NASB — 1 Kings 15 — KJV

Abijam Reigns over Judah

1 aNow in the eighteenth°° year° of King° Jeroboam°, the son° of Nebat°, Abijam° became° king° over° Judah°. 2 He reigned° three° years° in Jerusalem°; and his mother’s° name° was IaMaacah° the daughter° of IIbAbishalom°. 3 He walked° in all° the sins° of his father° which° he had committed° before° him; and ahis heart° was not Iwholly° devoted° to the LORD° his God°, like the heart° of his father° David°. 4 But for David’s° sake° the LORD° his God° gave° him a alamp° in Jerusalem°, to raise° up his son° after° him and to establish° Jerusalem°; 5 abecause° David° did° what° was right° in the sight° of the LORD°, and had not turned° aside° from anything° that He commanded° him all° the days° of his life°, bexcept° in the case° of Uriah° the Hittite°. 6 aThere was war° between° Rehoboam° and Jeroboam° all° the days° of his life°.

[1] a2Ch 13:1
[2] IIn 2Ch 13:2, Micaiah, the daughter of Uriel IIIn 2Ch 11:20, Absalom a2Ch 13:2 b2Ch 11:21
[3] ILit complete with a1K 11:4; Ps 119:80
[4] a2S 21:17; 1K 11:36; 2Ch 21:7
[5] a1K 9:4; 14:8; Lk 1:6 b2S 11:3f, 15-17; 12:9, 10
[6] a1K 14:30; 2Ch 12:15-13:20

7 ¶ Now athe rest° of the acts° of Abijam° and all° that he did°, are they not written° in the Book° of the Chronicles°° of the Kings° of Judah°? bAnd there was war° between° Abijam° and Jeroboam°.

[7] a2Ch 13:2, 21, 22 b2Ch 13:3-20

Asa Succeeds Abijam

8 aAnd Abijam° slept° with his fathers° and they buried° him in the city° of David°; and Asa° his son° became° king° in his place°.

[8] a2Ch 14:1

9 ¶ So in the twentieth° year° of Jeroboam° the king° of Israel°, Asa° began to reign° as king° of Judah°. 10 He reigned° forty-one°° years° in Jerusalem°; and ahis mother’s° name° was Maacah° the daughter° of Abishalom°. 11 aAsa° did° what° was right° in the sight° of the LORD°, like David° his father°. 12 aHe also put° away° the male° cult° prostitutes° from the land° and bremoved° all° the idols° which° his fathers° had made°. 13 IaHe also° removed° Maacah° his mother° from [being] queen° mother°, because° she had made° a horrid° image° IIas an Asherah°; and Asa° cut° down° her horrid° image° and bburned° [it] at the brook° Kidron°. 14 aBut the high° places° were not taken° away°; nevertheless° bthe heart° of Asa° was Iwholly° devoted° to the LORD° all° his days°. 15 aHe brought° into the house° of the LORD° the dedicated° things° of his father° and his own dedicated° things°: silver° and gold° and utensils°.

[10] a1K 15:2
[11] a2Ch 14:2
[12] aDt 23:17; 1K 14:24; 22:46 b1K 11:7, 8; 14:23; 2Ch 14:2-5
[13] ILit also Maacah his mother and he removed her IIOr for Asherah a2Ch 15:16-18 bEx 32:20
[14] ILit complete with a1K 22:43; 2K 12:3 b1K 8:61; 15:3
[15] a1K 7:51

