Teaching at Nazareth1 aJesus went° out from there° and *came° into IbHis hometown°; and His disciples° *followed° Him. 2 When the Sabbath° came°, He began° ato teach° in the synagogue°; and the bmany° listeners° were astonished°, saying°, “Where° did this° man° [get] these° things°, and what° is [this] wisdom° given° to Him, and such° Imiracles° as these° performed° by His hands°? 3 Is not this° athe carpenter°, bthe son° of Mary°, and brother° of IJames° and Joses° and Judas° and Simon°? Are not cHis sisters° here° with us?” And they took° doffense° at Him. 4 Jesus° said° to them, “aA prophet° is not without° honor° except° in Ibhis hometown° and among° his [own] relatives° and in his [own] household°.” 5 And He could° do° no°° Imiracle° there° except° that He alaid° His hands° on a few° sick° people° and healed° them. 6 And He wondered° at their unbelief°. ¶ aAnd He was going° around°° the villages° teaching°. [1] IOr His own part of the country aMk 6:1-6: Mt 13:54-58 bMt 13:54, 57; Lk 4:16, 23
[2] IOr works of power aMt 4:23; Mk 10:1 bMt 7:28 [3] IOr Jacob aMt 13:55 bMt 12:46 cMt 13:56 dMt 11:6 [4] IOr his own part of the country aMt 13:57; Jn 4:44 bMk 6:1 [5] IOr work of power aMk 5:23 [6] aMt 9:35; Mk 1:39; 10:1; Lk 13:22 The Twelve Sent Out7 ¶ aAnd bHe *summoned° the twelve° and began° to send° them out cin pairs°, and gave° them authority° over the unclean° spirits°; 8 aand He instructed° them that they should take° nothing° for [their] journey°, except° a mere° staff°no° bread°, no° Ibag°, no° money° in their belt° 9 but I[to] wear° sandals°; and [He added], “Do not put° on two° IItunics°.” 10 And He said° to them, “Wherever°° you enter° a house°, stay° there° until° you Ileave° town°. 11 Any° place° that does not receive° you or° listen° to you, as you go° out from there°, ashake° the dust° Ioff° the soles° of your feet° for a testimony° against them.” 12 aThey went° out and Ipreached° that [men] should repent°. 13 And they were casting° out many° demons° and awere anointing° with oil° many° sick° people° and healing° them. [7] aMk 6:7-11: Mt 10:1, 9-14; Lk 9:1, 3-5; Lk 10:4-11 bMt 10:1, 5; Mk 3:13; Lk 9:1 cLk 10:1
[8] IOr knapsack or beggar’s bag aMt 10:10 [9] ILit being shod with IIOr inner garments [10] ILit go out from there [11] ILit under your feet aMt 10:14; Ac 13:51 [12] IOr proclaimed as a herald aMt 11:1; Lk 9:6 [13] aJm 5:14 John’s Fate Recalled14 ¶ aAnd King° Herod° heard° [of it], for His name° had become° well° known°; and [people] were saying°, “bJohn° the Baptist° has risen° from the dead°, and that is why° these° miraculous° powers° are at work° in Him.” 15 But others° were saying°, “He is aElijah°.” And others° were saying°, “[He is] ba prophet°, like° one° of the prophets° [of old].” 16 But when Herod° heard° [of it], he kept saying°, “John°, whom° I beheaded°, has risen°!” [14] aMk 6:14-29: Mt 14:1-12; Mk 6:14-16: Lk 9:7-9 bMt 14:2; Lk 9:19
[15] aMt 16:14; Mk 8:28 bMt 21:11 17 ¶ For Herod° himself° had sent° and had John° arrested° and bound° in prison° on account° of aHerodias°, the wife° of his brother° Philip°, because° he had married° her. 18 For John° had been saying° to Herod°, “aIt is not lawful° for you to have° your brother’s° wife°.” 19 aHerodias° had° a grudge° against° him and wanted° to put° him to death° and could° not [do so]; 20 for aHerod° was afraid° of John°, knowing° that he was a righteous° and holy° man°, and he kept° him safe°. And when he heard° him, he was very° perplexed°; Ibut he IIused to enjoy° listening° to him. 21 A strategic° day° came° when° Herod° on his birthday° agave° a banquet° for his lords° and Imilitary° commanders° and the leading° men° bof Galilee°; 22 and when the daughter° of aHerodias° herself° came° in and danced°, she pleased° Herod° and Ihis dinner° guests°; and the king° said° to the girl°, “Ask° me for whatever°° you want° and I will give° it to you.” 23 And he swore° to her, “Whatever°° you ask° of me, I will give° it to you; up to ahalf° of my kingdom°.” 