NASB — Mark 7 — KJV

Followers of Tradition

1 aThe Pharisees° and some° of the scribes° gathered° around° Him when they had come° bfrom Jerusalem°, 2 and had seen° that some° of His disciples° were eating° their bread° with aimpure° hands°, that is, unwashed°. 3 (For the Pharisees° and all° the Jews° do not eat° unless°° they Icarefully° wash° their hands°, [thus] observing° the atraditions° of the elders°; 4 and [when they come] from the market° place°, they do not eat° unless°° they Icleanse° themselves; and there are many° other° things° which° they have received° in order to observe°, such as the IIwashing° of acups° and pitchers° and copper° pots°.) 5 The Pharisees° and the scribes° *asked° Him, “Why°° do Your disciples° not walk° according° to the atradition° of the elders°, but eat° their bread° with bimpure° hands°?” 6 And He said° to them, “Rightly° did Isaiah° prophesy° of you hypocrites°, as it is written°:
8 Neglecting° the commandment° of God°, you hold° to the atradition° of men°.”

[1] aMk 7:1-23: Mt 15:1-20 bMt 15:1
[2] aMt 15:2; Mk 7:5; Lk 11:38; Ac 10:14, 28; 11:8; Ro 14:14; He 10:29; Rv 21:27
[3] ILit with the fist aMk 7:5, 8, 9, 13; Ga 1:14
[4] IOr sprinkle IILit baptizing aMt 23:25
[5] aMk 7:3, 8, 9, 13; Ga 1:14 bMk 7:2
[6] aIs 29:13
[7] aIs 29:13
[8] aMk 7:3, 5, 9, 13; Ga 1:14

9 ¶ He was also° saying° to them, “You are experts° at setting° aside° the commandment° of God° in order° to keep° your atradition°. 10 For Moses° said°, ‘aHONOR° YOUR FATHER° AND YOUR MOTHER°’; and, ‘bHE WHO SPEAKS° EVIL° OF FATHER° OR° MOTHER°, IS TO IBE PUT° TO DEATH°’; 11 but you say°, ‘If° a man° says° to [his] father° or° [his] mother°, whatever°° I have° that would help° you is aCorban° (that is to say, Igiven° [to God]),’ 12 you no° longer° permit° him to do° anything° for [his] father° or° [his] mother°; 13 [thus] invalidating° the word° of God° by your atradition° which° you have handed° down°; and you do° many° things° such° as that.”

[9] aMk 7:3, 5, 8, 13; Ga 1:14
[10] ILit die the death aEx 20:12; Dt 5:16 bEx 21:17; Lv 20:9
[11] IOr a gift, i.e. an offering aLv 1:2; Mt 27:6
[13] aMk 7:3, 5, 8, 9; Ga 1:14

The Heart of Man

14 ¶ After He called° the crowd° to Him again°, He [began] saying° to them, “Listen° to Me, all° of you, and understand°: 15 there is nothing° outside° the man° which can° defile° him if it goes° into him; but the things which proceed° out of the man° are what defile° the man°. 16 [[IIf° anyone° has° ears° to hear°, let him hear°.”]]

[16] IEarly mss do not contain this verse

17 ¶ When° he had left° the crowd° [and] entered° athe house°, bHis disciples° questioned° Him about the parable°. 18 And He *said° to them, “Are you so° lacking° in understanding° also°? Do you not understand° that whatever° goes° into the man° from outside° cannot°° defile° him, 19 because° it does not go° into his heart°, but into his stomach°, and Iis eliminated°°°?” ([Thus He] declared° aall° foods° bclean°.) 20 And He was saying°, aThat which proceeds° out of the man°, that is what defiles° the man°. 21 For from within°, out of the heart° of men°, proceed° the evil° thoughts°, Ifornications°, thefts°, murders°, adulteries°, 22 deeds° of coveting° [and] wickedness°, [as well as] deceit°, sensuality°, Iaenvy°°, slander°, IIpride° [and] foolishness°. 23 All° these° evil° things° proceed° from within° and defile° the man°.”

[17] aMk 2:1; 3:20; 9:28 bMt 15:15
[19] ILit goes out into the latrine aRo 14:1-12; Col 2:16 bLk 11:41; Ac 10:15; 11:9
[20] aMt 15:18; Mk 7:23
[21] II.e. acts of sexual immorality
[22] ILit an evil eye IIOr arrogance aMt 6:23; 20:15

The Syrophoenician Woman

24aJesus got° up and went° away° from there° to the region° of bTyre°I. And when He had entered° a house°, He wanted° no° one° to know° [of it]; IIyet° He could° not escape° notice°. 25 But after hearing° of Him, a woman° whose° little° daughter° had° an unclean° spirit° immediately° came° and fell° at His feet°. 26 Now° the woman° was a IGentile°, of the Syrophoenician° race°. And she kept asking° Him to cast° the demon° out of her daughter°. 27 And He was saying° to her, “Let° the children° be satisfied° first°, for it is not Igood° to take° the children’s° bread° and throw° it to the dogs°.” 28 But she answered° and *said° to Him, “Yes°, Lord°, [but] even° the dogs° under° the table° feed° on the children’s° crumbs°.” 29 And He said° to her, “Because° of this° Ianswer° go°; the demon° has gone° out of your daughter°.” 30 And going° back° to her home°, she found° the child° Ilying° on the bed°, the demon° having left°.