16aNow there was war° between° Asa° and Baasha° king° of Israel° all° their days°. 17 aBaasha° king° of Israel° went° up against° Judah° and Ibfortified° Ramah° cin order to prevent°° [anyone] from going° out or coming° in to Asa° king° of Judah°. 18 Then aAsa° took° all° the silver° and the gold° which were left° in the treasuries° of the house° of the LORD° and the treasuries° of the king’s° house°, and delivered° them into the hand° of his servants°. And bKing° Asa° sent° them to Ben-hadad° the son° of Tabrimmon°, the son° of Hezion°, king° of Aram°, who lived° in cDamascus°, saying°, 19 “[Let there be] a atreaty° between° Iyou and me, [as] between° my father° and your father°. Behold°, I have sent° you a present° of silver° and gold°; go°, break° your treaty° with Baasha° king° of Israel° so that he will withdraw° from me.” 20 So Ben-hadad° listened° to King° Asa° and sent° the commanders° of his armies° against° the cities° of Israel°, and Iconquered° aIjon°, bDan°, cAbel-beth-maacah° and all° dChinneroth°, besides° all° the land° of Naphtali°. 21 When Baasha° heard° [of it], ahe ceased° Ifortifying° Ramah° and remained° in bTirzah°. 22 Then King° Asa° made° a proclamation° to all° Judah°—none° was exempt°—and they carried° away the stones° of Ramah° and its timber° with which° Baasha° had built°. And King° Asa° built° with them aGeba° of Benjamin° and Mizpah°.

[16] a1K 15:32
[17] ILit built a2Ch 16:1-6 bJsh 18:25; 1K 15:21, 22 c1K 12:26-29
[18] a1K 14:26; 15:15 b2K 12:17, 18; 2Ch 16:2 cGn 14:15; 1K 11:23, 24
[19] ILit me and you a2Ch 16:7
[20] ILit smote a2K 15:29 bJg 18:29; 1K 12:29 c2S 20:15; 2K 15:29 dJsh 11:2; 12:3
[21] ILit building a1K 15:17 b1K 14:17; 16:15-18
[22] aJsh 18:24; 21:17

Jehoshaphat Succeeds Asa

23aNow the rest° of all° the acts° of Asa° and all° his might° and all° that he did° and the cities° which° he built°, are they not written° in the Book° of the Chronicles°° of the Kings° of Judah°? But in the time° of his old° age° he was diseased° in his feet°. 24 And Asa° slept° with his fathers° and was buried° with his fathers° in the city° of David° his father°; and aJehoshaphat° his son° reigned° in his place°.

[23] a2Ch 16:11-14
[24] a1K 22:41-44; 2Ch 17:1; Mt 1:8

Nadab, then Baasha, Rules over Israel

25 ¶ Now aNadab° the son° of Jeroboam° became° king° over° Israel° in the second° year° of Asa° king° of Judah°, and he reigned° over° Israel° two° years°. 26 He did° evil° in the sight° of the LORD°, and awalked° in the way° of his father° and bin his sin° which° he made Israel° sin°. 27 Then aBaasha° the son° of Ahijah° of the house° of Issachar° conspired° against° him, and Baasha° struck° him down° at bGibbethon°, which° belonged to the Philistines°, while Nadab° and all° Israel° were laying° siege° to Gibbethon°.

[25] a1K 14:20
[26] a1K 12:28-33; 13:33, 34 b1K 14:16; 15:30, 34
[27] a1K 14:14 bJsh 19:44; 21:23; 1K 16:15

28 ¶ So Baasha° killed° him in the third° year° of Asa° king° of Judah° and reigned° in his place°. 29 It came° about as soon as he was king°, he struck° down° all° the household° of Jeroboam°. He did not leave° to Jeroboam° Iany° persons° alive°, until° he had destroyed° them, aaccording to the word° of the LORD°, which° He spoke° by His servant° Ahijah° the Shilonite°, 30 [and] because° of the sins° of Jeroboam° which° he sinned°, and awhich° he made Israel° sin°, because of his provocation° with which° he provoked° the LORD° God° of Israel° to anger°.

[29] ILit any breath a1K 14:9-16
[30] a1K 15:26

31aNow the rest° of the acts° of Nadab° and all° that he did°, are they not written° in the Book° of the Chronicles°° of the Kings° of Israel°?