24 And she went° out and said° to her mother°, “What° shall I ask° for?” And she said°, “The head° of John° the Baptist°.” 25 Immediately° she came° in a hurry° to the king° and asked°, saying°, “I want° you to give° me at once° the head° of John° the Baptist° on a platter°.” 26 And although the king° was very° sorry°, [yet] because° of his oaths° and because of Ihis dinner° guests°, he was unwilling°° to refuse° her. 27 Immediately° the king° sent° an executioner° and commanded° [him] to bring° [back] his head°. And he went° and had him beheaded° in the prison°, 28 and brought° his head° on a platter°, and gave° it to the girl°; and the girl° gave° it to her mother°. 29 When his disciples° heard° [about this], they came° and took° away° his body° and laid° it in a tomb°. [17] aMt 14:3; Lk 3:19
[18] aMt 14:4 [19] aMt 14:3 [20] ILit and IILit was hearing him gladly aMt 21:26 [21] II.e. chiliarchs, in command of a thousand troops aEs 1:3; 2:18 bLk 3:1 [22] ILit those who reclined at the table with him aMt 14:3 [23] aEs 5:3, 6; 7:2 [26] ILit those reclining at the table 30 ¶ aThe bapostles° *gathered° together° with Jesus°; and they reported° to Him all° that they had done° and taught°. 31 And He *said° to them, “Come° away° by yourselves°° to a secluded° place° and rest° a while°.” (For there were many° [people] coming° and going°, and athey did not even° have° time° to eat°.) 32 aThey went° away° in bthe boat° to a secluded° place° by themselves°. [30] aLk 9:10 bMt 10:2; Mk 3:14; Lk 6:13; 9:10; 17:5; 22:14; 24:10; Ac 1:2, 26
[31] aMk 3:20 [32] aMk 6:32-44: Mt 14:13-21; Lk 9:10-17; Jn 6:5-13; Mk 8:2-9 bMk 3:9; 4:36; 6:45 Five Thousand Fed33 [The people] saw° them going°, and many° recognized° [them] and ran° there° together° on foot° from all° the cities°, and got° there° ahead° of them. 34 When Jesus went° Iashore°, He asaw° a large° crowd°, and He felt° compassion° for them because° bthey were like° sheep° without°° a shepherd°; and He began° to teach° them many° things°. 35 When it was already° quite° late°°, His disciples° came° to Him and said°, “IThis° place° is desolate° and it is already° quite° late°°; 36 send° them away° so° that they may go° into the surrounding° countryside° and villages° and buy° themselves° Isomething° to eat°.” 37 But He answered° them, “You give° them [something] to eat°!” aAnd they *said° to Him, “Shall we go° and spend° two° hundred° Ibdenarii° on bread° and give° them [something] to eat°?” 38 And He *said° to them, “How° many° loaves° do you have°? Go° look°!” And when they found° out, they *said°, “Five°, and two° fish°.” 39 And He commanded° them all° to Isit° down° by groups° on the green° grass°. 40 They Isat° down° in groups° of hundreds° and of fifties°. 41 And He took° the five° loaves° and the two° fish°, and looking° up toward° heaven°, He ablessed° [the food] and broke° the loaves° and He kept giving° [them] to the disciples° to set° before° them; and He divided° up the two° fish° among them all°. 42 They all° ate° and were satisfied°, 43 and they picked° up twelve° full° abaskets° of the broken° pieces°, and also of the fish°. 44 There were afive° thousand° men° who ate° the loaves°. [34] ILit out aMt 9:36 bNu 27:17; 1K 22:17; 2Ch 18:16; Zc 10:2
