NASB — 2 Kings 6 — KJV

The Axe Head Recovered

1 Now athe sons° of the prophets° said° to Elisha°, “Behold° now°, the place° before° you where°° we are living° is too° limited° for us. 2 Please° let us go° to the Jordan° and each° of us take° from there° a beam°, and let us make° a place° there° for ourselves where° we may live°.” So he said°, “Go°.” 3 Then one° said°, “Please° be willing° to go° with your servants°.” And he Ianswered°, “I shall go°.” 4 So he went° with them; and when they came° to the Jordan°, they cut° down° trees°. 5 But as one° was felling° a beam°, Ithe axe° head° fell° into the water°; and he cried° out and said°, “Alas°, my master°! For it was borrowed°.” 6 Then the man° of God° said°, “Where° did it fall°?” And when he showed° him the place°, ahe cut° off° a stick° and threw° [it] in there°, and made the iron° float°. 7 He said°, “Take° it up for yourself.” So he put° out his hand° and took° it.

[1] a2K 2:3
[3] ILit said
[5] ILit as for the iron, it fell
[6] aEx 15:25; 2K 2:21; 4:41

The Arameans Plot to Capture Elisha

8 ¶ Now the king° of Aram° was warring° against Israel°; and he Icounseled° with his servants° saying°, “In such° and such° a place° shall be my camp°.” 9 aThe man° of God° sent° [word] to the king° of Israel° saying°, “Beware° that you do not pass° this° place°, for the Arameans° are coming° down° there°.” 10 The king° of Israel° sent° to the place° about which° the man° of God° had told° him; thus he warned° him, so that he guarded° himself there°, Imore than once° or twice°.

[8] ILit took counsel
[9] a2K 4:1, 7; 6:12
[10] ILit not once or twice

11 ¶ Now the heart° of the king° of Aram° was enraged° over° this° thing°; and he called° his servants° and said° to them, “Will you tell° me which° of us is for the king° of Israel°?” 12 One° of his servants° said°, “No°, my lord°, O king°; but Elisha°, the prophet° who° is in Israel°, tells° the king° of Israel° the words° that you speak° in your bedroom°°.” 13 So he said°, “Go° and see° where° he is, that I may send° and take° him.” And it was told° him, saying°, “Behold°, he is in aDothan°.” 14 He sent° horses° and chariots° and a great° army° there°, and they came° by night° and surrounded° the city°.

[13] aGn 37:17

15 ¶ Now when the attendant° of the man° of God° had risen° early° and gone° out, behold°, an army° with horses° and chariots° was circling° the city°. And his servant° said° to him, “Alas°, my master°! IWhat° shall we do°?” 16 So he Ianswered°, “aDo not fear°, for bthose who° are with us are more° than° those who° are with them.” 17 Then Elisha° prayed° and said°, “aO LORD°, I pray°, open° his eyes° that he may see°.” And the LORD° opened° the servant’s° eyes° and he saw°; and behold°, the mountain° was full° of bhorses° and chariots° of fire° all° around° Elisha°. 18 When they came° down° to him, Elisha° prayed° to the LORD° and said°, “Strike° this° Ipeople° with blindness°, I pray°.” So He astruck° them with blindness° according to the word° of Elisha°. 19 Then Elisha° said° to them, “This° is not the way°, nor° is this° the city°; follow°° me and I will bring° you to the man° whom° you seek°.” And he brought° them to Samaria°.

[15] ILit How
[16] ILit said aEx 14:13 b2Ch 32:7, 8; Ro 8:31
[17] a2K 6:20 b2K 2:11; Ps 68:17; Zc 6:1-7
[18] ILit nation aGn 19:11

20 ¶ When they had come° into Samaria°, Elisha° said°, “O aLORD°, open° the eyes° of these° [men], that they may see°.” So the LORD° opened° their eyes° and they saw°; and behold°, they were in the midst° of Samaria°. 21 Then the king° of Israel° when he saw° them, said° to Elisha°, “aMy father°, shall I Ikill° them? Shall I Ikill° them?” 22 He Ianswered°, “You shall not IIkill° [them]. Would you IIakill° those you have taken° captive° with your sword° and with your bow°? bSet° bread° and water° before° them, that they may eat° and drink° and go° to their master°.” 23 So he prepared° a great° feast° for them; and when they had eaten° and drunk° he sent° them away°, and they went° to their master°. And athe marauding° bands° of Arameans° did° not come° again°° into the land° of Israel°.