[31] a1K 14:19

War with Judah

32 aThere was war° between° Asa° and Baasha° king° of Israel° all° their days°.

[32] a1K 15:16

33 ¶ In the third° year° of Asa° king° of Judah°, Baasha° the son° of Ahijah° became° king° over° all° Israel° at Tirzah°, [and reigned] twenty-four°° years°. 34 He did° evil° in the sight° of the LORD°, and awalked° in the way° of Jeroboam° and in his sin° which° he made Israel° sin°.

[34] a1K 15:26

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Abijam's wicked reign.

1 ¶ Now in the eighteenthºº yearº of kingº Jeroboamº the sonº of Nebatº reignedºª Abijamº over² Judah.º 2 Threeº yearsº reignedºª he in Jerusalem.º And his mother'sº nameº [was] Maachah,º the daughterº of Abishalom.º 3 And he walked¹ª² in all² the sinsº of his father,º which² he had doneºª beforeº him: and his heartº was² not² perfectº with² the LORDº his God,º as the heartº of Davidº his father.º 4 Nevertheless² for David's¹ sake²² did the LORDº his Godº giveºª him a lampº in Jerusalem,º to set upºª² his sonº afterº him, and to establishºª² Jerusalem:º 5 Because² Davidº didºª [that which was]² rightº in the eyesº of the LORD,º and turned not asideºª² from any²² [thing] that² he commandedºª him all² the daysº of his life,º save only² in the matterº of Uriahº the Hittite.º 6 And there was² warº between² Rehoboamº and Jeroboamº all² the daysº of his life.º 7 Now the restº of the actsº of Abijam,º and all² that² he did,ºª [are] they² not² writtenºª in² the bookº of the chroniclesºº of the kingsº of Judah?º And there was² warº between² Abijamº and Jeroboam.º

[1] 1K 14:31; 2Ch 13:1, 2.
[2] 1K 15:13; 2Ch 11:20, 21; 13:2.
[3] 1K 3:14; 11:4, 33; 14:21; 2K 20:3; 2Ch 25:2; 31:20; Ps 119:80.
[4] Gn 12:2; 19:29; 26:5; Dt 4:37; 2S 7:12; 1K 11:12, 32, 36; 2Ch 21:7; Ps 18:28; 87:5; 132:17; Is 9:7; 14:32; 37:35; 62:7; Jr 33:2, 20; Mi 4:1; Mt 16:18; Lk 1:69; 2:32; Jn 8:12; Ro 11:28; Rv 22:16.
[5] 2S 11:4, 15; 12:9; 1K 14:8; 15:3; 2K 22:2; 2Ch 34:2; Ps 51:1; 119:6; Lk 1:6; Ac 13:22, 36.
[6] 1K 14:30; 2Ch 13:3.
[7] 1K 14:29; 2Ch 13:2, 3, 21.

Asa succeedeth him.

8 And Abijamº sleptºª with² his fathers;º and they buriedºª him in the cityº of David:º and Asaº his sonº reignedºª in his stead.²

[8] 1K 14:1, 31; 1Ch 3:9; 2Ch 14:1; Mt 1:7.

Asa's good reign.

9 ¶ And in the twentiethº yearº of Jeroboamº kingº of Israelº reignedºª² Asaº over Judah.º 10 And fortyº and oneº yearsº reignedºª he in Jerusalem.º And his mother'sº nameº [was] Maachah,º the daughterº of Abishalom.º 11 And Asaº didºª [that which was] rightº in the eyesº of the LORD,º as [did] Davidº his father.º 12 And he took awayºª the sodomitesº out of² the land,º and removedºª² all² the idolsº that² his fathersº had made.ºª 13 And also²² Maachahº his mother,º even her he removedºª from [being] queen,º² because² she had madeºª an idolº in a grove;º and Asaº destroyedºª² her idol,º and burntºª [it] by the brookº Kidron.º 14 But the high placesº were not² removed:ºª nevertheless² Asa'sº heartº was² perfectº with² the LORDº all² his days.º 15 And he brought¹ª in²² the things¹ª which his fatherº had dedicated,º and the things which himself had dedicated,º into the houseº of the LORD,º silver,º and gold,º and vessels.º

