NASB — Leviticus 19 — KJV

Idolatry Forbidden

1 Then the LORD° spoke° to Moses°, saying°:

2 ¶ “Speak° to all° the congregation° of the sons° of Israel° and say° to them, ‘aYou shall be holy°, for I the LORD° your God° am holy°. 3 Every° one° of you ashall reverence° his mother° and his father°, and you shall keep° bMy sabbaths°; cI am the LORD° your God°. 4 Do not turn° to aidols° or make° for yourselves molten° bgods°; I am the LORD° your God°.

[2] aEx 19:6; Lv 11:44; 20:7, 26; Ep 1:4; 1P 1:16
[3] aEx 20:12; 31:13; Dt 5:16 bEx 20:8 cLv 11:44
[4] aLv 26:1; Ps 96:5; 115:4-7 bEx 20:23; 34:17

5 ¶ ‘Now when° you offer° a sacrifice° of peace° offerings° to the LORD°, you shall offer° it so that you may be accepted°. 6 It shall be eaten° the same day° you offer° [it], and the next° day°; but what remains° until° the third° day° shall be burned° with fire°. 7 So if° it is eaten° at all° on the third° day°, it is an offense°; it will not be accepted°. 8 Everyone who eats° it will bear° his iniquity°, for he has profaned° the holy° thing° of the LORD°; and that person° shall be cut° off° from his people°.

Sundry Laws

9 ¶ ‘aNow when you reap° the harvest° of your land°, you shall not reap° to the very corners° of your field°, nor° shall you gather° the gleanings° of your harvest°. 10 Nor° shall you glean° your vineyard°, nor° shall you gather° the fallen° fruit° of your vineyard°; you shall leave° them for the needy° and for the stranger°. I am the LORD° your God°.

[9] aLv 23:22; Dt 24:20-22

11 ¶ ‘aYou shall not steal°, nor° deal° falsely°, bnor° lie° to one° another°. 12 aYou shall not swear° falsely° by My name°, so as to bprofane° the name° of your God°; I am the LORD°.

[11] aEx 20:15, 16 bJr 9:3-5; Ep 4:25
[12] aEx 20:7; Dt 5:11; Mt 5:33 bLv 18:21

13 ¶ ‘aYou shall not oppress° your neighbor°, nor° rob° [him]. bThe wages° of a hired° man° are not to remain° with you all night° until° morning°. 14 You shall not curse° a deaf° man°, nor° aplace° a stumbling° block° before° the blind°, but you shall revere° your God°; I am the LORD°.

[13] aEx 22:7-15, 21-27 bDt 24:15; Jm 5:4
[14] aDt 27:18

15 ¶ ‘aYou shall do° no° injustice° in judgment°; you shall not be partial°° to the poor° nor° defer°° to the great°, but you are to judge° your neighbor° fairly°. 16 You shall not go° about as aa slanderer° among your people°, and you are not to Iact° against° the IIblife° of your neighbor°; I am the LORD°.

[15] aEx 23:3, 6; Dt 1:17; 10:17; 16:19
[16] ILit stand IILit blood aPs 15:3; Jr 6:28; 9:4; Ezk 22:9 bEx 23:7; Dt 27:25

17 ¶ ‘You ashall not hate° your Ifellow° countryman° in your heart°; you bmay surely° reprove° your neighbor°, but shall not incur° sin° because° of him. 18 aYou shall not take° vengeance°, bnor° bear° any grudge° against° the sons° of your people°, but cyou shall love° your neighbor° as yourself; I am the LORD°.

[17] ILit brother a1 Jn 2:9, 11; 3:15 bMt 18:15; Lk 17:3
[18] aDt 32:35; Ro 12:19; He 10:30 bPs 103:9 cMt 19:19; Mk 12:31; Lk 10:27; Ro 13:9; Ga 5:14; Jm 2:8

19 ¶ ‘You are to keep° My statutes°. You shall not breed° together° two° kinds° of your cattle°; ayou shall not sow° your field° with two° kinds° of seed, nor° wear° a garment° upon you of two° kinds° of material° mixed° together°.