[24] ITwo early mss add and Sidon IILit and aMk 7:24-30: Mt 15:21-28 bMt 11:21; Mk 7:31
[26] ILit Greek
[27] IOr proper
[29] ILit word
[30] ILit thrown

31aAgain° He went° out from the region° of bTyre°, and came° through° Sidon° to cthe Sea° of Galilee°, within°° the region° of dDecapolis°. 32 They *brought° to Him one° who° was deaf° and spoke° with difficulty°, and they *implored° Him to alay° His hand° on him. 33 aJesus took° him aside° from the crowd°, by himself°, and put° His fingers° into his ears°, and after aspitting°, He touched° his tongue° [with the saliva]; 34 and looking° up to heaven° with a deep° asigh°, He *said° to him, “Ephphatha°!” that is, “Be opened°!” 35 And his ears° were opened°, and the Iimpediment° of his tongue° IIwas removed°, and he [began] speaking° plainly°. 36 And aHe gave° them orders° not to tell° anyone°; but the more° He ordered° them, the more° widely° they bcontinued to proclaim° it. 37 They were utterly° astonished°, saying°, “He has done° all° things° well°; He makes° even° the deaf° to hear° and the mute° to speak°.”

[31] aMk 7:31-37: Mt 15:29-31 bMt 11:21; Mk 7:24 cMt 4:18 dMt 4:25; Mk 5:20
[32] aMk 5:23
[33] aMk 8:23
[34] aMk 8:12
[35] IOr bond IILit was loosed
[36] aMt 8:4 bMk 1:45

New American Standard Bible
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The Pharisees find fault at the disciples for eating with unwashen hands.

1 ¶ Thenº came togetherºª untoº himº the² Pharisees,º andº certainº of the² scribes,º which cameºª fromº Jerusalem.º 2 Andº when they sawºª someº of hisº disciplesº eatºª breadº with defiled,º that is to say,ºª with unwashen,º hands,º they found fault.ºª 3 Forº the² Pharisees,º andº allº the² Jews,º exceptº they washºª [their] handsº oft,º eatºª not,º holdingºª the² traditionº of the² elders.º 4 Andº [when they come] fromº the market,º exceptº they wash,ºª they eatºª not.º Andº manyº other thingsº there be,ºª whichº they have receivedºª to hold,ºª [as] the washingº of cups,º andº pots,ºº brasen vessels,º andº of tables.º 5 Thenº the² Phariseesº andº scribesº askedºª him,º Whyº walkºª notº thyº disciplesº accordingº to the² traditionº of the² elders,º butº eatºª breadº with unwashenº hands?º 6 ² He² answeredºª and¹ saidºª unto them,º¹ Wellº hath Esaiasº prophesiedºª ofº youº hypocrites,º asº it is written,ºª Thisº peopleº honourethºª meº with [their] lips,º butº theirº heartº is¹ª farº² fromº me.º 7 Howbeitº in vainº do they worshipºª me,º teachingºª [for] doctrinesº the commandmentsº of men.º

[1] Mt 15:1; Mk 3:22; Lk 5:17; 11:53.
[2] Dn 6:4; Mt 7:3; 23:23; Ac 10:14, 28.
[3] Mt 15:2; Mk 7:7, 13; Ga 1:14; Col 2:8, 21; 1P 1:18.
[4] Jb 9:30; Ps 26:6; Is 1:16; Jr 4:14; Mt 27:24; Lk 11:38; Jn 2:6; 3:25; He 9:10; Jm 4:8; 1Jn 1:7.
[5] Mt 15:2; Mk 2:16; Ac 21:21, 24; Ro 4:12; 2Th 3:6, 11.
[6] Is 29:13; Ezk 33:31; Ho 8:2; Mt 15:7; 23:13; Lk 11:39; Jn 5:42; 8:41, 54; 15:24; Ac 28:25; 2Ti 3:5; Tit 1:16; Jm 2:14.
[7] Dt 12:32; 1S 12:21; Mal 3:14; Mt 6:7; 15:9; 1Co 15:14, 58; Col 2:22; 1Ti 4:1; Tit 3:9; Jm 1:26; 2:20; Rv 14:11; 22:18.

They break the commandment of God by the traditions of men.

