NASB — Psalms 102 — KJV

Prayer of an Afflicted Man for Mercy on Himself and on Zion.

A Prayer of the Afflicted when he is faint and pours out his complaint before the LORD.

  1 aHear° my prayer°, O LORD°!
  And let my cry° for help° bcome° to You.
  2 aDo not hide° Your face° from me in the day° of my distress°;
  bIncline° Your ear° to me;
  In the day° when I call° aanswer° me quickly°.
  3 For my days° ahave been° Iconsumed° in smoke°,
  And my bbones° have been scorched° like a hearth°.
  4 My heart° ahas been smitten° like Igrass° and has bwithered° away,
  Indeed°, I cforget° to eat° my bread°.
  5 Because° of the Iloudness° of my groaning°
  My abones° IIcling° to my flesh°.
  6 I Iresemble° a apelican° of the wilderness°;
  I have become° like an owl° of the waste° places°.
  7 I alie° awake°,
  I have become° like a lonely° bird° on a housetop°.

[1] Ps 142:2 aPs 39:12; 61:1 bEx 2:23; 1S 9:16
[2] aPs 69:17 bPs 31:2
[3] IOr finished aPs 37:20; Jm 4:14 bJb 30:30; Lm 1:13
[4] ILit herbage aPs 90:5, 6 bPs 37:2; Is 40:7 c1S 1:7; 2S 12:17; Ezr 10:6; Jb 33:20
[5] ILit voice IILit have cleaved aJb 19:20; Lm 4:8
[6] ILit have become similar to aIs 34:11; Zp 2:14
[7] aPs 77:4

  8 ¶ My enemies° ahave reproached° me all° day° long;
  Those who Ibderide° me IIhave used° my [name] as a ccurse°.
  9 For I have eaten° ashes° like bread°
  And amingled° my drink° with weeping°
  10 aBecause°° of Your indignation° and Your wrath°,
  For You have blifted° me up and cast° me away°.
  11 My days° are like a Ialengthened° shadow°,
  And III bwither° away like IIIgrass°.

[8] IOr made a fool of IILit have sworn by me aPs 31:11 bAc 26:11 c2S 16:5; Is 65:15; Jr 29:22
[9] aPs 42:3; 80:5
[10] aPs 38:3 bJb 27:21; 30:22
[11] ILit stretched out IIOr as for me, I IIILit herbage aJb 14:2; Ps 109:23 bPs 102:4

  12 ¶ But You, O LORD°, Iaabide° forever°,
  And Your IIbname° to all° generations°.
  13 You will aarise° [and] have° bcompassion° on Zion°;
  For cit is time° to be gracious° to her,
  For the dappointed° time° has come°.
  14 Surely° Your servants° Ifind° pleasure° in her stones°
  And feel° pity° for her dust°.
  15 ISo the IIanations° will fear° the name° of the LORD°
  And ball° the kings° of the earth° Your glory°.
  16 For the LORD° has abuilt° up Zion°;
  He has bappeared° in His glory°.
  17 He has aregarded° the prayer° of the Idestitute°
  And has not despised° their prayer°.

[12] IOr sit enthroned IILit memorial aPs 9:7; 10:16; Lm 5:19 bEx 3:15; Ps 135:13
[13] aPs 12:5; 44:26 bIs 60:10; Zc 1:12 cPs 119:126 dPs 75:2; Dn 8:19
[14] IOr have found
[15] IOr And IIOr Gentiles, heathen a1K 8:43; Ps 67:7 bPs 138:4
[16] aPs 147:2 bIs 60:1, 2
[17] IOr naked aNe 1:6; Ps 22:24

  18IThis° will be awritten° for the bgeneration° to come°,
  IIThat ca people° yet to be created° IIImay praise° IVthe LORD°.
  19 For He alooked° down° from His holy° height°;
  bFrom heaven° the LORD° gazed° Iupon the earth°,
  20 To hear° the agroaning° of the prisoner°,
  To bset° free° Ithose° who° were doomed° to death°,
  21 That [men] may atell° of the name° of the LORD° in Zion°
  And His praise° in Jerusalem°,
  22 When athe peoples° are gathered° together°,
  And the kingdoms°, to serve° the LORD°.

[18] IOr Let this be written IIOr And IIIOr will IVHeb YAH aDt 31:19; Ro 15:4; 1Co 10:11 bPs 22:30; 48:13 cPs 22:31; 78:6f
[19] ILit toward aDt 26:15; Ps 14:2; 53:2 bPs 33:13
[20] ILit the sons of death aPs 79:11 bPs 146:7
[21] aPs 22:22
[22] aPs 22:27; 86:9; Is 49:22, 23; 60:3; Zc 8:20-23

  23 ¶ He has weakened° my strength° in the way°;
  He has ashortened° my days°.
  24 I say°, “O my God°, ado not take° me away° in the Imidst° of my days°,
  Your byears° are throughout all° generations°.
  25 “Of old° You afounded° the earth°,
  And the bheavens° are the work° of Your hands°.
  26IEven they will aperish°, but You endure°;
  And all° of them will wear° out like a garment°;
  Like clothing° You will change° them and they will be changed°.
  27 “But You are Iathe same°,
  And Your years° will not come° to an end°.
  28 “The achildren° of Your servants° will continue°,
  And their Ibdescendants° will be established° before° You.”

