NASB — Psalms 38 — KJV

Prayer of a Suffering Penitent.

A Psalm of David, for a memorial.

  1 O LORD°, arebuke° me not in Your wrath°,
  And chasten° me not in Your burning° anger°.
  2 For Your aarrows° have sunk° deep° into me,
  And bYour hand° has pressed° down° on me.
  3 There° is ano° soundness° in my flesh° bbecause°° of Your indignation°;
  There° is no° health° cin my bones° because°° of my sin°.
  4 For my ainiquities° are gone° over° my head°;
  As a heavy° burden° they weigh° too° much° for me.
  5 My Iwounds° grow° foul° [and] fester°
  Because°° of amy folly°.
  6 I am bent° over and agreatly° bowed° down°;
  I bgo° mourning° all° day° long.
  7 For my loins° are filled° with aburning°,
  And there° is bno° soundness° in my flesh°.
  8 I am abenumbed° and Ibadly° crushed°;
  I IIbgroan° because° of the IIIagitation° of my heart°.

[1] aPs 6:1
[2] aJb 6:4 bPs 32:4
[3] aIs 1:6 bPs 102:10 cJb 33:19; Ps 6:2; 31:10
[4] aEzr 9:6; Ps 40:12
[5] IOr stripes aPs 69:5
[6] aPs 35:14 bJb 30:28; Ps 42:9; 43:2
[7] aPs 102:3 bPs 38:3
[8] IOr greatly IILit roar IIILit growling aLm 1:13, 20f; 2:11; 5:17 bJb 3:24; Ps 22:1; 32:3

  9 ¶ Lord°, all° amy desire° is Ibefore° You;
  And my bsighing° is not hidden° from You.
  10 My heart° throbs°, amy strength° fails° me;
  And the blight° of my eyes°, even° Ithat IIhas gone° from me.
  11 My Ialoved° ones and my friends° stand° aloof°° from my plague°;
  And my kinsmen° bstand° afar° off.
  12 Those who aseek° my life° blay° snares° [for me];
  And those who cseek° to injure° me have Ithreatened° destruction°,
  And they ddevise° treachery° all° day° long.

[9] IOr known to You aPs 10:17 bPs 6:6; 102:5
[10] ILit they have IILit is not with me aPs 31:10 bPs 6:7; 69:3; 88:9
[11] IOr lovers aPs 31:11; 88:18 bLk 23:49
[12] ILit spoken aPs 54:3 bPs 140:5 cPs 35:4 dPs 35:20

  13 ¶ But I, like a deaf° man°, do not hear°;
  And [I am] like a amute° man° who does not open° his mouth°.
  14 Yes, I am like a man° who° does not hear°,
  And in whose mouth° are no° arguments°.
  15 For aI Ihope° in You, O LORD°;
  You bwill answer°, O Lord° my God°.
  16 For I said°, “May they not rejoice° over me,
  [Who], when my foot° slips°, awould magnify° themselves against° me.”
  17 For I am aready° to fall°,
  And bmy Isorrow° is continually° before° me.
  18 For I Iaconfess° my iniquity°;
  I am full° of banxiety° because° of my sin°.
  19 But my aenemies° are vigorous° [and] Istrong°,
  And many° are those who bhate° me wrongfully°.
  20 And those who arepay° evil° for good°,
  They boppose° me, because° I follow° what° is good°.
  21 Do not forsake° me, O LORD°;
  O my God°, ado not be far° from me!
  22 Make° ahaste° to help° me,
  O Lord°, bmy salvation°!

[13] aPs 39:2, 9
[15] IOr wait for aPs 39:7 bPs 17:6
[16] aPs 35:26
[17] ILit pain aPs 35:15 bPs 13:2
[18] IOr declare aPs 32:5 b2Co 7:9, 10
[19] IOr numerous aPs 18:17 bPs 35:19
[20] aPs 35:12 bPs 109:5; 1 Jn 3:12
[21] aPs 22:19; 35:22
[22] aPs 40:13, 17 bPs 27:1

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by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved.
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David moveth God to take compassion of his pitiful case.