8 Forº laying asideºª the² commandmentº of God,º ye holdºª the² traditionº of men,º [as] the washingº of potsº andº cups:º andº manyº otherº suchº like thingsº ye do.ºª 9 Andº he saidºª unto them,º Full wellº ye rejectºª the² commandmentº of God,º thatº ye may keepºª your ownº tradition.º 10 Forº Mosesº said,ºª Honourºª thyº fatherº andº thyº mother;º and,¹ Whoso cursethºª fatherº orº mother,º let him dieºª the death:º 11 Butº yeº say,ºª Ifº a manº shall sayºª to his fatherº orº mother,º [It is] Corban,º that is to say,º a gift,º by¹ whatsoeverºº thou mightest be profited² by¹ª² me;º [he shall be free]. 12 Andº ye sufferºª himº no moreº to doºª oughtº for his¹² fatherº orº his¹² mother;º 13 Making¹ª the word¹ of God¹ of none effectºª²²² through yourº tradition,º whichº ye have delivered:ºª andº manyº suchº like thingsº do² ye.¹ª

[8] Is 1:12; Mk 7:3.
[9] 2K 16:10; Ps 119:126; Is 24:5; 29:13; Jr 44:16; Dn 7:25; 11:36; Mt 15:3; Mk 7:13; Ro 3:31; Ga 2:21; 2Th 2:4.
[10] Ex 20:12; 21:17; Lv 20:9; Dt 5:16; 27:16; Pv 20:20; 30:17; Mt 15:4; Mk 10:19.
[11] Mt 15:5; 23:18; 1Ti 5:4.
[13] Is 8:20; Jr 8:8; Ezk 18:14; Ho 8:12; Mt 5:17; 15:6; Mk 7:9; Ga 5:21; Tit 1:14.

Meat defileth not the man.

14 ¶ Andº when he had calledºª allº the² peopleº [unto him], he saidºª unto them,º Hearkenºª unto meº every oneº [of you], andº understand:ºª 15 There isºª nothingº from withoutº a man,º thatº enteringºª intoº himº canºª defileºª him:º butº the things which comeºª out ofº him,º thoseº are² they¹ª that defileºª the² man.º 16 If any manº haveºª earsº to hear,ºª let him hear.ºª 17 Andº whenº he was enteredºª intoº the houseº fromº the² people,º hisº disciplesº askedºª himº concerningº the² parable.º 18 Andº he saithºª unto them,º Areºª yeº soº without understandingº also?º Do ye¹ª notº perceive,ºª thatº whatsoever thingº from withoutº enterethºª intoº the² man,º [it] cannotººª defileºª him;º 19 Becauseº it enterethºª notº intoº hisº heart,º butº intoº the² belly,º andº goeth outºª intoº the² draught,º purgingºª allº meats?º 20 Andº he said,ººª That which comethºª out ofº the² man,º thatº defilethºª the² man.º 21 Forº from within,º out ofº the² heartº of men,º proceedºª evilº thoughts,º adulteries,º fornications,º murders,º 22 Thefts,º covetousness,º wickedness,º deceit,º lasciviousness,º an evilº eye,º blasphemy,º pride,º foolishness:º 23 Allº theseº evil thingsº comeºª from within,º andº defileºª the² man.º

[14] 1K 18:21; 22:28; Ps 49:1; 94:8; Pv 8:5; Is 6:9; Mt 15:10; Lk 12:1, 54; 20:45; Ac 8:30.
[15] Lv 11:42; Pv 4:23; Mt 12:34; 15:16; Mk 7:18, 20; Ac 10:14, 28; 11:8; 15:20; Ro 14:17; 1Co 10:25; 1Ti 4:3; Tit 1:15; He 9:10; 13:9.
[16] Mt 11:15; Mk 4:9, 23; Rv 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22.
[17] Mt 13:10, 36; 15:15; Mk 4:10, 34.
[18] Is 28:9; Jr 5:4; Mt 15:16; 16:11; Mk 4:13; Lk 24:25; Jn 3:10; 1Co 3:2; He 5:11.
[19] Mt 15:17; 1Co 6:13; Col 2:21.
[20] Ps 41:6; Mi 2:1; Mt 12:34; Mk 7:15; He 7:6; Jm 1:14; 3:6; 4:1.
[21] Gn 6:5; 8:21; Jb 14:4; 15:14; 25:4; Ps 14:1, 3; 53:1, 3; 58:2; Pv 4:23; 15:25; Is 59:7; Jr 4:14; 17:9; Ezk 38:10; Mt 9:4; 15:19; 23:25; Lk 16:15; Ac 5:4; 8:22; Ro 7:5, 8; 8:7; Ga 5:19; Tit 3:3; Jm 1:14; 2:4; 4:1; 1P 4:2.
[22] Dt 15:9; 28:54, 56; 1S 18:8; 2Ch 32:25, 31; Ps 10:4; Pv 12:23; 22:15; 23:6; 24:9; 27:22; 28:22; Ec 7:25; Ob 1:3; Mt 20:15; 2Co 10:5; 1P 2:15; 5:5.
[23] Mk 7:15, 18; 1Co 3:17; Tit 1:15; Jde 1:8.