[20] a2K 6:17
[21] ILit smite a2K 2:12; 5:13; 8:9
[22] ILit said IILit smite aDt 20:11-16; 2Ch 28:8-15 bRo 12:20
[23] a2K 5:2; 24:2

The Siege of Samaria—Cannibalism

24 ¶ Now it came° about after° this°, that aBen-hadad° king° of Aram° gathered° all° his army° and went° up and besieged°° Samaria°. 25 There was a great° afamine° in Samaria°; and behold°, they besieged°° it, until° a donkey’s° head° was sold° for eighty° [shekels] of silver°, and a fourth° of a Ikab° of dove’s° dung° for five° [shekels] of silver°. 26 As the king° of Israel° was passing° by on the wall° a woman° cried° out to him, saying°, “Help°, my lord°, O king°!” 27 He said°, “IIf the LORD° does not help° you, from where° shall I help° you? From the threshing° floor°, or° from the wine° press°?” 28 And the king° said° to her, “aWhat° Iis the matter with you?” And she IIanswered°, “This° woman° said° to me, ‘Give° your son° that we may eat° him today°, and we will eat° my son° tomorrow°.’ 29 aSo we boiled° my son° and ate° him; and I said° to her on the next° day°, ‘Give° your son°, that we may eat° him’; but she has hidden° her son°.” 30 When the king° heard° the words° of the woman°, ahe tore° his clothes°—now he was passing° by on the wall°—and the people° looked°, and behold°, he had sackcloth° Ibeneath° on his IIbody°. 31 Then he said°, “May aGod° do° so° to me and more° also°, if° the head° of Elisha° the son° of Shaphat° Iremains° on him today°.”

[24] a1K 20:1
[25] II.e. One kab equals approx 2 qts aLv 26:26
[27] ILit No, let the LORD help you
[28] ILit to you IILit said aJg 18:23
[29] aLv 26:27-29; Dt 28:52, 53, 57; Lm 4:10
[30] ILit within IILit flesh a1K 21:27
[31] ILit stands aRu 1:17; 1K 19:2

32 ¶ Now Elisha° was sitting° in his house°, and athe elders° were sitting° with him. And [the king] sent° a man° from his presence°; but before° the messenger° came° to him, he said° to the elders°, “Do you bsee° how° this° son° of a murderer° has sent° to take° away° my head°? Look°, when the messenger° comes°, shut° the door° and Ihold° the door° shut° against him. Is not the sound° of his master’s° feet° behind° him?” 33 While he was still° talking° with them, behold°, the messenger° came° down° to him and he said°, “aBehold°, this° evil° is from the LORD°; why° should I wait° for the LORD° any° longer°?”

[32] ILit press him with the door aEzk 8:1; 14:1; 20:1 b1K 18:4, 13, 14; 21:10, 13
[33] aIs 8:21

New American Standard Bible
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Elisha, giving leave to the young prophets to enlarge their dwellings, causeth iron to swim.

1 ¶ And the sonsº of the prophetsº saidºª unto¹² Elisha,º Behold² now,² the placeº where²² we² dwellºª with² thee is too straitº for² us. 2 Let us go,¹ª² we pray thee,² unto² Jordan,º and takeºª thence²² every manº aº beam,º and let us makeºª us a placeº there,² where² we may dwell.ºª And he answered,ºª Go¹ª² ye. 3 And oneº said,ºª Be content,ºª I pray thee,² and go¹ª² with² thy servants.º And he answered,ºª I² will go.¹ª² 4 So he went¹ª² with² them. And when they cameºª to Jordan,º they cut downºª wood.º 5 But as oneº was² fellingºª a beam,º the axe headº fellºª into² the water:º and he cried,ºª and said,ºª Alas,º master!º for it² was borrowed.ºª 6 And the manº of Godº said,ºª Whereº fellºª it? And he shewedºª him² the place.º And he cut downºª a stick,º and castºª [it] in thither;² and the ironº did swim.ºª 7 Therefore saidºª he, Take [it] upºª to thee. And he put outºª his hand,º and tookºª it.

