NASB — Job 22 — KJV

Eliphaz Accuses and Exhorts Job

1 Then Eliphaz° the Temanite° Iresponded°°,
  2 “Can a vigorous aman° be of use° to God°,
  Or° a wise° man be useful° to himself?
  3 “Is there any pleasure° to Ithe Almighty° if° you are righteous°,
  Or° profit° if° you make° your ways° perfect°?
  4 “Is it because° of your Ireverence° that He reproves° you,
  That He aenters° into judgment° against° you?
  5 “Is not ayour wickedness° great°,
  And your iniquities° without° end°?
  6 “For you have ataken° pledges° of your brothers° without° cause°,
  And bstripped° Imen naked°.
  7 “To the weary° you have agiven° no° water° to drink°,
  And from the hungry° you have bwithheld° bread°.
  8 “But the earth° abelongs to the bmighty° man°,
  And cthe honorable°° man dwells° in it.
  9 “You have sent° awidows° away° empty°,
  And the Istrength° of the borphans° has been crushed°.
  10 “Therefore°° asnares° surround° you,
  And sudden° bdread° terrifies° you,
  11 Or° adarkness°, so that you cannot° see°,
  And an babundance° of water° covers° you.

[1] ILit answered and said
[2] aJb 35:7; Lk 17:10
[3] IHeb Shaddai
[4] IOr fear aJb 14:3; 19:29
[5] aJb 11:6; 15:5
[6] ILit clothing of the naked aEx 22:26; Dt 24:6, 17; Jb 24:3, 9; Ezk 18:16 bJb 31:19, 20
[7] aJb 31:16, 17 bJb 31:31
[8] aJb 9:24 bJb 12:19 cIs 3:3; 9:15
[9] ILit arms aJb 24:3, 21; 29:13; 31:16, 18 bJb 6:27
[10] aJb 18:8 bJb 15:21
[11] aJb 5:14 bJb 38:34; Ps 69:2; 124:5; Lm 3:54

  12 ¶ “Is not God° a[in] the height° of heaven°?
  Look° also at the Idistant° stars°, how° high° they are!
  13 “You say°, ‘aWhat° does God° know°?
  Can He judge° through° the thick° darkness°?
  14aClouds° are a hiding° place° for Him, so that He cannot° see°;
  And He walks° on the Ivault° of heaven°.’
  15 “Will you keep° to the ancient° path°
  Which° awicked° men° have trod°,
  16 Who° were snatched° away° abefore their time°,
  Whose bfoundations° were Iwashed° away° by a river°?
  17 “They asaid° to God°, ‘Depart° from us!’
  And ‘What° can Ithe Almighty° do° to them?’
  18 “Yet He afilled° their houses° with good° [things];
  But bthe counsel° of the wicked° is far° from me.
  19 “The arighteous° see° and are glad°,
  And the innocent° mock° them,
  20 [Saying], ‘Truly°° our adversaries° are cut° off°,
  And their Iabundance° athe fire° has consumed°.’

[12] ILit head, top-most aJb 11:7-9
[13] aPs 10:11; 59:7; 64:5; 94:7; Is 29:15; Ezk 8:12
[14] ILit circle aJb 26:9
[15] aJb 34:36
[16] ILit poured out aJb 15:32; 21:13, 18 bJb 14:19; Ps 90:5; Is 28:2; Mt 7:26, 27
[17] IHeb Shaddai aJb 21:14, 15
[18] aJb 12:6 bJb 21:16
[19] aPs 52:6; 58:10; 107:42
[20] IOr excess aJb 15:30

  21 ¶ “IaYield° now° and be at peace° with Him;
  Thereby good° will come° to you.
  22 “Please° receive° Iainstruction° from His mouth°
  And establish° His words° in your heart°.
  23 “If° you areturn° to Ithe Almighty°, you will be IIrestored°;
  If you bremove° unrighteousness° far° from your tent°,
  24 And aplace° [your] Igold° in the dust°,
  And [the gold of] Ophir° among the stones° of the brooks°,
  25 Then Ithe Almighty° will be your IIgold°
  And choice° silver° to you.
  26 “For then° you will adelight° in Ithe Almighty°
  And lift° up your face° to God°.
  27 “You will apray° to Him, and bHe will hear° you;
  And you will pay° your vows°.
  28 “You will also decree° a thing°, and it will be established° for you;
  And alight° will shine° on your ways°.
  29 “When° Iyou are cast° down°, you will speak° with IIconfidence°,
  And the IIIahumble°° person°° He will save°.
  30 “He will deliver° one who is not innocent°,
  And he will be adelivered° through the cleanness° of your hands°.”