[19] aDt 22:9, 11

20 ¶ ‘aNow if° a man° lies° carnally°° with a woman° who° is a slave° acquired° for [another] man°, but who has in no° way° been redeemed° nor° given° her freedom°, there shall be punishment°; they shall not, [however], be put° to death°, because° she was not free°. 21 He shall bring° his guilt° offering° to the LORD° to the doorway° of the tent° of meeting°, aa ram° for a guilt° offering°. 22 The priest° shall also make° atonement° for him with the ram° of the guilt° offering° before° the LORD° for his sin° which° he has committed°, and the sin° which° he has committed° will be forgiven° him.

[20] aDt 22:23-27
[21] aLv 6:1-7

23 ¶ ‘When° you enter° the land° and plant° all° kinds of trees° for food°, then you shall count° their fruit° as Iforbidden°. Three° years° it shall be Iforbidden° to you; [it] shall not be eaten°. 24 But in the fourth° year° all° its fruit° shall be holy°, an offering of praise° to the LORD°. 25 In the fifth° year° you are to eat° of its fruit°, that its yield° may increase° for you; I am the LORD° your God°.

[23] ILit uncircumcised

26 ¶ ‘You shall not eat° [anything] awith the blood°, nor° practice° bdivination° or soothsaying°. 27 aYou shall not round° off the side-growth° of your heads° nor° harm° the edges° of your beard°. 28 You shall not make° any cuts° in your Ibody° for the IIdead° nor° make° any tattoo°° marks° on yourselves: I am the LORD°.

[26] aGn 9:4; Lv 7:26f; 17:10; Dt 12:16, 23 bDt 18:10; 2K 17:17
[27] aLv 21:5; Dt 14:1
[28] ILit flesh IILit soul

29 ¶ ‘aDo not Iprofane° your daughter° by making° her a harlot°, so that the land° will not fall° to harlotry° and the land° become° full° of lewdness°. 30 You shall akeep° My sabbaths° and brevere° My sanctuary°; I am the LORD°.

[29] IOr degrade aLv 21:9; Dt 22:21; 23:17, 18
[30] aLv 19:3 bLv 26:2

31 ¶ ‘Do not turn° to Iamediums° or spiritists°; do not seek° them out to be defiled° by them. I am the LORD° your God°.

[31] IOr ghosts or spirits aLv 20:6, 27; Dt 18:11; 1S 28:3; Is 8:19

32 ¶ ‘aYou shall rise° up before°° the grayheaded° and honor° the Iaged°°, and you shall revere° your God°; I am the LORD°.

[32] ILit face of the aged aPv 23:22; Lm 5:12; 1Ti 5:1

33 ¶ ‘aWhen° a stranger° resides° with you in your land°, you shall not do° him wrong°. 34 The stranger° who resides° with you shall be to you as the native° among° you, and ayou shall love° him as yourself, for you were aliens° in the land° of Egypt°; I am the LORD° your God°.

[33] aEx 22:21; Dt 24:17, 18
[34] aLv 19:18

35 ¶ ‘aYou shall do° no° wrong° in judgment°, in measurement° of weight°, or capacity°. 36 You shall have° ajust° balances°, just° weights°, a just° Iephah°, and a just° IIhin°; I am the LORD° your God°, who° brought° you out from the land° of Egypt°. 37 You shall thus observe° all° My statutes° and all° My ordinances° and do° them; I am the LORD°.’”

[35] aDt 25:13-16; Ezk 45:10
[36] II.e. Approx one bu III.e. Approx one gal. aDt 25:13-15; Pv 20:10

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A repetition of sundry laws.

1 ¶ And the LORDº spakeºª unto² Moses,º saying,ºª 2 Speakºª unto² all² the congregationº of the childrenº of Israel,º and sayºª unto² them, Ye shall be² holy:º for² I² the LORDº your Godº [am] holy.º

[2] Ex 19:6; Lv 11:44; 20:7, 26; 21:8; Is 6:3; Am 3:3; Mt 5:48; 2Co 6:14; 7:1; 1P 1:15.