[23] aPs 39:5
[24] ILit half aPs 39:13; Is 38:10 bJb 36:26; Ps 90:2; 102:12; Hab 1:12
[25] aGn 1:1; Ne 9:6; He 1:10-12 bPs 96:5
[26] ILit They themselves aIs 34:4; 51:6; Mt 24:35; 2P 3:10; Rv 20:11
[27] ILit He aIs 41:4; 43:10; Mal 3:6; Jm 1:17
[28] ILit seed aPs 69:36 bPs 89:4

New American Standard Bible
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by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved.
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The prophet in his prayer maketh a grievous complaint.

1 ¶ [[A Prayerº of the afflicted,º when² he is overwhelmed,ºª and poureth outºª his complaintº beforeº the LORD.]]º Hearºª my prayer,º O LORD,º and let my cryº comeºª unto² thee. 2 Hideºª not² thy faceº from² me in the dayº [when] I am in trouble;º inclineºª thine earº unto² me: in the dayº [when] I callºª answerºª me speedily.¹² 3 For² my daysº are consumedºª like smoke,º and my bonesº are burnedºª as² an hearth.º 4 My heartº is smitten,ºª and witheredºª like grass;º so² that I forgetºª to eatºª² my bread.º 5 By reason of the voiceº² of my groaningº my bonesº cleaveºª to my skin.º 6 I am likeºª a pelicanº of the wilderness:º I am² like an owlº of the desert.º 7 I watch,ºª and am² as a sparrowº aloneºª upon² the house top.º 8 Mine enemiesºª reproachºª me all² the day;º [and] they that are madºª against me are swornºª against me. 9 For² I have eatenºª ashesº like bread,º and mingledºª my drinkº with weeping,º 10 Becauseº² of thine indignationº and thy wrath:º for² thou hast lifted me up,ºª and cast me down.ºª 11 My daysº [are] like a shadowº that declineth;ºª and I² am witheredºª like grass.º

[1] Ex 2:23; Jg 10:16; 1S 1:15; 9:16; 2Ch 30:27; Ps 5:2; 12:5; 18:6; 41:1; 42:4; 55:1; 57:1; 61:2; 62:8; 69:1; 77:3; 130:1; 142:2; 143:4, 7; 145:19; Lm 3:8, 18, 44; Mk 14:33; Lk 22:44; He 5:7.
[2] Jb 7:21; 34:29; Ps 13:1; 22:19; 27:9; 40:13; 69:17; 70:1; 71:2; 88:2, 14; 104:29; 143:7; Is 8:17; 43:2; 65:24; Ac 12:5; 1Co 10:13.
[3] Jb 30:30; Ps 22:14; 31:10; 37:20; 38:3; 119:83; Lm 1:13; 3:4; Jm 4:14.
[4] 1S 1:7; Ezr 10:6; Jb 6:4; 10:1; Ps 6:2; 37:2; 42:6; 55:4; 69:20; 77:3; 102:9, 11; 143:3; Is 40:7; Lm 3:13, 20; Mt 26:37; Ac 9:9.
[5] Jb 19:20; Ps 6:6, 8; 32:3; 38:8; Pv 17:22; Lm 4:8.
[6] Jb 30:29; Is 34:11; 38:14; Mi 1:8; Zp 2:14; Rv 18:2.
[7] Dt 28:66; Jb 7:13; Ps 22:2; 38:11; 77:4; 130:6; Lm 3:28; Mk 14:33.
[8] Ps 2:1; 31:11; 55:3; 69:9, 20; 89:51; Lk 6:11; Ac 7:54; 23:12; 26:11; Ro 15:3.
[9] Jb 3:24; Ps 42:3; 69:21; 80:5; Is 44:20; Lm 3:15, 48; Mi 1:10; 7:17.
[10] 1S 2:7; 2Ch 25:8; Ps 30:6; 38:3, 18; 39:11; 73:18; 90:7; 147:6; Lm 1:18; 3:39; 5:16; Dn 9:8; Ro 3:19; 2Co 4:9.
[11] Jb 14:2; Ps 39:5; 102:3, 4; 109:23; 144:4; Ec 6:12; Is 40:6; Jm 1:10; 4:14; 1P 1:24.

He taketh comfort in the eternity and mercy of God.

