Complete Chat Bible Commentary Logs (4/7/2011 -> now)

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The Apostles were sent out to Baptize in Acts beginning at Jerusalem (Acts 1:1-8) And the Holy Spirit began to work miracles and The Lord Working with the Apostles began to baptize New believers with the Holy Ghost as stated in Mark 16:20 (Acts 1:5). Acts 2:38 Peter told the Jews to Repent, then Acts 2:41 they received/believed the Preaching (Mark 16:15,Luke 24:47) Then were Baptized by the Holy Ghost as Confirmed (Mark 16:16, Acts 1:5) by solely "Believing" (John 7:39, Acts 10:43, Romans 10:9,Romans 10:17) NOT John the Baptist's water baptism (Matthew 3:11,24-28) . More information on Search: Light of Christ Ministries
- Light of Christ Ministries (12/31/2022 2:42:12 AM)
- Posted on Mark 16:16.
Shalom! The very helpful qBible does provide the Exhaustive Concordance. When you click on one of the Strong's numbers (in the KJV English text) or directly on one of the Hebrew words or even the transliterated words, it opens to the concordance page for that word (You can also right click to open a separate tab or window.); scroll down to the bottom of the page, and you'll see the frequency and the locations of that word in the Bible. Hope this is helpful to you.
- Ahava (12/8/2022 9:36:59 AM) []
- Posted on Micah 7:18.
Do you know where I can find this
Exhaustive Concordance (KJV Translation Frequency & Location)
- Jeremy (12/6/2022 8:47:15 PM)
- Posted on Micah 7:18.
Ephesians 2:8 and on………..
- Mario (11/28/2022 5:19:52 PM)
- Posted on Micah 7:18.
Thanks ❤
- Cody (11/23/2022 7:14:58 AM)
- Posted on Micah 7:18.
This is a common issue from translators. In its original Hebrew context is Adonai (My Adon [Lord]). However, if the translator is using an English translation where it reads Lord for every YHWH & Adonai; then these issues occurred.
Without moving out of its context, as in this case, we can't forget the "my ..."; in other words, the correct translation is Adonai (my Adon).
- Manu'el (11/5/2022 7:48:41 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 18:3.
Please, a question for our dear qBible folks: In this verse, the Hebrew text has the word Adonai which is translated by qBible as YHWH; yet in verse 13, the Hebrew text has the tetragram, which has also been translated by qBible as YHWH - so, is this intentional, and is this done consistently through qBible's Old Testament translation?
- ahava (11/4/2022 11:07:39 AM) []
- Posted on Genesis 18:3.
יִרְמְיָהוּ yir'm'yähû Yirmæyà
Strong's : a variation is יִרְמְיָהוּ Yirmeyahu " Yah (Jah) loosens"
Briggs's: "Jah will rise"
- jg (9/7/2022 1:41:16 PM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 1:1.
The name Jeremiah means "whom God has appointed"
- jg (9/7/2022 12:31:55 PM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 1:1.
Beginning an instruction to a mens' bible study group the teacher affirms Gods speaking to the prophets so the author can equate Yeshua as the ultimate teacher
- Rick (8/27/2022 12:34:59 PM)
- Posted on Hebrews 1:1.
- Annie (8/25/2022 5:05:36 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 18:31.
Have looked at the Hebrew text on "love" and the Strong's reference number #160. Most identify it as a noun not a verb. No punctuation is used in Hebrew so would it be more proper to say this verse with English punctuation should be: "do justice, love, mercy; and walk humbly with God"?
- Jim (8/22/2022 10:25:19 AM)
- Posted on Micah 6:8.
the word mercy is the same as grace for the new testament,Grace in NT means the divine influnce of God working in mans heart, look up grace on its got more awesome meanings. Eph 2 verses 8 and 9 will mean more to you .its not a one time experience with grace, its everyday for us.we didn't just one day decide to get saved by ourselves, his grace was drawing us working on us.Praise God. he worceks the will and do with his grace ;its all him from A TO Z sometimes we pray God make me willing to be willing. He saved me a hundred miles roughly off shore and didn't know the firsrt thing about salvation or nothing. in 1973 praise God.
- steve (4/22/2022 11:43:31 AM)
- Posted on Micah 7:18.
Hebrew has the name Ruach Elohym as the individual moving upon the waters. Your concordance erased that. This is the name of the Holy Spirit and all translations removed it, replaced it with "spirit of God" and are liars. I must see what they did with Yehovah Elohym in Gen 2:4
- David Bean (1/17/2022 9:12:57 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:2.
I need a good church in Albuquerque
- (8/18/2021 8:55:33 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 34:1.
There's just a little typo here - "fats" should be "vats."
- Shalom (7/16/2021 2:46:35 PM) []
- Posted on Joel 2:24.
Only Y saves, no man saves....
- humbly His (10/26/2020 12:09:21 PM) []
- Posted on Isaiah 43:3.
What is one to do if he seeks and finds he is less than 10 generations pure?
- Adam (10/14/2020 6:12:27 PM)
- Posted on Deuteronomy 23:2.
My comment on Revelation 22.1 as a long time Bible student is not interpretation as it is self evident by John as to what he was shown: This is the river which flows through the God's Kingdom which is in heavenly mansions as Jesus referred to when he spoke of in His Father's House there are many Mansions, this is the River of the water of life which flows through God's throne which has the palm trees, fruits trees where we are bodies of light after we have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus. The Throne is where God sits, the Lamb is Jesus the Christ. John is sharing the vision that God gave him of heaven. I cannot express more profoundly than what is written and I look forward to being there someday based my faith in Jesus Christ's shed blood on the cross for me because of my sins. PRAISE JESUS!
- Isabella Gudrun Musto (6/18/2020 8:29:20 PM)
- Posted on Revelation 22:1.
Shalom Kay! The very handy qBible uses the KJV I think because the Strong's numbering system is based on it, and not necessarily because of quality of translation. You can find a version which translates "lo baal" here:

Awesome that you're looking at the Hebrew!
- Blessings :) (4/27/2020 7:10:57 AM)
- Posted on Proverbs 24:8.
Can someone explain why the Hebrew words, Lo Ba'al, are not translated in Proverbs 24:8?
- Kay (4/24/2020 12:52:48 PM) []
- Posted on Proverbs 24:8.
Daniel 9:25 says Mashiych nagiyd - this means Anointed/Chosen Storyteller. Nagiyd is from the root word Nagad which means to tell, announce, report often a story. So here Daniel says the Messiah will be an Anointed Storyteller.
- F J (4/21/2020 4:38:42 PM)
- Posted on Daniel 9:25.
believe in
- lumene (4/11/2020 2:15:30 PM) []
- Posted on Isaiah 40:22.
earth is flat
- valdir (4/10/2020 3:43:19 PM) []
- Posted on Isaiah 40:22.
“O my Beloved” – S. of S. 7:13. The bride interjects “O” over twenty times in this love Song. She uses it to stress utter delight, wonder and being overwhelmed with Christ. From the beginning of her Song, which is also ours, the Beloved Christ has always gone over and above all that we could expect of Him.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (1/30/2020 4:42:18 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:13.
“New and old” – S. of S. 7:13. The bride can be compared to a “scribe discipled into the kingdom of the heavens, bringing out of her storeroom, treasures new and old” – Matt. 13:42. She is filled with rich revelations and fruitful experiences of the Beloved Christ which are found in the Word of God, in both the New and Old Testament.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (1/18/2020 6:14:09 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:13.
“New and old” – S. of S. 7:13. The bride being intimately joined to the Beloved Christ is aware of God's speaking in both testaments – new and old – concerning Him. Her eyes have been opened to see all the promises of the Person and work of Christ in the Old, and their fulfillment in Him in the New. Now He indwells her as the reality of the Word of both testaments.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (1/17/2020 6:19:31 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:13.
“I give you my loves” – S. of S. 7:12. God is love. Love is our conformity to His nature, to be made a living expression of who He is, and a demonstration that we are partakers of Him. We act, feel and think according to His likeness, His nature, His Person - His love. Love is a reproduction of Christ in the bride!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (1/15/2020 8:14:52 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:12.
“I will give you my loves” – S. of S. 7:12. There are so many activities among believers today for the Lord, but without love – without eternal value. Some speak like angels, know all mysteries, remove mountains, and give all their goods away (1 Cor. 13) – yet done without love.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (1/12/2020 5:51:09 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:12.

Because our understanding of the saviour is gradually becoming more accurate to the original, we prefer to refer to him as Messiah, and not Christ. The main reason is that "Messiah" tends to put him in the context of the 1st century Hebrew culture that raised him. In that context, he has the values and thinking patterns of Yahweh's constant familial influence. With the Greek form "Christ" none of this seems to matter, as in the Greek culture, non-greek cultures are not respected and are understood in a cartoonish way. Because of this influence, Greek ideas of Christ tend towards Greek values and patterns not Yahweh's. Rather than try to correct the misunderstandings due to the Hellenistic Christ, we return to the original Messiah ('Moshiach' in Hebrew). By doing this, we avoid all of the pagan "baggage" that comes with the Greek term.

- TRUTH of YAHWEH (1/4/2020 12:50:48 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:12.
“Loves” – S. of S. 7:12. The bride’s heart is opened to Christ without reservation – no hidden sins, no longer attracted to the vanity of the world, no compromises or
excuses – He is her first love. His love has conquered and transformed her, now she gives Him love upon love.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (1/3/2020 5:11:20 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:12.
The Scriptures (ISR 1998)
Hoshea 2:1 Say to your brothers, ‘O my people,’ and to your sisters, ‘O, compassioned one.’

2“Strive with your mother, strive, for she is not My wife (Apostate Israel= Christianity and Judaism and the Western Nations of today), nor am I her Husband! Let her put away her whorings from her face, and her adulteries from between her breasts,

3 lest I strip her naked, and shall set her up as on the day she was born, and shall make her like a wilderness, and shall set her like a dry land, and shall put her to death with thirst.

4“And I shall NOT have compassion on her children, for they are the children of whorings.(The religion of Babylon they are smitten with)

5“For their mother has whored, she who conceived them has acted shamelessly. For she said, ‘I go after my lovers, who give me my bread and my water, my wool and my linen, my oil and my drink.’

6“Therefore, see, I am hedging up your way with thorns, and I shall wall her in, so that she does not find her paths.

7“And she shall pursue her lovers but not overtake them, and shall seek them but not find them. Then she shall say, ‘Let me go and return to my first husband, for then it was better for me than now.’

8“And she did not acknowledge that I (Yahweh am Creator) gave her grain, and new wine, and oil, and increased her silver and gold which they prepared for Ba‛al.(The Lord -J-sus Chr-st- Imposter and False Messiah to whom they acclaim to be the Father in Heaven as well!)

9“Therefore I shall turn back and shall take my grain in its time and My new wine in its season, and I shall take away My wool and My linen covering her nakedness.

10“And now I shall uncover her shame before the eyes of her lovers, and no one shall deliver her from My hand. (The Great Tribulation!)

11“And I shall cause all her rejoicing, her festivals, her New Moons (Named after pagan deities and not based upon the actual moon sliver as Yahweh's are) and her Sabbaths (Sun-day Ch-rch Worship), even all her appointed times (Pagan occult celebrations- Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Valentines, Lent, Patrick's Day,etc...), TO CEASE!!!!!,

12 and lay waste her vines and her fig trees, of which she has said, ‘these are my rewards that my lovers have given me.’ And I shall make them a forest, and the beasts of the field shall eat them.

13“And I shall punish her for the days of the Ba‛als to which she burned incense and adorned herself with her rings and jewelry, and went after her lovers, and forgot Me,” declares יהוה. (No water for 3.5 years!)

14“Therefore, see, I am alluring her, and shall lead her into the wilderness, and shall speak to her heart,

15 and give to her vineyards from there, and the Valley of Aḵor as a door of expectation. And there she shall respond as in the days of her youth, as in the day when she came up from the land of Mitsrayim. (Awhile in the pain of the tribulation they will have to turn to the book, learn the truth of the biblical Law and denounce the paganism and names of blasphemy) and do teshuva

16“And it shall be, in that day,” declares יהוה, “that you call Me ‘My Husband,’ and NO longer call Me ‘My Ba‛al.’(MY LORD)

17“And I shall remove the names of the Ba‛als from her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name. (Names of Blasphemy)
- TRUTH of YAHWEH (12/31/2019 11:42:39 PM)
- Posted on Hosea 2:1.
“I will give you my loves” – S. of S. 7:12. The Beloved Christ has become the source and supply to beautify His lovely bride. Now she gives back to Him all her bridal beauty, bridal affections and bridal virtues for His pleasure and glory. “Give to God what belongs to God” – Luke 20:25.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (12/27/2019 5:36:24 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:12.

- Love of Yahweh (12/25/2019 6:28:05 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:12.
“There will I give you my loves” – S. of S. 7:12. The bride with her Beloved have visited several places with various actions of service. In every place with every action she gave Him love upon love. Her living and work were filled with love. In each place they stayed, there was love.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (12/25/2019 5:59:57 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:12.
- Watchman of Yahweh (12/23/2019 6:18:53 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:12.
“There I will give you my loves” – S. of S. 7:12. The bride’s service of sowing and cultivating together with Christ, is filled with love - His love to her, and her love to Him. Activity for Christ without love, and spiritual works without the vitality of love toward Him have no value, and are disapproved by Him. "I know your works...but I have this against you, that you did leave your first love" - Revelation 2:2, 4.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (12/23/2019 5:50:37 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:12.
- Watchman of Yahweh (12/23/2019 5:14:50 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:12.
“There will I give you my loves” – S. of S. 7:12. The bride and Christ journeyed to various places – the field, villages, and vineyards. Every place and every move resulted in more love. Intimate love toward one another increased, which issued in an outpouring of love to other lovers budding and blossoming in life.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (12/22/2019 6:11:04 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:12.
Oh Contraire! Rev. 5:
Bible } The Scriptures (ISR 1998) } Revelation 5

◄ Revelation 5 ►
The Scriptures (ISR 1998)
1 And I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a scroll written inside and on the back, having been sealed with seven seals.

2 And I saw a strong messenger proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loosen its seals?” [It's understanding]

3 And no one in the heaven or on the earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll, or to look at it.[Comprehend]

4 And I wept much, because no one was found worthy to open and read the scroll, or to look at it.

5 And one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. See, the Lion of the tribe of Yahuḏah, the Root of Dawiḏ,[This could NEVER be the Grecian title Christos! You have a theological conundrum here!] overcame to open the scroll and to loosen its seven seals.”

6 And I looked and saw in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders a Lamb standing [Resurrected], as having been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of Elohim sent out into all the earth.

7 And He [Yahshua, NOT THE GRECIAN LAWLESS IMPOSTER CHRISTOS, THE FALSE VINE!] came and took the scroll out of the right hand of Him [Yahweh the Father Almighty] sitting on the throne. Frank you say much, most not correct. Tell me what is the scriptural definition of sin as you point out in your last post? There are many coming to soil the true Messiah and apostolic faith in Torah. And this is their M.O.:
- TRUTH of YAHWEH (12/20/2019 2:28:08 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:12.
“Vine” – S. of S. 7:12. Christ is the True Vine with His many lovers as branches spreading and growing with fruit. Fruitful lovers must heed the warning, “Take the little foxes that spoil the vineyards” – 2:15. Little foxes of the world and sin will damage our love union with Him.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (12/19/2019 4:19:42 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:12.
It is clear from Isaiah 5 that Yahweh's vineyard is His people Israel. Christianity is a SHAM! WOW!
- Sober in Yahweh (12/18/2019 1:49:03 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 5:10.
WOW! Truly Our LORD Is Mercifull in reviling his word to his servants, thank You for sharing this verse of the word to God be all the Glory God bless you.
- Deborah. (12/18/2019 6:15:38 AM)
- Posted on Isaiah 5:10.
“Let us see” – S. of S. 7:12. The bride’s view is universal – seeing the world as a field where the seed of life must be sown, and the church as a vineyard needing to be cultivated to bear abundant fruit. She is enlarged in heart and vision to take action in service with Christ.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (12/17/2019 5:19:47 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:12.
Messiah born to Jewish parents who were from the tribe of Judah. Hebrews 7:14

J-sus (IPA: /ˈdʒiːzəs/) is a masculine given name derived from the name Iē [NO YAH HERE, you know like "HalleluYAH"!]-sous (Greek: Ἰησοῦς), the Greek form of the Hebrew name Yeshua (Hebrew: ישוע‎). As its roots lie in the name Yeshua [Actually Yahshua- Matt1:21; Phil.2:9; Hebrews 1:3-4] it is etymologically related to another biblical name, Joshua in Hebrew is Jehoshua=YAHweh is deliverance,= YAH-SHUA

Christology and its lawlessness believes they will join to the Messiah when he returns. But as the SCRIPTURES TEACH THE HIGH PRIEST HAS TO MARRY AN ISRAELITE.

"homeless huh'?

Consistently using names because they are popular and have pagan etymologies, instead of what they are, shows you are quite a nincompoop!
- Watchman of Yahweh (12/1/2019 7:40:06 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Lodge in the villages” – S. of S. 7:11. Jesus and His bride travel from place to place without a home, seeking temporary lodging, passing rest. As the Man of Sorrows, not having a place to lay His head, so His loving companion diligently serves and moves with Him to bear His sufferings, loneliness, and homelessness for the advance of the coming kingdom.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (12/1/2019 5:42:31 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
Rev. 18: 2 And he cried with a mighty voice, saying, “Baḇel the great is fallen, is fallen {Hebrew pluperfect tense= will surely happen to the extent that it is stated in the past tense because of its surety!], and has become a dwelling place of demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, and a haunt for every unclean and hated bird,

3 because all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her whoring, and the sovereigns of the earth have committed whoring with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the power of her riotous living.”

4 And I heard another voice from the heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.

Western Nations and their GROSS IDOLATRY on show yesterday with their BLACK FRIDAY lust for materialism/opulence and massive and almost pervasive Satanic FALSITY masquerading as the king Yahshua but is a spurious imposter; IS YET ANOTHER SUN IDOL OF BABEL WHOM AS THE SCRIPTURE STATES WILL FACE HER END ONE DAY IN A FEW YEARS POSSIBLY TO COME!
CHRISTIANITY USES THE NEW TESTAMENT EXCLUSIVELY DIVORCING THEMSELVES FROM THE WHOLE COUNSEL OF YAHWEH AND PROMOTES ITSELF AS TRUTH. ALL THAT FOLLOW HER WILL PAY A PRICE-Their very life. They have no Torah so they spew deceptive love doctrines which is a code word for rebellion to Torah.-------- This is a picture of what the kingdom of Yahweh will truly be and His true Messiah Yahshua:
Isaiah 2: 2 And it shall be in the latter days that the mountain of the House of יהוה is established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills. And all nations shall flow to it.

3And many peoples shall come and say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of יהוה, to the House of the Elohim of Ya‛aqoḇ, and let Him teach us His ways, and let us walk in His path, for out of Tsiyon comes forth the TORAH and the Word of יהוה from Yerushalayim.”

4 And He [KING MESSIAH YAHSHUA]shall judge between the nations, and shall reprove many peoples. And they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither teach battle any more.

5 O house of Ya‛aqoḇ, come and let us walk in the light [=TORAH] of יהוה YAHWEH.

As Yahweh did anciently to the nation of Babel, He will once again do to the whole earth whence Babel's doctrines have spread as it states in Rev 18! There is no safety in numbers only in teshuva and truth!
- TRUTH of YAHWEH (11/30/2019 7:02:47 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Let us lodge in the villages” – S. of S. 7:11. The village is not the bride’s home, but a passing stay for her. She owns nothing, neither is she possessed by the world, for it is only used to advance God's kingdom and glory. Not limited to one place, the bride journeys and works with Christ in love to carry out His eternal desire.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/30/2019 6:10:19 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
Many of your passages ramble and are a bit out of context dd. What exactly are you attempting to express. That one does not have to keep the biblical law? If that is the case, then you are saying a whole lot of nothing. Please clarify. Everywhere you use titles and names of what you perceive is Scripture, is NOT! Go to this site and search and see they are the words of translators and not the writers of the manuscripts, the NT takes some more understanding. If you want proof I can show that to you if you choose?
- Sober in Yahweh (11/29/2019 4:52:39 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 55:11.
Isaiah 46:1010 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Isaiah 55 11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 45:22 Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth; For I am God, and there is no other.The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.Isaiah 45:23 By Myself I have sworn; truth has gone out from My mouth, a word that will not be revoked: Every knee will bow before Me, every tongue will confess allegiance. But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.He will swallow up death forever. The Lord GOD will wipe away the tears from every face and remove the disgrace of His people from the whole earth. For the LORD has spoken. And the last enemy to be destroyed is death. salt is good .Mark 9:49 For everyone will be salted with fire. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through the blood of His cross.Ezekiel 16:53 So now you must bear your disgrace, since you have brought justification for your sisters. For they appear more righteous than you, because your sins were more vile than theirs. So you too must bear your shame and disgrace, since you have made your sisters appear righteous.Romans 11:32 For God has consigned all men to disobedience so that He may have mercy on them all. He said, "Go and tell this people: "'Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.'My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure!

- dd (11/29/2019 2:49:50 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 55:11.
Mark 12: 28 And one of the scribes coming near, hearing them reasoning together, knowing that He had answered them well, asked Him, “Which is the first command of all?”

29 And יהושע answered him, “The first of all the commands is, ‘Hear, O Yisra’ĕl, יהוה [Yahweh is plural here as Genesis teaches-"Let US"!!!!!-Father and Son] our Elohim, יהוה is one{A UNITY THAT WORKS TOGETHER AND OBEDIENT ISRAEL AS WELL FOR TORAH!]


Devarim 6: 1“And this is the command, the LAWS AND RIGHT RULINGS [SAME AS VERSE 6- "And these words"-This is what Yahshua speaks of in Mark 12. Christians teach Torah null and void by Paul-The Defiant are Scriptural Idiots and Blasphemers!] which יהוה your Elohim has commanded, to teach you to do in the land which you are passing over to possess,

2so that you fear יהוה your Elohim, to guard all His laws and His commands which I command you, you and your son and your grandson, all the days of your life, and that your days be prolonged.

3“And you shall hear, O Yisra’ĕl, and shall guard to do, that it might be well with you, and that you increase greatly as יהוה Elohim of your fathers has spoken to you, in a land flowing with milk and honey.

4“Hear, O Yisra’ĕl: יהוה our Elohim, יהוה is one!

5“And you shall love יהוה your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your might.

6“And these Words [VERSE 1 ANSWERS TO TORAH IN THE HEART, SAME AS RENEWED COVENANT- Except what Yahshua fulfilled, slaughterings and temple rituals] which I am commanding you today shall be in your heart,

Mark 12:30 And you shall love [YAHWEH THE FATHER-NOT MESSIAH FIRSTLY THOUGH!] יהוה your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first command.

31“And the second, like it, is this, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no other command greater than these.”

32 And the scribe said to Him, “Well said, Teacher. You have spoken the truth, for there is one Elohim, and there is no other besides Him.

33“And to love Him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the being, and with all the strength, and to love one’s neighbour as oneself, is more than all the burnt offerings and offerings.”

34 And when יהושע saw that he answered wisely, He said to him, “You are not far from the reign of Elohim.”
- TRUTH of YAHWEH (11/29/2019 7:34:08 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Let us lodge in the villages” – S. of S. 7:11. The bride passes the dark night with the Beloved Christ in the villages. She is a pilgrim, who doesn't belong to the fading world. She loves the Beloved Christ above all the riches, fame and charms of this world. She has left the world behind, heeding Jesus’ warning – “Remember Lot’s wife!” – Luke 17:32.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/29/2019 5:28:53 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
Phil. 3:18 For many – of whom I have often told you, and now say to you even weeping – walk as enemies of the stake of Messiah.

19 Their end is destruction, their mighty one is their stomach, and their esteem is in their shame – they mind the earthly.

20 For our citizenship is in the heavens, from which we also eagerly wait for the Saviour, the Master יהושע Messiah,

Note the figurative speech and the exact same context here as well:
Colossians 3:1 If, then, you were raised with Messiah, seek the matters which are above, where Messiah is, seated at the right hand of Elohim.

2Mind the matters above, not those on the earth.

3For you have died, and your life has been hidden with Messiah in Elohim.

4When the Messiah, who is our life, is manifested, then you also shall be manifested with Him in esteem.

Phil. 3:21 who shall change our lowly body, to be conformed to His esteemed body, according to the working by which He is able even to bring all under His control.

So figurative speech by Sha'ul changes the order of the resurrections? OR COULD IT BE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE MARCHING ORDERS OF CHRISTOLOGY AND THEIR FALSE TEACHINGS!!!

The dead are awaiting the Messiah's return as we do.

1 Cor. 15: 21 For since death is through a man, resurrection of the dead is also through a Man.

22 For as all die in Aḏam, so also all shall be made alive in Messiah.

23 And each in his own order: Messiah the first-fruits, then those who are of Messiah AT HIS COMING!!!!!!!

1 Thess. 4: 13 Now, brothers, we do not wish you to be ignorant concerning those who have fallen asleep/DIED, lest you be sad as others who have no expectation.

14 For if we believe that יהושע died and rose again, so also Elohim shall bring with Him those who sleep in יהושע.

15 For this we say to you by the word of the Master, that we, the living who are left over at the coming of the Master shall in no way go before those who are asleep.

16 Because the Master Himself shall come down from heaven with a shout, with the voice of a chief messenger, and with the trumpet of Elohim, and the dead in Messiah shall rise first/RESURRECT FIRST!!!.

17 Then we, the living who are left over, shall be caught away together with them in the clouds to meet the Master in the air [1Cor. 15:51-52]– and so we shall always be with the Master.

18 So, then, encourage one another with these words.

John 5:22“For the Father judges no one, but has given all the judgment to the Son,

23 that all should value the Son even as they value the Father. He who does not value the Son does not value the Father who sent Him.

24“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me possesses everlasting life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.

25“Truly, truly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of Elohim. And those having heard shall live.

26“For as the Father possesses life in Himself, so He gave also to the Son to possess life in Himself,

27 and He has given Him authority also to do judgment, because He is the Son of Aḏam.

28“Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which ALL THOSE IN THE TOMBS shall hear His voice,

29 and shall come forth – those who have done good, to the resurrection of life 1st RESURRECTION- [Rev.20:4-6], and those who have practised evil matters [Rev. 20: 11-15], to a resurrection of judgment.
- TRUTH of YAHWEH (11/28/2019 6:44:02 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Lodge in the villages” – S. of S. 7:11. The bride with her Beloved Christ pass the dark night in temporary lodgings in the villages. We also briefly pass through this dark world, for we are not of the world, but “our citizenship is in the heavens from which we await our Lord Jesus Christ as Savior” – Phil. 3:20. We are servants in our pilgrim journey laboring for His interest, but eagerly long to see Him face to face.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/28/2019 5:35:49 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
Acts 26: 14“And when we had all fallen to the ground, I heard a voice speaking to me, and saying in the Heḇrew language [Grecian Christos not named by our king Yahshua!], ‘Sha’ul, Sha’ul, [Hebrew language as well! This was before the apostolic assembly became heretical afterwards with proto Rome, then her harlot Protestant sisters] why do you persecute Me? It is hard for you to kick against the prods.’

15“And I said, ‘Who are You, Master?’ And He said, ‘I am יהושע YAH-SHUA! [Matt.1:21; Phil. 2:9 and Hebrews 1:3-4], whom you persecute.

16‘But rise up, and stand on your feet, for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you a servant and a witness both of what you saw and of those which I shall reveal to you,

17 delivering you from the people, and the gentiles, to whom I now send you,

18to open their eyes, to turn them from darkness [Total ignorance and or self indulgence, false light of Christian and Judaisms' teachings] to light [Torah] and the authority of Satan to Elohim, in order for them to receive forgiveness of sins [1 John 3:4= transgressions of Torah-SO WHAT RATIONALLY MINDED HUMAN BEING WOULD BELIEVE THAT THE TORAH IS ABOLISHED EXCEPT A SATANICALLY DECEIVED PERSON!!! SO IF TORAH IS DONE AWAY, WHY WOULD FORGIVENESS EVEN MATTER, EVEN MATTER, EVEN MATTER, EVEN MATTER, EVEN MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!]and an inheritance among those who are set-apart by belief/trust in Me.’
- Study and Obey Torah (11/28/2019 3:12:56 AM)
- Posted on Acts 26:14.
Isaiah 8:
16 Bind up the witness, seal the Torah among my taught ones......
20 To the Torah and to the witness! If they do not speak according to this Word, it is because they have no daybreak/enlightenment

2 Cor. 11: 12 And I shall go on doing as I do, in order to cut off the occasion from those desiring an occasion, so that in that which they boast, they might be found also as we are.

13 For such are false emissaries, deceptive workers, masquerading as emissaries of Messiah.

14 And no wonder! For Satan himself masquerades as a messenger of light!

15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works!

Acts 17: 18....... “What does this babbler wish to say?” Others said, “He seems to be a proclaimer of strange mighty ones” .......

Psalm 119: 54 Your laws have been my songs In the place of my sojournings/lodgings.

55I have remembered Your Name in the night, O Yahweh יהוה, And I guard Your Torah.

1 Cor.8: 5F or even if there are so-called mighty ones, whether in heaven or on earth – as there are many mighty ones and many masters –

6 for us there is one Elohim,[Yahweh] the Father, from whom all came and for whom we live, and one [Subordinate] Master יהושע Yahshua Messiah, through whom all came and through whom we live.

7 However, not all have this knowledge......

Acts 4:12“And there is NO [= NONE= NADA!!!!] deliverance in anyone else, for there is no other Name [Verse 10 = YAHSHUA- Hebrews 7:14 from the tribe of JUDAH, not GREECE, ROME, nor TANZANIA!!!] under the heaven given among men by which we need to be saved.”
- Sober in Yahweh (11/26/2019 5:26:03 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Let us lodge” – S. of S. 7:11. The bride temporarily stops her demanding service in the field, and restfully abides through the night with the Beloved Christ. She labored in the field with Him by day, then passed the dark night with Him in the light of secret and uninterrupted fellowship.

“The darkness is passing and the true light is already shining” – 1 John 2:8.

- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/26/2019 4:29:44 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
Malachi 4: 4“Remember the Torah of Moshe, My servant, which I commanded him in Ḥorĕḇ for all Yisra’ĕl – laws and right-rulings. [The renewed covenant law]

5“See, I am sending you Ěliyah [My El is Yah] the prophet [Teaching] before the coming of the great and awesome day of Yahweh יהוה.

[Because the dead do not rise to a spirit body, till Yahshua returns and raises them! Christianity teaches this is the actual prophet himself because they are in false doctrine!
And the two witnesses of Rev 11:3-

That Matt.17:1 -13, was a vision sent to Yahshua to encourage him before his impalement and also to edify the 3 apostles to see the kingdom age; nothing more.]

6“And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers [Elders] to the children [Of Yah], and the hearts of the children [Youth] to their fathers [Prophets of TaNaK], lest I come and smite the earth with utter destruction.”
- Study and Obey Torah (11/25/2019 6:26:28 AM)
- Posted on Malachi 4:4.
Philippians 1:21 For to me, to live is Messiah, and to die is gain.

Ibid 4: 13 I have strength to do all, through Messiah who empowers me.

The Messiah/Anointed King of Yahweh = Hebrews 7:14

For it is perfectly clear that our Master arose from Yahuḏah, a tribe about which Mosheh never spoke of concerning priesthood (Generally speaking),

15 and this is clearer still, if another priest arises in the likeness of Malkitseḏeq,

Amos 9: 9“For look, I am commanding, and I shall sift the house of Yisra’ĕl among all the gentiles, as one sifts with a sieve, yet not a grain falls to the ground. (Yahweh knows where every genetic seed and strand of Israel is today worldwide.)

10“All the sinners of My people are going to die by the sword, those who are saying, ‘Evil does not overtake us nor meet us.’ (Those who refuse to adhere to manuscript Scripture because that is closer to actual Original Writings of the Latter Writings/NT that square with the bridal agreement for the nation under Yahweh's vassal in Yahshua. Which is only by Torah [Ezk 36 23-28; Jer 31:31-34; Heb. 8: 7-12]. Do you doubt this you doubters?

Who were the first Messianic believers?

The history of early Christianity covers the Apostolic Age (1st century, CE) and the Ante-Nicene Period (c.100-325 CE), to the First Council of Nicaea in 325 CE.

(Hegesippus the NAZARENE; c. 185 CE; quoted by Eusebius in
Eccl. Hist. 3:32)

Hegisippus indicates the apostasy began the very same year that
Ignatious [A major Heretic from 100 C.E. whose own words are extant with us today, how he denounced Shabbath, Torah in general, etc... Of Whom the Romanists and their heretic sisters proclaim as a saint! Yet he, as you, are emboldened sinners] became bishop of Antioch!


Torah states that a king, Messiah means anointed king,
must write his own torah scroll and read from it every day-Deut. 17:18-20

The earliest followers of J-sus comprised an apocalyptic, Second Temple Jewish sect of JEWISH CHRISTIANS/Messianics. Eventually, the inclusion of Gentile G-d-fearers led to a departure from Jewish customs (Torah is not a custom per se, but a way of life- Matt. 5:17-20; Luke 16:17,) the establishment of Christianity as an independent religion, and the condemnation of Jewish Christians as heretics.(Because they became the physical majority, but yet 180 degrees opposite of what the living Word of Yahweh states! When in fact just the opposite is the TRUTH, the majority are the heretics by denouncing the Hebrew Name of the Messiah and also denouncing Torah and adding a profuse admixture of the ways of the nations which Yahweh declares in His word are an abomination/obnoxious to Him!)

Rev. 2:13“I know your works, and where you dwell, where the throne of Satan is. And you hold fast to My [Hebrew] Name, (Jewish man, Jewish name, Jewish title as well)

Rev. 3:8“I know your works – see, I have set before you an open door, and no one is able to shut it – that you have little power, yet have guarded My Word, and have not DENIED [Hebrew] My Name. (As Christians have been taught by their heretic Church Fathers and copied in their bibles- Yet as John stated "No lie is of the Truth"-; Which is the Word of Yahweh. The whole world lies in the evil One;
and Paul states : 1 Cor. 8: 20 No, but what the gentiles offer they offer to demons and not to Elohim, and I do not wish you to become sharers with demons.

21 You are not able to drink the cup of the Master and the cup of demons, you are not able to partake of the table of the Master and of the table of demons.
The heretical religion we know today as Christianity and Judaism as well is partaking of the table of DEMONS and they know it not because they reject Torah for doctrines of men!

Heed the warning from Hoshea 4: 6“My people have perished for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being priest for Me. Since you have forgotten the Torah of your Elohim, I also forget your children.

22Do we provoke the Master to jealousy? Are we stronger than He?

This is exactly what happened to the Apostolic Assy around the year 100 C.E. and its underlyings actually are recorded in Acts! What sprung up was heretical from the gentiles who clung to their pagan ways as the Jewish so called Christians fled as Yahshua stated "Flee to the Mountains" Luke 21:21; Matt. 24:16; and Mark 13:14. What was left became the proto Roman assembly of apostate Jews and gentiles proper, other assemblies apostatized as well as recorded in Rev. 1-3.

The Messiah would not carry a Grecian term for his kingly title, FOR IT IS WRITTEN: Laws of the High Priest-Lev.21:But a maiden of his own people/ISRAEL he does take as a wife.)

The Love of the Messiah is for His bride 144,000 Israelite descendants/servants firstly who have made covenant with him and His Father Yahweh by Torah.

- Love of Yahweh (11/24/2019 9:41:58 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Let us go” – S. of S. 7:11. The manifested actions of bridal service are due to the inner operating love of the Beloved – she displays the deep and inseparable union of love between them. The bride can declare, “I am able to do all things in him who strengthens me, for to her to live is Christ” – Phil. 4:13; 1:21.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/24/2019 5:31:57 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
Psalm 50: 16 But to the wrong Elohim said, “What right have you to recite My laws, Or take My covenant in your mouth,

17“While you hated instruction And cast My Words behind you?

The Master of the 7th day Shabbath is Yahshua and that is today!!! Not tomorrow the venerable day of the SUN sinners. "Today" as Psalm 95, a Shabbath Psalm re-states in Hebrews, "Do not harden your heart .....!" It is evident that this is 4th grade material!
- Shabbath Shalom (11/23/2019 6:22:10 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Let us lodge” – S. of S. 7:11. The bride journeys with her Beloved Christ as a pilgrim and a stranger upon the earth. She passes the night sheltered with Him. Her home is with Him – He is her home. She reflects the feeling and thought of Moses, the man of God, “Lord you have been our dwelling place through all times, all generations” – Psalm 90:1.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/23/2019 4:30:14 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
What is the will of Yahweh [Whose Name is some 7,000 times in the TaNaK- Never does He express Himself as anything else other than YAHWEH! Exodus 3:15 And Elohim said further to Mosheh, “Thus you are to say to the children of Yisra’ĕl, ‘יהוה Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Aḇraham, the Elohim of Yitsḥaq, and the Elohim of Ya‛aqoḇ, has sent me to you. THIS IS MY NAME FOREVER, AND THIS IS MY REMEMBRANCE/MENTION TO ALL GENERATIONS. In reality their is no such a being as LORD, THIS IS AN INFERIOR SUBSTITUTION BY TRANSLATORS AND DEFIANCE OF EXODUS 20:2 and 7- Anyone smarter than a 5th grader can research this and "Prove all things". But no, the sons of the EVIL ONE, will not because they cannot believe their system is contrary to The Most High's Set Apart WORD and in years to come be destroyed. His Name is not in or on their foreheads as in Rev. 14 and neither do they have Yahweh's Spirit; they do have a spirit though- see 1 John 4]

For many months the author of this posting and many similar to this has taught, reasoned and persuaded in Truth to anyone who has eyes to see and willing to put an effort forth on this site to see manuscript Scripture. However if one has not been taught the Truth from a Hebraic point of view with the Torah and True Messiah YAHSHUA, THEN THE BLASPHEMIES WILL ROLL OFF THEIR TONGUES, EVEN WITH WARNINGS NOT TO DO SO BY YAHWEH'S WORD ITSELF. THESE ARE EMBOLDENED SINNERS WHO UNLESS TESHUVA OCCURS, WILL BE THROWN INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE AS YAHWEH HAS SAID FOR THEY LOVE THE WAYS OF MAN MORE THAN THE WORD OF YAHWEH FROM MANUSCRIPT SCRIPTURE!!!


John 14:26 “But the Helper, the Set-apart Spirit, whom the Father shall send in My Name, It shall teach you all, and remind you of all that I said to you.

What is the Messiah's Name?- Matt 1:21; Philippians 2:9; Hebrews 1:4 YAH-SHUA!!!!!!

Acts 4:12“And there is NO [= NONE= NADA!!!!] deliverance in anyone else, for there is no other Name [Verse 10 = YAHSHUA- Hebrews 7:14 from the tribe of JUDAH, not GREECE, ROME, nor TANZANIA!!!] under the heaven given among men by which we need to be saved.”


YAHWEH ONLY MAKES AGREEMENTS BY TORAH WITH HIS PEOPLE ISRAEL= The 12 tribes in dispersion that read scripture and love TRUTH [Psalm 147:19-20; Heb. 8:8-12], not traditions of men that stray from TORAH. To not keep Torah one is an enemy of the Most High and His Messiah:

See Romans 8.

Much, much more was stated to this posting, but limited by the administrator's character restraints.

- Watchman of Yahweh (11/22/2019 9:51:32 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Go into the field” – S. of S. 7:11. The bride’s panoramic survey of the land is similar to the uplifted vision shown to Abram. “Lift up now thine eyes and look for all the land which you see, I will give” – Gen. 13:14-15. The bride with her Beloved move for God’s interest, that His kingdom would come and His will would be done on the earth.

“Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field." – Matt. 9:38
“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” – Acts 1:8

- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/22/2019 4:33:51 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
Yeremiah 32: 37‘See, I am gathering them out of all the lands where I have driven them in My displeasure, and in My wrath, and in great rage. And I shall bring them back to this place, and shall let them dwell in safety.

38‘And they shall be My people, and I shall be their Elohim.

39‘And I shall give them ONE HEART and ONE WAY [SO THAT EXCLUDES THE WAY OF CHRISTOS AND THEIR ROMAN CATHOLIC/ HARLOT SISTERS AND THEIR FALSE COV'T], to fear Me all the days, for the good of them and of their children after them.

40‘And I shall make an everlasting covenant- [THAT WOULD BE THE TORAH FRANK AS IN JER. 31 AND HEB 8] with them, that I do not turn back from doing good to them. And I shall put My fear in their hearts so as not to turn aside from Me.

41‘And I shall rejoice over them to do good to them, and shall plant them in this land in truth, with all My heart and with all My being.’

Here is your Christos covenant frank:
Isaiah 4:
1 And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, “We shall eat our own food [Teachings] and wear our own clothes [Righteousness]; only let us be called by your name [False Names], to take away our reproach.”

Your doctrines are those of Burger King Frank: "Have It Your Own Way"; which is not Yahweh's way of Torah!!!
- Study and Obey Torah (11/20/2019 12:18:11 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Let us go forth into the field” – S. of S. 7:11. Although the field is vast for our loving service with Christ, we all should work according to God’s specific leading in us – “God has placed each of us in the Body as He has decided according to His design” – 1 Cor. 12:18.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/20/2019 6:30:01 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
1 John 3:

1 See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of Elohim! For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.

2 Beloved ones, now we are children of Elohim. And it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.

3 And everyone having this expectation in Him cleanses himself, as He is clean.

4 Everyone doing sin also does lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness.

[Free lance redacting of Yahweh's word Frank Pytel, makes you, even after being warned by months by the word of Yahweh a hard hearted bold sinner! For torah does not allow for changing the context of the written Torah for financial gain or otherwise. Your final home is awaiting you less you turn from your endeavors. If there is an ounce of fear before Yahweh the Almighty?]

5 And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin.

6 Everyone staying in Him does not sin. Everyone sinning has neither seen Him nor known Him.a

7 Little children, let no one lead you astray. The one doing righteousness is righteous, even as He is righteous.a

8The one doing sin is of the devil, because the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Elohim was manifested: to destroy the works of the devil.a

9 Everyone having been born of Elohim does not sin, because His seed stays in him, and he is powerless to sin, because he has been born of Elohim.

10 In this the children of Elohim and the children of the devil are manifest: Everyone not doing righteousness is not of Elohim,a neither the one not loving his brother.

What is righteousness?

Deuteronomy 6: 25‘ And it is righteousness for us when we guard to do all this command before יהוה our Elohim, as He has commanded us.’

Matt. 19: 16 And see, one came and said to Him, “Good Teacher, what good shall I do to have everlasting life?”

17 And He said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good except One – Elohim. But if you wish to enter into life, guard/keep the commandments.

The commandments are in the Torah!!!

- Watchman of Yahweh (11/19/2019 10:07:27 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Let us go to the field” – S. of S. 7:11. As the bride co-works with her Beloved in the field, she is no longer narrow minded for selfish gain, but labors for His interest. Whether sowing seeds of life, caring for new fruit, or working in her own vineyard, she is totally dedicated to the pleasure and glory of her Beloved Christ.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/19/2019 4:41:25 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
Revelation 3:8 “I know your works – see, I have set before you an open door, and no one is able to shut it – that you have little power, yet have guarded My Word, and have not DENIED MY NAME.

Acts 26: 14“And when we had all fallen to the ground, I heard a voice speaking to me, and saying in the HEBREW LANGUAGE, ‘Sha’ul, Sha’ul, why do you persecute Me? It is hard for you to kick against the prods.’

15“And I said, ‘Who are You, Master?’ And He said, ‘I am YAHSHUA = HEBREW PRONUNCIATION [NOT CHR-STOS GRECIAN PRONUNCIATION OF A TORAH-LESS IMPOSTER!]יהושע, whom you persecute.

Matt.13:10 And the taught ones came and said to Him, “Why do You speak to them in parables?”

11 And He answering, said to them, “Because it has been given to you to know the secrets of the reign of the heavens, but to them it has not been given.

12 “For whoever possesses, to him more shall be given, and he shall have overflowing (ly); but whoever does not possess, even what he possesses shall be taken away from him.

13 “Because of this I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.

14“ And in them the prophecy of Yeshayah/Isaiah is completely filled, which says, ‘Hearing you shall hear and by no means understand, and seeing you shall see and by no means perceive,

15 for the heart of this people has become thickened, and their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their heart, and (re-) turn back, and I heal them.(?)’................

18“You, then, hear the parable of the sower:

19“When anyone hears the word of the reign, and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is that sown by the wayside.

20“And that sown on rocky places, this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy,

21 yet he has no root in himself, but is short-lived, and when pressure or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he stumbles.

22“And that sown among the thorns is he who hears the word, and the worry of this age and the deceit of riches choke the word, and it becomes fruitless.

23“And that sown on the good soil is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields – some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.”

24 Another parable He put before them, saying, “The reign of the heavens has become like a man who sowed good seed in his field,

25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed darnel (Sons of the enemy and their heretical teachings of apostasy!) among the wheat and went away.

26“And when the blade sprouted and bore fruit, then the darnel also appeared.

27“And the servants of the master of the house came and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field

(The World, not assembly!, as Chr-stian ch-rches teach errantly because they do not, as Frank also, know how to rightly handle Yahweh's word. Why can't they? Because they have no clarity, and that is because they have not been immersed into Yahshua's Name to receive the Spirit and have Not become a disciple of Torah?)

From where then does it have the darnel?’

28“And he said to them, ‘A man, an enemy [Satan] did this.’ And the servants said to him, ‘Do you wish then, that we go and gather them up?’

29“But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the darnel you also uproot the wheat with them.

30‘Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I shall say to the reapers, “First gather the darnel- [pretend Messianics] and bind them in bundles to burn them (Rev 14: 17-20), but gather the wheat into my granary (Rev.14:14-16).”
- Watchman of Yahweh (11/18/2019 3:36:12 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“The field” – S. of S. 7:11. The bride co-works with Christ in three areas of service in “the field”: 1) Sowing seed in the world – Matt. 13:38; 2) Planting, watering seekers in God’s cultivated land – 1 Cor. 3:9; 3) Growing Christ in her private allotted vineyard – S. of S. 1:6.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/18/2019 4:32:48 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.

2 Thess. 2: 9 The coming of the lawless one {Ultimate beast leader who will usher in the end of the age} is according to the working of Satan, with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood,

10and with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing, because they did not receive the love of the truth (John 17:17 Word of Yahweh is truth= TaNaK= Old Testament= LAW AND THE PROPHETS AND THE SET APART WRITINGS; Psalm 119:142; Nehemiah 9:14) in order for them to be saved.

11And for this reason Elohim sends them a working of delusion, for them to believe the falsehood (Just the opposite of truth, lawlessness= Christian doctrine who believe their lawless Savior came to do away with the law in the Grecian name of an imposter CHRIST rather than the true Name of the Savior- Yahshua a Torah teacher, and their lawless hero Paul- rather than Sha'ul a Torah teacher. Also the added law of rabbinic Judaism is laden with a modicum of Falsity!),

John 5: 45“Do not think that I shall accuse you to the Father. There is one who accuses you: Mosheh, in whom you have set your expectation.

46“For if you believed Mosheh, you would have believed Me, since he wrote about Me.

47“But if you do not believe his writings, how shall you believe My words?”

Or in this era speaking to the 10 tribes of Christianity:

45“Do not think that I shall accuse you to the Father. There is one who accuses you: Mosheh, in whom you have set your expectation. (Christian expectation is loaded with paganism and spurious teachings and twisting of Scripture, like this Frank Pytel for example and his blasphemy of Songs of Solomon commentary)

46“For if you believed Messiah, you would have believed Moshe, since Moshe wrote about Me/MESSIAH.

47“But if you do not believe his writings (THE WRITTEN TORAH IS THE BOOKS OF MOSES CALLED THE TORAH/LAW, how shall you believe MESSIAH'S words (SINCE HE GAVE MOSES THE LAW!)?”

John 4: 33 Then the taught ones said to each other, “Did anyone bring Him food to eat?”

34יהושע said to them, “My food is to do the desire/pleasure of Him who sent Me, and to accomplish His work.

Psalm 40: 8 I have delighted to do Your pleasure, O my Elohim, And Your Torah is within my heart

35“Do you not say, ‘There are still four months, and the harvest comes’? See, I say to you, lift up your eyes and see the fields, for they are white for harvest – already!

The intention of Yahshua was to himself and later his disciples to go to the nearby areas where the 10 tribes have been scattered, to witness the Torah to them and
the promises and him as king under Yahweh the Father. For their ancestors stopped keeping Shabbath and Feasts etc. Yahweh's will is to bring the 10 +2 tribes together in Messiah under the Written torah (Isaiah 49:5-6; Acts 13:22-25; Matt 10:5-7; 1 Peter 1:1-2; James 1:1; Romans 11:13-15, 19-22, 25-26; Eph. 2: 11-13, 14-18; Hebrews 8:10). One must become the Israel of Yahweh Gal. 6:16 [Since He only makes covenant relationships as such, with the descendants of Abraham, not as in pagan Christian teachings, but TORAH PROPER!] and practice Torah under Yahshua Messiah. That is Yahweh the Father's will and marital agreement! What this man Frank Pytel, who does not comprehend the truth of Scripture, is spewing is absolute satanic venom packaged up in Satanic Christian, deceptive, love doctrines which will lead to the pool of fire! Because one will take the mark of the beast and the number of it's name!

- TRUTH of YAHWEH (11/17/2019 9:47:17 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Go into the field” – S. of S. 7:11. The bride goes forth with a panoramic vision ahead of her – a vast territory to survey and gain for Christ. Her view is no longer narrow or limited, but she has “lifted up her eyes, looks on the fields – for they are ripe to harvest” – John 4:35.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/17/2019 4:51:30 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
Since you want to interpret this verse spiritually F.P.:

The vineyard is Israel = House of Yahudah and House of Israel= 12 tribes


Isaiah 5:

1 Please let me sing to the One I love, a song for my loved One regarding His vineyard: my loved One has a VINEYARD on a fertile hill......

7 For the VINEYARD of Yahweh יהוה of hosts is the house of Yisra’ĕl, and the man of Yahuḏah is His pleasant plant.

Mark 12:1-11; Luke 20:9-19; Matt. 20:1-16 All relate to a vineyard with an Israelite (12 tribe) motif.

You see F.P. you use the Grecian terms and the "do as you please teachings" of the Church/Circe/Grecian Witch and House of the L-rd/Baal to replace the Written Torah awhile you promote a booklet that has a spurious and your own private interpretation to Scripture and boast with your Penis shaped structures upon your edifices and proclaim you will make more proselytes worldwide. You all ready cover the known earth with this filth, as well as the sign of the solar and sex in your crosses. Your worship days mimic Occult days is No Coincidence. Your bunnies at E-day (Name of a whore g-ddess - Jer 7:17-19 and Ezk 8:) and your jingle bells S. Claus is the stag g-d and throw back to Nimrod (Jer. 10:1-15) are condemned by Yahweh's prophets of old! Your tree is an altar and also the Asherah/steeple is that altar as well. You understand F.P. that these are some of the things that rile our Father Yahweh up!!! Why was Israel thrown into exile? 2 Kings 17 and 2 Chron.33 and you are going to promote the same rubbish IDOLATRY IN THE NAME OF THE GRECIAN IMPOSTOR. The House of Israel (10 tribes) went into direct sun worship on Sunday anciently and lost the sign between them and Yahweh Exodus 31:12-17 and those that have come into a pseudo understanding of Shabbath have kept Sunday worship as their pagan ancestors did and as Rome taught:


Your trust is in the majority who are veiled and in Babel and I will say are intellectually DISHONEST AS BABEL'S MASTER SATAN IS. This message: Torah annulled and JC is already a worldwide False teaching; but NOT TRUTH nor MANUSCRIPT SCRIPTURE! The source Scripture is more accurate than translators who were already heretics!

The Messiah of Israel was raised from the tomb on the end of the 7th day just before dusk is a fact! 3 days and 3 nights as he said: Wends./Passover/31 C.E. just before sunset to 7th day Sabbath just before sunset; becoming the first fruits of the resurrection (Deut 16:9“Count seven weeks for yourself. Begin to count seven weeks from the time you begin to put the sickle to the STANDING grain.) as the barley was offered in the morning of the first day of the week and in the Pentecost count- Day #1! You and your papel buddies do not believe this because you are cadenced in Baal/Sun worship - E-Day Sunday since a babe [Did you in your scholarly wisdom think to ponder who is this female Easter???;]most likely.

7 Translations that AGREE with this rendering of the text of Matthew 28:1.

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
But on the eve of the Sabbath, when the first of the week was dawning, Maryam Magdalitha and the other Maryam came to see the tomb.

Webster's Bible Translation
In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn towards the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary to see the sepulcher.

English Revised Version
Now late on the Sabbath day, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher.

Douay-Rheims Bible
AND in the end of the Sabbath, when it began to dawn towards the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, to see the sepulcher.

American Standard Version
Now late on the Sabbath day, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher.

American King James Version
In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher.

King James 2000 Bible
At the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher.

But in English-speaking countries, and in Germany, Easter takes its name from a pagan goddess from Anglo-Saxon England who was described in a book by the eighth-century English monk Bede. "Eostre was a goddess of spring or renewal and that's why her feast is attached to the vernal equinox," Professor Cusack said.

NO JUSTIFICATION TO HAVE SUNDAY WORSHIP! Rome even admits to changing the day of worship. (Daniel 7:23-25)

- True Shabbath (11/16/2019 11:47:21 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Let us go into the field” – S. of S. 7:11. The bride is not settled, but moves with her Beloved Christ into the world to beget new life, support new blossoms of Christ in other seeking lovers, and comfort the downhearted. She is no longer confined to her personal vineyard, but is enlarged with His caring heart to go forth into the vast land to enlarge His Kingdom.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/16/2019 4:47:50 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
Until you learn the story of the 12 tribes, their rise, their fall and eventual exile to the nations. Some of Judah coming back to eventually bringing in the Messianic era. In which many denied. Promises by Yahweh the Father made will be kept with respect to th 10 tribes. Christianity is foreign to the Latter Writings because it has no relationship with the entirety of the Written torah and spins by the Church/Circe (The Witch of Greece) doctrines to bad mouth the Torah by their precious Christos, which is absolute blasphemy and their spinster Paul. Every doctrine of falsity easily debunked by those who have the Spirit of Yahweh and the true Messiah Yahshua and the true Sha'ul. The Mashiyach never sinned, another wards never violated the Torah. For John 3:4 states that sin is transgression of the Torah. BUT THIS IS MEANINGLESS TO A HERETIC. BECAUSE THE APOSTATES BELIEVE THAT BECAUSE THEY HAVE A MAJORITY ON THIS EARTH AND THEIR PENIS STRUCTURES [STEEPLES], WHICH YAHWEH STATES HE HATES, CALLED THE ASHERAH, THEY BOAST, AS THIS INDIVIDUAL ON THIS POSTING CLAIMS THEY HAVE AUTHORITY! MIGHT MAKES RIGHT; OR IN THIS CASE WRONG BY SCRIPTURE. THEY HAVE EVEN ELEVATED THIS GRECIAN IMPOSTOR OVER THE TRUE MESSIAH WHO IS A JEW AND HEBREW! MOST DO NOT KNOW THE BIBLICAL LAW AND COULD CARE LESS ABOUT IT. YET IT DEPICTS YAHWEH'S NATURE and is the marital agreement for His bride and always has been and always will be.
For Isaiah 2: 2 And it shall be in the latter days that the mountain of the House of Yahweh יהוה is established on the top of the mountains [over the world's governments], and shall be exalted above the hills [over the small nations]. And all nations shall flow to it.

[You will not Frank, unless you repent from your escapades of false teaching and embrace the Torah; where the true Messiah is. You will be in the grave awaiting the judgment which will come at the White Throne. And these words which I have used to counteract your behavior, regardless of good deeds you may claim, you spoken lies against the Spirit. I hope your book was worth it Frank. These postings will be used at your trial against you by Yahshua.]

3And many peoples shall come and say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of יהוה, to the House of the Elohim of Ya‛aqoḇ, and let Him teach us His ways, and let us walk in His paths, for out of Tsiyon comes forth the
TORAH, and the Word of יהוה [Scripture and the Messiah-Rev. 19:13] from Yahrushalayim. What part of this is Greek?
Zephaniah 3: 9“For then I shall turn unto the peoples a clean lip [= the Hebrew language], so that they all call on the Name of Yahweh יהוה, to serve Him with one consent.

[Not LORD as you do and billions of others.]

Zep.3:13/Rev 14:1-5 “The remnant of Yisra’ĕl shall do no unrighteousness and speak no falsehood, nor is a tongue of deceit found in their mouth. [Are you seeing what Yahweh is saying to you Frank? Both passages reflect Israelites, not anything or one else.]

”Hoshea 2: 16“And it shall be, in that day,” declares יהוה, “that you call Me ‘My Husband,’ and no longer call Me ‘My Ba‛al [The DEMON/epithet of SATAN!]’= [DEFINED AS LORD IN Hebrew!!!!]

17“And I shall remove the names of the Ba‛als from her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name.

And He will do it in the end of days by FIRE!!! [Rev. 16:8-11]
- Sober in Yahweh (11/14/2019 7:01:06 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
Let us go into the field” – S. of S. 7:11. We want to be in the field doing big things for our precious Lord, but “do not despise small beginnings, the day of small things” – Zech. 4:10. The bride exhibits Christ with her love for Him in each small detail of her life and service – His living and holy Presence rules her every action.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/14/2019 3:59:14 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
Matt 28: 18 And יהושע Yahshua came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. [Why would the Messiah need to get authority, if the Trinitarian Christos as a subordinate, if he is the all in all? Yahweh the Father, who raised his cadaver from the dead, who Christians have not a close relationship with because they call not upon His Name and detest His covenant Law. Of whom Yahshua stated " The Father is greater than I"; My Elohim/Mighty One and many other places depicting his subordinate rank in the Majesty on High. Once again Christos-Trunitarians, why would he need to have such authority?

19“Therefore, go and make taught ones [Talmudim] of all the nations, immersing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Set-apart Spirit, (THIS PASSAGE IS SPURIOUS AND NOT ANCIENT!)

1. Eusebius (c. 260'c. 340) was the Bishop of Caesarea and is known as "the Father of Church History." Although he wrote prolifically, his most celebrated work is his Ecclesiastical History, a history of the Church from the Apostolic period until his own time. Today it is still the principal work on the history of the Church at that time. Eusebius quotes many verses in his writings, and Matthew 28:19 is one of them. He never quotes it as it appears today in modern Bibles, but always finishes the verse with the words "in my name." For example, in Book III of his History, Chapter 5, Section 2, which is about the Jewish persecution of early {Jewish} Christians (NO CARD CARRYING ROMAN CATHOLICS TILL THE 4th CENTURY!!!), we read:

But the rest of the apostles, who had been incessantly plotted against with a view to their destruction, and had been driven out of the land of Judea, went unto all nations to preach the Gospel, relying upon the power of Christ, who had said to them, "Go ye and make disciples of all the nations in my name."

Again, in his Oration in Praise of Emperor Constantine, Chapter 16, Section 8, we read:

What king or prince in any age of the world, what philosopher, legislator or prophet, in civilized or barbarous lands, has attained so great a height of excellence, I say not after death, but while living still, and full of mighty power, as to fill the ears and tongues of all mankind with the praises of his name? Surely none save our only Savior has done this, when, after his victory over death, he spoke the word to his followers, and fulfilled it by the event, saying to them, "Go ye and make disciples of all nations in my name."

Matt. 28:20 teaching them to guard ALL that I have commanded you. (For example Matt.5:17-20; Luke 16:17; John 4:22) And see, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Amĕn. Frank note: Deut. 18: 20‘But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My Name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other mighty ones (Christos who has NO AUTHORITY EXCEPT IN THE MINDS AND HEARTS OF APOSTATES!), even that prophet shall die.’

- Battling Apostates (11/13/2019 6:24:03 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Go into the field” – S. of S. 7:11. The bride is not settled, but moves with Christ in power and love for His interests. She carries out His commission with His authority – “Go, disciple the nations” – Matt. 28:19. With Him she goes out into the field to conquer for His kingdom.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/13/2019 5:24:07 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Let us go into the field” – S. of S. 7:11. The steps of the bride with the Beloved Christ (Grecian Impostor NOT Mashiyach!) are the reality of the word. (Yes if you are walking in Torah then you would be walking with Mashiyach Yahshua and Yahweh the Father). This passage is talking about the Shulamite girl in reference to her love the shepherd boy. Yes Frank is exactly correct in the Hebrew Mashiyach here. Except he has inserted a different person, one who teaches the law has been done away with in the Christian hero Paul. Yet not Sha'ul who never ever did such! If one is a Christian, not keeping Torah, they are at odds with Yahweh the Great King and his vassal/lesser and Son Yahshua Mashiyach!!! Every passage Christians use to refute commandments keeping can be thoroughly DEBUNKED. What did Yahshua say in the parable of Matt.13 the field is the world. Yahshua states his kingdom is not of this world Frank. Deut 11:24 is speaking of Eretz Israel and entirety of the land promise made to Abraham. Not specifically anywhere else by context. The truth is the Torah/Mosaic Law as you might say. Oh Horrors, that awful Hebrew law!!!!! Oh how I love your Torah O'Yahweh! Psalm 119
- Study and Obey Torah (11/11/2019 10:02:27 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Let us go into the field” – S. of S. 7:11. The steps of the bride with the Beloved Christ are the reality of the word – “every place your foot treads on will be yours” – Deut. 11:24. They go together into the field to advance, increase and establish the kingdom of God for His good pleasure and glory.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/11/2019 4:47:42 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
And away we go! Right headed towards the pool of fire!

Borderline personality disorder sufferers find that their emotions are too intense to handle SO THEY CLAIM THAT THEIR EMOTIONS ARE FACTS!.

Acts 19: 18 And many who had believed came confessing and declaring their deeds.

19 And many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together, burning them before all. And they reckoned up the value of them, and found it to be fifty thousand pieces of silver. [At least the witches and warlocks did teshuvah Frank- You will never defeat the word of Yahweh and you will never get any traction spewing blasphemy against the Great King Yahweh]

2 Thess. 2: 9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood,

10 and with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing, because they did not receive the love of the truth, in order for them to be saved.

11 And for this reason Elohim sends them a working of delusion, for them to believe the falsehood,

12 in order that all should be judged who did not believe the truth, but have delighted in the unrighteousness.
- Sober in Yahweh (11/9/2019 6:10:49 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Let us go” – S. of S. 7:11. The bride’s desire to take action can only happen if the Beloved Christ goes with her. She is a branch in the Vine, connected by the engrafted union of life and the fresh fellowship of love, without any separation. "Apart from Him she can do nothing." Her activities are secondary to her fellowship and union with Christ.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/9/2019 4:19:57 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
Proverbs 1: 7 The fear of Yahweh יהוה is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and discipline.

Psalm 119: 1 Blessed are the perfect in the way, Who walk in the Torah of Yahweh יהוה!

Isaiah 8: 16 Bind up the witness, seal the Torah among my taught ones.

20 To the Torah and to the witness! If they do not speak according to this Word [The Law and the Prophets in Truth], it is because they have no daybreak/enlightenment.

This applies to you, although not the direct audience Sha'ul was speaking to :

2 Cor.11: 3But I am afraid, lest, as the serpent deceived Ḥawwah by his trickery, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Messiah.

4 For, indeed, if he who is coming proclaims another Yahshua ( Hebrews 7:14-Sound Grecian Frank?)יהושע, whom we have not proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different Good News which you have not accepted, you put up with it well enough {Spoken facetiously]!

We have a moral duty to be honest. This duty is especially important when we share ideas that can inform or persuade others.

Intellectual honesty is honesty in the acquisition, analysis, and transmission of ideas. A person is being intellectually honest when he or she, knowing the truth, states that truth.[1] Intellectual honesty pertains to any communication intended to inform or persuade. This includes all forms of scholarship, consequential conversations such as dialogue, debate, negotiations, product and service descriptions, various forms of persuasion, and public communications such as announcements, speeches, lectures, instruction, presentations, publications, declarations, briefings, news releases, policy statements, reports, religious instructions, social media posts, and journalism including not only prose and speech, but graphs, photographs, and other means of expression.

Intellectual Honesty combines good faith with a primary motivation toward seeking true beliefs.

What do you call someone who believes their own lies?

Living in denial! - this is what I'd say. But technically they are called pathological liars.

According to, Pathological liars all frequently lie without any reason for doing so. They do not look at lying as a way to obtain goals and external benefits in the way that most people do. Most people will lie in order to get something that they want without believing their own lies. Pathological liars will lie consistently and continually in large fantastical ways that can make it obvious to others that they are lying. Yet the pathological liar will believe his own lies and recreate his own reality.

Those suffering from narcissistic personality disorders and borderline personality disorders will also believe their own lies but on a more unconscious level. They do not want to be honest with themselves so they will change the way that they think to fit with their lies. Narcissists will often tell themselves and others that everyone loves them even though they do not. They want to believe it and so they say it. Borderline personality disorder sufferers find that their emotions are too intense to handle SO THEY CLAIM THAT THEIR EMOTIONS ARE FACTS!.
- Facts of Yahweh (11/9/2019 8:55:32 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Let us go” – S. of S. 7:11. The bride's focus is only Christ and intimate union with Him. They go forth in love and work according to His heart. Others are active in service, yet having left Him as their first love are disgusting to Him, needing a thorough repentance (Rev. 2:4).
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/8/2019 4:40:14 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Let us go” – S. of S. 7:11. The content and worth of the

bride's service was her union with Chr-st. Serving G-d

(This G-d term is from the Greek word Theos, to whom

Zeus and interpreted by the East =Ba'al =LORD was also

referred to = FACT! [You are saying Yahweh the Father is

parallel with Zeus!]) without Chr-st has no value.

[Hebrews 7:14= Messiah + Commandments/Torah=Value

—Judaism+ Christianity are His ENEMIES! = Romans 8]

It is taught that the Savior was called "The Christ" and

"Jesus Christ' because it is found in the Greek texts; but

such belief is shown to be erroneous when we think upon

the record left us, as by John. Two Hebrew brothers are

speaking one to the other, Andrew said unto his brother

Simon, "We have found the Messiah." The Greek text has

this explanation. "Which is being interpreted, the Christ."

Now the question is: "Why should need bean explanation

by one Hebrew brother to another, when they

both would have understood the term Messiah? Plainly the

inference is that a Greek translator added the explanatory

term for the benefit of his Greek readers, when he was

translating from the Hebrew into the Greek, for they would

not understand the term Messiah without an

interpretation. The same truth can be seen in John 4:25,

where the Samaritan woman is speaking to the Savior,

Messiah cometh." Again, for the benefit of his Greek

readers, the translator added, "Which is called the

Christ." Why should a woman of Samaria. speaking the

Aramaic language have to interpret into Greek for the

Hebrew Messiah, who would readily understand the term,

and who, as far as we know, never knew the Greek

language. Nothing wrong with translating into

Greek as long a the loan pronoun and title of the Great

King Yahweh is faithfully

transliterated/translated and that is corroborates with

torah. The Elohim of the nations are not YAHWEH!

- His Name is Yahweh and Yahshua is His Son (11/6/2019 7:36:43 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Let us go” – S. of S. 7:11. The content and worth of the bride's service was her union with Christ. Serving God without Christ has no value. “On the judgment day, fire will reveal what kind of work each builder has done - showing if a person’s work has value.” – 1 Cor. 3:13.
- Frank Pytel, "The t (11/5/2019 5:09:40 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
Deuteronomy 29:
9“Therefore you shall guard the words of this covenant, and do them, so that you prosper in all that you do.

10“All of you are standing today before יהוה your Elohim: your leaders, your tribes, your elders and your officers, all the men of Yisra’ĕl,

11 your little ones, your wives, and your sojourner who is in the midst of your camp, from the one who cuts your wood to the one who draws your water,

12 so that you should enter into covenant with יהוה your Elohim, and into His oath, which יהוה your Elohim makes with you today,

13 in order to establish you today as a people for Himself, and He Himself be your Elohim, as He has spoken to you, and as He has sworn to your fathers, to Aḇraham, to Yitsḥaq, and to Ya‛aqoḇ.

14“And not with you alone I am making this covenant and this oath,

15 but with him who stands here with us today before יהוה our Elohim, as well as with him who is not here with us today.

16“For you know how we dwelt in the land of Mitsrayim and how we passed through the nations which you passed through,

17 and you saw their abominations and their idols, wood and stone, silver and gold (Christianity and its paganism), which were with them,

18 lest there should be among you a man or woman or clan or tribe, whose heart turns away today from יהוה our Elohim, to go and serve the mighty ones of these nations, lest there should be among you a root bearing bitterness or wormwood.

19“And it shall be, when he hears the words of this curse, that he should bless himself in his heart, saying, ‘I have peace though I walk in the stubbornness of my heart (The Messianic Grecian IMPOSTOR CHRISTOS),’ in order to add drunkenness to thirst.

20“יהוה would NOT forgive him, but rather, the displeasure of יהוה (Don't push it Frank, in the diaspora, you are playing with a living fire. Don't romanticize His word in spurious commentary which for the most part is incorrect! How is that working out for California these days?) and His jealousy shall burn against that man, and every curse that is written in this book shall settle on him, and יהוה shall blot out his name from under the heavens.

21“And יהוה shall separate him for evil, out of all the tribes of Yisra’ĕl (Yahweh knows where the tribes of Israel have gone -Amos 9), according to all the curses of the covenant that are written in this Book of the Torah.
- Shabbath Shalom (11/2/2019 1:44:15 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But he who listens to advice is wise.

16 A fool’s wrath is known at once, But a clever one covers shame.

17 He who speaks truth declares righteousness, But a false witness, deceit.

18 Rash speaking is like piercings of a sword, But the tongue of the wise is healing.

19 The lip of truth is established forever, But a lying tongue is but for a moment.

20 Deceit is in the heart of those who plot evil, But counselors of peace have joy.

21 No harm befalls the righteous, But the wrong shall be filled with evil.

22 Lying lips are an abomination to YAHWEH יהוה, But those who deal truly are His delight.
- Watchman of Yahweh (10/30/2019 7:53:25 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
“Let us go” – S. of S. 7:11. The aspiration of the bride towards the Beloved Christ is to move and act with Him in loving service for an increase of sweet fellowship and a deeper union of love together. In their move together, He will be unveiled to her, and she will pour out more love to Him.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/30/2019 6:40:08 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.




42 BUT I KNOW YOU, THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE THE LOVE OF ELOHIM IN YOU. [1 John 5 :1-3= Love of Yahweh is to obey His commandments]

43“I have come in My Father’s Name (What is His Name???- YAHWEH!, Not Names of BLASPHEMY-Rev 17) and you do not receive Me, if another comes in his own name, him you would receive/ACCEPT.

44“How are you able to believe, when you are receiving esteem from one another, and the esteem that is from the only Elohim you do not seek [????????????????????????????]

45“Do not think that I shall accuse you to the Father. There is one who accuses you: Mosheh[= MOSES=The Biblical Law =TORAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!], in whom you have set your expectation. {Well in fact Christians do not believe in the Biblical Law because their mythical hero saved them from the biblical law and its Jewishness, instead we have now do as you please (Jude/Judah 1:3-4) and names of blasphemy and pervasive pagan idolatry and by the way Yahweh is going to save us!!!!! What a bunch of Satanic filth rot! The Torah accuses us in this way, AS IT IS WRITTEN:

Proverbs 21:28 A false witness (S.o S. commentator on this site will by the judgments in the end of days) perishes, But the man who obeys {TORAH} speaks forever.

Exodus 22:20“He who slaughters [In worship] to a [False] mighty one, except to YAHWEH יהוה ONLY, is put under the [DEATH] ban.}

Deuteronomy 12: 32“All the words I am commanding you, guard to do it – do not add to it nor take away from it]

John 5:46“For if you believed Mosheh, you would have believed Me/[THE TRUE MESSIAH YAHSHUA], since he wrote about Me.[THE TRUE MESSIAH YAHSHUA]

47“But if you do not believe his writings [TORAH], how shall you believe My words?” [THE TRUE MESSIAH YAHSHUA'S WORDS OF THIS PASSAGE WITH RESPECT TO TORAH!]
- Study and Obey Torah (10/30/2019 1:41:25 AM)
- Posted on John 5:38.
“Come…let us go” – S. of S. 7:11. The bride's growth of Christ and union with Christ reflect His beauty, His virtues and His great love. Her request to move and take action with Him are not mere methods of service, but an overflow of the wonderful Person of Christ through her.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/29/2019 4:34:02 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:11.
1 Peter 1: 19 And we have the prophetic word made more certain, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts,

20 knowing this first, that no prophecy (Neva'im) of Scripture (teaching and prophecy direct) came to be of one’s own interpretation,

21 for prophecy never came by the desire of man, but men of Elohim spoke, being moved by the Set-apart Spirit.

Romans 8: 5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the matters of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the matters of the Spirit.

6 For the mind of the flesh is death, but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace.

7 Because the mind of the flesh is enmity towards YAHWEH, for it does not subject itself to the TORAH/LAW of YAHWEH, neither indeed is it able, (So you say you do not have to keep the dietary commands of Torah, nor Yahweh's Sabbaths nor High Sabbaths? Yet you say you have the Set Apart Spirit? No Written Torah= No Spirit= An Enemy of the Father whose Name is Yahweh and the Son, whose Name is Yah-shua. We are not Their Enemy! We love them!
Exodus 20: For I, יהוה your Elohim am a jealous/zealous Ěl, visiting the crookedness of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me [So the one who hates Yahweh is the one who does not keep, nor guard His commandments!!!] Yes but we have the deceptive love doctrines!, Emotional love is nice but carries little to NO weight regarding Commandment Keeping! His desire is that we keep His commands.
Psalm 40:7 Then I said, “See, I have come; In the scroll of the Book it is prescribed for me.

8 I have delighted to do Your pleasure, O my Elohim, And Your Torah is within my heart.”

Exodus 20:6 but showing kindness to thousands, TO THOSE WHO LOVE ME AND GUARD/KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS


9 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit=Written Torah, if indeed the Spirit =Written Torah of Elohim dwells in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit =Written Torah of Messiah, THIS ONE IS NOT HIS!!!!

1 John 5:1 Everyone who believes that YAHSHUA יהושע is the Messiah has been born of Elohim, and everyone who loves the One bringing forth also loves the one having been born of Him.

2 By this we know that we love the children of YAHWEH, when we LOVE YAHWEH and GUARD/KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS.


John 3:16“For YAHWEH so loved the world that He gave His only brought-forth Son, so that everyone who believes=OBEYS in Him should not perish but possess everlasting life.

17“For YAHWEH did not send His Son into the world to judge the world [INITIALLY], but that the world through Him might be saved.

18“He who believes [=OBEYS] in Him is not judged, but he who does not believe [=OBEY] is judged already, because he has not believed [TRUSTED AND OBEYED] in the Name [His Identity and Authority] of the only brought-forth Son of YAHWEH.

19“And this is the judgment, that the light [Teacher of the Written Torah] has come into the world, and men loved the darkness [Works of the Flesh, Sunday keeping, Pagan Holidays such as Xmas, Halloween, Valentine's, Easter, birthdays] rather than the light [Written Torah], for their works were wicked [= NON-TORAH! Hey wait a minute! Is that not what YOUR APOSTLE Paul taught, that Torah was done away with??].

20“For everyone who is practicing evil matters hates the light [Word of Yahweh =John 17:17] and does not come to the light [Word of Yahweh =John 17:17] , lest his works should be exposed.

21“But the one doing the truth [Word of Yahweh =John 17:17]comes to the light [Written Torah = Romans 7:7], so that his works are clearly seen, that they have been wrought in Elohim.”

Matthew 19: 16 And see, one came and said to Him, “Good Teacher, what good shall I do to have EVERLASTING LIFE?”

17 And He said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good except One – Elohim. But if you wish to enter into [ETERNAL] life, GUARD/KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS--[WHERE ARE THEY TO BE FOUND,BUT IN THE WRITTEN TORAH!.”]
- Love of Yahweh (10/25/2019 11:17:47 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:10.
1 Peter 1: 19 And we have the prophetic word made more certain, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts,

20 knowing this first, that no prophecy (Neva'im) of Scripture (teaching and prophecy direct) came to be of one’s own interpretation,

21 for prophecy never came by the desire of man, but men of Elohim spoke, being moved by the Set-apart Spirit.

Romans 8: 5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the matters of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the matters of the Spirit.

6 For the mind of the flesh is death, but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace.

7 Because the mind of the flesh is enmity towards YAHWEH, for it does not subject itself to the TORAH/LAW of YAHWEH, neither indeed is it able, (So you say you do not have to keep the dietary commands of Torah, nor Yahweh's Sabbaths nor High Sabbaths? Yet you say you have the Set Apart Spirit? No Written Torah= No Spirit= An Enemy of the Father whose Name is Yahweh and the Son, whose Name is Yah-shua. We are not Their Enemy! We love them!
Exodus 20: For I, יהוה your Elohim am a jealous/zealous Ěl, visiting the crookedness of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me [So the one who hates Yahweh is the one who does not keep, nor guard His commandments!!!] Yes but we have the deceptive love doctrines!, Emotional love is nice but carries little to NO weight regarding Commandment Keeping! His desire is that we keep His commands.
Psalm 40:7 Then I said, “See, I have come; In the scroll of the Book it is prescribed for me.

8 I have delighted to do Your pleasure, O my Elohim, And Your Torah is within my heart.”

Exodus 20:6 but showing kindness to thousands, TO THOSE WHO LOVE ME AND GUARD/KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS


9 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit=Written Torah, if indeed the Spirit =Written Torah of Elohim dwells in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit =Written Torah of Messiah, THIS ONE IS NOT HIS!!!!