3 ¶ Ye shall fearºª every manº his mother,º and his father,º and keepºª my sabbaths:º I² [am] the LORDº your God.º

[3] Ex 16:29; 20:8, 12; 21:15, 17; 31:13; Lv 26:2; Dt 21:18; 27:16; Pv 1:8; 6:20; 23:22; 30:11, 17; Is 56:4; 58:13; Ezk 20:12; 22:7, 8; Mal 1:6; Mt 15:4; Ep 6:1; He 12:9.

4 ¶ Turnºª ye not² unto² idols,º nor² makeºª to yourselves moltenº gods:º I² [am] the LORDº your God.º

[4] Ex 20:3, 23; 32:4; 34:17; Lv 26:1; Dt 27:15; Hg 2:18; 1Co 10:14; 1Jn 5:21.

5 ¶ And if² ye offerºª a sacrificeº of peace offeringsº unto the LORD,º ye shall offerºª it at your own will.º 6 It shall be eatenºª the same dayº ye offerº it, and on the morrow:º² and if ought remainºª until² the thirdº day,º it shall be burntºª in the fire.º 7 And if² it be eaten¹ª at allºª on the thirdº day,º it² [is] abominable;º it shall not² be accepted.ºª 8 Therefore [every one] that eatethºª it shall bearºª his iniquity,º because² he hath profanedºª² the hallowed thingº of the LORD:º and that² soulº shall be cut offºª from among his people.º²

[5] Ex 24:5; Lv 1:3; 3:1; 7:16; 22:19, 21, 23, 29; 2Ch 31:2; Ezk 45:15; 46:2, 12; Ep 2:13.
[6] Lv 7:11.
[7] Lv 7:18; 22:23, 25; Is 1:13; 65:4; 66:3; Jr 16:18.

9 ¶ And when ye reapºª² the harvestº of your land,º thou shalt not² wholly reapºª² the cornersº of thy field,º neither² shalt thou gatherºª the gleaningsº of thy harvest.º 10 And thou shalt not² gleanºª thy vineyard,º neither² shalt thou gatherºª [every] grapeº of thy vineyard;º thou shalt leaveºª them for the poorº and stranger:º I² [am] the LORDº your God.º

[9] Lv 23:29; Dt 24:19; Ru 2:2, 15.
[10] Lv 25:6; Jg 8:2; Is 17:6; 24:13; Jr 49:9; Ob 1:5; Mi 7:1.

11 ¶ Ye shall not² steal,ºª neither² deal falsely,ºª neither² lieºª oneº to another.º

[11] Ex 20:15, 17; 22:1, 7, 10; Lv 6:2; Dt 5:19; 1K 13:18; Ps 101:7; 116:11; Jr 6:13; 7:9; 9:3; Zc 5:3; 8:16; Ac 5:3; Ro 3:4; 1Co 6:8; Ep 4:25, 28; Col 3:9; 1Ti 1:10; Rv 21:8.

12 ¶ And ye shall not² swearºª by my nameº falsely,º neither shalt thou profaneºª² the nameº of thy God:º I² [am] the LORD.º

[12] Ex 20:7; Lv 6:3; 18:21; 24:11, 15; Dt 5:11; Ps 15:4; Jr 4:2; 7:9; Ezk 36:20; Zc 5:4; Mal 3:5; Mt 5:33; Jm 5:12.

13 ¶ Thou shalt not² defraudºª² thy neighbour,º neither² robºª [him]: the wagesº of him that is hiredº shall not² abide¹ª with thee all night²² until² the morning.º

[13] Dt 24:14; Jb 31:39; Pv 20:10; 22:22; Jr 22:3, 13; Ezk 22:29; Mal 3:5; Mk 10:19; Lk 3:13; 1Th 4:6; Jm 5:4.

14 ¶ Thou shalt not² curseºª the deaf,º nor² putºª a stumblingblockº beforeº the blind,º but shalt fear¹ª thy God:º²² I² [am] the LORD.º

[14] Gn 42:18; Lv 19:32; 25:17; Dt 27:18; Ne 5:15; Ro 12:14; 14:13; 1Co 8:8; 10:32; 1P 1:17; 2:17; Rv 2:14.