[35] ILit The [36] ILit what they may eat [37] IThe denarius was equivalent to one day’s wage aJn 6:7 bMt 18:28; Lk 7:41 [39] ILit recline [40] ILit reclined [41] aMt 14:19 [43] aMt 14:20 [44] aMt 14:21 Jesus Walks on the Water45 ¶ aImmediately° Jesus made° His disciples° get° into bthe boat° and go° ahead° of [Him] to the other° side° to cBethsaida°, while° He Himself° was sending° the crowd° away°. 46 After abidding° them farewell°, He left° bfor the mountain° to pray°. [45] aMk 6:45-51: Mt 14:22-32; Jn 6:15-21 bMk 6:32 cMt 11:21; Mk 8:22
[46] aAc 18:18, 21; 2Co 2:13 bMt 14:23 47 ¶ When it was evening°, the boat° was in the middle° of the sea°, and He was alone° on the land°. 48 Seeing° them Istraining° at the oars°, for the wind° was against° them, at about° the IIafourth° watch° of the night° He *came° to them, walking° on the sea°; and He intended° to pass° by them. 49 But when they saw° Him walking° on the sea°, they supposed° that it was a ghost°, and cried° out; 50 for they all° saw° Him and were Iterrified°. But immediately° He spoke° with them and *said° to them, “aTake° courage°; it is I, bdo not be afraid°.” 51 Then° He got° into athe boat° with them, and the wind° stopped°; and they were utterly°°° astonished°, 52 for athey Ihad not gained° any insight° from the [incident of] the loaves°, but IItheir heart° bwas hardened°. [48] ILit harassed in rowing III.e. 3-6 a.m. aMt 24:43; Mk 13:35
[50] IOr troubled aMt 9:2 bMt 14:27 [51] aMk 6:32 [52] ILit had not understood on the basis of IIOr their mind was closed, made dull, or insensible aMk 8:17ff bRo 11:7 Healing at Gennesaret53 ¶ aWhen they had crossed° over° they came° to land° at Gennesaret°, and moored° to the shore. 54 When they got° out of the boat°, immediately° [the people] recognized° Him, 55 and ran° about° that whole° country° and began° to carry° here° and there° on their pallets° those° who were sick°, to Ithe place° they heard° He was. 56 Wherever° He entered° villages°, or° cities°, or° countryside°, they were laying° the sick° in the market° places°, and imploring° Him that they might just° atouch° bthe fringe° of His cloak°; and as many° as touched° it were being cured°. [53] aMk 6:53-56: Mt 14:34-36; Jn 6:24, 25
[55] ILit where they were hearing that He was [56] aMk 3:10 bMt 9:20; Nu 15:37-40 Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit http://www.lockman.org. NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries Copyright © 1981, 1998 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. |
Christ is contemned of his countrymen.1 ¶ Andº he went outºª from thence,º andº cameºª intoº his own¹² country;º andº hisº disciplesº followºª him.º 2 Andº when the sabbath dayº was come,ºª he beganºª to teachºª inº the² synagogue:º andº manyº hearingºª [him] were astonished,ºª saying,ºª From whenceº hath thisº [man] these things?º andº whatº wisdomº [is] this which is givenºª unto him,º thatº evenº suchº mighty worksº are wroughtºª byº hisº hands?º 3 Isºª notº thisº the² carpenter,º the² sonº of Mary,º¹ the² brotherº of James,º andº Joses,º andº of Juda,º andº Simon?º andº areºª notº hisº sistersº hereº withº us?º Andº they were offendedºª atº him.º 4 Butº Jesusº saidºª unto them,º¹ A prophetº isºª notº without honour,º butº inº his own¹² country,º andº amongº his own kin,º andº inº his own¹² house.º 5 Andº he couldº¹ª thereº doºª no¹² mighty work,º save¹ that² he laid¹ª his hands¹ upon²² a fewº sick folk,º and healedºª [them]. 6 Andº he marvelledºª becauseº of theirº unbelief.º Andº he wentºª round aboutº the² villages,º teaching.ºª [1] Mt 13:54; Lk 4:16.
