NASB — Proverbs 26 — KJV

Similitudes, Instructions

  1 Like snow° in summer° and like arain° in harvest°,
  So° honor° is not bfitting° for a fool°.
  2 Like a asparrow° in [its] Iflitting°, like a swallow° in [its] flying°,
  So° a bcurse° without° cause° does not IIalight°.
  3 A awhip° is for the horse°, a bridle° for the donkey°,
  And a brod° for the back° of fools°.
  4 aDo not answer° a fool° according to his folly°,
  Or° you will also° be like° him.
  5 aAnswer° a fool° as his folly° [deserves],
  That he not be bwise° in his own eyes°.
  6 He cuts° off° [his own] feet° [and] drinks° violence°
  Who sends° a message° by the hand° of a fool°.
  7 [Like] the legs° [which] Iare useless° to the lame°,
  So is a proverb° in the mouth° of fools°.
  8 Like Ione who binds° a stone° in a sling°,
  So° is he who gives° honor° to a fool°.
  9 [Like] a thorn° [which] Ifalls° into the hand° of a drunkard°,
  So is a proverb° in the mouth° of fools°.
  10 I[Like] an archer° who wounds° everyone°,
  So is he who hires° a fool° or who hires° those who pass° by.
  11 Like aa dog° that returns° to its vomit°
  Is a fool° who brepeats° Ihis folly°.
  12 Do you see° a man° awise° in his own eyes°?
  bThere is more° hope° for a fool° than° for him.
  13 The asluggard° says°, “There is a lion° in the road°!
  A lion° is Iin the open° square°!”
  14 [As] the door° turns° on its hinges°,
  So [does] the asluggard° on his bed°.
  15 The asluggard° buries° his hand° in the dish°;
  He is weary° of bringing° it to his mouth° again°.
  16 The sluggard° is awiser° in his own eyes°
  Than° seven° men who can Igive° a discreet° answer°.
  17 [Like] one who takes° a dog° by the ears°
  Is he who passes° by [and] Imeddles° with astrife° not belonging to him.
  18 Like a madman° who throws°
  aFirebrands°, arrows° and death°,
  19 So° is the man° who adeceives° his neighbor°,
  And says°, “bWas I not joking°?”
  20 For lack° of wood° the fire° goes° out,
  And where there° is no° awhisperer°, bcontention° quiets° down°.
  21 [Like] charcoal° to hot° embers° and wood° to fire°,
  So is a acontentious° man° to kindle° strife°.
  22 The awords° of a whisperer° are like dainty° morsels°,
  And they go° down° into the Iinnermost° parts° of the body°.
  23 [Like] an earthen° avessel° overlaid° with silver° bdross°
  Are burning° lips° and a wicked° heart°.
  24 He who ahates° disguises° [it] with his lips°,
  But he lays° up bdeceit° in his Iheart°.
  25 When° Ihe aspeaks° graciously°, do not believe° him,
  For there are seven° abominations° in his heart°.
  26 [Though his] hatred° acovers° itself with guile°,
  His wickedness° will be brevealed° before the assembly°.
  27 He who adigs° a pit° will fall° into it,
  And he who rolls° a stone°, it will come° back° on him.
  28 A lying° tongue° hates° Ithose it crushes°,
  And a aflattering° mouth° works° ruin°.

[1] a1S 12:17 bPv 17:7
[2] ILit wandering IILit come aPv 27:8; Is 16:2 bNu 23:8; Dt 23:5; 2S 16:12
[3] aPs 32:9 bPv 10:13; 19:29
[4] aPv 23:9; 29:9; Is 36:21; Mt 7:6
[5] aMt 16:1-4; 21:24-27 bPv 3:7; 28:11; Ro 12:16
[7] ILit hang down from
[8] ILit the binding of
[9] ILit goes up
[10] IOr A master workman produces all things, But he who hires a fool is like one who hires those who pass by
[11] ILit with his a2P 2:22 bEx 8:15
[12] aPv 3:7; 26:5 bPv 29:20
[13] ILit within aPv 22:13
[14] aPv 6:9
[15] aPv 19:24
[16] ILit return discreetly aPv 27:11
[17] ILit infuriates himself aPv 3:30
[18] aIs 50:11
[19] aPv 24:28 bEp 5:4
[20] aPv 16:28 bPv 22:10
[21] aPv 15:18; 29:22
[22] ILit chambers of the belly aPv 18:8
[23] aMt 23:27; Lk 11:39 bPv 25:4
[24] ILit inward part aPs 41:6; Pv 10:18 bPv 12:20
[25] ILit his voice is gracious aPs 28:3; Pv 26:23; Jr 9:8
[26] aMt 23:28 bLk 8:17
[27] aEs 7:10; Pv 28:10
[28] ILit its crushed ones aPv 29:5

New American Standard Bible
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by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved.
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Observations about fools,

1 ¶ As snowº in summer,º and as rainº in harvest,º so² honourº is not² seemlyº for a fool.º 2 As the birdº by wandering,ºª as the swallowº by flying,ºª so² the curseº causelessº shall not² come.ºª 3 A whipº for the horse,º a bridleº for the ass,º and a rodº for the fool'sº back.º 4 Answerºª not² a foolº according to his folly,º lest² thou² also² be likeºª unto him. 5 Answerºª a foolº according to his folly,º lest² he be² wiseº in his own conceit.º 6 He that sendethºª a messageº by the handº of a foolº cutteth offºª the feet,º [and] drinkethºª damage.º 7 The legsº of the lameº² are not equal:ºª so [is] a parableº in the mouthº of fools.º 8 As he that bindethº¹ªª a stoneº in a sling,º so² [is] he that givethºª honourº to a fool.º 9 [As] a thornº goeth upºª into the handº of a drunkard,º so [is] a parableº in the mouthº of fools.º 10 The greatº [God] that formedºª all² [things] both rewardethºª the fool,º and rewardethºª transgressors.ºª 11 As a dogº returnethºª to² his vomit,º [so] a foolº returnethºª to his folly.º 12 Seestºª thou a manº wiseº in his own conceit?º [there is] more hopeº of a foolº than of² him.

