baalhermonº unto² the entering inºª of Hamath.º 4 And they were² to proveºª² Israelº by them, to knowºª whether they would hearkenºª unto² the commandmentsº of the LORD,º which² he commandedºª² their fathersº by the handº of Moses.º

[1] Dt 7:22; 8:2, 16; Jg 2:10, 21; 2Ch 32:31; Jb 23:10; Pv 17:3; Jr 6:27; 17:9; Zc 13:9; Jn 2:24; 1P 1:7; 4:12; Rv 2:23.
[2] Gn 2:17; 3:5, 7; 2Ch 12:8; Mt 10:34; Jn 16:33; 1Co 9:26; Ep 6:11; 1Ti 6:12; 2Ti 2:3; 4:7.
[3] Gn 10:15; 49:13; Nu 13:29; 34:8; Dt 1:7; 3:9; Jsh 11:3, 8; 13:3, 5; 19:28; Jg 4:2, 23; 10:7, 12; 14:4; 18:7; 1S 4:1; 6:18; 13:5, 19; 29:2.
[4] Ex 15:25; Dt 33:8; Jg 2:22; 3:1; 1Co 11:19; 2Th 2:9.

By communion with them they commit idolatry.

5 ¶ And the childrenº of Israelº dweltºª amongº the Canaanites,º Hittites,º and Amorites,º and Perizzites,º and Hivites,º and Jebusites:º 6 And they tookºª² their daughtersº to be their wives,º and gaveºª their daughtersº to their sons,º and servedºª² their gods.º 7 And the childrenº of Israelº didºª² evilº in the sightº of the LORD,º and forgatºª² the LORDº their God,º and servedºª² Baalimº and the groves.º

[5] Gn 10:15; 15:19; Ex 3:8, 17; Dt 7:1; Jsh 9:1; Jg 1:29; Ne 9:8; Ps 106:34.
[6] Ex 34:16; Dt 7:3; 1K 11:1; Ezr 9:11; Ne 13:23; Ezk 16:3.
[7] Ex 34:13; Dt 16:21; Jg 2:11; 3:12; 6:25; 1K 16:33; 18:19; 2K 23:6, 14; 2Ch 15:16; 24:18; 33:3, 19; 34:3, 7.

Othniel delivereth them from Cushan-rishathaim,

8 ¶ Therefore the angerº of the LORDº was hotºª against Israel,º and he soldºª them into the handº of Chushanrishathaimº kingº of Mesopotamia:º and the childrenº of Israelº servedºª² Chushanrishathaimº eightº years.º 9 And when the childrenº of Israelº criedºª unto² the LORD,º the LORDº raised upºª a delivererºª to the childrenº of Israel,º who deliveredºª them, [even]² Othnielº the sonº of Kenaz,º Caleb'sº youngerº brother.º 10 And the Spiritº of the LORDº came² upon² him, and he judgedºª² Israel,º and went outºª to war:º and the LORDº deliveredºª² Chushanrishathaimº kingº of Mesopotamiaº into his hand;º and his handº prevailedºª against² Chushanrishathaim.º 11 And the landº had restºª fortyº years.º And Othnielº the sonº of Kenazº died.ºª

[8] Ex 22:24; Dt 29:20; 32:30; Jg 2:14, 20; 4:9; 1S 12:9; Ps 6:1; 85:3; Is 50:1; Hab 3:7; Ro 7:14.
[9] Jg 1:13; 2:16; 3:15; 4:3; 6:7; 10:10; 1S 12:10; Ne 9:27; Ps 22:5; 78:34; 106:41; 107:13.
[10] Nu 11:17; 27:18; Jg 6:34; 11:29; 13:25; 14:6, 19; 1S 10:6; 11:6; 16:13; 2Ch 15:1; 20:14; Ps 51:11; 1Co 12:4; He 6:4.
[11] Jsh 11:23; 15:17; Jg 3:9, 30; 5:31; 8:28; 1Ch 4:13; Es 9:22.