[2] Mk 1:21, 39; Lk 4:15, 31; Jn 6:42; 7:15; Ac 4:13. [3] Is 49:7; 53:2; Mt 11:6; 12:46; 13:55, 57; Mk 3:18; 15:40; Lk 2:34; 4:22, 23; 7:23; Jn 6:42, 60; 14:22; Ac 1:13; 1Co 1:23; 9:4; Ga 1:19; 1P 2:4; Jde 1:1. [4] Jr 11:21; 12:6; Mt 13:57; Lk 4:24; Jn 4:44. [5] Gn 19:22; 32:25; Is 59:1; Mt 13:58; Mk 9:23; He 4:2. [6] Is 59:16; Jr 2:11; Mt 4:23; 8:10; 9:35; Lk 4:31, 44; 13:22; Jn 9:30; Ac 10:38. He giveth the twelve power over unclean spirits.7 ¶ Andº he calledºª [unto him] the² twelve,º andº beganºª to send¹ª them¹ forthºª² by two¹ and two;º andº gaveºª themº power² over¹ uncleanº spirits;º 8 Andº commandedºª themº thatº they should takeºª nothingº forº [their] journey,º saveº a staffº only;º noº scrip,º noº bread,º noº moneyº inº [their] purse:º 9 Butº [be] shodºª with sandals;º andº notº put onºªªª twoº coats.º 10 Andº he saidºª unto them,º In what place soeverºº ye enterºª intoº an house,º thereº abideºª tillºº ye departºª from that place.º 11 Andº whosoeverºº shall¹ª notº receiveºª you,º norº hearºª you,º when ye departºª thence,º shake offºª the² dustº underº yourº feetº forº a testimonyº against them.º Verilyº I sayºª unto you,º It shall beºª more tolerableº for Sodomº andº Gomorrhaº inº the dayº of judgment,º thanº for thatº city.º 12 Andº they went out,ºª and preachedºª thatº men should repent.ºª 13 Andº they cast outºª manyº devils,º andº anointedºª with oilº manyº that were sick,º andº healedºª [them]. [7] Ex 4:14; Ec 4:9; Mt 10:1; Mk 3:13; 16:17; Lk 6:13; 9:1; 10:3, 17; Rv 11:3.
[8] Mt 10:9; Lk 9:3; 10:4; 22:35. [9] Ac 12:8; Ep 6:15. [10] Mt 10:11; Lk 9:4; 10:7; Ac 16:15; 17:5. [11] Ne 5:13; Ezk 16:48; Mt 10:14, 15; 11:20; 12:36; Lk 9:5; 10:10, 12; Jn 15:22; Ac 13:50; 18:6; Ro 2:5, 16; He 6:4; 10:26; 2P 2:6, 9; 3:7; 1Jn 4:17; Jde 1:7. [12] Ezk 18:30; Mt 3:2, 8; 4:17; 9:13; 11:20; Mk 1:3, 15; Lk 11:32; 13:3, 5; 15:7, 10; 24:47; Ac 2:38; 3:19; 11:18; 20:21; 26:20; 2Co 7:9; 2Ti 2:25. [13] Mk 6:7; Lk 10:17; Jm 5:14. Divers opinions of the Christ.14 Andº kingº Herodº heardºª [of him]; (forº hisº nameº was¹ª spread abroad:)º² andº he said,ºª Thatº Johnº the² Baptistºª was risenºª fromº the dead,º andº thereforeºº mighty worksº do shew forth² themselves¹ª inº him.º 15 Othersº said,ºª Thatº it isºª Elias.º Andº othersº said,ºª Thatº it isºª a prophet,º orº asº one² of¹ the² prophets.º 16 Butº when Herodº heardºª [thereof], he said,ºª Itº isºª John,º whomº¹ Iº beheaded:ºª heº is risenºª fromº the dead.º 17 Forº Herodº himselfº had sent forthºª and² laid hold¹ª upon² John,º andº boundºª himº inº prisonº for¹ª Herodias'¹ sake,º² his¹² brotherº Philip'sº wife:º forº he had marriedºª her.º 18 Forº Johnº had saidºª unto Herod,º¹ It is¹ª not¹ lawfulºª² for theeº to haveºª thyº brother'sº wife.º 19 Thereforeº Herodiasº had a quarrel¹ª against² him,º andº wouldºª have killedºª him;º butº she couldºª not:º 20 Forº Herodº fearedºª John,º knowingºª that heº was a justº manº andº an holy,º andº observedºª him;º andº when he heardºª him,º he didºª many things,º andº heardºª himº gladly.