[1] Jsh 17:14; 19:47; 1S 19:20; 1K 20:35; 2K 2:3; 4:1, 38; Jb 36:16; Is 49:19; 54:2.
[2] Jn 21:3; Ac 18:3; 20:34; 1Co 9:6; 1Th 2:9; 2Th 3:8; 1Ti 6:6.
[3] Jg 4:8; 19:6; 2K 5:23; Jb 6:28.
[4] Dt 19:5; 29:11.
[5] Ex 22:14; 2K 3:10; 4:7; 6:15; Ps 37:21; Ec 10:10; Is 10:34; Rv 18:10, 16, 19.
[6] Ex 15:25; 2K 2:21; 4:41; Mk 7:33; 8:23; Jn 9:6.
[7] Ex 4:4; 2K 4:7, 36; Lk 7:15; Ac 9:41.

He discloseth the king of Samaria's counsel.

8 ¶ Then the kingº of Syriaº warredºª against Israel,º and took counselºª with² his servants,º saying,ºª In² such¹ and suchº² a placeº [shall be] my camp.º 9 And the manº of Godº sentºª unto² the kingº of Israel,º saying,ºª Bewareºª that thou pass¹ª not²² suchº a place;º for² thither² the Syriansº are come down.º 10 And the kingº of Israelº sentºª to² the placeº which² the manº of Godº toldºª him and warnedºª him of, and saved¹ª himself² there,² not² onceº nor² twice.º 11 Therefore the heartº of the kingº of Syriaº was sore troubledºª for² this² thing;º and he calledºª² his servants,º and saidºª unto² them, Will ye not² shewºª me which² of²² us [is] for² the kingº of Israel?º 12 And oneº of his servantsº² said,ºª None,² my lord,º O king:º but² Elisha,º the prophetº that² [is] in Israel,º tellethºª the kingº of Israelº² the wordsº that² thou speakestºª in thy bedchamber.ºº

[8] 1K 20:1, 23, 34; 22:31; 2K 6:24; Jb 5:12; Pv 20:18; 21:30; Is 7:5; 8:10.
[9] 1K 20:13, 28; 2K 3:17; 4:27; Am 3:7; Rv 1:1.
[10] Ex 9:20; 1K 20:15; 2K 2:12; 5:14; 13:14; 2Ch 20:20; Pv 27:12; Ezk 3:18; Am 7:1; Mt 2:12; 3:7; 24:15; Ac 27:24; He 11:7.
[11] 1S 22:8; 28:21; Jb 18:7; Ps 48:4; Is 57:20; Mt 2:3.
[12] 2K 5:3, 8, 13; 6:9; Ps 139:1; Ec 10:20; Is 29:15; Jr 23:23; Dn 2:22, 28, 47; 4:9; Am 3:7.

The army, which was sent to Dothan to apprehend Elisha, is smitten with blindness.

13 ¶ And he said,ºª Go¹ª² and spyºª whereº he² [is], that I may sendºª and fetchºª him. And it was toldºª him, saying,ºª Behold,² [he is] in Dothan.º 14 Therefore sentºª he thither² horses,º and chariots,º and a greatº host:º and they cameºª by night,º and compassedºª² the cityº about.¹ª 15 And when the servantºª of the manº of Godº was risenºª early,ºª and gone forth,ºª behold,² an hostº compassedºª² the cityº both with horsesº and chariots.º And his servantº saidºª unto² him, Alas,º my master!º how² shall we do?ºª 16 And he answered,ºª Fearºª not:² for² they that² [be] with² us [are] moreº than they that²² [be] with² them. 17 And Elishaº prayed,ºª and said,ºª LORD,º I pray thee,² openºª² his eyes,º that he may see.ºª And the LORDº openedºª² the eyesº of the young man;º and he saw:ºª and, behold,² the mountainº [was] fullºª of horsesº and chariotsº of fireº round aboutº Elisha.º 18 And when they came downºª to² him, Elishaº prayedºª unto² the LORD,º and said,ºª Smiteºª² this² people,º I pray thee,² with blindness.º And he smoteºª them with blindnessº according to the wordº of Elisha.º