1 John 5:1 Everyone who believes that YAHSHUA יהושע is the Messiah has been born of Elohim, and everyone who loves the One bringing forth also loves the one having been born of Him.

2 By this we know that we love the children of YAHWEH, when we LOVE YAHWEH and GUARD/KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS.


John 3:16“For YAHWEH so loved the world that He gave His only brought-forth Son, so that everyone who believes=OBEYS in Him should not perish but possess everlasting life.

17“For YAHWEH did not send His Son into the world to judge the world [INITIALLY], but that the world through Him might be saved.

18“He who believes [=OBEYS] in Him is not judged, but he who does not believe [=OBEY] is judged already, because he has not believed [TRUSTED AND OBEYED] in the Name [His Identity and Authority] of the only brought-forth Son of YAHWEH.

19“And this is the judgment, that the light [Teacher of the Written Torah] has come into the world, and men loved the darkness [Works of the Flesh, Sunday keeping, Pagan Holidays such as Xmas, Halloween, Valentine's, Easter, birthdays] rather than the light [Written Torah], for their works were wicked [= NON-TORAH! Hey wait a minute! Is that not what YOUR APOSTLE Paul taught, that Torah was done away with??].

20“For everyone who is practicing evil matters hates the light [Word of Yahweh =John 17:17] and does not come to the light [Word of Yahweh =John 17:17] , lest his works should be exposed.

21“But the one doing the truth [Word of Yahweh =John 17:17]comes to the light [Written Torah = Romans 7:7], so that his works are clearly seen, that they have been wrought in Elohim.”
- Love of Yahweh (10/25/2019 2:50:36 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:10.
“His desire” – S. of S. 7:10. The bride is assured of Christ's love, and she does His will to fulfill His eternal purpose. She is living in the climax, the highest consciousness of union with her Beloved. Her affections have reached the holy and spiritual peak of matching His heart’s desire.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/24/2019 6:14:21 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:10.
“I am my Beloveds” – S. of S. 7:10.
As one filled and mature in Christ, the bride cannot be separated from Him.

Satan using one of his impostor titles deludes the masses that he is Messiah under the Grecian title and false teachings, impressing upon the masses that the true Messiah did NOT come from the tribe of JUDAH! And they fall for it hook line and sinker. For the average Christologist accepts the English translated words without ever proving them from the manuscripts and most in the Hebraic walk understand that the Christians care very little for the TaNaK and DON'T KNOW IT AT ALL!

That is why this fellow like Frank Pytel can dupe people with romantic poetry as a commentary on this book of S.o S. NOT complying with the Torah. He was given 7 passages , far more than the 2 or 3 required to prove a witness in Scripture with respect to the blasphemy he spews. It had NO effect on him because he has a heart that is hardened from the truth of Scripture for he fears it will cost him book sales and realizing that Yahweh is right and he is grossly in error because this is an ego trip as well for Frank. For it is evident to anyone that reads S. o S. that the previous verses that Solomon (Depicting haSatan) is the speaker and he is attempting to lure the Shulamite girl (Depicting Israel) away from he beloved shepherd boy; her love (Depicting Messiah Yahshua). Rabbis and Dr. Bullinger concur with this. Frank Pytel does not! Read this Scripture for oneself and do not follow me, nor Frank and prove this for oneself!

Her declaration is not of a future hope, but a present testimony of her reality of love with her rich experiences of Christ in sweet fellowship and unbreakable union.
There is is no unity with the biblical Messiah of Matthew -Revelation under antinomianism=against Torah. For this is the bridal contract between Yahweh and His people; same with Messiah (Hebrews 8:8-10) Christos = anti Torah. What biblical and actual being is opposed to Torah?
1 John 3:8 The one doing sin is of the devil, because the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Elohim was manifested: to destroy the works of the devil.
If one is not in the Torah, for it is the renewed cov't Yahweh made with Israel/ the apostolic assembly and their descendants till around 100 C.E., till it apostatized under the growing gentile assembly population not grounded in Torah under the direction of apostate elder Ignatius of Antioch, a Jew. I am not referring to rabbinic teachings which Paul/Sha'ul referred to in his epistles!
Thanks to all my fellow seekers for their encouragement and loving concerns! (Says Frank Pytel as he encourages himself with delusion)
- Watchman of Yahweh (10/16/2019 11:45:04 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:10.
“I am my Beloveds” – S. of S. 7:10.
As one filled and mature in Christ, the bride cannot be separated from Him. Her declaration is not of a future hope, but a present testimony of her reality of love with her rich experiences of Christ in sweet fellowship and unbreakable union.

Thanks to all my fellow seekers for their encouragement and loving concerns!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/15/2019 7:50:13 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:10.
Psalm 36:1{To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David the servant of Yahweh} The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of Elohim before his eyes.

Frank, maybe if you were more teachable you could respect Yahweh your heavenly Father in so much as you would not blaspheme His Name or His Son's Name! To keep perpetuating error to sell your book is distancing yourself further and further from Him. These idols names you circulate is the tradition of the heathenish Christology and the nations from antiquity translated from the Grecian tongue in their proto form worshiped wood and stone. Religious prostitution, child immolation, homosexuality, incest, pedophilia and pederasty, Wicca, bestiality, personal works of the flesh as a way of life, warfare, deceitfulness, etc.... are the ways of the nations.

1 Timothy 1: 8 And we know that the Torah is good if one uses it legitimately,

9 knowing this: that Torah is not laid down for a righteous being, but for the lawless and unruly, for the wicked and for sinners, for the wrong-doers and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers,

10 for those who whore, for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and for whatever else that is contrary to sound teaching,

11 according to the esteemed Good News of the blessed Elohim which was entrusted to me.

12 And I thank Messiah יהושע our Master who empowered me, because He counted me trustworthy, putting me into service,

13 me, although I was formerly a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and an insulter. But compassion was shown me because being ignorant I did it in unbelief.

Israel made a covenant with Yahweh by the Written Torah (Not the Talmud, nor Christology and its sects) through the ages. The TaNaK is biblical (Luke 24:27; Eph. 2:20; Matt. 5:17; Ibid 22:40; Luke 16:16; Acts 1:45.....etc...). The new and old testaments is a term coined by heretic Marcion of Sinope from 1-2 C.E. Marcion preached that the mighty one who sent Yahshua into the world was a different, higher deity than the creator mighty one of Judaism.He considered himself a follower of Paul the Apostle, who he believed to have been the only true apostle of Yahshua Messiah (Who he called as you do Frank, Iēsous Christos). Carrying traditions will get us no where with Yahweh (Less they are the Written Torah), as Yahshua spoke:Matt 15 and Mark 7: 7 And in vain do they worship Me, teaching as teachings the commands of men.

8“Forsaking the command of Elohim , you hold fast the tradition of men.”

9 And He said to them, “Well do you set aside the command of Elohim

[Such as Exodus 23:13; Ibid 20:7 and 22:20; Joshua 23:6-8; Psalm 16:4 Deut 6:14- The nation s have and do now still worship demons in the names of blasphemy whether they acknowledge it or not Rev 17:3-5; 1 Cor. 10:20 because they have inculcated with these traditions since times of antiquity- To avoid this get a Hebraic understanding of Scripture by getting a Sacred Name bible and free oneself from the traditions of the pagan names and titles of ill repute of our Heavenly Father Yahweh and His Son Yahshua!],

in order to guard/keep your tradition.
- Love of Yahweh (10/11/2019 5:30:31 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:9.
“Best wine flows down” – S. of S. 7:9. The path of bridal love is toward the Beloved Christ. The love of God flowed in Christ in becoming a man, in His crucifixion and resurrection, then as the Spirit, His love flowed into us. Now the best wine of bridal love flows back to Him.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/10/2019 5:44:36 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:9.
Hellenistic Hogwash!! Solomon the womanizer depicting Satan is schmoozing the Shulamite woman depicting the Messiah's body of believers in Torah/Israelites. In verse 10 the Shepherd boy depicts the Messiah Yahshua whom the Shulamite expresses her fidelity to and spurns Solomon. ONLY SOMEONE WHO IS VESTED IN ERROR AND LIES WOULD KEEP DOUBLING DOWN ON FALSEHOOD AND DOES NOT REVERE THE MAJESTY ON HIGH!
“Best wine goes down smoothly” – S. of S. 7:9. The loving bride is the best wine going down and flowing sweetly and straightly toward Christ. Every obstacle, interruption or disagreement to love has been removed righteously, insuring a firm foundation for a mutual flow of love.

Frank what are you smoking???
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/9/2019 5:35:05 PM)

Zechariah 13:
2“And it shall be in that day,” declares יהוה of hosts, “that I cut off the names of the idols [Chr-stos, L-rd, G-d, J-sus etc...] from the earth, and they shall be remembered no more, and I shall also remove the prophets and the unclean spirit from the earth.
3“And it shall be, when one prophesies again, then his father and mother who brought him forth shall say to him, ‘You shall not to live, because you have spoken FALSEHOOD in the Name of יהוה [Although you don't speak it, you refer to Him]. And his father and mother who brought him forth shall pierce him through [Execute him] when he prophesies [LIES].

Psalm 81:15“Those who hate YAHWEH יהוה would/should cringe/submit [Bend one's head and body in fear or in a servile manner.] before Him; And [that] their time of [punishment may] be forever.
- Sober in Yahweh (10/9/2019 7:26:55 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:9.
“Best wine goes down smoothly” – S. of S. 7:9. The loving bride is the best wine going down and flowing sweetly and straightly toward Christ. Every obstacle, interruption or disagreement to love has been removed righteously, insuring a firm foundation for a mutual flow of love.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/9/2019 5:35:05 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:9.
Yom Kippur
Leviticus 16:5“And from the congregation of the children of Yisra’ĕl he [Aaron, the high priest] takes two male goats as a sin offering, and one ram as a burnt offering.

6“And Aharon shall bring the bull as a sin offering, which is for himself, and make atonement for himself and for his house.

7“And he shall take the two goats and let them stand before יהוה at the door of the Tent of Meeting.

8“And Aharon shall cast lots for the two goats, one lot for Yahweh יהוה and the other lot for Azazel/Departure.

9“And Aharon shall bring the goat on which the lot for יהוה fell, and shall prepare it as a sin offering.

10“But the goat on which the lot for Azazel fell is caused to stand alive before יהוה, to make atonement upon it, to send it into the wilderness to Azazel.

Luke 23:13 And Pilate, having called together the chief priests and the rulers and the people,

14 said to them, “You brought this Man to me, as one who turns away the people. And look, I have examined Him in your presence and have found no guilt in this Man regarding the charges which you make against Him,

15 and neither did Herodes, for I sent you back to him. And look, He has done nothing at all deserving death.

16“Having disciplined Him, then, I shall release Him” –

17 for he had to release one to them at the festival.

18 And they cried out, all together, saying, “Away with this One, and release to us Barabba”

19 (who had been thrown into prison for a certain uprising made in the city, and for murder).

20 Wishing to release Yahshua יהושע, then, Pilate appealed to them again.

21 But they were calling out, saying, “Impale! Impale Him!”

22 And he said to them the third time, “Why, what evil has He done? I have found no reason for death in Him. Having disciplined Him then, I shall release Him.”

23 But with loud voices they insisted, asking for Him to be impaled. And the voices of these men and of the chief priests were prevailing.

24 And Pilate [Spiritually standing in the position of the high priest] pronounced sentence that what they asked should be done.

25 And he released the one [Barabba-Released symbolizing the goat of departure from Leviticus 16:10] they asked for, who for uprising and murder had been thrown into prison, but he handed [Yahshua-Offered up as symbolizing the goat offering for the sins of the nation/Israel akin to Leviticus 16:9] יהושע over to their wishes.

Leviticus 16: 34“And this shall be for you a law forever, to make atonement for the children of Yisra’ĕl, for all their sins, once a year.” And he did as יהוה commanded Mosheh. [YES EVEN AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN BAPTIZED IN YAHSHUA'S NAME!!!]

Acts 27:9 And much time having passed, and the sailing now being dangerous, because the Fast was already over, Sha’ul advised them, [Many years after Yahshua had been impaled]

Like money in the bank. Follow the Torah from Trumpets to Atonement and one's sins will be forgiven if one who is an Israelite/Torah keeper baptized in Yahshua's name searches their heart and reveals their sins to Yahweh the Father and upon fasting from food and drink on Yom Kippur for 24 hours. Their sins for that year are covered. Christologists believe what you want! Oh that is right you and Wicca are celebrating/participating in the high day of the devil soon-Halloween! Not being arrogant here-just a FACT!
- Yom Kippur 10/08 sundown to 10/09 sundown (10/8/2019 3:29:23 PM)
- Posted on Leviticus 16:5.

1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law [THE TORAH]: for sin is the transgression of the law [THE TORAH]

Romans 6:11 So you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin

{for sin is the transgression of the law [THE WRITTEN TORAH],}

but alive to Elohim in Messiah יהושע our Master.

12 Therefore do not let sin

{for sin is the transgression of the law [THE WRITTEN TORAH]}

reign in your mortal body, to obey it in its desires,

13 neither present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin

{for sin is the transgression of the law [THE WRITTEN TORAH]},

but present yourselves to Elohim as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to Elohim.

14 For sin {for sin is the transgression of the law [THE WRITTEN TORAH]}

shall not rule over you, for you are not under the law but under favor.

15 What then? Shall we sin

{for sin is the transgression of the law [THE WRITTEN TORAH]}

because we are not under Torah but under favor?

[What is the opposite of favor and mercy? Judgment/penalty!!! ]

Better translated: For we are not under the penalty of the written Torah, but a reprieve.


You may say that is not right we are under as you say "grace" and we are not under that Jewish law!

Bite your tongue!

The same man who wrote Romans 6 also wrote Romans 7.

Romans 7:1 Or do you not know, brothers – for I speak to

those knowing the Torah – that the Torah rules over a


Romans 7:12 So that the Torah truly is set-apart, and the command set-apart/HOLY, and RIGHTEOUS, and GOOD.

2 Peter 3:14 So then, beloved ones, looking forward to this, do your utmost to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless,

15 and reckon the patience of our Master as deliverance, as also our beloved brother Sha’ul/PAUL wrote to you, according to the wisdom given to him,







17You, then, beloved ones, being forewarned, watch, lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the DELUSION OF LAWLESSNESS [BY YOUR CHRISTIAN GRACE DOCTRINES!],

18 but grow in the favor and knowledge of our Master and Savior יהושע Messiah. To Him be the esteem both now and to a day that abides. Amĕn.

Nehemiah 9:13“And You came down on Mount Sinai, and spoke with them from the heavens, and gave them straight right-rulings and Torah of truth, good laws and commands.

Evidently your pastor is at direct opposition to the bible and it characters. Your pastor is some smart guy or gal on a one way ticket to Gehenna Fire!

Satan is the conductor. "ALL ABOARD", you will have plenty of company!
- Only the 7th day is Shabbath (10/6/2019 7:07:55 AM)
- Posted on Romans 6:11.
“Your mouth” – S. of S. 7:9. Before knowing and living in union with Christ, the words of our mouth were dirty, deceitful and brought forth death. Now as believers of Christ we speak truth, joy and grace. Our words release revelations of the beauties of the One we love!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One' (10/6/2019 6:27:33 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:9.


- Love of Yahweh (10/5/2019 2:18:25 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 13:26.

Apostasy we know as Christianity has its roots in the book of Acts during the apostolic era as Sha'ul points out in several of his letters. Becoming more organized as a heresy of Torah led by the Jewish convert to falsity and saint of proto Catholicism, Ignatius, by the turn of the second century C.E. Power move to exalt bishops over the word of Yahweh/Torah. By Constantine's era an official recognition of this apostasy called Christianity, actually it was only Catholicism until the 15th century or so. Realizing Yahshua has had and does have his witnesses of Torah down through the centuries who have had to live in obscurity to survive from the beast/ governments and their ruthless murdering of those who could be called true saints as well as the Jewish peoples. Those who keep the commandments of Yahweh and hold a testimony of Yahshua haMashiyach! As I have said on this site many times look up the term "Jewish Christians" and their history and they align with the previous sentence and are nothing at all like the religion today known as Christianity. WE DO NOT SHRINK BACK FROM THE FACTS OR TRUTH. NAYSAYERS, YOU WILL NEVER DEFEAT THE WORD OF YAHWEH; EVER! Devarim 32 a psalm for Israel to remember so they do not forget sound doctrine; yet sadly they have and what we have today as well as the pseudo history of the true heretics who are in the BILLIONS and yet are also physical descendants of Abraham.

Isaiah 10:16 Therefore the Master, יהוה of hosts, sends leanness among his fat ones. And under his esteem he kindles a burning like the burning of a fire.

17 And the Light of Yisra’ĕl shall be for a fire, and his Set-apart One for a flame. And it shall burn and devour his weeds and his thorn bushes in one day,

18 and consume the esteem of his forest and of his fertile field, both life and flesh. And they shall be as when a sick man wastes away,

19 and the remaining trees of his forest shall be so few in number that a child records them.

20 And in that day it shall be that the remnant of Yisra’ĕl, and those who have escaped of the house of Ya‛aqoḇ, never again lean upon him who defeated them, but shall lean upon יהוה, the Set-apart One of Yisra’ĕl, in truth.

21 A remnant shall return, the remnant of Ya‛aqoḇ, to the Mighty Ěl.

22 For though your people, O Yisra’ĕl, be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return – a decisive end, overflowing with righteousness.

23 For the Master יהוה of hosts is making a complete end, as decided, in the midst of all the earth.

- Shabbath Shalom (10/5/2019 5:43:33 AM)
- Posted on Matthew 13:26.
- Study and Obey Torah (10/4/2019 7:09:20 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 13:26.
Thank you, this is one of the dozens of reasons why I left Christianity and converted to Messianic Judaism almost a decade ago. Christianity has been compromised dating back to the 2nd & 3rd century when Constantine merged the official Religion of Paganism with 'so called' Christianity. I have determined pagans are in violation of Revelation 21:8. Idolatry is not only bowing down in front of carved graven images, but is also in fact celebrating false pagan holidays that have nothing to do with Yahshua HaMashich. It is sad Christianity teaches the tares can co-exist with the wheat. Soon, the tares will be bound up and cast into the fire.
- Julia Gombar Seko (10/4/2019 6:41:00 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 13:26.

Short answer: Matthew 19:17 And He said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good except One – Yahweh. But if you wish to enter into [eternal] life, guard/keep the commandments.

Jacob 2: 19 You believe that Elohim is one. You do well. The demons also believe [BUT WILL NOT OBEY!] – and shudder!

Tares ultimately will not obey, that is why they are called the sons of the evil one.

The 144,000 will be the bride of the Messiah, spiritual Israel, Yahshua's assistants. They will be prepared for the end times spiritually and physically as best they can. Whether that number is collective for all time or just the end times, I can not say. All the dead from all times likely will join those of these times as Hebrews 11; last verse or two depict as Yahshua's 1st resurrection assistants. Yahshua will allow humans spared from the final judgments that are Israel to inherit the Land of Israel by tribes as Ezekiel speaks. Everyone else is fair game for judgment which the Majesty on High will render for each of our crimes. Many do not think Yom Kippur is necessary and will be culpable for their sins they may have thought were disposed of. Judgment in the end times does not mean there will not be mercy at the White Throne, 1,000 yrs later. Personally as Israelites we must serve a function as Yahshua's assistants now and not be soiling our bridal garments. The tares in a nutshell are not truly Israelites but are outside the camp of Israel because they are disobedient. If this makes sense. Christianity teaches the tares and wheat can exist together which is false doctrine!
Your take on the end times is fairly sound how we understand things.

Bible Search
Matthew 13:36 Then he left the crowd and went into the house. His ...

... Then He left the crowds and went into the house. And His disciples came to Him
and said, "Explain to us the parable of the tares of the field ...

Matthew 13:38 The field is the world, and the good seed stands for ...

... and the field is the world; and as for the good seed, these are the sons
of the kingdom; and the tares are the sons of the evil one ...

Matthew 13:26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the ...

... "But when the wheat sprouted and bore grain, then the tares became evident also. ...

Matthew 13:40 "As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire ...

... "So just as the tares are gathered up and burned with
fire, so shall it be at the end of the age. ...

Matthew 13:27 "The owner's servants came to him and said, 'Sir ...

... How then does it have tares?' ... ... from where then has it tares? ...

Matthew 13:29 "'No,' he answered, 'because while you are pulling ...

... "But he said, 'No; for while you are gathering up the
tares, you may uproot the wheat with them. ...

Matthew 13:25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and ...

... "But while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and
sowed tares among the wheat, and went away. ...

Matthew 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that ...

... 'Allow both to grow together until the harvest; and in the time of the harvest I
will say to the reapers, "First gather up the tares and bind them in bundles ...

Job 31:40 then let briers come up instead of wheat and stink-weed ...

... Let thistles grow instead of wheat, and tares instead of barley. ...

- Shabbath Shalom (10/4/2019 6:25:25 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 13:26.
I have a quick question for anyone who is able to answer. Based upon my understanding, the word 'tares' used in Matthew 13 is defined as darnel or false grain:—tares.
When the inhabitants of the earth go through the final years that leads up to the 2nd coming of Yahshua HaMashiach (Revelation 19:14; Zechariah 14:4,5), how many of the inhabitants are actually tares and what exactly is a tare? If a tare is a false grain, that would mean that those who are pagans, who are not worshiping Yahshua HaMashiach in Ruach and in Truth (John 4:23) are in violation of Ezekiel 30:3. Not only is the great tribulation for non-believers (Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Catholics, etc...) but it is also for those who are pagans, who celebrate pagan holidays like the Winter Solstice Birthday of Nimrod and Tammuz, and who worship Ishtar, a false Babylonian fertility goddess. The Great Tribulation will be terrible, it will be a time when the anti Mashiach and the False Prophet will force the mark of the beast on everyone left behind, a time when many be-headings will take place. Jeremiah prophesies that this time will be known as a time of Jacob's trouble (Jeremiah 30:7) and Ezekiel prophesied that it will be the time of the heathen (Ezekiel 30:3). Yahshua HaMashiach said ye cannot serve two gods. Could the tares in Matthew 13:26 be referring to pagans as well? Any answers would be much appreciated. Shalom.
- Julia Gombar Seko (10/4/2019 3:59:55 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 13:26.
Psalm 119:29 Remove from me the way of falsehood, And favor me with Your Torah.
57 You are my portion, O יהוה; I have promised to guard Your words.
How about this verse Frank!
127 Therefore I have loved Your commands More than gold, even fine gold!
158 I saw traitors and was grieved, Because they did not guard Your word.

Fellowship in the covenant at Pesach, the emblems are matzoh and grape juice. Judaism and Christology are sinning using wine. One cannot use wine to draw close to their Creator. Lev. 10 Nadab and Abihu burned to death from close communion with Yahweh while drunken with strong drink; likely upon Yom Kippur.

8 And יהוה spoke to Aharon, saying,

9“Do not drink WINE or STRONG DRINK, you, nor your sons with you, when you go into the Tent of Meeting, lest you die – A LAW FOREVER throughout your generations,

10 so as to make a distinction between the set-apart and the profane, and between the unclean and the clean,

11 and to teach the children of Yisra’ĕl all the laws which יהוה has spoken to them by the hand of Mosheh.”


Passover in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John all describe wine, the fruit of the (GRAPE) vine in the Greek. The Master used grape juice as a symbol of his blood in the Seder and the Emblems of the covenant Renewal. That is why the apostles were mocked in the book of Acts by the Jewish people at Pentecost. There is no justification by the written word to use wine at communion or Passover (The latter, which is what the apostles were keeping, NOT A CHRISTIAN CEREMONY. If one was to google up quarto decimians/ Jewish Christians, as they were labeled, they will find New Testament Torah keepers well into the 4th century C.E.)

So blather on Frank, the poet!

- Watchman of Yahweh (10/3/2019 7:55:21 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:9.
“The best wine” – S. of S. 7:9. The superlative wine of the bride is due to her constant filling with the enjoyment of Christ’s love, and with the many sweet pleasures of the excellency of His Person. He is of exceeding value with an unending spiritual supply of life and love to her.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/3/2019 5:33:25 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:9.
Isaiah 28:1 Woe to the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephrayim, and to the fading flower of its splendid comeliness that is on the head of the fertile valley, to those who are overcome with wine!

2 See, יהוה has one who is mighty and strong, like a downpour of hail and a destroying storm, like a flood of mighty waters overflowing, who casts down to the earth with the hand.

3 The proud crown of the drunkards of Ephrayim, is trampled under foot;

4 and the fading flower of its splendid comeliness that is on the head of the fertile valley, like the first fruit before the summer, which, when one sees it, he eats it up while it is still in his hand.

5 In that day יהוה of hosts is for a crown of splendor and a head-dress of comeliness to the remnant of His people,

6 and a spirit of right-ruling to him who sits in right-ruling, and strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate.

7 And these too have gone astray through wine, and through strong drink wandered about. Priest and prophet have gone astray through strong drink, they are swallowed up by wine, they wander about through strong drink, they go astray in vision, they stumble in right-ruling.

8 For all tables shall be covered with vomit, no place without filth. (FALSE DOCTRINES)

9 Whom would He teach knowledge? And whom would He make to understand the message? Those weaned from milk, those taken from the breasts! (Of Babylon)

10 For it is: command upon command, command upon command, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little. (Scripture by inductive reasoning; not deductive!)

11 For with a jabbering lip and a foreign tongue He speaks to this people, (Christology and Judaism)

12 to whom He said, “This is the rest, give rest to the weary,” and, “This is the refreshing.” But they would not hear.

13 But the Word of יהוה was to them, “Command upon command, command upon command, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little,” (They read the Scriptures also but come up with wrong conclusions because they listen to their false ministers and stead of letting the Word instruct them so!) so that they go and shall stumble backward, and be broken and snared and taken captive. (Eventually this nation as well as many others will be imprisoned by an invading army and insurgents within. Communism has never worked anywhere on this earth ever!)
- Sober in Yahweh (9/30/2019 6:50:37 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 28:1.
“like the best wine” – S. of S. 7:9. A characteristic of the bride is that she is like the select fruit of the vine – the superlative wine that refreshes the hearts. She has become the best wine to “cheer God and man” (Jud. 9:13) – full and overflowing with the joy that comes from the life-changing Christ (John 2:9).
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/30/2019 6:13:54 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:9.

John 4: 22“You worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, because the deliverance/salvation is of the Yahuḏim.

23“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father also does seek such to worship Him.

24“Yahweh Elohim is Spirit, and those who worship Him need to worship in spirit and truth.”


Just because the book was translated predominantly in Greek, with Greek terms. The underlying manuscripts point directly to a Hebraic language; however the Christologists being the truth seekers that they are continue with this error and blasphemy; of which Rev 17 speaks of and it does not end well; nor does for multitudes in the billions. Idolatry cannot withstand survival from the FLAME OF YAHWEH THAT WILL PASS THROUGH THIS EARTH ONE DAY. ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE THE BLOOD OF THE TRUE MESSIAH YAHSHUA AS A COVERING AND MADE COVENANT WITH YAHWEH AND KEEP HIS WRITTEN TORAH WILL NOT BE HARMED BY IT. MUCH LIKE DANIEL'S 3 FRIENDS. Daniel 3:17 “For if so, our Elah/ Aramaic for Elohim whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning furnace of fire and from your hand, O sovereign – He does deliver! Why were they threatened to be burned in the furnace? Because they would not give obeisance to the obelisk that Nebuchadnezzar had erected. Obelisk means phallus of Bel/Ba'al/Lord. What religion prates around with a huge phallus on their house of worship? Christology!!! Psssss! Guess what, Yahweh hates this imagery on a house of worship to Him! Because it is the Asherah!!! A Penis Depiction!! Deuteronomy 16:21“Do not plant for yourself any tree as an Ashĕrah (For the naysayers, Yahweh hates this idol as well!!) near the altar of יהוה your Elohim that you make for yourself.

22“And do not set up a (idolatrous stone) pillar, which יהוה your Elohim hates (Also).

Many of the Greek words in most Latter Writings are of PAGAN origin. As a matter of fact the known early Christologist MARCION coined the term "Old and New Testaments." Creating and Old Elohim whom he deemed was monstrous and the New Elohim was only loving. The Romanists took this dogma and fed it to her harlot daughters the Protestants. This is what is with us till today some 1900 plus years later. Truth surely has fallen in the streets!

The first 2/3's of the book though are Hebraic and Aramaic. The early believers were called by others Jewish Christians, Quarto-decimians, Nazarenes...The term Christian is a term of scurrility used in Acts 11:26 to mock the disciples and believers. It's Semitic equivalent which is what the riff raff of Antioch would have spoken would have been "filth" or "evacuation of the bowels". NOT A TERM OF NOBILITY!

Jeremiah 16:

19 O Yahweh יהוה, my strength and my stronghold and my refuge, in the day of distress the (Converted ones from the descendants of the 10 tribes) gentiles shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, “OUR FATHERS HAVE INHERITED ONLY FALSEHOOD, FUTILITY, AND THERE IS NO VALUE IN THEM. (They have inherited rank Paganism/Witchcraft. Thousands only will come out of this garbage; most will not because they are married to their spurious traditions and are not seeking their Creator by the TaNak as He states in Deuteronomy and are very rebellious and defiant to anything Jewish or Torah.)

Do you know anyone like that Frank?

”20 Would a man make mighty ones for himself, which are not mighty ones?

(Like the Grecian term "Christ", a term used in Greece to denote rubbing an idol, a prostitute or an effeminate with grease, still preserved term in the Latin word "unguent", as well as the cooking grease called "Chrisco Shortening".
The Hebrews always poured pure virgin olive oil as an anointment on the heads of their kings, priests and prophets to dedicate them into service!

21“Therefore see, I am causing them to know, this time I cause them to know My hand and My might. And they shall know that My Name is Yahweh יהוה!”

Matthew 19: 17.....But if you wish to enter into (eternal) life, guard/keep the commandments (Found in the Written Torah).
- Shabbath Shalom (9/28/2019 7:35:11 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:9.
“Your mouth” – S. of S. 7:9. The bride’s speech is not vain or with empty words, but words that create faith in Christ. Faith comes by hearing her speak of Christ. She also speaks forth Christ as comfort and encouragement to other seekers that they might love Him more dearly.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/28/2019 4:37:02 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:9.
Test to see if a dream is indeed from Yahweh and valid:
Devarim 13:

1“When there arises among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams, and he shall give you a sign or a wonder,

2 and the sign or the wonder shall come true, of which he has spoken to you, saying, ‘Let us go after other mighty ones – which you have not known – and serve them,’

3 do not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, for יהוה your Elohim is trying you to know whether you love יהוה your Elohim with all your heart and with all your being.

4“Walk after יהוה your Elohim and fear Him, and guard His commands and obey His voice, and serve Him and cling to Him. (This is the test come true, if the dream aligns with the Written Torah and Sound Doctrine! Not whether the dream comes to pass; many fall for this fallacy! Then and then alone does one know if the dream is from Yahweh or not)

Two doctrines I know are not valid when compared with Scripture and Torah is :
1.) The eternal ethereal soul of man
Doctrine that comes from the nations, not Yahweh!
In Hebrew soul is translated "nefesh"
. It simply only means a living or dead being, man or beast/creature.
ISR Translation- Genesis 1: 24 And Elohim said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: livestock and creeping creatures and beasts of the earth, according to its kind.” And it came to be so.
Darby Bible Translation
And G-d said, Let the earth bring forth living souls after their kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth, after their kind. And it was so.
It can die!
Ezekiel 18:4“See, all beings (KJV says "soul") are Mine,
the being (KJV says "soul") of the father as well as the being (KJV says "soul") of the son is Mine.
The being (KJV says "soul") that is sinning shall die.
20“The being (KJV says "soul") who sins shall die.
The scripturally correct translation for the word nephesh should be "being", "person", "creature", etc...
The word soul relates back to the Egyptian doctrine of the "ba" and the "ka". The "you" and the "you that is inside of you". Theologians should be ashamed to have allowed this doctrine of the soul to perpetuate, since most understand it to be in error. Many will go to Revelation to assert the soul doctrine, yet that is visionary not always literally occurring in the present, the context proves it so generally. and simply means lives, life or being!

2.) After death one goes to heaven
Man's domain is always in scripture to be on Terra Firma, EARTH! The prophets state it. Only exception is for the saints to greet Yahshua in the air at his arrival and return back to the earth. Also, Eliyah NEVER went to heaven-Yahweh's throne room!!!! The passage should have read he was taken up into the skies by the chariots of Yahweh for his own protection. Years later scripture states he was rebuking one of the Judean kings for their sins! (2 Chronicles 21:12)
Heaven is not the inheritance of the saints!

Both spurious, but believed by billions!
- Shabbath Shalom (9/28/2019 1:50:52 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 17:11.
What a person believes or sees physically can effect dreams; the flesh is a trickster. I am not stating Nathan is lying at all. I believed he saw that in vision. But the true proof of a dream ma'am is whether it aligns with Torah as the passage below states and elsewhere. If I prove to you that you are in error will you accept it? By the way, I am not contesting all your algorithms and calculations; that is your conclusions. My faith is simplistic. Believe in the TaNaK and Mashiyach Yahshua and the Latter Writings must corroborate the former. If you are a worshiper of Yahweh Elohim, I don't believe it is a coincidence that we have crossed paths; from a spiritual standpoint only I say this. We can disagree on prophesy; no biggie. Your format of scriptural passages I can concur with for the most part because they are similar to the conclusions I was taught in assembly as well as others years ago. But core doctrines we should all be on the same page with the Majesty on High. I have been doing this for 21 years and I don't say things I cannot proof text with the witnesses from Scripture. We will all be held accountable for our doctrines as well as our personal behavior; as surely you are aware.

We must all come to Yahweh as a child.
Matthew 18:
1 At that time the taught ones came to יהושע, saying, “Who, then, is greatest in the reign of the heavens?”

2 And יהושע called a little child to Him, set him in their midst,

3 and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become as little children, you shall by no means enter into the reign of the heavens.

4“Whoever then humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the reign of the heavens.
Isaiah 8:
16 Bind up the witness, seal the Torah among my taught ones.
20 To the Torah and to the witness! If they do not speak according to this Word, it is because they have no daybreak/enlightenment

Shalom, shalom
- Study and Obey Torah (9/26/2019 10:25:56 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 17:11.
I unable answer this, but I do know that Natan's testimony is accurate. Natan would not lie. Barack Hussein Obama is in fact Gog, prophesied in Ezekiel 39:11. I am still studying what will happen during the Great Tribulation, when the Mark of the Beast is forced on people left behind, following the rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). I am not sure exactly how the anti Mashiyach will enter the 3rd temple, but it is clear Natan died on the 4th lunar eclipse on the 15th of Tishrei of 5775 of the lunar eclipse tetrad for 15 minutes and was in fact told by Father Yahweh that Barack Obama is Gog of Ezekiel 39:11, and that the war already began on the 27th of Elul of 5775. What Yahweh showed me is that if you take 2,520 days, or 7 Biblical Years, and add it to this date of 27 Elul 5775 you do come to 7 Av of 5782, which is the day Barack Hussein Obama turns 61 years of age, his 61st birthday. This cannot be a coincidence knowing that the DOW dropped 777.68 points on 29 Elul 5768, just a few short weeks before Obama won the elections on the 6th of Cheshvan of 5769. The very next day, on the 7th of Cheshvan 5769, the Illinois state lottery winning numbers were 666 and 7779, which can't be a coincidence either. I am not going to argue with someone who is in a state of denial about the identity of the anti Mashiyach, but it is clear the Ruach HaKodesh does guide true believers into ALL Truth, and shows them things to come, as mentioned in John 16:13. I will not be responding to people who are wanting to argue and stir up strife and envy on the identity of the anti Mashiyach, but it is clear Daniel did prophesy in Daniel 11:37 that the anti Mashiyach would be homosexual, the anti Mashiyach of Revelation 13:15-18. Blessings.
- Julia Gombar Seko (9/26/2019 9:08:44 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 17:11.
Bemidbar 18:
1 And Yahweh יהוה said to Aharon, “You and your sons and your father’s house with you are to bear the crookedness against the set-apart place, and you and your sons with you are to bear the crookedness against your priesthood.

2“But bring with you your brothers of the tribe of Lĕwi too, the tribe of your father to join you and serve you while you and your sons are with you before the Tent of the Witness.

3“And they shall guard your charge, and the duty of all the Tent, but they do not come near the furnishings of the set-apart place and the altar, lest they die, both they and you.

4“And they shall be joined with you and guard the duty to the Tent of Meeting, for all the service of the Tent, BUT A STRANGER/RUWR #2114 DOES NOT COME NEAR YOU.

(Same mitzvah intact during Solomon's and Roman era as well.

5“And you shall guard the duty of the set-apart place and the duty of the altar, so that there be no more wrath on the children of Yisra’ĕl.

Torah passage that allows a gentile leader (Other than a Jew) to enter the Hekel, as you acclaim that will fulfill 2 Thess. 2 and Dan. 11? Thank you. I will wait for your reply when you can find the passage. Gematria notwithstanding.
- Study and Obey Torah (9/26/2019 1:24:37 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 17:11.
So sorry, This is the corrected version:
I find it quite interesting that the man of sin, who will go into perdition during the great tribulation period, is prophesied in Daniel chapter 11, in verse 37 for not having any desire for women. This makes very clear the anti Mashiyach is homosexual, a modern day Sodomite in violation of Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:27 which makes clear anyone who is not heterosexual will not inherit the Kingdom of Elohim. I believe Strong's Concordance is very accurate in determining that the 8th King, who will go into perdition, is the same entity as the son of perdition Paul prophesied about in 2 Thessalonians 2:3: Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called G-d, or that is worshipped; so that he as G-d sitteth in the temple of G-d, shewing himself that he is Elohim.

Coincidence is not a Kosher word. And the above testimony giving by Natan, proves that Gog is in fact the anti Mashiyach prophesied in Revelation 13:15-18, the 8th King who will go into perdition at the end of the age of grace, when the great tribulation transpires. Natan was taken to heaven when he temporarily died on the 15th of Tishrei in 5776, when the last lunar eclipse occurred of the lunar eclipse tetrad. He was told by Father YHWH that Barack Obama is Gog prophesied in Ezekiel 39:11. Ezekiel prophesied about the anti Mashiyach, whom he refers to as Gog, who started the Gog and Magog war during his term in office from 5769 to Tevet of 5777.

When calculating gematria in the simple format, We can see that Revelation 17:10-11 speaks of 5 kings, who I believe are James Earl Carter Junior, Ronald Wilson Reagan, George Herbert Walker Bush, William Jefferson Clinton and George W. Bush. They all failed to part the land of Israel, which, when it is parted, will fulfill Joel 3:1,2 and 1 Thessalonians 5:3. The 6th King was Barack Hussein Obama when he reigned from 5769 to Tevet of 5777.

Donald John Trump does continue a short space and at the beginning of the Tribulation period, the Antichrist will be revealed as the 8th King.

It cannot be a coincidence that Malik Obama prophesied about Michael LaVaughn Robinson, the husband of Barack Hussein Obama. This I believe lines up with what Daniel prophesied about in Daniel 11:37.

When calculating the simple gematria of all 7 Kings from Carter to Obama, we see that James Earl Carter Junior in simple gematria is 236, Ronald Wilson Reagan in simple gematria is 202, George Herbert Walker Bush in simple gematria is 253, William Jefferson Clinton is 264, George Herbert Walker Bush in simple gematria is 177, Barack Hussein Obama in simple gematria is 163 and Donald John Trump in simple gematria is 185.

When adding all of the simple gematrias of these 7 Kings John prophesied about after receiving the prophetic dream on the Isle of Patmos, we come to a total of:

236 + 202 + 253 + 264 + 177 + 163 + 185 = 1480.
When 1480 is divided by 33, which is significant because all of these Presidents are 33 degree Luciferian Free Masons, we get 1480 / 33 = 44.84848484848484...

It can't be a coincidence that Barack Obama was the 44th President of the United States, and was born on the pagan Gregorian Calendar on August 4th in the Gregorian Year of 1961, which is the 8th Gregorian Month, the 4th Day of this month.
- Julia Gombar Seko (9/25/2019 5:14:52 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 17:11.
Many presidents of the US and world leaders and captains of industry worldwide, have been visitors to Bohemian Grove since the Progressive Era, since the beginning of the 20th century which is just outside of San Francisco, CA.
Richard Nixon remarked about the homosexual population that was present there and how repugnant that was! I agree with the connection between Dan. 11 and Thess. 2 and Rev 17 as far as an Anti Mashiyach passage. Rev 13 the beast coming out of the earth having 2 horns alluding to the House of Yahudah and its 2 tribes can also be parallel scripture to the 3 previously mentioned, however there are even more within the TaNaK. Why are you reading Grecian based terms such as Anti Christ? I consider myself an anti Christ, Never an anti Mashiyach! Especially since I see that you are careful to hyphenate pagan based transliterations such as G-d (Yahweh never relates to Himself as G-d is a fact; always Elohim or El or an Aramaic equivalent. G-d is the mighty one of the nations and an epithetic title of haSatan) and appear to have a bent towards Hebrew. From my understanding of Scripture it is clear that the anti Mashiyach will proceed out of the tribe of Yahudah; just as the true Mashiyach, Yahshua did. He likely will be more secular than religious. Yet Jewish none the less. He will be permitted inside the temple speaks for itself. Possibly as Dan 11 states a homosexual.
Daniel 9: 26“And after (How long after not stated) the sixty-two weeks Messiah (Yahshua) shall be cut off and have naught (No apparent kingdom). And the people of a coming prince (ancient Roman emperor Vespasian's son general Titus and also the end time anti Mashiyach will accomplish this also) shall destroy the city and the set-apart place. And the end of it is with a flood (Armies). And wastes are decreed, and fighting until the end (Absolute end).

27“And he (Anti Mashiyach) shall confirm a covenant (Not Torah!) with many for one week (7 years). And in the middle of the week (Shemmitah) he shall put an end to slaughtering and meal offering. And on the wing of abominations (Idolatry, maybe akin to how Gaius Caligula attempted to have his statue placed inside of the Temple at Yahrushalem) he shall lay waste, even until the complete end and that which is decreed is poured out on the one who lays waste (Isaiah 11 and 2 Thess 2). I do not subscribe to the time marking of Judaism since the Creation; nor does Scripture support the annual calculated Hillel calendar. The Kairite calendar is more biblical. The doctrine of the soul/nefesh and "going to heaven at death" are both spurious with respect to Scripture. However, I would concur absolutely that the US presidents are occultists/Illuminati and that power behind those leaders control many of the world's events and catastrophes. We would never allow a 15 year old to speak in assembly as to a dream! Doctrine wise Judaism has its issues; but not as the litany of the Christologists, which are occultist and pagan!!!
Yahweh has given us the book of Revelation, which is a composite of prophesies from the TaNaK predominantly. All the excessive gematria formulae beyond 600+60+6 is somewhat extraneous and cumbersome in my view.
- Study and Obey Torah (9/25/2019 2:29:05 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 17:11.
I find it quite interesting that the man of sin, who will go into perdition during the great tribulation period, is prophesied in Daniel chapter 11, in verse 37 for not having any desire for women. This makes very clear the Antichrist is homosexual, a modern day Sodomite in violation of Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:27 which makes clear anyone who is not heterosexual will not inherit the Kingdom of Elohim. I believe Strong's Concordance is very accurate in determining that the 8th King, who will go into perdition, is the same entity as the son of perdition Paul prophesied about in 2 Thessalonians 2:3: Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called G-d, or that is worshipped; so that he as G-d sitteth in the temple of G-d, shewing himself that he is Elohim.

Coincidence is not a Kosher word. And the above testimony giving by Natan, proves that Gog is in fact the Antichrist prophesied in Revelation 13:15-18, the 8th King who will go into perdition at the end of the age of grace, when the great tribulation transpires. Natan was taken to heaven when he temporarily died on the 15th of Tishrei in 5776, when the last lunar eclipse occurred of the lunar eclipse tetrad. He was told by Father YHWH that Barack Obama is Gog prophesied in Ezekiel 39:11. Ezekiel prophesied about the Antichrist, whom he refers to as Gog, who started the Gog and Magog war during his term in office from 5769 to Tevet of 5777.

When calculating gematria in the simple format, We can see that Revelation 17:10-11 speaks of 5 kings, who I believe are James Earl Carter Junior, Ronald Wilson Reagan, George Herbert Walker Bush, William Jefferson Clinton and George W. Bush. They all failed to part the land of Israel, which, when it is parted, will fulfill Joel 3:1,2 and 1 Thessalonians 5:3. The 6th King was Barack Hussein Obama when he reigned from 5769 to Tevet of 5777.

Donald John Trump does continue a short space and at the beginning of the Tribulation period, the Antichrist will be revealed as the 8th King.

It cannot be a coincidence that Malik Obama prophesied about Michael LaVaughn Robinson, the husband of Barack Hussein Obama. This I believe lines up with what Daniel prophesied about in Daniel 11:37.

When calculating the simple gematria of all 7 Kings from Carter to Obama, we see that James Earl Carter Junior in simple gematria is 236, Ronald Wilson Reagan in simple gematria is 202, George Herbert Walker Bush in simple gematria is 253, William Jefferson Clinton is 264, George Herbert Walker Bush in simple gematria is 177, Barack Hussein Obama in simple gematria is 163 and Donald John Trump in simple gematria is 185.

When adding all of the simple gematrias of these 7 Kings John prophesied about after receiving the prophetic dream on the Isle of Patmos, we come to a total of:

236 + 202 + 253 + 264 + 177 + 163 + 185 = 1480.
When 1480 is divided by 33, which is significant because all of these Presidents are 33 degree Luciferian Free Masons, we get 1480 / 33 = 44.84848484848484...

It can't be a coincidence that Barack Obama was the 44th President of the United States, and was born on the pagan Gregorian Calendar on August 4th in the Gregorian Year of 1961, which is the 8th Gregorian Month, the 4th Day of this month.
- Julia Gombar Seko (9/24/2019 11:01:16 PM)
- Posted on Revelation 17:11.
Hellenized Hogwash Frank Pytel! True Messiah proceeded out of the tribe of Yahudah [Hebrews 7:14]. Messiah by Torah has to marry an Israelite nation. You are a speaker of falsehood and a heretic of Scripture and a blasphemer as well.
- Watchman of Yahweh (9/24/2019 12:22:58 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:8.
“Smell like apples” – S. of S. 7:8. The bride exhales the smell of the fruit which denotes the spiritual and heavenly reality of Christ (2:3). Initially, Jesus was as apples to nourish her with the sweetness of Himself. He graciously gave Himself to her, she freely received Him as sweet fruit, now she diffuses the aroma of Christ. “Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God” – 2 Corinthians 2:15 (NLT).
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/23/2019 4:42:33 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:8.

"Father Make Me Free" by Hannah Jay
- Watchman of Yahweh (9/22/2019 12:47:23 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:8.

You should return anyone who has bought your booklet their money Frank. You are a spiritual huckster!

The obedient believers will keep Torah!
True Messiah Yahshua kept the 7th day of the week Shabbath. He was the Master of it.

Mark 2:
27 And He said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man [AS A BLESSING], and not man for the Sabbath.

28“So the Son of Aḏam is also Master of the Sabbath [7th day].

- Shabbath Shalom (9/21/2019 6:40:30 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:8.
“Smell of her nose” – S. of S.7:8. The delicate intuitive sense of the bride can discern the sweet fragrances of Christ and the reeking odors of the world. Although she can detect any subtle influence of the enemy, her main desire is to inbreathe the fragrant presence of Christ.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/20/2019 6:19:48 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:8.
Clusters of grapes is a simile = a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid.


This is what Yahshua is pointing to in the prophet:
Isaiah 5:
1 Please let me sing to the One I love, a song for my loved One regarding His vineyard: my loved One has a vineyard on a fertile hill.

2 And He dug it up and cleared it of stones, and planted it with the choicest vine, and built a watchtower in its midst, and also made a winepress in it. And He waited for the yielding of grapes, but it yielded rotten ones (Lawless Israelites).

3“And now, O inhabitant of Yahrushalayim and man of Yahudah, please judge between Me and My vineyard.

4“What more could have been done to My vineyard that I have not done in it? Why, when I waited for the yielding of grapes, did it yield rotten ones (Lawless Israelites)?

5“And now, please let Me inform you what I am doing to My vineyard: To take away its hedge (Of protection) and it shall be burned; to break down its wall and it shall be trampled down (By their enemies);

6 and I lay it waste; it is not pruned or dug and thorn bushes and weeds shall come up; and I command the clouds not to rain on it.”

7 For the VINEYARD of יהוה of hosts is the house of Yisra’ĕl, and the man of Yahudah is His pleasant plant. He looked for right-ruling, but see, oppression; for righteousness (Rotten Ones= House of Israel and then later Judah), but see, weeping (From Judgment and Exile, etc....).

Keep attempting to double down on deceit Frank. Making word association without proper context is par for the course with your sin! Adding to the Word improperly and also gross error; tantamount to a Lie! By no means are you competent for explaining Scripture.

The speaker in S. o S. 7 :8 is King Solomon the sinner attempting to lure the Shulamite girl away from her beloved shepherd boy. She rejects Solomon in verse 10!!!!!!!

What Frank is forgetting is that the context further along in the passage tells how Israelites remain in the Messiah:

John 15:

5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who stays in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit. Because without Me you are able to do naught!

6 “If anyone does not stay in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up. And they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned (Gehenna Fire).

7 “If you stay in Me, and My Words stay in you, you shall ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you.

8 “In this My Father is esteemed, that you bear much fruit, and you shall be My taught ones.

9 “As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Stay in My love.

10 “If you guard My COMMANDMENTS , you shall stay in My love, even as I have guarded My Father’s COMMANDMENTS and stay in His love.


J-sus you say? Sound Hebrew? Guess what, no "J"s in the Hebrew language. Lawless impostor, for the one you Christologists worship is the result of bad transliteration and heretic doctrines. Neither is it Yeshua!

Matthew 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son; and you shall call his name Yah-shua; for it is He (Yahweh the Father) that shall save His people from their sins.; 50 times Yah is in the superscriptions of the Psalms! Not Yeh!!!

Hebrews 1:4; having become by so much better than the heavenly messengers, as he hath inherited a more excellent Name than they.

Philippians 2:9 Wherefore also Elohim highly exalted him, and gave unto him the Name which is above every Name.

Isaiah 56: 4 For thus said יהוה, “To the eunuchs who guard My Sabbaths, and have chosen what pleases Me, and hold fast to My covenant:

5 to them I shall give in My house and within My walls a place and a name better than that of sons and daughters – I give them an EVERLASTING NAME that is not cut off.

Exodus 3: 15 And Elohim said further to Mosheh, “Thus you are to say to the children of Yisra’ĕl, YAHWEH ‘יהוה Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Aḇraham, the Elohim of Yitsḥaq, and the Elohim of Ya‛aqoḇ, has sent me to you. This is My Name forever (THE EVERLASTING NAME OF YAHWEH!), and this is My remembrance to all generations.’

- Yahshua the True Vine of Yahweh (9/19/2019 8:01:42 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:8.
“The vine” – S. of S. 7:8. The bride's breasts are as clusters of the vine. This reveals her strong connection to the vine. What is the vine? Jesus said, “I am the vine; abiding in Him and He in you is to bear much fruit.” The source of the bride's bountiful outflow and fruitfulness is remaining in deep union and fresh fellowship with Christ, the Vine.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/19/2019 5:32:26 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:8.
Frank without Torah you have no Holy Spirit.

Ezekiel 36: 23“And I shall set apart My great Name, which has been profaned among the gentiles, which you have profaned in their midst. And the gentiles shall know that I am יהוהYahweh ,” declares the Master יהוה, “when I am set-apart in you before their eyes.
24“And I shall take you from among the gentiles, and I shall gather you out of all lands, and I shall bring you into your own land.
25“And I shall sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean – from all your filthiness and from all your idols I cleanse you.
26“And I shall give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you. And I shall take the heart of stone out of your flesh, and I shall give you a heart of flesh,
27 and put MY SPIRIT within you. And I shall cause you to walk in My laws and guard My right-rulings and shall do them.[TORAH]
28“And you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers. And you shall be My people, and I shall be your Elohim.

First of all anyone falling or abetting spiritually for this evil commentary by this emboldened sinner will mark themselves accordingly and answer the same to the Most High Yahweh Elohim!

Malachi 3: 15‘And now we are calling the proud blessed – not only are the doers of wrongness built up, but they also try Elohim and escape (They think they will).’

Isaiah 28: 1 Woe to the PROUD CROWN of the DRUNKARDS (Spiritually wasted on Catholicism and their whore IDOL-MARY or any Christology!) of Ephrayim (10 tribes and their descendants today-US, Britain and Western nations generally!), and to the fading flower of its splendid comeliness that is on the head of the fertile valley, to those who are overcome with WINE (False Doctrine)!........

9 Whom would He teach knowledge? And whom would He make to understand the message? Those weaned from milk, those taken from the BREASTS (OF BABYLON-Akin to the Diana, the female Ba'al of Greece and her multiplicity of breasts. Nursing off these nipples Frank? I know you and your ilk are for sure!)
- Watchman of Yahweh (9/17/2019 11:37:58 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:8.
“Her breasts” – S. of S. 7:8. The fullness of the mature bride’s breasts are for nursing and comforting the weak and discouraged (Isa. 66:11). Initially her breasts were empty and barren because she lacked the flowing riches of Christ. With her maturity of faith and love in the Beloved Christ, she can now nourish other loving seekers, as well as sustain any disheartened ones with the rich flow of the Holy Spirit.

Thanks with love to all for their opinions and personal thoughts - much saving grace to you all!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/17/2019 5:53:03 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:8.
Can it get any worse? Here is a man Frank Pytel, who is selling a booklet on Song of Solomon and his Christian Greek
personal philosophy as commentary on Hebraic texts. It is blatant from the text that Solomon depicts the adversary; the Shulamite girl, the followers of Yahweh, Israel under Messiah Yahshua; and the shepherd boy depicts Messiah.
Being admonished to stop portraying Solomon, who is a womanizer as Messiah, this is disrespect to the One who is the Living Fire! It is also blasphemy. Anyone attaching themselves to this heresy is just as guilty! Frank is more interested in selling his booklet than spiritual truth and biblical sound research.

2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness? And what fellowship has light with darkness?

15 And what agreement has Messiah with Beliya‛al? Or what part does a believer have with an unbeliever?

16 And what union has the Dwelling Place of Elohim with idols? For you are a Dwelling Place of the living Elohim, as Elohim has said, “I shall dwell in them and walk among them, and I shall be their Elohim, and they shall be My people.”

Joshua 24:15“And if it seems evil in your eyes to serve Yahweh יהוה, choose for yourselves this day whom you are going to serve, whether the mighty ones which your fathers served that were beyond the River, or the mighty ones of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But I and my house, we serve Yahweh יהוה.”
- Torah of Yahweh (9/16/2019 6:17:45 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:7.
“Palm tree” – S. of S. 7:7. The bride is as palm tree in the dry wilderness, with deep roots connected to a water supply in the midst of a heated and dry environment. Although all around seems dry, her roots are deeply attached to Christ, absorbing His rich flow of life and love. Even in the desert of hardship, she can bear testimony of the riches Christ.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/16/2019 4:47:57 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:7.
Confusion over the characters in S. o S. and who they depict.
In S. o. S. 7:7, the speaker is King Solomon the womanizer; NOT THE MESSIAH SPEAKING TO HIS BRIDE!!! Solomon is speaking to lure the Shulamite girl, depictive of the body of Messiah, away from her love, the Shepherd boy and she flatly rejects Solomon in verse 10.

The ego is a deceptive thing Frank. No promoter of falsity, nor blasphemer of the Spirit [Matt. 12:36-37] /Yahweh's Word (John 6:63) will enter the world to come!

At least the converting occultists burned their books. Which were worth a lot of $$$. [Acts 19:18-19]

Revelation 22:15; ibid 14:5; ibid 21:8; Psalm 101:7.

Frank, I believe your heart may be harder than Pharaoh's!

The palm tree was indeed a F.O.T. theme for Lev. 23.THOUGH AS WE READ IN JOHN 12:1 CONTEXT IS PASSOVER, WHICH PARALLELS WITH THE SELECTION OF THE LAMB OF PASSOVER: EXODUS 12:3-11! JOHN 12:13 is an event that transpires on the 7th day of the week, the SABBATH. Erroneously called "Palm Sunday" by Christology.

Rev.7 does have a F.O.T. motif connecting with the palm branch! Take note that those who are sealed are so in the Name of Yahweh [Revelation 14:1 Having Yahweh's Name-SINGULAR- on/in their foreheads akin to Exodus 28:36 and the high priest. Not the names of blasphemy of Rev. 17:3. Chr-stos; J-sus; G-d; L-rd; Ad-nai all which have been dedicated previously to idols and have been transcribed into mostly all bibles. Yahweh says come out of her my people/Israel in Messiah Yahshua. How does one start to come out? GET A SACRED NAME BIBLE! LEARN THE WRITTEN TORAH! KEEP YAHWEH'S DAYS OF APPOINTMENT AND REJECT AND SPURN THE WICCA BASED DAYS OF CHRISTOLOGY!]

Revelation 7:8 of the tribe of Zeḇulun twelve thousand were sealed, of the tribe of Yosĕph twelve thousand were sealed, of the tribe of Binyamin twelve thousand were sealed.

9 After this I looked and saw a great crowd which no one was able to count, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes, and palm branches in their hands,

10 and crying out with a loud voice, saying, “Deliverance belongs to our Elohim who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”

- Love of Yahweh is Obedience = 1 John 5:2-3 (9/14/2019 8:29:39 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:7.
“Palm tree” – S. of S. 7:7. The bride bears the leaves and branches of the palm tree used in the celebration of victory and the feast of the tabernacles – Lev. 23:40; John 12:13. In union with the victorious Christ, she celebrates a triumphant life of love that has overcome all!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/14/2019 4:42:00 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:7.
Luke chapter 2 takes place some 2 years, generally speaking, before Matthew 2

16 Then Herodes, having seen that he was fooled by the Magi, was greatly enraged, and he sent forth and slew all the male children in Bĕyth Leḥem and in all its borders, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had exactly learnt from the Magi.
11 And coming into the house, they saw the Child with Miryam His mother, and fell down and did reverence to Him, and opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts of gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.

The merging of Luke 2 and Matthew 2 is a concoction of apostate Roman Catholicism and their winter solstice malarkey they have brain washed the whole world with!!!

- Santa Clause is a Demon and Pagan (9/12/2019 5:17:08 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:7.
“Like a palm tree” – S. of S. 7:7. Christ praises His bride as resembling a flourishing palm tree. In the barren desert of many heated trials, she is not oppressed, but thrives under pressure. When pressed down, she ascends into the clear atmosphere of the sunshine of God’s face with the warmth of the love of Christ.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/12/2019 6:26:37 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:7.
Luke chapter 2 takes place some 2 years, generally speaking, before Matthew 2

16 Then Herodes, having seen that he was fooled by the Magi, was greatly enraged, and he sent forth and slew all the male children in Bĕyth Leḥem and in all its borders, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had exactly learnt from the Magi.
11 And coming into the house, they saw the Child with Miryam His mother, and fell down and did reverence to Him, and opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts of gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.

The merging of Luke 2 and Matthew 2 is a concoction of apostate Roman Catholicism and their winter solstice malarkey they have brain washed the whole world with!!!

- Santa Clause is a Demon and Pagan (9/12/2019 2:24:29 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:7.
Galatians 1:8 However, even if we, or a messenger out of heaven, bring a ‘Good News’ to you beside what we announced to you, let him be accursed.

9 As we have said before, and now I say again, if anyone brings a ‘Good News’ to you beside what you have received, let him be accursed.

John 3: 13“And no one has gone up into the heaven except He who came down from the heaven – the Son of Aḏam.

Psalm 37: 11 But the meek ones shall inherit the earth, And delight themselves in plenty of peace.

1 Thessalonians 4: 16 Because the Master Himself shall come down from heaven with a shout, with the voice of a chief messenger, and with the trumpet of Elohim, and the dead in Messiah shall RISE FIRST (NOT IN HEAVEN!).

17 Then we, the living who are left over, shall be caught away together with them in the clouds to meet the Master in the air – and so we shall always be with the Master.

1 Corinthians 15: 21 For since death is through a man, resurrection of the dead is also through a Man.

22 For as all die in Aḏam, so also all shall be made alive in Messiah.

23 And each in his own order: Messiah the first-fruits, then those who are of Messiah at His coming.....

35 But someone might say, “How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come?”

36 Senseless one! What you sow is not made alive unless it dies.

46 The spiritual, however, was not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual.

51 See, I speak a secret to you: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

John 5: 28“Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the tombs shall hear His voice,

29 and shall come forth – those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have practiced evil matters, to a resurrection of judgment.

Daniel 12: 1 And at that time your people shall be delivered, every one who is found written in the book,

2 and many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth wake up, some to everlasting life, and some to reproaches, everlasting abhorrence.

Isaiah 26: 19 Let Your dead live, together with my dead body, let them arise. Awake and sing, you who dwell in dust; for Your dew is a dew of light, and let the earth give birth to the departed spirits

Ezekiel 37: 11 And He said to me, “Son of man, these bones are all the house of Yisra’ĕl. See, they say, ‘Our bones are dry, our expectancy has perished, and we ourselves have been cut off!’

12“Therefore prophesy, and you shall say to them, ‘Thus said the Master יהוה, “See, O My people, I am opening your graves, and shall bring you up from your graves, and shall bring you into the land of Yisra’ĕl.

13“And you shall know that I am יהוה, when I open your graves, O My people, and bring you up from your graves.

Job 19: 25 For I know that my Redeemer lives, and as the Last shall rise over the dust;

26 and after my skin has been struck off, then in my flesh I shall see Eloah,


- TRUTH of YAHWEH (9/9/2019 8:29:32 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:7.
“Like a palm tree” – S. of S. 7:7. The bride resembles a palm tree with her lofty height of spiritual growth and deep union with Christ. With a slender stem, she is heaven bound, ascending upward to God, and her hidden roots descend deeply, as a sure sign that spiritual supply of water is near.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/9/2019 5:27:32 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:7.
Psalm 1:
1 Blessed is the man who shall not walk in the counsel of the wrong, And shall not stand in the path of sinners, And shall not sit in the seat of scoffers,

2 But his DELIGHT is in the Torah of Yahweh יהוה [Not the vain, buffoonery of Frank Pytel and his Harlequin romance and erroneous take on scripture], And he meditates in His Torah day and night.

3 For he shall be as a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That yields its fruit in its season, And whose leaf does not wither, And whatever he does prospers.

4 The wrong are not so, But are like the chaff which the wind blows away.

5 Therefore the wrong shall not rise in the judgment, Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

6 For יהוה knows the way of the righteous, But the way of the wrong comes to naught.
- Study and Obey Torah was Messiah's Delight! (9/8/2019 1:47:43 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:6.
"For delights” – S. of S. 7:6. The Bridegroom is fascinated and charmed with the transformation that His love has produced in His bride. As His love constrains and works in our heart, our person is changed to duplicate Him, resulting in countless delights and pleasures for Him.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/7/2019 5:53:12 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:6.

Exodus 22:18“Do not allow a practitioner of witchcraft to live.
Upon Yahshua Messiah's Return to this earth:
Malachi 3:5-“And I shall draw near to you for right-ruling. And I shall be a swift witness AGAINST the practitioners of witchcraft,.....
6“For I am YAHWEH יהוה, I shall not change!......
The etymology of the word church comes from the Grecian sun god's daughter's name, Circe, who was a WITCH!!!

Also what is the phallus depiction on top of the church edifice called a steeple.

It is the Asherah, condemned by Yahweh in Deuteronomy 16: 21“Do not plant for yourself any tree as an Ashĕrah near the altar of יהוה your Elohim that you make for yourself. [If He does not want it in the sanctuary, He certainly does not want it upon the roof either!!!

22“And do not set up an [Idolatrous stone phallic] pillar, which יהוה your Elohim hates.

These are a throw back to the days of religious prostitution of Baal and Asherah worship that was prevalent amongst the nations to which apostate ancient Israel adopted and handed down to it's descendants. Which has carried over till today and is the template for worship buildings of so called messianic based worship. You may not be practicing the art of black magic, but you have their symbolism! Christology is a very stubborn breed indeed!
What does Yahweh say in Isaiah 27: 9 Therefore by this the crookedness of Ya‛aqoḇ is covered [Anotherwards the following is mandatory for forgiveness, PERIOD!]. And this is all the fruit of taking away his sin: when he makes all the stones of the altar like chalk-stones that are beaten to dust – Ashĕrim and sun-pillars RISE NO MORE!
How do you accomplish this? By getting rid of these idols in one's worship and home! Many thousands have come out of this type of worship involving the pagan edifices.
Christology has truncated Yahweh's Law to be a short and sweet message of love intermingled with heathenism along with scripture. This is not at all what Yahshua taught!!! Flee idolatry!

And what is a major Christian holiday, though they say it is not; but it is! Halloween

- Shabbath Shalom (9/6/2019 7:01:58 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:6.
“Love” – S. of S. 7:6. “Love” is used over 25 times in the Song as Christ and His bride become one. The prior book of Ecclesiastes uses the word “vanity” over 25 times. To have Christ is love, while to be without Him is vanity upon vanity – a life without meaning or purpose.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/5/2019 4:33:18 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:6.

Jude 1:3 Beloved ones, making all haste to write to you concerning our common deliverance, I felt the necessity to write to you urging you to earnestly contend for the BELIEF which was once for all delivered to the set-apart ones.

Ephesians 2:19 So then you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the set-apart ones and members of the household of Elohim,....

Isaiah 8:16 Bind up the witness, seal the Torah among my taught ones.
20 To the Torah and to the witness! If they do not speak according to this Word, it is because they have no daybreak/ENLIGHTENMENT.

Jeremiah 16:
19 O יהוה, my strength and my stronghold and my refuge, in the day of distress the gentiles [The 10 tribes from the Diaspora] shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, “Our fathers have inherited only falsehood, futility, and there is no value in them.”

20 Would a man make mighty ones for himself, which are not mighty ones?

21“Therefore see, I am causing them to know, this time I cause them to know My hand and My might. And they shall know that My Name is YAHWEH יהוה!”

Ephesian 2:20 having been built upon the foundation of the emissaries [Apostles] and [Hebrew] prophets, יהושע Yahshua Messiah Himself being chief corner-stone,[Not based off of Christology in anyway: They called upon Yahweh the Father, they referred to Yahshua as Messiah, not J-sus! They were not trinitarians as the pagan nations were; They did not eat ham, nor the unclean; they did not keep Xmas, nor E-day; they kept the biblical feasts and Sabbaths of the Torah; they did not display sun symbols such as crosses; nor worship on Sunday; they did not go into buildings with phallus/penis shaped symbols depictive of the Asherah [Deut. 16:21 = SIN= REJECTION FROM THE FACE OF YAHWEH! Search the Scriptures and see if this is not so!!!

Look at the recent Hurricane Dorian and see what Jeremiah says in chapter 23:16-20

Jeremiah 23:16 Thus said יהוה of hosts, “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, they lead you astray. They speak a vision of their own heart, not from the mouth of יהוה.

17“They keep on saying to those who despise Me, ‘יהוה has said you shall have peace (GRACE).’ And to all who walk according to the stubbornness of their own heart (Against His Law!) they say, ‘No evil comes upon you.’ ”

18 For who has stood in the counsel of יהוה, and has seen and heard His word? Who has listened to His word and obeyed it?

19 See, a storm of יהוה shall go forth in a rage, a whirling storm/HURRICANE AND TORNADOES! It whirls on the head of the wrong.

20 The displeasure of יהוה shall not turn back until He has done and established the purposes of His heart. In the latter days you shall understand it perfectly.

You see Yahweh is just as well as merciful to those who sincerely repent.
- Love of Yahweh (9/4/2019 12:10:05 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:6.
“You are” – S. of S. 7:5. The bride is not some memory of the past, but is living in the present reality of union and fellowship with the Beloved Christ. All His drawing her, His calling her, His abundant supply of grace and His unveiling His beauty to her, made her what she now is to Him.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/3/2019 5:04:47 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:6.

Yeremiah 23:
13“And I have seen folly in the prophets/teachers of Shomeron/Samaria: they prophesied by Ba‛al/the LORD and led My people Yisra’ĕl astray.

16 Thus said יהוה of hosts, “Do not listen to the words of the prophets/teachers who prophesy to you, they lead you astray. They speak a vision of THEIR OWN HEART, not from the mouth of יהוה [With Respect to Yahweh's Law].

Your sins will mount up to the heavens Frank and when the Dixie cup dispenser of mercy runs out. Yahweh will judge you O'Fearless and Lawless one. You should not use this site for selling products, rather for scholarship and research instead of FOOLISHNESS!

- Teshuva to Yahweh the Father (9/2/2019 6:38:46 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:6.
Yeremiah 23:
13“And I have seen folly in the prophets/teachers of Shomeron/Samaria: they prophesied by Ba‛al/the LORD and led My people Yisra’ĕl astray.

Your sins will mount up to the heavens Frank and when the Dixie cup dispenser of mercy runs out. Yahweh will judge you O'Fearless and Lawless one. You should not use this site for selling products, rather for scholarship and research instead of FOOLISHNESS!
- Teshuva to Yahweh the Father (9/1/2019 2:33:58 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:6.
“How fair” – S. of S. 7:6. Throughout the Song the reality and expression of bridal beauty are advancing. She was beautiful growing Christ as His garden, but now the beautifying Holy Spirit has transformed her to match and reflect Christ to fulfill God's will in His eternal purpose.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/1/2019 6:20:11 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:6.
ISR- John 3:14“And as Mosheh lifted up the serpent in the wilderness [Bemidbar], even so the Son of Aḏam [Man] has to be lifted up [Every passage that states "stauros" means a stake in the original Greek, as with Homer in the Odyssey, never "cross" a biological symbol and sun worship symbol tracing back to Babel and Tammuz. IT IS PAGAN-GET IT? If it does not matter, neither does it matter if we are rejected from the world to come!],

15 so that whoever is believing/trusting in Him should not perish but possess everlasting life.

ISR [Originating from Masoretic text]-Numbers 21:8 And Yahweh יהוה said to Mosheh, “Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole [#5251 BDB Lexicon- NO CADUCEUS WITH A CROSSBAR, AS CHRISTOLOGY FORCES UPON THE TEXTS! ]. And it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live.”

Why? Because the source of their issues were stemming from haSatan, the evil one, the serpent of Genesis 3 and Revelation 12:9 and 20:2 through works of the flesh against Torah.

For It Is Written :
Exodus 22:28“Do not revile Elohim, nor curse a ruler of your people.

Numbers 21:4 And they departed from Mount Hor by the Way of the Sea of Reeds, to go around the land of Eḏom. But the being of the people grew impatient because of the way.

5 And the people spoke against Elohim and against Mosheh, “Why have you brought us up out of Mitsrayim to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and our being loathes this light bread.”

Numbers 21:6 And יהוה sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people. And many of the people of Yisra’ĕl died.

7 Then the people came to Mosheh, and said, “We have sinned, for we have spoken against YAHWEH יהוה and AGAINST you [MOSES]. Pray to יהוה to take away the serpents from us.” So Mosheh prayed on behalf of the people.

pole =#5251 נֵס nec {nace}
banner [By extension upon a pole]
Psalms 60:4. Isaiah 13:2.
ensign [By extension upon a pole]
Isaiah 5:26; 11:10, 12; 18:3; 30:17; 31:9.
Numbers 21:8, 9.
sail [By extension upon a pole]
Isaiah 33:23. Ezekiel 27:7.
sign [By extension upon a pole]
Numbers 26:10.
standard [By extension upon a pole]
Isaiah 49:22; 62:10. Jeremiah 4:6, 21; 50:2; 51:12, 27.

Numbers 21 [Originating from the Greek Septuagint] 4 And having departed from mount Or by the way leading to the Red Sea, they compassed the land of Edom, and the people lost courage by the way.

5 And the people spoke against G-d and against Moses, saying, Why is this? Hast thou brought us ought of Egypt to slay us in the wilderness? for there is not bread nor water; and our soul loathes this light bread.

6 And the L-rd sent among the people deadly serpents, and they bit the people, and much people of the children of Israel died.

7 And the people came to Moses and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the L-rd, and against thee: pray therefore to the L-rd, and let him take away the serpent from us.

8 And Moses prayed to the L-rd for the people; and the L-rd said to Moses, Make thee a serpent, and put it on a signal-staff; and it shall come to pass that whenever a serpent shall bite a man, every one so bitten that looks upon it shall live.

9 And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a signal-staff: and it came to pass that whenever a serpent bit a man, and he looked on the brazen serpent, he lived.
- Shabbath Shalom (8/31/2019 9:56:13 AM)
- Posted on Numbers 21:8.
When the Anointed Yahshua, below position wise to the Ultimate King, Yahweh the Father and is His spokesman throughout the Scriptures tells us he is the TRUTH/CORRECTNESS [John 14:6]. And that his Father's word also is TRUTH/CORRECT [John 17:17]. Further in Psalm 119:142 also Yahweh's law is stated as TRUTH/CORRECT. And it is this LAW that He places in the worshiper's hearts after teshuva and repentance that the worshiper agrees to follow in a covenant/contract [Jer. 31:31; Ezekiel 36:26; Hebrews 8:13] in acceptance of the offering for violations made against that LAW, namely the BLOOD of His son Yahshua; who NEVER violated His Father's LAW and was a profound teacher of that LAW. It would behoove anyone with a grain of spiritual wisdom to trust his declarations as such. Let this record herein be a witness to all who read and that those seeking TRUTH/CORRECTNESS from the Scriptures MUST CONCUR with TRUTH/CORRECTNESS! It is NOT TRUTH/CORRECT in Song of Solomon that in chapter 6, verses 4-10 and in chapter 7, verses 1-9 that as Solomon speaks to the Shulamite girl that he is a virtuous figure! The opposite, he is a sinful king as a womanizer! To which the Shulamite girl REJECTS his advances flatly stating " I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine" [S. of S. 7:10 and also to the Court ladies the same in 6:3]. Noted bible translator E.W. Bullinger, author of the Companion bible states the same as the above:
Noted rabbi Rashi states in his allegorical interpretation of S.o S.that where Solomon is speaking it is reflective of the gentile/lawless nations attempting to seduce Israel away from Yahweh the Father; being mindful that Judaism does not accept Yahshua as Messiah that is why it was translated as such. Between these two scholars the lack of virtue is agreed upon where Solomon speaks. It is also clear that the beloved of the Shulamite girl is the Shepherd boy: S.o S. 1:15-16; 2:1-2; 4:1-5; 4:7-15; 5:1; 8:13-14. NOT SOLOMON! As Solomon is attempting to lure the Shulamite girl who is reflective of the body of Messiah [He who did no sin!]/ISRAEL. So is Frank Pytel the author of this deceitful SELF and Non BIBLICAL interpretation of his own delusion attempting to lure away readers from TRUTH/CORRECTNESS. Once again let this posting reflect the heavenly record against this man's works of lack of scholarly due diligence, for Pytel proclaims that Solomon a sinner is symbolic of Messiah of Israel. BLASPHEMY! Revelation 22: 11“He who does wrong, let him do more wrong; he who is filthy, let him be more filthy; he who is righteous, let him be more righteous; he who is set-apart, let him be more set-apart.
- Yahshua the TRUTH of Yahweh (8/30/2019 2:24:01 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:6.
"How…how” – S. of S. 7:6. The Beloved Christ uses the word "how" twice to express a double exclamation of the quality and beauty of His bride’s person. She has gone beyond what He can say. Her love has reached the top, and her condition and position is fit for her Bridegroom, King Jesus.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/29/2019 4:54:13 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:6.
Scripture teaches man deceased are in their tombs. They know nothing because they are in a state of unconsciousness. Satan says in dying you will not really die from Genesis 3. Messiah tells us that man deceased are in their tombs awaiting which resurrection they will be raised in (John 5). John 3 tells us that no man has entered into heaven. Eccl 3 and Psalm 49 and other scriptures tell us that man is in the grave when he expires! Heaven is not the inheritance of the saints; but upon the earth like the Hebrew prophets teach. Let the scripture teach and the Word made flesh be your teacher alone, not your lying minister!!! Teaching of the SOUL is deception coming right from the bowels of paganism! Nominal Christianity and Judaism are liars in regards to the issue of death giving their congregations false hopes of going to heaven!

- Truth of YAH (8/29/2019 2:31:17 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.
Song of Solomon 7:5
While promoting his booklet on S.O.S., Frank shows his inability to distinguish between the roles of the Shulamite girl and King Solomon from a physical perspective and thus grossly erring from a spiritual perspective.
S.O.S. 1:9-11; 6:4-10; 6:13; 7:1-9 display Solomon as a womanizer= A man who habitually flirts with and seduces, or attempts to seduce, women.
The Shulamite girl always retorts to Solomon that she is faithful to her Shepherd fiance in verses 6:3 and 7:10 -"I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine".
From a spiritual standpoint the Shulamite equates to Israel, the bride of Messiah who then as Scripture points out keeps the commandments and holds fast the testimony of the true Messiah [YAHSHUA] of Yahweh. Therefore the Shepherd who speaks in 1:15; 2:2; 4:1-5; 4:7-15; 5:1; 8:13 depicts the Messiah, Yahshua, whose main teaching is to keep the commandments of the Torah.
So who does King Solomon depict spiritually, who is throughout this book attempting to make the Shulamite part of his harem?

Satan the devil from a spiritual perspective!!!!!!!!!!!

Mark 12:24 And Yahshua יהושע answering, said to them, “Is this not why you go astray, because you do not know the Scriptures nor the power of Elohim.

