NASB — Exodus 24 — KJV

People Affirm Their Covenant with God

1 Then He said° to Moses°, “aCome° up to the LORD°, you and Aaron°, bNadab° and Abihu° and cseventy° of the elders° of Israel°, and you shall worship° at a distance°. 2 Moses° alone°, however, shall come° near° to the LORD°, but they shall not come° near°, nor° shall the people° come° up with him.”

[1] aEx 19:24 bEx 6:23; 28:1; Lv 10:1, 2 cNu 11:16

3 ¶ Then Moses° came° and recounted° to the people° all° the words° of the LORD° and all° the Iordinances°; and all° the people° answered° with one° voice° and said°, “aAll° the words° which° the LORD° has spoken° we will do°!” 4 aMoses° wrote° down° all° the words° of the LORD°. Then he arose° early° in the morning°, and built° an baltar° Iat the foot° of the mountain° with twelve°° pillars° for the twelve°° tribes° of Israel°. 5 He sent° young° men° of the sons° of Israel°, aand they offered° burnt° offerings° and sacrificed° young° bulls° as peace° offerings° to the LORD°. 6 aMoses° took° half° of the blood° and put° [it] in basins°, and the [other] half° of the blood° he sprinkled° on the altar°. 7 Then he took° athe book° of the covenant° and read° [it] in the hearing° of the people°; and they said°, “bAll° that the LORD° has spoken° we will do°, and we will be obedient°!” 8 So aMoses° took° the blood° and sprinkled° [it] on the people°, and said°, “Behold° bthe blood° of the covenant°, which° the LORD° has Imade° with you IIin accordance° with all° these° words°.”

[3] IOr judgments aEx 19:8; 24:7; Dt 5:27
[4] ILit under aEx 17:14; 34:27; Dt 31:9 bEx 17:15
[5] aEx 18:12
[6] aHe 9:18
[7] aEx 24:4; He 9:19 bEx 24:3
[8] ILit cut IILit on all aHe 9:19, 20 bZc 9:11; Mt 26:28; Mk 14:24; Lk 22:20; 1Co 11:25; He 13:20

9 ¶ Then Moses° went° up Iwith Aaron°, aNadab° and Abihu°, and seventy° of the elders° of Israel°, 10 and athey saw° the God° of Israel°; and under° His feet° Ibthere appeared to be a pavement° of sapphire°, IIas clear° as the sky° itself°. 11 Yet He did not stretch° out His hand° against° the nobles° of the sons° of Israel°; and athey saw° God°, and they ate° and drank°.

[9] ILit and aEx 24:1
[10] ILit like a pavement IILit and as aEx 24:11; Nu 12:8; Is 6:5; Jn 1:18; 6:46 bEzk 1:26; 10:1; Rv 4:3
[11] aGn 16:13; 32:30; Ex 24:10

12 ¶ Now the LORD° said° to Moses°, “Come° up to Me on the mountain° and Iremain° there°, and aI will give° you the stone° tablets° IIwith the law° and the commandment° which° I have written° for their instruction°.” 13 So Moses° arose° Iwith aJoshua° his IIservant°, and Moses° went° up to bthe mountain° of God°. 14 But to the elders° he said°, “aWait° here° for us until°° we return° to you. And behold°, bAaron° and Hur° are with you; whoever° Ihas a legal matter°, let him approach° them.” 15 Then Moses° went° up to the mountain°, and athe cloud° covered° the mountain°. 16 aThe glory° of the LORD° Irested° on Mount° Sinai°, and the cloud° covered° it for six° days°; and on the seventh° day° He bcalled° to Moses° from the midst° of the cloud°. 17 aAnd to the eyes° of the sons° of Israel° the appearance° of the glory° of the LORD° was like a bconsuming° fire° on the mountain° top°. 18 Moses° entered° the midst° of the cloud° Ias he went° up to the mountain°; and Moses° was on the mountain° aforty° days° and forty° nights°.

[12] ILit be IILit and aEx 31:18; 32:15; Dt 5:22
[13] ILit and IIOr minister aEx 17:9-14; 33:11 bEx 3:1
[14] ILit is a master of matters aGn 22:5 bEx 17:10, 12
[15] aEx 19:9
[16] ILit dwelt aEx 16:10; Nu 14:10 bPs 99:7
[17] aEx 3:2; Ezk 1:28 bDt 4:24; 9:3; He 12:29
[18] ILit and aEx 34:28; Dt 9:9; 10:10

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Moses is called up into the mountain.

1 ¶ And he saidºª unto² Moses,º Come upºª unto² the LORD,º thou,² and Aaron,º Nadab,º and Abihu,º and seventyº of the eldersº² of Israel;º and worshipºª ye afar off.º² 2 And Mosesº alone² shall come nearºª² the LORD:º but they² shall not² come nigh;ºª neither² shall the peopleº go upºª with² him.

[1] Ex 1:5; 3:5; 6:23; 19:9, 20, 24; 20:21; 24:9, 15; 28:1; 34:2; Lv 10:1; Nu 11:16, 24; 1Ch 6:3; Ezk 8:11; Lk 10:1, 17.
[2] Ex 20:21; 24:13, 15, 18; Nu 16:5; Jr 30:21; 49:19; He 9:24; 10:21.

The people promise obedience.

3 ¶ And Mosesº cameºª and toldºª the peopleº² all² the wordsº of the LORD,º and all² the judgments:º and all² the peopleº answeredºª with oneº voice,º and said,ºª All² the wordsº which² the LORDº hath saidºª will we do.ºª

[3] Ex 19:8; 21:1; 24:7; Dt 4:1, 5, 45; 5:1, 27, 31; 6:1; 11:1; Jsh 24:22; Ga 3:19.