[1] Jg 9:7, 20, 56; 1S 12:17; Es 3:1; 4:6, 9; Ps 12:8; 15:4; 52:1; Pv 26:3; 28:16; Ec 10:5.
[2] Nu 23:8; Dt 23:4; 1S 14:28; 17:43; 2S 16:12; Ne 13:2; Ps 109:28.
[3] Jg 8:5; Ps 32:9; Pv 10:13; 17:10; 19:25; 27:22; 1Co 4:21; 2Co 10:6; 13:2.
[4] Jg 12:1; 2S 19:41; 1K 12:14, 16; 2K 14:8; Pv 17:14; 1P 2:21; 3:9; Jde 1:9.
[5] 1K 22:24; Pv 26:12; 28:11; Is 5:21; Jr 36:17; Mt 15:1; 16:1; 21:23; 22:15; Lk 12:13; 13:23; Jn 8:7; 9:26; Ro 11:25; 12:16; Tit 1:13.
[6] Nu 13:31; Pv 10:26; 13:17; 25:13.
[7] Ps 50:16; 64:8; Pv 17:7; 26:9; Mt 7:4; Lk 4:23.
[8] Pv 19:10; 26:1; 30:22.
[9] Pv 23:35.
[10] Pv 11:31; Ro 2:6.
[11] Ex 8:15; Mt 12:45; 2P 2:22.
[12] Pv 22:29; 26:5, 16; 28:11; 29:20; Mt 21:31; Lk 7:44; 18:11; Ro 12:16; 1Co 3:18; 2Co 8:1; Rv 3:17.

about sluggards,

13 The slothfulº [man] saith,ºª [There is] a lionº in the way;º a lionº [is] in² the streets.º 14 [As] the doorº turnethºª upon² his hinges,º so [doth] the slothfulº upon² his bed.º 15 The slothfulº hidethºª his handº in [his] bosom;º it grievethºª him to bring it againºª to² his mouth.º 16 The sluggardº [is] wiserº in his own conceitº than seven²² men¹ that can renderºª a reason.º

[13] Pv 15:19; 19:15; 22:13.
[14] Pv 6:9; 12:24, 27; 24:33; He 6:12.
[15] Pv 19:24.
[16] Pv 12:15; 26:12; 1P 3:15.

and about contentious busybodies.

17 He that passeth by,ºª [and] meddlethºª with² strifeº [belonging] not² to him, [is like] one that takethºª a dogº by the ears.º 18 As a madºª [man] who castethºª firebrands,º arrows,º and death,º 19 So² [is] the manº [that] deceivethºª² his neighbour,º and saith,ºª Am not² I² in sport?ºª 20 Where noº woodº is, [there] the fireº goeth out:ºª so where [there is] no² talebearer,º the strifeº ceaseth.ºª 21 [As] coalsº [are] to burning coals,º and woodº to fire;º so [is] a contentiousºª¹ manº to kindleºª strife.º 22 The wordsº of a talebearerº [are] as wounds,ºª and they² go downºª into the innermost partsº of the belly.º 23 Burningºª lipsº and a wickedº heartº [are like] a potsherdº coveredºª with silverº dross.º 24 He that hatethºª dissemblethºª with his lips,º and layeth upºª deceitº withinº him; 25 When² he speakethº fair,ºª believeºª him not:² for² [there are] sevenº abominationsº in his heart.º 26 [Whose] hatredº is coveredºª by deceit,º his wickednessº shall be shewedºª before the [whole] congregation.º 27 Whoso diggethºª a pitº shall fallºª therein: and he that rollethºª a stone,º it will returnºª upon² him. 28 A lyingº tongueº hatethºª [those that are] afflictedº by it; and a flatteringº mouthº workethºª ruin.º

[17] Pv 17:11; 18:6; 20:3; Lk 12:14; 2Ti 2:23.
[18] Gn 49:23; Pv 7:23; 25:18.
[19] Pv 10:23; 14:9; 15:21; Ep 5:4; 2P 2:13.
[20] Pv 16:28; 22:10; 26:22; Jm 3:6.
[21] 2S 20:1; 1K 12:2, 20; Ps 120:4; Pv 10:12; 15:18; 29:22; 30:33.
[22] Pv 18:8; 20:19; Ezk 22:9.
[23] 2S 20:9; Pv 10:18; Ezk 33:31; Lk 22:47.
[24] Pv 11:1; 12:5, 17, 20; 14:8.
[25] Ps 12:2; 28:3; Pv 6:16; Jr 9:2; 12:6; Mi 7:5; Mt 24:23.
[26] Gn 4:8; 1S 18:17, 21; 2S 3:27; 13:22; Ps 55:21.
[27] Es 7:10; Ps 7:15; 9:15; 10:2; 57:6; Pv 28:10; Ec 10:8.
[28] Pv 6:24; 7:5, 21; 29:5; Lk 20:20; Jn 8:40, 44; 10:32; 15:22.

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