A soft conscious towards Yahweh's word always brings forth teshuva, which means "turn" in Hebrew, turning from the wrong pathway to the correct path in Torah, or some personal behavior that is not walking as Yahshua walked.

A reprobate mind is one that will not be reproved by Yahweh's word even in the face of error. Thus the veil over the heart! Delusion 101.

2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this reason Elohim sends them a working of delusion, for them to believe the falsehood,

12 in order that all should be judged who did not believe the truth [Psalm 119:142= Torah is TRUTH], but have delighted in unrighteousness [Adding to His word= SIN].
- Study and Obey Torah (8/26/2019 6:37:40 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.
“The King is held” – S. of S. 7:5. To be held denotes nearness with a constant and permanent fellowship of love between the King and His bride. In her pursuit of Him she held fast to Him in His Word of promise. Now that His Word is fulfilled in her, He is detained and held.

My love to all those who have given their personal thoughts! Thank you.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/26/2019 6:59:10 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.
Isaiah 62:5 For as a young man marries a maiden, so shall your sons marry you. And as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your Elohim rejoice over you. [Messiah spiritually marrying his bride Israel in the Kingdom]

6 I have set watchmen on your walls, O Yerushalayim, all the day and all the night, continually, who are not silent [SPIRITUALLY WE WILL NOT BE SILENT!]. You who remember YAHWEH יהוה, give yourselves no rest,

7 and give Him no rest till He establishes and till He makes Yerushalayim a praise in the earth.[Which He will do at the Messiah Yahshua's return]

Truthfulness and scholarship are what this site is supposed to engender. Many are lost in this religious world of confusion. Your sanctimonious spoofs are outlandish and do not lead anyone to Torah but to destruction.

As far as Romans 14 :4, you are a bit out of context on that "Help Us Oh G-d"! This passage is about people coming into the covenant that are vegetarians and the issues between them and those that eat meats and how peace must ensue among the two.

Romans 14:1-4
1 And accept him (a convert) who is weaker in the belief, not criticizing his thoughts/opinions with respect to being a vegetarian.

2 One indeed believes to eat all clean meats, but he who is weaker eats only vegetables. (Vegetarianism can be practiced, but not promulgated as a doctrine.)

3 He that eats meats, let him not despise with contempt him who does not eat meats, and he that fasts (From meats most likely) or is a vegetarian, let him not criticize him who eats meats, for Elohim accepted him/them.

4 Who are you that criticizes another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. But he shall be made to stand, for Elohim is able to make him stand. (Luke 18:10)

These are fellow Israelites under the covenant to Yahweh and Yahshua Messiah in Torah. Not fellow Christians. Jewish-Gentile Believers in Messianic faith that practice Torah. You may say we have billions of Christians worldwide!

Yet the Great King Yahweh Elohim says:
Isaiah 10:
20 And in that day it shall be that the remnant of Yisra’ĕl, and those who have escaped of the house of Ya‛aqoḇ, never again lean upon him who defeated them, but shall lean upon יהוה [Christianity is not leaning, nor never has on Yahweh's true Messiah, nor His whole counsel of His Word. They despise the Torah and the Torah made Flesh!], the Set-apart One of Yisra’ĕl, in truth.

21 A remnant shall return, the remnant of Ya‛aqoḇ, to the Mighty Ěl.

22 For though your people, O Yisra’ĕl, be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return – a decisive end, overflowing with righteousness.

23 For the Master יהוה of hosts is making a complete end, as decided, in the midst of all the earth.

Look who the book was written to.

Romans 1:

1 Sha’ul, a servant of יהושע Messiah, a called emissary, separated to the Good News of Elohim,

2 which He promised before through His prophets in the Set-apart Scriptures,

3 concerning His Son, who came of the seed of Dawiḏ according to the flesh,

4 who was designated Son of Elohim with power, according to the Set-apart Spirit, by the resurrection from the dead: יהושע Messiah, the Master of us,

5 through whom we have received favor and office of the emissary for BELIEF/TRUST-OBEDIENCE among all the nations on behalf of His Name,

6 among whom you also are the called ones of יהושע Messiah.

7 To all who are in Rome, beloved of Elohim, called, set-apart ones [TERM CAN ONLY APPLY TO THOSE IN TORAH COVENANT WITH YAHWEH]: Favor to you and peace from Elohim our Father and the Master יהושע Messiah.

What has that to do with you Frank???

Or what has that to do with the fact you will not take correction from the word of Yahweh as we all should?

Especially when you profess the things you have this past week and I am supposed to be silent while you disperse lies to the users of this site?

- Watchman of Yahweh (8/25/2019 8:52:42 AM)
- Posted on Romans 14:4.
If I had lied call me out on it spiritual liberal! Stop denigrating set apart commandments in order to serve mammon on this site! You have had ample opportunity to bump out my postings as you have done this time. For you have not the capacity at this time to learn, but play ad hominem games! Why? Because you are not striving to be scholarly, but typical Christologists who serve ha Satan bidding and institutionalized witchcraft. As far as the correction from Scripture to Pytel and a few others, why don't you pick up the mantle of scripture and learn to be a true worshiper. I answer for legitimate call outs, not bogus bombardments of the spiritually uninformed.

Matthew 16:23 But He turned and said to Kĕpha, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling-block to Me, for your thoughts are not those of [Yahweh] Elohim, but those of men.”

To speak in third person is weak don't you think!

Note all the passages from the last few months, search and see they were proof texted and indexed by Scripture and Scripture alone. Not my Words but the King's which are TRUTH!! Pytel's words are mostly his own and are in error. Keep playing games with the One who formed the tongue and the eyes! Yahweh rebuke you O' Satan!

- Sword of Yahweh (8/24/2019 5:53:50 PM)
- Posted on Romans 14:4.
Lord, forgive me for the times I was so engrossed in my own ideas and convictions that I “hogged” entire conversations and didn’t give others an opportunity to express what was on their hearts. I am truly repentant for giving people the impression that I thought I was the only one in the group with something worthy to say. Forgive me for being so self-absorbed and for not recognizing the other outstanding people with gifts, talents, and ideas that were just as valuable as my own. Please help me learn to think more highly of others, to keep my mouth shut more often, and to genuinely appreciate the gifts, talents, and ideas You have placed in other people.

- help us oh God (8/24/2019 5:01:22 PM)
- Posted on Romans 14:4.
King Solomon and the Shulamite have become one!!!!
Says Frank Pytel!!!
While promoting his booklet on S.O.S., Frank shows his inability to distinguish between the roles of the Shulamite girl and King Solomon from a physical perspective and thus grossly erring from a spiritual perspective.
S.O.S. 1:9-11; 6:4-10; 6:13; 7:1-9 display Solomon as a womanizer= A man who habitually flirts with and seduces, or attempts to seduce, women.
The Shulamite girl always retorts to Solomon that she is faithful to her Shepherd fiance in verses 6:3 and 7:10 -"I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine".
From a spiritual standpoint the Shulamite equates to Israel, the bride of Messiah who then as Scripture points out keeps the commandments and holds fast the testimony of the true Messiah [YAHSHUA] of Yahweh. Therefore the Shepherd who speaks in 1:15; 2:2; 4:1-5; 4:7-15; 5:1; 8:13 depicts the Messiah, Yahshua, whose main teaching is to keep the commandments of the Torah.
So who does King Solomon depict spiritually, who is throughout this book attempting to make the Shulamite part of his harem?

Satan the devil from a spiritual perspective!!!!!!!!!!!

Deuteronomy 4:2“Do not add to the Word which I command you, and do not take away from it, so as to guard/keep the commands of Yahweh יהוה your Elohim which I am commanding you.

Proverbs 31:5 Every Word of Eloah is tried/tested; He is a shield to those taking refuge in Him.

6 Do not add to His Words, Lest He reprove you, and you be found a liar.

Proverbs 19:
20 Listen to [Yahweh's] counsel and accept [His] discipline, So that you are wise in your latter end.

21 Many are the plans in a man’s heart, But it is the counsel of Yahweh יהוה that stands

Revelation 21:27 And there shall by no means enter into it [The Kingdom at the end of the millennium, the new Yahrushalem on this earth] whatever is unclean, neither anyone doing abomination and FALSEHOOD, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Rev 21:8 and other places instruct that those participating in works of the flesh will have their life-forces extinguished in the lake of fire!

Maybe Frank if I were in your shoes I would turn from my book and cease and desist and learn the more perfect way in Torah faith as Messiah, and humble myself before my King Almighty Yahweh and do teshuva. But that would be my inclination.

In your last posting: " With her there are no accidents, no coincidences..... "
- ENTER INTO HIS COURTS THIS 7th DAY (8/24/2019 3:21:24 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.
“The King” – S. of S. 7:5. In the Song the revelation of Christ as the King of peace expanded in the loving seeker's heart. This unveiling attracted her to love Him more deeply - be beautified as His bride - reign with Him in life and love. King Solomon and the Shulamite have become one.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/23/2019 5:54:38 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.
The bride's hair testifies that she knows the Sovereign G-d in His eternal purpose. With her there are no accidents, no coincidences, but a life full of meaning.
Frank Pytel's non-biblical commentary!

Hear the Word of Yahweh:
1 John 2:

3 And by this we know that we KNOW HIM [Yahweh and Yahshua], if we guard/keep His commands.

4 The one who says, “I know Him,” and does not guard His commands, is a LIAR, and the TRUTH is not in him.

By Frank Pytel's last posting he is implying the notion that Yahweh gives His Spirit/Torah not in the heart; BUT IN THE HAIR!

5 But whoever guards/keeps His Word, truly the LOVE of Yahweh has been perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him.

6 The one who says he stays in Him ought himself also to walk, even as He walked.

How did Messiah Yahshua walk?

He walked in the Torah which encapsulates the commandments, statutes and judgments of Yahweh found in Genesis through Deuteronomy. Otherwise he is a sinner!!!

How did Yahshua answer Satan in Matthew 4?

All three times by Deuteronomy passages!

1 John 5:

2 By this we know that we love the children of Elohim, when we love Elohim and guard/keep His commands.

3 For this is the LOVE for [Yahweh] Elohim, that we guard/keep His commands, and His commands are not heavy/burdensome,

Psalm 111:10 The fear of Yahweh יהוה is the beginning of wisdom, All those doing them [HIS COMMANDS] have a good understanding. His praise is standing forever.

HAIR alone will not lead to a meaningful life, nor eternal life as Yahweh's servant, nor Messiah Yahshua's!

Matthew 19:

16 And see, one came and said to Him, “Good Teacher, what good shall I do to have everlasting life?”

17 And He said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good except One – Elohim. But if you wish to enter into life, GUARD/KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS [Nothing here about hair!]

- Love of Yahweh (8/21/2019 7:57:57 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.
“Hair” – S. of S. 7:5. “Our hairs are all numbered” – Matt. 10:30. The Sovereign God knows every detail of our life. The bride's hair testifies that she knows the Sovereign God in His eternal purpose. With her there are no accidents, no coincidences, but a life full of meaning.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/21/2019 6:05:28 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.
No Nazarites under the renewed covenant under Mashiyach Yahshua. That is a Melchizedekian priesthood not Aaronic. Although the status of the nazarite had the same level of separation as a high priest in some instances; that priesthood would be Aaronic. Entering the covenant is akin and expected separation from worldly behavior, false teachings and obedience to Torah.

Psalm 73:28 But as for me, it is good to be NEAR Elohim. I have made my refuge in the Master Yahweh יהוה, To declare all Your works.

Jeremiah 30: 21‘And his Prince shall be from him, and his Ruler shall come from among him. And I shall bring him NEAR, and he shall approach Me, for who is this who pledged his heart to approach Me?’ declares Yahweh יהוה.

Jacob/James 4:8 DRAW NEAR to Elohim and He shall draw near to you.

Because that is the only way Yahweh makes a covenant with Israel is through Genesis-Deuteronomy. Under the so called "new" covenant there can not be a functioning Aaronic priesthood (Hebrews 7: 11-12) and there is no physical temple standing, so as to make the required nazarite offerings per Numbers 6:13-21 either.

So a Nazarene/Spiritual Israelite under Yahshua could not be a nazarite! So a man should bring his scalp hair under the scissors so as to look male as per

1 Corinthians 11: 14 Does not nature itself teach you that if a man indeed has long hair, it is a disrespect to him?

- Love of Yahweh (8/20/2019 6:15:52 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.
Newest User Posted Comment on Song of Songs 7:5
“Hair” – S. of S. 7:5. The hair of the bride was as Samson’s, whose strength was in his locks. In loving consecration to Christ, her submission to the Will of God,
and her separation from the evil world system of religion and vanity, she pleased the Beloved with the Nazarite vow.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/20/2019 4:34:25 AM)
Romanticizing the Scriptures is not reverence Frank, but your own vanity. Psalm 40:8 Yahweh's will is Torah. Not my words but His! The hair was the Shulamite girl's not Sampson's literally! Dangerous game being played adding your words to His as though Scripture. S.o S. 7:5 Your head upon you is like Mount Karmel, And the hair of your head like purple; The sovereign is held captive by the ringlets. Frank you are no Rashi!
- Love of Yahweh (8/20/2019 5:52:51 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.
“Hair” – S. of S. 7:5. The hair of the bride was as Samson’s, whose strength was in his locks. In loving consecration to Christ, her submission to the Will of God,
and her separation from the evil world system of religion and vanity, she pleased the Beloved with the Nazarite vow.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/20/2019 4:34:25 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.

John 4:22 Salvation is of the transmission of the Jewish nation teachings (Not Grecian per se) who had the scrolls and teachings (Some rabbinic teachings though were false).

Romans 3:
1 What then is the advantage of the Yahuḏite, or what is the value of the circumcision?

2 Much in every way! Because firstly indeed, that they were entrusted with the Words of Elohim.

Hebrews 1: 1 Elohim, having of old spoken in many portions and many ways to the fathers by the [HEBREW, NOT OTHERWISE] prophets,

2 has in these last days spoken to us by the Son, whom He has appointed heir of all, through whom also He made the ages,

Roman Catholicism was the Christology that was in control for some 1500 yrs before the Reformation; give or take a century or so.

The remnant of Israel was in continuance by a family here or there or a string of them throughout history:

Matthew 16:
15 He said to them, “And you, who do you say I am?”

16 And Shim‛on Kĕpha answering, said, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living Elohim.”

17 And יהושע answering, said to him, “Blessed are you, Shim‛on Bar-Yonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father in the heavens.

18 “And I also say to you that you are Kĕpha, and on this rock { Kepha's confession of verse 16, that Yahshua is Messiah. No "J" in the Hebrew LANGUAGE!!!) I shall build My assembly, and the gates of the grave shall not overcome it. (There would always be a witness of Yahshua as Messiah, regardless, as the beast government of Rome and her papal system's countless slaughterings of his people, Israel took place and subsequently the Protestants also through Lutheranisms and the like. For they HATE THE THOUGHTS OF A Jewish Messiah! Hebrew 7:14 BECAUSE AS FRANK DOES AND OTHERS, THEY HATE THE BIBLICAL LAW. For people that hyper focus on the Psalm of Solomon spiritually and the relationship between the Messiah and His bride-Israel. THEY FAIL TO SEE AND EVEN DETEST THE BLATANT FACT THAT THE TORAH STATES THE HIGH PRIEST MUST MARRY AN ISRAELITE AND FURTHER THE KETUBAH (MARITAL CONTRACT, THE COVENANT, IS THE BIBLICAL LAW!)
- Love of Yahweh (8/18/2019 5:42:55 AM)
- Posted on James 1:27.
“Your hair” – S. of S. 7:5. The bride's hair flows down as hanging tresses. “The hair of a woman is her glory”, yet her hair flows down in humility. She realizes that all she has is from the Beloved Christ. Nothing we possess can be attributed to ourselves, but all to His glory.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/18/2019 5:09:48 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.

John 4:22 Salvation is of the transmission of the Jewish nation teachings (Not Grecian per se) who had the scrolls and teachings (Some rabbinic teachings though were false).

Romans 3:
1 What then is the advantage of the Yahuḏite, or what is the value of the circumcision?

2 Much in every way! Because firstly indeed, that they were entrusted with the Words of Elohim.

Hebrews 1: 1 Elohim, having of old spoken in many portions and many ways to the fathers by the [HEBREW, NOT OTHERWISE] prophets,

2 has in these last days spoken to us by the Son, whom He has appointed heir of all, through whom also He made the ages,

Roman Catholicism was the Christology that was in control for some 1500 yrs before the Reformation; give or take a century or so.

The remnant of Israel was in continuance by a family here or there or a string of them throughout history:

Matthew 16:
15 He said to them, “And you, who do you say I am?”

16 And Shim‛on Kĕpha answering, said, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living Elohim.”

17 And יהושע answering, said to him, “Blessed are you, Shim‛on Bar-Yonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father in the heavens.

18 “And I also say to you that you are Kĕpha, and on this rock { Kepha's confession of verse 16, that Yahshua is Messiah. No "J" in the Hebrew LANGUAGE!!!) I shall build My assembly, and the gates of the grave shall not overcome it. (There would always be a witness of Yahshua as Messiah, regardless, as the beast government of Rome and her papal system's countless slaughterings of his people, Israel took place and subsequently the Protestants also through Lutheranisms and the like. For they HATE THE THOUGHTS OF A Jewish Messiah! Hebrew 7:14 BECAUSE AS FRANK DOES AND OTHERS, THEY HATE THE BIBLICAL LAW. For people that hyper focus on the Psalm of Solomon spiritually and the relationship between the Messiah and His bride-Israel. THEY FAIL TO SEE AND EVEN DETEST THE BLATANT FACT THAT THE TORAH STATES THE HIGH PRIEST MUST MARRY AN ISRAELITE AND FURTHER THE KETUBAH (MARITAL CONTRACT, THE COVENANT, IS THE BIBLICAL LAW!)
- Love of Yahweh (8/17/2019 11:40:33 AM)
- Posted on James 1:27.
Familiar with group from link you posted. They know they know the Talmud some, they keep feast days, but blow off the Torah other wise. Nothing but Christologists. BTW, NO SKULL CAPS or other apparel here! Where did you get that from?

Part 2- Next you have a link that says to love the Almighty.
What Scripture states is most important:
Even if you are a 7th day Adventist or C of G, you should be aware that the love of Yahweh is to obey His commands. Disobeying Him is not loving Him. Once we have come in to a knowledge of the truth to this HIGH CALLING we are obliged NOT TO SIN INTENTIONALLY!

1 Everyone who believes/trusts that (Yahshua) יהושע is the Messiah has been born (from above) of (Yahweh) Elohim, and everyone who loves the One bringing forth (Messiah) also loves the one having been born of Him (Children of spiritual Israel).

2 By this we know that we love the children of (Yahweh) Elohim, when we love (Yahweh) Elohim and guard/keep (Shomer in Hebrew means both) His commands.

3 For this is the love for (Yahweh) Elohim, that we guard/keep His commands, and His commands are not heavy/burdensome,....

For It Is Written:
Exodus 20:
3“You have no other mighty ones against My face.

4“You do not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of that which is in the heavens above, or which is in the earth beneath, or which is in the waters under the earth,

5 you do not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, יהוה your Elohim am a jealous/zealous Ěl, visiting the crookedness of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who HATE Me (Those making or worshipping Yahweh by 2-3 dimensional imagery are practicing idolatry, regardless of what the individual thinks or loves. It is what Yahweh commands and thinks is what counts. There is spiritual idolatry as well.)

6 but showing kindness to thousands, to those who love Me and guard My commands [Notice to LOVE Yahweh is to keep and guard His commands. Regardless what ministers weak sister teach because they have not the mind of Messiah, nor the correct understanding of the love of Yahweh. Christology is a disobedient religion and does not properly love Yahweh, much like the ancient 10 tribes of Israel who were engrossed in idolatry. Do not commingle two issues: Taking care of the defenseless and those without a provider and the commandments themselves. For as I stated there are commands dealing with that. Idolatry is one of the mentions of the apostles to the gentile believers in Acts 15 as a prerequisite to abandon physical idolatry! So why does Christology have steeples??? And statues??? etc....]

These things I say out of loving-kindness. If you study the Torah you can see there is not one command Yahweh does not state that is not out of love for His creation.

- Love of Yahweh (8/17/2019 6:04:46 AM)
- Posted on James 1:27.
In S. of S. 7:1-5, the bride's tenfold beauty is unveiled from her feet up to her hair. Her life without Christ was “from the sole of her foot to the top of her head without soundness – only wounds, welts and sores” (Isa. 1:6). Union with Him will change and beautify our life.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/17/2019 4:36:30 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.

Part 1
James (Jacob)1:27 Clean and undefiled religion before the Elohim and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

Yes!!! But, there are commands in Scripture as such!
First, Stay out of the world as John pointed out.
1 John 2:
15 Do not love the world nor that which is in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

16 Because all that is in the world – the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life – is not of the Father but is of the world.

Where does this come from?

Hebrews 12:14; 1 Peter 1:15-16 based on the Torah Lev. 19:2 and 11:44 as James tells you in the very same chapter you quoted from. However you had neglected to go back to get context and gave just a single verse as a snippet:
James 1:
21 Therefore put away all filthiness and overflow of evil, and receive with meekness the implanted Word, which is able to save your lives.

22 And become doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

23 Because if anyone is a hearer of the Word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror,

24 for he looks at himself, and goes away, and immediately forgets what he was like.

25 But he that looked into the perfect TORAH-BIBLICAL LAW-COVENANT =MARITAL CONTRACT WITH YAHWEH AND YAHSHUA, that of freedom (FREEDOM FROM SIN AND JUDGMENT!) and continues in it, not becoming a hearer that forgets, but a doer of work, this one shall be blessed in his doing of the TORAH.

26 If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle/control his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is worthless.

27 Clean and undefiled religion before the Elohim and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

Deuteronomy 24:19; ibid 26:12 and ibid 27:19 Commands to show love to the orphans and widows.

Are you insinuating Torah does not teach to show love to those who have no provider nor protector?

You have no place to evaluate me personally in these matters. You know nothing of my works!

Next you state love Elohim (G-d is what the world calls their Almighty. A term that the Father never refers to himself, although in most bibles because translators were Christologists. Also the etymology is from a molten image and idol. Yahweh never refers to Himself as Gimel-Dalet. Search in the book of Joshua and in Isaiah and see that that term as well as the Israelite tribe's name derives from an idol)

- Love of Yahweh (8/17/2019 2:42:44 AM)
- Posted on James 1:27.
- Love God (8/17/2019 1:13:04 AM)
- Posted on James 1:27.

- Shabbath Shalom (8/16/2019 10:16:19 PM)
- Posted on Hebrews 12:14.

Hebrews 12:
14 Pursue peace with all, and pursue apartness without which no one shall see the Master.

Who was this written to?

Why was the book of Hebrews written?

The book has earned the reputation of being a masterpiece. It has also been described as an intricate New Testament book. Scholars believe it was written for Jewish Christians who lived in Jerusalem. Its purpose was to exhort JEWISH CHRISTIANS to persevere in the face of persecution.

Written to: Natzarenes/Jewish Christians/ Spiritual Israelites (Not Catholics nor Protestants, nor Pharisees, Sadducees, nor Orthodox Jews)

In the 4th century, Jerome and Augustine of Hippo supported Paul's authorship: the Church largely agreed to include Hebrews as the fourteenth letter of Paul, and affirmed this authorship until the Reformation. Scholars argued that in the 13th chapter of Hebrews, Timothy is referred to as a companion. Timothy was Paul's missionary companion in the same way J-sus sent disciples out in pairs. Also, the writer states that he wrote the letter from "Italy", which also at the time fits Paul.[16] The difference in style is explained as simply an adjustment to a distinct audience, to the JEWISH CHRISTIANS {THERE WAS NO CHRISTOLOGY AS WHAT IS KNOWN TODAY AS IN THAT ERA} who were being persecuted and pressured to go back to traditional Judaism.[17] Many scholars now believe that the author was one of Paul's pupils or associates, citing stylistic differences between Hebrews and the other Pauline epistles.[18] Recent scholarship has favored the idea that the author was probably a leader of a predominantly Jewish congregation to whom he or she (?) was writing.[19]

Those who had made a covenant or are in the process/proselytes with Yahweh the Father by His Torah [The marital agreement!] in the Name of Messiah, Yahweh's anointed Son-Yahshua.

Seeking peace, especially on the 7th day shabbath. If we love Yahweh we guard His truth as a very special commodity!

Eccl.3:8 a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for battle, and a time for peace

In set apart season or outside!

Jude: 3 Beloved ones, making all haste to write to you concerning our common deliverance, I felt the necessity to write to you urging you to earnestly CONTEND for the belief which was once for all delivered to the set-apart ones.

Peace when there is no peace or concord with the idolaters, blasphemers and rebellious Christologists.

2 Cor. 6: 14 Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness? And what fellowship has light with darkness?

15 And what agreement has Messiah with Beliya‛al? Or what part does a believer have with an unbeliever?

16 And what union has the Dwelling Place of Elohim with idols? For you are a Dwelling Place of the living Elohim, as Elohim has said, “I shall dwell in them and walk among them, and I shall be their Elohim, and they shall be My people.”

Peace yes with those who are Israelites especially, but the word must go forth straightforwardly. The zeal of Yahweh of Hosts expects that of His people. Christologists are not Yahweh's people no matter how sincere they are because they have doctrines that are opposed to Torah.
Shabbath Song:

- Shabbath Shalom (8/16/2019 8:47:00 PM)
- Posted on Hebrews 12:14.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Messiah Yeshua.
Phil. 4:6 & 7
- Shabbat shalom (8/16/2019 6:10:30 PM)
- Posted on Hebrews 12:14.
Psalm 119: 1 Blessed are the perfect in the way, Who walk in the Torah of Yahweh יהוה!

2 Blessed are those who observe His witnesses, Who seek Him with all the heart!

Proverbs 6:23 For the commandment is a lamp, And the Torah a light, And reproofs of discipline a way of life,.....

John 1: 9 He was the true Light, which enlightens every man, coming into the world.

Matthew 1: 21“And she shall give birth to a Son, and you shall call His Name YAH-SHUA יהושע for He (Yahweh) shall save His people from their sins.”

Matthew 5:17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Torah or the Prophets, I did not come to destroy but to complete.

18 “For truly, I say to you, till the heaven and the earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall by no means pass from the Torah till all be done.

19“Whoever, then, breaks one of the least of these commands, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the reign of the heavens; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the reign of the heavens.

◄ Psalm 1 ►
The Scriptures (ISR 1998)
1 Blessed is the man who shall not walk in the counsel of the wrong, And shall not stand in the path of sinners, And shall not sit in the seat of scoffers,

2 But his delight is in the Torah of יהוה, And he meditates in His Torah day and night.

3 For he shall be as a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That yields its fruit in its season, And whose leaf does not wither, And whatever he does prospers.

4 The wrong are not so, But are like the chaff which the wind blows away.

5 Therefore the wrong shall not rise in the judgment, Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

6 For Yahweh יהוה knows the way of the righteous, But the way of the wrong comes to naught.
- Mike Gardner (8/16/2019 5:33:27 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.
“Head as Carmel” – S. of S. 7:5. The bride’s head bears the characteristic of Carmel. At Carmel the prophet Elijah proved God's power and put to death the lie-speaking prophets of Baal. Every dark lie has been put out of her head, and her mind is filled with the light of God.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/16/2019 4:24:46 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.
Tammuz, the second member of the pagan Babylonian Trinity, the incarnation of g-d in the flesh, is the false messiah of the religion created by Semiramis (the Whore mentioned in Revelation). YHWH has commanded us (His people) to “come out of her” and cease prostituting out the worship of the ONE true Elohim to others. The symbol of “the son of The lord god Baal” in the pagan religion of Babylon was a cross. It is called The Cross of Tammuz. This cross was worn on the head dresses of the Babylonians
and breastplates of priests and warriors alike in honor of Tammuz. The cross was a representation of “T” in Tammuz and his symbol “x”. The cross is a tradition of the Church which our fathers have inherited was the adoption of the words "cross" and "crucify". These words are nowhere to be found in the Greek versions of the New Testament. These words are mistranslations, a "later rendering", of the Greek words stauros and stauroo. Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words says,

"STAUROS denotes, primarily, an upright pole or stake ... Both the noun and the verb stauroo, to fasten to a stake or pole, are originally to be distinguished from the ecclesiastical form of a two-beamed cross. The shape of the latter had its origin in ancient Chaldea (Babylon), and was used as the symbol of the god Tammuz (being in the shape of the mystic Tau, the initial of his name) ... By the middle of the 3rd century A.D. at the Council of Nicea the churches had either departed from, or had travestied, certain doctrines of The Faith found in The Bible.

In order to increase the prestige of the apostate ecclesiastical system (known as Christianity) pagans were received into the churches apart from regeneration by faith, and were permitted largely to retain their pagan signs and symbols. Hence the Tau or T, in its most frequent form, with the cross piece lowered, was adopted and to this day remains the “symbol” of Jesus (Tammuz) or the X.

The most commonly encountered Christogram in English-speaking countries in modern times is the X (or more accurately, Greek letter chi) in the abbreviation Xmas (for "Christmas"), which represents the first letter of the word Chr-st.

Jesus being an “image” of Tammuz in name, birthday, death/resurrection celebrations and mother/child representations. I cover this in detail in this book series.

- Mike Gardner (8/15/2019 5:15:25 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.
“Head like Carmel” – S. of S. 7:5. The bride’s head is like “Carmel”, a crimson, strong red color inclining to purple. She knows the red blood of Jesus’ cross with the royal purple color of His throne. The supreme thought of her head is the crucified and exalted Lamb of God.

Thanks to all for their thoughts!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/15/2019 4:37:18 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.
Many of those using the Name of their Creator in the Tetragrammaton, Yahweh, in the spring (At the Feast of Unleavened Bread) read from Jewish tradition, the Song of Shelomoh (King Solomon) or as it is in most bibles Song of Songs as the first verse establishes it. The Scriptures (ISR 1998)
1 The song of songs, which is Shelomoh’s. The previous posting by an unknown individual is more of a biblical proper interpretation of the book by a popular rabbi, Rashi, from nominal Judaism who lived around the year 1,000 C.E. in France. He wrote his allegorical interpretation of the Song of Songs based entirely off the Torah of Scripture relating that with the book comparing the relationship of Israel through the ages to their Creator, the great King of Kings, our Father in Heaven. Judaism, who does not generally recognize the Latter Writings (Called by Christology, "The New Testament") does not make the more exact comparison with the Shepherd boy paralleling Messiah, Yahshua and the Shulamite girl with the saints [EXCLUDING CHRISTOLOGY'S SAINTS] of Israel, the 144,000 named in Scripture starting with the pre flood era through Abraham, Moses, Messiah to today's era awhile in the land of Israel and through their exiles. Those believing in Christology's "New Israel" doctrine will not come to this conclusion is understood. The frequent excerpt postings by Frank Pytel, who is attempting to sell his book, "The Two Became One", on this Scriptural book, the Song of Songs from a personal interpretative viewpoint. Differing from Rashi, does not make entirely Scriptural comparisons but ones out of his own heart and mind based off Christology. We should all fear how we handle Yahweh's word! While personally I don't subscribe to everything Rashi states, his comparisons are Torah based and scriptural, connecting much to Judaism proper. Much may be accurate in this assessment, but Scripture does not support this viewpoint especially upholding everything in Talmud as Set Apart scripture.

2 Peter 1:
16 For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we made known to you the power and coming of our Master יהושע Messiah, but were eye-witnesses of His superb-ness.

17 For when He received respect and esteem from Elohim the Father, such a voice came to Him from the Excellent Esteem, “This is My Son, the Beloved in whom I did delight.”

18 And we heard this voice which came from heaven when we were with Him on the set-apart mountain.

19 And we have the prophetic word made more certain, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts,

20 knowing this first, that no prophecy (Foretelling and teachings) of Scripture came to be of ONE'S OWN [PRIVATE] INTERPRETATION

21 for prophecy never came by the desire of man, but men of Elohim spoke, being moved by the Set-apart Spirit.

Some may not have known this, so I thought this needed to be said.
- Mike Gardner (8/14/2019 4:50:06 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.
Your head upon you is like Carmel: These are the tephillin [phylacteries] of the head, about which it is said (Deut. 28: 10): “And all the peoples of the world will see that the name of the Lord is called upon you, and they will fear you.” That is their strength and their fear, like a rock of the mountains, and the Carmel is the most prominent of the mountains.

and the braided locks of your head: The braided hair of your Nazirites are as beautiful with commandments as braided purple [ropes].

and the braided locks of your head: Heb. וְדַלַת רֹאשֵּׁ, because the braid is lifted up (מֻדְלֵת) on the highest part of the head.

the king is bound in the tresses: The name of the Omnipresent is bound in the locks, as is stated (Num. 6:7): “The crown of his God is on his head.”
- Rashi (8/13/2019 1:55:42 AM) []
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.
Proverbs 6:
16 These six matters יהוה hates, And seven are an abomination to Him:

17 A proud look, A LYING tongue, And hands shedding innocent blood,

18 A heart devising wicked schemes, Feet quick to run to evil,

19 A false witness breathing out LIES And one who causes strife among brothers.

20 My son, watch over your father’s command, And do not forsake the Torah of your mother.

21 Bind them on your heart always; Tie them around your neck.

22 When you are walking about, it leads you; When you lie down, it guards you. And when you have woken up, It talks to you.

23 For the command is a lamp, And the Torah [= Genesis through Deuteronomy] a LIGHT, And reproofs of discipline a way of life,

24 To guard you against an evil woman, From the flattering tongue of a strange woman [= #5237 נָכְרִי nokriy {nok-ree'}= foreign woman/religion to Israel].

25 Do not desire her prettiness in your heart, Neither let her captivate you with her eyelids.

26 For because of a whore [Of Babylon= BILLIONS OF ADHERENTS] One is brought to a crust of bread. And an adulteress hunts a precious life.

Psalms 119:

105 Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.

Context is Torah.

119:1 Blessed are the perfect in the way, Who walk in the Torah of יהוה!

Hosea 6:
5 “Therefore I have hewn them by the prophets, I have slain them by the words of My mouth. And my right-rulings break forth as the LIGHT.


Hebrews 8:

6 But now He has obtained a more excellent service, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was constituted on better promises.

7 For if that first covenant [AGREEMENT BETWEEN TWO PARTIES] had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second.

8 For finding fault with THEM [= HUMAN BEINGS], He says, “See, the days are coming,” says יהוה, “when I shall conclude with the house of Yisra’ĕl and with the house of Yahuḏah a renewed covenant,

9 not according to the covenant [ AGREEMENT BETWEEN TWO PARTIES] that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Mitsrayim, because they did not continue in My covenant [= TORAH and the general congregation did not have the SPIRIT/Law in their hearts!], and I disregarded them,” says יהוה.

10“Because this is the covenant that I shall make with the house of Yisra’ĕl after those days, says יהוה, giving MY LAWS IN THEIR MINDS [Is This Not What is Contrary to What Nominal RELIGION Teaches?], and I shall write them on their hearts, and I shall be their Elohim, and they shall be My people.

11“And they shall by no means teach each one his neighbor, and each one his brother, saying, ‘Know יהוה,’ because they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them.

12“Because I shall forgive their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawlessnesses I shall no longer remember.”

Romans 8:

6 For the mind of the flesh is death, but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace.

7 Because the mind of the flesh is enmity towards Elohim, for it does not subject itself to the Torah of Elohim [SO THE MIND OF THE FLESH IS OPPOSED TO BIBLICAL LAW], neither indeed is it able,

8 and those who are in the flesh [OPPOSED TO THE BIBLICAL LAW] are unable to please Elohim.

9 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of Yahweh dwells in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Messiah [BIBLICAL LAW MINDEDNESS], this one [IN THE FLESH, OPPOSED TO BIBLICAL LAW] is not His [= NOT OF THE TRUE MESSIAH!, = NOT OF THE TRUE MESSIAH!].

1 Samuel 15:

23“For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and stubbornness is as wickedness and idolatry.

Because you have rejected the word of Yahweh יהוה [The words of the Word made Flesh],

He also does reject you as sovereign

[In our era akin to royalty that would be our reward in the kingdom].”

Song of Solomon's Shulamite girl is akin to the bride of Messiah, Spiritual Israel. The Law states the Messiah as High Priest must marry an Israelite [Lev. 21:13-14]. True Messiah of Jewish descent [Hebrews 7:14], not a Grecian one as the translation "Christos" in most bibles.

Prove all things and certainly not fall for the words of the foreign harlot woman of Babylon who says Proverbs 7:14 “Peace offerings are with me; Today I have paid my vows".

- Mike Gardner (8/12/2019 8:31:47 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.
“Your head” – S. of S. 7:5. The bride’s head is marked by spiritual light with increased revelations of the exalted Christ. In the past, her head was under His left hand as a pillow, as He supported and sustained her by the power of His love (2:6). She gazed upward, looking only into His face of glory!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/12/2019 6:22:56 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.
Proverbs 13:13 He who despises the Word is destroyed, But he who fears the command is rewarded.
- Mike Gardner (8/10/2019 7:51:18 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 6:4.
Most of the posts were OPPOSED to the nephillim doctrine as I see yours is as well and my previous post also. I agree with every part of your context. Good points! I must inform you though that bene Elohim does also refer to heavenly messengers (What you refer to as "angels", BUT NOT THE MANUSCRIPTS, usually they are referred to as melakim- men with beards without wings; not women).
Here are the passages that refer to heavenly messengers that are bene Elohim:

Job 1: 6 And the day came to be that the sons of Elohim came to present themselves before Yahweh יהוה, and Satan also came among them.

Job 2: 1 Again the day came to be that the sons of Elohim came to present themselves before Yahweh יהוה, and Satan also came among them to present himself before Yahweh יהוה.

Job 38: 7 when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of Elohim shouted for joy?

These 3 passages confirm that heavenly messengers
are also called sons of Elohim or bene Elohim!


- Mike Gardner (8/9/2019 5:28:40 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 6:4.
“Your head” – S. of S. 7:5. Christ values the bride’s head as the part that rules her form and keeps all her beauty in harmony. In union with Him she knows His divine headship and His supreme thoughts in the eternal counsel of God’s Will. Though living in time, her mind is governed by eternity.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/9/2019 5:24:22 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:5.
"... you shall find rest..."

- Shabbat shalom (8/9/2019 6:17:27 AM)
- Posted on Matthew 11:29.
Scriptural Proof that Angels and Mankind Cannot Marry
There were NO extraterrestrial relations, and 1st Corinthians 15:39,40 proves it…
“All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
This Scripture passage plainly states that men are men, animals are animals, fish are fish, birds are birds, and angels are angels. There is not one Scriptural reference which would even remotely lead us to believe that angels and humans ever had sex. Jesus plainly stated in Mark 12:25 concerning the departed saints… “For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven.” I think this Scripture verse is self-explanatory. Carefully notice that Genesis 6:2 states… “and they took them wives of all which they chose.” Mark 12:25 says that angels cannot marry; but Genesis 6:2 says that the sons of God married the daughters of men. Clearly there would be a serious contradiction in the Scriptures here IF the sons of God were angels
Also, why didn’t God mention any punishment for the angels in Genesis? Genesis 6:7 states… “And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.” “Angels” are NOT mentioned. Surely God would have been very angry with a group of angels that defiled his creation, bringing it to ruin.
- R. CHAUDHARY (8/9/2019 2:59:27 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 6:4.
Agreed. Better translation of Genesis 6:1-4 would be then Young's Literal Translation:

1 And it cometh to pass that mankind have begun to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters have been born to them,

2 and sons of G-d see the daughters of men that they [are] fair, and they take to themselves women of all whom they have chosen.

3 And Jehovah (Yahweh) saith, ‘My Spirit doth not strive in man — to the age; in their erring they [are] flesh:’ and his days have been an hundred and twenty years.

4 The fallen ones were in the earth in those days, and even afterwards when sons of G-d come in unto daughters of men [Cain's female descendants], and they have borne to them — they [are] the heroes, who, from of old, [are] the men of name (Fame or renown similar as "Nimrod was".

Gen. 10:
8 And Kush brought forth Nimrod, he began to be a mighty one on the earth.

9 He was a mighty hunter before [AGAINST] Yahweh יהוה, therefore it is said, “Like Nimrod, the mighty hunter before [AGAINST] Yahweh יהוה.”

Note the punishment from Genesis 6:4 was a limit on longevity for humankind generally to 120 years. No punishment meted out to the fallen messengers because they were not the involved with the mating physically, not firsthand as ha Satan was in Genesis 3 as deceiver/liar/anarchy. And he received the punishment, for he was speaking through [His demonic, unclean spirit.] such:

14 And יהוה Yahweh Elohim said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all livestock and more than every beast of the field. On your belly you are to go, and eat dust all the days of your life.

15“And I put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed. He shall crush your head, and you shall crush His heel.”

Many who are NOT able to follow the context of Genesis 6:4 often point out that the sons of G-d/Elohim in the original texts are heavenly messengers. But I state unto them that the "bene Elohim" = sons of the Mighty One= HUMAN BEINGS are in the following texts:

Psalm 82: Speaking of the judges and priests-

6 I, I said, “You are elohim, And all of you are SONS of the Most High.

7“But as MEN you (will) die, And fall as one of the heads/leaders.”

Luke 20:36 for neither is it possible for them to die any more, because they are like messengers and are sons of Elohim, being sons of the resurrection.

Romans 8:
14 For as many as are led by the Spirit [Torah, Mosaic Law, less animal blood offerings and temple rituals- verses 1-13, verse] of Elohim, these are sons of Elohim.

19 For the intense longing of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of Elohim.

Galatians 3:
26 For you are all sons of Elohim through belief in Messiah Yahshua יהושע.

Matthew 5:
9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, because they shall be called sons of Elohim.

Deuteronomy 14:
1“You are the children of Yahweh יהוה your Elohim.....

1 John 3:
1 See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of Elohim!

2 Beloved ones, now we are children of Elohim. And it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.

John 1:
12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the authority to become children of Elohim, to those believing in His Name,

13 who were born, not of blood nor of the desire of flesh nor of the desire of man, but of Elohim.

Sons or children of Elohim can as one can see are also HUMAN BEINGS!

From your posting:

"Demons take advantage of those who believe in the fiction to delude them and invoke fear"

I would also add that they also play along with the notion that they fear J-sus [A name around only 5-6 hundred years approx]. Which perpetuates the masquerade through millennia. Majesty on High's Name root is YAH.

Thanks Larry
- Mike Gardner (8/8/2019 11:37:24 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 6:4.
Notwithstanding the fact that the bible excludes demon-human hybrids through sexual procreation, I do believe in demonic activity, that demons do masquerade as aliens, taking advantage of the overwhelming amount of fiction to deceive their victims. Demons take advantage of those who believe in the fiction to delude them and invoke fear. I also believe that the Name of Jesus will drive them away because I have experienced and witnessed these types of attacks or encounters.
Demons don’t need sexual procreation to inhabit-possess a body. Jesus cast out numerous demons, even sent them into the swine. And He said to the Pharisees/hypocrites “Ye are of your father the devil”, He was not saying that their mothers has sex with Satan and they were the resultant offspring. There were, and there still are multitudes of demon possessed whose father is the devil out there even today, but they are not sexually procreated demon-human hybrids.
- Nicklas Arthur (8/8/2019 8:11:41 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 6:4.
Nephilim, from nephal meaning giants or fallen in Hebrew.
Septuagint Greek gives that impression with the word being translated "giants". Greek culture embedded with folklore and mythologies.
Context here is mankind, men [Akin to the priesthood] FALLEN from their set apart stature to mate, with multiple wives, with the descendants of Cain (Lawless individuals). Similar to Ezra 10:1-4.
Mark 12: 25“For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as messengers [Angels as supposed] in the heavens.
They have no ability to physically procreate, as the term marriage implies!

ISR Hebrews 1:4 Being made so much better than the (other) angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent NAME (= YAHWEH than they.

6 And when He again brings the first-born into the world, He says, “Let all the messengers of Elohim do reverence [Not worship- That belongs to father Yahweh-Rev 22:9; Matt. 4:10; 1 Chron. 29:11; 1 Timothy 6:15-16] to Him.

KJV Exodus 23:20 Behold, I send an Angel (HEBREW CULTURE DOES NOT HAVE ANGELS [Greek], BUT MESSENGERS [Bearded men without wings] = "Malak". The book of Malachi = "My Messenger" in Hebrew) before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.
21 Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: FOR MY NAME (YAHWEH and authority) IS IN HIM.
22 But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries.
23 For mine Angel shall go before thee, and bring thee in unto the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites: and I will cut them off.

TO PROPERLY UNDERSTAND THE HEBREW TEXT, ONE HAS TO LOSE THE "ANGELOLOGY"! Salvation is of the Jewish/Hebrew culture and none other.
- Mike Gardner (8/7/2019 1:56:46 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 6:4.
For to which of the angels did He ever say,
“You are My Son,
Today I have begotten You”?
And again,
“I will be a Father to Him
And He shall be a Son to Me”? Heb. 1:4,5

- shalom (8/6/2019 8:13:18 PM) []
- Posted on Genesis 6:4.
“Nose of Lebanon” – S. of S. 7:4. The discernment of the bride’s nose is high as the mountains of Lebanon. Her intuition is of such an elevated character, that her consciousness is heavenly, rather than from below. She lives in the heightened atmosphere of fellowship with Christ.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/6/2019 6:33:26 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
For to which of the angels did He ever say,
“You are My Son,
Today I have begotten You”?
And again,
“I will be a Father to Him
And He shall be a Son to Me”? Heb. 1:4,5

- shalom (8/6/2019 4:50:23 PM) []
- Posted on Genesis 6:4.

HaSatan loves to misquote Scripture. Although Even you meticulously described how you articulate this passage and fragrance with the Master Yahshua. I believe you do not know that the good news is not JUST believing in a resurrected Messiah. You must have the RIGHT ONE! My Master is a teacher/rabbi of Yahweh's law because it instructs us how to think, live and function approved in both Yahweh, Yahshua and our fellow man (Hopefully so.). One cannot repent of sin, which is transgression of Yahweh's Torah, less they learn Yahweh's Torah so they and we know what we have done incorrectly or not done at all. So to piddle around with allusions for well over a year as Frank's posts have been on this subject and state to reject the dietary and Sabbaths is blatant sin. Which will lead to the lake of fire. Where is your warning to this message of the glad tidings not to sin? You state you are a servant of the King! And if you receive the physical to augment the spiritual, it should lead to compliance with the Majesty on High's Law- Psalm 19 and 119. Those that warn and teach against sin are blasted both anciently and in our era. So without Torah fundamentals you do not have the fragrance of the KNOWLEDGE of Messiah the law teacher. Your fragrance described is forced and not leading to anything concrete that the Father expects of us in His will; but your will. This passage 2 Cor 2:15 is not about the nasals, but about the refreshing of being with like believers and leaving that sound teaching with others. On this site I know how Sha'ul felt! But Yahweh's servant stays dedicated to Him regardless.The problem with many on this site is that they are used to mamsy pamsy teachings that are are not law based. That is why strong passages offend them, as the prophets said of ancient Israel (Ezk. 3 and 33)and their physical descendants of today. Once the saints are sealed in the Name of Yahweh and know their husband's name, Melech Yahshua, do teshuva from sinful behavior and evil in Yahweh's sight and get immersed/take their oath and receive the Spirit. Then the end of this age of mankind will commence with Yahweh's judgments and come to a close.

2 Corinthians 2:
12 And when I came to Troas for the Good News of Messiah, and a door was opened to me by the Master,

13 I had no rest in my spirit, because I did not find Titus my brother. But taking my leave of them, I went on to Makedonia.

14 But thanks be to Elohim who always leads us on, to overcome in Messiah, and manifests through us the fragrance of His KNOWLEDGE in every place.
CONTEXT, CONTEXT, CONTEXT!!! Every word taken out of context is a pretext to false teaching!

Romans 8:
6 For the mind of the flesh is death, but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace.

7 Because the mind of the flesh is enmity towards Elohim, for it does not subject itself to the Torah/LAW of Yahweh, neither indeed is it able,

8 and those who are in the flesh are unable to please Yahweh

9 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of Yahweh dwells in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Messiah (Yahshua), this one is NOT HIS.
As Psalm 50:16-18 stated what have I to do with you?

15 Because we are to Elohim the fragrance of Messiah among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.

16 To the one we are the smell of death to death, and to the other the fragrance of life to life. And who is competent for these?

17 For we are not, as so many, adulterating the Word of Elohim for gain – but as of sincerity, but as from Elohim, in the sight of Elohim, we speak in Messiah.

1 And after this I saw four messengers standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.

2 And I saw another messenger coming up from the rising of the sun (Aramaic says "standing in the service"), holding the seal of the living Elohim (Yahweh's Name). And he cried with a loud voice to the four messengers to whom it was given to harm the earth and the sea,

3 saying, “Do not harm the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees UNTIL we have sealed the servants of our Elohim upon their forehead

1 And I looked and saw a Lamb standing on Mount Tsiyon, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s Name written upon their foreheads. (Count the 12 tribes x 12,000 in Chapter 7
- Mike Gardner (8/5/2019 7:28:06 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
Thank you, Frank Pytel, for drawing out the figurative connection here to the many lovely references to fragrance in S. of S. (1:3, 12, 13, 2:13, 3:6, 4:6, 10, 11, 14, 16, 5:1, 1, 13...). As part of the “primitive” brain, one of the many functions of the olfactory sense is its implication in memory! Remembering Whose we are is protective for us, and so a (watch) tower symbol is employed in this verse.
And, as smelling salts bring the unconscious back to a conscious state, so the fragrance of our Beloved awakens in us that active awareness of His glorious presence within - it is actual particles of substance with which the olfactory deals; thus, we inhale Him! And, as can be seen in 2 Cor. 2:15, we carry His scent! And in Zech. 1, the Man among the myrtles betokens His calling Israel back to a sweet remembrance. How glorious the One we serve! He has given parallels in the physical to illuminate the spiritual.

- eved Melekh (8/5/2019 9:28:06 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
Psalm 50 :
16 But to the wrong Elohim said, “What right have you to recite My laws, Or take My covenant in your mouth,

17 “While you hated instruction And cast My Words behind you?

18 “When you saw a thief (Or those stating falsities), you were pleased with him, And you take part with adulterers (And those spewing falsehoods).

Psalm 101:

7 He who practices DECEIT Does not dwell in my house; He who speaks LIES Does not stand in my presence.

1 John 3:

4 Everyone (Intentionally) doing sin also does lawlessness, and SIN IS LAWLESSNESS/NO TORAH!.

5 And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin.

6 Everyone staying in Him does not (Intentionally) sin. Everyone (Intentionally) sinning has neither seen Him nor known Him.

7 Little children, let no one lead you astray. The one doing righteousness (Commandment keeping-Deut. 6:24-25) is righteous, even as He is righteous

8 The one (Intentionally) doing sin is of the devil, because the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Elohim was manifested: to destroy the works of the devil.

9 Everyone having been born of Elohim does not (Intentionally) sin, because His seed stays in him, and he is powerless to sin, because he has been born of Elohim.

These words spoken by the apostle of LOVE.

- Mike Gardner (8/5/2019 5:42:49 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
Psalm 94: 8 Take heed, you senseless among the people; And you fools, when would you become wise?

9 He who planted the ear, does He not hear? He who formed the eye, does He not see?

10 He who disciplines the nations, Does He not reprove – The One teaching man knowledge?

11 Yahweh יהוה knows the thoughts of man/woman, That they are but a breath.

12 Blessed is the man/woman You DISCIPLINE, O Yah, And INSTRUCT out of Your Torah,

13 To give him rest from the days of evil, Until the pit is dug for the wrong.

14 For Yahweh יהוה does not leave His people, Nor does He forsake His inheritance-(ISRAEL- Galatians 6:16; Isaiah 19:25; Psalm 147:19-20; Matt.19:16-17)

15 For right-ruling returns man/woman to righteousness, And all the upright in heart follow it.

16 Who would rise up for me against evil-doers? Who would stand up for me against workers of wickedness? (No one thus far, they join hands with them!!!)

17 If Yahweh יהוה had not been my help, My being would soon have settled in silence.
- Mike Gardner (8/4/2019 6:26:08 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
HaSatan loves to misquote Scripture. Although Even you meticulously described how you articulate this passage and fragrance with the Master Yahshua. I believe you do not know that the good news is not JUST believing in a resurrected Messiah. You must have the RIGHT ONE! My Master is a teacher/rabbi of Yahweh's law because it instructs us how to think, live and function approved in both Yahweh, Yahshua and our fellow man (Hopefully so.). One cannot repent of sin, which is transgression of Yahweh's Torah, less they learn Yahweh's Torah so they and we know what we have done incorrectly or not done at all. So to piddle around with allusions for well over a year as Frank's posts have been on this subject and state to reject the dietary and Sabbaths is blatant sin. Which will lead to the lake of fire. Where is your warning to this message of the glad tidings not to sin? You state you are a servant of the King! And if you receive the physical to augment the spiritual, it should lead to compliance with the Majesty on High's Law- Psalm 19 and 119. Those that warn and teach against sin are blasted both anciently and in our era. So without Torah fundamentals you do not have the fragrance of the KNOWLEDGE of Messiah the law teacher. Your fragrance described is forced and not leading to anything concrete that the Father expects of us in His will; but your will. This passage 2 Cor 2:15 is not about the nasals, but about the refreshing of being with like believers and leaving that sound teaching with others. On this site I know how Sha'ul felt! But Yahweh's servant stays dedicated to Him regardless.The problem with many on this site is that they are used to mamsy pamsy teachings that are are not law based. That is why strong passages offend them, as the prophets said of ancient Israel (Ezk. 3 and 33)and their physical descendants of today. Once the saints are sealed in the Name of Yahweh and know their husband's name, Melech Yahshua, do teshuva from sinful behavior and evil in Yahweh's sight and get immersed/take their oath and receive the Spirit. Then the end of this age of mankind will commence with Yahweh's judgments and come to a close.

2 Corinthians 2:
12 And when I came to Troas for the Good News of Messiah, and a door was opened to me by the Master,

13 I had no rest in my spirit, because I did not find Titus my brother. But taking my leave of them, I went on to Makedonia.

14 But thanks be to Elohim who always leads us on, to overcome in Messiah, and manifests through us the fragrance of His KNOWLEDGE in every place.

15 Because we are to Elohim the fragrance of Messiah among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.

16 To the one we are the smell of death to death, and to the other the fragrance of life to life. And who is competent for these?

17 For we are not, as so many, adulterating the Word of Elohim for gain – but as of sincerity, but as from Elohim, in the sight of Elohim, we speak in Messiah.

1 And after this I saw four messengers standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.

2 And I saw another messenger coming up from the rising of the sun (Aramaic says "standing in the service"), holding the seal of the living Elohim (Yahweh's Name). And he cried with a loud voice to the four messengers to whom it was given to harm the earth and the sea,

3 saying, “Do not harm the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees UNTIL we have sealed the servants of our Elohim upon their forehead

1 And I looked and saw a Lamb standing on Mount Tsiyon, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s Name written upon their foreheads. (Count the 12 tribes x 12,000 in Chapter 7.
- Mike Gardner (8/4/2019 4:07:00 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
Newest User Posted Comment on Song of Songs 7:4
Thank you, Frank Pytel, for drawing out the figurative connection here to the many lovely references to fragrance in S. of S. (1:3, 12, 13, 2:13, 3:6, 4:6, 10, 11, 14, 16, 5:1, 1, 13...). As part of the “primitive” brain, one of the many functions of the olfactory sense is its implication in memory! Remembering Whose we are is protective for us, and so a (watch) tower symbol is employed in this verse.
And, as smelling salts bring the unconscious back to a conscious state, so the fragrance of our Beloved awakens in us that active awareness of His glorious presence within - it is actual particles of substance with which the olfactory deals; thus, we inhale Him! And, as can be seen in 2 Cor. 2:15, we carry His scent! And in Zech. 1, the Man among the myrtles betokens His calling Israel back to a sweet remembrance. How glorious the One we serve! He has given parallels in the physical to illuminate the spiritual.

- eved Melekh- real name or Jeremiah 38 and is Yahweh your King under Messiah? (8/4/2019 1:44:16 PM)

Your analysis more biblically aligned with Torah and the man among the myrtles is indeed Messiah! Yes, indeed Yahweh is calling Israel's remnant (Not as Babylonian Christians but repentant ones) back from it's diaspora.

Frank is not in alignment with that. We of the covenant law stand on Father Yahweh's side in Messiah Yahshua! Every one must make their own choice!

Matthew 12:
36“And I say to you that for every idle word men speak, they shall give an account of it in the day of judgment.

37“For by your words you shall be declared righteous, and by your words you shall be declared unrighteous.”

- Mike Gardner (8/4/2019 2:24:37 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
Thank you, Frank Pytel, for drawing out the figurative connection here to the many lovely references to fragrance in S. of S. (1:3, 12, 13, 2:13, 3:6, 4:6, 10, 11, 14, 16, 5:1, 1, 13...). As part of the “primitive” brain, one of the many functions of the olfactory sense is its implication in memory! Remembering Whose we are is protective for us, and so a (watch) tower symbol is employed in this verse.
And, as smelling salts bring the unconscious back to a conscious state, so the fragrance of our Beloved awakens in us that active awareness of His glorious presence within - it is actual particles of substance with which the olfactory deals; thus, we inhale Him! And, as can be seen in 2 Cor. 2:15, we carry His scent! And in Zech. 1, the Man among the myrtles betokens His calling Israel back to a sweet remembrance. How glorious the One we serve! He has given parallels in the physical to illuminate the spiritual.

- eved Melekh (8/4/2019 1:44:16 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
"Your nose is a tower” – S. of S. 7:4. The bride’s nose rises as a tower in her spiritual perception and service to discern fragrances of the heavenly Chr-st and odors of the fallen enemy. To serve G-d in a well-pleasing manner, a “flat nose” is rejected and forbidden (Lev. 21:18).

Do you have some kind of nasal fetish or something?

Hebrews 5:1 For every priest taken from among men is appointed on behalf of men in matters relating to Elohim, to offer both gifts and offerings for sins,

2 being able to have a measure of feeling for those not knowing and being led astray, since he himself is also surrounded by (human) weakness (es).

3 And on account of this he has to offer for sins – as for the people, so also for himself.

4 And no one obtains this esteem for himself, but he who is called by Elohim, even as Aharon also was.

Hebrews 7: 1 For this Malkitseḏeq, sovereign of Shalĕm, priest of the Most High Elohim, who met Aḇraham returning from the slaughter of the sovereigns and blessed him,

2 to whom also Aḇraham gave a tenth part of all, his name being translated, indeed, first, ‘sovereign of righteousness,’ and then also sovereign of Shalĕm, that is, ‘sovereign of peace,’

3 without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but having been made like the Son of Elohim (This is Messiah Yahshua), remains a priest for all time. (Psalm 110)

Heavenly/Spirituality of the renewed covenant Torah has nothing to do with birth defects or such. Because the Levitical priesthood on this earth HAS BEEN SUSPENDED (FRANK!)

Hebrews 7:
11 Truly, then, if perfection were through the Lĕwitical priesthood – for under it the people were given the Torah – why was there still need for another priest to arise according to the order of Malkitseḏeq, and not be called according to the order of Aharon?

12 For the (Levitical) priesthood being changed (Better translated "interchanged" or "suspended" or "in abeyance"), of necessity there takes place a change

("of law also"- THIS CLAUSE IS NOT IN THE GREEK MANUSCRIPT #1209; of the three used for the KJV).



Leviticus 21:18 (Firstly the physical defects described in this chapter of Leviticus was only ascribed to the Aaronic priesthood, not the Levites per se at all! Not to the commoner at all either! Don't give the impression Frank that one can't serve Yahweh in a high capacity under Messiah, our heavenly High Priest because of physical defects. THAT IS FALSE!)

Leviticus 21:16-21

16 And יהוה spoke to Mosheh, saying,

17“Speak to Aharon, saying, ‘No man of your offspring throughout their generations, who has any defect, is to draw near to bring the bread of his Elohim.

18 ‘For any man who has a defect is not to draw near: a man blind or one lame or disfigured or deformed,

19 a man who has a broken foot or broken hand,

20 or is a hunchback or a dwarf, or a man who has a defect in his eye, or eczema or scab, or is a eunuch.

21‘No man among the offspring of Aharon the priest, who has a defect, is to come near to bring the offerings made by fire to יהוה – he has a defect, he does not come near to bring the bread/food of his Elohim.

Here is some Jewish commentary as to maybe why Yahweh required no physical defects in His Aaronic priests while officiating His services for the people.

For any man who has a defect should not approach:

[But this prohibition has already been stated (preceding verse).
The meaning here is that]

it is not fitting that he should approach, like “[When you offer up a blind [animal]…a lame or a sick one, is there nothing wrong?] Were you to offer it to your governor, [would he accept you or would he favor you? says Yahweh of Hosts” (Malachi 1:8).
Thus, just as an animal with a defect is not fitting as an offering, neither is a person with a defect fit for presenting it.]

with a sunken nose: Heb. חָרֻם. [This term means] that his nose is sunken between his two eyes, such that he applies [eye shadow to] his two eyes with one stroke [i.e., his nose is so sunken that its bridge does not intercede between the two eyes]. — [Torath Kohanim 21:48; Bech. 43b]

with mismatching limbs: Heb. שָׂרוּעַ [This term means] that one of his limbs is bigger than its counterpart, [e.g.,] one of his eyes is large, and one of his eyes is smaller [normal], or one thigh longer than its [normal] counterpart. — [see Sifthei Chachamim; Bech. 40b]
- Mike Gardner (8/4/2019 7:21:25 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
"Your nose is a tower” – S. of S. 7:4. The bride’s nose rises as a tower in herspiritual perception and service to discern fragrances of the heavenly Christ and odors of the fallen enemy. To serve God in a well-pleasing manner, a “flat nose” is rejected and forbidden (Lev. 21:18).
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/4/2019 5:15:52 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
You who besmirch the true name of Yahshua Messiah, I need not go to outside or internet sources for doctrine but the Scriptures. Do you know Hebrew, or you just venting? The reason most of you all are falling for Peshitta "Yeshua" is because you still are enslaved to the churches , probably trinitarian dogma and lawless thinking of J.C.Because it sounds close to J-sus. I need not go to the high paid so called modern day Baal/L-rd theologians. You can find a link for any teachings. I have pretty much used just Scripture to proof text. You just will not accept sound teaching. That is on you! Not me!

We adhere to the name of Yahweh as our heavenly Father {Ex. 3:15; Isa. 42:8; Isa. 52: 5-6; Isa. 56:5 compared again with Ex. 3:15}.

The Tetragrammaton is comprised of 4 (Actually 3) consonants also employed as vowels that are pronounced in the ancient Sephardic Hebrew that Yahshua would have spoken:

Y="ee"; H= "ah or aw"; W= "ew"; H ="eh"--- Say the phonetics together rapidly and you have just pronounced the Name of your heavenly Father, YAHWEH! Not Yahuwah or any other 3 syllable names. The law of Hebrew linguistics only allows for a 2 syllable Name for the Tetragrammaton.

Yahshua is the true name for the son of Yahweh. Matthew 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son; and you shall call his name Yah-shua; for it is He (Yahweh the Father) that shall save His people from their sins.; Note: It is unimaginable that Yahweh the Father would not include the heavenly family name of YAH in naming the Son, the Messiah, since He sent him for the mission he served as Savior in calling him Yah-shua.

Anciently he was referred to as the Word or Messenger of Yahweh, the visible Yahweh, but the lesser, whom man saw. In the millennium, he will be called Yah-zidenu= Yahweh is our Righteousness! Contrary to what the Yeshua (Uninspired without ascribing to whom the salvation will be of!) crowd believes, Yahshua is what Scriptural evidence denotes as his name. There has only been given under heaven, one name for man to be saved.

The Messiah's name is exactly the same as Numbers 13:16. These are the names of the men that Moses sent to spy out the land. And Moses called Hoshea the son of Nun Joshua (Jo= Yah, the scribes combined the HW and created an "O" as they did in Joseph which should actually be read as Yahseph.

As well as Jerusalem, which should actually be read as Yahrushalem, this time by syncope (dropping of sounds in a word) they created an "E" by omitting the "H" as in Yah. The prophets Daniel, Jeremiah and Ezekiel attest to Yahweh's city being called by His Name! (The Messiah had exactly the same name as the Israelite general under Moses, Hoshea changed to Yahshua, in Numbers 13:16, is a fact). Hebrews 1:4; having become by so much better than the heavenly messengers, as he hath inherited a more excellent name than they. Philippians 2:9 Wherefore also Elohim highly exalted him, and gave unto him the name which is above every name. The Greek Septuagint transliterated superscriptions in Psalms 145-150 all state "Alleluia". The "ia" ending = YAH, not Yeh! Some 50 times Yah is used in the Masoretic Psalms. Jewish scribal and rabbinic as well as Messianic Judaism's attempts to suppress and mispronounce the Names Yahweh and Yahshua and distort them to variant similitudes or outright substitutions are based off of superstition and misguided error.

Revelation 3:..... that you have little power, yet have guarded My Word, and have not denied My Name. Yah-shua

- Mike Gardner (8/3/2019 5:41:56 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 11:28.
- Drs. Brown and Botkin (8/3/2019 4:25:45 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 11:28.
Part 1 on Comment # 16

Part 2
Hebrews 4:8 For if Yehoshua
[Better transliterated Yahshua. Moses' understudy commonly called Joshua, had the same name as Messiah. Eusebius attests to this as well, as this passage and others]
had given them rest
[From their enemies and land inheritance. He did as far as their enemies, but it was temporary -Joshua 23:12-13; Ibid 24: 31, Judges 2:1-15]

He [Yahweh through the Psalmist David in Psalm 95] would not have spoken of another day [No, not another literal day, but another ERA, as he did some 400 years plus in David’s day] after that.

9 So there remains a Sabbath-keeping for the people of Elohim
[Psalm 90:4 and 2 Peter 3:8.Teaches that a day of Yahweh is parallel with 1,000 years of man. The millennial reign of Messiah is a 1,000 year period [Revelation 20:1-10] So Sabbath- keeping is on the 7th day of the week is a rehearsal for the 7th millennia-The Kingdom reign of Messiah.- 6 days of work parallels with 6 thousand years of work. The weekly Sabbath is a rest day. The Millennial Kingdom is “His Rest” [Mankind alive at that time will be able to be taught and live without the influences of Satan, who will be imprisoned during most of the Millennium]

10 For the one, having entered into His rest [7th day Sabbath rest], has himself also rested from his works, as Elohim rested from His own. [As our example]

11 Let us therefore do our utmost to enter into that rest [7th day Sabbath as a rehearsal to the Kingdom Age], lest anyone fall after the same example of disobedience

12 For the Word of Elohim [TaNaK-Old Testament] is living, and working, and sharper than any two-edged sword, cutting through even to the dividing of being and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

13 And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all are naked and laid bare before the eyes of Him with whom is our account.
2 Peter 3:
14 So then, beloved ones, looking forward to this, do your utmost to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless,
15 and reckon the patience of our Master as deliverance, as also our beloved brother Sha’ul wrote to you, according to the wisdom given to him,
16 as also in all his letters, speaking in them concerning these matters, in which some are hard to understand, WHICH THOSE WHO ARE UNTAUGHT AND UNSTABLE TWIST TO THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION, AS THEY DO ALSO THE OTHER SCRIPTURES.
Daniel 7:
24‘And the ten horns [Roman beast government/proto papal era- Daniel 7:7; Revelation 13:1-2] are ten sovereigns from this reign. They shall rise, and another shall rise after them, and it is different from the first ones, and it humbles three sovereigns,
25 and it speaks words against the Most High, and it wears out the set-apart ones of the Most High, AND IT INTENDS TO CHANGE APPOINTED TIMES [7th Day Sabbath is an appointed time- Numbers 28 :1-2; 9-10] AND the LAW [Torah], and they are given into its hand for a time and times and half a time.[Length of time of the Great Tribulation, 3.5 years =½ of a Sabbatical cycle]

- Mike Gardner (8/3/2019 3:24:26 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 11:28.
Job 1:5, 6 When the days of feasting had completed their cycle, Job would send and consecrate them, rising up early in the morning and offering burnt offerings according to the number of them all; for Job said, “Perhaps my SONS have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.” Thus Job did continually. Now there was a day when the SONS of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them.

Luke 3:38 the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of ADAM, the SON of God.

- shalom (8/3/2019 1:51:46 PM) []
- Posted on Genesis 6:2.
Popular passage used by Christology to say they are exempt from 7 th day Sabbath keeping.

Hebrews 3: 14 For we have become partakers of Messiah if we hold fast the beginning of our trust firm to the end,

15 while it is said, “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” [Psalm 95, a Sabbath Psalm, Extolling Yahweh as Sovereign over the whole earth and the Master of Creation. The rebellions of Meribah-Contending with Yahweh and the leadership over lack of water -Numbers 20: 13 and Massah-Testing Yahweh and the leadership over lack of water -Exodus 17:7]

16 For who, having heard, rebelled? Was it not all who came out of Mitsrayim, led by Mosheh?

17 And with whom was He grieved forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose corpses fell in the wilderness?

18 And to whom did He swear that they would not enter into His rest [Land Inheritance of Israel], but to those who did not obey? [Numbers 14:32-34- 10 -False reports of the spies and subsequent national hysteria leading to defiance against Yahweh at Qadesh Barnea- Verse 26]

19 So we see that they were unable to enter in because of unbelief [In Yahweh's word and accepting lies].

Hebrews 4:

The Scriptures (ISR 1998)
1 Therefore, since a promise remains of entering into His rest
[Land Inheritance of Israel as a promise for us -The Israel of Yahweh under Yahshua Messiah {Galatians 6:16} also {Ezekiel 20:38, 42; Ibid 37:12; 1 Peter 1:3-5; Acts 7:2-5; Luke 19:11-27; John 3:13 (No man has or has been promised to go directly to Yahweh’s throne room except Messiah. Neither has Heaven been promised as a habitation and reward for the new covenant! Nowhere in Scripture is that promised! Christology and Judaism force the texts to state something they DON’T. Wrong context and concepts lead to false doctrines. 2,000 year old LIE.} Hebrews 11 whole chapter, heaven never mentioned as the inheritance for Yahweh’s people Israel- For a covenant agreement to be eternal, both parties would have to have eternal as well.],
let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it.
Just to note when one keeps Yahweh’s Feast Days they are taught what happens after physical death and the kingdom to come. Does Halloween, Christmas, Secular New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving or Easter or any other Christian holiday do that; since they have their origin in pagan/Wicca practices and or worship? If one is reading this for the first time, don’t outright reject what is being stated: PROVE ALL THINGS. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

2 For indeed the Good News was brought TO US AS WELL AS TO THEM [I doubt any ch-rch has ever taught that they, ancient Israel, had the glad tidings also!], but the word which they heard did not profit them, not having been mixed with belief in those who heard it. [They were carnal.]

3 For we who have believed do enter into that rest, as He has said, “As I swore in My wrath, if they shall enter into My rest... [Psalm 95:11]” And yet His works have come into being from the foundation of the world.

4 For somewhere He has said thus about the SEVENTH DAY, “And Elohim rested on the SEVENTH DAY from all His works,” [Genesis 2:3]

5 and in this again, “If they shall enter into My rest [Land inheritance being equivalent to the Millennial Kingdom, see Hebrews 4:9]...” [Numbers 14:22-23, 30]

6 Since then it remains for some to enter into it, and those who formerly received the Good News did not enter in because of disobedience [Yes, Houses of Israel and Judah prior to their perspective exiles were evicted because they lost the sign of the 7th day Sabbath {Exodus 31: 12-18} and stopped practicing it and worshiped foreign elohim/a.k.a. DEMONS. Jeremiah 17: 19-27 and 2 Kings 17: 7-23; Ezekiel 23: 36-38; 1 Kings 8:46-53]

7 He again defines a certain day, “Today,” saying through David [In Psalm 95= Temple Sabbath Liturgy] so much later, as it has been said, “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.”[REMEMBER THEY, MOST OF THE OLDER GENERATION THAT WENT THROUGH THE RED SEA, FAILED TO ENTER INTO THE LAND INHERITANCE BECAUSE OF DISOBEDIENCE]

- Mike Gardner (8/3/2019 12:19:43 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 11:28.
- Shabbat shalom (8/2/2019 9:20:30 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 11:28.
Leviticus 18:
22‘And do not lie with a male as with a woman, it is an abomination/obnoxious.(Or vice -versa)

Romans 1:
26 Because of this Elohim gave them over to degrading passions. For even their women exchanged natural relations for what is against nature,

27 and likewise, the men also, having left natural relations with woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing indecency, and receiving back the reward which was due for their straying.
- Mike Gardner (8/2/2019 8:44:25 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
Exodus 20:

8“Remember the Sabbath day, to set it apart/a special day, unlike the other 6.

9“Six days you labor, and shall do all your work,

10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath of Yahweh יהוה your Elohim. You do NOT do any work – you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your livestock, nor your stranger who is within your gates.

11“For in six days Yahweh יהוה made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day (It is a memorial of Creation). Therefore Yahweh יהוה blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart.

Luke 4:15-16

15 And He was teaching in their congregations, being praised by all.

16 And He came to Natsareth, where He had been brought up. And according to His practice, He went into the congregation on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.

Acts 17:

1 And having passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonike, where there was a congregation of the Yahuḏim/Jews.

2 And according to his (Jewish practice), Sha’ul/Paul went in unto them, and for three Sabbaths was reasoning with them from the Scriptures,....

"Unquestionably the first law, either ecclesiastical or civil, by which the sabbatical observance of Sunday is known to have been ordained is the sabbatical edict of Constantine, A.D. 32I."
Chambers' Encyclopedia, Article "Sunday"

Constantine's empire was predominantly for Sun worship, so this was not a law to favor Christianity (Rather true worshipers like the Natzarenes and their proselytes), but rather the "venerable day of the sun", which was the day of the dominating sun worship religion of that time (And Now!).
By the term "Judaize" they mean keeping the Sabbath day. By the term "the L-rd's day" they mean Sunday, which seems to have become a term for that day, although there is no scriptural basis for calling it so.

Isaiah 66:

22“For as the new heavens and the new earth that I make stand before Me,” declares יהוה, “so your seed and your name shall stand.

23“And it shall be that from New Moon to New Moon, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, all flesh shall come to worship before Me,” declares יהוה.

24“And they shall go forth and look upon the corpses of the men who have transgressed against Me. For their worm shall not die, and their fire not be quenched (Till they have accomplished their purpose- No immortal worm doctrine being taught here). And they shall be repulsive to all flesh!”

Isaiah 56:

1 Thus said Yahweh יהוה, “Guard right-ruling, and do righteousness, for near is My deliverance to come, and My righteousness to be revealed.

2“Blessed is the man who does this, and the son of man who lays hold on it, guarding the Sabbath lest he profane it, and guarding his hand from doing any evil.

3“And let not the son of the foreigner who has joined himself to יהוה speak, saying, ‘יהוה has certainly separated me from His people,’ nor let the eunuch say, ‘Look I am a dry tree.’ ”

4 For thus said יהוה, “To the eunuchs who guard My Sabbaths, and have chosen what pleases Me, and hold fast to My covenant:

5 to them I shall give in My house and within My walls a place and a name better than that of sons and daughters – I give them an everlasting name that is not cut off.

6“Also the sons of the foreigner who join themselves to יהוה, to serve Him, and to love the Name of יהוה, to be His servants, all who guard the Sabbath, and not profane it, and hold fast to My covenant –

7 them I shall bring to My set-apart mountain, and let them rejoice in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their slaughterings are accepted on My altar, for My house is called a house of prayer for all the peoples.”


- Mike Gardner (8/2/2019 6:46:35 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
“Your nose” – S. of S. 7:4. The Beloved is pleased with His bride’s nose, for it can discern the pleasant fragrance of the Will of G-d and the vile odor of the enemy’s approach.

Nowhere in Scripture does it state that one's nose can discern Yahweh's will. For that, His will, is the Torah/Instructions.

For It Is Written:

Psalm 40: 8
I have delighted to do Your pleasure, O my Elohim, And Your Torah is within my heart

Hebrew 8:
10“Because this is the covenant that I shall make with the house of Yisra’ĕl after those days, says יהוה, giving My laws in their mind, and I shall write them on their hearts, and I shall be their Elohim, and they shall be My people.

J-sus realizes that she has become as Him who is “quick of scent in the fear of the L-rd” - Isa. 11:3.

Passages where SCENT is used in Scripture and it is never used with the phrase "quick of SCENT":

Job 14:9 yet at the scent of water it will bud ...

Job 39:25 At the blast of the trumpet it snorts, 'Aha!' It catches the SCENT of battle from afar, the shout of commanders and the battle cry. ...

Jeremiah 48:11 "Moab has been at rest from youth, like wine left ...

... and has settled on his dregs; he has not been emptied from vessel to vessel, nor
so his taste remains in him, and his SCENT is not ...

Hosea 14:7 People will dwell again in his shade; they will ...

... will surely return. Their grain will flourish; they will blossom like a
vine, and Israel's SCENT will be like wine from Lebanon. ...

Genesis 27:27 So he went to him and kissed him. When Isaac caught ...

... When Isaac smelled the SCENT of his son's clothes, he blessed him and said, "How
my son's SCENT is the fragrance of the field that the L-RD has blessed. ...

Song of Solomon 4:11 Your lips drop sweetness as the honeycomb, my ...

... Your lips drip honey, my bride; milk and honey are under your tongue. The
scent of your garments is like the fragrance of Lebanon. ...

Song of Solomon 7:8 I said, "I will climb the palm tree; I will ...