12 But thou,² O LORD,º shalt endureºª for ever;º and thy remembranceº unto all¹ generations.º 13 Thou² shalt arise,ºª [and] have mercy¹ª upon² Zion:º for² the timeº to favourºª her, yea,² the set time,º is come.ºª 14 For² thy servantsº take pleasure¹ª in²² her stones,º and favourºª the dustº thereof. 15 So the heathenº shall fearºª² the nameº of the LORD,º and all² the kingsº of the earthº² thy glory.º 16 When² the LORDº shall build upºª Zion,º he shall appearºª in his glory.º 17 He will regardºª² the prayerº of the destitute,º and not² despiseºª² their prayer.º

[12] Ex 3:15; Dt 33:27; Ps 9:7; 90:1; 102:24; 135:13; Is 44:6; 60:15; Lm 5:19; He 13:8; Rv 1:17.
[13] Ezr 1:1; Ps 7:6; 44:26; 51:18; 69:35; Is 14:32; 40:2; 60:1, 10; Jr 31:10, 23; Dn 9:2; 12:9, 12; Zc 1:12; 2:10; Ac 1:7; Ga 4:4; 2P 3:8, 12; Rv 11:15.
[14] Ezr 1:5; 3:1; 7:27; Ne 1:3; 2:3, 17; 4:2, 6, 10; Ps 79:1, 7; 137:5; Dn 9:16.
[15] 1K 8:43; Ps 67:2; 68:31; 72:11; 86:9; 138:4; Is 55:5; 60:3; Zc 8:20; Rv 11:15; 21:24.
[16] Ps 51:18; 69:35; 97:6; 147:2; Is 2:2; 14:26; 60:1, 7; 61:3; 66:18; Jr 31:4; 33:7; Mi 2:9; Zc 2:6.
[17] Dt 4:29; 32:36; Ne 1:6, 11; 2:1; Ps 9:18; 22:24; 69:23; 72:12; Jr 29:11; Dn 9:3.

The mercies of God are to be recorded.

18 This² shall be writtenºª for the generationº to come:º and the peopleº which shall be createdºª shall praiseºª the LORD.º 19 For² he hath looked downºª from the heightº² of his sanctuary;º from heavenº² did the LORDº beholdºª² the earth;º 20 To hearºª the groaningº of the prisoner;º to looseºª those that are appointedº to death;º 21 To declareºª the nameº of the LORDº in Zion,º and his praiseº in Jerusalem;º 22 When the peopleº are gatheredºª together,º and the kingdoms,º to serveºª² the LORD.º

[18] Ex 17:14; Dt 31:19; Jb 19:23; Ps 22:30; 45:16; 71:18; 78:4; Is 43:7, 21; 65:17; Dn 9:2; Jn 20:31; Ro 15:4; 1Co 10:11; 2Co 5:17; Ep 2:10; 2Ti 3:16; 1P 2:9; 2P 1:15.
[19] Dt 26:15; 1K 8:39, 43; 2Ch 16:9; Jb 22:12; Ps 14:2; 33:13; He 8:1; 9:23.
[20] Ex 2:23; 3:7; 2K 13:4, 22; 2Ch 33:11; Jb 24:12; Ps 79:11; 146:7; Is 14:17; 61:1; Jr 51:32, 34; Zc 9:9; Ac 12:6; Ep 2:2.
[21] Ps 9:13; 22:22; 51:14; 79:13; Is 51:11; Ep 2:4; 3:21; 1P 2:9.
[22] Gn 49:10; Ps 72:8; Is 49:22; 60:3; Ho 1:9; Zc 8:20; Mt 24:14; Ro 15:19.

He sustaineth his weakness by the unchangeableness of God.

23 He weakenedºª my strengthº in the way;º he shortenedºª my days.º 24 I said,ºª O my God,º take² me not² away¹ª in the midstº of my days:º thy yearsº [are] throughout all¹ generations.º 25 Of oldº hast thou laid the foundationºª of the earth:º and the heavensº [are] the workº of thy hands.º 26 They² shall perish,ºª but thou² shalt endure:ºª yea, all² of them shall wax oldºª like a garment;º as a vestureº shalt thou changeºª them, and they shall be changed:ºª 27 But thou² [art] the same,² and thy yearsº shall have no² end.ºª 28 The childrenº of thy servantsº shall continue,ºª and their seedº shall be establishedºª beforeº thee.

[23] Jb 21:21; Ps 89:38; 2Th 2:3; 1Ti 4:1; 2Ti 3:1; Rv 11:2; 12:13.
[24] Ps 9:7; 39:13; 90:1; 102:12; Is 38:10; Hab 1:12; Rv 1:4, 8.
[25] Gn 1:1; 2:1; Ex 20:11; Jb 38:4; Pv 8:23; Jr 32:17; He 1:10; 3:3.
[26] Ex 3:14; Ps 102:12; Is 34:4; 51:6; 65:17; 66:22; Lk 21:33; Ro 8:20; 2P 3:7; Rv 20:11; 21:1.
[27] Jb 36:26; Ps 90:4; Mal 3:6; Jn 8:58; He 13:8; Jm 1:17; Rv 1:8, 17.
[28] Ps 22:30; 45:16; 69:35; 90:16; Is 53:10; 59:20; 65:22; 66:22.

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