[21] IOr Know intimately aPs 34:10
[22] IOr law aJb 6:10; 23:12; Pv 2:6
[23] IHeb Shaddai IILit built up aJb 8:5; 11:13; Is 19:22; 31:6; Zc 1:3 bJb 11:14
[24] ILit ore aJb 31:24, 25
[25] IHeb Shaddai IILit ore
[26] IHeb Shaddai aJb 27:10; Ps 37:4; Is 58:14
[27] aJb 11:13; 33:26; Is 58:9 bJb 34:28
[28] aJb 11:17; Ps 112:4
[29] ILit they cast you down IILit pride IIILit lowly of eyes aJb 5:11; 36:7; Mt 23:12; Jm 4:6; 1P 5:5
[30] aJb 42:7, 8; Ps 18:20; 24:3, 4

New American Standard Bible
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by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved.
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Eliphaz sheweth that man's goodness profiteth not God.

1 ¶ Then Eliphazº the Temaniteº answeredºª and said,ºª 2 Can a manº be profitableºª unto God,º as¹ he that² is wiseºª may be profitableºª unto² himself? 3 [Is it] any pleasureº to the Almighty,º that² thou art righteous?ºª or² [is it] gainº [to him], that² thou makest thy ways¹ perfect?ºª² 4 Will he reproveºª thee for fearº² of thee? will he enterºª with² thee into judgment?º

[2] Dt 10:13; Jb 21:15; 35:6; Ps 16:2; Pv 3:13; 4:7; 9:12; Ec 7:11; Mt 5:29; Lk 17:10; Ga 6:7.
[3] 1Ch 29:17; Jb 23:10; Ps 39:1; 119:3, 59; 147:10; Pv 11:1, 20; 12:22; 15:8; Mal 2:17; Ac 24:16; 2Co 7:1; Php 4:18.
[4] Jb 7:12; 9:19, 32; 14:3; 16:21; 23:6; 34:23; Ps 39:11; 76:6; 80:16; 130:3; 143:2; Ec 12:14; Is 3:14; Rv 3:19.

He accuseth Job of divers sins.

5 [Is] not² thy wickednessº great?º and thine iniquitiesº infinite?º² 6 For² thou hast taken a pledgeºª from thy brotherº for nought,º and strippedºª the nakedº of their clothing.º 7 Thou hast not² given waterº to the wearyº to drink,ºª and thou hast withholdenºª breadº from the hungry.º² 8 But [as for] the mightyº man,º he had the earth;º and the honourable manººª dweltºª in it. 9 Thou hast sent¹ª widows¹ away²² empty,º and the armsº of the fatherlessº have been broken.ºª 10 Therefore²² snaresº [are] round aboutº thee, and suddenº fearº troublethºª thee; 11 Or² darkness,º [that] thou canst not² see;ºª and abundanceº of watersº coverºª thee. 12 [Is] not² Godº in the heightº of heaven?º and beholdºª the heightº of the stars,º how² high¹ª they are!² 13 And thou sayest,ºª How² doth Godº know?ºª can he judgeºª through² the dark cloud?º 14 Thick cloudsº [are] a coveringº to him, that he seethºª not;² and he walkethºª in the circuitº of heaven.º 15 Hast thou markedºª the oldº wayº which² wickedº menº have trodden?ºª 16 Which² were cut downºª out of² time,º whose foundationº was overflownºª with a flood:º 17 Which saidºª unto God,º Departºª from² us: and what² can the Almightyº doºª for them? 18 Yet he² filledºª their housesº with goodº [things]: but the counselº of the wickedº is farºª from² me. 19 The righteousº seeºª [it], and are glad:ºª and the innocentº laugh them to scorn.ºª 20 Whereasº our substanceº is not² cut down,ºª but the remnantº of them the fireº consumeth.ºª