... I say I will climb the palm tree and lay hold of its fruit. Oh may your breasts
be like clusters of the vine, am - 18 and the SCENT of your breath like apples ...

Hosea 14:6 his young shoots will grow. His splendor will be like ...

... Israel's branches will spread out, and its beauty will be like
an olive tree, with its SCENT like that of Lebanon. ...

Leviticus 26:31 I will turn your cities into ruins and lay waste ...

... I'll lay your cities to waste and destroy your sanctuaries so I
don't have to smell the SCENT of your soothing odors. ...

Ezekiel 8:11 In front of them stood seventy elders of Israel, and ...

... As the SCENT of the cloud of incense ascended, .... ...

Isaiah 3:20 the headdresses and anklets and sashes, the perfume ...

... the head-dresses, and the stepping chains, and the girdles,
and the SCENT-boxes, and the amulets ...

Jeremiah 2:24 a wild donkey accustomed to the desert, sniffing the ...

... You are like a wild female donkey brought up in the wilderness. In her lust
she sniffs the wind to get the SCENT of a male. No one ...

Joel 2:20 "I will drive the northern horde far from you, pushing ...

... will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with his face towards the east sea,
and his hinder part towards the utmost sea, and his odious SCENT shall come

Frank Pytel is guilty of adding to Scripture. His posting aside from Scripture, is falsity!

Isaiah 44:

9 Those who make an idol, all of them are emptiness, and their delights do not profit. And they are their own witnesses; they neither see nor know, so that they are put to shame.

10 Who would form a mighty one or cast an idol that is of no value?

Jonah 2:

8“Those observing false worthlessnesses/ LYING VANITIES forsake their own kindness/MERCY.

- Mike Gardner (8/1/2019 6:13:36 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
“Your nose” – S. of S. 7:4. The Beloved is pleased with His bride’s nose, for it can discern the pleasant fragrance of the Will of God and the vile odor of the enemy’s approach. Jesus realizes that she has become as Him who is “quick of scent in the fear of the Lord” - Isa. 11:3.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/1/2019 4:39:47 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
2 Timothy 1: 12 For this reason I also suffer these matters, but I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to watch over that which I have entrusted to Him until that Day.


Zeal and detailed explanations are necessary for explaining sound teachings. It is evident there is another message coming forth from Christology versus the Israel of Yahweh under Torah and Yahshua
As far as Yahweh's pastors that destroy and scatter the flock of Christos. That is Yahweh's will to lead the lost sheep of the two tribes descendants and any others that will come to Torah and true Messiah. For in Jeremiah 23 the pastors/teachers were teaching to substitute Yahweh's Name for Baal.Websters Dictionary online states: Definition of Baal
: any of numerous Canaanite and Phoenician local deities
History and Etymology for Baal
Hebrew Baʽal =lord
Which ministers of today and the last 2,000 years and more are referring to the Tetragrammaton as Lord. As a matter of fact substituted in most bibles some 7,000 times! The content and context is critical of a message, the delivery so much. Yes, Yahweh's servants must be humble. However when it comes to doctrine, that is the King's business and truth is imperative; not always a time to smile and say sunshine!

The body of Messiah is in the Sacred Name movement and associated affiliates. John 14:26 The Spirit comes in the name of Messiah Yahshua.

Christology has their own Messiah who does not qualify!

Jer. 23:25“I have heard what the prophets have said who prophesy falsehood in My Name, saying, ‘I have dreamed, I have dreamed!’

26“Till when shall it be in the heart of the prophets? – the prophets of falsehood and prophets of the deceit of their own heart,

27 who try to make My people forget My Name by their dreams which everyone relates to his neighbor, as their fathers forgot My Name [Yahweh] for Ba‛al [Lord]' These are the same pastors that have been scattering the flock from verses 1-2 anciently as they still are today. Those pastors were in Judaism and now it can be said Judah and Christianity. Back to Galatians soon.
- Mike Gardner (7/31/2019 8:35:07 PM)
- Posted on Psalms 119:134.
Luke 9:54 - ... they said to Him, Our Lord, would you be willing that we command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did?

Luke 9:55 - He turned and rebuked them and said, YOU DON'T KNOW OF WHAT SPIRIT YOU ARE.

We who are called to serve the body of Messiah will give account for how we treat God’s sheep. They belong to Him - they are not ours. Some think that with long harangues they will draw people to the Truth. Rather, exhort and encourage with humility and kindness.

Jer. 23: 1, 2 Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture! saith Yahweh.
2 Therefore thus saith Yahweh Elohim of Israel against the pastors that "feed" my people; ye have scattered My flock, and driven them away, and have not cared for them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith Yahweh.
- 1 Peter 5:3, 6 (7/31/2019 11:58:35 AM) []
- Posted on Psalms 119:134.
Isaiah 8: 16 Bind up the witness, seal the Torah among my taught ones.

20 To the Torah and to the witness! If they do not speak according to this Word, it is because they have no daybreak/enlightenment

John 4 : 22“You worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, because the deliverance is of the Yahuḏim- [Not Names of Blasphemy]

23“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father also does seek such to worship Him.

24“Elohim is Spirit, and those who worship Him need to worship in spirit and truth.”[Christianity and Judaism are not Yahweh's full truth]

Sin is disobedience, whether intentional or otherwise. That is what will separate one from Yahweh. [Isaiah 59]

Those teaching or admonishing truth/Torah are not His enemies.

But to those who continue in the ways of your master, ha Satan who promotes a message that Yahshua never proclaimed, is in confusion. Babel the Great!

Get thee hence from me ha Satan and may Yahweh rebuke your ways. They that come, as wolves in sheep's skins.

Messiah Yahshua never part of the heresy which is now called Christianity.

Deuteronomy 32: 4“The Rock! His work is perfect, For all His ways are right-ruling, An Ěl of truth and without unrighteousness, Righteous and straight is He.

5“A twisted and crooked generation has corrupted itself, Their blemish, they are not His children.

The Psalm of the Apostasy/ Heretical Israel! Yahweh says for Israel to learn it, so they will not become emboldened sinners!

Yahshua's brother states: Judah: 3 Beloved ones, making all haste to write to you concerning our common deliverance, I felt the necessity to write to you urging you to EARNESTLY CONTEND FOR THE FAITH which was once for all delivered to the set-apart ones. [Natzarenes/so called Jewish Christians. That of which Christianity has no part of. Mercy generally falls to those who do a turn around and ask Yahweh for forgiveness for our transgressions of His precious Law and start obeying it- WHICH IS HIS NATURE and is not Pharisee! [Christian garble will not deter this message.]

Isaiah 58: 1“Cry aloud, do not spare. Lift up your voice like a ram’s horn. Declare to My people their transgression, and the house of Ya‛aqoḇ their sins.

Learn this is what Yahweh says He holds against Israel in every generation. This is what will bar one from entering Yahweh's kingdom, so those at the end of the Age people will repent of this when Yahweh sends His judgments:

Isaiah 27: 9 Therefore by this the crookedness of Ya‛aqoḇ is covered. And this is all the fruit of taking away his sin [THIS IS WHAT HE HOLDS AGAINST ISRAEL- THEY ARE MARRIED TO A FOREIGN EL! IF WE WANT HIS FORGIVENESS-DESTROY THE PAGANISM IN OUR WORSHIP AS MANY HAVE DONE. MYSELF INCLUDED. COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE!]: when he makes all the stones of the altar like chalkstones that are beaten to dust – Ashĕrim/ [Steeples and crosses] and sun-pillars/[Sunday sun worship and its associated teachings ]rise no more.

Back to Galatians!

- Mike Gardner (7/31/2019 4:29:45 AM)
- Posted on Matthew 5:16.
… that they may see your good works...

“... until heaven and earth disappear, not even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until its purpose is achieved. So if you ignore the least commandment and teach others to do the same, you will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But anyone who obeys God’s laws and teaches them will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. But I warn you—unless your righteousness is better than the righteousness of the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven!” — Mt. 5:18-20

… give grace to those who hear. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. Eph. 4:29-32

- shalom shalom (7/31/2019 1:37:47 AM)
- Posted on Matthew 5:16.
Part 1

Proverbs 16:32 He who is patient is better than the mighty, And he who rules over his spirit than he who takes a city.

Good admonition, however not going to sugar coat what Yahweh has placed in my heart to draw out more to His Name, Torah and Son, haMashiyach, Yahshua. Been doing this for over 20 years, massive deception in mainstream Judaism and Christianity. Days of Unleavened bread in spring teaches one to remove falsity from our lives in general, humility and especially our doctrines.
Yahweh states today is a day of salvation in Psalm 95:6 Come, let us bow down and bend low, Let us kneel before Yahweh יהוה our Maker.

7 For He is our Elohim, And we are the people of His pasture, And the sheep of His hand. Today, if you would hear His voice:
DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS [Are you by the way? When Yahweh says today is a day of salvation. He means if you hear His word, don't say: so what or maybe later. But yes Master I will obey promptly!] as in Meriḇah, And as in the day of Massah in the wilderness,

9“When your fathers tried Me, Have proved Me, though they saw My work.

10“For forty years I was grieved with that generation, And said, ‘They are a people who go astray in their hearts, And they do not know My ways.’

11“As I swore in My wrath, ‘If they enter into My rest...’ ”

Psalm 104: 4 Making His messengers the winds, His servants a flame of fire.

Jeremiah 23: 29“Is not My Word like a fire?” declares יהוה, “and like a hammer that shatters a rock?

If the message about the truth and Torah is too heated for you, maybe it is not for you??

Maybe Frank Pytel's message is more your liking?

John 15:10“If you guard My commands, you shall stay in My love, even as I have guarded My Father’s commands and stay in His love.

1 John 5: 2 By this we know that we love the children of Elohim, when we love Elohim and guard His commands.

3 For this is the love for Yahweh that we guard/keep His commands and His commands are not heavy/burdensome,

Proverbs 16: 13 Righteous lips are the delight of sovereigns, And they love him who speaks what is straight.

- Mike Gardner (7/30/2019 10:38:35 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 16:32.
If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
1 Cor. 13:2
- Abba bless you (7/30/2019 5:15:18 AM) []
- Posted on Proverbs 16:32.
Part 1

Proverbs 28:9 He who turns away his ear from hearing the Torah, Even his prayer is an abomination/ obnoxious!

Revelation 8:5 And the messenger took the censer, and filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it BACK to the earth.
Why??? Because it was filled with continual names of blasphemy!!!

Who is doing that?

All those using pagan terms and titles and names that exalt the deities of the nations rather than Yahweh the Father and Yahshua His son.

Where does it say that in the Bible?

Revelation 17:
3 And he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman [The IDOLATROUS /STRANGE RELIGION HAVING HER ORIGIN FROM BABEL and WHERE THE 12 TRIBES GOT MIXED UP WITH ANCIENTLY WHEN THEY WERE EXILED OUT OF THE LAND OF ISRAEL BY Yahweh. And their descendants TODAY ARE STILL IN SPIRITUAL CAPTIVITY- JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY!!! Yahweh says COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE!!!] sitting on a scarlet beast [Depicting the governments of the world] covered with names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. [L-rd, G-d; J-sus, Church/C-rce, etc...--Torah teaches Yahweh does not want to hear those names come out of His peoples lips in reverence --

Exodus 23:13“And in all that I have said to you take heed. And make no mention of the name of other mighty ones, let it not be heard from your mouth.

Deut. 6:14“Do not go after other mighty ones, the mighty ones of the peoples who are all around you,

15 for יהוה your Elohim is a jealous/zealous Ěl in your midst, lest the displeasure of יהוה your Elohim burn against you, then He shall destroy you from the face of the earth.
Exodus 22:20“He who slaughters/WORSHIPS to a mighty one, except to YAHWEH יהוה only, is put under the DEATH ban.
Exodus 20: 7 "You shall not make wrong use of the name -NOT NAMES CHRISTIANS- Yahweh, for Yahweh does not leave the one unpunished who makes wrong use of His name"]

Mark 12:29 And Yahshua יהושע answered him, “The first of all the commands is, ‘Hear, O Yisra’ĕl, יהוה our Elohim, יהוה is one.

He is quoting Torah.

Deut.6:4“Hear, O Yisra’ĕl: יהוה our Elohim, יהוה is one!

5“And you shall love יהוה your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your might.

6“And these Words [WHAT WORDS? To get context one must go to verses 1 and 2 --]

1“And this is the command, the laws and right-rulings which יהוה your Elohim has commanded, to teach you to do in the land which you are passing over to possess,

2 so that you fear יהוה your Elohim, to guard all His laws and His commands which I command you, you and your son and your grandson, all the days of your life, and that your days be prolonged.which I am commanding you today shall be in your heart, [Yahshua is quoting that old dreaded Mosaic LAW that you Christologists and papal
clapping seals detest. Further, those that have the Spirit of Torah-Messiah Yahshua will take you to task for publicly mishandling and promoting J-sus idolatry and garbage for doing ha Satan's will and lead the uninformed astray to commit idolatry and blasphemy! The Word of Yahweh/Messiah Yahshua is your judge! His eyes are RED AS A FLAME OF FIRE FRANK! DO YOU SUPPOSE HE IS HAPPY???
Revelation 19:

11 And I saw the heaven opened, and there was a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Trustworthy and True, and in righteousness He judges and fights.....

- Mike Gardner (7/30/2019 3:28:58 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
“Neck…eyes…nose” – S. of S. 7:4. Three features of bridal beauty are loved by Christ: 1) her neck of submission and obedience to His Person and His interest; 2) her eyes which see Christ, reflect Him and see as He sees; 3) her nose with intuitive discernment in what is of God.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (7/29/2019 4:42:29 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
Halleluyah! Yahweh only has one weekly Shabbath in His covenant and it is Fri. sunset to Sat. sunset. Messiah Yahshua raised on Sat. just before sunset=3 days and 3 nights in the tomb. Wends. before sunset to Sat. before sunset!!! Proven to be Messiah King of Israel under Yahweh his Father. A true prophet according to Deuteronomy 18; unlike the spurious named one the world accepts and his false Paul teaching the Torah is done away with. The true apostle was named Sha'ul, a teacher also of Torah, his name never changed as a subsequent translator in Acts did so to remove the Jewishness of Sha'ul. Search and see that this verse is never in the original manuscripts. KJV -Acts 13:9 Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,- parenthesis indicates not in manuscripts, so before this verse he is not called Paul, only afterwards by subsequent translators!!! How convenient.) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him,
Yahshua's resurrection in Matt 28 is in accordance with the barley omer offering of Leviticus 23. For he said in Matthew 12, three days and three nights in the tomb. No Good Friday, No Easter Sunday Morning resurrection, No J-sus, No Paul ever existed. Early Christianity did a redaction/edit job on the Scriptures to promote a brand new religion and mingled it with paganism. Did the Messiah state that many are called and few chosen [Matt 24:14]? Did he not say the gate is narrow and few find eternal life [Matt. 7:14]? When it was the Nazarenes who were the apostolic assembly, centuries later labeled as: Jewish Christians! Acts 24:5“For having found this man/ Sha'ul/Paul a plague, who stirs up dissension among all the Yahuḏim throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Natsarenes, ....No matter how one turns this book or any other, Yahweh's truth will prevail and He knows people are not going to accept it unless they are Yahweh fearers and intellectually honest and seekers of truth. May Yahweh spur us on to study to see if these things are so.
- Mike Gardner (7/28/2019 12:22:38 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 2:3.
Ex. 20:8-11 (written in stone by the finger of God)
God and His people) Mark 2:27 (His gift to us)
Isaiah 56:2-7 (blessing for those who keep it)
Isaiah 66:22-23 (Shabbat still to be kept in New Kingdom!)
Lamen. 2:6 and Hosea 2:11-13 (not keeping it is associated with a curse)
Luke 4:16 Acts 17:2, Acts 13:42-44; 18:4 (Yeshua Himself, Paul and the believers all kept Shabbat)
Ex. 31:14-17 ‘Observe the Sabbath, because it is holy to you. Anyone who desecrates it is to be put to death; those who do any work on that day must be cut off from their people. 15 For six days work is to be done, but the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day is to be put to death. 16 The Israelites are to observe the Sabbath, celebrating it for the generations to come as a lasting covenant. 17 It will be a sign between me and the Israelites forever, for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed.’”

- Shabbat shalom! (7/27/2019 2:25:06 AM) []
- Posted on Genesis 2:3.
Psalm 40:8 I have delighted to do Your pleasure, O my Elohim, And Your Torah is within my heart.”

Romans 7:22 For I delight in the Torah of Yahweh according to the inward man,......

Leviticus 11: 1 And Yahweh יהוה spoke to Mosheh and to Aharon, saying to them,

2“Speak to the children of Yisra’ĕl, saying, ‘These are the living creatures which you do eat among all the beasts that are on the earth:

Deuteronomy 14: 2 for you are a set-apart people to Yahweh יהוה your Elohim, and יהוה has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a treasured possession above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.

3“Do not eat whatever is abominable......

2 Corinthians 13: 1 ......... “By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established.

Deuteronomy 19: 15....... At the mouth of two witnesses or at the mouth of three witnesses a matter is established.

Acts 10: 9 And on the next day, as they were on their way and approaching the city, Kĕpha/Peter went up on the house-top to pray, about the sixth hour/noon.

10 And he became hungry and wished to eat. But while they were preparing, he fell into a trance,

11 and he saw the heaven opened and a certain vessel like a great sheet bound at the four corners, descending to him and let down to the earth,

12 in which were all kinds of four-footed beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping creatures, and the birds of the heaven.

13 And a voice came to him, “Rise up, Kĕpha, slay and eat.”

14 But Kĕpha said, “Not at all, Master! Because I have never eaten whatever is common or unclean.” Halleluyah Peter, right answer!

15 And a voice came to him again the second time, “What Elohim has cleansed you do not consider common.” Yahweh changed His own law???

16 And this took place THREE TIMES, and the vessel was taken back to the heaven.

Does the Torah change for false teachers in Christos?

Notice the three visions depict the three men who came from Cornelius AND UNCLEAN THE BEASTS AND SUCH allude to the individuals being gentiles (However they were regular visitors to the synagogue):

7 And when the messenger who spoke to him went away, Cornelius called two of his household servants, and a dedicated soldier from among those who waited on him continually. = 3 people = 3 visions!

8 And having explained to them all, he sent them to Yapho.

19 And as Kĕpha/Peter was thinking about the vision, the Spirit said to him, “See, THREE MEN seek you.

Anotherwards Peter was shown the unclean beasts as a symbolization of the three men who were gentile believers
who were to escort Peter to Cornelius' home. It was not looked upon well to associate with gentiles in general because of the command and rabbinic overreach:

Leviticus 11:
45‘ For I am יהוה who is bringing you up out of the land of Mitsrayim, to be your Elohim. And you shall be set-apart (What holy means from Hebrew), for I am set-apart.

46‘This is the Torah of the beasts and the birds and every living creature that moves in the waters, and of every creature that creeps on the earth,

47 to make a distinction between the UNCLEAN and the CLEAN, and between the living creature that is EATEN and the living creature that is NOT EATEN.’ ”

Yahshua states: Matthew 5:17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Torah or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to complete/build up.

18“For truly, I say to you, till the heaven and the earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall by no means pass from the Torah till all be done.

Luke 16: 17“And it is easier for the heaven and the earth to pass away than for one tittle of the Torah to fall.

The prophets of Christos have for millennia been using this passage and many others to teach the biblical law was done away with. Nothing could be further from the truth or rational thinking. For the law was given to upgrade man
not place them in bondage! Read Nehemiah 9 and see it is SO! Many diseases are manifested in the unclean creatures because they are to be Yahweh's clean up system of the earth and seas.

Peter states in Acts 10 summing up the vision he saw: 28 And he said to them, “You know that a Yahuḏite/Jewish man is not allowed to associate with, or go to one of another race. But Elohim has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean.

Why did not Peter say that Yahweh told him it was ok to eat the unclean?? Because that is not what Yahweh was relating in the vision; to tell Peter to sin!

See 2 Peter 3: 15 and reckon the patience of our Master as deliverance, as also our beloved brother Sha’ul/Paul wrote to you, according to the wisdom given to him,

16 as also in all his letters, speaking in them concerning these matters, in which some are hard to understand, which those who are untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do also the other Scriptures.

Get on board with Yahweh's dietary laws for one's good health. Those practicing unclean food consumption are barred from Yahweh's kingdom! Isaiah 35; 65 and 66.

- Mike Gardner (7/25/2019 10:00:00 PM) []
- Posted on Psalms 40:8.
“Eyes like pools” – S. of S. 7:4. The bride’s vision has advanced from a dove to pools. The Spirit's initial unveiling of her eyes to the beauty of Christ attracted
her to pursue Him. Now her enlarged vision realizes the depths of Christ according to the eternal purpose of God.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (7/25/2019 5:07:00 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
2 Thess. 2:2 not to become easily unsettled in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as if the day of יהוה has come.

Hebrews 8:10“Because this is the covenant that I shall make with the house of Yisra’ĕl after those days, says יהוה, giving My laws in their mind, and I shall write them on their hearts, and I shall be their Elohim, and they shall be My people. [Yahweh's laws can be found in Genesis through Deuteronomy...aka the dreaded law of Moses= Mosaic law with the animal blood and temple rituals superseded by the blood of Messiah!]

Malachi 4:4“Remember the Torah of Mosheh, My servant, which I commanded him in Ḥorĕḇ for all Yisra’ĕl – laws and right-rulings.

5“See, I am sending you Ěliyah [= My El is Yahweh is the teaching of today, a restoration of the Name of our heavenly Father!] the prophet [When the 10 tribes fell away from Yahweh as their descendants of today in the Western nations primarily. Because they too were saturated into Lord/Baal - J.C.worship] before the coming of the great and awesome day of יהוה.

6“And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers/older people to the children/of Yahweh, and the hearts of the children/youth to their Hebrew fathers/prophets, lest I come and smite the earth with utter destruction.”

John 14:21“He who possesses My commands and guards them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I shall love him and manifest Myself to him.”

23יהושע answered him, “If anyone loves Me, he shall guard My Word [SCRIPTURE]. And My Father shall love him, and We shall come to him and make Our stay with him.

24“He who does not love Me does not guard My Words. And the Word which you hear is not Mine but of the Father Who sent Me [SCRIPTURE].

1 John 4:17 By this love has been perfected with us, in order that we might have boldness in the day of judgment, because as He is so are we in this world.

18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear holds punishment, and he who fears has not been made perfect in love. [Retaining doctrinal and personal sins/transgressions of the law-1 John 3:4 will make one fearful]

Isaiah 55:6 Seek יהוה Yahweh while He is to be found, call on Him while He is near.

7 Let the wrong forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts. Let him return to יהוה, who has compassion on him, and to our Elohim, for He pardons much.

- Mike Gardner (7/24/2019 4:48:26 AM)
- Posted on 2 Thessalonians 2:2.
how do I minimize the comment column? it takes up over half of the page.
- teresa (7/23/2019 2:14:15 PM)
- Posted on 2 Thessalonians 2:2.
Part 3

Romans 7:8 But sin/disobedience, having taken the occasion through the command (Driving compulsion to please oneself, yet uphold some visage of obedience, but falling short of the command’s intention), did work in me all sorts of covetousness. For apart from Written Torah sin/disobedience is deadly.

9 And I was alive apart from the Written Torah once (before or after his conversion??), but when the command came, the sin/disobedience revived, and I died (I submitted to the urge to disobey.).

10 And the command which was to result in life, this I found to result in death. (Disobedience had control or sway over me by default)

11 For sin/disobedience, having taken the occasion through the command (The flesh desires to manipulate within the parameters of command), deceived me, and through it killed me (Was victorious over his righteous intentions).

12 So that the Written Torah truly is set-apart, and the command set-apart, and righteous, and good. [NEED I SAY ANYTHING HERE?]

13 Therefore, has that which is good become death to me? Let it not ever be! But the sin/disobedience, that sin /disobedience might be manifested, was working death in me through what is good, so that sin through the command might become an exceedingly great Sinner (Sin becomes obnoxious through internalizing the Written Torah and what Yahweh thinks!)

14 For we know that the Written Torah is Spiritual, but I am fleshly, sold under a sin nature.

Isaiah 55:3 continued

And let Me make an EVERLASTING COVENANT with you, the trustworthy kindnesses of David [THROUGH TESHUVA- PSALM 51-DAVID'S PUBLIC CONFESSION, AS PER WHAT DAVID DID WHEN HE WAS WALKING AGAINST YAHWEH and also Israel's descendants -Isaiah 27:9=gross idolatry= CHURCH WORSHIP= NO TORAH].


5“See, a nation you do not know you shall call, and a nation who does not know you run to you, because of יהוה your Elohim, and the Set-apart One of Yisra’ĕl, for He has adorned you.” [THE DESCENDANTS OF ANCIENT ISRAEL /ABRAHAM SCATTERED TO THE 4 CORNERS OF THE EARTH RETURNING TO YAHWEH UNDER MESSIAH]


7 Let the wrong forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts [YAHSHUA'S MESSAGE ALSO!]. Let him return=[TESHUVA = TURN AND WALK IN TORAH] to יהוה, who has compassion on him, and to our Elohim, for He pardons much.

8“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares יהוה. [YAHWEH'S WAYS ARE TORAH-Deuteronomy 6:24-25; Psalm 40:8]

9“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.

10“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from the heavens, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, and give seed to the sower and bread to the eater,

11 so is My Word that goes forth from My mouth – it does not return to Me empty, but shall do what I please, and shall certainly accomplish what I sent it for.

- Mike Gardner (7/23/2019 2:16:31 AM)
- Posted on Galatians 2:15.
Acts 28:30
And Sha’ul stayed two entire years in his own rented house, and was receiving all who came to him,

31 proclaiming the reign of Elohim and teaching about the Master יהושע Messiah with all BOLDNESS UNHINDERED.

Do not mistake zeal for arrogance. Remember this is not a mamsy- pamsy Christian message, it is for those being afflicted by the world/Babel and the harlot religion and her lies.
Part 2
Romans 7:

1 Or do you not know, brothers – for I speak to those knowing the Written Torah – that the Written Torah rules over a man as long as he lives. (1 Corinthians 7:39; Proverbs 4:13; Devarim 32:47)

2 For the married woman has been bound by Written Torah to the living husband, but if the husband dies, she is released from the Written Torah’s obligation concerning her deceased husband. (Adultery is condemned, so marital faithfulness is binding in the oath.)

3 So then, while her husband lives, she shall be called an adulteress if she becomes another man’s. But if her current husband dies, she is released from that part of the Written Torah, so that she is not an adulteress, having become another man’s wife. (For a widow or widower to remarry another Israelite after the death of their former spouse is allowed by Torah)

4 So my brothers, you also were put to death to the/that Torah
(This could not ever be the written Torah, less it refers to how the Torah puts to death evil intentions! But sin as a law unto itself! Sin Personified!
Verses 23: “captivity of the law of sin”=DISOBEDIENCE
and 25 :“but with the flesh the law of sin” =DISOBEDIENCE.)
through the innocent and slain body of Messiah (of the Torah made flesh -John 1:14, ISRAEL'S SIN COVERING] , for you to become another’s bride (Yahshua haMashiyach, a pure individual who never disobeyed Yahweh. AS WE SHOULD SEEK PURITY AS WELL AND IN DOCTRINE), the One who was raised from the dead, that we should bear fruit unto Yahweh.

5 For when we were in the flesh, the passions of sins/disobedience, through the/that Torah, were working in our members to bear fruit to death.

6 But now we have been released from the/that Torah, [SIN PERSONIFIED AS A LAW] having died to what we were held by [BONDAGE], so that we should serve in newness of Spirit/Word and not simply just in the oldness of letter only [WHICH IS SUBJECT TO MANIPULATION!].(Magnification of Torah- Isa. 42:8- in our inward being.= COVENANT LAW IN OUR HEARTS)

7 What, then, shall we say? Is the Written Torah sin? Let it not ever be! However, I did not know sin except through the Written Torah. For also the covetousness I knew not if the Written Torah had not said, “You shall not covet/desire what is another’s.”

- Mike Gardner (7/22/2019 5:11:00 PM)
- Posted on Galatians 2:15.
1Peter 5:6, 7 - Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: casting all your cares upon God; for he cares for you.
- grateful (7/22/2019 7:35:47 AM) []
- Posted on Psalms 55:22.

Genesis 50:— But as for you [Joseph's brothers], ye thought evil against me [Joseph]; [but] Elohim meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as [it is] this day, to save much people alive. [JUST A MESSENGER HERE, NO EVIL INTENDED- LET YAHWEH BE TRUE AND EVERY MAN CONSIDERED A LIAR]

Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to them that love G-d, to them who are the called according to His purpose. (Aramaic, Lamsa)

Deuteronomy 4:

27“And יהוה shall scatter you among the peoples, and you shall be left few in number among the gentiles where יהוה drives you.

28“And there you shall serve mighty ones, the work of men’s hands, wood and stone [CHURCH WORSHIP WHERE BAAL/LORD IS EXALTED WITH WICCA BASED HOLIDAYS], which neither see nor hear nor eat nor smell.

29“But from there you shall seek יהוה your Elohim, and shall find,

30“In your distress/TRIBULATION [AND ULTIMATELY THE GREAT TRIBULATION], when all these words shall come upon you IN THE LATTER DAYS, then you shall TESHUVA to יהוה your Elohim and shall OBEY His voice.

31“For יהוה your Elohim is a compassionate Ěl, He does not forsake you, nor destroy you, nor forget the covenant of your fathers which He swore to them.

Deuteronomy 30:

1 “And it shall be, when all these words come upon you, the blessing and the curse which I have set before you, and you shall bring them back to your heart among all the gentiles where יהוה your Elohim drives you,

2 and shall turn back to יהוה your Elohim and obey His voice, according to all that I command you today, with all your heart and with all your being, you and your children,

3 then יהוה your Elohim shall turn back your captivity, and shall have compassion on you, and He shall turn back and gather you from all the peoples where יהוה your Elohim has scattered you.

4 “If any of you are driven out to the farthest parts under the heavens, from there יהוה your Elohim does gather you, and from there He does take you.

5“And יהוה your Elohim shall bring you to the land [UNDER MESSIAH] which your fore-fathers possessed, and you shall possess it. And He shall do good to you, and increase you more than your fathers.

6“And יהוה your Elohim shall circumcise your heart [WHAT OLD TESTAMENT CHURCH FATHERS???] and the heart of your seed, to love יהוה your Elohim with all your heart and with all your being, so that you might live [ETERNAL LIFE and ETERNAL COVENANT BEING MESSIAH'S ASSISTANTS- HEAVEN NOT ISRAEL'S INHERITANCE-BOMBSHELL DOCTRINE!!!],

Isaiah 55: The Scriptures (ISR 1998)
1“Oh everyone who thirsts, come to the waters. And you who have no silver, come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk without silver and without price.

2“Why do you weigh out silver for what is not bread [TEACHING], and your labor for what does not satisfy? [ARE YOU ABLE TO LEARN ANYTHING SUBSTANTIVE FROM THE LEAVEN OF NOMINAL RELIGION?] Listen, listen to Me, and eat what is good, and let your being delight itself in fatness.

3“Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, so that your being lives.

- Mike Gardner (7/22/2019 3:19:44 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 50:20.
Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. (Aramaic, Lamsa)
- grateful :) (7/21/2019 11:52:23 PM) []
- Posted on Genesis 50:20.

As I have stated in previous posts pertaining to works of

the law is a

circumcision blood rite for the proselyte believed to be an

offering to the Creator in the eyes of

Judaism. Of course officiated by a mohel/circumcision

[milah] practitioner. This teaching is rather archaic, going

back to before the Messiah's human era. This is what Paul

is contending with. I have already proven the Torah is the

new covenant, less the animal blood offerings and temple

rituals. It is irrational to believe otherwise.The Messiah and

his apostles corroborate this. Good enough for me. How

about you? Everywhere in Paul's other epistles is

essentially the same contention that he is dealing with.

Go to these Jewish links to prove it for yourselves:

Study to show yourself approved to Yahweh and man and

go into the mind of the apostle Paul who debunks this


Nor was it, at one time, the unanimous opinion of the authorities that circumcision was absolutely indispensable. R. Eliezer ben Hyrcanus carried on a controversy on this subject with R. Joshua, the latter pleading for the possibility of omitting the rite, the former insisting on its performance (Yeb. 46a). The
point seems to have remained unsettled for the time (see Grätz, "Die Jüdischen Proselyten," p. 13).

Galatians 2:

15“We, Yahuḏim [Speaking of his ethnicity in whole] by

nature, and not of the gentiles [Jeremiah 10: Learn not

the way of the gentiles/goy.... Lev.11:45; 1 Peter 1:15]


16 knowing that a man is not declared right by works of


OFFERING], but through belief/Trust in יהושע Messiah


even as we have believed/TRUSTED in Messiah יהושע, in

order to be declared right by belief/TRUST in Messiah [HIS


and not by works of Torah [PROSELYTE CIRCUMCISION

AS A SELF BLOODY OFFERING], because by works of


OFFERING] no flesh shall be declared right.

17“And if, while seeking to be declared right by Messiah,

we ourselves also are found sinners [TRANSGRESSORS



Messiah then a servant of sin? Let it not be!

18“For if I rebuild what I once overthrew, I establish

myself a transgressor. [ACCEPT WORKS OF PROSELYTE


19“For through the written Torah (Genesis 22; Psalm 22;

Isaiah 53) I died to that rabbinic set of instructions (works

of the law= convoluted ideology pertaining to adult

proselyte circumcision), in order to live to Elohim.

20“I have been impaled with Messiah, and I no longer live,

but Messiah lives in me. And that which I now live in the

flesh I live by belief/TRUST in the Son of Yahweh, who

loved me and gave Himself for me.

21“I do not set aside the mercy of Elohim, for if

righteousness is through that rabbinic set of instructions

(works of the law=) works of Torah = [PROSELYTE


Messiah died for nothing.”

Engage me in conversation if you want more scripture and this topic. I perceive I am competing with an individual in this comment section who is on a course of vanity and serving mammon. I am not going to share the good things of the kingdom with the uninformed and Torah defiant who are statue aficionados and likely Mary worshipers. Thank you.
1 John 3:4 Sin is transgression of the Torah!

- Mike Gardner (7/21/2019 9:07:45 AM)
- Posted on Galatians 2:15.
“Your eyes” – S. of S. 7:4. Though humanity today is doing what seems right in their own eyes, the bride is focused only on Christ, seeing things as He sees. Her eyes have been transformed from the fallen perspective to be unveiled with heavenly and spiritual visions of the crucified and exalted Christ.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (7/21/2019 5:44:53 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.

Part 3
However the reason the knowledge of good and evil was forbidden was the fact that Yahweh wanted to dispense it to man; not the enemy to do so.

Genesis 2:16 And יהוה Elohim commanded the man, saying, “Eat of every tree of the garden,
17 but do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for in the day that you eat of it you shall certainly die.”
What did Satan say?
Genesis 3:4 And the serpent said to the woman, “You shall certainly not die. [DIRECT CONTRADICTION OF YAHWEH’S WORD! And this is still his modus operandi today!]
5“For Elohim knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes shall be opened [CASTING DOUBT UPON YAHWEH’S INTENTIONS WITH FALSITY], and you shall be like Elohim, knowing good and evil.

It is through Yahweh’s high standards, called the Torah/Law, which reflects His nature, is how we attain to enlightenment Frank. [Whoever heard of a kingdom without Law and Order? = YAHWEH’S KINGDOM LAW and ORDER. Or CHRISTOLOGY’S KINGDOM as is said in Judges at the end: Every man did what is good and right in his own eyes!!!???]
Let’s hear more from Paul:
Romans 7: 7 What then, shall we say?
Is the Torah sin/transgression?
However, I did not know sin/transgression except through the Torah.
For also the covetousness I knew not, if the Torah had not said,
“You shall not covet.”
This is enlightenment from Yahweh’s law.
Isaiah 8:
16 Bind up the witness, seal the Torah among my taught ones.
20 To the Torah and to the witness! If they do not speak according to this Word, it is because they have no daybreak/light.
Proverbs 6:
23 For the command is a lamp, And the Torah a LIGHT, And reproofs of discipline a way of life,
24 To guard you against an evil woman, From the flattering tongue of a strange woman [WHOREDOM and FALSE TEACHING].
Psalm 119:
105 Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.
130 The opening up of Your words gives LIGHT, Giving understanding to the simple.
1 John 3:
4 Everyone doing sin also does lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. [SIN WILL ALWAYS BE TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW!]
Salvation is a process. The Messiah’s blood will cover past and present sins. Not intended for purposeful sins after baptism.
Hebrews 10:
26 For if we sin purposely after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a slaughter offering for sins,
27 but some fearsome anticipation of judgment, and a fierce fire which is about to consume the opponents.
28 Anyone who has disregarded the Torah of Mosheh dies without compassion on the witness of two or three witnesses.
29 How much WORSE [NOT LESSER!] punishment do you think
shall he deserve who has trampled the Son of Yahweh underfoot,
counted the blood of the covenant [LAW] by which he was set apart
as common [CHRISTOLOGY BELIEVES IT IS DONE AWAY WITH-COMMON!], and insulted the Spirit of favor?
[With all due respect Frank, are you hearing Yahweh’s words here? They should make us all shiver, because we are dealing with Our Father in heaven who is a LIVING FIRE!]
30 For we know Him who has said, “Vengeance is Mine, I shall repay, says יהוה.” And again, “יהוה shall judge His people.”
31 It is fearsome to fall into the hands of the living Elohim.
However, now being enlightened one has to study like the noble Bereans to show themselves approved of Yahweh and man. Salvation and obedience are intertwined. This was Yahshua’s practice, to obey His heavenly Father as a child would his parent.
Hebrews 5:
5 So also the Messiah did not extol Himself to become High Priest, but it was He who said to Him, “You are My Son, today I have brought You forth.”
6 As He also says in another place, “You are a priest forever according to the order of Malkitseḏeq,”
7 who, in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and petitions with strong crying and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His REVERENT FEAR,
8 though being a Son, HE LEARNED OBEDIENCE by what He suffered.
9 And having been perfected, He became the Causer of everlasting deliverance to all those OBEYING Him,
10 having been designated by Elohim a High Priest “according to the order of Malkitseḏeq,”

Psalm 1: 2 But his delight is in the Torah of יהוה, And he meditates in His Torah day and night.
Some more soon on Galatians 2.

- Mike Gardner (7/20/2019 1:14:47 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.

Part 2
2 Cor 11:1 I wish that you would bear with me in a little folly. But indeed, you are bearing with me.
2For I am jealous for you with a jealousy according to Elohim. For I gave you in marriage to one husband, to present you as an innocent maiden to Messiah.
3But I am afraid, UNLESS, as the serpent deceived Ḥawwah/EVE by his TRICKERY,
so your minds should [NOT] be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Messiah [SIMPLICITY TO BELIEVE YAHWEH’S WORD PLAINLY AS WRITTEN AND SPOKEN BY HIS MINISTERS WHO HAVE HIS SPIRIT!].
4For, indeed, if he who is coming proclaims another יהושעYAHSHUA, whom we have not proclaimed [Yes Paul proclaimed the kingdom which I have spoken of with the torah and Hebrew prophets- not Greek ideologies and theologies as Christology does]

Ephesians 2: 11Therefore remember that you, once gentiles in the flesh, who are called ‘the uncircumcision’ by what is called ‘the circumcision’ made in the flesh by hands,
12 that at that time you were without Messiah, excluded from the CITIZENSHIP OF YISRA’ĔL and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no expectation and without Elohim in the world.
13 But now in Messiah יהושע you who once were far [Israelite descendants whose forefathers were exiled out of the land because of major violations of the covenant law] off have been brought near by the blood of the Messiah.
14 For He is our peace, who has made both one, and having broken down the partition of the barrier [This is a spiritual barrier or wall, not a physical one!],
15 having abolished in His flesh the enmity – the law of [MAN’S COMMANDS,
the commands in dogma – so as to create in Himself one renewed man from the two, thus making peace,
16 and to completely restore to favor both of them unto Yahweh in one body through the torture stake, having destroyed the enmity by it.
17 And having come, He brought as Good News peace to you who were far off, and peace to those near.
18 Because through Him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.
19 So then you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the set-apart ones and members of the household of Yahweh
20 having been built upon the foundation of the emissaries and PROPHETS [Yahweh’s prophets were His instrument to preach to His people and their descendants and even the stranger, if they are willing, to hear His message of restoration and Torah and Yahweh’s Messiah], יהושע Messiah Himself being chief corner-stone,
21 in whom all the building, being joined together, grows into a set-apart Dwelling Place in יהוה,
22 in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of Elohim in the Spirit.

2 Cor.11:4 continued- or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different Good News which you have not accepted, you put up with it well enough! [You ought not listen to it!]
Yahweh the Father does not want one to consume false teaching= forbidden fruit by the enemy, but His Law through His servants that have the Spirit!
2 Cor. 11: 14 And no wonder! For Satan himself masquerades as a messenger of light!
15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their work
Man has been given freewill is a fact.

- Mike Gardner (7/20/2019 10:08:44 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.

Part 1
“Your eyes” – S. of S. 7:4. Blind eyes are the result of sin, issuing in darkness. The devil’s temptation is related to the eyes - “eat the forbidden fruit, your eyes will be opened” (Gen. 3:5). Salvation "opens the blind eyes and turns them from darkness to light" (Acts 26:18).
Sin is transgression of the Torah =1 John 3:4; Leviticus 4:2; and Joshua 7:11
Yahweh will not entertain Satan’s falsity, for he and his ilk will perish in the lake of FIRE! Rev 20:10 and Ezekiel 28:11-19
Not everyone should be teachers, for they will be more scrutinized in the judgment James 3:1
Idolatry/pagan ways in collective or personal forms will NEVER be condoned by Yahweh- EVER! Exodus 20:3-6; Revelation 21:8; 2 Cor. 6:16; Colossians 3
Satan’s Trickery from Genesis 3:5 will not lead one to be saved as a vessel for the Messiah in his Father’s Kingdom, only the true and sound teachings of the biblical law will do that from Yahweh’s servants in Messiah Yahshua. Who teach the law. CHRISTOLOGY CAN NOT HANDLE THE MESSAGE OF TORAH. They like the Laissez-faire kingdom without Yahweh’s government standards. Kind of like the Burger King slogan: “Have it your way!”
Read below and let Yahweh’s word teach us how to turn from Satan and his dark kingdom of Babel/confusion to Yahweh’s light which is His law.
This is where the true Messiah is and will be.
Isaiah 2:2 And it shall be in the latter days that the mountain of the House of יהוה is established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills. And all nations shall flow to it.
3 And many peoples shall come and say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of יהוה, to the House of the Elohim of Ya‛aqoḇ, and let Him teach us His ways, and let us walk in His paths, for out of Tsiyon comes forth the Torah, and the Word of יהוהYAHWEH from Yahrushalayim.”
4 And He shall judge between the nations, and shall reprove many peoples. And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither teach battle any more.
5 O house of Ya‛aqoḇ, come and let us walk in the light/LAW of יהוה.
See also Micah 4:1-7

- Mike Gardner (7/20/2019 9:14:44 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
“Your eyes” – S. of S. 7:4. Blind eyes are the result of sin, issuing in darkness. The devil’s temptation is related to the eyes - “eat the forbidden fruit, your eyes will be opened” (Gen. 3:5). Salvation "opens the blind eyes and turns them from darkness to light" (Acts 26:18).
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (7/19/2019 5:18:06 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.

It defies logic for one to rationally believe that the Torah is not for believers in Yahweh the Father through Yahshua Messiah. Since Jeremiah 31:31-34; Ezekiel 36:22-28 and Hebrews 8:6-13 declare that the renewal of the older covenant law is the new covenant; less the animal blood offerings and temple rituals [Galatians 3:24-25; Hebrews 9; James 1:25] [Ya’akov/James 4: 5 Do you think that the scripture speaks in vain?] 2 Peter 3: 15 And account that the long suffering of our Master is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; 16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. He warns that individuals are twisting Paul’s letters making them say things he is not intending. The Messiah, Paul and the Apostles declare the Torah valid, perfect and good [Matthew 5:17-20; Luke 16:16-17; Romans 7:12. Our righteousness has to exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees. But not self-righteousness!!! Even the Pharisees kept Torah: Shabbaths [Honoring our Creator and resting, so as to focus on His word], Festivals [Each feast day relates Yahweh’s plans for His people till the kingdom age ahead through to eternity. I ask, do you get that comprehension with Christian holidays?], Dietary code [Promoting a healthy lifestyle without consuming the unclean creatures intended for food chain cleansing of the earth], etc.... The Torah is Yahweh’s righteousness:
Deuteronomy 6: 24‘And יהוה commanded us to do all these laws, to fear יהוה our Elohim, for our good always [ALWAYS THIS HAS BEEN YAHWEH”S INTENTIONS.], to keep us alive, as it is today.
25‘And it is righteousness for us when we guard/keep to do all this command before יהוה our Elohim, as He has commanded us.
Because of how the translations came down to this era, it appears like the Torah is being abrogated. Most especially in Paul’s writings. Nothing could be further from the truth. The scriptures don’t contradict themselves! Men and their doctrines do though. The Early Catholic and Protestant Church fathers have spawned a serious propaganda campaign, stating in their rendering of Paul’s epistles and misinterpreting words to give the readers down through the last two millennia the dogma that new covenant believers are not subject to the biblical law any-more and that it was BAD!!! What is the evidence that Torah is bad? Read Psalm 19 and 119. And keep in mind this is not the Spirit of Messiah. But rather the opponent of biblical Messiah. Satan is a lawless and cunning entity. His shrewdness runs amok in the false doctrines of men.
The LAW of Yahweh is perfect:
Psalm 19: 7 The Torah of יהוה is perfect, bringing back the being; The witness of יהוה is trustworthy, making wise the simple;
Psalm 119:1 Blessed [NOT ACCURSED!] are the perfect in the way, Who walk in the Torah of יהוה!
Psalm 12: 6 The Words of יהוה are clean Words, Silver tried in a furnace of earth, refined seven times.
Yahshua Messiah never violated His Father’s Law which was given for Israel’s good.
Nehemiah 9:
13“And You came down on Mount Sinai, and spoke with them from the heavens, and gave them straight right-rulings and Torah of truth, GOOD LAWS AND [GOOD] COMMANDS.
14“And You made known to them Your set-apart Sabbath, and You commanded them commands and statutes and laws, by the hand of Moses Your servant.
15“And You gave them bread from the heavens for their hunger, and brought them water out of the rock for their thirst, and said to them to go in to possess the land which You had sworn to give them.
16“But they and our fathers acted proudly, and hardened their necks, and did not obey Your commands.
17“And they refused to obey ... [ARE THEY NOT STILL DOING SO TODAY???]

Revelation 12: 9 And the great dragon was thrown out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, WHO LEADS ALL THE WORLD ASTRAY. He was thrown to the earth, and his messengers were thrown out with him.
If it seems evil to follow HIGH CALLING of the Torah and Messiah- then DON’T! HE DOES NOT NEED US; BUT JUST THE REVERSE.

- Mike Gardner (7/19/2019 2:58:22 AM)
- Posted on Galatians 4:9.
The Scriptures (ISR 1998)

1 Sha’ul/Paul, an emissary – not from men, nor by a man, but by יהושע Messiah and Yahweh the Father who raised Him from the dead –

2 and all the brothers who are with me, to the assemblies of Galatia:

3 Favor to you and peace from Elohim the Father and our Master יהושע Messiah,

4 who gave Himself for our sins, to deliver us out of this present wicked age, according to the desire of our Elohim and Father,

5 to whom be the praise forever and ever. Amĕn.

6 I marvel that you are so readily turning away from Him who called you in the favor of Messiah, to a different ‘Good News,[AS THE PREAMBLE ABOVE STATES]


8 However, even if we, or a messenger out of heaven, bring a ‘Good News’ to you beside what we announced to you, let him be accursed.

9 As we have said before, and now I say again, if anyone brings a ‘Good News’ to you beside what you have received, let him be accursed.[AS CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES ARE-THEY ARE DECEITFUL]

10 For do I now persuade men, or Elohim? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I should not be a servant of Messiah.

11 And I make known to you, brothers, that the Good News announced by me is not according to man.

12 For I did not receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but through a revelation of יהושע Messiah [FROM THE TaNaK].

13 For you have heard of my former way of life in Yahuḏaism [Pharisee Movement] how intensely I persecuted the assembly of Elohim, and ravaged it.

14 And I progressed in Yahuḏaism [Pharisee Movement] beyond many of my age in my race, being more exceedingly ardent for the traditions of my fathers.

15 But when it pleased Elohim, who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me by His favor,

16 to reveal His Son in me, that I might bring Him, the Good News, to the gentiles [ NOT CHRISTIANS, BUT TORAH SEEKING PEOPLE OF THE ADJACENT LANDS, LIKELY PROSELYTES OF THEIR SYNAGOGUES. NO CHURCH BUILDINGS EXISTED AT THIS TIME!], I did not immediately consult with flesh and blood,

17 neither did I go up to Yahrushalayim, to those who were emissaries before me. But I went to Arabia [Mt. Sinai- Because of the giving of the Torah from there], and returned again to Damascus.

18 Then after three years I went up to Yahrushalayim to learn from Kĕpha [Peter], and remained with him for fifteen days.

19 And I saw no other of the emissaries except Ya‛aqoḇ [Who wrote the book of James], the brother of the Master [Yahshua haMashiyach].

20 And what I write to you, see, before Elohim, I do not lie.

21 Then I went into the districts of Syria and of Kilikia.

22 And I was still not known by sight to the assemblies of Yahudah which were in Messiah,

23 but they were hearing only that, “The one who once persecuted us now brings as Good News the belief which he once ravaged.”

24 So they were esteeming Elohim in me.


- Mike Gardner (7/17/2019 8:36:19 PM)
- Posted on Galatians 4:9.

1 And the word of יהוה came to me, saying,

2“Son of man, there were two women, daughters of one mother [APOSTATE ISRAEL- 10+2].

3“And they whored in Mitsrayim, they whored in their youth. There their breasts were handled, and there their maiden nipples were squeezed.

4“And their names were: Oholah [MEANING=A TENT OF WORSHIP TO HERSELF-CHRISTIANITY, THE DESCENDANTS OF THE 10 TRIBES] the elder and Oholiḇah [MEANING=MY TENT OF WORSHIP IS IN HER- JUDAISM-THE DESCENDANTS OF THE 2 TRIBES] her sister. And they were Mine, and they bore sons and daughters. And their names: Shomeron is Oholah, and Yahrushalayim is Oholiḇah.


At the time this was written by Sha’ul/Paul, the Galatian assembly was falling under the influence of the Circumcision Group of teachers proclaiming proselytes had to be physically circumcised as the covenant states. However, over all what Sha’ul is laying out, is that the Rabbis had formulated a doctrine under Genesis 17; Exodus 12 scriptures pertaining to proselyte circumcision and that has restrictions for Passover participation; lest the procedure has taken place. However, the doctrine in question relates to the proselyte that they are actually performing an offering of their blood as a ceremony to Yahweh! A form of their self-righteousness! Herein is what Sha’ul is addressing in “works of the law/Torah”. While yes the Torah backs the proselyte to be circumcised, it does not do so to merit any form of self-aggrandizement. Doing so with the unscriptural blood rites, scuttles and conflates the Messiah’s torture stake for a personal offering of one’s own blood. Pure heresy! Using the Passover story acclaiming that the Israelite males mixed their blood in a circumcision and mingled it with the Passover lamb gives more clout and pseudo credence to this fiction. Along with this other myths that are believed by Jewish commentary with respect to circumcision in general, furthering their nonsense to once again give some sort of credibility to it. Much like the Christmas and Santa Claus fabrications and storytelling. Sha’ul is admonishing, reasoning and persuading from Scripture in an attempt to debunk their ceremonial/ritualistic circumcision teaching which is foreign to Almighty Yahweh’s word! Sha’ul is never admonishing infant circumcision in his discourse, only proselyte as a blood rite ceremony. However the Jewish teachings superimpose the same foolishness to the proselyte as to the infant.

- Mike Gardner (7/17/2019 1:53:57 AM)
- Posted on Galatians 4:9.
“Your neck is ivory” – S. of S. 7:4; 5:14. Ivory was firstly valued by the bride in Christ, now He sees the same substance of Himself emerging in her. As ivory is gained by death, so the ivory of the sorrows, sufferings and death of Jesus is now seen in her loving union with Him.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (7/16/2019 5:07:09 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
I am going to start in Chapter one and comment. Two and comment. This will take some time. I will prove what Paul is teaching to the Galatians. He that has an eye to see the dog and pony show of Christianity and how they blaspheme the Biblical law and assert Paul is doing the same can not comprehend that sin is transgression of the law. It is not rational to insist that Paul is talking out of both sides of his mouth and that Yahshua who chose Paul would be supportive of such a heresy! The road is narrow not broad. This is exactly why one needs to know the story of Israel down through the ages with the prophets of old and one must know what the rabbis and Jewish peoples believe to understand the books of Galatians, as well as Romans. Christianity has wrongly interpreted these books with a bend to condemn the law because they are being disobedient to Torah. SIN WILL FOREVER BE TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW. NEVER WOULD PAUL, NOR ANY OF THE APOSTLES OR EVEN THE MESSIAH OTHERWISE TEACH SUCH ABSURDITY AND BLASPHEMY TO THE CONTRARY. When one reads Galatians always remember that the Messiah in Matthew 5:17-20 as well as Luke 16 upheld the law. Paul in Romans 7 stated that it was good. Peter stated in 2 Peter 3 that people in his era were misunderstanding Paul's letters to the contrary, and that to their own destruction. Many times Paul who is talking to a Torah, not rabbinic audience (That is why Christians can't rightly understand it and go in the path of lawless teachings), of believers who are going astray back to false notions of being circumcised at the time of their baptism which conflates the purpose of the Messiah shedding his blood for a sin covering, if anyone who is a sinner repented can do the same for himself as a blood rite!!!. For Jewish teachings state that when a man gives a drop of his blood in circumcision whether as an infant or proselyte that they are practicing a blood rite acceptable to Yahweh and they have a place in the world to come; tantamount to being saved. TOTALLY SPURIOUS THOUGH! Leviticus 12 which has the law of circumcision states that it is not a blood rite but a medical procedure Yahweh had instituted since Abraham's era and his descendants to obtain a healthy life and not contract diseases like HPV which would devastate the Messianic lineage. This is what Paul is contending with and what I will debunk as well. This is only the tip of the iceberg. You genius' that want to espouse Christian self imposed ideas upon these books, pay attention you may learn something. Knowledge is being increased in this era as Daniel 12 states. Sin will always be transgression of the Torah and the true Messiah states as well. And every other biblical character. Leviticus teaches the laws of fidelity in marriage that most of you have been harping on on many postings. You can't have it both ways. It is either law or lawlessness. I will start in Galatians 1 soon, then two and so forth. Thank you.
- Mike Gardner (7/16/2019 2:31:16 AM)
- Posted on Galatians 4:9.
I will further comment on the rest of chapter 4 in the next few days. But in gist, the book is circulating around circumcision and specifically false doctrines of the rabbinics concerning it , that the Circumcision believers were trying to teach to the Galatian brethren as well as other brethren from other assemblies. Christianity does not know the correct understanding because they do not have Yahweh's law in their hearts-THE Spirit of Messiah! That is the slavery of our age. Judaism has false teachings as well.
- Mike Gardner (7/15/2019 9:11:15 PM)
- Posted on Galatians 4:9.
1 Corinthians 15: 1 But brothers, I make known to you the Good News, which I brought as Good News to you, which you also did receive, and in which you stand,

2 through which also you are being saved, if you hold fast that word I brought as Good News to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.

3 For I delivered to you at the first that which I also received: that Messiah died for our sins according to the Scriptures,

4 and that He was buried, and that He was raised the third day, according to the Scriptures (Matthew 12:38-40),

38 Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from You.”

39 But He answering, said to them, “A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Yonah.

40“For as Yonah was three days and three nights in the stomach of the great fish, so shall the Son of Aḏam be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Test of a true prophet is Deuteronomy 18:18‘I shall raise up for them a Prophet like you out of the midst of their brothers. And I shall put My Words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him.

19‘And it shall be, the man who does not listen to My Words which He speaks in My Name, I require it of him.

20‘But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My Name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other mighty ones, even that prophet shall die.’

21“And when you say in your heart, ‘How do we know the word which יהוה has not spoken?’ –

22 when the prophet speaks in the Name of יהוה and the word is not, or comes not, that is the word which יהוה has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously. Do not be afraid (RESPECT) of him. Yahshua was standing on his feet, resurrected at the end of the weekly 7th day sabbath. Having been entombed late Wend. afternoon for a 72 hour period as he prophesied- A TRUE PROPHET. Did J.C.? Fri. late afternoon to Sun morning is not 72 hrs. NO!!! Therefore he is a false prophet according to the scriptures and the obedient should not respect him! So in my last posting responding to the comment from Ms. Blum made about swallowing the Judaizer's states that in chapter 4 and chapter 1-2 are NOT the same individuals. And by the way, the covenant brethren are not divided by ethnicity, all are one in Messiah; NO DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN BELIEVERS. In chapters 1-2 and early in the Circumcision believers were still holding onto false doctrine concerning proselyte as having to be physically circumcised as well as immersion. In chapter 4 according to the context is in no way calling Torah weak and beggarly, read it for what it says, not doctrinal bunk from Christology. These are pagan ministers from the Galatian brethren's past attempting to swoon them back into pagan practices. Similarly as Christians keep their pagan festivals.

Let us see what Yahshua will do in the Kingdom:

Isaiah 2:
1 The word that Yeshayah the son of Amots saw concerning Yehuḏah and Yerushalayim:

2And it shall be in the latter days that the mountain of the House of יהוה is established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills. And all nations shall flow to it.

3 And many peoples shall come and say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of יהוה, to the House of the Elohim of Ya‛aqoḇ, and let Him teach us His ways, and let us walk in His paths, for out of Tsiyon comes forth the Torah, and the Word of יהוה from Yerushalayim.”

The Messiah I serve will teach us his ways and they are TORAH! What is that you are saying about the Law being bondage and done away with??? Sin is transgression of the Torah. If one removes the Torah all you have is sin. Now you know why we have such troubles in the USA, because Christianity is leading people to sin! Galatians is a complex book, one as Paul knew the practices of rabbinical Judaism and its pitfalls. Very few do. Galatians 3:24-25 is not at all referring to the law as a whole but to the sacrificial system generally and was fulfilled by Yahshua. This was the school master. How preposterous! That is what believers of the new covenant are not under anymore. You are definitely playing games with your salvation! Satan game is lawlessness and to say the law is done away with or not binding you are doing and teaching his bidding-SIN!
- Mike Gardner (7/15/2019 8:45:10 PM)
- Posted on Galatians 4:9.
For context let's read from Galatians 4:8.
Galatians 4:8
Howbeit at that time, not knowing
Yahweh, you were enslaved to
them (plural) that
by nature (BUT NOT SCRIPTURE) are no
elohim; (Israel if they can read Hebrew, they have
always known that Yahweh is Elohim. This verse,
with respect to “them” is not referring to Yahweh,
nor his law) but now that ye have come to know Yahweh, or rather to be known by Yahweh, how turn ye
back again to the weak and beggarly
rudiments (Of nature or even human
nature!!!), where unto you desire to be
enslaved all over again? DOES IT SOUND LIKE PAUL IS REFERRING TO THE BIBLICAL LAW HERE? READ FOR CONTEXT. WE HAVE BEEN GUILTY TOWARDS YAHWEH BY LISTENING TO THE MINISTERS OF MODERN DAY BAAL/LORD WORSHIP AS SOME OF THE GALATIAN BRETHREN WERE GUILTY IN THEIR DAY OF LISTENING TO PAGAN/LORD MINISTERS! If we really want to get into context let's look at Galatians 2,3 and onward! You naysayers don't even read the passages for support, so why bother. You have Christology of the brain and have no credible fear of your Father in heaven!
2 Peter 3:15 and reckon the patience of our Master as deliverance, as also our beloved brother Sha’ul/Paul wrote to you, according to the wisdom given to him,

16 as also in all his letters, speaking in them concerning these matters, in which some are hard to understand, which those who are untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do also the other Scriptures.

You observe {Context of verse 8-“you were in
bondage to them that by nature”} pagan
nature, non-scriptural days,
Galatian/Gaelic/Celtic Historical Link Below, Pertaining to

Sun worship or paleo-Sunday worship if you please!

Christians/Gentiles anti law believers always go running to Paul's letters because they are easy to twist and commit heresy against the Scriptures with. This is what Peter is referring to. Yahweh is the same being as He always has been Malachi 3:6).When one sins they should be broken up and dejected, not high minded and resolute, demanding mercy. We who are Torah keepers are watchmen for Yahweh. We strive to be His servants. As the Scripture states the new covenant is the older covenant renewed, less the animal offering and temple rituals. Jeremiah 31 and Ezekiel 36 depict the new covenant they are the only scriptures outwardly announcing a new covenant. Christians that are not in a state of teshuva can't comprehend anything else except what they have been spoon fed and most of that is deceit! Look at those scriptures and see if they are a law that has been practiced and experienced before; therefore IT CAN NOT BE BRAND NEW as NOT HAVING BEEN EXPERIENCED OR PRACTICED BEFORE!
Jeremiah 31:33“For this is the covenant I shall make with the house of Yisra’ĕl (Not Gentiles, but converted gentiles into Israelites -Galatians 6:16) after those days, declares יהוה: I shall put My Torah (PRACTICED and EXPERIENCED BEFORE) in their inward parts (Whereas the older covenant agreement was not placed in the hearts of the commoners; only the leaders), and write it on their hearts. And I shall be their Elohim, and they shall be My people.

Ezekiel 36:24“And I shall take you from among the gentiles, and I shall gather you out of all lands, and I shall bring you into your own land.

25“And I shall sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean – from all your filthiness and from all your idols I cleanse you.

26“And I shall give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you. And I shall take the heart of stone out of your flesh, and I shall give you a heart of flesh,

27 and put My Spirit within you (New Covenant!). And I shall cause you to walk in My laws and guard My right-rulings and shall do them. (PRACTICED and EXPERIENCED BEFORE)

28“And you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers. And you shall be My people, and I shall be your Elohim.

Nothing brand new going on in the parallel passage in Hebrews 8!

A Torah/Law keeping heart obeys Torah (Acts 5:32) and has Yahweh's Spirit through Yahshua's blood covering, preceded by repentance then immersion and oath. One who is baptized into Jesus and is against Torah, is anti- Messiah and has that spirit. They will not take correction from Scriptures to heart. Tough words to say, I know, but I am not going to sugar coat deception. Thank you. May Yahweh give one a heart to turn to the true Messiah, Yahshua, who is a law keeper and teacher.

- Mike Gardner (7/15/2019 6:26:25 PM)
- Posted on Galatians 4:9.
#17 Comment on Galatians 4:9
It is clear Paul was warning the foolish Galatians that they were under the bondage of Mosaic Law. Yes, agreed Paul was saying that the law was bondage. Was he? Permit me a little foolishness. Exodus 20: 2“I am יהוה/YAHWEH your Elohim/MIGHTY ONE, who brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim/EGYPT, out of the house of slavery/bondage. Then what did he do? HE BROUGHT THEM TO SINAI TO PUT THEM BACK INTO BONDAGE AGAIN BY GIVING THEM HIS LAW? AND WHAT DID YAHSHUA TEACH? Not one yothe or tittle of the Written Law would be done away with till all things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth are still here and all things are not fulfilled as yet. What did Paul state about the law in Romans 7: that it is good: 16 But if I do what I do not wish, I agree with the Torah/LAW that it is GOOD. Judaizer is a term promoted by Constantine the sun worshipper/murderer! Permit me to complete this tonight- I am out of time. Thank you.

- Mike Gardner (7/15/2019 5:30:57 AM)
- Posted on Galatians 4:9.
Amen! - "until ALL is accomplished" To what does this ALL refer? The answer is in...
Jer. 31:33 “But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” declares Yahweh, “I will put MY LAW within them and ON THEIR HEART I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
- Shalom (7/15/2019 4:25:53 AM) []
- Posted on Matthew 5:18.
It is clear Paul was warning the foolish Galatians that they were under the bondage of Mosaic Law. These Gentile Galatians had swallowed the Judaizer's message so completely that they had instituted Jewish Festival Days and Ceremonies (Galatians 4:8-11) evidently trying to combine the Gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) with Mosaic Law. But Paul tells them that the two systems do not combine. Did the Judaizers work any miracles among them? Abraham figures largely in Galatians chapter 3 & 4, because the Jewish message which they had accepted was based largely on the promise to Abraham. They were misinterpreting the promise, as it is clear Paul illustrates the difference between the Mosaic (legal) age and the gospel (grace) age inaugurated by the death and resurrection of Yeshua HaMashiach as mentioned in Galatians 4:1-7. Yahweh sent His son Yeshua HaMashiach to redeem us from the bondage of the law, the schoolmaster Paul wrote about in Galatians 3:24-25.
Paul makes clear, but before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Moshiach, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
Paul illustrates that Hagar can be used as an allegory for the Old covenant (law), and Sarah is an allegory for the New covenant (grace). Hagar represents Mount Sinai, and Sarah represents Mount Calvary. Hagar represents bondage, as her children were slaves performing the rites of the Sinaitic law and Sarah represents freedom. Hagar represents Jerusalem in this present age of grace that is about to end and Sarah represents Heavenly Jerusalem (Hebrews 12:18-24). Hagar represents the bondwoman after the flesh and Sarah represents the freewoman for the divine promise. Hagar's children represents works (Ephesians 2:8,9) and Sarah represents grace through faith.
- Andrea S. Blum (7/14/2019 10:26:40 PM)
- Posted on Galatians 4:9.
Yes this is the legality/obligation of the ketubah-marital contract, of love for the One who reigns on High, and there is no resistance to Yahweh. We who keep the only Sabbath in Scripture, as the Messiah Yahshua, the Master of the 7th day Sabbath KEPT. Is He not our example, to follow in his footsteps??? The apostles believed it and kept it. Yes, Fri. sundown through Sat. sundown is this period of time to honor Yahweh the Father as our Creator, rest from a long week, worship and cessation from employment. A day that we who keep it yearn for weekly. The Messiah's will is the same as Yahweh the Father, for they work in unity. For us to become like them we must allow ourselves to be corrected from His Word and walk in His Law. Psalm 40 is clear to do Yahweh's will is to have His law within our hearts- The New covenant!!! Hebrews 8 and Jeremiah 31. Your book promotes Song of Songs and I am sure it is a good read; less the Christology. However this is Kingdom business and we are living in perilous times. Yes, the Sabbath is a prelude to the kingdom age/millennium; Genesis 2:3 and Hebrews 4.

0-1,000=1 millennia
1,001-2,000= 2 millennia
2,001-3,000= 3 millennia
3,001-4,000= 4 millennia
4,001-5,000=5 millennia
5,001-6,000= 6 millennia
6,000- 7,000= THE KINGDOM AGE/7th millennium-RETURN OF YAHSHUA
Exodus 31:16‘And the children of Yisra’ĕl shall guard the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations as an everlasting covenant.

17‘Between Me and the children of Yisra’ĕl it is a sign forever. For in six days יהוה made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed.’ ”
ARE WE READY? Is the law in our hearts? Or are we deluding ourselves with mystical talk?
I have heard it said: If you love you will keep my commandments John 14:15 and they are not grievous, but a delight!
Sun Day is not honoring Yahweh's 7th day Sabbath; but a sign of the spirit of disobedience.

- Mike Gardner (7/14/2019 9:31:35 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 2:3.
“Your neck” – S. of S. 7:4. The bride risks her neck for Christ’s interest and satisfaction. As His counterpart, she bears no self-importance, no resistance to Him or legalities of religion. Lovingly she freely chooses His will and lives in vital union with Him as her Head.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (7/14/2019 5:18:18 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:4.
Repeated in Hebrews 4:1-11 (see v. 4 esp.). Participation in the weekly Shabbat anticipates participation in the Millennial Shabbat. Hoping to see you there!
- Shabbat shalom (7/13/2019 12:12:27 AM) []
- Posted on Genesis 2:3.
Again agreed! The passages you mentioned are parallel to Messiah and his bride, SPIRITUAL ISRAEL. I have already in previous posts which I am sure you have read; indicated solely upon Scripture. Inductive learning which Isaiah and Paul taught. I would NEVER force Scripture to conform with my thoughts; but vice versa! Sir my issue is with the term Christos paralleling with Mashiyach. Grecian verses Hebrew. John 4:22“You worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, because the deliverance is of the Yahuḏim [NOT JUDAISM per se!!! But the Jewish nation retained true worship up until the Messiah's era-Romans 3:1-3;Rev. 2:9; Rev. 3:9, etc....]; false rabbinic teaching notwithstanding!]

23“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father [YaHWeH] in spirit and truth, for the Father also does seek such to worship Him.

24“Elohim is Spirit, and those who worship Him need to worship in spirit and truth.”

25 The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming, the One who is called Anointed. When that One comes, He shall announce to us all.”

26יהושע said to her, “I who am speaking to you am He.”

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Early Christianity had its roots in Hellenistic [Grecian-Septuagint] Judaism and the Jewish messianism [Messiah and his apostles and proselytes from the nations that accepted Torah and Messiah] of the first century and Jewish Christians were the first Christians [Better- Messianic believers].ARE YOU READING THIS: JEWISH CHRISTIAN WERE THE FIRST MESSIANIC BELIEVERS!

The idea of mystical realities has been widely held in Christianity since the second century AD, referring not simply to spiritual practices, but also to the belief that their rituals and even their scriptures have hidden ("mystical") meanings.[5]
was introduced by the early Church Fathers, who used the
The link between mysticism and the vision of the Sublime term as an adjective, as in mystical theology and mystical contemplation.[3]

In subsequent centuries, especially as Catholic Christian apologetics began to use Greek philosophy to explain Christian ( Hebrew Messianic) ideas, Neo-platonism became an influence on Christian mystical thought and practice via such authors as Augustine of Hippo Augustine (354—430 C.E.) St. Augustine is a fourth century philosopher whose groundbreaking philosophy infused Catholic Christian doctrine with Neoplatonism. He is famous for being an inimitable Catholic theologian and for his agnostic contributions to Western philosophy.
Yes the bride must match the Messiah. You have any evidence the church does? What names do you call upon your Creator and His son? You profess the haRuach Qodesh is a being separate from Yahweh the Father? You keep the 7th day Shabbath as the Scriptures teach? Do you keep His Feast days of Numbers 28-29? Do you consume the clean or the unclean food/drinks? This is the beginning of what scripture teaches how to draw close to Yahweh the Father and His son. I don't see that there is a match with Yahshua and the church. I could say more but I believe you understand.
- Mike Gardner (7/12/2019 7:15:48 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:3.
“Two young roes” – S. of S. 7:3. In this poetical and mystical Song of two become one, the Beloved Christ is firstly likened to “roes” (2:9, 17). Now Christ describes His bride as “roes” matching Him, as He is reflected through her. To see the bride is to see Christ, for she has become like Him!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (7/11/2019 5:58:58 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:3.
Attributes of the poetic Song of Songs does have a messianic teaching to it. But not to hyper focus on the anatomy of the Shulamite woman, who does depict the bride of the Messiah spiritually. Obedience to the covenant is the ketubah/ marital contract (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Ezekiel 36:26-27). This is the fidelity the Majesty on High seeks. As Yahshua spoke: If you love me , you will keep my commandments . They are a light yoke and not grievous. Done away with says Christianity, that says Paul did so. You better dig back into the books, because he is not saying by what it appears on face he says. Did Yahshua twice so not state not one yud or tittle of the law would be done away with, or not? Natzarenes and Jewish Christians are how the believers are known/labeled throughout early and even post messianic history, especially before the apostasy- Note: Acts 17:6-7 and Acts 24:5. The term Christian originally meant a term of scurrility: Acts 11:26; 1 Peter 4:12-16 2 Timothy 3:11; 1 Corinthians 4:13; Lamentations 3:45. The saints never called themselves Christians! Those that keep the commandments of Almighty Yahweh the Father and hold a trust in (A resurrected) Yahshua as His Son and vassal and that he bled out on Calvary to cover the sins of the repentant that come into the covenant. They become Spiritual Israelites. Everything forwards from after the time of the writing of Revelation were the seeds of apostasy down to Rome and the blend with the nations till today. Come out of her my people Yahweh says! The 10 and the 2 are in confusion and infidelity. Prove this for yourselves, many thousands have that have loved truth!
- Mike Gardner (7/9/2019 3:31:55 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:3.
“Two breasts” – S. of S. 7:3. In this love Song, the breasts of the bride show the increase of both her faith and love toward Christ. He firstly rested upon her breast with His presence filling her heart. Now for His pleasure, a dual fullness of trust and affection return to Him.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (7/8/2019 4:27:58 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:3.
A Word from Yeshua HaMashiach: The Meek shall inherit the earth. In a poem of encouragement, David foretold of a time when the humble will be blessed and the wicked will not be. A thousand years later, Yeshua spoke similar words during His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:5). In Yeshua's case, He wasn't so much encouraging as teaching: this is a reality in YHWH's Kingdom. Those who are humble enough to worship Elohim will, in fact, inherit the earth. It is worth noting that meekness is not synonymous with weakness. The meekness Yeshua spoke of is a gentleness of spirit that is only possible by the immense strength of the Ruach HaKodesh. As it is clear, the Ruach HaKodesh guides born again believers into all truth and shows them things to come (John 16:13).
Psalm 37:11-13 But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth. Adonai shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming. I don't think it's a coincidence, that after much prayer, Yeshua HaMashiach opened me to this page, and when reading Psalm 37, He tapped me on my right shoulder to confirm verses 11-13. Shalom.
- Andrea S. Blum (7/7/2019 5:06:56 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 37:11.

- Andrea Suzanne Blum (7/6/2019 3:06:38 AM???)
Personal rantings on the Shabbath day? Is it not to be a day of peace. The Kingdom is Yahweh's; not mine or yours Ms. Blum. It is not I that have corrected you; but Yahweh's word. You speak things I have not said nor concluded. You plainly are still in Christology. I left that when I started to study scripture inductively as Isaiah and Paul state. Not deductively as Christianity concludes with their teachings. You would not read a newspaper that way! I have given several witnesses from Scripture to you in response to your bride of the Messiah doctrine. It is clear from Scripture those who have made a covenant by Biblical Law (The KETUBAH!!!) with Yahweh in Messiah Yahshua will be the Bride of Messiah (Anointed of Yahweh). From Abel till the two witnesses of Rev. 11 era which will be in the ensuing years to come, or maybe even sooner. Hebrews 11:39 And having obtained witness through the belief, all these did not receive the promise (As yet),

40 Elohim having provided what is better for us, that they should NOT be made perfect apart from us (Anotherwards the past and present saints will someday be in unity in the Kingdom under Yahshua- Thus his bride!).It is clear that Rev. 7 and 14 correspond with the 144,000 who are Israelites. Israelites keep Yahweh's Torah: Psalm 147:19 Declaring His Word to Ya‛aqoḇ, His laws and His right-rulings to Israel.
20 HE HAS NOT DONE SO WITH ANY OTHER NATION; And they have not known His right-rulings! Praise Yah!. I have never stated anything less; read my comments from previous posts. You have no authority under the heavens to preach, it is clear from Scripture. I have not made any of my comments personal till you forced me to defend myself with scripture as Isaiah states: Isaiah 54: 17 “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall prove wrong. This is the inheritance of the servants of יהוה, and their righteousness from Me,” declares יהוה. This site is not meant to be a Facebook per se and neither am I interested in continuing to correct your doctrine any further: Revelation 22:11“He who does wrong, let him do more wrong; he who is filthy, let him be more filthy; he who is righteous, let him be more righteous; he who is set-apart, let him be more set-apart. Today is a day to be set apart from such wranglings: Exodus 20:8“Remember the Sabbath day, to set it apart.

9“Six days you labor, and shall do all your work,

10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath of יהוה your Elohim (Friday sundown to Saturday sundown was Yahshua's Sabbath; for he is the Master of the 7th day Sabbath!). You do not do any work – you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates.