[10] 1K 15:2, 13; 2Ch 11:20; 13:2.
[11] 1K 15:3; 2Ch 14:2, 11; 15:17; 16:7.
[12] 1K 11:7; 14:23, 24; 15:3; 22:46; 2Ch 14:2; Ezk 20:18; Zc 1:2; Ro 1:26; 1P 1:18; Jde 1:7.
[13] Ex 32:20; Lv 26:30; Dt 7:5; 9:21; 13:6; 33:9; Jsh 6:24; 2S 15:23; 1K 15:2, 10; 2K 18:4; 23:6, 12; 2Ch 15:15, 16; 34:4; Zc 13:3; Mt 10:37; 12:46; Jn 18:1; 2Co 5:16; Ga 2:5, 14.
[14] 1K 8:61; 11:4; 15:3; 22:43; 2K 12:3; 14:4; 15:4; 2Ch 14:3, 5; 15:17; 16:9; 25:2.
[15] 1K 7:51; 1Ch 26:26; 2Ch 14:13; 15:18.

The war between Baasha and him causeth him to make a league with Ben-hadad.

16 ¶ And there was² warº between² Asaº and Baashaº kingº of Israelº all² their days.º 17 And Baashaº kingº of Israelº went upºª against² Judah,º and builtºª² Ramah,º that he might not² sufferºª any to go outºª or come inºª to Asaº kingº of Judah.º 18 Then Asaº tookºª² all² the silverº and the goldº [that were] leftºª in the treasuresº of the houseº of the LORD,º and the treasuresº of the king'sº house,º and deliveredºª them into the handº of his servants:º and kingº Asaº sentºª them to² Benhadad,º the sonº of Tabrimon,º the sonº of Hezion,º kingº of Syria,º that dweltºª at Damascus,º saying,ºª 19 [There is] a leagueº between² me and thee, [and] between² my fatherº and thy father:º behold,² I have sentºª unto thee a presentº of silverº and gold;º come¹ª² and breakºª² thy leagueº with² Baashaº kingº of Israel,º that he may departºª from²² me. 20 So Benhadadº hearkenedºª unto² kingº Asa,º and sentºª² the captainsº of the hostsº which² he had against² the citiesº of Israel,º and smoteºª² Ijon,º and Dan,º and Abelbethmaachah,º and all² Cinneroth,º with² all² the landº of Naphtali.º 21 And it came to pass,² when Baashaº heardºª [thereof], that he left offºª buildingºª² of² Ramah,º and dweltºª in Tirzah.º 22 Then kingº Asaº made a proclamationºª throughout² all² Judah;º none² [was] exempted:º and they took¹ª away²² the stonesº of Ramah,º and the timberº thereof, wherewith² Baashaº had builded;ºª and kingº Asaº builtºª with them² Gebaº of Benjamin,º and Mizpah.º

[16] 1K 14:30; 15:6, 32; 2Ch 16:1.
[17] Jsh 18:25; 1S 15:34; 1K 12:27; 15:21, 27; 2Ch 11:13; 16:1; Jr 31:15.
[18] Gn 14:15; 15:2; 1K 11:23; 14:26; 15:15; 20:1, 33; 2K 8:7; 12:18; 18:15; 2Ch 15:18; 16:2; Jr 49:27; Am 1:4.
[19] 2S 21:2; 2Ch 16:3; 19:2; Is 31:1; Ezk 17:13; Ro 1:31; 3:8.
[20] Gn 14:14; Jsh 11:2; 12:3; Jg 18:29; 2S 20:14; 1K 12:29; 2K 15:29; Ezk 48:1.
[21] 1K 14:17; 16:15; 2Ch 16:5; So 6:4.
[22] Jsh 18:24, 26; 21:17; 1S 7:5; 2Ch 16:6; Jr 40:6, 10.