[5] Jb 4:7; 11:14; 15:5, 31; 21:27; 32:3; Ps 19:12; 40:12.
[6] Ex 22:26; Dt 24:10; Jb 24:3, 9, 10; 31:19; Ezk 18:7, 12, 16; Am 2:8.
[7] Dt 15:7; Jb 31:17; Ps 112:9; Pv 11:24; 19:17; Is 58:7, 10; Ezk 18:7, 16; Mt 25:42; Ro 12:20.
[8] 1K 21:11; Jb 13:8; 29:7; 31:34; Ps 12:8; Mi 7:3.
[9] Ex 22:21; Dt 27:19; Jb 24:3, 21; 29:12; 31:16, 21; Ps 10:15; 37:17; 94:6; Is 1:17, 23; 10:2; Ezk 22:7; 30:22; Mal 3:5; Lk 18:3.
[10] Jb 6:4; 13:21; 18:8; 19:6; Ps 11:6; Pv 1:27; 3:25; 1Th 5:3.
[11] Jb 18:6, 18; 19:8; Ps 42:7; 69:1; 124:4; Pv 4:19; Is 8:22; Lm 3:2, 54; Jol 2:2; Jna 2:3; Mt 8:12.
[12] Ps 8:3; 115:3, 16; Ec 5:2; Is 57:15; 66:1.
[13] Ps 10:11; 59:7; 73:11; 94:7; Ezk 8:12; 9:9; Zp 1:12.
[14] Jb 34:22; Ps 33:14; 97:2; 139:1, 11; Jr 23:24; Lk 12:2.
[15] Gn 6:5, 11; Lk 17:26.
[16] Gn 7:11, 17; Jb 15:32; Ps 55:23; 102:24; Ec 7:17; Mt 24:37; 1P 3:19; 2P 2:5.
[17] Jb 21:10, 14; Ps 4:6; Is 30:11; Mal 3:14; Mt 8:29, 34; Ro 1:28.
[18] 1S 2:7; Jb 12:6; 21:16; Ps 1:1; 17:14; Jr 12:2; Ac 14:17; 15:16.
[19] Jb 9:23; Ps 48:11; 52:6; 58:10; 97:8; 107:42; Pv 11:10; Rv 18:20; 19:1.
[20] Gn 19:24; Jb 1:16; 4:7; 8:3; 15:5; 20:18, 26; 21:27; Lk 13:1; 17:29; 2P 2:6.

He exhorteth him to repentance, with promises of mercy.

21 Acquaintºª now² thyself with² him, and be at peace:ºª thereby goodº shall comeºª unto thee. 22 Receive,ºª I pray thee,² the lawº from his mouth,º² and lay upºª his wordsº in thine heart.º 23 If² thou returnºª to² the Almighty,º thou shalt be built up,ºª thou shalt put away¹ª iniquityº farºª from thy tabernacles.º² 24 Then shalt thou lay upºª goldº asº dust,º and the [gold] of Ophirº as the stonesº of the brooks.º 25 Yea, the Almightyº shall be² thy defence,º and thou shalt have plentyº of silver.º 26 For² then² shalt thou have thy delightºª in² the Almighty,º and shalt lift upºª thy faceº unto² God.º 27 Thou shalt make thy prayerºª unto² him, and he shall hearºª thee, and thou shalt payºª thy vows.º 28 Thou shalt also decreeºª a thing,º and it shall be establishedºª unto thee: and the lightº shall shineºª upon² thy ways.º 29 When² [men] are cast down,ºª then thou shalt say,ºª [There is] lifting up;º and he shall saveºª the humble¹ person.º² 30 He shall deliverºª the islandº of the innocent:º and it is deliveredºª by the purenessº of thine hands.º

[21] 1Ch 28:9; Is 27:5; 57:19; Mt 5:25; Jn 17:3; Ac 10:36; 2Co 4:6; 5:20; Ep 2:14; Php 4:7.
[22] Dt 4:1; 6:6; Jb 23:12; Ps 119:11; Pv 2:1; 4:4, 21; Jr 15:16; Mt 12:35; 13:52; Lk 2:19, 51; 1Th 4:1.
[23] Jsh 7:13; Jb 8:5; 11:13, 14; 12:14; 18:15; Is 33:15; 55:6; Jr 31:4; Ho 14:1; Zc 1:3; 5:3; Ac 26:20; Col 2:7; 2Ti 2:19; Jde 1:20.
[24] Gn 10:29; 1K 9:28; 10:21; 22:48; 2Ch 1:5; 9:10, 27; Ps 45:9; Is 13:12.
[25] Gn 15:1; Ps 16:5; 18:2; 84:11; Is 33:6; 41:10; Ro 8:31; 2Co 6:10; Jm 2:5.
[26] Jb 11:15; 27:10; 34:9; Ps 25:1; 37:4; 86:4; 143:8; So 2:3; Is 58:14; Ro 7:22; 1Jn 3:20.
[27] Ps 50:14; 56:12; 66:13, 17, 18; 91:15; 116:1, 14; Ec 5:4; Is 58:9; Jna 2:9; 1Jn 5:14.
[28] Jb 29:3; Ps 20:4; 90:17; 97:11; 112:4; Pv 4:18; Is 30:21; Lm 3:37; Mal 4:2; Mt 21:22; Jn 8:12; Jm 4:15.
[29] Jb 5:19; Ps 9:2; 91:14; 92:9; 138:6; Pv 29:23; Is 57:15; 66:2; Ezk 21:26; Lk 1:52; 14:11; 18:9; Jm 4:6; 1P 5:5.
[30] Gn 18:26; Jb 42:8; Is 1:15; 58:12; Jr 5:1; Mal 1:9; Mt 17:19; Ac 19:15; 27:24; 1Ti 2:8; Jm 5:15.

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