11“For in six days יהוה made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore יהוה blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart. HalleluYah!
- Mike Gardner (7/6/2019 4:46:30 AM) []
- Posted on John 3:29.
There clearly are many false doctrines concerning what John spoke of in John 3:29. Many false prophets have even twisted the Scriptures to their own destruction making claims that because John said he who has the bride is the bridegroom, but refers to himself as the friend of the bridegroom, that this means anyone who died prior to Yeshua HaMashiach's crucifixion is not part of the bride, but that those who died after Yeshua's crucifixion are part of the bride. This is arrogantly speaking with a conscience seared with a hot iron Mike Gardner. WHY does John refer to himself as the friend of the bridegroom AFTER he writes that the bridegroom is he who has the bride? YOU CANNOT possibly tell me that Jewish Males who make up 12,000 from each of the 12 Tribes of Israel (Rev. 7) are those who make up this unbiblical bride of Matthew 25:1??? The 144,000 Jewish Male Virgins go through the Time of Jacob's trouble (Jeremiah 30:7) which follows the rapture! Clearly you are indoctrinated with lies and false doctrines! Levi warned about people like you in Matthew 24:24! To bring on railing accusations making claims that anyone who died prior to Yeshua's Crucifixion is not part of the bride, and anyone who died after Yeshua's Crucifixion is part of the bride is absolutely horrific! This clearly is not rightly dividing the Word of Truth! You compare sound doctrine from my blog post to confusion? Clearly Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 14:33 that YHWH is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. The same saints who are mentioned in Revelation 19:8 separately from Yeshua's wife of Revelation 19:7, 1 Wife mentioned in 1 Timothy 3:2!! Clearly Mr. Gardner you are in violation of James 3:16 where it is clear for where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work!
Answer this question directly: Why does John write that He who has the bride is the bridegroom but refers to himself as the friend of the bridegroom in the SAME VERSE? What is the difference between the bride and the friend of the bridegroom? You think the virgins in Matthew's Original Aramaic Scriptures are going to go out and meet Yeshua and 144,000 Jewish Male Brides? Who in tarnation do you think you are? Explain what John is speaking of when he refers to the 144,000 Jewish Male Virgins who have not defiled themselves with women in Revelation 14:4? Obviously you are running out of serious time, and it is clear the church is NOT the bride, and neither are the 144,000 Jewish Males, 12,000 from each of the 12 Tribes of Israel! I wipe the dust off my feet!
- Andrea S. Blum (7/6/2019 3:39:57 AM)
- Posted on John 3:29.
There clearly are many false doctrines concerning what John spoke of in John 3:29. Many false prophets have even twisted the Scriptures to their own destruction making claims that because John said he who has the bride is the bridegroom, but refers to himself as the friend of the bridegroom, that this means anyone who died prior to Yeshua HaMashiach's crucifixion is not part of the bride, but that those who died after Yeshua's crucifixion are part of the bride. This is arrogantly speaking with a conscience seared with a hot iron Mike Gardner. WHY does John refer to himself as the friend of the bridegroom AFTER he writes that the bridegroom is he who has the bride? YOU CANNOT possibly tell me that Jewish Males who make up 12,000 from 12 of the Tribes of Israel (Rev. 7) are those who make up this unbiblical bride of Matthew 25:1??? The 144,000 Jewish Male Virgins go through the Time of Jacob's trouble (Jeremaih 30:7) which follows the rapture! Clearly you are indoctrinated with lies and false doctrines! Levi warned about people like you in Matthew 24:24! To bring on railing accusations making claims that anyone who died prior to Yeshua's Crucifixion is not part of the bride, and anyone who died after Yeshua's Crucifixion is part of the bride is absolutely horrific! This clearly is not rightly dividing the Word of Truth! You compare sound doctrine from my blog post to confusion? Clearly Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 14:33 that YHWH is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. The same saints who are mentioned in Revelation 19:8 separately from Yeshua's wife of Revelation 19:7, 1 Wife mentioned in 1 Timothy 3:2!! Clearly Mr. Gardner you are in violation of James 3:16 where it is clear for where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work!
Answer this question directly: Why does John write that He who has the bride is the bridegroom but refers to himself as the friend of the bridegroom in the SAME VERSE? What is the difference between the bride and the friend of the bridegroom? You think the virgins in Matthew's Original Aramaic Scriptures are going to go out and meet Yeshua and 144,000 Jewish Male Brides? Who in tarnation do you think you are? Explain what John is speaking of when he refers to the 144,000 Jewish Male Virgins who have not defiled themselves with women in Revelation 14:3? Obviously you are running out of serious time, and it is clear the church is NOT the bride, and neither are the 144,000 Jewish Males, 12,000 from 12 Tribes of Israel! I wipe the dust off my feet!
- Andrea Suzanne Blum (7/6/2019 3:06:38 AM)
- Posted on John 3:29.
Isaiah 28:9 Whom would He teach knowledge? And whom would He make to understand the message? Those weaned from milk, those taken from the breasts (Of Babel= confusion)!

10 For it is: command upon command, command upon command, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little.

11 For with a jabbering lip and a foreign tongue He speaks to this people (Andrea Suzanne Blum),

12 to whom He said, “This is the rest, give rest to the weary,” and, “This is the refreshing.” But they would not hear.

13 But the Word of יהוה was to them, “Command upon command, command upon command, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little,” so that they go and shall stumble backward, and be broken and snared and taken captive (Yes,Yahweh will allow you and whoever follows her unscriptural teachings, such as Ms. Blum's personal doctrine on the Messiah and his bride and the foreign tongue = the Greek Messiah Jesus Christos. Yes they use the same scriptures but come up with different conclusions because they have false doctrines from ministers of lawlessness!)
Can you not coherently accept the literal words of the text or are you just so infatuated with your own spin on scripture?
Ms Blum states that the Messiah will not marry his bride the Spiritual Nation of Israel comprising many peoples. (This nation is in sound doctrine which equals oneness)

Revelation 5:9 And they sang a renewed song, saying, “You are worthy to take the scroll, and to open its seals, because You were slain, and have redeemed us to Elohim by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, (Yes indeed Israelites, whose ancestors had been scattered during the diaspora. Note the wordage Ms. Blum!

10 and made us sovereigns and priests to our Elohim, and we shall reign upon the earth.” (These are the saints under Yahshua, his bride, Spiritual Israel, chosen, whose ancestors had been scattered to the 4 corners of the earth in the diaspora. These are the ones who receive eternal life. They are the 144,000 of Revelation 7 =Israelite descendants in Messiah, they will be his assistants)

Revelation 20:6 Blessed and set-apart is the one having part in the first resurrection. The second death possesses no authority over these (ETERNAL LIFE!), but they shall be priests of Elohim and of Messiah, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.
The message of the prophets of Yahweh speak of a time when the remnant of Israel will return to Yahweh spiritually and in obedience in Messiah. Many passages confirm this. Are we to reject this because Ms. Blum has her own teachings which do not square with prophecy, Torah nor correctness.
Note this messianic prophecy and take it to heart: Jeremiah 23:
2 Therefore thus said יהוה Elohim of Yisra’ĕl against the shepherds who feed My people, “You have scattered My flock, driven them away, and have not tended them. See, I am punishing you for the evil of your deeds,” declares יהוה.

3“Therefore I shall gather the remnant of My flock out of all the lands where I have driven them, and shall bring them back to their fold. And they shall bear and increase.

4“And I shall raise up shepherds over them, and they shall feed them. And they shall fear no more, nor be discouraged, nor shall they be lacking,” declares יהוה.

5“See, the days are coming,” declares יהוה, “when I shall raise for Dawiḏ a Branch of righteousness, and a Sovereign shall reign and act wisely, and shall do right-ruling and righteousness in the earth (Descendant of David= Messiah).

6“In His days Yahuḏah shall be saved, and Yisra’ĕl dwell safely. And this is His Name whereby He shall be called: ‘יהוה our Righteousness.’

7“Therefore, see, the days are coming,” declares יהוה, “when they shall say no more, ‘As יהוה lives who brought up the children of Yisra’ĕl out of the land of Mitsrayim,’

8but, ‘As יהוה lives who brought up and led the seed of the house of Yisra’ĕl out of the land of the north and from all the lands where I had driven them.’ And they shall dwell on their own soil.”
- Mike Gardner (7/2/2019 9:58:49 PM)
- Posted on John 3:29.
According to John 3:29, it is clear that the friend of the bridegroom is one of the bridegroom's friends who on his behalf asked the hand of the bride and rendered him various services in closing the marriage and celebrating the nuptials.
In Matthew 9:15, Mark 2:19-20, and Luke 5:34-35 the children of the bridechamber are not the same as the bride. John clearly wrote in John 3:29 that he is the friend of the bridegroom and the bridegroom has the bride. In the King James Version, the term used is bridegroom. And this means the groom comes back with the bride either in the 2nd watch or the 3rd watch, as nowhere in the book of Luke does it mention a 1st watch. The bridegroom is with the bride returning from the wedding (Luke 12:36) and the bridesmaids will go out to meet them. 1 Timothy 2:11 has nothing to do with Yeshua's wife, mentioned in Psalm 128:3, Revelation 19:7 and 1 Timothy 3:2. For there will come a time when they will not endure sound doctrine. And as we can see, the above comment posted by Mike Gardner is a classic example of this. Yeshua WILL fulfill ALL Scripture and He will not marry multiple male and female brides, as nowhere in the Bible does it mention brides in a plural tense. Biblical marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman, Matthew 19. And He will not have multiple wives and husbands. John wrote about 1 wife and many saints in Revelation 19:7,8. John wrote Revelation on Patmos in A.D. 96, approximately 29 years after Paul wrote 1st and 2nd Timothy in A.D. 67. Clearly Paul wrote about one wife in 1 Timothy 3:2 and John took this into consideration. Matthew's Original Aramaic Scriptures prove the virgins go out to meet the groom and the bride in Matthew 25:1. The bride in Matthew 25:1 is the daughter of the King of Psalm 45:13 and the wise virgins of Matthew 25 are the companions or bridesmaids mentioned in Psalm 45:14. For more information on the difference between the friend of the bridegroom and the bride and who the children of the bridal chamber are feel free to use my blog:
- Andrea Suzanne Blum (7/1/2019 12:12:21 PM)
- Posted on John 3:29.
Matthew 20:16 ....many are called but few are chosen.
Never was it insinuated Ms. Blum that those who are immersed are immediate shoe- ins for the kingdom. We must make our calling and se-election sure --2 Peter 1:10.
FOR IT IS WRITTEN: Isaiah 8:20 To the Torah and to the witness! If they do not speak according to this Word (The Written Torah), it is because they have no dawn/enlightenment.
As you stated the “gentiles” will be the predominance of the “bride”.
Rev 7, note how many from each Israelite tribe become part of the 144,000 priesthood to Yahweh in Messiah Yahshua,
I see no gentile tribe listed. Of course we must concur with the anti-Jew Church Fathers, who were Catholics!
Revelation 21 after the Messiah's 1,000 year reign:
9 And one of the seven messengers who held the seven bowls filled with the seven last plagues came to me and spoke with me, saying, “Come, I shall show you the bride, the Lamb’s wife.”
10 And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the great city, the set-apart Yahrushalayim, descending out of the heaven from Yahweh,
11 having the esteem of Elohim, and her light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, clear as crystal,
12 and having a great and high wall, having twelve gates, and at the gates twelve messengers, and names written on them, which are those of the twelve tribes of the children of Yisra’ĕl: (YET I DO NOT SEE A GENTILE GATE?)
13 three gates on the east, three gates on the north, three gates on the south, and three gates on the west.
14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve emissaries of the Lamb.

Leviticus 21:10 ‘And the high priest among his brothers, on whose head the anointing oil was poured and who is ordained to wear the garments,..... 13‘And let him take a wife in her maidenhood.
14‘A widow or one put away or a defiled woman or a whore – these he does not take. But a maiden of his own people he does take as a wife. AN ISRAELITE IS WHO THE HEAVENLY HIGH PRIEST- MESSIAH’S BRIDE WILL BE!
Maybe according to your Masters: the Church anti-Jew Fathers. Christianity teaches there is only Jew and gentiles/Christians. Not So at All!!
The believers must be Torah keepers and learners.
Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was enraged with the woman (Apostate Israel-Ezekiel 23-Judaeo-Christians of the Western nations predominantly), and he went to fight with the remnant of her seed, those guarding/keeping the commandments of Yahweh (Torah) and possessing the testimony of Yahshua the Messiah. Rev 14:12 Here is the endurance of the set-apart ones,a here are those guarding the commands of Elohim and the belief of יהושע. Do Jews generally have the testimony of Yahshua Messiah? Do Christians have a testimony of Yahweh’s commandments that they generally state that Paul did away with? No to both!
Romans 3:21 But now, apart from the (Rabbinic, Works of) Torah, a righteousness of Yahweh has been revealed, being witnessed by the Written Torah and the Prophets (Genesis through Malachi- Read it and believe it!),
22 and the righteousness of Yahweh is through trust in Yahshua Messiah to all and on all who trust in his offering. [Which far superseded the animal offering system and temple rituals- Hebrews 9 and Galatians 3:19-25] For there is no difference...
Jews don’t fulfill this, because they trust in works of the rabbinic laws; neither do Christians, because they, or the most part reject compliance with the written torah.

Before you besmirch my Scriptural understanding, GET YOUR OWN SCRIPTURAL UNDERSTANDING IN LINE WITH YAHWEH. You also avoided the witchcraft, the phallic representation and paganism of Christianity. Too busy warning everyone of what is to come. As if Yahweh needed a prophetess!
The pronoun Satan comes from the root in Hebrew meaning “Accuser”.
Scripture and torah teaches that a woman is not generally permitted to teach men nor prophesy. Only in rare exceptions. There was a reason the first born sheep/rams, goats and cows males were to be offered up in an offering to Yahweh as firstborns. Because the male humans of the tribe of Levi were to be the ministers, not FEMALES.
Exodus 13: 12 that you shall pass over to יהוה everyone opening the womb, and every first-born that comes from your livestock, the males belong to יהוה.

1 Timothy 2:11 Let a woman learn in silence, in all subjection.
12 But I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, rather, 13 Because Aḏam was formed first, then Ḥawwah.
14 And Aḏam was not deceived, but the woman, having been deceived, fell into transgression
to be in silence.

- Mike Gardner (6/30/2019 5:15:47 PM)
- Posted on 2 Peter 3:7.
Solomon's Temple of Yahweh - Masoretic/English text corresponding to Ezekiel 40:49 Measurement of the Inner court and vestibule/portico/entrance way:
— 1 Kings 6:3 And the porch before the temple of the house, twenty cubits [was] the length thereof, according to the breadth of the house; [and] ten cubits [was] the breadth thereof before the house.

Solomon's Temple of Yahweh - Septuagint (Greek/English) text corresponding to Jezekiel 40:49 Measurement of the Inner court and vestibule/portico/entrance way:

3 Kings 6:3 And the porch in front of the temple—twenty cubits was its length according to the breadth of the house in front of the house: and he built the house, and finished it.
Notice even in Solomon's temple (Generally smaller than the millennial temple described by Ezekiel) there appears to be a discrepancy between the Greek (20 x 20) and Hebrew (20 x 10) translations in measurements:

Ezekiel 40:47-49 Millennial Temple of Yahweh Measurement of the Inner court and vestibule Jewish Commentary:And the porch before: before the Temple, in it’s entrance way.

The length thereof before the breadth of the house: The length of the porch was along the width of the Temple [and extended] from the north to the south. All larger [measurements] are called the length, and the lesser [measurements] are called the width. Since in the Temple proper the measurement from the east to the west was greater, that was called the length, and in the porch that the measurement from the north to the south was the larger, therein was called the length from the north to the south, and from the east to the west therein was called the width.

Before the house: [The porch was] in front of the house [of the Temple], on the eastern side [and was] on the outside.

Hebrew Masoretic /English text: Ezekiel 40:49 The length of the porch was twenty cubits, and the width eleven cubits. And by the steps which led up to it there were columns by the doorposts, one on this side and one on that side.
Greek Septuagint /English text (Based off of a more ancient Hebrew translation that is NOT extant. More aged than the Masoretic text): Jezekiel 40:49 And the length of the porch was twenty cubits, and the breadth twelve cubits; and they went up to it by ten steps; and there were pillars to the porch, one on this side and one on that side.

Mr. Wilson apparently some translations are basing their biblical dimensions off Hebrew words (20 x 11) and some off of Greek words (20 x 12). Evidently some translators believe the Greek carries more precedent and some believe the Hebrew more precedent. Messiah will be able to reconcile these matters. However there appears to be no original text extant in full as a basis for either of these translations; the Greek or the Hebrew for the passage in question.

- Mike Gardner (6/30/2019 5:15:59 AM)
- Posted on Ezekiel 40:49.
American Standard Version
Now late on the Sabbath day, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher.
American King James Version
In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher.
King James 2000 Bible
At the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher.
Fulfilling the Master's Words: Matthew 12:39-40 :39 But He answering, said to them, “A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Yonah.

40“For as Yonah was three days and three nights in the stomach of the great fish, so shall the Son of Aḏam/Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
Placed in the tomb just before sunset on a Wednesday; raised 3 days and 3 nights later just before the end of the weekly Sabbath= A True Prophet and first fruits offering to Yahweh from the dead to a Spirit body 1 Corinthians 15:20 But now Messiah has been raised from the dead, and has become the first-fruit of those having fallen asleep. Fulfilling the Omer offering of Leviticus 23. So who is this impostor raised on SUNday morning??? And what in the world is this feminine name Easter have anything to do with our Savior??? Because that name is not in the manuscripts and the theologians know it. It should be translated Passover!!! Christianity is riddled with paganism and error. The Scriptures alone are the truth and do not lie. Don't believe the narrative that the law of Yahweh is bad or done away with. There are reasons Paul says what he is saying and is not referring to the Written Torah! John 8:32 "The truth will set you free" Romans 7:16 But if I do what I do not wish, I agree with the Torah that it is good.Psalm 119:142,151; ibid 117:2; Nehemiah 9:13“And You came down on Mount Sinai, and spoke with them from the heavens, and gave them straight right-rulings and Laws of truth, good laws and commands.

14“And You made known to them Your set-apart Sabbath, and You commanded them commands and statutes and Laws, by the hand of Moses Your servant. The law is not the yoke of bondage, nor was it nailed to the torture stake. That will be for another posting though. Sin is the transgression of the law: 1 John 3:4. False teaching is the leaven that leads to sin. Is it still rational to say the law is bad or done away with, or are your teachings in error? Who is greater here: Yahweh or us?

- Mike Gardner (6/29/2019 6:31:20 PM)
- Posted on Exodus 20:11.
Part 1-Yeshua (Not inspired) does not have the Yahphoric element YAH, that the Latter Writings describe the Messiah’s name as YAHSHUA, as well as the Psalms do have 50 times; Numbers 13:16; Matt.1:21; Hebrews 1:4; Phil.2:9 Christ does not reflect our Hebrew King whatsoever, instead a Grecian one! The U.S. Naval Observatory determined that the astronomical full moon of Aviv the year of Yahshua’s death was Tuesday, 31 C.E, March 27 at 1:00 in the afternoon Jerusalem time, Julian calendar. Scripture says that Passover occurs on the 14th day of the month of Aviv (Just after the conclusion of the 13th after sundown, Biblical time), (31 C.E.- 33.5 yrs. = 2 B.C.E. @ F.O.T., first high day, was likely his birth).
. A report by the British Astronomer Royal confirms this day and date. (The Resurrection—When? By Ith-amar Quigley, p.22).
After sunset Tuesday evening—when the full moon could be seen—answer to the 14th of Abib. (Recall the new days begin at sunset, scripturally.) It became Wednesday that night at midnight, Roman time. As the Passover sacrifice, Yahshua died that Wednesday afternoon.
Late Saturday Afternoon Entombment
Matthew 28:1 gives the clearest rendering of the four Evangels in the King James Version. This is in-spired writing sounds as if it were happening at this very moment. Note that the exact time is pin-pointed in Matthew 28:1:
"In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher."
"In the end of the Sabbath," we see from the evidence, is Saturday at sunset. The Sabbath is not over yet, the sun has not set, so this takes place at the very end of the Sabbath. It is the time of the setting of the sun, just preceding twilight. After the sun has set, the new day has begun, and twilight or dusk sets in. Total darkness follows within forty minutes to an hour after sunset. Thus, twilight ("BETWEEN THE EVENINGS/DUSKS")is the beginning of the new day after the sun has set.
Perhaps a closer examination of Matthew 28:1 is necessary. The phrase "in the end of Sabbath" might allow a reader to assume this would be midnight or sunrise. But the Greek word "opse" No. 3796 in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance Greek Dictionary shows it to be from the same opiso, No. 3694 meaning (through the idea of backwardness) late in the day; by extension, after the close of the day and is translated at even, in the end.
7 Translations that AGREE with this rendering of the text of Matthew 28:1.
Aramaic Bible in Plain English
But on the eve of the Sabbath, when the first of the week was dawning, Maryam Magdalitha and the other Maryam came to see the tomb.
Webster's Bible Translation
In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn towards the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary to see the sepulcher.
English Revised Version
Now late on the Sabbath day, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher.
Douay-Rheims Bible
AND in the end of the Sabbath, when it began to dawn towards the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, to see the sepulcher.

- Mike Gardner (6/29/2019 4:24:06 PM)
- Posted on Exodus 20:11.
- Mike Gardner (6/29/2019 3:30:01 PM)
- Posted on Exodus 20:11.
Isaiah  58:13 ¶ If x518 thou turn away 7725 z8686 thy foot 7272 from the sabbath, 7676 x4480 [from] doing 6213 z8800 thy pleasure 2656 on my holy 6944 day; 3117 and call 7121 z8804 the sabbath 7676 a delight, 6027 the holy 6918 of Yähwè יָהוֶה, 3068 honourable; 3513 z8794 and shalt honour 3513 z8765 him, not doing 6213 z8800 x4480 thine own ways, 1870 nor finding 4672 z8800 x4480 thine own pleasure, 2656 nor speaking 1696 z8763 [thine own] words: 1697
- Shabbat shalom (6/28/2019 10:30:24 PM)
- Posted on Exodus 20:11.
"Between the evenings= "erevim" is a period of time comprising 20-30 minutes at dusk. Not 24 hours between two days!!! Scriptural days begin and end at dusk. Anotherwards sundown to sundown, not midnight to midnight as the Gregorian calendar does.When Judah was in Babylonian captivity they picked up erroneous ways in keeping Passover, Unleavened Bread and Shavouth that are strictly not Scripture but the ways of their teachers. Exodus 12 is the basis for determining when between the evenings are, NOT THE TIMING OF THE IMPALEMENT OF MESSIAH WAS!. If people hold on to the 24 hour concept of understanding between the evenings they are sinning, because the Passover lamb would have been offered on Aviv 15, when Torah says 14th. Also if they waited till the 15th, the death messenger would have slaughtered their firstborn males because they would have not placed the blood from the Passover lamb upon their doorposts for protection. They would also been disobedient not to burn the remains in the morning as they were told by Moses. Exodus 12:6‘And you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month. Then all the assembly of the congregation of Yisra’ĕl shall kill it between the evenings. (It does not say kill it on the 15th) Note Numbers 28:16‘And in the first month, on the fourteenth day, is the Passover of Yahweh;; Leviticus 23:5‘In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, between the evenings, is the Passover to Yahweh; 2 Chronicles 35:1. Read these passages with between the evenings for yourself and see that they are not describing a 24 hour event but a 20-30 minute event : Passages:Read and notice the context:
Exodus 12:6
Exodus 16:12
Exodus 29:39
Exodus 29:41
Exodus 30:8
Leviticus 23:5
Numbers 9:3
Numbers 9:5
Numbers 9:11
Numbers 28:4
Numbers 28:8
Then come to your own conclusion.
- Mike Gardner (6/22/2019 8:42:11 PM)
- Posted on Leviticus 23:5.
Context uses physical acts of infidelity and promiscuity and fornication to reveal spiritual unfaithfulness to the Written Torah and Yahweh by the two houses, Israel and Judah. They generally succumbed to foreign religion which was one of religious prostitution. The word in verse 3 for fondled is: מֹעֲכ֣וּ
mō·‘ă·ḵū= squeezed as in Leviticus 22:24. same word in Hebrew = bruised = squeezed. "from their virginity" refers to their time in and around their Egyptian stay and departure, especially after having received the Torah from Mt. Sinai.
- Mike Gardner (6/22/2019 11:50:03 AM)
- Posted on Ezekiel 23:3.

- child of God (6/20/2019 9:33:40 AM) []
- Posted on Genesis 6:4.
modern scholars identify Tarshish with Tartessos, a port in southern Spain, ... Columbus left Spain in August 1492 christopher columbus Christopher name meaning bearer of christ The surname Columbus was an occupational name for a keeper of doves. christopher columbus (bearer of christ keeper of doves) Isaiah 60:8 Who[are] these [that] fly as a cloud, and as the doves their windows? Isaiah 60:9 Surely the isles shall wait for me, and the ships of Tarshish( Spain) first, to bring thy sons from far, their silver and their gold with them, unto the name of Yähwè thy ´Élöhîm and to the Holy One of Israel because he hath glorified thee. 60:22 A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I Yähwè יָwill hasten it in his time. who? They are the billowing sails of christopher columbus (bearer of christ keeper of doves) christopher columbus ,funded by the gold and silver of spain. A little one(the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation . I Yähwè יָwill hasten it in his time. Psalms 48 Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King. mount Zion on the sides of the north is UNITED STATES OF AMERICA . Psalms 48:4 For, lo, the kings were assembled, they passed by together.5 They saw it, and so they marvelled; they were troubled, and hasted away. Fear took hold upon them there, and pain, as of a woman in travail. They saw the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / With the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the most violent wave of anti-monarchical protest began, with the systematic destruction of the relics and symbols of monarchy.
- dd (6/19/2019 7:36:25 AM) []
- Posted on Isaiah 60:8.
“Your thighs” – S. of S. 7:1. The thighs of the bride depict utter dependence on Jesus. Jacob wrestled, was touched in his thigh, and crippled under the disciplining hand of God; so the bride being touched by Christ gains a new character of spiritual power in her move and stand.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (6/13/2019 4:35:47 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 7:1.
The church steeple and also the Christmas tree are associated with the Asherah. An Asherah pole is a sacred tree or pole that stood near Canaanite religious locations to honor the Ugaritic mother-goddess Asherah, consort of.
- Mike Gardner (6/10/2019 6:42:49 PM)
- Posted on 1 Kings 15:13.
Leviticus 23:5: More importantly is not to be fixated on one aspect of a verse but to view the entire chapter as a whole. The verse before used the word 'moed' twice in its proclamation to keep the feasts of YHWH as a sacred celebration for His people. 'MOED' suggests these assemblies are celebrations on set dates that are a signal from God for specific purpose. By being written twice by Moses as choreographed by God insinuates a signal will be given on these set dates in response to His people faithfully honoring His feast set aside for His purposes. The signal is likely, Him fulfilling a Divine Plan set in place from eternity past toward mankind for eternity future. But then, what do we know except He gave us His Word to ponder on His glory.

- SJS (6/6/2019 8:48:50 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 44:1.
Thanks, SJS, for your response. I agree that all were types to ready us for the One they point to. Just wondering if our Savior's keeping Passover early on the 14th of Aviv with the disciples, and BEING the Passover before the end of the 14th is the real intention of "between the evenings" - or can "beyn ha arbayim" only be understood as an idiom for "dusk?" Thanks again :)
- grateful me (6/5/2019 8:52:01 PM)
- Posted on Leviticus 23:5.
grateful me - Leviticus 23:5
Does anyone have a good understanding of "beyn ha arbayim" in this passage? Is it "at evening" or "between the evenings" or something else?
I am not an expert in Hebrew, though what I observe is God readying His people for a celebration of the Passover. Like all feasts they begin at sundown which is the beginning of the day for a traditional Jewish person. Between the evenings would be at this time or at dusk would be a better view of the wording.
- SJS (6/5/2019 10:25:04 AM)
- Posted on Leviticus 23:5.
Does anyone have a good understanding of "beyn ha arbayim" in this passage? Is it "at evening" or "between the evenings" or something else? Appreciate any good insights shared - thanks.
- grateful me (6/4/2019 8:44:39 AM) []
- Posted on Leviticus 23:5.
As Yahweh kept the worldwide flood at bay until the appointed time (Habakkuk 2:3), so He is also keeping the fire away until it is time. Those who interpret this literally read that during the day of judgment, Yahweh will send fire to destroy the heavens and the earth as we know it. Many Bible Scholars cite 1 Thessalonians 1:10 and 1 Thessalonians 5:9 to suggest believers in Yeshua HaMashiach will not be present on this earth, but saved from the hour of temptation (Revelation 3:10). The church of Philadelphia is alone among the seven churches in receiving no criticism. Yahweh declares that this church has endured patiently and has kept the word of His patience. Clearly the church of Philadelphia is the called out believers who obey Yeshua's commands written in Revelation 18:4,5 knowing there is not one church institution preaching Matthew's Original Aramaic Scriptures proving the Bride of Christ is 1 woman, a separate entity than the 10 virgins who go out to meet the groom and the bride. No church on earth is willing to come to a full understanding that the Bride of Matthew 25:1 in the original Aramaic Scriptures is the same bride mentioned in Revelation 18:23 and Revelation 22:17, the daughter of the King of Psalm 45:13. The virgins who go out to meet the groom and the bride of Matthew 25:1 Aramaic in Plain English are the many members of the body of Moshiach, the companions of the daughter of the King of Psalm 45:14, the saints of Revelation 19:8. Yeshua HaMashiach will fulfill ALL Scripture and Luke 12:35-40 along with Song of Solomon 2:10 proves the 1 woman Bride of Moshiach is raptured up during the 1st watch, and when Yeshua and the bride RETURN from the wedding, as mentioned in Luke 12:36, the 5 wise virgins will go out to meet the groom and the bride during either the 2nd watch or the 3rd watch. Nowhere in the entire 260 chapters in the New Testament does it mention a 1st watch. Many false prophets like Mike Gardner automatically assume the body of Christ is the same as the Bride of Christ and this is clearly not the case. Luke wrote in Luke 24:44-45 that Yeshua HaMashiach would fulfill ALL Scripture concerning Him, written in the Law of Moses, written in the Psalms and written in the Prophets. This will definitely include fulfilling Psalm 45:13-14 and Matthew 25:1-13.
Matthew 25:1-4 Aramaic in Plain English Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be compared to ten virgins; the same took their lamps and went to meet the groom and the bride. 2 But five of them were wise and five were foolish. 3 And those fools took their lamps, and did not take oil with them. 4 But those wise ones took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
Mike Gardner stated the following: Yahweh's spirit does not come in the name of Jesus. That is a Messianic impostor that alludes to Torah defiance through anti Jewishness hearkening back to ancient pagan enmity against the 12 tribes throughout history. Yah-Shua = Yahweh is Salvation! A bride has to know the name of her husband?
What false prophets do not realize is that the Bride is in fact one woman, a Proverbs 31 woman whose worth is far above rubies. The sardius or the ruby gemstone is represented on the Levite Breastplate for the tribe of Reuben. The Bride will be mostly gentile, but will be from the Tribe of Reuben as well. The Word of Elohim is not bound (2 Timothy 2:9). This means Yeshua is allowed to fulfill all 31,102 verses in the KJV Bible, including Proverbs 31:10.
- Andrea Suzanne Blum (6/2/2019 5:48:54 PM)
- Posted on 2 Peter 3:7.
Part 1:
Amos 8:12 Rotherham's Emphasized Bible (EBR 1902)
— Therefore shall men rove about—from sea to sea, and from the north even unto sunrise,—they shall run to and fro—seeking the word of Yahweh, but shall not find [it].
ISR Bible 2 Thessalonians 2:1 As to the coming of our Master יהושע Messiah and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, brothers,

2 not to become easily unsettled in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as if the day of יהוה has come.

Do we want to enter into His reign?

Isaiah 27:9 Therefore by this the crookedness (SINS) of Ya‛aqoḇ is covered. And this is all the fruit of taking away his sin: when he makes all the stones of the altar (Worship) like chalkstones that are beaten to dust – Ashĕrim (Steeples) and sun-pillars (Sunday sun worship- Shabbath is 7th day, Fri at sundown till Sat. sundown ONLY!) rise no more.

You cannot serve Yahweh, nor Yahshua ha Mashiyach by Christian means. Your theology runs contrary to the book and nature of the Majesty on High. The calling is a royal priesthood. You have a multitude of blatant false teachings, along with witchcraft and have perverted the apostle Paul's writings into something he never was indicating! Yahshua and his disciples as well as Paul were promoting the written Torah, not rabbinic Torah advocates. This commenter on Luke 12 :37 may have her facts right, however the same old Christian dog and pony show for stirring up anxiety and panic to those that don't know Torah, nor Yahweh! Is this prophecy not what is going on with the descendants of the 12 tribes?
Isaiah 4:1 And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man (Messiah), saying, “We shall eat our own food (spiritual) and wear our own clothes (righteousness); only let us be called by your name (Do we even know the names or is it more preferable to use the names of blasphemy?), to take away our reproach.” (I don't think so)

2 Peter 13But according to His promise we wait for a renewed heavens and a renewed earth in which righteousness dwells.

14So then, beloved ones, looking forward to this, do your utmost to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless,

15and reckon the patience of our Master as deliverance, as also our beloved brother Sha’ul/Paul wrote to you, according to the wisdom given to him,

16as also in all his letters, speaking in them concerning these matters, in which some are hard to understand,a which those who are untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do also the other Scriptures.
Yahweh's spirit does not come in the name of Jesus. That is a Messianic impostor that alludes to Torah defiance through anti Jewishness hearkening back to ancient pagan enmity against the 12 tribes throughout history. Yah-Shua = Yahweh is Salvation! A bride has to know the name of her husband?
Romans 8: 5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the matters of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the matters of the Spirit.

6 For the mind of the flesh is death, but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace.

7 Because the mind of the flesh is enmity towards Elohim, for it does not subject itself to the Torah of Elohim (No Torah, no eternal LIFE), neither indeed is it able,

8 and those who are in the flesh are unable to please Elohim.

9 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of Elohim dwells in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Messiah, this one is not His.

10 And if Messiah is in you, the body is truly dead on account of sin, but the Spirit is life on account of righteousness. Do we embrace the written Torah so we are not His and His son's enemies?

- Mike Gardner (6/1/2019 11:50:49 AM)
- Posted on Luke 12:37.
To all of Yahweh's faithful watchers who are watching Yahweh's timeclock Israel, I must post this news update that I believe ties in with 1 Thessalonians 5:3 and Joel 3:1,2 that Donald Trump has officially sent Jared Kushner to Jordan and Israel and tomorrow, May 30, 2019, Jared Kushner will be trying to gain support for Trump's Middle East peace deal, which, if it is accepted, would fulfill Peace & Safety of 1 Thess. 5:3. Kushner has already met with the King of Jordan and it is clear that today, May 29th, Jordan wants the land of Israel parted and a Palestinian state to be formed with East Jerusalem as its capital. Tomorrow Kushner will be meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu, to discuss Trump's deal of the century. I realize many US Presidents have tried to part the land of Israel dating all the way back to Jimmy Carter, but Trump clearly is not giving up. Kushner has been sent today to gain support for the deal. June 25th - 26th the meeting in Bahrain will be held the Palestinian Authority has already boycotted. We are to watch Yahweh's time clock Israel, as proven in Luke 12:35-40 and to watch (Revelation 3:3). Please see this update that was published today by Israel National News. I have a feeling the land will be parted soon. Blessings to all faithful watchers who are true followers in Yeshua HaMashiach. Shalom:
Kushner meets Jordan king in push for US peace plan
Trump advisor Jared Kushner visits Jordan following visit to Morocco to seek support for next month's Bahrain conference.
- Andrea Suzanne Blum (5/29/2019 5:15:14 PM)
- Posted on Luke 12:37.
Beautiful website - thank you.
- Fatimah Johnson (5/27/2019 7:57:27 AM) []
- Posted on Genesis 28:10.
Some of the newer translations say in this verse that "some" of the nations/people and I have noticed the older versions tend to say "they". Is it some or all?
- Leaf (5/27/2019 7:22:56 AM) []
- Posted on Revelation 11:9.
“Two armies” – S. of S. 6:13. The bride bears the presence of God as not seen before. She reigns with the victorious Christ in an atmosphere of the authority of disciplined armies having spiritual power. “We use God’s mighty weapons to knock down the strongholds of human reason."
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (5/22/2019 5:32:52 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 6:13.
So thankful for this site - what a rich resource and blessing for students of the Word! God bless you.
- grateful me (5/20/2019 1:35:58 AM) []
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
Contraception, homosexuality, and masturbation are similar, and Isaiah 34:14 probably refers to these three practices, respectively, as demonical.
- Robert K U (5/15/2019 8:16:46 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 34:14.
body of Christ...
- be blest (5/13/2019 11:50:48 AM) []
- Posted on Galatians 1:8.
- Spencer (5/12/2019 11:54:48 PM)
- Posted on 1 Chronicles 6:30.
Light was not manifest on the first day. Consistent with science, light only appeared on the fourth day when the earth’s covering of mist and smoke abated to allow the light of the sun, moon and stars to become visible. This is wonderfully consistent with the prophetic appearance of the Greater Light, the Son of man. In 33CE, during the fourth millennium of man, the fourth day, the Son appeared and communed with us.
- James (5/11/2019 6:23:44 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
The Son cannot commit iniquity as it would negate the sacrifice of the perfect lamb. The mistranslated term is "asher", the relational Hebrew term which conveys the association between iniquity and the Son. The wording should be "when iniquity is associated with him..." That of course is the magnificent plan from the beginning. Yahowah would take on the iniquity of man, doing the work Himself as the set apart, diminished manifestation of the Son in human form.
- James (5/11/2019 3:46:55 PM) []
- Posted on 2 Samuel 7:14.
I would love to know why some Bible versions translates the porch dimensions as 20 by 11 cubits and other versions translates it 20 by 12 cubits? I thought the translations were from the original text. If that is true, how can there be a discrepancy? Numbers are absolutes. They are not subjective and thus might be interpreted differently.
- Tyrone E Wilson (5/11/2019 11:43:06 AM)
- Posted on Ezekiel 40:49.
“I went to see if the vine flourished” – S. of S. 6:11. The bride discerns the work of God and inspects the fruitfulness of many loving seekers who are in vital union and fellowship with the true Vine. By their dynamic outflow of abiding in the Son, the Father is glorified.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (5/10/2019 6:21:33 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 6:11.
“I went down to see” – S. of S. 6:11. The bride went down in lowliness and humility to serve and this became her advance in the revelation and vision of the heart of Christ. Though she was in a low valley, the eyes of her heart were unveiled to see the heavenly things of Christ.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (5/1/2019 6:31:37 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 6:11.
Shalom, Adam! Re: your question on Mt. 12:40, it appears that, notwithstanding Ehrman's view, scholars accept this verse as part of the original text of Matt. 12. The only questionable verse in ch. 12 is v. 47 (which has to do with someone telling Messiah that his family was waiting to speak with Him) because it's not found in all mss. However, v. 40 IS found even in the Peshitta.
- ebed Melekh (4/28/2019 11:55:24 AM) []
- Posted on Matthew 12:40.
“I went into the garden of nuts” – S. of S. 6:11. The lowly appearance of Jesus in His humanity was as the hard shell of a “nut”, for “He had no beauty or majesty
to attract us or desire him” – Isa. 53:2. Yet the sweet inner beauty of His Person is seen and held by loving hearts.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (4/28/2019 4:49:26 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 6:11.
I have heard that there is evidence that Matthew 12:40 was not part of the original teaching Yeshua gave that day. In one of our manuscripts of Matthew, an early scribe copying the Greek manuscript of Matthew left a scribal note at Matthew 12:40 explaining, “The Jewish Gospel does not have the words, ‘Three days and three nights.’”

MS 899. Bart D. Ehrman, Lost Scriptures: Books that Did Not Make It into the New Testament (Oxford University Press, 2003), 11.

Has anyone seen or heard anything about this?
- Adam (4/27/2019 8:43:31 AM)
- Posted on Matthew 12:40.
“She is as an army with banners” – S. of S. 6:10. The banners of the bride are unfurled to testify of her many triumphs over hostile enemies which tried to damage her intimate fellowship of love with Christ. Like her, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ” – Rom. 8:35.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (4/18/2019 4:24:03 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 6:10.
“She is clear as the sun” – S. of S. 6:10. “Clear” denotes the choice one who is pure. In His presence she has been tested and exposed by His brightness and purged to be bright and unblemished. The bride-city in Revelation is clear as crystal to diffuse the shining glory of God.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (4/9/2019 6:26:52 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 6:10.
Sad,look at me.bad.all his songs.dont cry
- xxx (4/8/2019 9:19:22 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 6:4.
“She is…as the morning…the moon…the sun” – S. of S. 6:10. To become a loving bride of Christ is to become a person full of light. As the morning she shines with a new day of hope – as the moon she reflects the light of Christ – as the sun she is pure with warm rays of light.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (4/5/2019 7:17:58 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 6:10.
“the daughters saw her” – S. of S. 6:9. The bride was the hidden pleasure of the heart of Christ before time, yet after HIs death and resurrection, His believers were manifested to be the same as He, for to harass or oppress the believers was to persecute Jesus – Acts 9:1-5.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (3/30/2019 5:08:19 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 6:9.
“My dove” – S. of S. 6:9. Jesus regards His bride as a guileless bird. She is ready to fly and rise above all in His overcoming and ascended life. In union with Him she is free from all – no bondage, no enclosures, no excuses, no self – only living in the liberty of the Spirit.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (3/21/2019 6:11:19 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 6:9.
Thankful for this site!
- Chrystal T. (3/21/2019 4:35:02 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 43:14.
“My dove” – S. of S. 6:9. The loving bride of Christ is
owned by Him having the quality of a guileless dove. She is pure and without any mixed motive or selfish ambition in loving Him. Since no guile can be found in Him, so she in her bridal affection matches Him in such purity.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (3/20/2019 5:22:07 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 6:9.
“Your teeth” – S. of S. 6:6. Christ admires the teeth of His bride with her ability to partake of the unlimited riches of His Person. In her spiritual maturity she feeds upon Christ as solid food, whereas others can only drink of Him as milk as they begin to love and pursue Him.
- Frank Pytel, The Two Become One (3/18/2019 6:25:42 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 6:6.
It is nice to note that Strong's Hebrew number 6777 means woman's veil or a wedding veil a woman wears when getting married. Just as Rebekah wore a veil when she was brought forth to Isaac, so the Bride of Christ will wear a veil when she is brought to Yeshua in the 1st watch, when Yeshua cries out: "Rise up My love, My fair one and come away!" In Matthew 25:1 in Aramaic version, it is wonderful to know that the five wise will go out to meet the groom and the bride when they return from the wedding fulfilling Luke 12:36 during either the 2nd watch or the 3rd watch (Luke 12:35-40). The fascinating thing to note about woman's veil, is that it matches the 6,777th verse in the New Testament from Matthew 1:1. Titus 2:13 is every born again believer's blessed hope of the coming of our Great Elohim, our Father YHWH and our Adonai and Savior Yeshua HaMashiach blessed hope, their glorious coming!! When the Spirit and the Bride say "Come," those who are humble and wise, who make up the body of Christ will be able to go out to meet them.
Matthew 25:1 Aramaic in Plain English Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be compared to ten virgins; the same took their lamps and went to meet the groom and the bride. 2 But five of them were wise and five were foolish.
Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
- Andrea Suzanne (3/7/2019 11:37:52 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 6:5.
The repetition of the description of the lovely bride by Christ shows that what she had only in embryo or germ has grown up into divine reality in her display of beauty (S. of S. 6:5-7; 4:1-3). She lays hold of Him as He has laid hold of her. His initial view and impartation of Himself into her is now expressed in fullness!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (2/26/2019 6:30:02 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 6:5.
“You are terrible as an army with banners” – S. of S. 6:4. The many banners of victory displayed by the bride of Christ exhibits a conqueror who is in union with Jesus Christ. She is grateful that “God has given the victory through the Lord Jesus Christ” – 1 Corinthians 15:57.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (2/17/2019 5:30:43 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 6:4.
“You are beautiful, O my love…comely as Jerusalem” – Song of Songs 6:4. Jerusalem, “the city of peace”, is the harmony of order, life and love in union and fellowship with the Beloved Christ. He is the peace and rest to all His loving seekers. In turn His loving seekers become His rest and satisfaction! Bridal beauty becomes a dwelling place for God to rest and be satisfied in His purpose and eternal intention. Oh, the harmony of love with these two lovers!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (2/9/2019 4:29:15 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 6:4.
I appreciated your thought on Gideon. It is amazing the potentials that God has for us in His eternal plan! May we look away from our natural views with all our introspection and excuses and give Him the full way to work out in our lives that which is for His pleasure and purpose!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (2/7/2019 8:18:01 AM)
- Posted on Judges 6:12.
Although Gideon wasn't yet a "...mighty man of valor" - God sees and addresses what Gideon could be and would become.
- jess (2/7/2019 1:10:03 AM) []
- Posted on Judges 6:12.
Jeremiah 4:15 For a voice declareth from Dän and publisheth affliction from mount Efrayim Jeremiah 4:16 Make ye mention 2142 z8685 to the nations; 1471 behold, x2009 publish 8085 z8685 against x5921 Yærûšälaim יְרוּשָׁלִַם, 3389 [that] watchers 5341 z8802 come 935 z8802 from a far 4801 country, 776 x4480 and give out 5414 z8799 their voice 6963 against x5921 the cities 5892 of Yæhûðà hebrew 5341 נֹצְרִים put this spelling into modern hebrew translater נֹצְרִים Christians. 4:16 Make ye mention 2142 z8685 to the nations; 1471 behold, x2009 publish 8085 z8685 against x5921 Yærûšälaim יְרוּשָׁלִַם, 3389 [that] watchers נֹצְרִים Christians 5341 z8802 come 935 z8802 from a far 4801 country, 776 x4480 and give out 5414 z8799 their voice 6963 against x5921 the cities 5892 of Yæhûðà 4:17 As keepers 8104 z8802 of a field, 7704 are x1961 they against x5921 her round about; 5439 x4480 because x3588 she hath been rebellious 4784 z8804 against me, saith 5002 z8803 Yähwè Isaiah 48:1יָ Hear ye this, O house of Jacob, which are called by the name of Israel, and are come forth out of the waters of Judah, which swear by the name of the Lord, and make mention of the God of Israel, but not in truth, nor in righteousness.Isaiah 48:6 Thou hast heard, 8085 z8804 see 2372 z8798 all x3605 this; and will not x3808 ye x859 declare 5046 z8686 [it]? I have shewed 8085 z8689 thee new things 2319 from this time, 6258 x4480 even hidden things, 5341 z8803 and thou didst not x3808 know 3045 z8804 them. even hidden things, 5341 נְצֻרוֹת modern hebrew translater נְצֻרוֹת Christianity Isaiah 48:6 Thou hast heard, 8085 z8804 see 2372 z8798 all x3605 this; and will not x3808 ye x859 declare 5046 z8686 [it]? I have shewed 8085 z8689 thee new things 2319 from this time, 6258 x4480 even { נְצֻרוֹת Christianity,} 5341 z8803 and thou didst not x3808 know 3045 z8804 them 7 They are created now, and not from the beginning; even before the day when thou heardest them not; lest thou shouldest say, Behold, I knew them. Isaiah 49:6 And he said, Is it a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the "preserved of Israel:" I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be "my salvation" unto the end of the earth. This remarkable passage is obviously messianic. Especially since the one spoken of is to be the "light of the Gentiles" and salvation is to the ends of the earth. What is not obvious is the Hebrew use of words in this verse. The return of the "preserved" of Israel is another of Isaiah's use of the Nazarene words in messianic contexts of which this is one Preserved of Israel is notsrey yisrael. This would be rendered "Nazarenes or as the more common modern Jewish usage, "Christians of Israel."The Hebrew here literally says :"I give you as a light to the Gentiles to be my yeshua' to the end of the earth." The Hebrew form is the name of Jesus or Yeshua. The coincidence is startling when this verse is read in Hebrew. "Is your being my servant to establish the tribes of Jacob and restore the Israeli Nazarenes("Christians of Israel) a light thing, when I have also given you as a light of the Gentiles to be my Jesus to the ends of the earth." Make what you will of this verse but that is what it says.This construction is precisely what a modern Hebrew writer would use to say "Christians are coming from a far country. "Notsriym ba'iym me'erets ha-mer-chaq" If this construction were in an Israeli newspaper it would be read as "Christians are coming from a far country." The phrase ('al yerushalam) is translated "against Jerusalem." This construction does not necessarily imply an attack. It could just as easily be translated in or upon Jerusalem and the latter phrase in the verse would be "in the cities of Judah." In that case the verse would read "Remind the nations, behold, cause it to be heard in Jerusalem, Nazarenes (Christians) are coming from a far land and they will give their voices upon the cities of Judah."
- dd (2/6/2019 12:38:41 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 49:1.
Clearly Jerusalem is a cup of trembling at this point, and we know that when we see Jerusalem compassed with armies (Luke 21:20; Zechariah 12:2,3) we know nations will be against Jerusalem and the Jewish people will go forth into captivity when the houses rifled, and the women ravished fulfilling Zechariah 14:2. Please, I realize many of us have differences in interpreting prophetic scriptures, but Gaza border riots have been going on every weekend since March 30th, Trump is ready to present the peace plan to part the land of Israel soon, right around the Israeli Elections on April 9th, and a very well known Rabbi prophesied that the Messiah of Zechariah 14, who we know to be Yeshua, would be here BEFORE the Israeli Elections... If this is true, we are running out of time!! Please, if you are a serious watcher, please read this.
- Andrea Suzanne (2/4/2019 9:35:30 PM) []
- Posted on Zechariah 14:2.
“You are beautiful” – Song of Songs 6:4. Throughout the love Song, the Beloved Christ notices and calls His seeking lover “beautiful” over ten times. Every believer and lover of Christ has a beauty that is recognized by Him. In whatever stage of growth a loving seeker may be, the potential beauty, the actual beauty or the manifested beauty is appreciated and praised by the Bridegroom Christ!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (2/4/2019 4:42:13 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 6:4.
Matthew 5:10-12 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Hebrews 12:11 Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
Proverbs 12:1 Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge,
But he who hates correction is stupid.
Proverbs 15:32 He who disdains instruction despises his own soul, but he who heeds rebuke gets understanding.
- Andrea Suzanne (2/3/2019 7:50:46 PM)
- Posted on Micah 6:8.
And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not love in my heart, I am nothing. … Love is long-suffering and is kind; love does not envy; love does not make a vain display of itself, and does not boast, Does not behave itself unseemly, seeks not her own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil...
- 1 Corinthians 13:2,4,5 (2/3/2019 6:36:48 PM)
- Posted on Micah 6:8.
Part of the reason why the Ruach HaKodesh instructed John on Patmos in AD 96 to write Revelation 18:4,5 is because He knew the adversary, Satan, would use the translator to incorrectly translate Matthew's original Aramaic writings into Greek deleting the words, ...and the bride out of Matthew 25:1. It is clear in Matthew 25:1-13 the five wise virgins go out to meet he groom and the bride. This proves the bride will "return" from the wedding ceremony with Yeshua fulfilling Luke 12:36 and that the 5 wise who go out to meet the groom and the bride, they will not be given in marriage proven in Mark 12:25. This can be further proved in the original Hebrew of Isaiah 54:5 and in the original Greek translations of 2 Corinthians 11:2. Paul clearly wrote in 2 Corinthians 11:2 that the many members of the body of Christ would be espoused to one husband as chaste virgins, not chaste husbands and wives. There is 1 wife mentioned in Revelation 19:7 which can be further verified with 1 Timothy 3:2. Husband in the Greek translation means to be Lord or husband over, and to be a husband to one wife. Satan knew that 2 Corinthians 11:2 would be incorrectly interpreted if the bride was deleted out of Matthew 25:1. This is why John wrote a warning in Revelation 18:4,5 to come out of the church building system, to stop being a partaker of her sins and to stop receiving of her plagues. Matthew's original Aramaic Gospel was written around AD 70 shortly around the time the 2nd temple was destroyed. John wrote Revelation on Patmos in AD 26 roughly 26 years after Matthew's Gospel was written and mis-translated.
It is clear that husband in both the Greek and in the Hebrew means to be LORD over and to be a Husband of one wife. John never wrote husbands and wives in Revelation 19:7-9, he wrote wife in the singular tense. You are not rightly dividing the word of truth, it is clear you are puffed up with pride and in total violation of 2 Timothy 2:15 and Mark 8:38 where it is clear that when the rapture happens, the Spirit and the Bride will say come (Revelation 22:17) when Yeshua returns FROM the Wedding with His Bride so the 5 wise will go out to meet them fulfilling Matthew 25:1 in Aramaic in Plain English Translation. These 5 wise are proven to NOT be given in marriage according to Mark 12:25. It is very clear according to Luke 24:44 that Yeshua would fulfill ALL Scripture concerning Him, and this would definitely also include Proverbs 31 by having 1 Proverbs 31 woman. The Word of Elohim is not bound Paul wrote to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:19. Quit spreading deception these very last days, it is clear the Ruach HaKodesh will guide the 5 wise into ALL truth and show them things to come (John 16:13.) Shalom.
- Andrea Suzanne (2/2/2019 12:28:21 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:8.
Jesus is the last 'Adam' and like Adam His wife will come from HIS body. Paul explains 'the body of Christ' as being individuals who are set in with different functions. Some act as eyes, some as ears, some as hands, etc. So it is with the 'bride', each believer will be part of the body of the bride, acting as eyes, ears, hands, etc. John tells us in Rev. and Paul confirms that we will be 'kings and priests' so we do have a future function that can only be performed by a multitude of people, who make up the body of the bride of Christ.
The relationship of Christ to the bride is similar to God's relationship with Israel, in which God was married to the children of Israel. God was not a bigamist, with a vast harem. It is an analogy which gives further insight to his relationship with His people. As a proof text I offer Paul's words to the believerS at Corinth: 2 Cor 11:2 For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present [you as] a chaste virgin to Christ.

- Willis Deal (2/1/2019 6:08:33 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:8.
Isaiah 22:2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. Many people will come and they say: he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths:he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: neither shall they learn war any more. This will happen after the judgement.10 Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness: in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty of the Lord. For when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. The mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains. O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.The last days are the christian house of jacob. So will this christian nation walk in the light of our Lord.NO!! Therefore thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob, because they be replenished from the east, and are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers.Thier leaders are Marxists soothsayers, envisaging a future paradise they cover thier Christian land with the non christians and they please themselves in the children of strangers they hear not the word of the LORD “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” . Their land also is full of silver and gold, neither is there any end of their treasures. Their land also is full of idols.10 Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty.11 The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. To go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy (christian) paths. The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves. What mean ye that ye beat my people to pieces, and grind the faces of the poor? saith the Lord God of hosts.16 Moreover the Lord saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes.7 Therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion. And her gates shall lament and mourn; and she being desolate shall sit upon the ground.4 And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.This is a Last day Christian prophecy to a great nation in the world. ah Lord when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness and then they will say: Many people let us go to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. 1 Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean.2Shake thyself from the dust; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion. All last day christian prophecy.
- dd (2/1/2019 8:11:45 AM)
- Posted on Isaiah 2:3.
“My beloved is gone down into his garden…to gather lilies” – Song of Songs 6:2. Our lovely Christ desires to gather His lovers more closely to Himself. Those who are pure in heart and trusting Him for their provisions are gathered into a sweeter love union and fellowship with Him.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (1/31/2019 5:25:29 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 6:2.
“My beloved is gone into his garden…to gather lilies” – S. of S. 6:2. It is an amazing thought that “His lips are like lilies” (5:13), and He has gone down to gather lilies. The loving lilies that we have become is what we have derived from Him. We match His lily lips! “As he is, so are we” – 1 John 4:17.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (1/28/2019 4:39:59 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 6:2.
I'm glad you posted this comment. One morning in 2018 I woke up with the verse on my mind "though your sins be as SCARLET they shall be white as snow and I wondered if the word scarlet was just referring to a color or something more and it refers to that same worm in Psalm 22:6!
Jesus identified with this worm. I really believe that when Adam and Eve sinned, satan said they are ruined. I will permanently dye them with my red stain of sin and they will be ruined forever. The blood of Jesus undid the stain and made us white as snow! Justified - Just as if I'd never sinned! 011919
- Brudder Juan (1/19/2019 6:29:05 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 22:8.
When the female of the scarlet worm species was ready to give birth to her young, she would attach her body to the trunk of a tree, fixing herself so firmly and permanently that she would never leave again. The eggs deposited beneath her body were thus protected until the larvae were hatched and able to enter their own life cycle. As the mother died, the crimson fluid stained her body and the surrounding wood. From the dead bodies of such female scarlet worms, the commercial scarlet dyes of antiquity were extracted.
What a picture this gives of Christ, dying on the tree,
shedding His precious blood that He might "bring many sons unto glory" (Heb. 2:10)! He died for us, that we might live through Him!
- (1/19/2019 4:44:56 PM) []
- Posted on Psalms 22:6.
Ezekiel 20:34 And I will bring you out from the people, and will gather you out of the countries wherein ye are scattered, with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out.35 And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people, and there will I plead with you face to face.36 Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you, saith the Lord God. The colonists learned how to live in the wilderness :JULY 4, 1776 We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The Constitution and Slavery: Article I, Section. 2 [Slaves count as 3/5 persons] , Article IV, Section. 2. [Free states cannot protect slaves] Article V [No Constitutional Amendment to Ban Slavery Until 1808] You hypocrites!‘These people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me. Thus saith the Lord; Behold, I am against thee. I will purge out from among you the rebels.Son of man, set thy face toward the south, and drop thy word toward the south.I will kindle a fire in thee. All faces from the south to the north shall be burned therein. 4 Seeing then that I will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked, therefore shall my sword go forth out of his sheath against all flesh from the south to the north:5 That all flesh may know that I the Lord have drawn forth my sword out of his sheath: it shall not return any more . President Lincoln:A Proclamation.And by virtue of the power, and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States, and parts of States, are, and henceforward shall be free; and that the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons. When did God bring Israel into the widerness a second time? Where in the wilderness did israel have a civil war? In context of this prophecey "The phrase the rod of my son" establishes Israel as the christians in the wilderness 37 And I will cause you to pass under the rod and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant (THE rod of my son is CHRIST and the covenant is THE NEW COVENANT) : So if God did this because of slavery what awaits us now? Son of man, prophesy, and say, Thus saith the Lord; Say, A sword, a sword is sharpened, and also furbished:10 It is sharpened to make a sore slaughter; it is furbished that it may glitter: should we then make mirth? It contemneth the rod of my son, as every tree. It is furbished, to give it into the hand of the slayer. Cry and howl, son of man: for it shall be upon my people(Christians), it shall be upon all the princes of Israel: terrors by reason of the sword shall be upon my people: It is a trial: and what if the sword contemn( regard with contempt) even the rod? plotting and hating ,THE NEW COVENANTof my son.It shall be no more, saith the Lord God.AND THIS IS THE FATE OF THE CHRIST HATERS! Thou therefore, son of man, prophesy, and smite thine hands together. and let the sword be doubled the third time, the sword of the slain: it is the sword of the great men that are slain, which entereth into their privy chambers. 5 I have set the point of the sword against all their gates, that their heart may faint, and their ruins be multiplied: ah! it is made bright, it is wrapped up for the slaughter.16 Go thee one way or other, either on the right hand, or on the left, whithersoever thy face is set.17 I will also smite mine hands together, and I will cause my fury to rest: I the Lord have said it.Does he mean: Go left with satan and you will be wrapped up for the slaughter. or Go right with Jesus and I will (clap my hands) and cause my fury to rest. 38 And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me: I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn, and they shall not enter into the land of Israel: and ye shall know that I am the Lord. The Confederacy struggled for legitimacy and was never recognized as a sovereign nation. And ye shall know that I am the Lord!
- dd (1/19/2019 11:10:11 AM) []
- Posted on Ezekiel 20:34.
54:15 Behold, they shall surely gather together, [but] not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake. 54:15 If you(can) 2005 behold 2009 I 0595 create 1254 manufacturers artificer inventors. 2790 (literally, to inflate,5301 in 9004 fire 0784 to make ash 6352 and 9007 that bringeth forth 3318 apparatus 3627 his transaction 4639 and 9007 I 0595 create 1254 the waster 7843 to 9009 to destroy ( Atom BOMB ?
- usa (1/15/2019 10:41:47 AM)
- Posted on Isaiah 54:15.
between the critical text and the revived text saying should be saved and were saved.
the church.

after doing something before that asked what shall we do?
believe repent and be baptized.

to dip or plunge under bury.

- briqwest (1/13/2019 10:55:34 AM) []
- Posted on Acts 2:47.
Numbers 23 7 And he took up his parable, and said, Balak the king of Moab hath brought me from Aram, out of the mountains of the east, saying, Come, curse me Jacob, and come, defy Israel.8 How shall I curse, whom God hath not cursed? or how shall I defy, whom the Lord hath not defied?9 For from the top of the rocks I see him, and from the hills I behold him: lo, the people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations. I see him:the future Israel! And they dwell alone and they are new nation that has not been reckoned.10 Who can count the dust of Jacob, and the number of the fourth part of Israel? Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his! God's Mercy to Israel: Hosea 2:14Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably unto her. Ezekiel 20 As I live, saith the Lord GOD, surely with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out, will I rule over you: 34And I will bring you out from the people, and will gather you out of the countries wherein ye are scattered, with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out. 35And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people, Ezekiel I will bring you (ISRAEL) into the wilderness Hosea 2:14 I will allure her, and bring her(ISRAEL) into the wilderness Numbers 23 I see the future Israel! And they dwell alone.(in the wilderness) Isaiah 62( Israel!) called by a new name, thy land shall be married as young man marrieth a virgin, THE LAND IS VIRGIN LAND! And they dwell alone and they are new nation that has not been reckoned. BEHOLD the lost sheep of the house of Israel.Psalm 83:3 They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.4They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.5 For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee: Psalm 2 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.12Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.
- dd (1/11/2019 7:42:35 AM)
- Posted on Numbers 23:7.
Another reference to THE Son: Psalm 2:12 Kiss the Son...
Also see Zech. 13:7 and Psalm 110:1. Please post any others you find - thanks, and blessings to you!
- Hinneh (1/11/2019 5:23:01 AM)
- Posted on Proverbs 30:4.
Ezekiel 20 The message to the lost tribes of israel: Ezekiel 20:34 And I will bring you out from the people, and will gather you out of the countries wherein ye are scattered, with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out.35 And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people, and there will I plead with you face to face.36 Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you, saith the Lord God.The wilderness of the people is the birth of the UNITED STATES. 37 And I will cause you to pass under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant: the rod of my son 38 And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me: I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn, and they shall not enter into the land of Israel:(the holy mountain of the height of Israel) and ye shall know that I am the Lord.44 And ye shall know that I am the Lord when I have wrought with you for my name's sake, not according to your wicked ways, nor according to your corrupt doings, O ye house of Israel, saith the Lord God 40 For in mine holy mountain, in the mountain of the height of Israel, saith the Lord God, there shall all the house of Israel, all of them in the land, serve me: there will I accept them.The holy mountain is the mountain of christ the jersalem that is above the mother of us all.38 And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me:46 Son of man, set thy face toward the south, and drop thy word toward the south, and prophesy against the forest of the south field;47 And say to the forest of the south, Hear the word of the Lord; Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall devour every green tree in thee, and every dry tree: the flaming flame shall not be quenched, and all faces from the south to the north shall be burned therein.48 And all flesh shall see that I the Lord have kindled it: it shall not be quenched.49 Then said I, Ah Lord God! they say of me, Doth he not speak parables?3 And say to the land of Israel, Thus saith the Lord; Behold, I am against thee, and will draw forth my sword out of his sheath, and will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked.4 Seeing then that I will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked, therefore shall my sword go forth out of his sheath against all flesh from the south to the north:5 That all flesh may know that I the Lord have drawn forth my sword out of his sheath: it shall not return any more. The civil war in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA begining in the south and spreads to the north. Brother against brother. Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives, that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.It is for us, the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here, have, thus far, so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.5 I the Lord have drawn forth my sword out of his sheath: it shall not return any more. FEAR THE LORD YE HIS PEOPLE!
- dd (1/9/2019 6:57:19 AM)
- Posted on Ezekiel 21:1.
“His mouth is most sweet” – Song of Songs 5:16. When apostle John wrote his second letter to the lovers of Christ, he closed it with the thought that soon he would be with them and be able to speak “mouth to mouth” to them (2 John 1:12). It is far better to speak “mouth to mouth” or face to face with the ones you love. The precious Word of God is our daily delight, but when the written words become the words of “His mouth” there is an unspeakable joy and comfort from Him! It is at this time that His words unveil His face.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (12/7/2018 5:16:42 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:16.
Jeremiah 31:6 Forums Online 31:6 For x3588 there shall be 3426 a day, 3117 [that] the watchmen 5341 z8802 upon the mount 2022 ´Efrayim אֶפרַיִם 669 shall cry, 7121 z8804 Arise 6965 z8798 ye, and let us go up 5927 z8799 to Xiyyôn צִיּוֹן 6726 unto x413 Yähwè יָהוֶה 3068 our ´Élöhîm the word watchmen 5341 נֹצְרִים put into a modern day hebrew translator this word translates (נֹצְרִים Christians) Jeremiah 31:6 Forums Online 31:6 For x3588 there shall be 3426 a day, 3117 [that] the (Christians) 5341 z8802 upon the mount 2022 ´Efrayim אֶפרַיִם 669 shall cry, 7121 z8804 Arise 6965 z8798 ye, and let us go up 5927 z8799 to Xiyyôn צִיּוֹן 6726 unto x413 Yähwè יָהוֶה 3068 our ´Élöhîm
- dd (12/4/2018 6:08:52 PM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 31:6.
“His countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars” – Song of Songs 5:15. In Song of Songs 5:10-16, the bride relates so many items of the beauty and glory of her Bridegroom. How can she describe Him in such a detailed way? The whole excellence and elevation of His Person are known because of the intimacy of love. Because of love, her eyes have been opened with the power to see what others cannot see. Our absolute surrender and consecration to Him through love unveils our eyes to see His beauty and glory. Lord Jesus, I want to surrender all and consecrate myself to you. Show me your countenance, appear to me as you are!

- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/30/2018 6:00:52 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:15.
“His legs are as pillars of marble, set on sockets of fine gold” – Song of Songs 5:15. When viewing the great image of different materials shown in Daniel 2 to predict the governments to come upon the earth, there is a degradation and deterioration from fine gold to silver to bronze and finally to iron with clay. The downgrade of precious elements unveil how earthly governments slowly degrade and become fully corrupt. Yet in the presentation of the beauty of the Beloved Christ, His head is of the finest gold and His legs with His feet bear the same element of the finest gold. There is nothing of corruption, deterioration or degradation in Christ. From His head to His feet, He is eternally the same!

- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/28/2018 4:25:20 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:15.
“His legs are as pillars” – Song of Songs 5:15. The legs of our Beloved Christ depict straight, well-shaped, strong columns. The two columns or pillars of His legs were seen in the move of God in the wilderness and with the dwelling place of rest in the good land. In the wandering journey of His lovers through the wilderness there was the pillar of a cloud and fire for their leading and protection. This pillar led His lovers into the good land where the temple was built with two magnificent pillars of glory for the rest and testimony of God. The “legs as pillars” of our wonderful Christ lead us out of all that is against God, and brings us into the place where the eternal purpose of God’s rest and pleasure are gained. Lord Jesus, lead me out of all that is not of you, and bring me more into the intimate union with you for God’s rest and glory!

- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/24/2018 4:36:21 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:15.
“His legs are as pillars of marble, set on sockets of fine gold” – Song of Songs 5:15. The 8th item of the beauty and glory of Christ as described by His bride are “His legs”. “His legs” are for strength in movement or stability in His unwavering firm stance. His continuous advance or fixed stance are the move and base of God’s eternal purpose and pleasure. God has moved in Christ to complete what He has determined with no possibility of Him being overturned. Lord Jesus, we join with you today to move and stand for God’s will on the earth.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/23/2018 4:32:07 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:15.
“His belly is as bright ivory overlaid with sapphires” – Song of Songs 5:14. The “bright ivory” of His belly can be described as a shining piece of artwork elaborately fashioned from a sharp tusk. It is of a cream color and was found in palaces of music which made the king glad (Psa. 45:8). The “ivory” was also used for the elevated and majestic throne of the King (1 Kings 10:18). The “belly” of our Beloved with His inner feelings of love and compassion bring us into His joy with His majestic authority as we daily approach the throne of grace and mercy to fellowship with Him in time of need (Heb. 4:16).
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/19/2018 6:13:19 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:14.
“His hands are as gold rings” – Song of Songs 5:14. The two hands of the Beloved Christ correspond with the two hands mentioned in John 10:28-29 – the loving hand of the Father and the mighty hand of power of the Son. His hands hold us securely from every evil and temptation that wants to separate or come between our love union and sweet fellowship with Him.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/14/2018 6:32:14 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:14.
“His hands are as gold rings” – Song of Songs 5:14. “His hands are as gold” stressing His divinity as the sovereign God – “He has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens” (Isaiah 40:12). Yet His outstretched arms with His golden hands manifested the love of God as He did the will of God at the cross. In resurrection He showed His lovers the nail prints in His hands (John 20:27). Now we as believers and bridal lovers of Jesus Christ know with assurance – “I have engraved you on the palms of my hands” (Isaiah 49:16). We have a personal relationship with divine, yet bleeding hands of our lovely Christ!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One' (11/11/2018 4:44:29 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:14.
I have often wondered what exactly was/were the "Asherah".
- MartyB (11/9/2018 1:42:16 AM)
- Posted on 1 Kings 15:13.
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- Arush Agarwal (11/8/2018 3:27:56 AM)
- Posted on 2 Peter 1:14.
“His lips like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh” – Song of Songs 5:13b. The “lips” of our Beloved Christ display His smile. A hymn writer wrote the line, “His gracious smile is our reward, we love, we love Thee Lord”. Despite so many attacks of the enemy, so many discouragements, and times when we felt like giving up, our pathway and journey to glory is often cheered by the loving smile of His lips!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/7/2018 5:33:42 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:13.
This is in reference to the student's post on this verse. My thought of this verse is that “the large letters by his own hand” refers not to the length of the epistle written of his revelation of Jesus Christ and concern for the Galatian believers (or in fact any of the other churches), but the oversized letters he used in his closing signature and blessing was due to his eyesight. This can be traced back to his testimony of love which the Galatians had for him, and were ready, “if possible to have plucked out their eyes and given them to him” (Gal. 4:15). The physical needs of those serving the church and pouring themselves out to our wonderful Savior Jesus Christ should be considered by us, and cared for as much is possible, as we are led by the Lord. This is the mutual care in the Body of Christ for one another (Gal. 6:6).
- Frank Pytel (11/5/2018 6:41:17 PM)
- Posted on Galatians 6:11.
“His lips like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh” – Song of Songs 5:13b. The words of our Beloved Christ are “spirit and life” (John 6:63). His holy breath, from His heart of love, was formed into words through His lips to be breathed into His loving seekers. The inbreathing of His holy words produces bridal affections, characteristics and beauty to match Him as His counterpart (2 Tim. 3:16; Eph. 5:26).
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/5/2018 7:07:04 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:13.
any current comments ?

- student (11/4/2018 11:02:23 AM)
- Posted on Galatians 6:11.
“His cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers” – Song of Songs 5:13a. As lovers of Christ, the beauty of His face attracts us. The sweet flowers or towers of perfume seen and realized in His face are manifestations of Himself to us as we sense His presence in the Word and prayer. Even when we gather with two or three other loving seekers in His Name, His sweet and fragrance presence is manifested to us as we seek His face of beauty and glory!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/2/2018 6:18:38 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:13.
“His eyes are fitly set” – Song of Songs 5:12. “Set” here is as a stone set in a ring, or the stones set on the breastplate of the high priest. The vision of His eyes is set. His view is accurate with nothing uncertain. His view of His bride is full of love and set according to the eternal purpose and will of God. His love is set to work out all that is needed to produce His loving companion and counterpart.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/31/2018 4:47:22 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:12.
“His eyes are as the eyes of doves” – Song of Songs 5:12. When John saw the resurrected and exalted Son of God, His “eyes were as a flame of fire” (Rev. 1:14). The view of the Beloved Christ concerning the degradation of the churches and the rebellion of the world caused His eyes to burn with judgment. Here in the love song of the Bridegroom with His bride, He has the “eyes of doves”. His eyes infuse His spiritual love into the one He loves!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/27/2018 4:29:08 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:12.
“His locks are bushy” – Song of Songs 5:11. This phrase has been translated as “His locks upon a hill”. It depicts a hilly country which rises as steps – “bushy”, hill upon hill. These are the steps of the perfect man in His holy humanity living out the divine headship – “head of finest gold”. The eternal Head was exhibited in the step by step movements of the Man Jesus:
- The step of His incarnation, the eternal God come into time
- The step of His human living with His teachings, compassion, miracles, and purity apart from sin
- The step of His death in total obedience to the determined will of God
- The steps of resurrection and ascension as the triumphant God-Man upon the throne to carry out and administrate as the Head the eternal plan and purpose of God

- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/24/2018 5:36:39 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:11.
“His locks are bushy, and black as a raven” – Song of Songs 5:11. This is the second of the ten features of the Beloved’s beauty as described by His bride. This is spoken by her as one unveiled and who has experienced Him intimately. “Locks” is that which grows over His forehead. The word for “locks” is only used twice in the Hebrew Bible, and both are found in the Song of Songs.
1) “locks with drops of the night” – as the Man of Sorrows suffering in the night, as Gethsemane
2) “locks are bushy, and black” – displaying the authority of obedience with the color of unending vigor and the attractiveness of youth
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/21/2018 4:51:08 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:11.
“His head is as the most fine gold” – Song of Songs 5:11. Does this imply a crown of gold upon the head of our Beloved Christ? His earthly ministry as the “Man of Sorrows” issued in a “crown of thorns”; yet as the exalted King in His heavenly ministry He is seen crowned with many crowns (Rev. 14:14; 19:12). While the veiled world of corruption still places a crown of shame upon His head, may our lives, who love Him solely, be as a golden crown for the increase of His glory and honor!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/20/2018 4:23:35 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:11.
“His head is as the most fine gold” – Song of Songs 5:11. The headship of Christ in the epistle to the Ephesians is unveiled in three wonderful aspects: 1) the sovereign Head over all, stressing Christ in the government and administration of God (Eph. 1:22) 2) the Head of every member of the Body stressing Christ as our personal source, emphasizing the bountiful life supply (4:15-16) 3) the Head of the bride stressing His outpoured love to gain and perfect His counterpart (5:23)
Lord Jesus, you are truly the head of finest gold to all your lovers!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/16/2018 7:09:16 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:11.
The loving bride describes the Beloved Christ with a head of the finest gold, having the splendor of divinity. In Paul’s epistle to the Romans, he speaks of two men as two heads. The headship of the fallen race of Adam which issued in sin and death; and the headship of the Beloved Christ of the new creation which is of grace and righteousness issuing in eternal life to His loving believing.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/14/2018 4:38:32 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:11.
When the lovely bride describes the golden head of the Beloved Christ she speaks of the One who is the supreme and sovereign One. His authority is divine. His sovereign authority in the government of God arranges all things to work together for good to those who love God that the eternal will of God would be done. Lord Jesus, we look to you as our Bridegroom-head in every situation in our environment for we know that you are in control!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/13/2018 4:29:51 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:11.
“His head is as the most fine gold, his locks are bushy, and black as a raven” – Song of Songs 5:11. When the loving bride describes the head of her Beloved Christ, it implies at least five items: 1) His great eternal thoughts and intentions; 2) His sovereignty over all; 3) His leadership; 4) His Godhead; 5) the administrator in the economy of God. May the headship of our Beloved Christ be unveiled and real in our love life with Him!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/12/2018 5:12:08 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:11.
In Revelation 7:9-10, there is a vast host which could not be numbered. These all stood around the throne of God with the Lamb as their center. There was a single Lamb with an uncountable multitude of saved ones. Even among such a multitude the Lamb could not be lost sight of for He is the preeminent One – the chief One among an innumerable multitude. He stands above all in regard to His Person, His accomplishments, and His attainments. Although He is far above all, each one in this vast multitude is vitally connected with Him for their salvation! Each one of them has a testimony of union and fellowship with the lovely Lamb! “My beloved is the chiefest among ten thousand” – Song of Songs 5:10.

- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/11/2018 4:40:38 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:10.
“My beloved is the chiefest among ten thousand” – Song of Songs 5:10. In this verse “ten thousand” is used to represent an innumerable multitude. Actually, the “ten thousand” get their importance because the Beloved Christ is among them. The innumerable multitude, no matter how large it can be, has no meaning or significance if He is not among them. In the same way, apart from Him, we are nothing and without purpose. Intimate union and sweet fellowship with our lovely Jesus Christ is the reality of our life!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/10/2018 5:13:07 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:10.
In Song of Songs 2:4, the Beloved Himself has become the banner of love over each loving seeker. The unfurled flag of the victory of His conquering love is a sign to all that we are not our own, but belong solely to Him. Even more, the victory of His love has covered me from every temptation, frustration and competing desire that tries to harm the union and fellowship of love. In Song of Songs 5:10, the Beloved Christ is the standard bearer and banner – the leader exalted above all, who is victorious among a multitude. He declares and leads His loving bride in the way of full salvation for the glory of God. These two banners have become the victory of love in the eternal union of the Bridegroom with His bride.

- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/9/2018 4:37:56 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:10.
How wonderful to be unveiled as to what is on the heart of God. Thank you for your fellowship my sister!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/7/2018 6:13:23 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:10.
I wipe the dust off my feet Frank Pytel. I have told you before and I will tell you again, that a Biblical marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman as proven in Matthew 19 and 1 Timothy 3:2. When the wise virgins go out to meet the groom and the bride, as Matthew originally wrote, the wise virgins are the many members of the body of Christ and the bride is 1 woman! Yeshua HaMashiach is not going to have a great big polygamous bride of men and women. That is not Biblical. You need to STOP spreading deceptive lies on this page, every day I will check this page and put a new comment up if yours is deceiving people! You clearly are confused as to how to rightly divide the word of truth and to UNDERSTAND what Paul meant when he wrote 2 Corinthians 11:2. Clearly Paul wrote that many would be betrothed or "joined" to Christ as chaste virgins. But betrothed also means to betroth a daughter to any one; to join to one's self, i.e. to marry the daughter of any one; to betroth, to give one in marriage to any one, and this can be looked up in Strong's Greek Concordance for G0718.
The daughter of the King will fulfill 2 Corinthians 11:2, the daughter mentioned in Psalm 45:13. The virgins her companions will also be betrothed to Christ as CHASTE VIRGINS, who in some translations are referred to as bridesmaids. When have you ever heard of 1 man getting married to a bride and many bridesmaids? Never... Not on this earth and not in heaven either. On earth as it is in heaven, as mentioned in the Our Father Prayer written in Luke Chapter 11, verses 1 through 4. If you cannot understand that the virgins go out to meet the groom and the bride as mentioned in Matthew's original Aramaic writings, then you are REFUSING to receive the truth and clearly you are in violation of John 16:13, where it is clear the Ruach HaKodesh guides people into ALL TRUTH and shows true followers things to come. When many false prophets see the events of Revelation 22:17 unfold at the timing of the rapture, where many will see the Ruach and the Bride say "Come", they will be in violation of Mark 8:38 and Luke 9:26 where it is clear they will be ashamed at YHWH's words. Clearly the daughter of the King of Psalm 45:13 is not the same as the virgins her companions of Psalm 45:14. The daughter of the King is Yeshua's wife of Revelation 19:7 and 1 Timothy 3:2 and the virgins her companions are the saints of Revelation 19:8. The dove who is but ONE of Song of Solomon 6:9 is the 1 woman Bride of Christ and the Virgins too many to count are the many members of the Body of Christ, mentioned in Song of Solomon 6:8. Every time you spread your polygamous lies on this page, I will respond! People are deceived by this unbiblical doctrine and people are puffed up with pride placing Elohim in a box by their selfish demands! God is NOT mocked and it is clear the Word of Elohim is not bound! Yeshua WILL fulfill ALL Scripture as proven in Luke 24:44-45 and this will INCLUDE Proverbs 31. Last but not least, who are the guests of Matthew 22? Do you think the guests of Matthew 22 are part of this great big polygamous bride you are preaching? NO!!! the Bridegroom is Yeshua and the bride is a woman! And the bridesmaids are the virgins the companions of the daughter of the King! The guests of Matthew 22 are not part of an unbiblical polygamous bride! Clearly John wrote in John 3:29 that he is a friend of the Bridegroom, the best man who will hear Yeshua's vows in the day of his marriage! Clearly the 5 wise who go out to meet the groom and the bride go into the marriage and marriage in Matthew 25:10 means marriage banquet or marriage supper. This is AFTER the wedding ceremony takes place which will fulfill Psalm 45:13-14! The marriage supper of Revelation 19:9 is the reception that follows after the Wedding Ceremony! If you keep spreading lies on this page, I will continue to respond with the truth!
- Andrea Suzanne (10/6/2018 7:41:45 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:10.
“My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand” – Song of Songs 5:10. The “chiefest” is often translated as “banner” or “standard bearer”. When the adversary and enemy of the bride approaches to do harm, our Beloved Christ will be lifted up as a banner against him (Isaiah 59:19). His banner is the triumph on the cross – His banner is the resurrection where He defeated death – His banner is His exalted seat on the throne – His banner is the poured out Spirit of life and power. This is the beginning of the detailed description of the Bridegroom who we love and will marry!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/6/2018 4:18:27 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:10.
Dear Frank Pytel: I left a tweet on your twitter page about the controversial topic concerning the Bride of Christ mentioned in Matthew's original Aramaic writings of Matthew 25:1. I pray the Ruach HaKodesh sheds light to how the daughter of the King of Psalm 45:13 is the same as the bride of Matthew 25:1 and the bride in Revelation 22:17. It is clear the Old Testament revealed is the New Testament Concealed.
We are getting very close to Luke 21:20 and it is clear not many will make it up in the rapture if they do not come to the knowledge of the truth about certain false doctrines. I hope the Ruach HaKodesh opens your eyes to the truth so the truth can truly set you free. Blessings in HaMoshiach Yeshua, Shalom.
- Andrea Suzanne (10/4/2018 10:05:54 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:10.
“My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand” – Song of Songs 5:10. Firstly, He is “white” – eternally pure in brightness; secondly, He is “ruddy” – the One full of vigor, yet bleeding for the helpless and dying race of Adam; thirdly, He is the chiefest among ten thousand – the One who is far above all with no equal, who has ascended, been exalted and now enthroned in glory and beauty. This is the One whom we love and will marry!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/2/2018 6:47:08 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:10.
“My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand” – Song of Songs 5:10. There are two colors that the loving seeking bride uses to describe her Bridegroom, “white and ruddy”. “White” denotes radiance, dazzling, His pure spotlessness. He has no mixture, but shines as the sun with a glow of light. Oh how precious it is to be in the presence of such divine purity. Lord Jesus, may the shining of your Person infuse me with your beauty and glory!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/30/2018 4:53:54 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:10.
“My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand” – Song of Songs 5:10. As the loving seeker bride speaks of how her Beloved is far above all others, she firstly gives a general view of Him (v.10), then a tenfold detailed description from His head to His legs (vv.11-15), and finally concludes with a her supreme vision of His beauty and glory! The Holy Spirit, throughout her seeking, has impressed upon her a deep personal revelation of Him. Her tenfold account of Him is based upon her intimate union and personal experience of love with Him – not a mere doctrine or a repetition of what others have said.

- Frank Pytel, "The (9/28/2018 4:44:19 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:10.
When we speak concerning our Beloved Christ we reveal what is in our heart and what we have seen of Him. Is He a historical figure, a distant experience, or is what I am speaking of Him my current love relationship which burns in my heart? “My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand” – Song of Songs 5:10.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/26/2018 5:36:21 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:10.
“What is your Beloved more than another beloved that you so charge us?” – Song of Song 5:9. Her love for the Bridegroom is contagious. Her deep desire and seeking of Him inspires others to inquire about Him. If we have nothing but Him others will wonder who this One is that so motivates and compels us in such a desperate and lovingly way. What occupies our heart is displayed in our life to others! If Christ is supreme in us then others will see Him shine through us.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/22/2018 4:22:23 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:9.
The Biblical revelation of the supremacy of Christ is mentioned throughout the Word of God. The Father declares that He is the Beloved Son, the One chosen by Him (Luke 3:22). The Psalmist prophesies the He is the most excellent of men (Psa. 45:2). He is preeminent among all humanity. The words of the Beloved Christ reveal the superiority of His heart and mind because never did a man speak the way that He speaks (John 7:46). “What is your Beloved more than another beloved?” – Song of Song 5:9.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/19/2018 6:53:22 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:9.
I was looking up the number of the date of the red heifer birth...12/17...born in the twelfth month in the Jewish calendar, and the 17th day. 1217. I think it said "builder, worker." Then referred me to Hebrews 11:10. Since the Jewish people are still awaiting their messiah,(they rejected Jesus), this verse could have implications to their rebuilding of the temple?
- Mrs.R.D (9/16/2018 12:36:54 PM)
- Posted on Hebrews 11:10.
Whomever your issue or argument is with, it is not with me.

I did not come here to spread strife but to address my Father’s Torah which you misrepresented, as well the nature of Shalumah’s sin or lawlessness as it related to MARRIAGE, not REVELATION.

I made no representatations otherwise, as stated: I was not aware of the interpretation you offered on Rev. and simply asked you for you source, thank you for providing it. If you are offended because I addressed mixing or using of pagan and Hebrew words... His name nor title is g-d... His is an assembly or congregation not the greek “church” or circus, from “circies”... l-rd is not His name or title but YHWH. l-rd g-d comes straight from Phoenicia and their deity of fortune “baal-gad”. And His Shabbat or Sabbath is the 6th day.


Strongs H1408/H1409
- A-NZYR (9/14/2018 4:12:13 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:8.
“What is your beloved more than another beloved, O you fairest among women? What is your beloved more than another beloved that you do so charge us?” – Song of Songs 5:9. The title “fairest among women” was first given by the Beloved Christ to His seeking lover in beginning of the Song (1:8). It was at that time He saw in her the potential and capacity of extreme beauty to match Him as His counterpart. To be the “fairest among women” to Him was His eternal view and plan for her to be His lovely bride!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/14/2018 4:27:27 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:9.
Did He goes to Hades and preach?
- Joel (9/13/2018 7:12:05 AM)
- Posted on 1 Peter 3:19.
Thank you for the sharing the Word of God regarding the bride. A wonderful Bridegroom does need such a wonderful Bride to be His match, so that the Spirit and the Bride would speak the same thing!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/12/2018 6:00:28 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:9.
Esther is a foreshadow of the Bride of Christ, the Wife of Yeshua HaMashiach in Revelation 19:7. Esther 2:17 KJV
And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained grace and favour in his sight more than all the virgins; so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen instead of Vashti.
Yeshua's beloved is the fairest among women mentioned in Song of Solomon 5:9. This verse can be compared to Esther 2:17 where it is clear King Ahasuerus of Persia viewed Esther as more fairer than all the other virgins.
Matthew 25:1 Aramaic in Plain English Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be compared to ten virgins; the same took their lamps and went to meet the groom and the bride.
Psalm 45:13-14 KJV The king's daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold. 14 She shall be brought unto the king in raiment of needlework: the virgins her companions that follow her shall be brought unto thee.
Clearly the Bride of Revelation 22:17 is the same bride mentioned in Matthew's Original Aramaic writings BEFORE they were translated into Greek and English. As Bereans of Acts 17:11, we have to question who the virgins are and who the groom and the bride is in Matthew 25:1. The Bride of Revelation 22:17 is the same Bride of Matthew 25:1 in the Aramaic original writings.
Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. Luke wrote in Luke 24:44 that ALL Scripture would be fulfilled, and this would include Esther 2:17. I pray the Ruach HaKodesh opens your eyes to the truth so the truth may set you free, as it is clear the Ruach guides the 5 wise into ALL TRUTH and shows them things to come as mentioned in John 16:13. Shalom.
- Andrea Suzanne (9/10/2018 10:27:38 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:9.
“What is your beloved more than another beloved, O you fairest among women? What is your beloved more than another beloved that you do so charge us?” – Song of Songs 5:9. When Jesus took His disciples up to the mountain of His transfiguration, Peter was veiled as to His supremacy and wanted to put the great lawgiver Moses, and the famous prophet Elijah on the same level with Him. When we are short of the Father’s revelation of Christ, His Son, we set His Son on the same level with others! This shows our ignorance of His supremacy in comparison with all persons
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/9/2018 5:08:13 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:9.
Y'hovah! The LORD's Name appears on this verse with all three vowels for the first time in Genesis
Sh'va, CHolam, Qamats!
- Bernabé (9/8/2018 9:34:28 PM) []
- Posted on Genesis 9:26.
Whomever your issue or argument is with, it is not with me.

I did not come here to spread strife but to address my Father’s Torah which you misrepresented, as well the nature of Shalumah’s sin or lawlessness as it related to MARRIAGE, not REVELATION.

I made no representatations otherwise, as stated: I was not aware of the interpretation you offered on Rev. and simply asked you for you source, thank you for providing it. If you are offended because I addressed mixing or using of pagan and Hebrew words... His name nor title is g-d... His is an assembly or congregation not the greek “church” or circus, from “circies”... l-rd is not His name or title but YHWH. l-rd g-d comes straight from Phoenicia and their deity of fortune “baal-gad”. And His Shabbat or Sabbath is the 6th day.


Strongs H1408/H1409
- A-NZYR (9/8/2018 1:11:08 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:8.
“What is your beloved more than another beloved, O you fairest among women? What is your beloved more than another beloved that you do so charge us?” – Song of Songs 5:9. This repeated question can be literally translated, “What kind of love is His love”. This is not a question regarding His deeds or actions, but the focus is on His Person. We love all that He does, but even more, we love Him!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/8/2018 4:32:43 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:9.
I somehow wrote the Shabbat/Sabbath was the 6th day... an obviously grave typo. 7th - SEVENTH.
- A-NZYR (9/6/2018 8:57:03 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:8.
“I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved, that you tell Him, that I am sick of love” – Song of Songs 5:8. The phrase “sick of love” is mentioned twice in the first five chapters of the Song of Songs having two different experiences in two different situations of the seeking lover.
1) Song of Songs 2:5 – The seeking lover being “sick of love” is due to the excess of delight in His loving presence with His abundance of grace toward her. Love streamed into her and she was overwhelmed to the point of sickness. Too much love on His side, and too little capacity on hers to receive Him overcame her to the point of sickness.
2) Song of Songs 5:8 – The seeking lover being “sick of love” is due to His absence. His withdrawal from her and His silence toward her made her ill, longing for His love to return. She will not be relieved until she finds Him and the two are made one. The depth of His work in her and union with Him manifests such longings of love considered as being “sick”.

- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/5/2018 7:34:26 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:8.
Whomever your issue or argument is with, it is not with me.

I did not come here to spread strife but to address my Father’s Torah which you misrepresented, as well the nature of Shalumah’s sin or lawlessness as it related to MARRIAGE, not REVELATION.

I made no representatations otherwise, as stated: I was not aware of the interpretation you offered on Rev. and simply asked you for you source, thank you for providing it. If you are offended because I addressed mixing or using of pagan and Hebrew words... His name nor title is g-d... His is an assembly or congregation not the greek “church” or circus, from “circies”... l-rd is not His name or title but YHWH. l-rd g-d comes straight from Phoenicia and their deity of fortune “baal-gad”. And His Shabbat or Sabbath is the 6th day.


Strongs H1408/H1409
- A-NZYR (9/4/2018 2:56:27 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:8.
Clearly Matthew wrote in Matthew 25:1 the 10 virgins went forth to meet the groom and the bride. Here is the reference: You are running out of time. It is clear you do not understand the Bride of Christ doctrine where it is clear Yeshua's wife of Revelation 19:7 is a separate entity than the saints of Revelation 19:8. The Old Testament revealed is the New Testament concealed, and it is clear in Psalm 45 the daughter of the King is the 1 Woman Bride of Christ, Yeshua's wife of Revelation 19:7 and that the virgins, the companions of the daughter of the King of Psalm 45:14 are the saints of Revelation 19:8, the many members of the Body of Christ. You are in violation of Revelation 22:18-19 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. It is clear Biblical Marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman in Matthew 19. If you do not understand this, there is no need to keep arguing with you, as you are deceived. I encourage you to read Obadiah 1:3 as it is clear the pridefulness in your heart has deceived you. You are not a true berean and you do not rightly divide the word of Truth. I wipe the dust off my feet, I refuse to argue with you from here on out.
- Andrea Suzanne (9/4/2018 7:09:34 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:8.
Shalom. I don’t think you understood my question and it’s deeper meaning or implication.

You wrote: “If you believe in Biblical marriage, that is between 1 man and 1 woman, and if you believe Yeshua HaMashiach is ALLOWED to fulfill ALL Scripture, including Song of Solomon 6:8-9, and Psalm 45:9,13-14, then you would be a true berean rightly dividing the word of Truth and not being ashamed.”

In your first statement you are breaking the command of YHWH by adding to or taking away from His word. No this is not the “Torah” version of marriage. I’m just responding to that statement.

The “bride” theology discussion is something separate.

שְׁלֹמֹה Shalamah broke the Torah in two principle ways in regard to his wives: 1) He married outside of Yashar’Al for political reasons (alliances) and 2) According to Torah a man may only take on the number of wives he can cloth, feed, and none may lose any standing or have less “conjugal” privileges as a result of any more wives - which narrows the field substantially below what he did.

That is the first issue. The second issue is you are mixing pagan and “Hebrew” throughout all of your words, not a “true Berean” as you put it, water does not mix with oil but with blood.

Your core thought on a single bride versus the “assembly or congregation” is something I have not heard but I would certainly be interested in seeing the Hebrew or Aramaic Hebrew source that you referenced.

- A-NZYR (9/3/2018 4:15:17 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:8.
I never said any of the patriarchs had only 1 wife. I said that Solomon had a favorite wife among the hundreds he had. 1 Kings 11:3 proves Solomon had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines; and his wives turned away his heart according to this scripture. This is why polygamy with foreign pagans is frowned upon. Solomon's heart was eventually turned towards the false gods of his wives. But it is clear Abishag, the Shulamite woman is but one, the favorite one, of Song of Solomon 6:9. It is clear in Deuteronomy 17:14-17 that polygamy is not recommended. “When you come to the land which the Lord your God is giving you, and possess it and dwell in it, and say, ‘I will set a king over me like all the nations that are around me,’ 15 you shall surely set a king over you whom the Lord your God chooses; one from among your brethren you shall set as king over you; you may not set a foreigner over you, who is not your brother. 16 But he shall not multiply horses for himself, nor cause the people to return to Egypt to multiply horses, for the Lord has said to you, ‘You shall not return that way again.’ 17 Neither shall he multiply wives for himself, lest his heart turn away; nor shall he greatly multiply silver and gold for himself.
This polygamous Bride of Christ doctrine where men and women make up the wife of Yeshua HaMashiach is an abomination. Clearly Matthew wrote in Matthew 25:1 that the 10 virgins went to meet the Groom and the bride in the original Aramaic Scriptures. When Matthew's original Aramaic Scriptures were translated into Greek, the words "and the bride," were deleted and the word bridegroom was used instead. Clearly the Bride of Matthew 25:1 is Yeshua's 1 wife of Revelation 19:7, the daughter of the King of Psalm 45:13, the dove who is but one, the only one of her mother, the choice one. Abishag was Solomon's favorite wife who is 1 woman! John never wrote in Revelation that Yeshua would have many wives and husbands in Revelation 19:7, he wrote 1 wife! Which can be backed up further with scripture in 1 TImothy 3:2. Luke wrote in Luke 24:44 that ALL Scripture written in the Law of Moses and in the Prophets and in the Psalms concerning Yeshua! This would include Deuteronomy 17:17, Psalm 45:13, Revelation 19:7 and Song of Solomon 6:9! It is clear Yeshua will have 1 wife and the saints mentioned in Revelation 19:8 are the many members of the Body of Christ, the virgins who are the companions of the daughter of the King mentioned in Psalm 45:14, the virgins too many to count in Song of Solomon 6:8. The church preaches that the Bride of Christ is the same as the Body of Christ and it is clear that the Body of Christ are many members. Yeshua wants one wife, 1 Timothy 3:2, not trillions of wives and husbands which is NOT what John wrote in Revelation 19:7! Peter speaks of false prophets bringing in damnable heresies in the last days in 2 Peter 2:1,2 which makes clear: But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
John wrote in John 3:29 that he is a friend of the bridegroom and not part of this polygamous Bride the Pagan Church system believes in. John 3:29 KJV He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled. Clearly John wrote about the bride and clearly stated he is a friend of the Bridegroom. I hope this answers your question. Shalom.
- Andrea Suzanne (9/1/2018 5:19:44 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:8.
Which of the patriarchs had one wife? Shalom & Thank you sister.
- A-NZYR (9/1/2018 3:45:18 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:8.
In Song of Solomon 3:11, the Shulamite woman, Solomon's favorite one, speaks to the daughter's of Jerusalem saying "Go forth, O ye daughters of Zion, and behold king Solomon with the crown wherewith his mother crowned him in the day of his espousals, and in the day of the gladness of his heart." Solomon had 60 queens and 80 concubines and many wives, but Abishag, the Shulamite woman was Solomon's dove, his favorite one (Song of Solomon 6:9). When the daughter's of Zion see the fulfillment of Psalm 45:13-14, that the daughter of the King will be Yeshua HaMashiach's dove, His favorite one, accompanied by the virgins her companions, they will know the true fulfillment of Revelation 22:17 where it is clear the Spirit and the Bride say "Come." Matthew makes clear in Matthew 25:1 that 10 virgins go out to meet the Groom and the Bride. Song of Solomon 5:8 mentions the daughters of Jerusalem, where Solomon's wife makes clear: "Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you, if you find my beloved, what will you tell him? Tell him I am faint with love." This charge was made to the daughters of Jerusalem by Solomon's favorite one, the Shulamite woman, that if they see the King during the day, they are called on to report the status of Solomon's new wife as wanting to be with Him.
This charge to the daughters of Jerusalem supports the idea that they were household servants. If they happen to see the king during the day, they are called on to report the status of Solomon’s new wife as being lovesick and wanting to be with him, and only him.
This is a foreshadow of Yeshua's dove, wanting to be with Him and only Him. Song of Solomon 5:16 ends a description of Solomon with "he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, this is my friend, daughters of Jerusalem." The Shulamite's husband is both her lover and her friend, something she declares openly to the young women of the city. This is a foreshadow of Yeshua's wife leaning on her beloved during the 2nd coming fulfilling Song of Solomon 8:4,5 which makes clear: I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, until he please. 5 "Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? I raised thee up under the apple tree: there thy mother brought thee forth: there she brought thee forth that bare thee." Clearly when Yeshua comes back down to the Mount of Olives Song of Solomon 8:5, Revelation 19:14; and Zechariah 14:4,5 will be fulfilled. Yeshua's dove who is but one will be leaning on her beloved when the 2nd coming takes place at the end of the Great Tribulation. In the New Testament, Yeshua spoke to a group of women whom He calls "daughters of Jerusalem" on a certain occasion. As Yeshua carried the stake to Calvary, many women followed in mourning. He said to them, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children." (Luke 23:28). Yeshua was speaking generally to all the women in the city of Jerusalem. The daughters of Jerusalem today play an important role in Song of Solomon. As the young maidens of the city listened to advice from Solomon's favorite wife, the Shulamite woman, they received wisdom about romance. If they were indeed servants of Solomon's household, they would have been a natural audience as they made preparations for the wedding and waited on their new queen. The same queen can be found in Psalm 45:9 where it is clear the sons of Korah wrote: "Kings' daughters were among thy honourable women: upon thy right hand did stand the queen in gold of Ophir." The daughter of the King will be brought to King Yeshua in a white wedding dress wrought in gold, the finest gold of Ophir, along with the virgins her companions." You ask Frank, if you are living a casual life as it relates to pursuing Christ? Christ's Bride and the Virgins her companions do not live casual lives when it comes to pursuing Christ. They stand firm with the Word of Elohim. If you believe in Biblical marriage, that is between 1 man and 1 woman, and if you believe Yeshua HaMashiach is ALLOWED to fulfill ALL Scripture, including Song of Solomon 6:8-9, and Psalm 45:9,13-14, then you would be a true berean rightly dividing the word of Truth and not being ashamed.
- Andrea Suzanne (9/1/2018 5:31:57 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:8.
“I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved, that you tell Him, that I am sick of love” – Song of Songs 5:8. The loving bride speaks to the daughters of Jerusalem who are mentioned repeatedly in the Song of Songs (1:5; 2:7; 3:5, 10; 5:8, 16; 8:4). Since they are daughters they are have life, and since they are of Jerusalem they are of high birth in the city of peace, the Jerusalem which is from above. (Gal. 4:26). These daughters are without fervency in their pursuit of the Beloved Christ, not esteeming Him as the loving bride does. Even though I am born from above with such a high calling, am I living a casual life as it relates to pursuing Christ?
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/31/2018 6:25:05 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:8.
You're very welcome brother Frank, I look forward to seeing every member of the Body of Christ together soon after the rapture occurs. Shalom.
- Andrea Suzanne (8/27/2018 3:24:56 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:7.
Thank you sister, Andrea Suzanne, for you fellowship.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/27/2018 5:38:44 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:7.
Shalom Frank Pytel, I am sorry, but I don't mean to be rude or offensive, but I believe there is much confusion about the mistranslation of Matthew 25:1 where Matthew originally wrote in Aramaic. When Matthew wrote about the 10 virgins, he wrote the 10 virgins went out to meet the groom and the bride. When the original Aramaic Scriptures were translated into Greek and then into English, the words "and the bride." were deleted. The adversary was the reason why this happened. The dove who is but one of Song of Solomon 6:9 is one woman, the daughter of the King of Psalm 45:13, the wife of Revelation 19:7, Psalm 128:3 and 1 Timothy 3:2. The virgins too many to count of Song of Solomon 6:8 are the many members of the Body of Christ, the saints of Revelation 19:8, the virgins - the companions of the daughter of the King of Psalm 45:14. Yeshua is pleading for people to understand that His Word is a sharp two edged sword and He wants people to understand Him (Matthew 13:13-17). Luke wrote in Luke 24:44 that all scripture will be fulfilled concerning Yeshua. This would include Proverbs 31, and Genesis 2:18. Please ask for guidance in this Biblical truth, because time is short and Luke 21:20 is very near. My blog is I pray you receive the truth so the truth may set you free. For Yeshua clearly wrote that if anyone is ashamed of His words they would be in violation of 2 Timothy 2:15 and Mark 8:38. Jerusalem will be compassed with armies and many will get left behind when they see the fulfillment of Revelation 22:17 where it is clear the Spirit and the Bride say come! The Bride of Revelation 22:17 is the same bride mentioned in Matthew's 25th chapter in verse 1 who is separate from the virgins who go out to meet the groom and the bride.
Lastly, I pray that many will come to this knowledge because clearly John wrote in John 16:13 that the Ruach HaKodesh will guide people into all truth and show them things to come. Shalom.
- Andrea Suzanne (8/25/2018 10:56:55 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:7.
“The watchmen that went about the city found me, they smote me, they wounded me; the keepers of the walls took away my veil from me” – Song of Songs 5:7. The harsh treatment of these who brought security to the city was a reproof to her. The righteous word of God lays bare all that is within our heart. Nothing is hidden from Him! Though it is a time without sympathy by the watchmen, “it is a kindness to reprove one found in sin or disobedience” (Psalm 141:5). Anything that causes us to miss Him as our blessing needs to be removed!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/25/2018 4:38:31 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:7.
how do I minimize the comment column? it takes up over half of the page.
- teresa (8/4/2018 8:06:24 PM)
- Posted on 2 Thessalonians 2:2.
how does chat work?
- dan316 (7/8/2018 3:40:14 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:2.
When the inward door of our heart is closed, the Beloved Christ, whose love never varies, comes and knocks. How does He knock? He knocks through His living Word. He knocks by His providence in our environment. He knocks as the Spirit unveils Himself with His love. He knocks when one of His seeking lovers visits us with loving fellowship.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (6/5/2018 4:52:25 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:2.
When the seeking lover refers to Christ as “my Beloved”, she tells Him and declares to all that there is no other in her life. He is her first and only love! To call Him “my Beloved” shows her single, uncompromising and absolute love toward Him. Jesus you are “my Beloved”!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (6/1/2018 6:16:31 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:2.
" which to the spirits/breathers in prison/guard/watch, He went and preached/proclaimed/heralded" - if this was Jesus having gone, while in death, to hades and preached, why only to those who perished in the flood? More likely, the Spirit of Christ/captain of salvation, heralded through the works of Noah to those of that day who were locked into/headed into, judgment(the flood) as they were not hearing..
- marie glen (5/19/2018 10:43:42 AM)
- Posted on 1 Peter 3:19.
The satisfied Beloved invited His friends to eat and drink abundantly of His bridal garden. There are three aspects of friends in John 15:13-15 that correspond to the friends in Song of Songs 5:1:
1) Jesus laid down His life for His friends – friends love the crucified Christ, v.13
2) The friends of Jesus do what He speaks and commands – they practice His words – live in union with Him through His spoken words, v. 14
3) Jesus makes known His Father’s heart to His friends, v. 15
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (5/18/2018 6:28:00 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:1.
The bridal honeycomb which delights the Beloved Christ are the cells that contain and store the honey. She is constituted with Christ in her maturity to give out from an abundant sweet supply within her. This abundant sweet supply is “a treasure in our earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us” (2 Cor. 4:7).
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (4/27/2018 5:34:22 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:1.
Hell and death are synonymous related. Gods eternal ledger defies you cannot have one without the other.
A mortal earthly death precedes the verdict of eternal life or eternal death
- (4/24/2018 11:56:35 PM)
- Posted on Revelation 1:18.
After entering the garden of his delight, the Beloved Christ gathers his myrrh with his spice. “Myrrh” refers to the savor of death, while “spice” refers to the savor of life. His loving bride as his garden of delight is full of the sweet flavor of the death at Calvary, and the aromatic fragrance of the resurrection life!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (4/20/2018 6:27:51 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:1.
The Beloved Christ collects his myrrh when he enters his bride as his garden of pleasures. While searching her heart, he finds the operation of his death – “my myrrh” – in her. Instead of sin and the world with its lusts, she bears the scars, the wounds and the marks of his cross (Gal. 6:14). Her boast is in the cross of her Beloved Christ that has crucified the world to her and her to the world (6:17).
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (4/19/2018 4:34:49 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:1.
After entering the garden of his delight, the Beloved Christ gathers his myrrh with his spice. “Myrrh” refers to the savor of death, while “spice” refers to the savor of life. His loving bride as his garden of delight is full of the sweet flavor of the death at Calvary, and the aromatic fragrance of the resurrection life!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (4/18/2018 4:29:55 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:11.
The Beloved Christ uses the pronoun “my” nine times to describe how the bride is his possession, and only belongs to him (S. of S. 5:1). This is the same when Jesus spoke to Peter of the assembly of believers as “My church” (Matt. 16:18). He purchased us with his precious blood and sealed us with his Holy Spirit. We belong to Him alone! It is a shame to describe the church as Baptist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Lutheran or whatever. Jesus says, “I will build MY church”.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (4/17/2018 5:08:43 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 5:1.
The sages spoke of this, and Tony Robbins at Restoration of Torah does a great job of unpacking it, especially in the second half of his video at:
- eved Melekh (4/15/2018 2:30:05 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 9:18.
Noahs son sleeping with Noahs wife?
Leviticus 20: ....,11 (for sure).
The jist of it: ... sleeping with a fathers wife is "as exposing his nakedness."
- hmm... (4/8/2018 5:57:38 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 9:18.
Was it because he was looking upon Noahs "wife," who was "his" (noahs)? I have heard it referenced to another scripture. ?
It was just a recent comment from someone I heard. Looking upon a mans wife, a big deal if done in a certain way.
- hmm... (4/8/2018 5:25:40 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 9:18.
Shalom, Chris! Thanks very kindly for posting this extremely helpful study. I had read that Newton, based on his deep studies of Scripture, believed Messiah's second coming will be around 2060. Considering the great brain power God blessed him with, and his devotion to God and the study of the Scriptures, I believe his writings are worthy of our prayerful consideration, and I'm grateful that they're becoming more accessible. Thanks again, and blessings!
- evedMelekh (4/7/2018 6:09:15 PM)
- Posted on Revelation 1:1.
For a very basic introduction to the proportions relating the Ark of the Covenant to Solomon’s Temple, you may download a free, easy-to-read pdf at Doug Woodward’s website. Look primarily at pages 10-17; but the entire pdf (40 short, illustrated pages) is worth reading, and it may give you some guidance on searching for further information.

- chris (3/27/2018 9:29:25 PM)
- Posted on Revelation 1:1.
genesis 6:15- is there any connection of the measurment of the ark to the solomon's temple or the tabernacle constructions?
- mathew p thomas (3/25/2018 11:12:08 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 1:1.
"Is not My word like fire?" declares the LORD, "and like a hammer which shatters a rock?

- dd (3/21/2018 5:59:13 AM)
- Posted on Isaiah 29:4.
This is addressed to those who consistently post extremely long comments on this site: You are abusing the freedom of this site.

Your long posts interfere with the readability of the site, ESPECIALLY for those who use mobile devices. Your long posts make it a very frustrating experience to try and use this site, because your posts force the software to cover and hide the scripture texts. People like me, who use a mobile device to use this site, must re-load every page, again and again, trying to CUT OFF your long posts because YOUR POSTS MAKE READING THE ACTUAL SCRIPTURE TECHNICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Mobile devices CANNOT HANDLE YOUR LONG POSTS.

IN THE NAME OF ALL DECENCY, we respectfully request that you limit your postings to two or three sentences. You may set up your own weblog site, separately, and then include a link to YOUR OWN SITE, in your posted comments here. That way, those users who are interested in hearing what you want to share may PREVIEW your commentary HERE, and then of their own volition, visit YOUR OWN SITE to read through your fuller comments.

Otherwise, your constant long posts on this site are equivalent to forcing people to deal with all manner of technical problems that YOU are responsible for.

Do what is right. Quit posting commentary that exceeds a brief space.

Humble yourselves and have some respect for other users.
- chris (3/20/2018 10:12:08 PM)
- Posted on Zechariah 5:1.
Zechariah chapter 5 meanings of the similtudes seen by Zechariah the prophet. Zechariah has seen an an ephah. The ephah is a measuring basket to measure grain in the market for a finacial transaction,the ephah is a similtude of a money that is to exist in the earth. Reading the verse of Zechariah 5:6 it says : And I said, What [is] it? And he said, This [is] an ephah that goeth forth. He said moreover,This [is] their resemblance through all the earth.The ephah is a money! BEHOLD: This x2063 [is] their resemblance 5869 through all x3605 the earth. The hebrew word translated resemblance is (5869 the words meaning is an EYE: A better translation would read: And I said, What [is] it? And he said, This [is] an ephah that goeth forth. He said moreover, This EYE [is] their resemblance through all the earth.(take a one dollar bill and look at its back) So this ephah is a similtude for money and this money will have an EYE on It . (NEXT note in your mind a talent is a coin of gold, silver, or bronze) And, behold this talent is a base coin of lead and is lifted above the ephah. Also there is a woman and she is sitting in the middle of the ephah (the money)! Then it is said,"This talent coin of lead is wickedness and it is cast over the ephah and seals the ephah(money) and the woman who controls the money as an evil entity! Then it is carried up to set it on a base in Shinar, a plain in Babylon: So the money has an EYE and the EYE is set on a base(base of a pyramid ?!) in BABYLON making it the money of BABYLON. The woman who controls the money is the evil whore of BABYLON ! THE EYE. This is the same woman recorded in the book of Revelation17:5There is a flying scroll with a two fold curse and it is coming! IT is coming to these international thieves of the hidden BABYLON MONEY SYSTEM who GOD calls thiefs and its coming to those swearing a false oath by his name that they put on their money! THEIR FALSE OATH IS THE MOTO IN GOD WE TRUST AND GOD CALLS THEM LIARS AND THIEFS.THIEFS! THE CURSE IS GOING INTO THEIR FINACIAL HOUSES! Zechariah 5:4 I will bring it forth, saith the LORD of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief,and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by my name: and it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it with the timber there of and the stones thereof. The scriptural mate of Zechariah chapter 5 is Habakkuk 2:5 Yea also, by wine [by wine of seduction?] covertly he deals treacherously a strong haughty man he is not satified but streches as the grave swallowing humanity(WITH THIER BABYLON MONEY SYSTEM THE NET)( he is like the grave he is never satisfied and he gathers from all the nations and collects from all of them 2:6 Shall not all these take up a parable against him,and a taunting conundrum, against him, and say,Woe to him that increaseth [that which is] not his! how long? and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay! commentary: this thick clay is hebrew word H5671 its chief definition is weight of pledges, heavy debts and thick clay [by a false etymology] so the parable against him and the taunting conundrum is hidden by the words thick clay. so what it is really saying is this.: [ to him that ladeth himself with weight of pledges,and heavy debts!!!] HOW LONG CAN YOU LADEN THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WITH DEBT TO KEEP YOUR MONEY SCHEME GOING!! 2:7 Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake that shall vex thee, and thou shalt be for booties unto them? 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, Oh Shining one, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,in the sides of the north:(THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) The congregation of CHRIST on the sides of the north above the stars(THE STARS OF THE HEAVEN ON THE FLAG
- dd (3/20/2018 4:58:11 PM)
- Posted on Zechariah 5:1.
commentary: Psalm 48:2 Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King. Mount Zion the city of the great King ,the city is the congregation of Jesus and he is the great king. "Just as we have heard, So, have we seen." They heard about it and they are seeing by vision prophetically describing a future nation in the earth. Psalms 48"THE KINGS They saw [it, and] so they marvelled; they were troubled, [and] hasted away".These kings see this future nation. These same kings are spoken of in the book of psalms chapter 2 :"The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,3Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.4He that sits in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision. 5 Then shall he speak to them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.6Yet have I set my king on my holy hill of Zion.This is Jesus ruling from mount ZION in the heavens over this country on earth. Psalms 48" They heard about it and they are seeing by vision prophetically describing a future nation in the earth.Psalms 48:12 Walk about ZION and go round about her: tell the towers thereof.(The phrase go round about 5362 :THE MEANING IS: A primitive root; to strike with more or less violence : GO AROUND AND TELL OF HER STRICKEN TOWERS! 5] Isaiah30:25 And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall.They are marking out this distant country letting them see who they are because this country does not know who they are.SEE THE KING JESUS IN THE DISTANT LAND: Psalm 48 Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness.2Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King. Psalm 48:12Walk about Zion, and go round about her: tell the towers thereof(THE STRICKEN TOWERS THEREOF !) Isaiah 33:17 Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off. 33:18 Thine heart shall meditate terror.Where [is] the scribe? where [is] the receiver? where [is] he that counted the towers?THIS IS 911 THE TWIN TOWERS! ( God is talking to people the ones in the western days(last days) specifically reading this prophecy recorded in Isaiah 30, 31,and 33 a prophecy about towers crashing. In the second clause of Isaiah 33:18 where[is] the receiver?is in reference to Isaiah 30 This is the chapter that first describes the towers falling .In the verse 30:19 The verse indicates the receiver of the prophecy is Jerusalem in the middle east but in this clause they are questioning saying :where[is] the receiver? This is the verse that they have questioned .30:19 For the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusalem thou shalt weep no more: he will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry; when he shall hear it, he will answer thee. Do you see? The second clause they say where[is] the receiver? that is to say, who is the receiver of prophecy of the towers crashing and of the third clause they say where is the prophet when he counted the towers falling.This is questioning whether the prophet was in Jerusalem in the middle east. Either they can not remember what they read or they question what they read. And they do question! These people can not be in the middle east for if it happened in the middle east there would be no question! These people are in the land that has had towers crash and that is why they question! And God replies to them:You shall not see a barbarous people, a people of a deep speech incomprehensible,of a stammering tongue which can't be understood. What you just read is in form a similitude meaning dont look around for someone else it is you! The implication is clear that the land that the towers crashed in is not in the middle east! the very next thing God says is :Envision Zion the city of our congregating, your eyes shall see Jerusalem a habitation at ease,a tent that will not remove, and they shall not ever travel(this is not the middle east !) THIS IS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) The congregation of CHRIST on the sides of the north. Isaiah 65:1 ¶ I am inquired of by them that asked not [for me]; I am found of them that sought me not: I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name. Deuteronomy 32:21: I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation. BABYLON HAS HIS EYE ON THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA " I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north" Isaiah 14:For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:(THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA)
- dd (3/17/2018 4:12:29 PM)
- Posted on Psalms 48:12.
The day that the Lamb is slaughtered is NOT the first day of Unleavened Bread, Leviticus 23, Exodus 12, and Deuteronomy 16 make this perfectly clear. The MEAL of the passover lamb is eaten on the first day of Unleavened Bread, a HIGH SABBATH, which means our Messiah either ATE the passover or WAS the passover, but could not do BOTH lest He either wasnt our passover lamb or BROKE THE FATHER'S COMMANDMENT.
- Elizabeth (3/17/2018 2:00:21 PM) []
- Posted on Luke 22:7.
In Genesis 1:2 Isn't it possible that in saying darkness was over the face of the "deep" was referring to the abyss of the heavens? Since the next statement is that the Spirit of God moved over the face of the waters. Although "deep" as abyss usually refers to the waters on earth, the words used for deep and waters are not the same. Since the sun, moon, and stars were not created until the fourth day, it stands to reason that space itself was also a dark empty abyss.
- Cee (3/14/2018 12:11:50 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:2.
I believe God. The Bible declares that God said: "Light, be. And light was. (EBR) so my effort must be to understand the statement -- so let's consider creation.

Could anything be created without first defining "LIGHT" (the electromagnetic spectrum). Keeping it simple, would an artist begin a painting without defining, and collecting, his colors first. So the question becomes: "Would God NOT create (define) His pallet before attempting to do anything with it?" I believe it's perfectly logical and absolutely right that God first defined light... then used this definition in all His creation. God started by defining how everything should be perceived then designed man to perceive things as HE wanted.

I admit that stars came after the definition of light but can anyone tell me how the multiple trillions of unique stars in the trillions of galaxies could have been created without first defining every detail of the energies they radiate? How could the earth, plants, animals, or man be created without first designing how they should be perceived and how they should intern perceive? Think... different animals and insects perceive their surroundings according to their individual needs. One must be incapable of thought to accept the lie that this happened by accident. It was all designed and the definition of LIGHT (the electromagnetic spectrum) had to come first!!!

- a Valiant Son (3/2/2018 11:04:02 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:3.
Holy the goal in perfect character living in thee instruction of HASHEM.THE HOLY CREATOR OF ALL..
JEREMIAH 33;3EZEKIEL,34:Isaiah 482nd samuel 6. 1st kings 3
Oseas 4. Jeremiah 13 .
- Jose (2/25/2018 6:16:00 AM)
- Posted on Leviticus 21:7.
If you are yearning for TRUTH in all the confusion everywhere, then listen, or don't. It's YOUR choice!

If you understand "woman", "husband" and "whore" as real "flesh and blood" people, you are missing the point and have probably been deceived by the enemy! (Revelation 12:9) 

God is a SPIRIT! (John 4:24).

God's Law is SPIRITUAL! (Romans 7:14)

He gives His Spirit to those that ASK HIM! (Matthew 7:7, Luke 11:13, Revelations 3:18)

His Spirit will lead you into ALL TRUTH! (John 16:13)

He will unlock your understanding of the scriptures! (Luk 24:45).

When you are willing to forget what you THINK you know and leave your RELIGION behind and follow THE GOOD SHEPHERD! (Mar 9:29)


Thy word (John 1:1, John 17:17) is a lamp (Matthew 25:1) unto my feet, and a light (John 14:6) unto my path. (Psalms 119:105)
- John (2/21/2018 12:28:33 PM)
- Posted on Leviticus 21:7.
G-d will show us His Yeshua says it all !!
- Donna (2/19/2018 3:19:42 PM) []
- Posted on Psalms 91:16.
I cast my shadow on the moon,my circle can not be hide.That big round moon ,beautiful in every phase. And thus she shows her night day.And when i go between the sun and the moon i cast shadow round ,my movie is seen on high i am the truth from the sky
- haha (2/10/2018 11:01:55 AM)
- Posted on Zechariah 5:6.
Earth is flat. Space X and NASA deceive... Do your research and believe the word of God that is written in the Bible. Which clearly tells us the earth is unmoving.
- Pray the Rosary (2/9/2018 11:03:26 AM)
- Posted on Ezekiel 7:2.
dear haha!

Lo! the END is come upon the corners of the land,
Yea, the END is come upon the ENDS of the earth.
On the morrow, the corners doth fall,
Henceforth, spinneth the celestial ball:
Round and round doth [it] spin,
Verily [a] world without end. Amen. Amen.

- New Age Orbist (2/7/2018 7:46:22 PM)
- Posted on Ezekiel 7:2.
The end is coming! END = no more= NO more four corners= NO more four corners = globe
- haha (2/6/2018 4:29:16 PM)
- Posted on Ezekiel 7:2.
Four Corners = Flat Earth
Edge=A ball/Globe does not have an edge
Flap= our habitat is a flat stationary plain
- JHUNTER (1/30/2018 8:56:30 AM) []
- Posted on Ezekiel 7:2.
This is not saying it's the first day. The very beginning God made. Then the 1st. day God said let there be Light. Light was already here, but God reveals it for man.

- Sow Good Seed (1/21/2018 8:20:46 PM) []
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
Posted this just to get rid of the last newest user posted comment.
- Just here (1/5/2018 8:21:28 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 1:4.
I wonder why the word bruised is used instead of fondled,that their teats were bruised in their virginity. There must be some reason for this.
- Bonnie (12/19/2017 3:50:57 PM)
- Posted on Ezekiel 23:3.
here is a more complete in the archaic Hebrew
- Ballard (12/11/2017 2:15:34 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
Hello Lauren could you restate or try to clarify your question a little more?
- Judah (12/7/2017 4:35:23 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
Why is God name spelled with an when the first letter is Aleph

- Lauren (12/6/2017 7:27:48 AM) []
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
I'm seeking to have the gifts of the spirits more then one, looking to be a powerful blessing to the KINGDOM OF GOD.
- Evelyn Youssef (12/5/2017 2:15:35 PM)
- Posted on Nehemiah 8:9.
I just came across a curious thing. The title “tirshatha” does not exist in the lxx. Curious especially because it’s a distinctively Persian word and I suppose a transliteration since it’s not an English word. Where does it come from? I’m much better with Greek than Hebrew. How does the Hebrew read because there is no word remotely like ruler or governor in the Greek.
- matthew milioni (12/3/2017 4:37:28 PM)
- Posted on Nehemiah 8:9.
A beautiful interpretation, Frank, thank you for sharing it. And her garments have the scent of cedar, the timber of Lebanon which Hiram sent to Solomon for the construction of the temple in Israel, where she dwells perpetually in the presence of the King.
- eved melekh (11/25/2017 4:06:15 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:11.
The bride of Christ is living in her Beloved Christ as the reality and fulfillment of the promised good land which flows with milk and honey. The “honey and milk” under the tongue of the bride typify that she has tasted eternity and the eternal life which is in the Beloved Christ. The eternal life was promised, by the God who cannot lie, before the beginning of time (Titus 1:2). This promise of life made in eternity past was contained and fulfilled in the Beloved Christ (2 Tim. 1:1). Now, a distinctive beauty of the bride is her tasting in sweetness the eternity of the Beloved Christ. “This is that testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. Whoever has the Son has life” (1 John 5:11-12).
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/22/2017 7:41:43 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:11.
The bride must match her Beloved Bridegroom totally to be His delight, and this includes her “lips”. As “grace is poured upon the lips of the King” and as “Jesus' lips streamed forth with grace”, so His bride’s lips are portrayed “as a thread of scarlet” and “drop as the honeycomb” (Psa. 45:2; Luke 4:22; S. of S. 4:3, 11). Her lips have been transformed and beautified to match Him for His delight!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/19/2017 4:47:54 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:11.
The lips of the bride drop as the honeycomb, but they were not always so sweet and attractive to the Beloved Christ. As Isaiah declared, “I am a man of unclean lips” so our lips were so and more. A touch of a burning coal from the altar was the cleansing factor to allow the prophet to use his lips again to speak forth the Word of God (Isa. 6:6-7). The fire of the love of God based upon the altar of the merit of Christ’s work purged his lips that he might minister the Holy Spirit to the people of God!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/15/2017 7:02:55 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:11.
The sweet aroma of the bride’s ointments is what she has derived from Him (S. of S. 4:10; 1:3). The quiet and unseen influence of His Person and Presence within and upon her has scented her with His sweet fragrance. Lord Jesus, increase your sweet fragrance in my life so that others would be influenced to love you!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/10/2017 5:39:17 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:10.
How come in the Jewish Study Bible it is translated
" Deposit it in the treasury " as opposed to " cast it
unto the potter "
- Bruce W (11/9/2017 9:35:58 PM) []
- Posted on Zechariah 11:13.
The Hebrew word for Light in
Genesis 1:3

Light = א֑וֹר

א֑ = Aleph:
Ox, Bull, Gentle, Tame, The Leader, Strength, Adonai, What is First?
וֹ = Vaw:
A nail, a peg, a hook, joining together, making secure, becoming bound(nailed to)
ר = Reysh:
A head, a person, what is the highest, most important, Chief

The sun had yet to be created (occurs in Gen 1:15) but God said let there be light so it cannot refer to physical light. Then if it was a spiritual darkness that was dispelled upon the earth by God ordering light to enter the world then was He not proclaiming the unity between Himself and His own son. Was that His declaration?
So imbedded in this unique form of the Hebrew word for light first time the word light was used in God’s Word seems to declare the victory of the firstborn of the family of God His Son our Lord and Christ
This is the ancient picture for Aleph and it stands for Adonai which means Father and Lord and has a force behind it which has a connotation of the Highest Power.

So this Vaw joins the first and last character. The original picture representing a tent peg can stand for joining together, making secure, or nailed to and it is the most visually similar picture to a cross.

The last picture that became the Reysh in the Hebrew language is a picture of the head of a man and implies the most important Chief or physical leader of a family.

So it is my assertion after great studying that this three character Hebrew word encapsulates the entire story of Salvation and God’s promise toward us. It includes a prophecy and a declaration of God’s infinite power just as the smallest elements of matter that make up the physical universe always testify of God’s design and power.

This one Word just as Jesus is spoken of as the Word of God in John 1:1 and the light being the light of men. The very first order of business at the advent of His creation and His story He declared the beginning and the end, the union and victory of His Son on our behalves. To look into the depth of the beauty of our God is the spring of our hope in Him.

- William Shelton (11/9/2017 5:56:11 PM) []
- Posted on Genesis 1:3.

- ELIZYETHORO (11/6/2017 6:36:51 AM) []
- Posted on Ezekiel 47:3.
In the Word of God “wine” can been seen in two ways:
- Positively, it cheers both God and man and was part of a daily offering (Judg. 9:13; Exo. 29:40)
- Negatively, it was forbidden to drink by one serving God because it would make their senses dull in spiritual things (Num. 6:1-4; Lev. 10:9-10)
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/3/2017 8:22:02 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:10.
In Song of Songs 4:9-10, the Beloved Christ repeatedly calls His lover, “My sister”. The intimate title “My sister” unveils her status and relation to Him in three ways:
1) Life – they both are organically of the same Father (John 5:26; 1:12-13)
2) Sanctified – they both share a holy nature (Hebrews 2:11)
3) Will of God – they both do the will of God, having the same purpose (Mark 3:35; Luke 22:42)

- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/28/2017 4:32:22 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:10.
God will those who put their trust in him
- Joseph (10/26/2017 11:17:21 AM) []
- Posted on 1 Samuel 30:8.

The dutch version (of John 8:51) has the advantage of yielding vast improvement upon minimal tweak 'core action' if you will]; away the letter w 4x and voila, this txt becomes an eminently natural one, ground it; diss the meta woo & harmful hasbara pin that spins heads instead of rocks people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps: this site is nice .. but my right click 'speak it' (tts) won't pick it up .. and not bycause it's down .. i just made it say my name .. that was a hoot, it don't know no dutch ...
- piety piet duh pious poet (10/20/2017 4:25:27 AM)
- Posted on John 8:51.
In the Word of God the phrase the “heart of Christ” is hard to locate, although we can find many indications or implications that reveal his lofty thoughts, innermost feelings and spiritual aspirations. The Song of Songs is unique in that four times it refers to the heart of the Beloved Christ directly in his union and fellowship with his bride lover for his pleasure (3:11; 4:9; 8:6).
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (10/17/2017 4:46:28 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:9.
David is the witness: ASV 1901 { { Isaiah 55:4 Behold, I have given him [for] a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people55:5 Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not; and a nation that knew not thee shall run unto thee, because of Jehovah thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he hath glorified thee. What nation?The USA? ASV 1901 { { Isaiah 65:1 ¶ I am inquired of by them that asked not [for me]; I am found of them that sought me not: I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name.The USA! Now therefore write ye this song for you, and teach it the children of Israel: put it in their mouths, that this song may be a witness for me against the children of Israel Deuteronomy 32:21 (song of Moses) They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; They have provoked me to anger with their vanities: And I will move them to jealousy with those that are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation. God told David 2 Samuel 7:10 And I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in their own place, and be moved no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as at the first, Isaiah 62:1 ¶ For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until her righteousness go forth as brightness, and her salvation as a lamp that burneth.62:2 And the nations shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory, and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of Jehovah shall name. 62:5 ¶ For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee; and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee. virgin land ! Behold King Jesus In the USA Isaiah 33:17 Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off. Isaiah 33:18 Thine heart shall meditate terror. Where [is] the scribe? where [is] the receiver? where [is] he that counted the towers? Isaiah 30:25 And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers [and] streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall. Isaiah 30:13 Therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant.Isaiah 30:14 And he shall break it as the breaking of the potters' vessel that is broken in pieces; he shall not spare: so that there shall not be found in the bursting of it a sherd to take fire from the hearth, or to take water [withal] out of the pit. Hosea 12:10 I have also spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used similitudes, by the ministry of the prophets. similitudes the quality or state of being similar to something.synonyms resemblance, similarity, likeness, sameness, similar nature, comparability, correspondence, comparison, analogy, parallel, parallelism, equivalence; interchangeability, closeness, nearness, affinity, homogeneity, These chapters of Isaiah are similitudes of 911 twin towers. Behold King Jesus In the USA Isaiah 33:17 Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off. Isaiah 33:18 Thine heart shall meditate terror. Where [is] the scribe? where [is] the receiver? where [is] he that counted the towers? next verse Thou shalt not see a fierce people, a people of a deeper speech than thou canst perceive; of a stammering tongue, [that thou canst] not understand. next verse Look upon Zion, the city of our solemnities: thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation, a tabernacle [that] shall not be taken down; not one of the stakes thereof shall ever be removed, neither shall any of the cords thereof be verse:— But there the glorious LORD [will be] unto us a place of broad rivers [and] streams; wherein shall go no galley with oars, neither shall gallant ship pass thereby. King Jesus is in the land that the towers fell ! That land shall have great rivers. The United States of America has over 250,000 rivers, with a total of about 3,500,000 miles of rivers. The longest river in the USA is the Missouri River (it iok upon Zion, the city of our solemnities: thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation, a tabernacle [that] shall not be taken down; not one of the stakes thereof shall ever be removed, neither shall any of the cords thereof be verse:— But there the glorious LORD [will be] unto us a place of broad rivers [and] streams; wherein shall go no galley with oars, neither shall gallant ship pass thereby. King Jesus is in the land that the towers fell ! That land shall have great rivers. The United States of America has over 250,000 rivers, with a total of about 3,500,000 miles of rivers. The longest river in the USA is the Missouri River (it is a tributary of the Mississippi River and is 2,540 miles long), but the biggest in terms of water volume is the deeper Mississippi River. The longest undammed river in the contiguous USA is the Yellowstone River (it is 692 miles long). Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not; and a nation that knew not thee shall run unto thee.I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name. They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; They have provoked me to anger with their vanities: And I will move them to jealousy with those that are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation. God does not forget his word he has done it before your eyes! Behold christian israel the Usa
- dd (10/12/2017 8:21:27 AM)
- Posted on Isaiah 33:21.
"...all that are home-born in Israel shall dwell in booths;..." we are new creations born again and the New Jerusalem is our mother (2 Corinthians 5:17, John 3:7, Galatians 4:26) this earthly tent that we dwell in shall be changed and we will have new permanent dwelling places in heaven and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever (2 Corinthians 5:1, 1 Corinthians 15:52, Psalm 23:6).
- Thinking about the Feast (10/11/2017 8:52:44 AM) []
- Posted on Leviticus 23:42.
Correct Allan, God's name is not Yahweh. I am glad you have met Yeshua, Son of God. If you'd like to read more about Him, He is listed as the second "eating" of bread and water by Elijah in 1 Kings (verse 7) as he escapes Jezebel. In the Bible, God winds through the word according to His word that 'with the crooked He is crooked, with the pure, He is pure.' Psalm 18:26 So, as you know, King Solomon drifted away from God. For that reason you will see the five books of the Torah line up with exact dates God will or has done something on the Hebrew calendar. The calendar He gave Moses in the wilderness. The books after the Torah, before Psalms have their calendar dates flipped backwards, the other direction of the 'winding' of God. So for those dates in 1 Kings that talk about Yeshua, the date of the month and day, 7/19 show up as verse seven in chapter 19 of 1 Kings. For those same corresponding dates in the Torah, it is the 19th verse of chapter seven for each book so you can see what Yeshua did per God's word. God winds back and forth through the Bible that way- He is teaching us His words. So the best reference I have found to calling God by His name is Yah. It is written in Hebrew in the Torah, and it is pure as He considers pure. So I don't know if anyone wants to go away from using God's full name to be able to access power by doing so, but to just call Him Yah is acceptable to Him and incurs no uncleanness. I encourage you to find out where there is proof outside of the New Testament that God sent down the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts. If that had happened, it would be verifiable via the calendar dates listed above, and it would be verifiable through three or more books and their verses. I would say this because of experience of having known Yeshua a very long time, learning to know God, and God's words are in our hearts and in our mouths, so aren't we then carrying Him in part inside us? Deut. 30:14 I challenge you to get it right because when you do, you will feel a blessing from God you have not felt this side of a sunny day. May God walk with you through this journey as He tells you about His word purely.
- erin (10/6/2017 1:07:08 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 28:19.
The name of Father Son and Holy Spirit is YHVH..Yeshua is abbreviated from Yehoshua .The Prophets proclaim YHVH is become my Yeshua . The correct pronunciation is YeHoVaH .This pronounciation has surfaced from manuscripts stored in Rabbinal libraries unaccessable to Messianic believers but uncovered by Nehemiah Gordon a Kerite Jew a graduate from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with Masters Degrees in biblical research and Paeleo Hebrew and achaeology. This guy, whilst doing work on the Aleppo Codex found the Name with the full vowels in place. His curiosity lead him to uncover more manuscripts that contain the name with the full vowels written . The only hitch has been how is the Vaf pronounced ooo wah or V. Nehemiah says their is strong evidence that it is V. Any one can check out his story for yourselves by googling his name.It is not Yahweh .
- Allan (10/1/2017 7:26:28 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 28:19.
If Yeshua says to IMMERSE them in the name of father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit, then how did John the Baptist IMMERSE ? The Baptist came before Yeshua, so he could not have said what Yeshua said. But the Baptist was filled with the spirit of holiness from the womb, so he would have known how to correctly immerse, else he was not following the spirit. But the Baptist only immersed unto repentance. I am saying it is quite strange that almost every 16th to 21st century English bible says the same words which are only found in this one verse, yet Yeshua ALWAYS focused on the father but said of himself that the comforter will teach all that I (Yeshua) have said John 14:26. Here is spoken, "In the NAME OF...." what is the name of Father, Son, Holy Spirit? These are their titles not their names. Father is YHVH, Son is Yeshua, Holy Spirit is ???? comforter, paraclete, guide are all adjectives of the spirit. It seem's to me Matt 28:19 has inserted words from a preconceived agenda at that time of translation. Furthermore there is a Hebrew Matthew available. Maybe ask a Messianic Jewish Rabbi (yes there are some) about this verse.
- jeremiah mikulski (10/1/2017 4:09:11 AM)
- Posted on Matthew 28:19.
In Song of Songs 4:9, the Beloved Christ calls his bride his “sister”. Being brothers and sisters of Christ emphasizes our life union with him. As believers and lovers of Christ we have a life union with him because we have the same Father. Jesus told his disciples that on the day of his resurrection they “will know that I am in My Father, and you in me, and I in you” (John 14:20). The resurrection of our Beloved Christ was the factor of our divine birth and initiated his believers into an organic union of life with God as their Father. In resurrection, Jesus declares his life union with the disciples when he calls them his “brothers”. The resurrected Beloved Jesus can now tell them that he ascends to “My Father and your Father” (20:17). “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1 Pet. 1:3).

- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/28/2017 6:08:13 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:9.
girl I know got hotel room 6663
- michal (9/27/2017 4:08:27 PM)
- Posted on Daniel 12:3.
agradeço a Deus. pela vida dos irmãos que desenvolveu essa pagina. . .
- fernando (9/27/2017 9:03:35 AM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 5:1.
— According to the grace of God which is given unto me (Paul The Apostle of Christ), as a wise masterbuilder, (I have laid The Foundation), and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.

1Co 3:11 (None other Foundation) can be laid by no other man. So take heed how one builds thereupon. (previous verse). Fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.

IN (John 6:28). The people asked the question about works. What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Christ's reply, "Jesus answered and said unto them,
( This is THE WORK of GOD THE FATHER), that you (BELIEVE on HIM WHOM HE HAS SENT.) (John 6:29)

Greek Text uses The Definite Article (HO) to emphasize (THE WORK OF GOD), VERY IMPORTANT.

CHRIST asked the Question of Questions "whom do men say, I THE SON OF MAN AM?", referring to Matthew 16:13. See also Gospel of John 1:1

Going back to Paul's Statement in 1st Corinthians 3:11, (The Foundation) which no other man can lay (is CHRIST JESUS (YAH-O-SHUA). Take heed how you build upon.

Aposltle Paul's statement concerning (The Foundation) He has Laid, See Phillipians 3:8.
I count all things but loss for (the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord). AMEN !

Do you know, (The Excellency of Knowing Christ)

Religions of the world have built upon Foundations (Other Than) what The Apostle Paul Has Laid. BEWARE ! !
- Chuck (9/24/2017 10:12:03 AM)
- Posted on 1 Corinthians 3:10.
In Song of Songs 4:8, after the bride ascends the top of the truth, Amana, and the top of the armor of light, Shenir, she proceeds to the place called Hermon. This peak in her experience is the place of destruction due to triumph, for Hermon means devoted to destruction after triumph. It is here that she knows her Beloved as the One who destroyed every enemy and is exalted in the triumph of victory! Lord, may we know you in the ascended life!
(more posts on the Song of Songs at Google plus, I am my Beloved's, the two become one
- Frank Pyte, "The Two Become One" (9/20/2017 5:08:02 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:8.
In Song of Songs 4:8, the bride goes with the Beloved Christ and he shows her not only the peaks of the triumph of his person and work, but also the dwelling-place and sphere of the enemy to their marriage union. It is here that she see the lions’ dens, the hideout of the enemy in heavenly places. Both Peter and Paul in the New Testament were aware that the enemy was as a lion. Peter said the devil was as a roaring lion seeking food to devour, and Paul testified how the Beloved Christ delivered him out of the lion’s mouth.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/20/2017 5:58:49 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:8.
Thank you Frank Pytel, your comment makes a lot of sense. If the Holy Spirit leads you to post more about spiritual elevation, please do so. I am studying Song of Solomon and I would like to learn more as I am curious about how Song of Solomon chapter 2 relates to the harpazo or the rapture mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18. Is the dove of Song of Solomon 6:9 the same as the Daughter of the King of Psalm 45:13? I would like to hear your feed back on this. Shalom.
- Andrea Leon (9/18/2017 10:20:14 AM) []
- Posted on Song of Songs 1:4.
In Song of Songs 4:8, the Beloved Christ and His bride are on “the top”. “The top” is mentioned two times indicating spiritual elevation. Together with Him she comes into and comprehends the spaciousness of His Person. She is brought into an enlarged vision of the reality of Christ!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (9/14/2017 3:10:45 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:8.
אָבִיו of his father; #0001 אָב 'ab {avb}; Noun -Masculine; father of an individual, of God as father of his people, head or founder of a household, group, family, or clan, ancestor. See Genesis 9:23 for the conclusion.
אֲחֹרַנִּית backward #0322אֲחֹרַנִּית ' achoranniyth {akh-o-ran-neeth'}adverb; backwards, back part, the rear.
Now observe what happens when these Hebrew words are morphed to their roots.
#0299אֲחִירַע ' Achiyra` {akh-ee-rah'} Noun -Masculine; Ahira = "my brother is evil", a chief of Naphtali.
Then from here it branches into two dissimilar paths.
1) #0251אָח ' ach {awkh}; Noun -Masculine; brother of same parents. #0001 אָב 'ab {avb}; Noun -Masculine; father of an individual, of God as father of his people, head or founder of a household, group, family, or clan, ancestor;
2) and #7451רָע ra` {rah} adjective; bad or evil, #748 רָעַע ra`a` {raw-ah' } verb; to be bad, to be evil.
Before continuing the morphology of the words is there some tradition for walking backwards in Jewish culture? The answer would be yes. One walks seven circles during a kiddushin (marriage) ceremony in the process of binding yourselves to each other. In the disseverment of a marriage each chants the seven lines of the same prayer and unbinds oneself by tracing the seven circles in reverse as you walk away from the union. Lamentations 1:8 “Jerusalem has grievously sinned; therefore she is removed: all that honored her despise her, because they have seen her nakedness: yes, she sighs, and turns backward.” Walking backward from or to someone is perceived as the breaking of a promise, pact or covenant in Jewish custom. Here walking backward appears to show reverence to their father because to expose ones nakedness was to disgrace or degrade oneself.
With all this walking backward, what can we grasp from this text? Assuming that all the text of this passage are metaphorical imagery. The ancestry of the peoples of Šhëm שֵׁם and Yefet יֶפֶת; will conceal the shame of חָם Cham’s lineage through נֹחַ Noach in unspecified methods.
#8071 שִׂמְלָה garment simlah {sim-law'} noun feminine; perhaps used as an alternative for the masculine of #5566 סֶמֶל cemel {seh'-mel} Noun - Masculine (through the idea of a cover assuming the shape of the object beneath), image, statue, idol. And again, we have a feminine component in grammar, which by all rights may indicate the covering of the sins of a nation, people or land that possibly would be specifically for that of idol worship and practice.
Is this record of נֹחַ Noach differing substantially from what you were all led to accept as fact, in most commentaries and or narratives, translations, or studies of the scriptures. From my limited understanding of the workings of God, I can distinguish a minuscule glimpse toward understanding this portion of God’s word and that of his servants of distinction. For the record, I am not stating that past historical scholars have misinterpreted this portion of the Torah but that there may be other hidden meanings that they may not have perceived. I know they were probably under a tremendous burden to interpret all of the Torah. Again, I am not passing judgment on past commentaries or objecting to past historical works but just throwing in my 2 cents worth in better understanding God’s word. God can even inspire the least in the kingdom of God to bring to light the meaning for His Word, no matter how far this prevalent idea may appear.

- Revgrad (9/14/2017 8:46:56 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 9:23.
Genesis 9:22-23
åÇéÌÇøÀà and he saw #7200 øÈàÈä ra'ah {raw-aw'}; Verb - Qal; to see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider
çÈí Ham #2526 çÈí Cham {khawm}; Noun; Ham = "hot"
àÂáÄé the father; #0001 àÈá 'ab {avb}; Noun - Masculine; father of an individual, of God as father of his people, head or founder of a household, group, family, or clan, ancestor. However, here the noun is used in the 1 person common singular and it could be masc. or fem. So if this was directed at ðÉçÇ Noach why use àÂáÄé (avi) instead of father the masculine àÈá (av)? I suggest that this is the case because ëÀðÇòÇï Kena`an {ken-ah'-an} is in reference to a nation, people or country and wasn’t meant as a blemish on Ham pertaining to His 4th son. So, what we possibly see here is a prophetic passage concerning the line of Ham. If it were meant for ëÀðÇòÇï Kena`an, He would have been the one to look upon this metaphoric drunken state of his grandfather. But the passage tells us that his father çÈí Cham looked and is suggested that he despised his father’s nudity. Then, when ðÉçÇ Noach awoke he knew what the youngest son had done. How could ðÉçÇ Noach have known when he was in an unconscious drunken condition? Only by divine inspiration could he have known of the act and then give his prophetic message of ëÀðÇòÇï Kena`an’s enslavement by his older brothers. This proposed rendition of the deeds that ensued is unlikely not found in what most commentaries will suggest. Most will conclude that ëÀðÇòÇï Kena`an is the one who viewed ðÉçÇ Noach’s condition but when we look at the account, it distinctively conveys otherwise. çÈí Cham, the youngest son has the bad character in this story not ëÀðÇòÇï Kena`an. However, this isn’t ëÀðÇòÇï Kena`an the villain man but ëÀðÇòÇï Kena`an the nation, land or peoples of his ancestry.
ëÀðÇòÇï #3667 ëÌÀðÇòÇï Kena`an {ken-ah'-an}; Canaan = "lowland"

- Revgrad (9/14/2017 8:31:25 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 9:22.
The text is translated to "And said, Yahwe, if now I have found..."

But the hebraic word is "Adown". not "Yahwe".
- Chimpa Theist (9/13/2017 10:07:34 PM) []
- Posted on Genesis 18:3.
- les. (9/12/2017 3:40:10 AM) []
- Posted on Hosea 3:4.
Matthew Henry Commentary
II. Noah's sin and shame: He planted a vineyard....
III. Ham's impudence and impiety: He saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren, Genesis 9:22. To see it accidentally and involuntarily would not have been a crime; but, 1. He pleased himself with the sight...
IV. The pious care of Shem and Japheth to cover their poor father's shame...
1. He pronounces a curse on Canaan the son of Ham (Genesis 9:25).... [MHC]
Inspired Commentary
Most commentaries have similar content deciphering this portion of Torah. I am not stating that I am smarter or even correct in my assumptions but the commentaries on this passage have left me a bit confused on this biblical account. Instead of reiterating what others say, I wish to establish what I see as a possible analysis of this portion of the Torah.
Let's open at the beginning of this version and define the scripture to its entirety as given to us by Moses. First,àÄéùÑ äÈàÂãÈîÈä [to be] an husbandman #0376 àÄéùÑ iysh {eesh}N M; man, mortal man, person, mankind and #0127 àÂãÈîÈä ' adamah {ad-aw-maw'}N F; ground or land. At first glance, one would make out that ðÉçÇ Noach was a man of the ground, a farmer per say. Now, bear with me as I attempt to examine this as what see as Jewish metaphorical imagery. We know that ðÉçÇ Noach is the main subject of this phrase because everything in this sentence points back to him. Then we discover that he is the man of the land, or is there another perspective to what may be suggested? I agree that àÄéùÑ (iysh) is a word for man or husband but the word used here is a form of iysh #0582àÁðוֹùÑ ' enowsh {en-oshe'} which is properly a mortal, hence a man in general (singly or collectively). It becomes discernible that the terminology is suggestive that there is more than one man or a people, if you will allow me some leniency. Then he planted, #5193 ðÈèÇò nata` {naw-tah'} Verb - Qal Imperfect; to plant, fasten, fix, establish a #3754 ëÌÆøÆí kerem {keh'-rem} a garden or vineyard. Planted here would give the impression of an establishment of something and one would only need to read verse 18 to see what ðÉçÇ Noach initiated, any individual can distinguish that it was by means of his sons that he founded a lineage of future peoples. Then, vineyard throughout the scriptures, is a symbol for the people of God; so, why should this be any different in this narrative. Thereby, a people of God will come from his lineage. Then in verse 21, and he drank, #8354 ùÑÈúÈä shathah {shaw-thaw'} Verb - Qal Imperfect; to drink, of drinking the cup of God's wrath, of slaughter, of wicked deeds; of the wine, #3196 éÇéÄï yayin {yah'-yin}. In Hebrew, the word is “yayin”, denoting fermentation is a Symbol of Sin especially in wine where “leaven” or yeast, is used to make the wine ferment. And was drunken, evokes #7937 ùÑÈëÇø shakar {shaw-kar'} Verb - Qal Imperfect; to be or become drunk or drunken, be intoxicated, and he was uncovered, indicates #1540 âÌÈìÇä galah {gaw-law'} to be disgracefully exposed. The symbols of intoxication and nakedness are usually found in scripture for those who indulge in Sin and then having it publically exposed, respectively. Do you see where I’m going here? If this were a sin of ðÉçÇ Noach’s, then where is God’s retort to the sin of this once obedient Servant, who behaved in such a reprehensible manner. God’s silence at this juncture is probably due to this storyline being written in Jewish prose and all the events are in metaphorical symbology. And now, to finish this verse, where is ðÉçÇ Noach during the events that happened in this prophetic discourse. It states that he was within his tent, #8432 úÌÈåÆêÀ tavek {taw'-vek} N M; meaning to sever; a bisection, that is, (by implication) the centre: among (-st), X (there-, where-) in (-to), middle, mid [-night], midst (among), and #0168àÉäÆì ' ohel {o'-hel} N M; nomad's tent, and thus symbolic of wilderness life, transience, dwelling, home, habitation; which concludes for me that ðÉçÇ Noach in this account is meant as pertaining to a nomadic people that dwell in a wilderness area so as to call it home, much like Abram and his lineage. See Genesis 9:22 for the rest.

- Revgrad (9/6/2017 12:45:55 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 9:18.
When the Beloved Christ addresses his lover/bride as “My love”, he sees her as a person who is filled with his love. He is the source of her love and supplies her with his love, ever pouring out his love into her heart (Rom. 5:5)! Through many experiences of union and fellowship with the Beloved Christ, she is constituted with Him as love and His love has become her person. He tells her, you are “my love”.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/30/2017 7:25:02 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:7.
The lover/bride rises up to ascend the mountain and hill to gather more of the fragrant spices of her Beloved Christ found in holy elevations. It is here she is free from other influences. Beloved Christ, I want to walk the elevated life in the Spirit more completely that I would not fulfill the low cravings of my fallen nature (Gal. 5:16).
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/25/2017 5:51:40 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:6.
No matter how far one has advanced spiritually, even as the lover/bride was praised by the Beloved Christ, there is still more of Him to be gained. “Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:12). Beloved Christ, increase yourself in me today!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/23/2017 7:43:37 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:6.
(John 14:8,9), Philip said unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it will satisfy us.
Jesus said unto him, Have I been so long a time with you, and yet have you not known me, Philip? He that has seen me has seen the Father; and how say you then, Show us the Father?


(John 1:18) No man hath seen THE FATHER at any time; the only BEGOTTEN SON (The VERY WORD OF THE FATHER), which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

As words SPOKEN from the heart of an Auto Biographer and you read his words which are word pictures. You then begin to see the picture of the auto biographer who is the source from which the words have proceeded from, (the words are mental pictures)

(John 8:42), Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, you would love me: for I AM THE LIVING WORD that was Spoken forth and came out from MY FATHER; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

In other words, have you understood my Auto Biographical Words from My Heart to see who I AM ?

(Matthew 16:13), When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?

(Isaiah 55:11), So shall (MY WORD be that goes forth out of my mouth): it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

(John 14:8,9), Philip said unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it will satisfy us.

Jesus said unto him, Have I been so long a time with you, and yet have you not known me, Philip? He that has seen me has seen the Father; and how say you then, Show us the Father?

(John 1:14), And THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.


(John 5:23) That all men should (honor the Son,) (even as they honor the Father). He that honors not the Son honors not the Father who has sent him. Amen ! ! !
- Chuck (8/22/2017 7:10:57 PM)
- Posted on John 14:9.
It appears Abram was human and attempted to take events surrounding his life into his own hands and to no avail persuade himself that taking a mistress to father children was God's plan for him. When does God ever use Sin to fulfill His promises to us? Duh, never!
- Search for Yeshua (8/15/2017 8:16:39 AM) []
- Posted on Genesis 16:2.
There are two aspects of the shields which are hung upon the neck of the lover of Christ (S. of S. 4:4):
1) God is a shield, the shield is a Person (Gen. 15:1; Psa. 3:3)
2) The lover of Christ apprehends the shield by faith, or her faith in union with God is the shield (Eph. 6:16)
Faith comes by hearing the Word of Christ (Rom. 10:8, 17), which brings God into our experience as our shield. Our constant union and fellowship with the divine Beloved Christ through His living word and our living faith become many experiential shields which are displayed upon the renewed and transformed neck (will) of His lover bride. This is a bridal characteristic appreciated by our loving Bridegroom Christ!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/12/2017 6:10:17 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:4.
Such a shame that only the septuagint brings out the true text of this verse - all the heb texts are a contradiction to the context of the chapter and the gospel!
- Francois du Toit (8/12/2017 3:55:43 AM) []
- Posted on Isaiah 54:16.
The Beloved Christ appreciates the neck of His lover as a tower of David. Her neck as a tower belongs to David and is built by David. David was the king after God’s heart doing all His will (Acts 13:22) typifying the Christ who was the delight of the Father. Her neck bears the testimony of one no longer resisting God in her will, but transformed by the indwelling Spirit to be after the heart of her Beloved Christ for His pleasure, doing all HIs will!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (8/2/2017 6:49:00 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:4.
The phrase “within your locks” is used two times in the appreciation of the Beloved Christ concerning His lovers’ eyes and temples (S. of S. 4:1, 3). The Septuagint translation of the phrase "within your locks" is “in silence”. This emphasizes not only the matter of not being a public display, but to be quiet before Him and with Him. In such quietness with our lovely Beloved Christ, all our natural energy and selfish activity is put away. In this stillness we know He is God and see the salvation of our God at work (Isa. 46:10; Exo. 14:13).
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (7/31/2017 5:39:34 PM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:3.
Thanks Eved, It is something to think on and have. Yes you are right,we will never know it all in any life time :)
- Ted Russell (7/22/2017 3:25:38 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 16:7.
Shalom, Ted! In this life, it doesn't matter how long we've studied and contemplated the Word - we won't have all the "answers." The finite cannot completely comprehend the Infinite...but one day we will know even as we are known, praise God! With that in mind, here's a possibility to consider regarding your question: it may be that the verse has to do not with God's making peace but with the one who pleases God making peace with his own enemies. Think of our blessed Savior's encouragement to love those who hate us, to bless those who curse us, etc., and Paul's exhortation, "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." (Rom. 12:8) This is pleasing to God, and so it may be what is referred to here in Pr. 16:7's "when A MAN's ways are pleasing to God, HE makes even his enemies..."
- eved melekh (7/22/2017 1:37:09 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 16:7.
Question: If this be true,did not Jesus ways please God? What about the Disciples? They were Killed for the most part. I am asking because this was brought up to me and I have no answer. I have been in the Word for 29 years.... Thoughts??
- Ted Russell (7/22/2017 10:37:34 AM)
- Posted on Proverbs 16:7.
The repeated kisses of love of the Beloved Christ upon the lips of His lover has made her lips “like a thread of scarlet” (S. of S. 1:2; 4:3). These repeated kisses of the Beloved Christ with abundant grace poured upon and flowing from His lips caused her lips to match His (Psa. 45:2; 2 Cor. 1:21; 1 John 2:20).
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (7/21/2017 6:37:55 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:3.
Please stop posting such long (nonsense) posts, it messes up the format on the iPad app.
- A (7/19/2017 7:52:20 AM)
- Posted on Ezekiel 44:22.
Christian men must marry a virgin woman according to law of God.

According to the Holy Scriptures christian men must marry a virgin woman; For it is written in Revelation 1:6 " And Jesus Christ has made us kings and priests unto God and His Father;..." and also in 1 Peter 2:9 " But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation,.."; So all the christians on earth are priests of God;
And it is written in Leviticus 21:7 " The priests shall not take a wife that is a whore, or deflowered, neither shall they take a woman put away from her husband; for he is holy unto his God" and also in Ezekiel 44:22 " The priests shall not take for theirs wives a widow, nor her that is put away; but they shall take virgins of the seed of Israel, or a widow that had a priest before"
So christian men, who are now priests, must marry a virgin woman or a widow of a christian who was married being a virgin.