º 21 Andº when a convenientº dayº was come,¹ª² thatº Herodº on his¹² birthdayº madeºª a supperº to his¹² lords,ºº high captains,º andº chiefº [estates] of Galilee;º 22 Andº when the² daughterº of the saidº Herodiasº came in,ºª andº danced,ºª andº pleasedºª Herodº andº them that sat with² him,¹ª the² kingº saidºª unto the² damsel,º Askºª of meº whatsoeverºº thou wilt,ºª andº I will giveºª [it] thee.º 23 Andº he swareºª unto her,º Whatsoeverºº¹ thou shalt askºª of me,º I will giveºª [it] thee,º untoº the halfº of myº kingdom.º 24 Andº she² went forth,ºª and saidºª unto her¹² mother,º Whatº shall I ask?ºª Andº she² said,ºª The² headº of Johnº the² Baptist.º 25 Andº she came inºª straightwayº withº hasteº untoº the² king,º and asked,ºª saying,ºª I willºª thatº thou giveºª meº by and byº inº a chargerº the² headº of Johnº the² Baptist.º 26 Andº the² kingº wasºª exceeding sorry;º [yet] for¹ his oath's sake,º² andº for their sakes which¹ sat with² him,¹ª he wouldºª notº rejectºª her.º [14] 2Ch 26:8, 15; Mt 9:31; 14:1; Mk 1:28, 45; 6:22, 26; Lk 3:1; 9:7; 13:31; 23:7; 1Th 1:8.
[15] Mal 4:5; Mt 16:14; 17:10; 21:11; Mk 8:28; 9:12; 15:35; Lk 1:17; 7:16, 39; 9:8, 19; Jn 1:21, 25; 6:14; 7:40; 9:17; Ac 3:22. [16] Gn 40:10; Ps 53:5; Mt 14:2; 27:4; Lk 9:9; Rv 11:10. [17] Mt 4:12; 11:2; 14:3; Lk 3:1, 19. [18] Lv 18:16; 20:21; 1K 22:14; Ezk 3:18; Mt 14:3; Ac 20:26; 24:24. [19] Gn 39:17; 1K 21:20; Ec 7:9; Ep 4:26. [20] Ex 11:3; 1K 21:20; 2K 3:12; 6:21; 13:14; 2Ch 24:2, 15; 26:5; Ps 106:12; Ezk 2:5; 33:32; Dn 4:18, 27; 5:17; Mt 14:5; 21:26; Mk 4:16; 11:18; Jn 5:35. [21] Gn 27:41; 40:20; 2S 13:23; Es 1:3; 2:18; 3:7; Ps 37:12; Pv 31:4; Dn 5:1; Ho 7:5; Ac 12:2; 1P 4:3; Rv 11:10. [22] Es 1:10; Is 3:16; Dn 5:2; Mt 14:6. [23] 1S 28:10; 2K 6:31; Es 5:3, 6; 7:2; Pv 6:2; Mt 4:9; 5:34; 14:7. [24] Gn 27:8; 2Ch 22:3; Jb 31:31; Ps 27:2; 37:12, 14; Pv 27:3; Ezk 19:2; Mt 14:8; Ac 23:12. [25] Nu 7:13, 19; Pv 1:16; Ro 3:15. [26] Mt 14:9; 27:3, 24. John the Baptist is beheaded,27 Andº immediatelyº the² kingº sentºª an executioner,º and commandedºª hisº headº to be brought:ºª andº he² wentºª and beheadedºª himº inº the² prison,º 28 Andº broughtºª hisº headº inº a charger,º andº gaveºª itº to the² damsel:º andº the² damselº gaveºª itº to her¹² mother.º and buried.29 Andº when hisº disciplesº heardºª [of it], they cameºª andº took upºª hisº corpse,º andº laidºª itº inº a tomb.º The Apostles return from preaching.30 Andº the² apostlesº gathered themselves togetherºª untoº Jesus,º andº toldºª himº all things,º bothº whatº they had done,ºª andº whatº they had taught.ºª 31 Andº he saidºª unto them,º Comeºª yeº yourselvesº apartºº intoº a desertº place,º andº restºª a while:º forº there wereºª manyº comingºª andº going,ºª andº they had no¹ª leisure¹ª so much asº² to eat.ºª 32 Andº they departedºª intoº a desertº placeº by shipº privately.ºº 33 Andº the² peopleº sawºª themº departing,ºª andº manyº knewºª him,º andº ranºª afootº thitherº out ofº allº cities,º andº outwentºª them,º andº came togetherºª untoº him.º [30] Mk 6:7; Lk 9:10; 10:17; Ac 1:1; 20:18; 1Ti 4:12; Tit 2:6; 1P 5:2.