[13] Gn 37:17; 1S 23:22; Ps 10:8; 37:12, 32; Jr 36:26; Mt 2:4; Jn 11:47; Ac 23:12.
[14] 1S 23:26; 24:2; 2K 1:9; 18:17; Mt 26:47, 55; Jn 18:3.
[15] Ex 24:13; 1K 19:21; 2K 3:11; 5:20, 27; 6:5; 2Ch 20:12; Ps 53:5; Mt 8:26; 20:26; Ac 13:5.
[16] Ex 14:13; 2Ch 16:9; 32:7; Ps 3:6; 11:1; 27:3; 46:7, 11; 55:18; 118:11; Is 8:10, 12; 41:10; Mt 26:53; Mk 16:6; Ac 18:9; Ro 8:31; Php 1:28; 1Jn 4:4.
[17] 2K 2:11; 6:18; Ps 34:7; 68:17; 91:11, 15; 104:3; 119:18; Is 42:7; Ezk 1:13; Zc 1:8; 6:1; Mt 26:53; Ac 26:18; Ep 1:18; He 1:14; Jm 5:16; Rv 3:7; 19:11, 14.
[18] Gn 19:11; Dt 28:28; Jb 5:14; Zc 12:4; Jn 9:39; 12:40; Ac 13:11; Ro 11:7.

Being brought into Samaria, they are dismissed in peace.

19 ¶ And Elishaº saidºª unto² them, This² [is] not² the way,º neither² [is] thisº the city:º followº¹ª² me, and I will bring¹ª² you to² the manº whom² ye seek.ºª But he led¹ª² them to Samaria.º 20 And it came to pass,² when they were comeºª into Samaria,º that Elishaº said,ºª LORD,º openºª² the eyesº of these² [men], that they may see.ºª And the LORDº openedºª² their eyes,º and they saw;ºª and, behold,² [they were] in the midstº of Samaria.º 21 And the kingº of Israelº saidºª unto² Elisha,º when he sawºª them, My father,º shall I smiteºª [them]? shall I smiteºª [them]? 22 And he answered,ºª Thou shalt not² smiteºª [them]: wouldest thou² smiteºª those whom² thou hast taken captiveºª with thy swordº and with thy bow?º setºª breadº and waterº beforeº them, that they may eatºª and drink,ºª and go¹ª² to² their master.º 23 And he preparedºª greatº provisionº for them: and when they had eatenºª and drunk,ºª he sent them away,ºª and they went¹ª² to² their master.º So the bandsº of Syriaº cameºª no² moreºª² into the landº of Israel.º

[19] 2S 16:18; Mt 16:24; Mk 8:34; Lk 9:23; 24:16.
[20] Jg 20:40; 2K 6:17; Lk 16:23; 24:31.
[21] 1S 24:4, 19; 26:8; 2K 2:12; 5:13; 8:9; 13:14; Lk 9:54; 22:49.
[22] Gn 48:22; Dt 20:11; Jsh 24:12; 2Ch 28:8; Ps 44:6; Pv 25:21; Ho 1:7; 2:18; Mt 5:44; Ro 12:20.
[23] 1S 24:17; 2K 5:2; 6:8; 24:2; 2Ch 28:15; Pv 25:21; Mt 5:47; Lk 6:35; 10:29.

The famine in Samaria causeth women to eat their own children.