15 ¶ Ye shall doºª no² unrighteousnessº in judgment:º thou shalt not² respectºª the personº of the poor,º nor² honourºª the personº of the mighty:º [but] in righteousnessº shalt thou judgeºª thy neighbour.º

[15] Ex 18:21; 23:2, 7; Lv 19:35; Dt 1:17; 16:19; 25:13; 27:19; 2Ch 19:6; Ps 82:2; Pv 18:5; 24:23; Jm 2:6.

16 ¶ Thou shalt not² go¹ª up and down² [as] a talebearerº among thy people:º neither² shalt thou standºª against² the bloodº of thy neighbour:º I² [am] the LORD.º

[16] Ex 20:16; 23:1, 7; 1K 21:10; Ps 15:3; Pv 11:13; 20:19; Jr 6:28; 9:4; Ezk 22:9; Mt 26:60; 27:4; Ac 6:11; 24:4; 1Ti 3:11; 2Ti 3:3; Tit 2:3; 1P 2:1.

17 ¶ Thou shalt not² hateºª² thy brotherº in thine heart:º thou shalt in any wise¹ª rebukeºª² thy neighbour,º and not² sufferºª sinº upon² him.

[17] Gn 27:41; Ps 141:5; Pv 9:8; 26:24; 27:5; Mt 18:15; Lk 17:3; Ro 1:32; 1Co 5:2; Ga 2:11; 6:1; Ep 5:11; 1Ti 5:20, 22; 2Ti 4:2; Tit 1:13; 2:15; 1Jn 2:9, 11; 3:12; 2Jn 1:10.

18 ¶ Thou shalt not² avenge,ºª nor² bear any grudgeºª against² the childrenº of thy people,º but thou shalt loveºª thy neighbourº as thyself:º I² [am] the LORD.º

[18] Ex 23:4; Dt 32:25; 2S 13:22, 28; Pv 20:22; Mt 5:43; 19:19; 22:39; Mk 12:31; Lk 10:27; Ro 12:17, 19; 13:4, 9; Ga 5:14, 20; Ep 4:31; Col 3:8; Jm 2:8; 1P 2:1.

19 ¶ Ye shall keepºª² my statutes.º Thou shalt not² let thy cattleº genderºª with a diverse kind:º thou shalt not² sowºª thy fieldº with mingled seed:º neither² shall a garmentº mingledº of linen and woollenº comeºª upon² thee.

[19] Gn 36:24; Dt 22:9; 2S 13:29; 18:9; 1K 1:33; Ezr 2:66; Mt 9:16; Ro 11:6; 2Co 6:14; Ga 3:9.

20 ¶ And whosoeverº² liethºª carnallyºº with² a woman,º that² [is] a bondmaid,º betrothedºª to an husband,º and not² at all¹ª redeemed,ºª nor²² freedomº givenºª her; she shall be² scourged;º they shall not² be put to death,ºª because² she was not free.ºª² 21 And he shall bringºª² his trespass offeringº unto the LORD,º unto² the doorº of the tabernacleº of the congregation,º [even] a ramº for a trespass offering.º 22 And the priestº shall make an atonementºª for² him with the ramº of the trespass offeringº beforeº the LORDº for² his sinº which² he hath done:ºª and the sinº² which² he hath doneºª shall be forgivenºª him.

[20] Ex 21:20; Dt 22:23.
[21] Lv 5:1.
[22] Lv 4:20, 26.

23 ¶ And when² ye shall comeºª into² the land,º and shall have plantedºª all manner² of treesº for food,º then ye shall countºª² the fruitº thereof as uncircumcised:¹ª¹² threeº yearsº shall it be² as uncircumcisedº unto you: it shall not² be eatenºª of. 24 But in the fourthº yearº all² the fruitº thereof shall be² holyº to praiseº the LORDº [withal]. 25 And in the fifthº yearº shall ye eatºª² of the fruitº thereof, that it may yieldºª unto you the increaseº thereof: I² [am] the LORDº your God.º

[23] Ex 6:12, 30; 22:29; Lv 12:3; 14:34; 22:27; Jr 6:10; 9:25; Ac 7:51.
[24] Nu 18:12; Dt 12:17; 14:28; 18:4; Pv 3:9.
[25] Lv 26:3; Pv 3:9; Ec 11:1; Hg 1:4, 9; 2:18; Mal 3:8.