[31] Mt 14:13; Mk 1:45; 3:7, 20; Jn 6:1. [32] Mt 14:13. [33] Mt 15:29; Mk 6:54; Jn 6:2; Jm 1:19. The miracle of five loaves and two fishes.34 Andº Jesus,º when he came out,ºª sawºª muchº people,º andº was moved with compassionºª towardº them,º becauseº they wereºª asº sheepº notº havingºª a shepherd:º andº he beganºª to teachºª themº many things.º 35 Andº when the day¹ was¹ª now¹ far spent,º²²² hisº disciplesº cameºª unto him,º and said,ºª¹ This isºª a desertº place,º andº nowº the time¹ [is] far passed:º² 36 Send¹ª them¹ away,ºª² thatº they may goºª intoº the² countryº round about,º andº into the villages,º and buyºª themselvesº bread:º forº they haveºª nothingºº to eat.ºª 37 ² He² answeredºª and¹ saidºª unto them,º Giveºª yeº themº to eat.¹ª And¹² they² sayºª unto him,º Shall we goºª and buyºª two hundredº pennyworthº of bread,º andº giveºª themº to eat?ºª 38 º He² saithºª unto them,º How manyº loavesº have² ye?¹ª goºª andº see.ºª Andº when they knew,ºª they say,ºª Five,º andº twoº fishes.º 39 Andº he commandedºª themº to make¹ª all¹ sit downºª² by companiesº uponº the² greenº grass.º 40 Andº they sat downºª in ranks,º by¹ hundreds,º² andº by¹ fifties.º² 41 Andº when he had takenºª the² fiveº loavesº andº the² twoº fishes,º he looked upºª toº heaven,º and blessed,ºª andº brakeºª the² loaves,º andº gaveºª [them] to his¹² disciplesº toº set beforeºª them;º andº the² twoº fishesº divided² he¹ª among them all.º 42 Andº they did¹ª allº eat,ºª andº were filled.ºª 43 Andº they took upºª twelveº basketsº fullº of the fragments,º andº ofº the² fishes.º 44 Andº they that did eatºª of the² loavesº wereºª aboutº five thousandº men.º 45 Andº straightwayº he constrainedºª his¹² disciplesº to getºª intoº the² ship,º andº to go¹ª to¹ the other sideº²² before¹ª² unto¹ Bethsaida,º whileº heº sent awayºª the² people.º 46 Andº when he had sent¹ª them¹ away,ºª² he departedºª intoº a mountainº to pray.ºª 47 Andº when evenº was come,ºª the² shipº wasºª inº the midstº of the² sea,º andº heº aloneº onº the² land.º [34] Nu 27:17; 1K 22:17; 2Ch 18:16; Is 61:1; Jr 50:6; Zc 10:2; Mt 9:36; 14:14; 15:32; Lk 9:11; Ro 15:2; He 2:17; 4:15.