Moses buildeth an altar, and twelve pillars.

4 And Mosesº wroteºª² all² the wordsº of the LORD,º and rose up earlyºª in the morning,º and buildedºª an altarº under² the hill,º and twelve²² pillars,º according to the twelveºº tribesº of Israel.º 5 And he sentºª² young menº of the childrenº of Israel,º which offeredºª burnt offerings,º and sacrificedºª peaceº offeringsº of oxenº unto the LORD.º

[4] Gn 28:18, 22; 31:45; Ex 20:24; 28:21; Lv 24:5; Nu 17:2; Dt 31:9; Jsh 4:2, 8, 20; 24:26, 27; 1K 11:30; Ezr 6:17; Lk 22:30; Ga 2:9; Rv 21:14.
[5] Ex 18:12; 19:22; Lv 1:1; 3:1; 7:11.

He sprinkleth the blood of the Covenant.

6 And Mosesº tookºª halfº of the blood,º and putºª [it] in basons;º and halfº of the bloodº he sprinkledºª on² the altar.º 7 And he tookºª the bookº of the covenant,º and readºª in the audienceº of the people:º and they said,ºª All² that² the LORDº hath saidºª will we do,ºª and be obedient.ºª 8 And Mosesº tookºª² the blood,º and sprinkledºª [it] on² the people,º and said,ºª Behold² the bloodº of the covenant,º which² the LORDº hath madeºª with² you concerning² all² these² words.º

[6] Ex 12:7, 22; 24:8; 29:16, 20; Lv 1:5, 11; 3:2, 8; 4:6; Col 1:20; He 9:18; 12:24; 1P 1:2, 19.
[7] Ex 24:3, 4; Dt 31:11; Jr 7:23; Ac 13:15; Col 4:16; 1Th 5:27; He 9:18.
[8] Ex 24:6; Lv 8:30; Is 52:15; Ezk 36:25; Zc 9:11; Mt 26:28; Mk 14:24; Lk 22:20; 1Co 11:25; Ep 1:7; He 9:18, 20; 10:4; 13:20; 1P 1:2.

The glory of God appeareth.

9 ¶ Then went upºª Moses,º and Aaron,º Nadab,º and Abihu,º and seventyº of the eldersº² of Israel:º 10 And they sawºª² the Godº of Israel:º and [there was] under² his feetº as it were a pavedº workº of a sapphire stone,º and as it were the bodyº of heavenº in [his] clearness.º 11 And upon² the noblesº of the childrenº of Israelº he laidºª not² his hand:º also they sawºª² God,º and did eatºª and drink.ºª

[9] Ex 24:1.
[10] Gn 32:30; Ex 3:6; 24:10; 33:20, 23; Jg 13:21; 1K 22:19; So 6:10; Is 6:1; Ezk 1:26, 28; 10:1; Mt 17:2; Jn 1:18; 14:9; 1Ti 6:16; 1Jn 4:12; Rv 1:16; 4:3; 21:11, 18, 19.
[11] Gn 16:13; 18:18; 31:54; 32:24; Ex 18:12; 19:21; 24:1, 9, 10; 33:20; Nu 21:18; Dt 4:33; 12:7; Jg 5:13; 13:22; 1K 21:8; 2Ch 23:20; Ne 2:16; Ec 9:7; Jr 14:3; Lk 15:23; 1Co 10:16.

12 ¶ And the LORDº saidºª unto² Moses,º Come upºª to² me into the mount,º and be² there:² and I will giveºª thee² tablesº of stone,º and a law,º and commandmentsº which² I have written;ºª that thou mayest teachºª them. 13 And Mosesº rose up,ºª and his ministerºª Joshua:º and Mosesº went upºª into² the mountº of God.º

[12] Ex 24:2, 15, 18; 31:18; 32:15; Dt 4:14; 5:22; Ezr 7:10; Ne 9:13; Jr 31:33; Mt 5:19; 2Co 3:3, 7; He 9:4.
[13] Ex 17:9; 24:2; 32:17; 33:11; Nu 11:28.

Aaron and Hur have the charge of the people.

14 And he saidºª unto² the elders,º Tarryºª ye hereº for us, until²² we come againºª unto² you: and, behold,² Aaronº and Hurº [are] with² you: if anyº manºª have any mattersº to do,¹ let him comeºª unto² them.

[14] Gn 22:5; Ex 17:10, 12; 18:25; 32:1; 1S 10:8; 13:8.

Moses goeth into the mountain, where he continueth forty days and forty nights.

15 And Mosesº went upºª into² the mount,º and a cloudº coveredºª² the mount.º 16 And the gloryº of the LORDº abodeºª upon² mountº Sinai,º and the cloudº coveredºª it sixº days:º and the seventhº dayº he calledºª unto² Mosesº out of the midstº² of the cloud.º 17 And the sightº of the gloryº of the LORDº [was] like devouringºª fireº on the topº of the mountº in the eyesº of the childrenº of Israel.º 18 And Mosesº wentºª into the midstº of the cloud,º and gat him upºª into² the mount:º and Mosesº was² in the mountº fortyº daysº and fortyº nights.º

[15] Ex 19:9, 16; 2Ch 6:1; Mt 17:5.
[16] Ex 16:10; 19:11; 20:10; 24:17; Lv 9:23; Nu 14:10; 16:42; Ezk 1:28; 2Co 4:6; Rv 1:10.
[17] Ex 3:2; 19:18; Dt 4:24, 36; Ezk 1:27; Na 1:6; Hab 3:4; He 12:18, 29.
[18] Ex 9:29, 33; 19:20; 24:17; 34:28; Dt 9:9, 18, 25; 10:10; 1K 19:8; Pv 28:1; Mt 4:2; Mk 1:13; Lk 4:2.

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