You may argue that we are no longer under the Mosaic Law, but this is a big mistake;

for Jesus Christ says in Matthew 5:17-19 " Think not that I am come to abolish the Law and the Prophets; I am not come to abolish, but to fulfil. For verily I say to you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven, but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."

So Jesus Christ cannot abolish any law which is not already predicted in the Law and the Prophets, according to His own word in Matthew 5:17-19; thus Jesus Christ has made 7 reforms ( 7 is number of perfection) to bring the Law to perfection.
The 7 reforms made by Jesus Christ are already predicted in the Law and the Prophets; so He fulfilled the Law and the Prophets by doing these reforms.

These reforms are:
1- reform related to the law of divorce,
2- reform related to the law of death penalty,
3- reform related to the law of vengeance; eye for eye, tooth for tooth,
4- reform related to the law of Aaronic priesthood; the high priest,
5- reform related to the law of Leviticus priesthood; the priests,
6- reform related to the law of of earthly tabernacle and the sacrifices of sin expiation,
7- and last, you must be baptized by Holy Spirit before being partaker of the kingdom of heaven

So if you don't understand what apostle Paul has written, keep what Jesus says.

Shalom, God bless you while you are keeping His word.


- John Thierry Tchiakpe (7/15/2017 11:57:06 AM) []
- Posted on Ezekiel 44:22.
Those searching for Holy Spirit-filled Bible teaching can find an excellent series called Through the Bible, with Pastor Zac Poonen, at All teachings are 100% free. There are is also an app available. Both basic and advanced teachings and sermons are offered, completely without charge. This series offers many highlights and points rarely covered by most Bible teachers.
- chris (7/15/2017 12:10:58 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
Christian men must marry a virgin woman according to law of God.

Acoording to the Holy Scriptures christian men must marry a virgin woman; For it is written in Revelation 1:6 " And Jesus Christ has made us kings and priests unto God and His Father;..." and also in 1 Peter 2:9 " But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation,.."; So all the christians on earth are priests of God;
And it is written in Leviticus 21:7 " The priests shall not take a wife that is a whore, or deflowered, neither shall they take a woman put away from her husband; for he is holy unto his God" and also in Ezekiel 44:22 " The priests shall not take for theirs wives a widow, nor her that is put away; but they shall take virgins of the seed of Israel, or a widow that had a priest before"
So christian men, who are priests must marry a virgin woman or a widow of a christian who was married being a virgin.

You may argue that we are no longer under the Mosaic Law, but this a big mistake;

for Jesus Christ says in Matthew 5:17-19 " Think not that I am come to abolish the Law and the Prophets; I am not come to abolish, but to fulfil. For verily I say to you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven, but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."

So Jesus Christ cannot abolish any law which is not already predicted in the Law and the Prophets, according to His own word in Matthew 5:17-19; thus Jesus Christ has made 7 reforms ( 7 is number of perfection) to bring the Law to perfection.
The 7 reforms made by Jesus Christ are already predicted in the Law and the Prophets; so He fulfilled the Law and the Prophets by doing these reforms.

These reforms are:
1- reform related to the law of divorce,
2- reform related to the law of death penalty,
3- reform related to the law of vengeance; eye for eye, tooth for tooth,
4- reform related to the law of Aaronic priesthood; the high priest,
5- reform related to the law of Leviticus priesthood; the priests,
6- reform related to the law of of earthly tabernacle and the sacrifices of sin expiation,
7- and last, you must be baptized by Holy Spirit before being partaker of the kingdom of heaven

So if you don't understand what apostle Paul has written, keep what Jesus says.

Shalom, God bless you while you are keeping His word.


- John Thierry Tchiakpe (7/14/2017 3:27:40 PM) []
- Posted on Leviticus 21:7.
"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." - This, I believe, is the most hated verse in the Bible! Almost all Bibles leave it out or have put it in footnotes! Let's compare it with 1. Thess. 5:23 "Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely, and may your entire spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." Now, God created us in his image. (Gen. 1:26) This way we have a live metaphor of God = Elohim. He says: "let us make man". Elohim is plural, and "us" is plural and nobody can explain it away, not even a Hebrew scholar! I know what they say: It is a "royal" expression! But what about Elohim!? We could also say: "El" or "Elohai", which is my God. El or Al is God in many languages. Now, I will prove you how old this text is, in case you have any doubt! Quote: "...the UBS Greek NT (4th ed.) notes that the Comma Johanneum is attested by the Latin church fathers (Cyprian) (d. 258), (Pseudo-Cyprian) (4th century), (Priscillian) (d. 385), the Speculum (5th century), Varimadum (UBS date "445/480"), Pseudo-Vigilius (4th or 5th century), and Fulgentius (d. 533), as well as a few manuscripts." - So, this is new to you? USB4 is the newest our Bibles have been translated from and they put it in footnotes!?!? Why? I say: an evil spirit! Read also 2. Cor. 13:14, Mt. 28:19 These three verses are all of the same nature and have nothing to do with Nicaea 325! Now, still, I have not said, that God and the Holy Ghost are a person, but Jesus was! Let's read what Rev. 3:21 states, which most people have forgotten and only quote v. 20! "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne." - Three sit on the throne! God, Jesus and those who have overcome! It is all imagery! Imagine, that we, you and I will sit with Jesus on a throne together with his father! It is the Holy Spirit, that is within us, which raised Jesus from the dead, and will do so with us! 1 Cor. 15:44 "It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body." So, our spiritual bodies will sit with God and Jesus on the throne if we overcome! This is the Holy Trinity, the Bible speaks about! If you say, it is untrue, then I will say: then there is also no Bible! Because, Jesus and the Apostles did not know anything of the Bible, that it contains 66 books, 39 in the Old and 27 in the New Testament! 3x9=27! In the middles of the first verse of the Bible we have the word: "AT" - Aleph and Taw. In the beginning God (Elohim) created the heavens and the earth. This reads in Hebrew: Bereshit Elohim “AT” ha sha maim, we ha arez. “AT” means: Aleph and Taw, like Alpha and Omega in Greek and therefore God and Jesus are the A and the O in Rev. 1:8 and 22:13. Have you noticed, that the book of Revelation has 22 chapters as the Hebrew Alphabet! Have you noticed, that the tree of life appears in the second chapter of the Bible and the last chapter of the Bible! The Bible is a book, which is closed in itself. How could Matthew know, that Luke would write a family tree of Jesus!? But both contain them, only, Luke has it in ch. 3 and Matthew in ch. 1! Matthew goes as far back as Abraham and Luke as far back as Adam! Nt. 1:17 So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations." Three times fourteen! Three seems to be a number, which we need to remember when we thing about God! From Abraham to Adam there are twenty generations. Did you count them before as I just did? Ok. It is correct. Jesus stems from Methuselah, which was the oldest person on earth: 969 years. Jesus was a Semite. Jesus was a son of Enoch (who was raptured to heaven straight away and after whom the famous but bad book of Enoch is named - I say bad, because it tells lies.) So, what did Jesus say about three in one? John. 17:21 "...that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you." One in the Spirit! I help you how you can compare the Holy Spirit! Rev. 22:17 "The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!”" - So, if the bride is a person, then the Holy Spirit also is a person! Have I said he is a person? No! I only reasoned! Why? Because, have you ever seen a bride as a ghost!? A bride always is a person. Son, when the bride, which is imagery of the Bible again, is a person, then the imagery of the Holy Spirit is true also! In Hebrew we speak of the Shekinah שכינה‎‎ Glory.
- christof bucherer M.Div. (7/13/2017 2:21:54 PM)
- Posted on 1 John 5:7.
"that she may bear upon my knees" means: "that may take care of the child" or "that I may bring up the child"

- Thittj (7/11/2017 3:08:42 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 30:3.
The first two lovely characteristics of the beauty of the Beloved Christ’s lover are her eyes and her hair. Spiritually these two features of a loving seeker go together. The hair of our separation and consecration affords the purity that is essential for the spiritual revelation of the eyes of our heart.
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (7/8/2017 5:47:33 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:1.
Isaiah 61:4 ¶ And they shall build 1129 z8804 the old 5769 wastes, 2723 they shall raise up 6965 z8787 the former 7223 desolations, 8074 z8802 and they shall repair 2318 z8765 the waste 2721 cities, 5892 the desolations 8074 z8802 of many y1755 generations. 1755 Isaiah 61:4 And they shall build in the ever desolate wilderness(undiscovered land the usa) they shall raise up the first astounding new cities in the wilderness stunning of many generations. God told king David in Israel in the land of Israel at its zenith: 2 Samuel 7:10 Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime, The usa! For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth.2And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name.3Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God.4Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be termed Desolate: but thou shalt be called Hephzibah, and thy land Beulah: for the LORD delighteth in thee, and thy land shall be married.5For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee. Thou shalt be called by a new name ! new name for who? For Zion' and Jerusalem which is Israel . Thy land shall be married as a young man marrieth a virgin. The land is virgin land. The Restoration of Israel Isaiah 49 And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I am the LORD: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me.But Zion said, The LORD hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me.Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.17Thy children shall make haste; thy destroyers and they that made thee waste shall go forth of thee.18Lift up thine eyes round about, and behold: all these gather themselves together, and come to thee. As I live, saith the LORD, thou shalt surely clothe thee with them all, as with an ornament, and bind them on thee, as a bride doeth.19For thy waste and thy desolate places, and the land of thy destruction, shall even now be too narrow by reason of the inhabitants, and they that swallowed thee up shall be far away. ( across the ocean far away!The children which thou shalt have, after thou hast lost the other, shall say again in thine ears, The place is too strait for me: give place to me that I may dwell.13 colonies to 50 states! Micah 4And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem. The usa is the first dominion of the kingdom. Gog is coming to destroy the usa ! In the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.And I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains, saith the Lord GOD: every man's sword shall be against his brother. Another civil war ? . The king in the land that is far off (in the Usa) the king is Jesus.Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off. When they see the king in a far off land it is then they want to understand the prophecy of the collaspsing towers Isaiah 33:18Thine heart shall meditate terror. Where is the scribe? Where is the receiver? Where is he that counted the towers? Restoration of Israel :They will be called by a new name! Must have virgin land! Must have kings and queens as thier nursing mother in infancy. God told king David it is not in the middle east! And must have two towers crash in her land in the last days ! king jesus is in the land that the towers crashed!The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?
- dd (7/1/2017 9:29:54 AM)
- Posted on Isaiah 61:4.
Nearly twelve times in this love song, the Beloved Christ addresses His lover bride as “my love”. Since His love has so occupied her and transformed her into His beauty and delight she is called “my love”. Her love has become His love!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (7/1/2017 8:30:38 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 4:1.
This Verse means that all that happens in the world, nay, the Universe is what will be to the Praise of God's Glory ( what he wants, what he foretells, what he likes. what he warns against and why ) OR It Will NOT/Does NOT Happen. [ for example, See the Latest Presidential Election in the U.S.. ]
Also, as an aside - God forbid that He Himself through the Holy Spirit should speak in a clear plain speech in the language that the one speaking knows and already speaks, instead of this Gibberish called "Tongues".
- Ray Black (6/24/2017 7:00:25 PM)
- Posted on Psalms 76:10.
Song of Songs 3:11 speaks of the gladness of the Beloved Christ. Although we often consider our joy and satisfaction, we need to come a point in our love life with Him that we are more concerned about His pleasure than our own. Our goal and our ambition should only be to please Him (2 Cor. 5:9)!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (6/17/2017 11:52:09 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 3:11.
TAXOS is akin to our word Taxi. which is called same because it is Fast. not soon. When the Lord Comes it will be within say, minutes, not eons.
- REIDH (6/15/2017 3:13:31 PM)
- Posted on Revelation 1:1.
This is science proven to be truth ,red sun shall take in earth in
final days. Heaven ? Too so say the Lord in the alkitaba .
- karm (6/15/2017 7:09:06 AM) []
- Posted on 2 Peter 3:10.
In Song of Songs 3:7, “the bed, or resting place of King Solomon, stands in most striking contrast to the bed of carnal sloth and ease, spoken of by the Bride in verse 1 - the one, a place of idle security; the other of active service.” Adelaide Leaper Newton, “The Song of Solomon”
- Frank Pytel, "TheTwo Become One" (4/4/2017 5:31:22 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 3:7.
You know, you make a good point, zcostilla. I digress.

You know, come to think of it, Jesus was probably making a point about spiritual and physical marriage in this narrative.

She was used as an example by God of the adultery and the marriage of the Northern lands to five husbands, and they did not know God living in sin in a defacto relationship in Samaria. The woman at the well is a powerful allegory and also a lesson on marriage.

Which brings us to your point:

Regarding her personal life, this sequence appears to show firstly, the woman had been married five times under the law and each one was recognized as a legitimate marriage by Messiah. She was currently living with a man but that arrangement was not recognized to be a marriage by Messiah. Thus Messiah produced doctrine in this way. He recognized multiple marriages as there is no indication that this woman had been widowed five times. Indeed the law allows remarriage as we see above. Secondly, Christ ruled here on de facto marriage, pronouncing it as no legitimate marriage.

Just some more thoughts on your very good observation :)
- cody927 (4/3/2017 4:47:08 PM)
- Posted on John 4:18.
@ cody97 if your point is true, then why did she personalize it in Verse 29?
- zcostilla (4/3/2017 8:23:21 AM)
- Posted on John 4:18.
In this verse, most people believe Jesus to be telling the Samaritan woman at the well personal details about her love life and that she has had five literal husbands. He is not referring to this woman having gone through five separate men. He is referring to the 'husbands' of Samaria. When Israel was carried off into captivity around 722 BC, the Assyrians settled foreign peoples in the land that brought their own pagan gods. compare 2 Kings 17:24-34, esp. v. 30 which emphasizes the five nations brought into Palestine. Thus, Samaria committed adultery with five husbands or gods. No wonder the poor woman 'worshipped she knew not what' (John 4:22).
- cody927 (4/2/2017 3:40:34 PM) []
- Posted on John 4:18.
The merchant of Song of Songs 3:6 is a travelling trader. Our Christ is a merchant who desires to have daily, even moment by moment transactions with His loving seekers.
- Frank Pytel (4/2/2017 5:56:15 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 3:6.
why did he take it to begin with?
- 71653 (4/1/2017 1:03:13 PM)
- Posted on Judges 17:2.
This verse has been misinterpreted down through the years. It is not alluding to our Lords Ascension, but of His 'going up' to Jerusalem to the Feast of Tabernacles. Why would His Ascension be in question this early when it is at least six months hence?. It makes no sense. The odd choice of words here...analempsis...would be better translated as His 'retirement'. The word before it, sumpleroo, means to be completed or accomplished. So, this is not speaking of His Ascension then. It means the time was come that Jesus must no longer retire from Judea and the area around Jerusalem. He had been staying around the Galilee to avoid the Jews' laying hold of Him before His ministry was ended, and full proof of His divine mission given, and some of the prophecies concerning Him accomplished. In those days, one 'went up' to Jerusalem to the feasts. Three that were required to attend in Jerusalem were Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. Here, Jesus is setting His sights on Jerusalem to 'go up' to the Feast of Tabernacles. The Hebrew reads, 'aliyah' meaning 'to go up'. So, this passage has nothing to do with His 'going up to Heaven', but 'going up' to Jerusalem...because He has to despite the Pharisees and 'Jews' that want to lay hold of Him.
- cody927 (3/28/2017 5:41:22 PM) []
- Posted on Luke 9:51.
Zechariah 14:5 And therefore ,they did stand his feet, at day, this day ,above mountain this olives, which against faces (her Jerusalem) out of east, and therefore ,to cleave mountain the olives ,out of his half her east and also her west, valley great exceedingly ,then to depart, half this mountain her north,and his half her south. And (you did)ensign a flag:we will keep secret (split )valley of my mountain now touchs with the (great)valley of the mountains facing Azal = "proximity: he has reserved" and (you did)ensign a flag: we will keep secret ) as when (you did) flag a secret from out of before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Jehudah, and comes Jehovah my Elohim [and] all your saints with thee. 5127 flee does not match. 2LetterLookup - Ancient Lexicons for Greek... Hebrew... Aramaic look it up on google 2LetterLookup. first two letters come up as flag last two letters match suffix you did and the other possibility is the first letter is a Prefix we will and the last three letter translated to keep secret we will keep secret.And if it is secreted then maybe both apply. Zechariah 14 :6 and 9007shall come to pass 1961 in that 9004day 3117 this 9005 they 1931 not 3808 will exist 1961 illumination [of mind ] 2016 weighty prized precious, 3368 [ They will ] congeal, settle, become 7087 and 9007 be brought together. The two halfs of mount olives cross the Atlantic ocean the exceedingly great valley of mountains. Following the coordinates from mount olives 31 37 22 50 west you will be in Georgia then heading north you will be in Massachusets these are 13 colonies of Christian Zion . The mount olives is the people of God spread out in the land from South to North. And the LORD my God shall come, and all the saints with thee the LORD my God shall come to America and all the saints with him. But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light. Israel is 7 hours ahead of Boston, MA , sunset in Israel depending on the time of year is 7:00 PM thus night in isreal. At 12:00 pm in boston the sun is shining, the sun is shining at night because the Lord moved his people. Isaiah 49 Sing,O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the LORD hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted.But Zion said,The LORD hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me. Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.Behold,I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.Thy children shall make haste; thy destroyers and they that made thee waste shall go forth of thee.Lift up thine eyes round about, and behold: all these gather themselves together, and come to thee. As I live, saith the LORD, thou shalt surely clothe thee with them all, as with an ornament, and bind them on thee, as a bride doeth.For thy waste and thy desolate places, and the land of thy destruction, shall even now be too narrow by reason of the inhabitants, and they that swallowed thee up shall be far away.the children which thou shalt have, after thou hast lost the other, shall say again in thine ears, The place is too strait for me: give place to me that I may dwell.
- dd (3/28/2017 6:43:36 AM)
- Posted on Isaiah 30:5.
In Song of Songs 1:13, the Beloved Christ was a bag of myrrh, hung about the loving seeker’s neck, which she wore through the night between her breasts of faith and love. Yet in 3:6, the loving seeker was perfumed with myrrh. The One she held as a bag around her neck, progressively penetrates and perfumes her with myrrh. Her union with Him and His fragrant death, is deepened as He inwardly saturates her, then is spread forth through her to all around (2 Cor. 2:15).
- Frank Pytel (3/27/2017 7:47:44 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 3:6.
The question that the daughters of Jerusalem asked of the loving seeker, “Who is this”, is also referred to our Beloved Christ in his first and second appearance. In Matthew 21:10, as Jesus rode upon a donkey to enter the city days before he would be crucified, the whole city cried out, “Who is this”. In Isaiah 63:1, the Beloved Christ is seen coming in judgment and the cry is again “Who is this”. While those around asked “Who is this”, the Beloved Jesus asked “Who do men say that I am”. His desire is that we would see Him, not with a natural or religious idea, but as He is! A revelation of the Father is the only way to have such a blessing that unveils the person of the Beloved Christ. Beloved Christ, save us from our traditional view of you, and open our eyes to see you as you are.
- Frank Pytel (3/22/2017 8:26:15 AM)
- Posted on Song of Songs 3:6.
Dear A Fox,

Why bother to sign your post with a "Love,AFox"? It was not very loving and I must point out your post had many misspellings, grammatical errors, etc. Did you run spell check? I think not. If you are posting it should be to help someone who is seeking or to enlighten or encourage others.
- Bones (3/20/2017 1:51:23 PM)
- Posted on 2 Peter 3:13.
1 Corinthians 9:10 KJV
[10] For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope.

This verse refers to the entire chapter of Proverbs 11.

- chris (3/15/2017 8:13:39 PM)
- Posted on 1 Corinthians 9:10.
Luke 12:36

- Nickole (3/4/2017 1:26:57 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 3:15.
"And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her-seed; He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel" - We can see this verse - the memory of it promised in Eden, and passed on - so that at the scattering at Babel Tower, it passed into the different lands/nations. The handed down memories of the spoken promise taking different shapes in the different, son 'god' born of a mother myths, of the nations. (Indeed, the original "mother" 'goddesses' in many lands, fuzzy memories of Eve?)
- marie glen (2/28/2017 12:39:11 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 3:15.
It was the gift of the holy spirit. See verses 18 & 19. Ask yourself what the gift of holy spirit was. Used for. Go back to Acts 2:4 First Holy Spirit was given them to preach about the magnificent things of God to other language groups. They were able to speak in their language so they could understand their message. Other gifts of the holy spirit that was used was healing. So then why did Simon in verse 18 really want the gift of holy spirit that he was willing to pay for it?

- Margot (2/28/2017 12:20:18 AM)
- Posted on Acts 8:20.
Kindly explain this verse?
- aurita (2/27/2017 1:39:31 AM)
- Posted on Acts 8:20.

- klodian (2/24/2017 9:08:26 AM)
- Posted on Daniel 4:12.
It's a matter of "drawing near" to receive the grace we need, as grace is the POWER to transform, whereas the law serves to show each and all, they have "missed the mark".. i.e. we need His grace.. We have boldness to enter His Presence, because we stand in the right standing given to us, by our believing in Jesus, and following Him.
- marie glen (2/23/2017 2:05:44 PM)
- Posted on Hebrews 4:16.
are you lieing to god when two people get a divorce
- hiiiiii (2/17/2017 9:21:31 PM)
- Posted on 1 Kings 13:23.
correction of former post.
moed is strong's Hebrew#4150
- seth (2/17/2017 11:38:30 AM)
- Posted on Galatians 4:10.
In Galatians 4:10, the word pa/ra/tey/reh/is/they is a combination of pa/ra/tey/reo (strong's Greek#3906: to inspect alongside; note insidiously or scrupulously) and is/they (plural of strong's Greek#2468: 2nd person imperative present of strong's Greek#1510 be thou: give thyself wholly to.)
Since this word is an imperative Paul is COMMANDING the Galatians to observe days [24hrs, sun down to sun down], and months [new moon to new moon], and times [(plural of strong's Greek#2540 kai/rous: an occasion; set or appointed time) and equal to mo/ed/im (plural of strong's Hebrew#2150 mo/ed: an appointment; fixed time or season, specifically a festival; assembly...)], and years[from barley harvest to barley harvest to account sabbatical and jubilee years].
- Seth (2/17/2017 10:06:34 AM)
- Posted on Galatians 4:10.
Jesus Christ is God.

Jesus said:
Whose soever sins ye remit (forgive), they are remitted (forgiven) unto them; [and] whose soever [sins] ye retain (withhold), they are retained (withheld).
(John 20:23)

Jesus just gave his Holy Spirit to forgiven sinners and told them they can forgive other's sins (John 20:23). We can only sin against God and we can do wrong to each other, but God Jesus is the law giver and if we break his law we need to seek his forgiveness. The bible tells us anything we know to be wrong and do it is a sin unto us. Sin is breaking God's law. We cannot sin against each other only God. God is not respecter of persons. What he would do for one he would do for all. The disciples are men, sinners, and forgiven. They are not special in God's eyes more than anyone else. If he told them they have the power of the Holy Spirit and his authority to forgive people's sin then it is the same for anyone who has the Holy Spirit. Jesus also said you cannot do it without him, without speaking in his name, on his behalf, as an ambassador of heaven.

Jesus Christ is God. Jesus said those who he reveals it to may know that he is God. If you do not know that Jesus Christ is God ask him! Speak out to him and ask him to reveal it to you and then believe that he will answer you and you will receive the truth, whether today or tomorrow or some day soon.
- Austin (2/9/2017 1:18:58 PM)
- Posted on John 20:23.
what do you want from life?

the meaning of life is not that you make sin and will go to church to beg forgiving and some priests forgive your sins,only god YHWH can forgive sins

and iceland will blow up soon
- aswanash alehim (2/9/2017 7:47:59 AM)
- Posted on Numbers 1:14.
Mr Trump is asnpresident 4 years and his vice precident 8 years, YHWH's wish to make better world and merkel and juncker out,obama was the third shit

- aswanash alehim (2/9/2017 12:38:12 AM)
- Posted on Numbers 1:14.
it's Y Ha WaH,I am life (YHWH)

Mosesh and Aaron gave freedom to anash people with help of amon ra and pharoesh hatsehtsup

anash means who were under feet,jews

and that's why YHWH gave to them those two table which ibrahim broke

and stock markets will get to shit in march and april in the year 2017,total lost is about 36%
- aswanash alehim (2/8/2017 9:28:42 PM)
- Posted on Numbers 1:14.
1 And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the tent of meeting, on the first of the second month, in the second year of their going out of the land of Egypt, saying:
2 `Take ye up the sum of all the company of the sons of Israel by their families

verse 1:5 - a man for a tribe, each is a head to the house of his fathers.
verse 14 - `For Gad -- Eliasaph son of Deuel.

Gad - H1410 - "troop"
Eliasaph - H460 - "God has added"
Deuel - H1845 - "they know God"

- marie glen (2/8/2017 8:04:05 AM)
- Posted on Numbers 1:14.
the meaning of life is that you wished to have body and make something you can be phd,nurse your choice but this world is not perfect, if someone makes something the first is not the best,maybe third

and i have always wondering why there are so many languages

- aswanash alehim (2/8/2017 5:05:14 AM)
- Posted on Numbers 1:14.
who is deul and who is your god?

- aswanash alehim (2/7/2017 9:18:11 PM)
- Posted on Numbers 1:14.
- MichaelC (2/7/2017 6:31:32 AM) []
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
iesus nsrt was born in march,in israel there is no sheeps outside in december, he was fourth child,jacob was oldest,then imodium,maria,jesus,caleb and miriam

jesus' birth star was that supernova in spica,binary star,in virgin star system

- aswanash alehim (2/6/2017 2:08:35 AM)
- Posted on Numbers 1:14.
in ancient egypt pyramids were dark blue
- aswanash alehim (2/5/2017 8:30:43 AM)
- Posted on Numbers 1:14.
i dont understand hebrew letters,anash,in old egypt hapshetsuht gave to you freedom
- aswanash alehim (2/5/2017 7:18:55 AM)
- Posted on Numbers 1:14.
what means 1:14

my life changed when anash people,jews,5777,began

YHWH gawe to me that name
- aswanash alehim (2/5/2017 7:06:50 AM)
- Posted on Numbers 1:14.
who is deuel
- aswanash alehim (2/5/2017 3:21:08 AM)
- Posted on Numbers 1:14.
response to K.F. regarding Greek "side-by-side" with the English translation: On the homepage, scroll down and look on the left side for the box labeled "Browse all Bible Resources". Towards the bottom of the list in the box, click on "Greek New Testament". On the next page that opens, choose from the list of NT books that you want to study. Note that this is an interlinear "real-time" translation, so to get the Strong's and other resource notes, you will have to click on the translated words, rather than the numbered boxes that you see in the English-formatted translations on the site.

- chris (2/4/2017 2:39:05 AM)
- Posted on Matthew 1:1.
where is the Greek like the Hebrew side by side
- ken frye (1/31/2017 7:47:32 PM) []
- Posted on Matthew 1:1.
καταβολη [casting/throwing-down] ought not be translated as the English "foundation". see also Hebrews 6:1, where καταβολη and θεμελιος ["theme", often also translated as "foundation"] appear together.
CLT/CLV was early reveal this.
- marshall (1/26/2017 7:04:00 PM)
- Posted on Ephesians 1:4.
I Timothy 6:9
yet-of those resolving to be-filled/wealthy, they are falling-in on-to testing and-also a trap, to many foolish impulses and-also injuries that are submerging/swamping the humans on-to ruin and [eventual] extermination.
- marshall (1/25/2017 9:07:09 AM)
- Posted on 1 Timothy 6:9.
regarding the NWT's use of the English indefinite article "a god": if such is invalid for sake of no koine Greek indefinite article, possibly "a" should not be used for English Bible translation --- which surely possible to do. Changes made to the Scriptures via Protestant translation have inspired many groups to create their own versions.
- marshall (1/24/2017 8:07:28 AM)
- Posted on John 1:1.
this "all" [πας] is an adjective requiring context. since Jesus is speaking here of humans/men, it seems we have allowed theology to re-define the scope of 'all' here in John 10:29. Not that His Father isn't greater than 'all things'. Psalm 95 and in other places confirming His greatness. Yet Jesus says, 'My Father is more-grand/greater than all [men]'.
- marshall (1/24/2017 7:34:17 AM)
- Posted on John 10:29.
For it is written:
- Michael Lynch (1/23/2017 10:28:47 PM)
- Posted on Daniel 12:1.
- klodi (1/22/2017 3:09:38 PM)
- Posted on Revelation 22:1.
Esau sought for repentance "with tears", but inasmuch as true repentance is a gift from God by grace, he was denied repentance by the Almighty. This same tearful, futile searching for repentance -- and subsequent outright (righteous) denial by God -- is related of the Watchers, in First Enoch 13 and 14.
- chris (1/21/2017 3:52:57 AM)
- Posted on Hebrews 12:17.
Isaiah 66 :24And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me: their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall an abhorring unto all flesh. Is this what it says?? 9005 And 3318 go out 9007 and 7200 see 9004 toward 6297 carcass [the word is not in the plural they translated it plural why?? ] 9005 the 0376 men 9005 the 6586 sinners 9004 toward 3588 that 8438 female scarlet worm [mem ם means to raise up not translated why?? ] to raise up? not 3808 to die 4191 and 9007 fire 0784 [mem ם means to raise up not translated why?? ] to raise up? not 3808 to quench 3518 and 9007 come to pass 1961 abhorrence 1860 towards 9009 all 3605 flesh .1320 And there is something you should know about the female scarlet worm . In the Hebrew it is a particular female worm, which is called the "crimson worm and this is how it relates to the death of Christ on the cross.First, the crimson worm climbs on the tree all by itself. Nobody forces it to get on the tree. The crimson worm knows when it climbs on the tree that it will not come back down alive. It is going to the tree to birth a family and to do that it must die. Once on the tree, the crimson worm then attaches itself to the tree. It makes sure it is secure because the body of the worm will eventually be the shelter for the young, which are born.During the birthing process, she secretes a crimson fluid or gel. The scarlet fluid covers her entire body and all the eggs she lays. It also leaves a stain on the tree, which will never fade away with the passing of time! scarlet the color of blood.On the morning of the fourth day, the worm has pulled the head and tail together and is now in the shape of a heart on the tree but it is no longer crimson. It is now a wax, which is white as snow.The crimson worm is also very fragrant when it is crushed. No other life in history has sweetened the pathway of humanity like the crimson worm who was crushed for our sin, Jesus. I do not believe for one moment it was a mistake that He called Himself a worm! He is the Crimson Worm who died and was crushed for you. 9005 And 3318 go out 9007 and 7200 see 9004 toward 6297 carcass 9005 the 0376 men 9005 the 6586 sinners toward that female scarlet worm ( to raise up? ) not to die and fire not to quench and come to pass abhorrence towards all flesh . Then the LORD said to Moses, "Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a standard; and it shall come about, that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, he will live.And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into Gehenna. Can the right hand offend thee ? a hand cannot think! It is a metaphor! The offender is the Adam of the earth.Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come.The second Adam is Christ From above he is the head of the body one of thy members . Isaiah 66 The beginning of the new creation . from new moon to new moon is the communion breaking of bread and wine of the new covenant. The old was the shadow of the new. Or do we believe that the scripture means that once a month all flesh comes to some location on earth to worship God by going out to see people being tortured in a fire?Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. Look and see its their worm it is not their worms. For every one shall be salted with fire . Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt . salt means made acceptable. For every one shall be salted with fire [ made acceptable ] Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. 14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. shall be saved; yet so as by fire./ For every one shall be salted with fire [ made acceptable ] For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, specially of those that believe. And through him to reconcile all things unto himself, making peace through the blood of his cross, both as to the things that are on earth, and the things that are in heaven. all salted with fire Savior of all men all things reconcile unto himself. But what happens when you believe what is written then you are labeled a heretic.

- dd (1/16/2017 8:10:18 AM)
- Posted on Isaiah 66:24.




NEW . . . FRESH . . . SHALOM
- CHRISSY (1/6/2017 5:35:36 AM) []
- Posted on John 10:1.
The cross-references in the "cross-reference portal" here puts this verse in proper light. Many others have put the Revelation vision in a box called "seven years only". But I believe "the latter age" began when He "openly triumphed over powers and principalities" Colossians 2:15, "openly triumphing over them by the cross." To me, this makes the Seals of God to be (the) major elements of the "latter age", the years of our Lord, A.D.
- marie glen (1/4/2017 9:48:15 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 6:2.
They hiding Gods real name after he said to tell the world his name . who would do this but evil people to our hurt. Demand they give us his name they not the real jew. So they have no ownership of it. How we gonna let converts take the name for them self?
- Habbakuk (1/4/2017 4:55:17 AM)
- Posted on Judges 4:17.
The seals are upon the scroll, the scroll is the prophecy written in the Book of Revelation. The seals keep the scroll rolled up. As each seal is broken, the scroll is then further unrolled. NO ONE is worthy to unroll the scroll but the Lion of the tribe of Judah, Lamb of God who was slain (from the foundation/beginning of the world).
- marie glen (1/3/2017 1:15:54 PM)
- Posted on Revelation 6:1.
I think the account of creating Adam and Eve in Genesis 2 is simply an insert, provided to give additional information, not gone into in the creation account of Genesis 1. (Like is done is a history book or magazine article.)
- marie (1/2/2017 4:27:18 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:27.
i think the reference to the phrase that he created them male and female, has nothing to so with he creating adam and eve at the same time because it says in genesis chapter 2 that there was no man to till the earth hence the reference in chapter that he created them male and female to me means that he created in man the male and female principle which is what gives man dominion over all things because in him lies the creative principle of life.
- samuel (1/2/2017 5:20:57 AM) []
- Posted on Genesis 1:27.
The tragedy of this verse, along with the theme since 1:20, is that fools delight in and feel secure in their foolishness, their silliness, and their path of ignorance. Here, with 1:31, we see the result of the foolish men's "security" and his "way": he walks right off the cliff. The "fruit of their way" (1:31) is destruction. The wages of foolishness is death.
- Jon M (1/1/2017 9:18:05 AM)
- Posted on Proverbs 1:32.
In Isaiah 18 do you see the facts? Isaiah is a prophet.Prophets see the future.How far is he seeing ?Far enough to see airplanes? Land shadowed with wings [Hebrew 6767 tranlated it shadowed , but,it also means : whirring, buzzing and [Hebrew word 3671 means wings]. The land is shadowed with whirring, buzzing wings. This is a perfect description of an airplane. Beyond the rivers of Ethiopia but he doesn't give a direction. North ,South, East, or West? The translators leave out the prefix in front of beyond [4480 prefix means more than in comparison]. Does he see an unknown land that has rivers far greater than Ethiopia?[whose x834 land 776 the rivers 5104 have spoiled!] 5104 means cleave and other tranlators have translated it thus. So this nation has a river that cleaves it. This nation is an awesome nation from their beginning .God asks a question will all the inhabitants of the world see? Whatever is going to happen its' going to effect the whole world. Will they see when he lifteth up an ensign,a signal;a token upon the mountain (sometimes used figuratively as a country .More than likely a high office in this country and [when he bloweth 8628 z8800 a trumpet] will you hear? If God really blows a trumpet how many of you know that you will hear it no doubt about it . But God says will you see? The implacation is you may not.God says he sits back and watches, check out those words. This vessel coming by way of sea.[3220 even in vessels, 3627 of bulrushes, 1573 from H1572 to swallow (liquids) , water swallowing vesell . When they tranlated it years ago,even just a few hundred years ago, water swallowing vessel would sound foolish to them. But, to us ,it describes a submarine off of the coast of this nation.So if I am right, this nation is one of the most powerful nations in the world . They have many rivers and one of the rivers cleaves the nation down the middle. This nation has airplanes and may have been the first to make one.God is going to send a symbolic trump to the higest office in thier land just before this event. God is asking the whole world will they see? This nation is going to receive the judgement of God. The pruning of sour grapes. After receiving great chastizement, this great nation will give themselves to live as a godly nation unto the Lord.
- dd (12/25/2016 6:15:48 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 18:1.
I believe it means by any means to beguile or deceive you spiritually, mentally, and physically.
- Judah (12/22/2016 4:48:17 PM)
- Posted on Daniel 8:25.
I have a question on the full meaning of "craft" in Daniel 8:25. Is it referring to a literal application of "craft" or could this have a deeper meaning of "craft" in regards to the spirit world, or witchcraft,etc?
- Calvin (12/22/2016 12:38:07 PM)
- Posted on Daniel 8:25.
Lol no
- Judah (12/22/2016 3:15:15 AM)
- Posted on 1 Samuel 17:42.
David is ruddy does this mean David is an adomite?
- Shachar (12/22/2016 12:58:24 AM)
- Posted on 1 Samuel 17:42.
I read a few comments, but bara is not created, he filled, its not in the, its in a beggining. But think bigger, he tells you all things. It dont help the kjv we use is 200 years old, translated from the late 1500s churbs is plural, in here its churbims, what thats saying churbims ss. Lol churbim is plural in hebrew.
- Zak (12/15/2016 12:27:57 AM) []
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
yewashnes tah wah yhwh

gave to me imanuel many numbers


and rev 19 11-16
- aswanash alehim (12/12/2016 4:41:03 AM)
- Posted on Numbers 1:14.
You can get that analysis from this verse because the Most High words are alive/living and can be applied to all generations but this verse is speaking specically about how the Most High was displeased with the Israelites offerings and praises because they were being done in vain (New Moons, Sabbaths, High Holy days, etc). They were doing it ritualistically/religiously and not with all their heart, soul, and might. They also stopped adhering to the statutes/commandments/ordinances how is was suppose to be done and began doing things to their own understanding and comfort. Verse 24 gives some insight into what they were lacking. Also see Hosea 6:6 and Is 1:10-15. Jeremiah 10:1-5 talks specifically about Christmas and Jeremiah 7:18/Jeremiah 44:15-19 is specifically about Easter.
- Judah (12/9/2016 8:56:24 PM)
- Posted on Amos 5:21.
Is Yahuah speaking of pagan holidays as christmas and easter?
- Vicki (12/9/2016 12:49:11 PM) []
- Posted on Amos 5:21.
And great grace was upon them "For" "gar" neither was there among them anyone that lacked
- Stan (12/8/2016 1:24:03 PM) []
- Posted on Acts 4:34.
Why is it that I can find soooo many professed followers of Christ, but not once, Not eVen one have I ever came across a study on what very well could be the most important study of all in order to have a clear understanding of what Jesus is actually doing right now, what the Bible instructs us to be doing in the ant-typical day of atonement in which we are living and how to view all doctrine! And the lens we are to use Close study of the Holy Scriptures is The Sanctuary Message, if you have not heard of this msg or don't know what it is email me @, or if you really wanna get started on knowing the truth call me: 661-889-1888 (my name is Benjamin )
- Benjamin Chaffin (12/6/2016 4:53:24 PM) []
- Posted on Isaiah 58:14.
Wow I am going to research this now to better open my eyes more in seeing Jesus😇please send more. Cheri William's
- Cheri Williams (12/4/2016 1:01:50 AM) []
- Posted on John 10:37.
Samuel placed a Tav (Cross) - representing Jesus Christ of the New Covenant.That is, the Lord my shield Jeshua deliverer and Banner. Jesus was at the then time preincarnate. The Thora of Hebrew became The Thura ie the door of the sheep.
- Christooher Bowen (11/27/2016 12:25:16 PM)
- Posted on 1 Samuel 7:12.
Trump/ Pence/ Donald John Trump meaning of names: Donald= Great cheif. John= "YAHWEH is gracious Trump=verb “to blow or sound a trumpet” Mike Short form of MICHAEL = Michael is the archangel, with the trumpet of God . Pence = plural of penny .The face of our penny is Abraham Lincon president during the Civil war. The reverse side of older penny is the Lincon memorial and the new penny has the union shield an omen to be ready to fight. Put it all together and you get. Great cheif "YAHWEH is gracious to sound the trumpet At that time Michael, the archangel who stands guard over your nation, will arise. Then there will be a time of anguish greater than any since nation first came into existence. pence =plural of penny ] The second penny.The second Abraham Lincoln. The pennie the Lincoln memorial . The second pence the union shield omen of a second Civil war the pruning of sour grapes ?? When he lifteth up a ensighn on the mountains [nation]and when he bloweth the trump,will you hear to understand?? This symbolism exist is it coincidence or prov·i·dence you decide. Isaiah 18:1 woe 1945 land 0776 vibration [to tingle (of ears)]whirring, buzzing 6767 wings 3671 which 0834 beyond 5676 more than (in comparison) 4480 the rivers 5104 of Ethiopia)3568. Isaiah 18:2 is sent 7971 envoy, messenger [an adversary]6735by the sea,3320 vessel, implement[ or weapon]3627 to swallow (liquids)water 1573from H1572;coming 6440 upon 5921 the waters,4325[saying], Go 3212swiftly 7031 despatch as a deputy; a messenger; specifically of God,4397 to 0413 a nation 1471 to be tall,4900 and obstinate polished 4178 to 0413 a people 5971 awesome 3372from 4480 their beginning 1931 hitherto;1973a nation 1471 measured our6957mighty 6978 treading down, subjugation:4001whose0834land0776the rivers5104have spoiled [as in the spoiling a child with love] 0978 Isaiah 18:3All 3605 ye inhabitants3427of the world,8398and dwellers7931on the earth,0776 see7200ye [?] when he lifteth up5375 an ensign5251on the mountains; (sometimes used figuratively) (country]2022and when he bloweth8628 a trumpet7782hear to understand8085ye.8799??
- dd (11/23/2016 5:48:31 AM)
- Posted on Isaiah 18:1.
your forefather changer the name of Yahweh
- nick (11/18/2016 10:58:19 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 21:16.
Zechariah 14 :6 and 9007shall come to pass 1961 in that 9004day 3117 this 9005 they 1931 not 3808 will exist 1961 illumination [of mind ] 2016 weighty prized precious, 3368 [ They will ] congeal, settle, become 7087 and 9007 be brought together Kethiv Readings
[#7760 to appoint] [ to put, place, set, appoint, make 3345 Zechariah 14 :6 in that day they lack illumination [of mind ] to see how precious they will be when they are brought together and placed.
- dd (11/12/2016 10:39:28 AM)
- Posted on Zechariah 14:6.
Female lion
- Judah (11/11/2016 9:14:40 PM)
- Posted on Numbers 23:24.
when a king makes an order ask yourself if he is following the law?
- Mechanic (11/1/2016 5:31:47 AM) []
- Posted on Ecclesiastes 8:4.
Isaiah 18 1 woe to the land of the sound of whirring, buzzing wings which is more than (in comparison) beyond the rivers of Ethiopia. 18 2 He will send a messenger an adversary by the way of sea even an implement of war a vessel water swallower. Upon the waters being sent coming swiftly as an messenger;of God to a nation tall obstinate,polished, independent: to a people to be feared from thier beginning until now a nation tall and tested strong warriors whose land the rivers are an envy. 18 3 All ye inhabitants of the world,and dwellers on the earth, will you see when he lifteth up to appear a signal on the mountains;[or country] and when he bloweth a trumpet,wil you hear.18 4For so Yähwè said unto me, I will take my rest and look intently from my dwelling place i see bright dazzling, glowing, heat above, illumination like dark clouds coming down hot cutting like at harvest.18 15 For afore the harvest, when the bud is perfect, and the sour grape ripening in the flower, he shall both cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks, and take away [and] cut down the branches.They shall be left together unto the fowls of the mountains, and to the beasts of the earth: and the fowls shall summer upon them, and all the beasts of the earth shall winter upon them.In that time they will offer themselves to live thier lives as unto Yähwè leader of host (of organised army].of a people tall obstinate,polished, independent: to a people to be feared from thier beginning until now a nation tall and tested strong warriors whose land the rivers are an envy. Zephaniah 3 10 From beyond more than (in comparison) the rivers of worshippers even] the daughter of my dispersed, shall give themselves to me 3 11 In that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings, where in thou hast transgressed against me: for then I will take away out of the midst of thee them that rejoice in thy pride, and thou shalt no more be haughty because of my holy mountain. 3 12 I will also leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the nameof Yähwè 3 13 The remnant of Yi$rä´ël shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make [them] afraid. saint peter has said no prophecy of old is of it own unlocking . scripture is locked. scripter un locks scripture. Isaiah 18 1 and Zephaniah 3 10 are the same people Zephaniah identifies them as Yi$rä´ël Zephaniah says God is going to remove out of the midst of thee them that rejoice in thy pride, and thou shalt no more be haughty also iniquity aka lawless, speakers of lies, and deceitful tongues. Isaiah 18 1 tells how,an adversary by the way of sea even an implement of war a vessel water swallower,what appears to be explosions in the sky and the dead wil be food for fowls and all the beasts of the earth for summer and winter. Isaiah 18 1 and Zephaniah speak of rivers Isaiah says the rivers surpass in comparison the mighty rivers of Ethiopia Isaiah seems to be describing airplanes. a obstinate,polished, independent people. a nation tall and tested strong warriors whose land the rivers are an envy. i believe this country is the united state of amercia.a christian nation that has turned thier back on God. other scriptures clearly declare God would restore isreal and call them by a new name.under a new covanant.that the land would be virgin land. that kings and queens would nurse them in there begining.that the land would have a eastern sea and a great western.that they would colonize a virgin land as 13 colonies.and they cry out land is to narrow and would expand.and that they would be a land of unwalled villages and would in the latter days be attacked; by an enemy called gog and that God himself would bring them. whose land the rivers are an envy.The United States of America has over 250,000 rivers, with a total of about 3,500,000 miles of rivers .The longest river in the USA is the Missouri River (it is a tributary of the Mississippi River and is 2,540 miles long),
- dd (10/30/2016 5:07:16 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 18:1.
Habakkuk 2:1 I will stand upon my watch station upon the tower,and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.2:2And Yähwè answered me and said,Write the vision and make [it] plain upon tables that he may run to cry it out . 2:3 For the vision with repetition unseen will occur yet in the end at an appointed time it shall speak and not lie:though it tarry,[ to be reluctant ]it will pierce you and adhere for it will surely come, it will not procrastinate: 2:4 Behold his soul [which] is pridefull is not upright in him yet the just shall live by his faith. [ faith of his fathers ?] 2:5 Yea also, by wine [by wine of seduction?] covertly he deals treacherously a strong haughty man he is not satified but streches as the grave swallowing humanity he is like the grave he is never satisfied and he gathers from all the nations and collects from all of them.2:6 Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting conundrum, against him, and say,Woe to him that increaseth [that which is] not his! how long? and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay! commentary: this thick clay is hebrew word H5671 its chief definition is weight of pledges, heavy debts and thick clay [by a false etymology] so the parable against him and the taunting conundrum is hidden by the words thick clay. so what it is really saying is this.: [ to him that ladeth himself with weight of pledges,and heavy debts!!!] 2:7Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake that shall vex thee, and thou shalt be for booties unto them? commentary :the phrase shall bite specifically the word : bite is the hebrew word for is H5391 to strike with a sting (as a serpent); figuratively, to oppress with interest on a loan:—bite, lend upon usury. 2:8 Because thou hast plundered many nations all the remnant of the people shall plunder thee; because of mankinds bloodshed and [for] the violence of the land,of the city and of all that dwell therein. 2:9 Woe to him to him that coveteth an evil covetousness to his house,that he may set his nest on high that he may be delivered from the power of evil! 2:10 Thou hast consulted shame to thy house by cutting off [also means scraping of from] many people, and hast sinned [against] thy soul . 2:11 For the stone shall cry out of the wall and the beam out of the timber shall answer it. 2:12 Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood and stablisheth a city by iniquity! 2:13 Behold,[is it] not of Yähwè Xævä´ô± [ Xævä´ô± is host (of organised army ] shall labour in the very fire and the people shall weary themselves for very vanity? [ commentary shall labour in the very fire : very in the hebrew also means sufficiency, enough and vanity in hebrew can also mean :emptiness : in another words: very and vanity combined = sufficiency empty! Me thinks : in the fire of Gods wrath the people shall weary themselves sufficent for restitution. what think ye? 2:14 For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Yähwè as the waters cover the sea. 2:15 Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink, that puttest thy bottle to [him], and makest [him] drunken also that thou mayest look on their nakedness! [ commentary I believe 2:15 is speaking metaphorically and you could say it thus: Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour the drink of seduction that puttest thy bottle of deceit to [him], and makest [him] trusting of you that thou mayest strip him of wealth leaving him naked.what think ye? 2:16Thou art filled with shame for glory: drink thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered the cup right hand shall be turned unto thee, and shameful spewing be] on thy glory. [ commentary using alternate meanings of some of these hebrew words it could tranlated as :Thou art filled with shame for glory: and let your own nakedness be uncovered as an unclean bird the right hand of Yähwè's shall mark your border as a disgrace against thy glory.
- dd (10/26/2016 1:48:27 PM)
- Posted on Habakkuk 2:6.
What if you put emphasis on 'Hitherto the LORD hath helped us.' Because after this the people in chapter 8 call for a King, allthough they could see that the Lord gave the victory miraculously.
- Peter Grim (10/26/2016 5:25:15 AM)
- Posted on 1 Samuel 7:12.
Great web site. It's a little harder to use than most others, but it's worth learning.
- tom (10/25/2016 5:03:05 PM)
- Posted on Deuteronomy 26:3.
To my understanding verse 30 and 31 teach that God would be better pleased with a thankful heart and praise rather than sacrifice. The same sentiment is given in 1samuel 15:22 " to obey is better than sacrifice.
- Katherine (10/18/2016 11:23:37 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 69:31.
I recommend the exegesis on Jude done by Pastor David Lankford.
- chris (10/14/2016 5:54:20 PM)
- Posted on Jude 1:1.
Zechariah 8The Restoration of JerusalemI lifted up my eyes again, and looked, and behold a man with a measuring line in his hand. 2Then said I, Where go you? And he said to me, To measure Jerusalem, to see what is the breadth thereof, and what is the length thereof. Run, speak to this young man, saying, Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls for the multitude of men and cattle therein: 5For I, said the LORD, will be to her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the middle of her.Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion: for, see, I come, and I will dwell in the middle of you, said the LORD. 11And many nations shall be joined to the LORD in that day, and shall be my people: and I will dwell in the middle of you, and you shall know that the LORD of hosts has sent me to you. 12And the LORD shall inherit Judah his portion in the holy land, and shall choose Jerusalem again.kind david ruling at jersalem book 2 samual God tells david isreal going to another land.Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime.Prophecy against Gog. there coming my people.After many days you shall be visited: in the latter years you shall come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them. 9You shall ascend and come like a storm, you shall be like a cloud to cover the land, you, and all your bands, and many people with you.And you shall say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, 12To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn your hand on the desolate places that are now inhabited, and on the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the middle of the land.And I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains, said the Lord GOD: every man's sword shall be against his brother. gog is in your goverment civil war is coming. I will bring you against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in you, O Gog, before their eyes.heathen is the godless in the usa.For Tophet is ordained of old; yes, for the king it is prepared; he has made it deep and large: the pile thereof is fire and much wood; the breath of the LORD, like a stream of brimstone, does kindle the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall. 8Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever:

9That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD:

10Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not to us right things, speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceits:

11Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.Why thus said the Holy One of Israel, Because you despise this word, and trust in oppression and perverseness, and stay thereon:

13Therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking comes suddenly at an instant.

14And he shall break it as the breaking of the potters' vessel that is broken in pieces; he shall not spare: so that there shall not be found in the bursting of it a shard to take fire from the hearth, or to take water with out of the pit.
- dd (10/13/2016 10:32:03 AM)
- Posted on Zechariah 14:2.
The letter kills but spirit gives life. Jesus said my word is spirit. Mount of Olives represents Gods people. The mountain of olives splitting represents cutting out the branchs of unbelief . I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people. I am sought of them that asked not for me; I am found of them that sought me not: I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name.And ye shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen: for the Lord GOD shall slay thee, and call his servants by another name: The mountain splits east and toward the west. There is a very great valley . It is called the the valley of the mountains. the largest tallest mountain ranges in the world are in a deep valley covered by the water of the Atlantic ocean. Thus the name valley of the mountains Then the people of God represented by half the mountain moving west is represented by behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name. The valley of the mountains reaches unto Azal [Azal = "proximity: he has reserved] it location remains unknown. Thus the name proximity: he has reserved. [not any more ?maybe!] Then it says half of the mountain will be in the north and half in the south. following the coordinates 31 37 22 50 west from the mountain of olives you will be in the state of georgia of united states of america . Then the bible says half of the mountain will be in the north and half in the south . going north from the state of georgia you will end up in massachusets . This is the 13 colonies. The mountain is the people of God a christian nation spread out in a land from south to north. And the LORD my God shall come, and all the saints with thee .God shall come to america and all the saints with him unto a nation that was not called by my name But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light. Israel is 7 hours ahead of Boston, MA Sunset in Israel is 6:13 PM thus night in isreal.but it would be 11:30 am in boston thus the sun is shining at night because the Lord moved his people. And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be. Whoever believes in me, as jesus has said, rivers of living water will flow. THE living waters are the people flowing spreading out. half of them toward the hinder sea [ hebrew 314 specifically (as facing the east) western is the hinder sea. And then half of them toward the former sea, the hebrew for former 6931 and means of place) oriental:—ancient, they that went before, east] thus on the east side the atlantic ocean and on the west the pacific ocean. and they that swallowed thee up shall be far away .the children which thou shalt have, after thou hast lost the other, shall say again in thine ears, The place is too strait for me: give place to me that I may dwell . From 13 colonies to 50 states. Then shalt thou say in thine heart, Who hath begotten me these, seeing I have lost my children, and am desolate, a captive, and removing to and fro? Thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the nations, and set up my standard to the people: and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders.And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet;
- dd (10/13/2016 9:52:32 AM)
- Posted on Zechariah 14:2.
I was wondering why the english translation of the chinese version says: His faithfulness shall be as the size of his shield.
- David Decker (9/20/2016 2:22:44 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 91:4.
The first to speak Hebrew was G-d who created the world with utterances in Hebrew, from which all of this is merely translated.
- Joseph (9/19/2016 4:37:27 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 11:1.
Eber was not the first person to speak Hebrew nor did he created it. Legend has it that since he did not partake in the building of the Tower of Babel, he was blessed to continue to speak in the original toungue.
- Judah (9/4/2016 10:07:10 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 11:1.
what language did they speak? it could'nt have been hebrew, since E'ver had not been born yet or had he? was the language of nimrod chaldean ?
daniel scott
- ds (9/2/2016 6:09:26 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 11:1.
It's gonna be real bad.
- Friend (8/13/2016 6:26:26 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 24:21.
The eagle. The bird that flies the highest, yet hardly flaps it's wings. It uses (as known in the paragliding world) thermals... Unseen rising air to reach those high places.
- Mark Smit (8/12/2016 10:12:17 AM) []
- Posted on Isaiah 40:31.
It is interesting to note that the book of Romans is addressed in verse 7, "To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be his holy people." This indicates that he is addressing adults as well as children, but primarily adults. So when Paul ends the list of despicable traits displayed by "those who suppress the truth" (v. 18), with "disobedient to parents," (v.30) he is addressing a mostly adult audience. Therefore it is not just for children under 18 years of age to obey, in some translations "yield to" and "respect," their parents. It is for everyone at every age to obey, yield to and respect their parents. This is supported in the teaching of Jesus in Mark 7:9-13. Maybe it is even more important for adults to honor their parents, than children. Children are by nature imitators. Food for thought: if you want your children to honor you as a parent, do they have a good example to follow by watching you honor your parents?
- Jane Marie (8/9/2016 11:42:54 AM)
- Posted on Romans 1:30.
It takes one person to create, hence "let there be light" or "let the earth bring forth trees etc" but it take a MALE and FEMALE to PROcreate, hence "let US create man in our image..." MALE and FEMALE, Elohim created them...I think the creator here had a female consort which is why he had to ask him - honey now let us have children. "God's image" is very ambiguous and pretty much every Christian has a different understanding but if I stick to the text in Genesis, I think Elohim (Male god and Female god) created mankind in their Male and Female image. This will also explain the fact that Elohim is pural, or gods.
- Christian (8/7/2016 10:33:12 AM) []
- Posted on Genesis 1:26.
"SOUL OF MASHIACH " Isaiah 8:16 Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples. Jeremiah 6:16 Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein. Isaiah 8:16 Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples. Psalm 78:5 For he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children: The Testimony concerning the Messiah is coupled with Prophecy -- Revelation 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of YaHshua: worship YHVH /God: for the TESTIMONY of YaHshua - is the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY!!!!!! MYSTERY : DO NOT ADD OR TAKE AWAY TO YHVH,S WORDS!!!! 1 Samuel 25:29 “Abigail said to David… “But the soul of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of life with the Lord thy God/YHVH . MYSTERY: KEY OF DAVID!!! DALET=DOOR IN HEBREW!!! MYSTERY -ENTER!!! Psalm 40:8 I desire to do your will, my God; your law is…… .. PSALM 40.7…Then I said, “Behold, I come; In the scroll of the book it is written of me. 8: I delight to do Your will, O my God; Your Law is within my heart.” 9 :I have proclaimed glad tidings of righteousness in the great congregation; Moshiach Is King David Reincarnated in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1450 Moshiach Is King David Reincarnated in English Gematria Equals: 1782 Moshiach Is King David Reincarnated in Simple Gematria Equals: 297 SHALOM ALEICHEM! MATTANIAH
- MATTANIAH .25th JULY 2016 (7/25/2016 12:03:10 PM) []
- Posted on Isaiah 37:35.
Mt 5:17 I have not come to abolish the law nor the prophet by to full fill the law. Those who are born in the Messiah, to them he has written the law in their hearts. That person will understand he has to keep the law or not.
- Rocha (7/18/2016 12:42:31 AM)
- Posted on Ephesians 4:23.
@Helen- For Christ is the end of the law to everyone that believeth!!!!
- Vincent (7/17/2016 9:30:04 AM)
- Posted on Ephesians 4:23.
@Helen- For Christ is the end of the law to everyone that believeth!!!!
- Vincent (7/16/2016 10:01:03 AM)
- Posted on Ephesians 4:23.
No need for all these numerous copy of The Holy Bible with different versions of interpretation.
- Disciple (7/16/2016 6:12:41 AM)
- Posted on 1 Corinthians 11:19.
First born means the primary of those born, not the initial. Those born does not mean those created. She who is born carries with her essence of the one who bears her. He being created is made out of ingredients and the substance is there but not the essence. Khavvah was first named ishah because she came out of ish. The man is named red clay.

Before that was the Son. He is hayah as light (John 1) by YHWH who is hayahed all by self.

These are the first things we are told in the book that is not biology or physics but does not confuse biology and physics.

Who has seen the One born has seen the One bearing. Look at the primary One, then, later, you can see "the image" in the lesser born.
- Rick (7/9/2016 8:17:19 AM)
- Posted on Colossians 1:15.
Col 1:15
The word (prototokos) translated (firstborn) - (relating to THE WORD OF THE FATHER) does not mean (first) created creature.

YAHOSHUA THE WORD OF THE FATHER (THE I AM) is Eternal. The Only BEGOTTEN (monogenes) SON OF THE FATHER, SPOKEN FORTH, proceeded from the VERY HEART OF THE FATHER, through(dia) Him (all creation came into being), (Genesis chapter 1, Psalms 33: 6,9 and John 1:1-3). YAHOSHUA The Christ, THE WORD OF THE FATHER HAS ALWAYS BEEN (ego eimi).

YAHOSHUA said to the Jews, " before Abraham was, I have always been" (ego eimi). (John 8:58)

See also Psalms 2:7. "thou art MY SON, THIS DAY I HAVE BEGOTTEN (yalad) THEE". USED IN Hebrew, the word means to beget, (to bring forth) from THE HEART, THE SON who already existed in The Bosom of THE FATHER. John 1:18

- Chuck (7/4/2016 9:27:09 AM)
- Posted on Colossians 1:15.
Yo, wazzup
- al-Bagh Daddy #ISIS 1 (7/3/2016 3:34:35 PM)
- Posted on Psalms 104:2.
"What so ever you do to the least of your brothers, THAT you do unto ME"
- CP (7/2/2016 5:07:50 PM)
- Posted on 2 John 1:5.
Where is the Weymouth translation? That translation picks up the fact that Paul is now talking to the Gentile believers, As opposed to the Saints, ( Holy ones or separated ones or the Jews) In the first 12 verses Paul speaks of us and we meaning the Jews of which he is one. In verse 13 he speaks to "you also", meaning the Gentiles.
- Norman Nelson (6/23/2016 1:46:40 PM) []
- Posted on Ephesians 1:13.
Just noting an error--on the English (right) side, "now" (6258) should be עַתָּה rather than אַתָּה when you hover on it.
- Kate P (6/21/2016 4:18:15 PM) []
- Posted on Judges 11:25.
nd let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.” This

declaration is summed up by one word or verb in the Hebrew original, “va'yid'goo”- this

being the only place in Scripture where it is found. In fact, in normative Hebrew this

verb does not exist at all. It is as if YHVH had specifically “invented” the verb for this

prophetic blessing. The only comparable term in English would be the equally non-

existent “and they will fishize,” meaning, “they will become or turn into fish.” Thus,

millennia later when the Messiah called his disciples to become fishers of men (ref.

Matthew 4:19), which fish did He have in mind
- Ephraim Frank (6/21/2016 4:41:54 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 48:16.

One of The (I AM)'S of CHRIST is: " (I AM), the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world". John 6:50,51.

Verse 52. The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying, "How can this man give us his flesh to eat"?

In the Jew's unregenerate minds misunderstanding Spiritual Truth because they were not Born Again Believers into THE TRUE IDENTITY OF THE WORD OF THE FATHER (see John 1:1 and 1:14) .

Many of Christ's disciples in verse 60 said "this is a hard saying who can understand it"? verse 66 says "from that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him"

(THE KEY) to understanding John 6:51 is Believing the Scriptural Truth as to WHO YAHOSHUA, (THE WORD OF GOD THE FATHER) Really Is. In The Foundation Verse of The Gospel of John 1:1 "THE WORD WAS GOD". AND





The Principle of Studying GOD'S WORD (is taking in THE WORD OF GOD into your inner being). 2Ti 2:15

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

John 6:67 YAHOSHUA asked The Twelve, "will you also go away"?


WHOM DO MEN SAY I THE SON OF MAN AM ? ? ? Matthew 16:13


- Chuck (6/10/2016 1:37:37 PM)
- Posted on John 6:50.
How does Isaiah 32:9 relate to the present 2016
- m.thomas (6/5/2016 9:15:01 PM) []
- Posted on Isaiah 32:9.
The definitions of chamad and ta avah are inverted. If you click on the word ta avah you get the definition of chamad. When you click on chamad, you get the definition of ta avah. Most confusing for a beginner. Please correct this.
- Joy Heintz (6/3/2016 9:13:19 AM) []
- Posted on Genesis 3:6.

Confusion that is apparent in our country, The United States of America. There are Spiritual Forces at work pulling apart the (Principles of our Constitutional Framework).

Our Constitution should be Supreme Above all Three Branches of Our Government, (Executive, Legislative and Judicial).

Yet when corruption has crept into these branches and those that despise The Principles of Our Constitution in which this Nation has Prospered,

See Psalms 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God (the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.

Then is it any wonder when CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE has taken His Hand of Blessing away from our Confused People who are looking to other (false gods) leading us down a dead end path as many other great civilizations have trod in the History of Time.

- Chuck (6/1/2016 9:53:21 AM)
- Posted on 2 Peter 2:10.
Joel 2:32 Everyone who calls on the name of YHWH will be saved.
He is YHWH, the God of faithful Israel, Who manifested in the flesh as Yeshua -
Acts 4:12 There is salvation in no one else!...
- eved melekh (5/21/2016 1:06:38 PM) []
- Posted on Joel 2:32.
Yeshua is the Word.
- Shay (5/20/2016 10:44:17 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 33:6.
Ps 33:6
Psalms 33:6

By The LIVING WORD (DABAR-Hebrew for Word) of THE LORD , were the heavens made and all the host of them by The BREATH (ruwach) of HIS MOUTH.

Ps 33:9

For He spake, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast

DABAR, THE LIVING WORD OF THE LORD,(IS) HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON through whom were all things made and without Him their was nothing made that was made. See John 1:1-3.


John 5:23


Hebrews 1:3

Who being The Brightness of His Glory, and the Express Image (CHARAKTER) of His Person, and (upholding all things by The Word of His Power), when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the Right Hand of the Majesty on high. AMEN !!!
- Chuck (5/15/2016 2:01:47 PM)
- Posted on Psalms 33:6.
God did not give us a spirit of fear;but of power,love,and a sound mind.God loves us all,and He is mighty in power;and with His love perfect love casts out fear.
- Denny (5/14/2016 3:52:35 PM)
- Posted on 1 Timothy 1:7.
Dear Gabriel, what was nailed to the cross were the consequences of our breaking God's Law - namely, death. It's wrong to take the phrase "not under the Law" to mean that we are no longer subject to the Law itself. There are too many passages that say otherwise. It's clear that our obedience shows our commitment to the One Who gave the Law. This doesn't mean we can "earn" our justification - that can be had only by faith in the Savior and acknowledging our need for and acceptance of the work He did on our behalf. But if, as James says, the devils also believe and tremble, what is the difference between their dead faith and our living faith? James, the Savior's 1/2 brother, says it's our works. What works? Obedience to the Law - not of sin and death (the carnal nature), but Torah (the Law of life).
Of course you are correct in pointing out that the Messiah would not contradict Himself. The question presented by our translation of a translation is answered by His words in John 14:15 "If you love Me, keep My commands." I believe He is the manifestation in the flesh (please see my note here to Lela on Judges 5:16) of the One Who gave the commands at Sinai, having written them in stone with His own finger - twice!
- eved melekh (5/14/2016 3:33:38 PM)
- Posted on Galatians 5:18.
Joel 2:32 Everyone who calls on the name of YHWH will be saved.
He is YHWH, the God of faithful Israel, Who manifested in the flesh as Yeshua -
Acts 4:12 There is salvation in no one else!...

- eved melekh (5/14/2016 2:09:30 PM)
- Posted on Judges 5:16.
I believe that theire is only
one God and that his name is Jesus.
- Lela Radio (5/7/2016 9:34:11 PM)
- Posted on Judges 5:16.
Heb 9:27
It is appointed unto men once to die, after this The Judgement. GOD said to Adam, "in (the day) that you eat of the fruit of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, YOU SHALL SURELY DIE". Eve and Adam disobeyed GOD'S COMMAND and on (that very day they Spiritually Died), (their Pristine Spiritual Relationship with GOD was Changed) their Sin (Transgression of Law) Separated them from their LOVING CREATOR. Now all of Adam and Eve's progeny (also) was born (brought forth) into The State of Spiritual Separation from GOD, in other words, (THE State of Death because they inherited The Nature to Break GOD'S LAW). "It is appointed unto man Once To Die", "after this the Judgement" Hebrews 9:27. As man is now brought forth into the Hallway of Time, his life is subject to Judgement: his choice to continue in his natural state of Spiritual Separation from GOD (Death) (or) seeking (LIFE) which only GOD GIVES through (dia) YAHOSHUA THE SON OF GOD, THE CHRIST.



THE JUDGEMENT John 5:22 - For the Father Judgeth no man, but hath committed (all- pas, Greek word) Judgment unto the Son (the object of Judgement)

John 5:23 - That all men should Honour the Son, (even as they Honour the Father). He that Honoureth not the Son Honoureth not the Father which hath sent him

Judgement, (krisis - Greek word to discern). Which choice will man choose, (To Honor Even As) or Not to Honor ?

John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth (into- eis Greek word) Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. AMEN ! ! !

- Chuck (4/24/2016 10:34:26 AM)
- Posted on Hebrews 9:27.
genesis33:8 precise here that Salem is not located in Jerusalem, but is a city of Shechem where Simeon and Levi destroyed after the prince of the land Shechem violated Dinah the daughter of Leah wife of Jacob.
it is interesting to notice that in the time of Melchizedek there is no circomcision in Salem.
- Tchiakpe Thierry (4/19/2016 4:15:39 PM) []
- Posted on Genesis 33:18.

John 1;1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.


Romans 7;4 Become dead (put to death) to the law, going (through, dia- channel of an act) the body of CHRIST (His suffering and death) upon His Cross at Calvary, that you should be married to him who is raised out from the dead that we may bring fruit unto GOD.

Because well meaning Christians struggle and become frustrated (letting Satan, The Accuser snatch away) their Victory in CHRIST. Why? (They do not become dead Spiritually to The Law, trying to live the Law of The Letter - Mosaical Law), THE LAW HAS BEEN FULFILLED BY CHRIST FOR YOUR BENEFIT.

Ga 5:4 You are alienated from Christ, (you who desire to be justified by the law). You have fallen away from grace.

When GOD created man, His purpose of Law was to Protect Adam and Eve's welfare. Because Adam and Eve broke GOD's Law (being tempted of Satan), DO NOT EAT of The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 2:16,17), their PRISTINE RELATIONSHIP changed with their Loving Creator and Death was their result. Death means (SEPARATION FROM). So when GOD said in the day that you disobey me and eat of The Forbidden Tree YOU SHALL SURELY DIE, they became SEPARATED FROM Their Pristine Relationship (Death was The Result). All of their progeny Inherited Their Sin Nature (the tendency to break GOD's Law), therefore Death, its ultimate end is in physical death.

1John 3:4
Whosoever committeth sin, transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

Because man is a helpless sinner, (if he breaks The Law in just one point) he is guilty of breaking the whole chain of The Mosaical Law.

Because of Who THE SON OF GOD IS (PERFECT, THE VERY IMAGE OF GOD THE FATHER, Hebrews 1:3), HE CAME TO FULFIL THE LAW. Joh 10:10 I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Matthew 5:17
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Because He fulfilled The Law (for only HE could do so) for HIS WORK UPON HIS CROSS (SHEDDING HIS BLOOD IN TOTAL PAYMENT FOR OUR PERSONAL SIN DEBT), we have TOTAL VICTORY IN CHRIST's WORK ON HIS CROSS. Satan can no longer Accuse the Sinner before THE FATHER for The Sinners (SIN DEBT IS PAID IN TOTAL) THROUGH (dia) HIS SON'S HOLY SACRIFICE UPON HIS CROSS AT CALVARYS HILL. (Roman 7:4 we are dead to the law THROUGH (dia) THE BODY OF CHRIST).

Hebrews 9:22
And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.


Romans 10:4
For CHRIST is the end of the law into righteousness to every one that believeth.



Joh 8:36
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

Ro 8:2
For (The Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus) hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

Hebrews 4:10
For he that is entered into HIS REST, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.
Hebrews 4:11
Let us labour therefore to enter into (that Rest), lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

- Chuck (4/16/2016 11:07:53 AM)
- Posted on Romans 7:4.
There were giants in the earth in those days; In the king James it has a semicolon others do not. Yet the use of the semicolon means more than a comma which is right to use here?
- Larry (4/10/2016 9:21:33 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 6:4.
Wondering what the significance of the phrase "toward the sunrise" is, rather than just continuing to say "eastward"?
- Katrina (4/7/2016 12:32:41 PM)
- Posted on Joshua 19:12.
The Express Image (CHARAKTER- Greek word) of HIS FATHER.

The VERY WORD OF THE FATHER reflects The Very Source (The HEART OF THE FATHER) from (apo) Whom HE (YAHOSHUA) is SPOKEN FORTH.
("so shall MY WORD BE THAT GOETH FORTH OUT OF MY MOUTH" Isaiah 55:11) ("and it (THE WORD OF THE FATHER) shall be to THE LORD for NAME (shem-Hebrew word for Character), for an Everlasting Sign that shall not be cut off" Isaiah 55:13).

See also John 14:8,9

Philip saith unto Him, LORD, shew us The FATHER, and it sufficeth us. YAHOSHUA saith unto him, "have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen The FATHER, and how sayest thou then, Shew us The FATHER?

John 1:14 "and THE WORD was made Flesh and Dwelt among us, (and we Beheld His Glory, The Glory as of The Only (monogenes) Begotten of The FATHER), full of Grace and Truth. AMEN ! ! !
- Chuck (4/6/2016 11:11:29 AM)
- Posted on Hebrews 1:3.
Dr Lamsa's text is a more accurate reflection of this scripture.
It says for this cause I was spared. Which reflects the truth that Jesus was dying in the garden and God spared Him so He could go to the cross. Also, He could not have been forsaken because He committed His Spirit into the hand of the Father, who is also omnipresent.
- Russ Swinney (4/1/2016 5:42:55 PM) []
- Posted on Matthew 27:46.
Why was the king separating himself with people
- Warren (3/18/2016 7:36:42 PM) []
- Posted on Esther 5:1.

This verse says that GOD WILL REWARD YOUR SPIRIT if you (Diligently Search). In John's Gospel 6:28 the Jew's asked Jesus " What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?" Yeshua's (Jesus) reply, " THIS IS (THE WORK) of GOD, THAT YOU BELIEVE ON HIM WHOM HE (THE FATHER) HAS SENT".

The word (the - Greek definite article) is very specific pointing to (THE WORK OF GOD). The Jews were looking for something they could (physically) do. Yet Christ's reply was "this is THE WORK OF GOD" (very specific) BELIEVE INTO (THE VERY CHARACTER [Hebrews 1:3]) OF HIM WHOM HE (THE FATHER) HAS SENT.


That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

So unto all of you who are Diligently Seeking, Keep It Up as GOD KEEPS REWARDING YOUR SPIRIT AS YOU DILIGENTLY SEARCH HIM OUT IN GOD's WORD (Hebrews 11:6 ). AMEN ! ! !
- Chuck (3/15/2016 10:28:43 AM)
- Posted on Hebrews 11:6.
What does it mean , that she may bear upon my knees, in Gen 30:3?
- suz (3/15/2016 9:24:50 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 30:3.
Does Judges 4:4 entitle woman to preach?
And does anyone know what the hebrew definition for the word judges is, or can anyone tell me where I can find hebrew words defined in english if possible?
- CIM (3/14/2016 6:47:26 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 20:4.
chair of soul

- aswanash alehim (3/14/2016 1:35:53 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 20:4.

"If God were your Father you would love me for I proceeded forth (exerchomai), came out from (ek) GOD; neither came I of myself but he sent me". This is a Beautiful Picture of The Relationship of THE LIVING WORD (YAH O SHUAH) with HIS FATHER from which HE Was Spoken Forth, (mono genes) from The Very Heart of THE FATHER.
Now see Isaiah 55:11 concerning The CHRIST's statement above.
The Father speaking about HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON (THE WORD OF THE FATHER-DABAR) who comes from The Very Heart of THE FATHER. "so shall (MY WORD BE) that Goeth Forth out of My Mouth".
Verse 13 says and IT shall be to the LORD for NAME (meaning CHARACTER see Hebrews 1:3) for an Everlasting Sign that shall not be cut off.

- Chuck (3/11/2016 7:29:19 AM)
- Posted on John 8:42.
good is in you, and if some one don't like you you will be evil, but there is always the right one which you newer know, best of all
- aswanash alehim (3/9/2016 3:40:01 PM)
- Posted on Numbers 1:14.
rev 1.12.44
- aswanash alehim (3/9/2016 3:07:49 PM)
- Posted on Numbers 1:14.
why you newer learn to read
- aswanash alehim (3/4/2016 1:32:59 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 5:17.
This Statement by Thomas the Apostle of Jesus (YAHOSHUA) is an ASTOUNDING ONE ! ! ! It points to The Question of Questions that CHRIST ask his Apostles, WHOM DO MEN SAY THAT I THE SON OF MAN AM ?? (Matthew 16:13).
Deuteronomy 6:4 says "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD", this statement of Truth (Monotheism)was the Very Touchstone of The Law of Moses.
Consider the statement of CHRIST in John 8:24. "ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I Am (he) , ye shall die in your sins". The word (he) is not in the Original Greek. CHRIST is claiming to be THE I AM (ego eimi = eternally exist), of Exodus 3:14, "I AM THAT I AM".
Now for an Orthodox Jewish believer in The Law of Moses, this statement made by CHRIST demanded his death.
The Apostle Thomas (A Jew who believed in The Law of Moses, confesses his true belief "My LORD and My GOD"
Read and believe the message of The Gospel of John and The Truth of THE VERY WORD OF THE FATHER WILL SHINE INTO YOUR HEART. AMEN ! ! !
- Chuck (2/28/2016 8:57:22 AM)
- Posted on John 20:28.
The inseparable particle translated there as "In" is most often translated as "From," but that makes no sense in English. With the Hebrew verb used in this verse, this prefix altogether probably means "Get Pleasure from."
- Joseph (2/26/2016 1:44:40 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 5:18.
Want desperately to know if the word "in" is actually in the Hebrew or inferred by usage. If not, the phrase "rejoice in the wife of your youth" could translate "rejoice (delight) the wife of your youth". This changes the focus of what I as a husband am to do. I do not rejoice in my wife, I do things to make my wife rejoice.
- Phil21045 (2/13/2016 11:55:17 AM)
- Posted on Proverbs 5:18.
matthew....24 ,,now learn the parable of the fig tree....meant for the last generation.,
- ted (2/11/2016 5:04:12 AM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 24:1.
In PS 96:11 In Hebrew the first letter of the first for words spells out YHWH
- Sam (2/8/2016 7:07:47 PM)
- Posted on Psalms 96:11.
this is happening now if you ever had an encounter with a today called narcissist....i have and the jezebel spirit demon who was sent to destroy my have to live it to realize the horror of it .this is my testimony .
- ted (2/2/2016 6:49:34 PM)
- Posted on 2 Timothy 3:1.
i just started hebrew, and i fell in love with it. Michael from the netherlands.
- michel (2/1/2016 10:36:03 PM) []
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
How does this work

- Caleb R (2/1/2016 6:09:44 PM) []
- Posted on Psalms 104:2.
"in the bosom of the Father" is an intimate image where an honored guest reclines at supper: Luk 16:23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

- WoundedEgo (1/11/2016 12:24:09 PM)
- Posted on John 1:18.
Bethelite -Inhabitant of bethel-(House of God )
- Amy hema (1/11/2016 3:41:29 AM)
- Posted on 1 Kings 16:34.
- A Christian (1/5/2016 10:08:10 AM)
- Posted on 1 Corinthians 14:12.
1 cor. 14.12 means we are to be envious of angels and seek to have lots of angel friends for the edification of the church. You see when angels become your friend you will get envious of them and want to be one too. I know cause it happened to me,
- Jesse (1/4/2016 11:05:17 AM) []
- Posted on 1 Corinthians 14:12.
I think this is just a beautiful and complete prayer. Asking God for His full instruction so that our steps may always be in His truth while fully revering Him.
- RAW007 (12/25/2015 6:41:39 AM) []
- Posted on Psalms 86:11.
Hi Don! I am ammu.I want flight tickets.Can You help me?Bill says LoA.Full Stop.I am yourshubbycoma d DONNA.Full Stop.
- Don Quisote (12/12/2015 4:17:51 AM)
- Posted on 2 Samuel 22:7.
There is a mistake on the translation concordance of "me" in ’’they will look upon me". It is not the hebrew word H0835 ; אֵת ; ët which explains the translation of "me" rather it is the personal pronoun (י ; y) relatated to ‘’upon’’ ëlay ; אֵלַי ; H0413 which is the real translation concordance(י;y).