[35] Mt 14:15; Lk 9:12; Jn 6:5. [36] Mt 15:23; 16:22; Mk 3:21; 5:31. [37] Nu 11:13, 21; 2K 4:42; 7:2; Mt 14:16; 15:32, 33; 18:28; Mk 8:2; Lk 9:13; Jn 6:4, 7. [38] Mt 14:17; 15:34; Mk 8:5; Lk 9:13; Jn 6:9. [39] 1K 10:5; Es 1:5; Mt 15:35; 1Co 14:33, 40. [40] Lk 9:14. [41] Dt 8:10; 1S 9:13; Mt 14:19; 15:36; 26:26; Mk 7:34; 8:6; 14:22; Lk 9:16; 24:30; Jn 6:11, 23; 11:41; 17:1; Ac 27:35; Ro 14:6; 1Co 10:31; Col 3:17; 1Ti 4:4. [42] Dt 8:3; 2K 4:42; Ps 145:15; Mt 14:20; 15:37; Mk 8:8; Lk 9:17; Jn 6:12. [43] Mk 8:19. [45] Mt 11:21, 23; 14:22; Mk 8:22; Lk 10:13; Jn 6:15, 18; 12:21. [46] Mt 6:6; 14:23; Mk 1:35; Lk 6:12; 1P 2:21. [47] Mt 14:23; Jn 6:16. Christ walketh on the sea:48 Andº he sawºª themº toilingºª in¹ rowing;ºª forº the² windº wasºª contraryº unto them:º andº aboutº the fourthº watchº of the² nightº he comethºª untoº them,º walkingºª uponº the² sea,º andº wouldºª have passed byºª them.º 49 Butº when they² sawºª himº walkingºª uponº the² sea,º they supposedºª it had beenºª a spirit,º andº cried out:ºª 50 Forº they allº sawºª him,º andº were troubled.ºª Andº immediatelyº he talkedºª withº them,º andº saithºª unto them,º Be of good cheer:ºª it isºª I;º be¹ª not¹ afraid.ºª² 51 Andº he went upºª untoº themº intoº the² ship;º andº the² windº ceased:ºª andº they were soreº amazedºª inº themselvesº beyondº measure,º andº wondered.ºª 52 Forº they consideredºª notº [the miracle] ofº the² loaves:º forº theirº heartº wasºª hardened.ºª [48] Gn 19:2; 32:26; Ex 14:24; 1S 11:11; Jb 9:8; Ps 93:4; 104:3; Is 54:11; Mt 14:24; Lk 12:38; 24:28; Jn 1:13.
[49] Jb 4:14; 9:8; Mt 14:25; Lk 24:37. [50] Is 43:2; Mt 14:27; Lk 24:38; Jn 6:19; 20:19. [51] Ps 93:3; 107:28; Mt 8:26; 14:28; Mk 1:27; 2:12; 4:39, 41; 5:42; 7:37; Lk 8:24; Jn 6:21. [52] Is 63:17; Mt 16:9; Mk 3:5; 7:18; 8:17, 21; 16:14; Lk 24:25. and healeth all that touch him.53 Andº when they had passed over,ºª they cameºª intoº the² landº of Gennesaret,º andº drew to the shore.ºª 54 Andº when theyº were comeºª out ofº the² ship,º straightwayº they knewºª him,º 55 And ran throughºª thatº wholeº region round about,º and beganºª to carry aboutºª inº bedsº those that were¹ª sick,º² whereº they heardºª he² was.ºº¹ª 56 Andº whithersoeverºº he entered,ºª intoº villages,º orº cities,º orº country,º they laidºª the² sickºª inº the² streets,º andº besoughtºª himº thatº they might touchºª if¹ª it were butº the² borderº of hisº garment:º andº as many¹ asº² touchedºª himº were made whole.ºª [53] Mt 14:34; Lk 5:1; Jn 6:24.
[54] Ps 9:10; Php 3:10. [55] Mt 4:24; Mk 2:1; 3:7. [56] Nu 15:38; Dt 22:12; 2K 13:21; Mt 9:20; Mk 3:10; 5:27; Lk 6:19; 8:44; 22:51; Ac 4:9, 12; 5:15. ©2011 by First Gospel Publications, Zion, Ill. All rights reserved. For downloads and more information please visit www.FirstGospel.com. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Chaldee and Greek Dictionaries Featuring the qBible.com Living Strong's Lexical Map ©2003 by The WWW Chat Bible Compages. All rights reserved. For how to use color-coding please view [www.ChatBible.com/key.asp]. |
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