Jehoshaphat succeedeth Asa.

23 The restº of all² the actsº of Asa,º and all² his might,º and all² that² he did,ºª and the citiesº which² he built,ºª [are] they² not² writtenºª in² the bookº of the chroniclesºº of the kingsº of Judah?º Nevertheless² in the timeº of his old ageº he was diseasedºª in² his feet.º 24 And Asaº sleptºª with² his fathers,º and was buriedºª with² his fathersº in the cityº of Davidº his father:º and Jehoshaphatº his sonº reignedºª in his stead.²

[23] 1K 14:29; 15:7; 2Ch 16:12; Ps 90:10.
[24] 1K 22:41; 2Ch 16:14; 17:1; Mt 1:8.

Nadab's wicked reign.

25 ¶ And Nadabº the sonº of Jeroboamº began to reignºª over² Israelº in the secondº yearº of Asaº kingº of Judah,º and reignedºª over² Israelº two¹ years.º 26 And he didºª evilº in the sightº of the LORD,º and walked¹ª² in the wayº of his father,º and in his sinº wherewith² he made Israel¹ to sin.ºª²²

[25] 1K 14:12, 20.
[26] Gn 20:9; Ex 32:21; 1S 2:24; 1K 12:28; 13:33; 14:16; 15:30, 34; 16:7, 19, 25, 26, 30; 21:22; 22:52; 2K 3:3; 21:11; 23:15; Jr 32:35; Ro 14:15; 1Co 8:10.

Baasha conspiring against him executeth Ahijah's prophecy.

27 ¶ And Baashaº the sonº of Ahijah,º of the houseº of Issachar,º conspiredºª against² him; and Baashaº smoteºª him at Gibbethon,º which² [belonged] to the Philistines;º for Nadabº and all² Israelº laid siegeºª to² Gibbethon.º 28 Even in the thirdº yearº of Asaº kingº of Judahº did Baashaº slayºª him, and reignedºª in his stead.² 29 And it came to pass,² when he reigned,ºª [that] he smoteºª² all² the houseº of Jeroboam;º he leftºª not² to Jeroboamº any² that breathed,º until² he had destroyedºª him, according unto the sayingº of the LORD,º which² he spakeºª byº his servantº Ahijahº the Shilonite:º 30 Because² of the sinsº of Jeroboamº which² he sinned,ºª and which² he made Israel¹ sin,ºª²² by his provocationº wherewith² he provoked²² the LORDº Godº of Israelº to anger.¹ª

[27] Jsh 19:44; 21:23; 1K 14:14; 15:16; 16:9, 15, 17; 2K 12:20.
[28] Dt 32:35.
[29] 1K 14:9; 2K 9:7, 36; 10:10, 31; 19:25.
[30] 1K 14:9, 22; 15:26.

Nadab's acts and death.

31 ¶ Now the restº of the actsº of Nadab,º and all² that² he did,ºª [are] they² not² writtenºª in² the bookº of the chroniclesºº of the kingsº of Israel?º 32 And there was² warº between² Asaº and Baashaº kingº of Israelº all² their days.º

[31] 1K 14:19; 16:5, 14, 20, 27.
[32] 1K 15:16; 16:8; 2Ch 15:19; 16:1.

Baasha's wicked reign.

33 In the thirdº yearº of Asaº kingº of Judahº began Baashaº the sonº of Ahijahº to reignºª over² all² Israelº in Tirzah,º twentyº and fourº years.º 34 And he didºª evilº in the sightº of the LORD,º and walked¹ª² in the wayº of Jeroboam,º and in his sinº wherewith² he made Israel¹ to sin.ºª²²

[33] 1K 16:8.
[34] 1K 12:28; 13:33; 14:16; 15:26; Is 1:4.

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