24 ¶ And it came to pass² after² this,¹² that Benhadadº kingº of Syriaº gatheredºª² all² his host,º and went up,ºª and besiegedºª² Samaria.º 25 And there was² a greatº famineº in Samaria:º and, behold,² they besiegedºª² it, until² an ass'sº headº was² [sold] for fourscoreº [pieces] of silver,º and the fourth partº of a cabº of dove's dungºª¹¹ for fiveº [pieces] of silver.º 26 And as the kingº of Israelº was² passing byºª upon² the wall,º there criedºª a womanº unto² him, saying,ºª Help,ºª my lord,º O king.º 27 And he said,ºª If the LORDº do not² helpºª thee, whenceº² shall I helpºª thee? out of² the barnfloor,º or² out of² the winepress?º 28 And the kingº saidºª unto her, What² aileth thee? And she answered,ºª This² womanº saidºª unto² me, Giveºª² thy son,º that we may eatºª him to day,º and we will eatºª my sonº to morrow.º 29 So we boiledºª² my son,º and did eatºª him: and I saidºª unto² her on the nextº day,º Giveºª² thy son,º that we may eatºª him: and she hath hidºª² her son.º

[24] Dt 28:52; 1K 20:1; 22:31; 2K 17:5; 18:9; 25:1; Ec 9:14.
[25] 1K 18:2; 2K 6:28; 7:4; 25:3; Jr 14:13, 18; 32:24; 52:6; Ezk 4:13.
[26] 2S 14:4; Is 10:3; Lk 18:3; Ac 21:28.
[27] Ps 60:11; 62:8; 118:8; 124:1; 127:1; 146:3; Is 2:2; Jr 17:5.
[28] Gn 21:17; Lv 26:29; Dt 28:53; Jg 18:23; 1S 1:8; 2S 14:5; Ps 114:5; Is 9:20; 22:1; 49:15; Lm 4:10; Ezk 5:10; Mt 24:18; Lk 23:29.
[29] 1K 3:26; Is 49:15; 66:13.

The king sendeth to slay Elisha.

30 ¶ And it came to pass,² when the kingº heardºª² the wordsº of the woman,º that he rentºª² his clothes;º and he² passed byºª upon² the wall,º and the peopleº looked,ºª and, behold,² [he had] sackclothº withinº² upon² his flesh.º 31 Then he said,ºª Godº doºª so² and moreºª also² to me, if² the headº of Elishaº the sonº of Shaphatº shall standºª on² him this day.º 32 But Elishaº satºª in his house,º and the eldersº satºª with² him; and [the king] sentºª a manº from beforeº² him: but ere² the messengerº cameºª to² him, he² saidºª to² the elders,º Seeºª ye how² this² sonº of a murdererºª hath sentºª to take awayºª² mine head?º look,ºª when the messengerº cometh,ºª shutºª the door,º and hold him fastºª² at the door:º [is] not² the soundº of his master'sº feetº behindº him? 33 And while he yet² talkedºª with² them, behold,² the messengerº came downºª unto² him: and he said,ºª Behold,² this² evilº [is] of²² the LORD;º what² should I waitºª for the LORDº any longer?²

[30] 1K 21:27; 2K 5:7; 19:1; Is 58:5.
[31] Ru 1:17; 1S 3:17; 14:44; 25:22; 2S 3:9, 35; 19:13; 1K 2:23; 18:17; 19:2; 22:8; Jr 37:15; 38:4; Jn 11:50; Ac 23:12.
[32] 1K 14:6; 18:4, 13; 21:10; 2K 5:26; 6:12; Ezk 8:1; 14:1; 20:1; 33:31; Lk 13:32.
[33] Gn 4:13; Ex 16:6; 1S 28:6; 31:4; Jb 1:11, 21; 2:5, 9; Ps 27:14; 37:7, 9; 62:5; Pv 19:3; Is 8:17, 21; 26:3; 50:10; Jr 2:25; Lm 3:25; Ezk 33:10; Hab 2:3; Mt 27:4; Lk 18:1; 2Co 2:7, 11; Rv 16:9.

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