He healeth the Syrophenician woman's daughter of an unclean spirit,

24 ¶ Andº from thenceº he arose,ºª and wentºª intoº the² bordersº of Tyreº andº Sidon,º andº enteredºª intoº an house,º and would² have¹ª no manº knowºª [it]: butº he couldºª notº be hid.ºª 25 Forº a [certain] woman,º whoseº¹ young daughterº hadºª an uncleanº spirit,º heardºª ofº him,º and cameºª and fellºª atº hisº feet:º 26 º The² womanº wasºª a Greek,º a Syrophenicianº by nation;º andº she besoughtºª himº thatº he would cast forthºª the² devilº out ofº her¹² daughter.º 27 Butº Jesusº saidºª unto her,º Letºª the² childrenº firstº be filled:ºª forº it isºª notº meetº to takeºª the² children'sº bread,º andº to castºª [it] unto the² dogs.º 28 Andº she² answeredºª andº saidºª unto him,º Yes,º Lord:º yetºº the² dogsº underº the² tableº eatºª ofº the² children'sº crumbs.º 29 Andº he saidºª unto her,º Forº thisº sayingº go thy way;ºª the² devilº is goneºª out ofº thyº daughter.º 30 Andº when she was comeºª toº her¹² house,º she foundºª the² devilº gone out,ºª andº her daughterº laidºª uponº the² bed.º

[24] Gn 10:15, 19; 49:13; Jsh 19:28; Is 23:1, 12; 42:2; Ezk 28:2, 21; Mt 9:28; 15:21; Mk 2:1; 3:7, 8; 6:31; 1Ti 5:25.
[25] Mt 15:22; Mk 1:40; 5:22, 33; 9:17; Lk 17:16; Ac 10:25; Rv 22:8.
[26] Is 49:12; Mt 15:22; Ga 3:28; Col 3:11.
[27] Mt 7:6; 10:5; 15:23; Ac 22:21; Ro 15:8; Ep 2:12.
[28] Ps 145:16; Is 45:22; 49:6; Mt 5:45; Lk 7:6; 15:30; Ac 11:17; Ro 3:29; 10:12; 15:8; Ep 2:12; 3:8.
[29] Is 57:15; 66:2; Mt 5:3; 8:9; 1Jn 3:8.
[30] Jn 4:50; 1Jn 3:8.

and one that was deaf, and stammered in his speech.

31 ¶ Andº again,º departingºª fromº the² coastsº of Tyreº andº Sidon,º he cameºª untoº the² seaº of Galilee,º throughº the midstº of the² coastsº of Decapolis.º 32 Andº they bringºª unto himº one that was deaf,º and had an impediment in his speech;º andº they beseechºª himº toº put¹ª his hand¹ upon²² him.º 33 Andº he tookºª himº asideºº fromº the² multitude,º and putºª his¹² fingersº intoº hisº ears,º andº he spit,ºª and touchedºª hisº tongue;º 34 Andº looking upºª toº heaven,º he sighed,ºª andº saithºª unto him,º Ephphatha,º that is,º Be opened.ºª 35 Andº straightwayº hisº earsº were opened,ºª andº the² stringº of hisº tongueº was loosed,ºª andº he spakeºª plain.º 36 Andº he chargedºª themº thatº they should tellºª no man:º butº the moreº heº chargedºª them,º so much the moreº a great dealº they publishedºª [it]; 37 Andº were beyond measureº astonished,ºª saying,ºª He hath doneºª all thingsº well:º he makethºª bothº the² deafº to hear,ºª andº the² dumbº to speak.ºª

[31] Mt 4:25; 15:29; Mk 5:20; 7:24.
[32] Mt 9:32; Lk 11:14.
[33] 1K 17:19; 2K 4:4, 33; Mk 5:40; 8:23; Jn 9:6.
[34] Is 53:3; Ezk 21:6; Mk 1:41; 5:41; 6:41; 8:12; 15:34; Lk 7:14; 18:42; 19:41; Jn 11:33, 35, 38, 41, 43; 17:1; Ac 9:34, 40; He 4:15.
[35] Ps 33:9; Is 32:3; 35:5; Mt 11:5; Mk 2:12.
[36] Mk 1:44; 3:12; 5:43; 8:26.
[37] Gn 1:31; Ex 4:10; Ps 139:14; Mk 1:27; 2:12; 4:41; 5:42; 6:51; Lk 23:41; Ac 2:7; 3:10; 14:11.

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