Ehud from Eglon,

12 ¶ And the childrenº of Israelº didºª evilº againºª in the sightº of the LORD:º and the LORDº strengthenedºª² Eglonº the kingº of Moabº against² Israel,º because²² they had doneºª² evilº in the sightº of the LORD.º 13 And he gatheredºª unto² him² the childrenº of Ammonº and Amalek,º and went¹ª² and smoteºª² Israel,º and possessedºª² the cityº of palm trees.ºª¹ 14 So the childrenº of Israelº servedºª² Eglonº the kingº of Moabº eighteenºº years.º 15 But when the childrenº of Israelº criedºª unto² the LORD,º the LORDº raised them upºª a deliverer,ºª² Ehud¹² the sonº of Gera,º a Benjamite,º² a manº lefthanded:ºº² and by himº the childrenº of Israelº sentºª a presentº unto Eglonº the kingº of Moab.º 16 But Ehud¹² madeºª him a daggerº which had twoº edges,º of a cubitº length;º and he did girdºª it under²² his raimentº upon² his rightº thigh.º 17 And he broughtºª² the presentº unto Eglonº kingº of Moab:º and Eglonº [was] a veryº fatº man.º 18 And when² he had made an endºª to offerºª² the present,º he sent awayºª² the peopleº that bareºª the present.º 19 But he² himself turned againºª from² the quarriesº that² [were] by² Gilgal,º and said,ºª I have a secretº errandº unto thee, O king:º who said,ºª Keep silence.ºª And all² that stoodºª by him went outºª from²² him. 20 And Ehud¹² cameºª unto² him; and he² was sittingºª in a summerº parlour,º which² he had for himself alone.² And Ehud¹² said,ºª I have a messageº from Godº unto² thee. And he aroseºª out of²² [his] seat.º 21 And Ehud¹² put forthºª² his leftº hand,º and tookºª² the daggerº from²² his rightº thigh,º and thrustºª it into his belly:º 22 And the haftº also² went inºª afterº the blade;º and the fatº closedºª uponº the blade,º so that² he could not² drawºª the daggerº out of his belly;º² and the dirtº came out.ºª 23 Then Ehud¹² went forthºª through the porch,º and shutºª the doorsº of the parlourº upon him,² and lockedºª them. 24 When he² was gone out,ºª his servantsº came;ºª and when they sawºª that, behold,² the doorsº of the parlourº [were] locked,ºª they said,ºª Surely² he² coverethºª² his feetº in his summerº chamber.º 25 And they tarriedºª till² they were ashamed:ºª and, behold,² he openedºª not² the doorsº of the parlour;º therefore they tookºª² a key,º and openedºª [them]: and, behold,² their lordº [was] fallen downºª deadºª on the earth.º 26 And Ehud¹² escapedºª while² they tarried,ºª and passed beyondºª² the quarries,º and escapedºª unto Seirath.º 27 And it came to pass,² when he was come,ºª that he blewºª a trumpetº in the mountainº of Ephraim,º and the childrenº of Israelº went downºª with² him from² the mount,º and he² beforeº them. 28 And he saidºª unto² them, Followºª afterº me: for² the LORDº hath deliveredºª² your enemiesºª² the Moabitesº into your hand.º And they went downºª afterº him, and tookºª² the fordsº of Jordanº toward Moab,º and sufferedºª not² a manº to pass over.ºª 29 And they slewºª of² Moabº at that² timeº about tenº thousandº men,º all² lusty,º and all² menº of valour;º and there escapedºª not² a man.º 30 So Moabº was subduedºª that² dayº under² the handº of Israel.º And the landº had restºª fourscoreº years.º

[12] Ex 9:16; Jg 2:19; 1S 12:9; 2K 5:1; Is 10:15; 37:26; 45:1; Ezk 38:16; Dn 4:22; 5:18; Ho 6:4; Jn 19:11.
[13] Dt 34:3; Jg 1:16; 5:14; Ps 83:6, 7.
[14] Lv 26:23; Dt 28:40, 47.
[15] Jg 3:9; 20:16; 1S 10:27; 1Ch 12:2; Ps 44:3; 50:15; 78:34; 90:15; Pv 18:16; 19:6; 21:14; Is 36:16; Jr 29:12; 33:3.
[16] Jg 3:21; Ps 45:3; 149:6; So 3:8; He 4:12; Rv 1:16; 2:12.
[17] Jg 3:29; 1S 2:29; Jb 15:27; Ps 73:7, 19; Jr 5:28; 50:11; Ezk 34:20.
[19] Gn 45:1; Jsh 4:20; Jg 3:20; 2K 9:5; Ac 23:18.
[20] Jg 3:19; 2S 12:1; 24:12; Ps 29:1; Jr 10:7; Am 3:15; Mi 6:9.
[21] Nu 25:7; 1S 15:33; Jb 20:25; Zc 13:3; 2Co 5:16.
[22] Jg 3:22.
[24] 1S 24:3.
[26] Jg 3:19.
[27] Jsh 17:15, 18; Jg 5:14; 6:34; 7:24; 17:1; 19:1; 1S 13:3; 2S 20:22; 2K 9:13.
[28] Jsh 2:7; Jg 4:10; 7:9, 15, 17; 12:5; 1S 17:47.
[29] Dt 32:15; Jg 3:17; Jb 15:27; Ps 17:10.
[30] Jg 3:11; 5:31.

Shamgar from the Philistines.

31 ¶ And afterº him was² Shamgarº the sonº of Anath,º which slewºª of² the Philistinesº sixº hundredº menº with an oxº goad:º and he² also² deliveredºª² Israel.º

[31] Jg 2:16; 4:1, 3; 5:6, 8; 10:7, 17; 11:4; 15:15; 1S 4:1; 13:19; 17:47, 50; 1Co 1:17.

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