1 ¶ [[A Psalmº of David,º to bring to remembrance.]]ºª O LORD,º rebukeºª me not² in thy wrath:º neither chastenºª me in thy hot displeasure.º 2 For² thine arrowsº stick fastºª in me, and thy handº presseth me sore.ºª² 3 [There is] no² soundnessº in my fleshº becauseº² of thine anger;º neither² [is there any] restº in my bonesº becauseº² of my sin.º 4 For² mine iniquitiesº are gone overºª mine head:º as an heavyº burdenº they are too heavyºª for² me. 5 My woundsº stinkºª [and] are corruptºª becauseº² of my foolishness.º 6 I am troubled;ºª I am bowed downºª greatly;º² I goºª mourningºª all² the dayº long. 7 For² my loinsº are filledºª with a loathsomeºª [disease]: and [there is] no² soundnessº in my flesh.º 8 I am feebleºª and soreº² broken:ºª I have roaredºª by reason of the disquietnessº² of my heart.º 9 Lord,º all² my desireº [is] before² thee; and my groaningº is not² hidºª from² thee. 10 My heartº panteth,ºª my strengthº failethºª me: as for the lightº of mine eyes,º itº also² is goneº from² me. 11 My loversºª and my friendsº stand¹ª aloof² from¹ my sore;º²² and my kinsmenº standºª afar off.º² 12 They also that seek¹ª after² my lifeº lay snaresºª [for me]: and they that seekºª my hurtº speakºª mischievous things,º and imagineºª deceitsº all² the dayº long. 13 But I,² as a deafº [man], heardºª not;² and [I was] as a dumb manº [that] openethºª not² his mouth.º 14 Thus I was² as a manº that² hearethºª not,² and in whose mouthº [are] no² reproofs.º 15 For² in thee, O LORD,º do I hope:ºª thou² wilt hear,ºª O Lordº my God.º 16 For² I said,ºª [Hear me], lest² [otherwise] they should rejoiceºª over me: when my footº slippeth,ºª they magnifyºª [themselves] against² me. 17 For² I² [am] readyºª to halt,º and my sorrowº [is] continuallyº before² me. 18 For² I will declareºª mine iniquity;º I will be sorryºª for my sin.º² 19 But mine enemiesºª [are] lively,º [and] they are strong:ºª and they that hateºª me wrongfullyº are multiplied.ºª 20 They also that renderºª evilº for² goodº are mine adversaries;ºª because² I followºª [the thing that] goodº [is]. 21 Forsakeºª me not,² O LORD:º O my God,º be not² farºª from² me. 22 Make hasteºª to helpº me, O Lordº my salvation.º

[1] Dt 9:19; Ps 6:1; 70:1; 88:7, 15; Is 27:8; 54:8; Jr 10:24; 30:11; Hab 3:2; He 12:5.
[2] Dt 2:15; Ru 1:13; 1S 5:6, 11; 6:9; Jb 6:4; Ps 21:12; 32:4; 39:10; 64:7; Lm 3:12.
[3] 2Ch 26:19; Jb 2:7; 33:19; Ps 6:2; 31:9; 51:8; 90:7; 102:3, 5; Is 1:5; Lm 3:40.
[4] Lv 7:18; Ezr 9:6; Ps 40:12; Is 53:11; Lm 1:14; Mt 11:28; 1P 2:24.
[5] Ps 32:3; 38:7; Is 1:5; Jr 8:22.
[6] Jb 30:28; Ps 6:6; 31:10; 35:14; 42:5, 9; 43:2; 57:6; 88:9; 145:14; Is 38:14.
[7] 2Ch 21:18; Jb 7:5; 30:18; Ps 38:3; 41:8; Ac 12:23.
[8] Jb 3:24; 30:28; Ps 22:1; 32:3; Is 59:11.
[9] Ps 102:5, 20; Jn 1:48; Ro 8:22, 26; 2Co 5:2.
[10] 1S 14:27; Ps 6:7; 42:1; 69:3; 88:9; 119:81, 123; 143:4; Is 21:4; Lm 2:11; 5:16.
[11] Jb 6:21; 19:13; Ps 31:11; Mt 26:56; Lk 10:31; 22:54; 23:49; Jn 16:32.
[12] 2S 16:7; 17:1; Ps 10:9; 35:20; 62:3; 64:2; 119:110; 140:5; 141:9; Lk 20:19, 21.
[13] 2S 16:10; Ps 39:2, 9; Is 53:7; 1P 2:23.
[14] Am 5:13; Mi 7:5; Mk 15:3; Jn 8:6.
[15] Ps 39:7; 123:1; 138:3.
[16] Dt 32:35; Ps 13:3; 35:24, 26; 94:18.
[17] Ps 6:6; 35:15; 38:6; 77:2; Is 53:3; Mi 4:6.
[18] Jb 31:33; 33:27; Ps 32:5; 51:3; Pv 28:13; 2Co 7:7.
[19] Ps 3:1; 25:19; 35:19; 56:1; 59:1; 69:4; 79:5; Mt 10:22; Jn 15:18; Ac 4:25.
[20] 1S 19:4; 23:5, 12; 25:16, 21; Ps 7:4; 35:12; 109:3; Jr 18:20; Mt 5:10; Jn 10:32; 1P 3:13, 17; 4:14; 1Jn 3:12.
[21] Ps 22:1, 11, 19, 24; 35:21.
[22] Ps 27:1; 40:13, 17; 62:2, 6; 70:1, 5; 71:12; 141:1; Is 12:2.

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