26 ¶ Ye shall not² eatºª [any thing] with² the blood:º neither² shall ye use enchantment,ºª nor² observe times.ºª 27 Ye shall not² roundºª the cornersº of your heads,º neither² shalt thou marºª² the cornersº of thy beard.º 28 Ye shall not² makeºª any¹ cuttingsº in your fleshº for the dead,º nor² printºª any marksº² upon you: I² [am] the LORD.º

[26] Ex 7:11; 8:7; Lv 3:17; 7:26; 17:10; Dt 12:23; 18:10; 1S 15:23; 2K 17:17; 21:6; 2Ch 33:6; Jr 10:2; Dn 2:10; Mal 3:5.
[27] Lv 21:5; Is 15:2; Jr 16:6; 48:37; Ezk 7:18; 44:20.
[28] Lv 21:5; Dt 14:1; 1K 18:28; Jr 16:6; 48:37; Mk 5:5; Rv 13:16; 14:9, 11; 15:2; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4.

29 ¶ Do not² prostituteºª² thy daughter,º to cause her to be a whore;ºª lest² the landº fall to whoredom,ºª and the landº become fullºª of wickedness.º

[29] Lv 21:7; Dt 23:17; Ho 4:12; 1Co 6:15.

30 ¶ Ye shall keepºª² my sabbaths,º and reverenceºª my sanctuary:º I² [am] the LORD.º

[30] Gn 28:16; Lv 10:3; 15:31; 16:2; 19:3; 26:2; 2Ch 33:7; 36:14; Ps 89:7; Ec 5:1; Ezk 9:6; Mt 21:13; Jn 2:15; 2Co 6:16; 1P 4:17.

31 ¶ Regardºª not² them that have familiar spirits,º neither² seekºª after² wizards,º to be defiledºª by them: I² [am] the LORDº your God.º

[31] Ex 22:18; Lv 19:26; 20:6, 27; Dt 18:10; 1S 28:3, 7; 2K 17:17; 21:6; 1Ch 10:13; 2Ch 33:6; Is 8:19; 29:4; 47:13; Ac 8:11; 13:6; 16:16; 19:19; Ga 5:20; Rv 21:8.

32 ¶ Thou shalt rise upºª beforeº² the hoary head,º and honourºª the faceº of the old man,º and fear¹ª thy God:º²² I² [am] the LORD.º

[32] Lv 19:14; 1K 2:19; Jb 32:4, 6; Pv 16:31; 20:29; Is 3:5; Lm 5:12; Ro 13:7; 1Ti 5:1; 1P 2:17.

33 ¶ And if² a strangerº sojournºª with² thee in your land,º ye shall not² vexºª him. 34 [But] the strangerº that dwellethºª with² you shall be² unto you as one born¹ among²² you, and thou shalt loveºª him as thyself;² for² ye were² strangersº in the landº of Egypt:º I² [am] the LORDº your God.º

[33] Ex 22:21; 23:9; Dt 10:18; 24:14; Jr 7:6; Ezk 22:7, 29; Mal 3:5.
[34] Ex 12:48; Lv 19:18; Dt 10:19; Mt 5:43.

35 ¶ Ye shall doºª no² unrighteousnessº in judgment,º in meteyard,º in weight,º or in measure.º 36 Justº balances,º justº weights,º a justº ephah,º and a justº hin,º shall ye have:² I² [am] the LORDº your God,º which² brought you outºª² of the landº² of Egypt.º 37 Therefore shall ye observeºª² all² my statutes,º and all² my judgments,º and doºª them: I² [am] the LORD.º

[35] Lv 19:15; Dt 25:13, 15; Pv 11:1; 16:11; 20:10; Ezk 22:12; Am 8:5; Mi 6:1; Mt 7:2.
[36] Ex 20:2; Pv 11:1.
[37] Lv 18:4; Dt 4:1, 5; 5:1; 6:1; 8:1; Ps 119:4, 34; 1Jn 3:22.

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