Please do any diligence to remove the translation concordance H0835 from ‘’me’’. This mistake cast an huge doubt on the reliability of the translation of Zechariah 12 :10.

Thanks in advance.

Thierry Tchiakpe

- Thierry Tchiakpe (11/30/2015 6:48:56 AM)
- Posted on Zechariah 12:10.
May God bless all with wisdom and understanding.
The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit are one God. You exist in one spiritual body. I exist in one spiritual body. Together you and I exist in two separate bodies.
You have your own spirit body and I have my own spirit body. But the Farther, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit together, exist in one Spiritual body together. So when one is baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, he or she is baptized into one God.
- INSIGHT DEEP (11/28/2015 11:34:14 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 14:27.
Interesting that the Geneva 1599 of this verse separates the phrases by the use of the colon on three occasions, whereas the KJV uses the semi-colon twice, separating the forgiveness thought from the deliverance thought with a period punctuation. I am investigating a thought, that to the Geneva translators, starting with verse 11:2b, "Thy Kingdom come..." through verse 11:4b, "...but deliver us from evil," is not separate thoughts, but are thoughts that begin from the coming of the Kingdom to deliverance from evil is ONE thought. In verse 2a, "Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name," is the only other complete sentence of the prayer, to me, punctuates the holiness of God and proceeds, thus, to the experience of the man who desires the coming of the Kingdom. However, in Matthew 6:12-13, whether influenced by Estienne or not, it is two verses, without the same punctuation. I find that interesting and I am trying to figure if there is any significance or contrast between the interpretation of Matthew and Luke's gospel accounts.
- Paul Crone, M.Div. (11/28/2015 6:00:20 AM)
- Posted on Luke 11:4.
This verse is misinterpreted by most of Bible commentators:

Two years ago I was in my office when a word came to me speedly (I felt in my spirit) from an angel of God saying in french as a question :

« Do you see someone skilled in his works where does he stand? »
I answered in french: He will stand before kings
And He asked me : «who are the kings? »
I opened my mouth to answer and at the same moment the word was given to me : Those who will inherit the Kingdom of God.

Dear Brothers in Christ, and Bible commentators, it’s the lack of understanding of the word kings that lead to wrong translation of the second part of proverbs 22:29.
The hebrew word translate as Unknown, mean, obscure, low rank, ordinary, not important
חֲשֻׁכִּים; chashok; which means dark so the right translation is men of darkness (sinners, ungodly): those who will not inherit the Kingdom of God but are reserved for the lake of fire.

It can be also translated by mean men but the meaning of mean in english dictionnary has been hackneyed. English dictionnaries must define dark or obscure men as sinners or ungodly.

There is no contradiction in the Bible.

Psalm1 explains better Proverbs 22 :29.

Blessed is the man
Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners,
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
But his delight is in the law of YAHVEH, And in His law he meditates day and night.
He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.
The ungodly are not so,
But are like the chaff which the wind drives away.
Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the jugement,
Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
For YAHVEH Knows the way of the righteous ,
But the way of the ungodly brings to destruction.
The righteous in Psalm 1 is the kings in Proverbs 22:29 as was reveled to the Prophet Zechariah:
‘‘In that day the one who is feeble among the inhabitants of Jerusalem shall be like David‘‘
Zechariah 12:8

And Apostle John to say:
‘‘Christ Jesus has made us kings and priests to His God and Father‘‘ Revelation 1:6

And Apostle Peter to say :
‘‘ You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation’’ 1Peter 2 :9

The dark men or men of darkness state in proverbs 22 :29 are the ungodly, the sinners and the scornful define in Psalm 1.

I would prefer to stand before unknown, low rank, ordinary or not important men who are righteous rather than ungodly kings on the earth.
David was persecuted by king Saul.
Daniel was cast into the den of lions by king Darius
If the Hand of YAHVEH wasn’t upon them they would have been killed.

The bad interpretation and translation of proverbs 22:29 is killing a lot of people mainly christians.
Please do any diligence to correct this situation which leads to death. King Salomon said:
‘‘ Whoever shuts his ears to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be heard‘‘
proverbs 21:13.

Moreover Apostle John said:
‘‘ For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book : If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book;
If anyone takes away from the words of the the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his Parts from the Book of Life, from the Holy City, and from the things which are written in this Book‘‘ Revelation 22:19

Should there be any query please don’t hesitate to contact me.
John Thierry Tchiakpe
Email :

- John Thierry Tchiakpe (11/27/2015 7:31:13 AM)
- Posted on Proverbs 22:29.
John 14 especially v.21
Matthew 13:10,11
Mark 4:33 And with many such parables spake he the word unto them, as they were able to hear it.
34 But without a parable spake he not unto them: and when they were alone, he expounded all things to his disciples.
- William (11/24/2015 4:36:36 PM)
- Posted on John 16:25.
syntax of Amos 3;6
verb and stem

- cam (11/23/2015 3:20:56 AM)
- Posted on Amos 3:6.
Need to reference Thayer's. How do I find?
- Lu Bingaman (11/3/2015 9:40:14 AM)
- Posted on Acts 2:42.
You all have heard it much, " whats the use trying ? , 1 man cannot make any difference , give it up": I say, send the people that say this to me, as I have learned, 1 man + 1 effective prayer, can do anything.
- gsriddle (10/30/2015 1:08:23 PM)
- Posted on 2 Kings 19:7.
Koine Greek doesn't use the indefinite article, but the English language indeed does. Every single English translation uses the word "a", and rightfully so. The translator has to choose when it's appropriate, as it does change the meaning. In any meaningful occasion there is question as to whether it should be used, it should be clearly noted.
- Jeremy (10/24/2015 10:18:01 PM)
- Posted on 1 Corinthians 7:36.
In regard to The Posted Comment Question, "where is the word (a) found in John 1:1? " Then the comment: "The NWT translation says "a god".
Because there is NO INDEFINITE ARTICLE USED IN THE KOINE GREEK LANGUAGE, makes The New World Translation (NWT) a translation leavened by Satan who is has inserted an Untruth into Scripture regarding LOGOS not having The Definite Article with it.
The NWT translators by using the indefinite article (a) changes drastically the meaning of the last phrase of verse one.
Therefore building on another foundation than THE TRUTH OF THE NATURE OF THE WORD OF GOD.

Chuck (10/19/15 7:26 AM) []
- Chuck Reid (10/19/2015 7:30:00 AM)
- Posted on John 1:1.
explain what verse 25 is talking about
- sister (10/15/2015 5:46:37 PM)
- Posted on John 16:25.
WHAT IS THE HEBREW WORD FOR "image" in Genesis 1:26?

God bless!
- Elmer (10/14/2015 9:17:43 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:26.
Where is the word "a" found in John 1:1? The NWT translation says "a god".
- Adal (10/13/2015 8:00:34 AM) []
- Posted on John 1:1.
Dear Salvador, David looked Goliath in the eye! Meaning you need to confess this to the Lord ( acknowledge it) And He will show you the root where this behavior comes from. We can break every curse and demon. But it starts with our own honesty to the Lord! David killed Goliath and this represents for us, that we can kill our problem with the word of our Lord! Listen to Him and He will show you the way to kill your Goliath! Look your problem straight in the eye! The Lord is cleaning us and purifying us, so He can come back for a Bride without blemish spot and wrinkle! Bless you my brother!
- Catharina (10/9/2015 4:45:02 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 119:143.
Salvador - Cry out to Father God for help and deliverance from those thoughts (they're demons sent to kill, steal and destroy). David is a great example that when the enemy came against him, he ran to God and worshipped Him. Worship breaks the grip of the enemy.

Father, I place the Blood of Yeshua over Salvador right now. Protect him from the enemy. I break that Python stronghold off him NOW in the Name of Yeshua. I declare freedom in his mind! Freedom from these thoughts. Freedom to worship You!
- ASF (10/9/2015 4:31:46 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 119:143.
I have these disturbing thouchts of hurting pople
- salvador (10/5/2015 2:55:36 PM)
- Posted on Psalms 119:143.
No, David it is not a reflexion of the trinity.
- Phillip (9/30/2015 4:54:59 AM)
- Posted on 1 Thessalonians 5:23.
1 Thess. 5:23 When God made us in his image is this a reflection of the Trinity in man and God the Father the soul, God the Holy Spirit the spirit and Jesus Christ the body?
- David (9/29/2015 3:38:15 PM) []
- Posted on 1 Thessalonians 5:23.

- SANDRA (9/29/2015 10:39:09 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 69:31.
the maqaf is a hyphen, virtually the same as in English. here it is "to God"
- r (9/9/2015 3:43:15 PM)
- Posted on 2 Samuel 22:7.
The Question of Question asked by Jesus (Iesous)?
Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? Matt. 16:13

Judgment is based on upon the above verse John 5:23.

The Beauty of Honoring The SON even as we are to Honor THE FATHER.

Hebrews 1:3
Who being the brightness of his glory, and the Very CHARAKTER (koine Greek word) of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.

John 17:3
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. ! ! !
WOW, The definition of Eternal Life.

- Chuck (8/22/2015 2:12 PM) (8/22/2015 2:13:41 PM)
- Posted on John 5:23.
Dear Debra,
May I humbly refer you to Professor Avraham Gileadi. His gift to the world is the profound study and gift of the Book of Isaiah. You won't be disappointed sister.
- Glenda (8/13/2015 10:21:51 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 1:1.
We have the Holy Spirit. On The New Pentecost God Gave The Spirit.The Life of a child of God is a,Spirit Led life and the Holy Spirit Is A Divine Person Who we Follow.We don't try to keep a law that was simply our Tutor to bring us to Christ because we are Not Spiritually dead. We Follow the Life of God now by His Word and By His Spirit Within in us .2 Corinthians 3 Is Clear that the 10 Commandments were a Ministry of Death Written and Engraved on Stones now we Follow the Ministry that Gives Life... A ministry that Points To Looking at Christ Not ourselves because the Law made us see ourselves but The Spirit makes us weCChrist.
- onnie (8/9/2015 9:41:29 PM)
- Posted on Ephesians 4:23.
The law of God is given for our help and guidance. Jesus did not 'fulfill Gods law' so that we don't have to keep them. God's law gives us guidance as how to behave and be happy. The first 4 commandments tell us to respect and love God above all else, the other 6 tell us how to treat other people. Jesus would not do away with guidelines which were given to help us - would he want us to kill, steal, commit adultery or take His name in vain, NO. His example shows us that he respected God and man, in that order. He walked with God, praying daily. We can enjoy victory in keeping Gods law only in as much as we commit ourselves daily to God asking the Holy Spirit for help and acting as He prompts us. Jesus died for us, the Perfect Sacrifice because we cannot stand blameless before God BUT never think that Jesus did away with the law. " not one jot or tittle shall pass from the law ...until heaven and earth disappear.." Matt5:18. Stop seeing the law in a negative light but rather see a glimpse of Gods character. By His wonderful Holy Spirit we can behave toward God and man as taught in the law. Love it.
- Helen (8/1/2015 9:50:18 AM)
- Posted on Ephesians 4:23.
Bret - Jesus came to fulfill all God's laws on our behalf, so now I don't have to keep them. Matthew 3:15 says Jesus was baptized to fulfill all righteousness, so now I don't have to be righteous?

Debbie - the Torah is not the covenant. The covenant was the agreement to keep the Torah. The so called "old covenant" is not the Torah. What was broken was the agreement. The Torah is perfect, righteous, and holy.
- Taylor (8/1/2015 5:37:39 AM)
- Posted on Ephesians 4:23.
Malak- God gave Moses how many Laws? The Pharisees were the ones that developed God's Laws into 613 Pharisaic laws. Things such as how much cumin one must tithe, for instance. Jesus came to fulfill ALL of GOD's Laws on our behalf.
- Bret
- Bret (7/29/2015 11:42:41 AM)
- Posted on Ephesians 4:23.
To Debbie Jesus only came to fulfill one law and that is the sacrificial law. Remember God gave Moses 613 Laws, not one Jesus only fulfilled one Law. God never changes, but man always changes Hebrews 13:8 says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today and for ever. So how could we done with the Law? Revelation 22:14 says Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in the through the gates into the city. Quit listening to those christian teacher and read 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto GOD, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
- Malak (7/21/2015 10:40:16 AM)
- Posted on Ephesians 4:23.
the law and prophets were only up to John in Luke 16: 16. after Jesus went to the cross and nailed the law to the cross the law (old covenant) was done away and He established a better covenant established on better promises. Romans 6:14 says we are not under the law but under grace now. jesus said He came to fulfil the law and once fulfilled He went to the cross nailed it there. now it is a new covenant that is why His Blood is why when we take communion the verse says this is the cup of the new covenant in His Blood.
- debbie (7/19/2015 1:24:46 PM)
- Posted on Ephesians 4:23.
Not sure what is going on in this verse simply because Jesus said in Mt 5:17 and on this verse we see Paul said we set under the law if we are lead by theSpirit we are not under the law. Is Paul teaching that the law is done away with? What is going on? And did Jesus contradict him self in Luke 16:16 .
- Gabriel (7/19/2015 6:09:19 AM)
- Posted on Galatians 5:18.
Nahitaji Mafundisho Ya Kibiblia.
- Nelson Paulo Tibendelana. (6/28/2015 12:12:16 PM)
- Posted on Exodus 4:21.
Looking for a sight I had the other day that added some light on luke 24_45 strongs no 4920 it read that it alos meant having a personal relationship wih God and more can you help me I am a christian. Email. please if yall have access to this info are know a site email it to me
- steve johnston (6/17/2015 11:53:17 AM)
- Posted on Luke 2:47.
The Kenites were the Sinites (Gen 10:17-18). The name was changed to Cinite, then misread to Kenite.
- David (6/7/2015 1:58:00 PM)
- Posted on 1 Chronicles 2:55.
Wow!..I read these crossrefefrences and was moved to tears..Amazing1!

- Lieneyda (6/5/2015 10:22:51 AM) []
- Posted on Psalms 139:16.
Hi Daniel

When I read this story I remember God giving Pharaoh chance after chance and Pharaoh constantly changing his mind and recanting. He says he'll let them go, but then gets mad and changes his mind.

When he told Moses and Aaron to show him a miracle, he has his magicians do the same, only Aarons rod (which had turned into a snake) consumed the Egyptian magician's rods (which they had also turned into snakes). It was after seeing this that Pharaoh hardened his heart.

When Moses asked God to take away the frogs, Pharaoh changed his mind about letting them go. He hardened his heart again because the plague of frogs angered him and in spite he decided that he wasn't going to let them go after all.

God didn't make Pharaoh's heart hard against Pharaoh's will. God told Moses to go to Pharaoh and speak to him, that he let them go. When Pharaoh refused, he punished the people by making them work harder. Then God had Moses and Aaron go back to Pharaoh and perform a miracle at Pharaoh's request. When he sorcerers failed he got angry and said the people could leave. So God sent Moses and Aaron to turn Egypt's water into blood.

Then God Moses and Aaron go back with the same purpose: to have Pharaoh let God's people go. Pharaoh refused because he was angry and more plagues ensued.

It was the plagues that hardened Pharaoh's heart each time. This is why it says that God hardened his heart. But remember that Pharaoh had 2 opportunities before God sent the first plague to let the people leave and his first response was to punish the people, saying they were lazy and making their work harder.

God knew his plagues would harden Pharaoh's heart just like he knows that some people, no matter how many chances you give them, no matter how much punishment their actions incur, they will never change. Some people will never get saved because they refuse to accept the Truth.
- Rinon (6/5/2015 8:36:36 AM)
- Posted on Exodus 4:21.
Hi Velda

" shoot arrows and great stones withal."

This sounds like catapult/trebuchet for the great stones and scorpion/ballista for the arrows.
- Rinon (6/5/2015 7:41:13 AM)
- Posted on 2 Chronicles 26:15.
What did these engines look like?
- Velda (5/25/2015 11:01:06 PM)
- Posted on 2 Chronicles 26:15.
Hi i am writing a piece on the Doctrine of Election and Predestination , I'm trying to understand the purpose and meaning for the word Harden used, I know God is always Just and Holy, the only solution is from Romans were Paul writes God leaves the sinners in their sins
- Daniel Game (5/25/2015 1:27:01 PM)
- Posted on Exodus 4:21.
- sid (5/14/2015 9:25:27 PM)
- Posted on Acts 2:17.
I am trying to look up in the new king james version the lexicons in Aramaic and greek the original words and their definition I previously was able to do this without problem on q bible can anyone explain how to do this now as my studies are crippled without this aid I have tried contacting q bible and it pops up this site is unavailable someone please help
- Debra (5/12/2015 2:45:39 AM)
- Posted on Isaiah 1:1.
Hebrews 8:8 is quoting Jeremiah 31:31.In looking up the word 'new' in the hebrew (strongs#2319), the meaning is truly apparent from the cross references in which the same word is used. Exodus 1:8 says,"a new king arose". 2 Sam 6:3, "a new cart". Deut 24:5,"a new wife". If you can cross reference the word for yourself, there are many more examples that make it clear that 'new' means new and not 'refresh'. I'm praying for clarity for you, sister, because you are right, it is important to understand. offers lots of cross reference.
- Stephanie H (5/9/2015 11:13:29 PM)
- Posted on Hebrews 8:8.
I am confused on this issue using the word New! Christian says that it means to start over and people of the Hebrew perspective says it doesn't mean to make new but to refresh which i would think two different means. Can you help me understand what is being said. Did Yahweh give us a new covenant or did he make the one in place a better one
- DONNAMARIE (5/9/2015 11:37:18 AM)
- Posted on Hebrews 8:8.
If it is helpful to you, as all scripture is useful for training in righteousness (2 Tim 3:16), read Hebrews chapters 3 & 4. They address the sabbath rest that 'remains' for us. As the context seems to indicate the rest is for more than just one day of the week, we are to remain in that spiritual state of resting in the Lord. Could this also reference the abiding Jesus commanded us to do in John 15? I think so.
- study to show thyself approved (5/9/2015 5:08:57 AM)
- Posted on Matthew 5:17.
I am trying to find the understanding from the Aramaic org words in Matt 5;17 -destroy and fulfill..all /most translation are saying we no longer have to do sabbath..I need to understand what these words were meant when said before they were translated. this will be the true understanding
- kingdom (5/7/2015 4:23:50 AM)
- Posted on Matthew 5:17.
- karmata (5/5/2015 2:26:20 PM)
- Posted on 2 Corinthians 9:5.
What will happen to he that waiteth
- nana (4/28/2015 11:51:47 AM)
- Posted on Daniel 11:5.
Hello to all I am new here. This is my first post.
- Joey Va (4/27/2015 6:21:54 AM)
- Posted on Exodus 28:36.
im likeing the fact that they have placed the fathers name in the holy name kjv but have they corrected the son name as well ?
- desmond dickson (4/24/2015 11:05:14 PM)
- Posted on Exodus 28:36.
Jeff, I have no idea why you would think Exodus 20:18 has anything to do with a marriage proposal...The Israelites were terrified of God and in the next verse they ask Moses to be the intermediary for them.
- Brittany (4/23/2015 8:39:06 PM)
- Posted on Exodus 20:18.
I thought this verse was about a marriage proposal and not a threat?
- Jeff (4/9/2015 5:21:03 AM)
- Posted on Exodus 20:18.
Comments 8 and 9 If I was God, I would love to have you two in Heaven.
- Jerome (4/5/2015 4:48:32 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:3.
God, He made darkness, He made it to show the difference in day and night and it was good. I can sleep better.
- Jerry (4/5/2015 4:02:21 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:3.
Peace is what most of us long for.
- Aldray Barwise (3/22/2015 8:45:25 AM)
- Posted on Isaiah 26:3.
It is aramic word where jesus used in the healing of a little girl belongs to ruler
- kothuri.janaiah.paloncha (3/1/2015 8:48:01 AM) []
- Posted on 2 Samuel 24:6.
please comment on Mark 4:7

- patience (2/15/2015 3:11:25 PM) []
- Posted on Mark 4:7.
is footwashing part of the Passover as stated in matthew
- anthony (2/7/2015 8:51:28 PM)
- Posted on Leviticus 2:11.
Leviticus 2:12 I understand the leaven, but why couldn't honey be offered in the oblation. What was the significance?
- Rachel Hofer (2/7/2015 12:49:14 PM)
- Posted on Leviticus 2:11.
Would you mind elaborating a bit please. the bible often obfuscates meaning and due to humanity living within a time continuum it makes it difficult to distinguish the difference between good and evil
- ret371 (2/6/2015 1:35:56 PM)
- Posted on Numbers 1:14.
Am I the only one who has applied 1Sam chapters 4-6 to Acts 7:45? That false god was not falling down before a piece of furniture no matter how Holy it was. That false god was falling down before who was sitting on top of the ark mercy seat. Jesus The Gentiles spoken of in verse 45 were the philistines and they did have possession of the Ark.

- Linda (2/2/2015 6:08:28 AM)
- Posted on Acts 7:45.
Why is "whatsover is right" omitted in many translations but not the KJV?
- Steve (1/29/2015 3:22:06 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 20:7.
- ken (1/24/2015 6:40:56 AM) []
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
Interesting that the women had a prominent role in apparent greeting of those who came into the congregation.
- Bill Case (1/23/2015 9:38:56 AM) []
- Posted on Exodus 38:8.
Nimrod is called: "the mighty hunter before Yahweh." What was Nimrod's accepted connection with Yahweh, I wonder?
- Marcus (1/23/2015 8:25:04 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 10:9.
Good grief, Christians! "Whatsoever ye do, do it w/all your might,... as to the Lord." "Love the Lord w/all your MIND & heart & strength." “Study to show thyself approved…” We should be the ones doing things more beautifully, w/greater care & consid for how they effect others- if they are for others. Consider your neighbours: all those who are trying to read what you write here. If you’re not writing for others, why write here? - It's so easy to dash off our thoughts quickly & hit return, I know; but really, truly, some of this is illegible. Some of it is gibberish! You need to care that some parts of the comments section of this Christian site that provides scholarly tools for serious Bible study look more like monkey scratch than the comments on Yahoo or Elite or MSNBC do. If unbelievers drop by to see what's up on this site for studying the word of GOD--- omgosh. - For some of these entries 1 can make out a bit of what you're trying to communicate, but it takes so much effort. It ‘s like slogging barefoot in the dark through a brake of thorn trees & low-lying poison ivy over snaggle-toothed broken cobblestones heaved up by an earthquake: no joy. I'm probably not the only 1 who has to give up trying to read what you're trying to say after a few itchy, scratchy, stumbling, bumbling, squinting, peering, parsing, puffing, expostulating, exasperating, painful moments. - Try taking a few moments, once you’ve formulated your thoughts, to make sure it’s readable for other people. Suggestions: 1. Read your own text. 2. Again. 3. Get some editing help from a friend who loves the language. 4. Read it again. 5. Use a spell-checker - then read your text carefully after you spell-check it. It doesn't take that long. If you don’t feel like reading it, who else will? 6. Go wild & buy a book on grammar, w/exercises in the back, & do a few per day. Heaven yes! No, it’s not boring. English is an amazing language. It's also an endangered language. We don’t have to be among those who mutilate it unto extinction because we're as lazy & wilfully ignorant as the rest of the world. - Ask yourself this: How would you like God to have delivered His wonderful Word to us, all 66 books in their various languages, each in as mangled a form as some of these poor li’l comments? - Love, AFox
- An Fox (1/8/2015 2:30:11 AM)
- Posted on 2 Peter 3:13.
P.S.from AnFox:1.Sorry, my rant wasn't a comment on 2Peter3:12, but on some of the comments ON same. I saw no place for general comments. 2.This does seem to be a very useful website, with some interesting comments. 3. My open question to webmasters: DO you vet these comments? You would do us all, and the Lord, a service if you would copy-edit them. Not everyone has equal command of the English language, nor is everyone a native speaker. I & probably others would be happy to volunteer to help.
- An Fox (1/8/2015 1:36:28 AM)
- Posted on 2 Peter 3:12.
GOOD GRIEF, CHRISTIANS! "Whatsoever ye do, do it with all your might,... AS TO THE LORD." "Love the Lord with all your MIND and heart and strength." “STUDY to show thyself approved…” We should be doing things more beautifully, with greater care & consid for how they effect others- if they are for others! Consider your neighbour(s)- those who are trying to read what you write here! If it’s not for others, why write here? - It's so easy to dash off our thoughts quickly & hit RETURN, I know; but really, truly, a lot of this is unreadable! It's illegible. IT'S GIBBERISH! You should care that the comments section of this Christian site- a site that provides scholarly tools for serious Bible study- looks more like monkey scratch than the comments on Yahoo or Elite or MNBC do! If this is a site for studying the word of GOD-- and unbelievers drop by to see what's up- OMGosh!! - For some of these entries one can make out some of what you're trying to communicate. BUT it's such a high-focus effort for so few little dry peas, at best! It feels like picking one's way barefoot in the dark through a brake of dead thorn trees with low-lying poison ivy growing over snaggle-toothed broken cobblestones heaved up by some old earthquake. NO JOY! I'm probably not the only one who GIVES UP TRYING to read what you're trying to say after just a few itchy, scratchy, stumbling, bumbling, squinting, peering, parsing, puffing, expostulating, exasperating, PAINFUL moments of trying to read your text. - YOU MAY EVEN HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY! - If YOU really believe that you do, it may INTEREST you to TAKE a MOMENT to make it readable to OTHER PEOPLE. Suggestions: 1.READ your own text! 2. AGAIN! 3. GET SOME EDITING HELP from a friend who loves the language. 4. Read it AGAIN! 5. Use a spell-checker- then READ your text carefully AFTER you spell-check it. IT DOESN'T TAKE THAT LONG. Consider: If YOU don’t feel like reading your text- who else will? 6. Go really wild & buy a book on grammar, w/exercises in the back, & bone up on it, doing a few per day. Heaven YES! No, it isn’t BORING! ENGLISH IS AN AMAZING LANGUAGE. It's also an endangered language. WE don’t have to be AMONG THOSE WHO MUTILATE IT UNTO EXTINCTION BECAUSE WE'RE LAZY & wilfully ignorant. - Ask yourselves this: How would YOU like GOD to have delivered His wonderful Word to us, all 66 books in their various languages, EACH IN AS MANGLED A FORM AS SOME OF THESE POOR LI’L COMMENTS? - Love, AFox
- an fox (1/7/2015 11:16:10 PM)
- Posted on 2 Peter 3:12.
What does this mean, "I will corrupt your seed," (KJV) and why do other translations have ""I will rebuke your seed." What is the proper reading.
- Robert G (1/6/2015 8:30:54 PM)
- Posted on Malachi 2:3.
- s,,,,,,,,,,aaa (1/6/2015 5:14:24 PM)
- Posted on Daniel 1:2.
god creator-manflesh-man will-man multiplae-man love-high creation-give dominion-lost dominion-give to satan-tented jesus-jesus redimer-jesuswill judge-kindom give to the creator.
- andres disciple. (12/29/2014 8:29:11 PM) []
- Posted on Genesis 1:26.
“And the ten horns which you saw, and the beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her desolate and naked, and will eat her flesh and will burn her up with fire.
- hidden mountain (12/28/2014 6:41:21 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 17:16.
is there a significance in "certain man"?
- kahree (12/27/2014 10:29:35 AM)
- Posted on Matthew 17:14.
I like that
- Aretha Dawson (12/25/2014 8:16:17 AM)
- Posted on 1 Kings 10:16.
I believe man's pride .... Jeremiah humbly asked them.... when we take our God out of the picture and as man think we know what's best or just want what we wantvto do. In our own strengths without God I have fallen time and time again but look jer 27:22 what a gracious loving God he will restore his chikdren and bring healin and joy. God just wants us to follow him not our wicked prideful hearts. Hes a God of love as well as justice
- christine (12/16/2014 6:17:37 PM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 27:12.
My answer to Shiloh on his comment below.

"Yet, there are many scriptures that have numerous interpretations and meanings. Is this not so? If The Queen in Gold of Ophir represents purity & cleanness of "the church" and the saints, why wouldn't it apply to Yeshua's fleshly Queen during his 1000 year reign in Jerusalem? Why would you approach a passage with a blind eye or a set of blinders on? Happy trails and remember...sometimes words "have two meanings." Or more."

Yes scriptures scriptures have numerous interpretations and meanings but they can not contradict the Bible, the Word of God. For there is no contradiction in the Bible.
Don't you know that God is El Shaddai which means
Omnipotent (El) Breast (Shad) Enough (dai); Not only God also has all the attributes of woman; but God is All Sufficient and therefore Self Sufficient. as YHVH Self Existent.
God doesn't need a company of a woman to be whole to be complete.
Please don't limit God and Christ is God.

Woman was made for man to supply the need of help meet for him Genesis 2:18; but our God Jesus Christ is Self sufficient.

Even us in the resurrection we will neither marry nor given in marriage, but we will be like angels of God in Heaven Matthew 22:30 But we will be made whole as God; like Him.
The Church is the definitely the Queen in Gold of Ophir to serve Jesus Christ the Son of God and worship Him during His 1000 years reign.
So forget about the idea of Yeshua's fleshly Queen during his 1000 year reign. It is not scriptural.
I hope you understand it .
John Thierry Tchiakpe
- John Thierry Tchiakpe (12/12/2014 1:42:06 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 45:9.
Where did Jesus say to baptize in the name of the father son and holy ghost?
- מִיכָאֵל (12/5/2014 8:02:47 PM)
- Posted on Lamentations 5:13.
Why did the apostles disobey Jesus, not baptizing in the name of the father, the son, and the holly ghost?? But rather in the name of Jesus??

- Vmvalt (12/5/2014 2:09:06 PM)
- Posted on Galatians 3:23.
The Queen in Gold of Ophir will be Yeshua's fleshly Queen when he rules & reigns in Jerusalem for a 1000 years. Why would The Father with hold a fleshly woman from the presence of the King during his 1000 year reign in Jerusalem? Has The Son done something wrong to anger The Father so that The Father would refrain his Son from having a fleshly Queen by his side? Don't you think that Yeshua would make a worthy husband & King to The Queen in Gold of Ophir? If not...why not? Please consider: Since we know that The Father has a would stand to reason that he would have a Daughter as well...don't ya think? Psalm 45:10 The marriage supper of the Lamb isn't just for the church and all the saints. Is not duality rampant throughout the scriptures? The Father of all creation is asking "His Daughter" to consider leaving her husband and her entire fathers house because Yeshua is desiring her beauty. Bible commentators and Bible teachers expound that Psalm 45 refers to the church and the saints. Could it not have other meanings as well?? Please listen closely: If Psalm 45:10 refers to the church, why would the church want to forget it's own people, Jew or gentile alike? That's counter productive and causes division, not unity! The Queen in Gold of Ophir is a literal person just as Yeshua is a literal person. Sometimes assumptions and preconceived notions concerning scriptures can be misleading and cause unsupported and unsubstantiated conclusions. Yes, the church and the saints are the bride of Yeshua and I agree 100% Read Psalm 45 with an open mind and read it for what it says...not what you or your pastor think it says & means.
What's a King ruling over his Kingdom...without the company of a lovely and beautiful Queen by his side! And yes...The Father "does have" a Daughter as specified in Psalm 45:10! What is so hard to understand...just read it for what it says! Allow scripture to come to you in a quiet and gentle way...instead of charging head first like a raging bull at it. It's a very simple and fool proof approach to scripture. Since our Heavenly Father is the author of the Bible...wouldn't you rather put your trust & confidence in The Father to help you understand scripture, rather than man!? (Proverbs 3:5) An analogy: An NFL team has a standard play in it's playbook. All the other 31 teams have the same play...except the terminology and symbolism is different for all 32 teams. Yet they all refer to the "same play". Same approach apply's to Psalm 45. Many scriptures have just one meaning and one application. Yet, there are many scriptures that have numerous interpretations and meanings. Is this not so? If The Queen in Gold of Ophir represents purity & cleanness of "the church" and the saints, why wouldn't it apply to Yeshua's fleshly Queen during his 1000 year reign in Jerusalem? Why would you approach a passage with a blind eye or a set of blinders on? Happy trails and remember...sometimes words "have two meanings." Or more.


- Shiloh (12/3/2014 2:19:21 PM) []
- Posted on Psalms 45:9.
The lawless fear a reproof on life, and any scrutiny, listen carefully and hear excuses for head strong behavior and gratifying whim. And the mingling of truth and hypocrisy. At the first sound of reproof hypocrisy cries legalism, WHY? Pay attention to the , life style.

And it’s the church that intentionally deceives that doesn’t want to be reproved. The church with your best interest in mind is always open to reproof when it benefits your well being. Is your church a Holy place? What would you consider to be a HOLY PLACE? I’ve seen you wouldn’t find a bathroom there. And you definitely wouldn’t find an idol there like a tv.

What’s the reason for that, to hear the preacher, no, to see him or watch sports. How much time do you really have to read the HOLY BIBLE?? IS the congregation confused, confounded, disappointed and ashamed? Sick and tired of being sick and tired? What is the wheat of heaven? EZE 36:25- AMAZING GRACE. IS GRACE and beauty to be found in a woman with a full plate? OR is that, what is called (whoredom) Apostasy ?

Do a word study, Highly fed. NUM 25- HOSEA 4:11 What would the significance be of the javelin in the belly? Are you beginning to get the point? Filling the belly can lead to all kinds of adultery, sickness and disease and no spiritual discernment.

Does your church offer to help you, then say come lets roast a pig? The congregation needs help, they need to know the truth. Watch out for the wiles of deceit, treacherous deceit. Do you know what a pisstacrite is?

A lying angry bunch because they’ve been found out. And remember its not because of any circumstances going on outside the church that determines its rise or fall, it’s the condition of the hearts of the people within the church that determines its rise or fall. And the OLD TESTAMENT will confirm that. The law is a declaration, or a revelation of the heart, mind and character of THE LORD JESUS. SURLY you found nothing wrong with that. Has your church called the character of the LAW bondage or a burden? WHY?

Take a closer look at their lifestyle. THE LAW when observed will keep you from violating the rights of others. The Law was given to be a further blessing to people who have been delivered. Knowing the kind of scholar that paul was do you really think he missed that? If your preaching a life changing Gospel how long does it take for that life to change ? How long have the churches been around, how did they miss it?

If the church and synagogues agree with the doctrines in the HOLY BIBLE and the ordinances set forth in the scriptures then why don’t they put them into practice? Unless their intention is to hinder the people and keep them a prisoner of their appetites or in the wilderness, (lost.)

The Hebrews were delivered from Egypt, and their dangerous (animalistic) appetites. What sin would be greater then hindering the people from entering heaven. How dangerous and wicked is it to use THE HOLY BIBLE to deceive your neighbor to get ahead in life? What is a viper? What is a deceiver? MATT 23:15 Which would be the embodiment of deceit?

Which one goes thru life both ways to get ahead? PS 52:7 SIRACH 31:5 MATT 6:24, 23;13-33 LK 11;52 Which way will you chose? The key of knowledge is the WORD itself, and good faith, in THE LORD JESUS THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT.

One of the churches most popular sayings seems to be, you are saved by Grace not works. And some keep invoking that saying to keep you from making an honest effort. Did it work ? So Be careful of how you say or share that with others.

If you say it the wrong way or to often it might sound like what you're saying is, that you're to wicked to ever do any good.

Some People also keep quoting the verse , love thy neighbor but I wonder if they know where that was first mentioned in the Bible ? Lev 19 ; 18
But before you read that verse read verse 17 And after you read verse 18 pay very close attention to verse 19.
If you love your neighbour you are not going to wink the eye, pat him on the back and tell him how great hes doing and just hope for the best, especially if he's trying to justify a sinful life. In verse 17 it says to reprove a neighbour, Firmly or you maybe found guilty also.
And if you with hold known truths from others what hope will you have on your day of visitaion ?
Then people bring up tolarence, and the Gospels speaks about that also. The parable of the sower Matt 13 And dont miss the tares or darnel because He will not. Matt 13 ; 24-36
In the parabel of the tares, the (false teachers) what I've seen is people who have a healthy and genuine concern for the lives of others. And those who dont .
- letsread tosee (12/2/2014 6:53:30 PM)
- Posted on Numbers 25:1.
- Nat (11/30/2014 6:46:49 AM)
- Posted on Ecclesiastes 10:16.
Bro. Wendell. I am glad you caught the great OPSE injustice. In order to understand what the translators didn't you need to know that Opse means "backwards" for this is how the Greeks saw the the Jewish calendar that is to say BackWards from are Grecko Roman calenda. For the Jewish people the evening/night is the beginning of their day. For us it is the middle of the night. This causes great confusion for Christians who do not know anything about their own Religion. Matthew 28:1 is saying that Jesus resurrected in the night of the Jewish Sabbath (our Friday night) and the women were there early Saturday/Sabbath and not Sunday
- Diend Ishnear (11/29/2014 5:56:26 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 28:1.
I am writing a paper on Faithful and the scripture I am using Hebrews 10:23. I need help please.
- Johnnie (11/28/2014 4:03:35 PM) []
- Posted on Hebrews 10:23.
I find it interesting and questionable the LXX would make mention of "manna" when it was stopped upon entering Jericho and the only manna to be found would be in the Ark of the Covenant.
- Roy Martin (11/23/2014 5:55:02 PM) []
- Posted on Jeremiah 41:5.
in terms of the GARMENTS of vengeance..
the hebrew word also can mean such things as deceit and treachery..perhaps this connects with proverbs 25 where it says that the glory of god is to conceal a thing and then connect perhaps the day of vengeance with the day of salvation ..hmmmm
- josh3 (11/21/2014 6:01:14 AM)
- Posted on Isaiah 59:17.
what do this main
- jose (11/8/2014 6:40:11 PM)
- Posted on Revelation 12:12.
Is anyone going to tell me what the "maqaf" is functioning as in the transliterated word VE'EL-ELOHEI in 2 Sam 22:7?

- Frank (11/7/2014 4:16:38 PM)
- Posted on 2 Samuel 22:7.
There is grace in the Hebrew Covenant!
- Bev (11/7/2014 4:49:31 AM) []
- Posted on Jeremiah 31:31.
- King Aza (11/4/2014 2:38:37 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 89:35.
- WEISBERG (11/3/2014 1:38:57 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 89:35.
It is not correctly translated with an "?". Just compare with the cross-references
- Paul (10/29/2014 9:39:29 AM)
- Posted on 2 Peter 3:12.
This verse ends in a "?" in the KJV and ASV but an "!" in the NASB. Others end with an ";". This affects the meaning. in verse 11-12 Peter says (KJV):

"Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?"

Then in verse 15 Peter tells us that "account that the long-suffering of our God is salvation;"

Is Peter questioning our looking for the coming of the day of the Lord since it brings destruction and an end to the long-suffering of our Lord ? Does our looking for it "hasten" the day of the Lord ? Is that the "error of the wicked" (v17) who "received not the love of the truth" (2 Thessalonians 2:10 KJV). Is this a part of the judgement that must begin at the house of God ? (1 Peter 4:17)... namely those in the church, that did not believe in the love of the truth ? Even if that's so, when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world (1 Cor 11:32).

I would like opinions on the "?" at the end of verse 12...
- Chris (10/17/2014 6:37:22 AM)
- Posted on 2 Peter 3:12.
Is the earth a re-creation? Reason I ask, because Genesis 1:1 is ended w/a period. And God does not create anything from a messed up state. How did the earth get to that state? Did it just happen to be in that state, if so where did it come from?
- Dominique Davis (10/15/2014 10:18:04 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
Sin here means doing wrong kind of sin or not having faith? For I think the preceding and previous verses are talking about faith.

Is it talking about rejecting the sacrifice of Christ for the Hebrews that is sin?
- Leslie (10/7/2014 6:59:46 PM) []
- Posted on Hebrews 10:26.
I believe that the James Strong did a mistake in the strong number 3254 because don't make sense to say that G-d didn't add no more when you read starting chapter 20 straight without verses you realized that G-d really added lots of more commandments. Is in Exodus 24:12 when G-od give to Moses the tablets. But when you read Exodus 34, in this chapter you can read exactly which were the original commandments in the first set of tablets. The masoretics text are another problems. We need to see the original rolls to see what going on, for know we are slaves of the translators.
- Yosef Ben Abraham (10/6/2014 6:24:14 AM)
- Posted on Deuteronomy 5:22.
Wisdom seen to hv personalities? What is wisdom in thel hebrew?
- K (10/5/2014 10:35:06 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 9:1.
what is correct? is it a lion as in kjv- or a lioness in other translations? this is a big deal if translated incorrectly I think.
- michellem (9/23/2014 7:48:31 AM)
- Posted on Numbers 23:24.
In proverbs 19:21 it states that " There are many devices of a mans heart" what does that mean?
- Michelle (9/22/2014 6:30:29 AM)
- Posted on Proverbs 19:21.
Adam and Eve were created the same day. A few people hold to the account in Gen 2 as a seperate time occurrence than Gen 1. The account read in chapter two is the same aspect of the 6 the day creation - with a tunnel focus on the unique creating of mankind unlike any other portion of creation. Eve was made by God, in the process God used Adams rib to develop a binding relationship (not the need to transmit XX chromosomes).
- Michael Storey (9/21/2014 4:38:06 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:27.
Thank you Mr. Chad
Now everything is clear to me.God bless
- jenny (9/8/2014 10:39:18 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 27:63.
Hi Jenny, there is a #4108 in Mt. 27:63 (deceiver) which is Strongs Greek #4108. I hope this helps.
Mat 27:63 Saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver-G4108 said, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rise again.
Of uncertain affinity; roving (as a tramp), that is, (by implication) an impostor or misleader: - deceiver, seducing.

- Chad (9/8/2014 7:16:11 AM)
- Posted on Matthew 27:63.
I had a dream last night I still remembered everything specially the last part that make me awake a two man on my dream 1 wants to kill me other man help to live.and the for no.he said to before he help me "4108"then my dream end when I wake up I feel hot even though the fan is open and directly to so curious about that no.and I search the meaning and I found this site.when I aread about Matthew 27.63 its make me more thinking more question.hope someone here can help me.Godbless!
- jenny (9/3/2014 3:45:57 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 27:63.
I thought Jesus was poor, and people followed him, and Jesus himself said blessed are the poor

- Hilde (8/22/2014 5:18:51 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 19:7.
In regards to the use of Elohim and it's plural nature; royalty often say 'we' when referring to themselves. This is also a confirmation of the Trinity from the very first verse. YHWH, his Word (Christ) and His Spirit are all present in the first 3 verses, hence the plural use. God's Word and Spirit are a part of him just as our consciousness (soul) spirit (emotions, feeling, 'heart') and body are all separate and specific but at the same time, part of our being.
- Rinon (8/13/2014 7:14:52 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
Marvelous that Christ is the Word of God. The very Word that God spake when he brought the universe (single spoken-word) into being. The sound that holds together all the atoms that make up our reality is God's very Word! This is God's only begotten Son as it is His Word that comes from God's own mouth!
- Rinon (8/13/2014 6:36:31 PM)
- Posted on Numbers 22:5.
i will stand up because the abomination is set up and the beast is out to kill lords servants when the enemy is staging that i will deliver a epic smiting if blood needs t be shed its my belief that it be upon the enemys head
- MICHAEL (8/12/2014 12:17:58 PM)
- Posted on Daniel 12:1.
Full Hebrew Names / Holy Name KJV (2008) [2] [3]
\ Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee, and will bless thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Avraham thy father;@A spelling error: "Avraham"¨"Abraham." -Far voice from Tokyo.
- Toru Morikawa (8/11/2014 8:04:08 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 26:3.
Seems to me Sabbath "evening" means that the Sabbath had not yet passed and that the day which was lighting up was in fact the next Jewish day that soon followed: THE FIRST DAY OF THE JEWISH WEEK. This means that Matthew was telling a similar story as was found in the Gospel of Peter and the Gospel of Nicodemus which both tell us that the empty tomb was discovered when it was either approaching or already in the darkness of night as opposed to some twelve hours later when the sun was rising. This word "opse" means "evening" every other place it (or its derivative) is found in Matthew as well as in Mark. Something fishy is going on here. Why not just use the word "evening" and be done with it? Thanks for letting me share my opinion and concerns.
- Wendell (8/4/2014 2:47:12 PM) []
- Posted on Matthew 28:1.
The word for "them" is indeed present in the Hebrew, the last word of the verse: "otam." The word "n'kavah" is used rather than "ishah" just as "zakhar" is used instead of "ish"--a natural literary choice in order to underscore the male/female polarity. "Zakhar" and "n'kavah" are even today the words used for male and female, for example, in grammatical contexts.
- Eliot (7/30/2014 2:33:53 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:27.
The word for "them" is indeed present in the Hebrew, the last word of the verse: "otam." The word "n'kavah" is used rather than "ishah" just as "zakhar" is used instead of "ish"--a natural literary choice in order to underscore the male/female polarity. "Zakhar" and "n'kavah" are even today the words used for male and female, for example, in grammatical contexts.
- Eliot (7/26/2014 6:16:56 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:27.
I would like to know if the word " Them " was added by the translators ? I have check and can't find it in the Hebrew. Also why wasn't "Ishshah" use for female here in the 27th verse. Was it because Eve was a concept not yet come into fusion until chapter 2. We know that man has the X Y chromosome and woman has X X, so in Adam there was in him a potential for Eve.
- Richard (7/16/2014 7:36:43 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:27.
The hard headed liar Mr. Morale s on his comment about isaiah 46:11 cannot be found anywhere in the more than 80 pieces of commentary. Anyone who can read his comment will suffer from shock attack. I suggest Mr. Morales should study very carefully the bible before posting his shameful, non-basis comment.
- Domingo (7/9/2014 6:33:58 PM) []
- Posted on Isaiah 46:11.
Cyrus is not the one mentioned in Isaiah 46:11 because the term "east" where the Man comes from, and likened to a ravenous bird, is "misrach" in Hebrew, which means "far east."

Cyrus never gone to "Far east" in his whole life. He was from Perisa the west of Asia, now Iran.
- Joel P. Morales Jr. (7/7/2014 6:42:50 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 46:11.
Ummm none
- Trolled (7/4/2014 1:38:51 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 45:7.
God was never created, He created all things. The darkness and calamity happens as an unwanted consequence. God wishes that "none shall perish". Remember His Heart and Character when reading these types of passages. It always helps me.
- Magan (6/25/2014 7:32:43 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 45:7.
I Pray fore full understanding of this Verse
- Allen Spencer (6/24/2014 7:41:16 AM)
- Posted on Isaiah 45:7.
I will patience
- Elizabhet kv (6/18/2014 4:14:49 PM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 42:12.
"Beauty/splendour" being "Quickened and magnified"
- julsjewels3 (6/15/2014 11:10:05 AM)
- Posted on 2 Samuel 1:19.
What was king saul concubine's reward for watching over the 7 dead children?

- Locklear (5/13/2014 6:24:28 PM)
- Posted on 2 Samuel 21:11.
St.Nielos says when the cows pulled the ark alone with nobody driving them; they neither turned to the right or the left but abandoned their earthly nature and reached their destination. And so must it be with all those who seek to carry the Spiritual Ark: they must abandon and renounce the flesh and vain distracting pleasures.
- Andy (5/9/2014 10:17:41 AM)
- Posted on 1 Samuel 6:12.
Genesis 1:29a This is not the "herb" as we understand it today but "herbaceous plant" as in a plant that develops no woody stems. Think about what a herbivore eats, it doesn't just eat "herbs"
- Max S (4/27/2014 5:38:16 AM) []
- Posted on Genesis 1:29.
Genesis 1:29a This is not the "herb" as we understand it today but "herbaceous plant" as in a plant that develops no woody stems. Think about what a herbivore eats, it doesn't just eat "herbs"
- Max S (4/26/2014 6:11:16 PM) []
- Posted on Genesis 1:29.
I choose Jesus' method of theorizing...brief, simple, relational to the era and society of the day. When being pressed by the political and religious intelligentia of that time, he responded in parables or with scripture that they were familiar. Theorizing James 1:27 to the inth degree still says no more than the first and second commandment, which if we could all fulfill those, without the aid of God's spirit within us, then Jesus would not have had to come and pay the price of sin that he didn't owe for our debt that we couldn't pay. Reference Matthew 22:36-40. He profoundly stated, "On these two commandments hang ALL the law and the prophets." (Love God ... Love Neighbor.....) If we loved God as much as we should and the way we should, then we would love our Neighbor as much as we should and the way we should.....but history has shown that we can't do this by Jesus came to show the way, by teaching, example, and sacrifice. This James 1:27 verse is, as often we see in scripture, a synopsis of the instructions already given in the verses preceding as well as the following verses, and of course includes the great commission. Did we forget that Jesus ministered to physical, spiritual, and material? He fed the multitudes, healed the sick, brought salvation to the oppressed, made good wine at a wedding (which could have been fresh grape juice) and paid taxes. By specifically naming the fatherless and widows, James was referring to the most needy and oppressed of that time, because without family and its inheritances, the fatherless and widows were at the mercy of the world. James defines throughout the book HOW to keep oneself unspotted from the world, as well as, HOW to treat the poor and needy respectfully. He tells us in 2:17 that faith and works (physical as well as spiritual) coincide, and in 4:7 that we can keep ourselves unspotted and cause the devil to flee from us by "submitting ourselves to God". Remember that a thought or subject rarely begins or ends with one verse nor the beginning or ending of a chapter. Much bad theology has been birthed from isolating scripture from scripture. Never forget to consider the whole.
love, prayers, blessings.

- Blanch (4/23/2014 5:41:26 AM)
- Posted on James 1:27.
In response to another comment, visceral compassion is okay, as well as bowels...I think most have always understood what bowels meant, the same as we understand what it means when referring to to the "heart". However, the point regarding hanging versus bowels gushing is a misnomer. Judas could very well have both hung and fallen into the field, gushing his bowels, thus the field being named "field of blood". Because when a body is cut down from a hanging, the body falls downward, and if on a sloping or rough landing, it could certainly cause bowels or viscera to erupt.
- Blanch (4/23/2014 4:00:52 AM)
- Posted on Acts 1:18.
John 13:32...word glorified...Hebrew KWD means heaavy
- Leah (4/21/2014 9:47:31 PM)
- Posted on John 13:31.
Like to try something a little different …
Remember how we resolved the use of the word "bowels" and "matrix" …
well there's another, related, word that needs some attention, but it's figurative use
makes it very difficult to come up with a way of using it both figuratively and literally …

The word is "splagchna" … litterally, that part of the upper guts or viscera where the spleen, liver, heart and lungs are …
apparently that part of the body that Judas spilled when he killed himself … however, it's normal or predominate use
in the NT is intended to convey the thought of intense visceral emotions, particularly "compassion" …

What I'd like to try, which is different, is to create a combination word that captures both the literal viscera, and the figurative emotions…
that is, present this as the hyphenated …"visceral-compassions" …in the nine verses where the intended idea is visceral emotions,
and then just shorten or truncate it to real …"viscera"… in Acts 1:18, where the viscera or guts of Judas gushed out.

I'd played with just using the perfectly good word "visceral" in those verses where we now read it as "compassions," but for some reason
this just didn't work very well (my opinion); however when combined as "visceral-compassions" it seems to work very well in all nine of
these verses … in fact, it conveys a much stronger and more meaningful feeling to what these verses are saying … take a look at this ….

So, it's our Judas that is the problem … perhaps the whole verse needs to be rethought, but I'm currently focused on Romans and dont have the
time/resources to tackle this right now …just a passing thought about Judas, hanging doesn't sound like something that would spill out one's
lungs, spleen, liver and heart … just break the fools neck, or at worst, snap his head off, sooooo … perhaps the verse in Acts is being misread,
and it's really intended to convey the heartfelt remorse, and deep fit of sobbing, lung wrenching dispare of Judas conveyed just before he hung himself ...
Just a theory …my creative contemplations, but when you think about it, since he did hang himself, he really did "repent" of what he had done, what
Satan drove him to do, so he obviously did have …visceral regrets … so perhaps it really wasn't his guts that spilled out on the ground, but more
figuratively, Luke is telling us that Judas "spilled his guts" in compassionate dispare at what he had done …Ummmm

Anyway, I'd like to suggest that we adjust "compassion" to "visceral-compassion" in nine of the ten verses where the word "splagchna" is used ...

4698 GK5073 splagchna (1) visceral-compassions N-NPN.21

4698 GK5073 splagchnois (1) unto visceral-compassions N-DPN.23
- robin (4/21/2014 10:49:15 AM)
- Posted on Acts 1:18.
sharing the cup to me is take and share this cup, as everything he implemented was shared out of one container; example a basket of bread and a basket for fish was shared, the cup is full of the life of Christ which covers all our sins, one Lord and source from which is comes from, to realize the power of that cup where regardless of how many drink from this cup, it purifies all germs of ones hygiene phoebes. yes i wouldn't practice this outside this Holy sacred one time a year advent.
- chuck Farrow (4/13/2014 5:08:06 AM)
- Posted on Luke 22:17.
God Allows Drinking Strong Drink
- Micah (4/8/2014 9:55:23 AM)
- Posted on Deuteronomy 14:26.
"Every man in his own order".
This is quite revealing about the order of The Resurrection.....First fruits is more than not just Jesus....yet the first born from the dead yet .."Thy dead men shall live together with My dead body they shall arise". so the first fruits would be those who were raised with Jesus Christ when the rocks were split and the veil was rent and many bodies of the Saints and they
- Luigi Lancia (4/6/2014 4:45:38 AM)
- Posted on 1 Corinthians 15:23.
Joseph found favor with Pharaoh in the eyes of the Lord. His anoiting from the Lord covers his guardship over everything owned by Pharaoh and controlled by him. When the Lord is present in our lives, his rulership and authority rules everywhere, everybody. We are stewards of the Lord's grace.
- gaynell Johnson (4/2/2014 5:35:33 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 39:4.
Wonderful web site! Thank you.
- Kristi (4/1/2014 3:16:19 AM)
- Posted on Matthew 5:19.
One day I chanced to reread this verse and realized something (or more like I was allowed to realize that something). Pure religion certainly cannot be about visiting the physically fatherless or physically widowed in their affliction, without distinction as to whether such are Christian or not. Neither can keeping oneself unspotted from the world have anything to do with taking oneself out of the world and living as a monk in a monastery. Compare Matthew 5:15-16; John 17:15. Speaking of monks in monasteries, this does seem to be the natural man's reading of this passage and the Catholic reading as well. Helping (with one's flesh those who are in the flesh) orphans and widows, and keeping oneself unspotted from the world (in a monastery) does seem to be their application of this verse. Nevertheless, I believe Scripture makes clear that the verse speaks of the great commission. For what else could be considered pure and undefiled religion if not to preach the gospel to those who, whether orphaned or widowed and comfortless in this present age, will perish forever if a preacher is not sent unto them to preach the gospel? See Romans 10:14-17. To my mind, the fatherless are those who had no father and that to me would be the gentile sheep that will wander lost until the shepherd finds them. For such were never God's children, and neither could they be the Devil's, (for these resist the Spirit), but were rather fatherless and afflicted as any lost sheep would be. Second, "the widows" clearly allude to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, the jews, who are similarly afflcited without a shepherd. In Romans 7:1-4, (and elsewhere), we are told that the chosen people's husband perished on that cross and are now free from the law and able to be married to another, the one who rose from the dead, i.e. Jesus Christ. They too are lost sheep, afflicted and waiting to hear the gospel. Finally, to keep oneself unspotted from the world is simply an exhortation not to become a friend of the world, (James 4:4), or a partner in its works, (Ephesians 5:11), for the whole world lieth in wickedness (1 John 5:19), and whosoever should be a friend of such a world, would be an adulter or an adultress who left his first love: her husband: Jesus Christ. See James 4:4; 1 John 2:15-16. Some have told me that the verse is both spiritual and physical, but I beg to differ. If we look at the Sheep and the Goats parable in Matthew 25, we see that those whom Christ considers goats pride themselves on having, in fact, clothed, fed, and visited Christians in the flesh, see Matthew 25:44, whereas the sheep claim not have known the good they have done. See Matthew 25:37-39. Clearly, in those verses therefore, Christ is speaking of Christians who have satiated the souls of the hungry, of the thirsty, of the captives, and of the naked, by the preaching of his words, and not alleviated temporal suffering by ministering to the physically hungry, thirsty, captive, and naked, in a visible way, which, of course, the whole world highly esteems. For we must remember brethren, that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination to God. Luke 16:15. Well, this is my comment. May the grace and peace of our Lord be with all who call on the name of the Lord in spirit and in truth. Pray for and preach to the lost dear brethren for there is no greater expression of love.

- Daniel (3/29/2014 3:32:08 PM) []
- Posted on James 1:27.
There are times God chooses to keep silent not that He is not there or those not see or hear us, eg one of my massage Title (Silent but Not Absent) God may hid His face are time but He is not absent in any situation of His people, the Living Bible put it this way: I will wait for the Lord to help us, though He is hiding now,my only hope is in Him,so when you have pray, fast , and do all you did no how to do and no respond from God all you have to do is to wait, because God may be silent but not absent, bless your soul my brethren in the Lord.
- Evang Freeson U.Eze, contact me email- (3/29/2014 5:12:41 AM)
- Posted on Isaiah 8:17.
As the Bible said here,looking unto Jesus,how is it possible?,what its means is that we should keep our eyes on Jesus our leader,our instructor,and example,because He has gone through that road we are about to go,He knows how to give a good and proper instruction as our instructor if we will only keep our eyes on Him and His word,because the road which lead to glory is fill up with pains,sorrows,suffering,and all kinds of challenge, so we will need to take instructions from a more experience one who has been through it before, Bible said,for the Joy that was set before him He endure the pain of the cross,so if you are going through any pain as a christian endure it because you shall have the glory at last as our Lord did.
- Evang Freeson U. Eze (3/29/2014 3:49:11 AM)
- Posted on Hebrews 12:2.
better translation would be, "judge very little" or "judge in a qualified careful way" so that you will not be judged at all and avoid possibly being condemned but rather set free. There is a difference between "me" (3361) rendered "lest" which is a qualified negative and 3756 which is an absolute negative
- JR (3/27/2014 12:49:53 PM) []
- Posted on Luke 6:37.
Rather than be troubled about things, relax, its not what we can do ,but the holy spirit that is in us can do. Jesus said he will lead us into all truth that's all truth not some
Psalm 25:14 The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will show them his covenant. Again we are told (will show).
- Noel . R (3/25/2014 9:15:06 PM)
- Posted on Psalms 25:22.
I think lam·ma·‘ă·nê·hū ( 4617) in pro 16:4 meaning is same as recompense ( like ih7999 in hos 12:2)or pro 11:31) or reward (like h7999 in deu 32:41 ,g514 in luk23:41) or repay

Hos 12:2    The LORD H3068  hath also a controversy H7379  with H5973  Judah, H3063  and will punish H6485   H5921  Jacob H3290  according to his ways; H1870  according to his doings H4611  will he recompense H7725  him.
Pro 11:31    Behold, H2005  the righteous H6662  shall be recompensed H7999  in the earth: H776  much more H637   H3588  the wicked H7563  and the sinner. H2398 
Deu 32:41    If H518  I whet H8150  my glittering H1300  sword, H2719  and mine hand H3027  take hold H270 on judgment; H4941  I will render H7725  vengeance H5359  to mine enemies, H6862  and will reward H7999  them that hate H8130  me
Luk 23:41    And G2532  we G2249  indeed G3303  justly; G1346  for G1063  we receive G618  the due reward G514  of our deeds: G3739   G4238  but G1161  this man G3778  hath done G4238  nothing G3762 amiss. G824 

- John hansen (3/20/2014 6:29:03 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 16:4.
Is the Rechab mentioned in 1 Chronicles 2:55 the same rachab that begat Booz in Matthew 1:5?
- James Starr (3/19/2014 11:27:27 AM)
- Posted on Matthew 1:5.
The day of the Lord is coming as the Book has been written
- Dan Parks (2/20/2014 6:54:35 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 6:7.
this is a specific date being talked about. At the time of the winter solstice the sun will stay above the horizon for seven full days at the south pole up to dec 25. (and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold)...if you stand at the north pole on dec 25 and look into the daytime sky you will see the moon which has replaced the sun (moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun). God loves a good riddle and without modern scientific knowledge this one has been unsolved for centuries.
- len (2/20/2014 3:33:13 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 30:26.
115:17 The dead praise not the LORD, neither any that go down into silence
- philippascua (2/17/2014 4:10:56 PM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 7:30.
This verse stands out among the first few genealogical chapters in 1 Chronicles. The families of scribes (Kenites) cannot be patrilineally traced to any of the other individuals here listed; nevertheless, they are counted among the sons of Judah.

The Hebrew expression "from Hammath, father of the house of Rechab" is particularly difficult. On the one hand, many have suggested 'Hammath' is a place-name, but the reading also suggests he is a person (i.e. father of the Rechabites).

This is likely a reference to the Rechabite scribes (also formerly known as Gibeonites & Hivites), who descend from Hammath, the son of Canaan, the son of Ham, the son of Noah. That they are Kenites (lit. "sons of Cain") has lead many to speculate that these Canaanite scribes trace their genealogy matrilineally back to the mysteriously unexplained reference to "Naamah" (the "sister of Tubal-Cain) in Genesis chapter 4. (Thus, by marital relationship or some other means the race of Cain has survived the Great Flood.)
- A Bible Student (2/14/2014 11:53:09 PM)
- Posted on 1 Chronicles 2:55.
I've often wondered if Joab was right about this, though David was a much more spiritual man of God.
- Dan Beane (2/14/2014 10:06:32 PM) []
- Posted on 2 Samuel 19:6.
- SHOYES (2/12/2014 1:56:28 PM) []
- Posted on Proverbs 2:2.

But more blessed still shall be their rulers and the rulers of the nations; for they shall not die any more (Luke20:, 36), and they shall inherit the land for ever.

But, ultimately, death will be abolished in all the earth. Its subjugation, however, comes last in order: all other enemies are got out of the way first; and then the greatest and most formidable is removed for ever.

On what principle? Seeing that all the saved pertaining to this and past dispensations will be admitted to eternal life at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, and associated with him in the government of the world, on what principle are the mortal subjects of Messiah's reign to be dealt with, so as to admit of their participation in the glorious gift of immortality?

"And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city; and fire came down from. God out of heaven, and devoured them.

Isaiah 33:12 And the people shall be [as] the burnings of lime: [as] thorns cut up shall they be burned in the fire.

Who is "THEM? " The enemies of the Lord shall be as the fat of lambs. They shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away" (Ps. 37:20).

What about the "OTHERS?"
"For evil doers shall be cut off; but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth; for yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be; yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be; but the meek shall inherit the earth, and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace" (Ps. 37:9-11).
- charlie roy (1/27/2014 8:32:39 AM)
- Posted on John 1:18.
Obviously John writes 1:18 after Jesus' had been resurrected, and had returned to Heaven and sat down at the right hand of the Father. Jesus had declared much about the Father from his birth throughout his life to the time that the Father raised Him up and sat Him at His own right hand. What specifics about the Father did he declare (exegete)? What were individuals able to read-out of his life?
- Dr. Don Bailey (1/25/2014 10:54:18 AM) []
- Posted on John 1:18.
Sorry, Here is the link:
- charlie roy (1/23/2014 12:59:43 PM)
- Posted on Leviticus 10:17.
#2403 çÇèÌÈàÈä chatta'ah {khat-taw-aw'}
or çÇèÌÈàú chatta'th {khat-tawth'}from 2398 çèà chata' {khaw-taw'} çÇèÌÈàÈä hha-ta-a meaning Error 1170-E (N1) from the verb çèà hha-ta meaning to Err (V) 1170-E (V) the Aleph like in the word àÈøÆõ is pronounced "arets" see here @The Basics of Ancient Hebrew

- Charlie Roy (1/23/2014 12:47:08 PM)
- Posted on Leviticus 10:17.
Proverbs 1:17 is speaking of verse 19 explained as those who [are] the ways of every one that is greedy of gain; [which] taketh away the life of the owners thereof. Verse 17 includes 2 words and the meaning is a horseman/master of the wings of an army or in English we would say the quartermaster of the platoon/infantry.

From H1166; a master; hence a husband, or (figuratively) owner (often used with another noun in modifications of this latter sense:— + archer, + babbler, + bird, captain, chief man, + confederate, + have to do, + dreamer, those to whom it is due, + furious, those that are given to it, great, + hairy, he that hath it, have, + horseman, husband, lord, man, + married, master, person, + sworn, they of.

From H3670; an edge or extremity; specifically (of a bird or army) a wing, (of a garment or bed clothing) a flap, (of the earth) a quarter, (of a building) a pinnacle:— + bird, border, corner, end, feather [-ed], X flying, + (one an-) other, overspreading, X quarters, skirt, X sort, uttermost part, wing ([-ed]).
Brown-Driver-Briggs (Old Testament Hebrew-English Lexicon)
- Charlie Roy (1/23/2014 12:07:23 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 1:17.
The rock dat begot u, let us all return to him (GOD)that create all human,he is able in all areas of our life ,let us not be ungreatful to him,let us try and make it up to him,the rock that gives life,I mean life abodant ,before him There is no God and after him there will no one greater like or than him,det 32 :39
- micheal, (1/21/2014 5:25:50 AM)
- Posted on Deuteronomy 32:18.
The Real Mount Hor
- Issa (1/19/2014 7:12:42 PM)
- Posted on Numbers 33:38.
can someone please help. Prov 1:17 states the net is spread in the sight of any bird. My question deals with "bird" The hebrew translates the word Baal, which of course means "Master, Husband, owner and I would assume "man"
- Bev S (1/18/2014 9:16:27 AM) []
- Posted on Proverbs 1:17.
the heresy is a prophecy, not a decree
- (1/18/2014 5:27:25 AM)
- Posted on Deuteronomy 28:64.
Doesn't this mean heresy is decreed by God?
- Questioning (1/15/2014 3:16:05 PM)
- Posted on Deuteronomy 28:64.
"Take a Stand in My Qadosh Name. Do not trade it into
the names that pagan worships, neither integrate their names
with My Name, for Qadosh is My name." Sephar 6:59
- BizKhane (1/6/2014 8:36:00 PM)
- Posted on Malachi 1:11.
For He has put all things in subjection under His feet, all things mean what?
- jc1an07 (1/6/2014 2:42:50 PM)
- Posted on 1 Corinthians 15:27.
For — Since ye Jewish priests and people “despise My name” (Malachi 1:6), I shall find others who will magnify it (Matthew 3:9). Do not think I shall have no worshippers because I have not you; for from the east to the west My name shall be great among the Gentiles (Isaiah 66:19, Isaiah 66:20), those very peoples whom ye look down upon as abominable.
- BizKhane (1/4/2014 8:43:02 PM)
- Posted on Malachi 1:11.
The only definition of the Kingdom of God in the New Testament.
- kms123 (12/27/2013 9:22:12 AM) []
- Posted on Romans 14:17.
in Jer 10:5 "they" is meaning the Idols made with wood and gold and silver. Previous verses "they" refers to nations and people...
- Sally Cardison (12/20/2013 4:25:55 AM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 10:5.
who is "they" in jer 10:5
- debbie (12/19/2013 3:09:29 PM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 10:5.
Thank you for this site. God Bless.
- MichaelB (12/14/2013 11:10:52 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 10:25.
Hi bitches!
- BIGDICK (12/14/2013 11:45:51 AM)
- Posted on Proverbs 11:29.
Prepare a two-page chart directly comparing elements of the Bible that appear to be diverse in style or content, e.g., the difference in style of writing and content between a psalm and a passage in 2 Kings.


- nmeishe (12/11/2013 11:12:13 AM) []
- Posted on Psalms 104:2.
Prepare a two-page chart directly comparing elements of the Bible that appear to be diverse in style or content, e.g., the difference in style of writing and content between a psalm and a passage in 2 Kings.


- nmeishe (12/11/2013 10:15:25 AM) []
- Posted on Psalms 104:2.
There is a curious text-critical comment in the BHS for this verse "ga'ya eras" on the word "sin offering" which I believe has something to do with pronunciation or accents, but just cannot get what the "eras" is referring to.
- Jack S (12/9/2013 6:34:49 AM)
- Posted on Leviticus 10:17.
I'd like to know the change of tense in Genesis 41:28 from 3rd person in preceding and post verses to 1st person?
- Kim P (12/7/2013 5:15:41 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 41:28.
I'd like to know the meaning of Beninu? Does it mean our son? Or does it only refer to a name of a Levite who helped sealing the covenant with Nehemiah?
- xx (12/6/2013 3:50:24 PM)
- Posted on Nehemiah 10:13.
Yes, most of the time they refer to the lost sheep of Israel, scattered abroad. Paul didn`t spread the good news to some random people, but to his brethen. Gentile should NOT even be in the Bible, it`s a latin word, but still, it means (same)race or nation, not aliens, like the universalists wants us to believe.

"'Goy' is usually translated gentile, heathen, nation, people or another, according to Strong's. The Hebrew word 'goy' is a collective noun meaning nation or sometimes a collective body of people. Actually, there is no such thing as 'a gentile' as it is always plural and never an individual person. 'Goy' has been translated 375 times in the OT as nation(s) compared to 30 times as gentile(s); less than 10% of the time, signifying that it is not the primary use of the word."

"It can be easily shown that the use of the word 'goy' (#1471) i.e. gentile and nation, are not interchangeable and in its first appearance in Genesis 10:5 we see an obvious inconsistency. It reads, "By these were the isles of the Gentiles [1471] divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families in their nations [1471]." It wouldn't make much sense to say "in their Gentiles" and it would make much more sense to say "the isles of the nation". It should also be pointed out that if the word 'gentile' means a non-Jew or non-Israel, it should not appear in Scripture at this point in history, because Jacob-Israel is several generations away from being born."

"Try 'Gentile' in Gen. 17:4-5, "And thou [Abraham] shall be a father of many Gentiles [or is it nations?]… for a father of many Gentiles [or is it nations?] have I made thee." 'Goy' is not necessarily Israelite nations, it just means nations. When God told Hagar that He would make her son a great nation [goy #1471], indeed Ishmael would be the progenitor of the Arab world. Exodus 34:24 has God casting out nations (goy #1471) in Israel to enlarge her borders. "Learn not the way of the heathen [nations - goy #1471]" Jer. 10:2."

"The words gentile (which is truly not even an English word), heathen and nation in the New Testament in most cases are used to represent the Greek word ἔθνος, which is primarily a nation in the sense of ethnicity. Here and elsewhere (Romans 15:9-11) it is evident that by translating ἔθνος into these various words indiscriminately, it is rather easy to create FALSE doctrines and to pervert the interpretation of the promises to Abraham and the other patriarchs."
- Paal (12/1/2013 5:49:26 AM)
- Posted on John 3:16.
I, like Paul, think that a better word such as "people", "nation", or a similar word, would have been a more sensible choice, especially in light of Matthew 15:24. Jesus said, "I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Therefore, it seems (even remotely) that the "World" in John 3: 16, 17 and the "Lost Sheep" of the House of Israel, are one and the same. Furthermore, I'm wondering if the following words are possibly synonymous with "World": Gentiles, Strangers, Heathen, Foreigners, Peoples, Nations, Lost Sheep of Israel. I, too, believe that many words, lost in Greek/English mistransliteration and mistranslation, resulted in perpetual misinterpretation. Gross errors leading to false doctrine. However, I think, even at the risk of turning Christianity, as we know it, up-side down, the truth will surely be revealed. Especially in light of the steadily growing population of sincere and honest theological scholars, and Bible Students, who are accepting the Aramaic/Hebrew-English versions. We need to be aware of ancient Semitic cultural concepts, idioms, to help comprehend and make simple, the whole plan of the Great God of Israel, to reconcile all the nations of the House of Israel, descendants of Abraham. However, in innocent ignorance, it seems both contemporary Orthodox and Messianic Jews have been influenced, and for whatever reason, duped, by so-called western Christianity, and consequently, have indeed been in a "dark age", for centuries! BUT, I think we are beginning to see the Light at the end of the tunnel. At last! So be it!
- Jewel (11/30/2013 10:08:27 PM)
- Posted on John 3:16.
Society is probably a better word
- Paal (11/28/2013 6:07:56 AM)
- Posted on John 3:16.
Society is probably a better word
- Paal (11/28/2013 5:07:14 AM)
- Posted on John 3:16.
It should be nations, not the world. He only loves the Israelite Nations. And Adam was also His son. It`s pathetic how the the Bible contradicts itself over and over, because of bad translations or people with agendas. Most misused verse in the Bible
- Paal (11/27/2013 1:22:12 PM)
- Posted on John 3:16.
To Gail Neal. I don`t think Ecclesiastes talks about the restoration, there is only one Prince, our Savior. Here are some interesting verses:

Acts 3:18 But those things which God foretold by the mouth of all His prophets, that the Christ would suffer, He has thus fulfilled. 19 REPENT therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, 20 and that He may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before,[a] 21 whom heaven must receive until the times of RESTORATION of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began.

Revelation 21 Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. 2 Then I, John,[a] saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. 4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

Isaiah 1:25-27. 2:1-5. 4:2-6. 11:11-13, ch 25. 26:1,2,12-19. 27:13. 29:18-24. 30:18-26. 32:15-20. 33:13-24. ch 35. 37:31,32. 40:2,9. 41:27. ch 44. 49:13-23. ch 51. 52:1-12. ch 60. 61:4-9. ch 62. 66:5-22.
Jeremiah 3:14-18. 4:3-18. 12:14-16. 23:3. 24:1-7. 29:1-14. 30:3-22. 32:36-44. ch 33. 44:28.
Ezekiel 14:22,23. 16:60-63. 20:40,41. 36:1-38. 37:12,21.
Daniel 11:30-45. 12:1, Joel ch 3, Amos 9:9-15, Obadiah 17-21, Micah 2:12,13. 5:3. Zephaniah 2:7, Zechariah 1:14-21. ch 2. ch 8. 10:5-12. 12:1. ch 13. ch 14.
Malachi 3:4, Romans ch 11, 2 Cor. 3:16

And Revelation, Epistles of Paul are important, Jude and 2 Peter. And many other places, actually read the whole Bible in context with concordance and greek- english lexicon because there are many mistranslations and misunderstandings, making the Scriptures contradict itself. But God isn`t a liar. Praise Yahweh!
- Paal (11/27/2013 1:59:19 AM)
- Posted on Ecclesiastes 10:7.
So you know it isn`t you, and you`re fronting negroes. Go somewhere else with your silly lies. This is about the Bible not the talmud
- Gideon (11/27/2013 12:59:47 AM)
- Posted on Deuteronomy 28:68.
This Egypt meant bondage this refers to the Atlantic slave trade of the true Jews the negros
- Rabbi Ben (11/26/2013 9:59:06 PM)
- Posted on Deuteronomy 28:68.
I am really interested in the Scripture that proclaims the restoration of the Princes to their rightful place & making things the way God intended them to be. If anyone can assist me in locating these verses that translate HOPE to us in the end time...I will be extremely grateful. I have searched, but have not had the success I have hoped for so I decided to use this medium to get some assistance. Thaaaank anyone that happens to find them, in advance. God bless you also!
- Gail Neal (11/24/2013 5:01:00 PM) []
- Posted on Ecclesiastes 10:7.
These are not my words

‘Elohim (אלהים) is morphologically plural, but as everyone knows, it’s frequently used in reference to singular subjects (primarily the God of Israel). The Bible is not the only place this happens, though. The Akkadian word for “gods,” ilanu, frequently occured in reference to singular subjects in the Amarna Letters (almost always in correspondences written by Syro-Palestinians to Egyptians), in Akkadian texts from Ugarit, and at Taanach and Qatna. The Phoenician ‘lm is used the exact same way. This usage predates the appearance of this phenomenon in Biblical Hebrew and is no doubt at the root of it. The distribution of this kind of usage moves from the coast to the valleys and then to the highlands.

We know from patterns in the languages in which this phenomenon occurs that it most likely derives from the abstract plural. This is the expression of an abstraction through the plural form of the noun or adjective. We see this in Hebrew with ‘abot, “fatherhood,” the plural of ‘ab, “father,” and zequnim, “old age,” the plural of zaqen, “old,” among many others. Some of these terms were used in reference to an individual entity or object that exemplified the quality of the abstraction. For instance, in Dan 9:23 Gabriel tells Daniel that he is a hamudot, which, as an abstract plural, means “desirableness,” or “preciousness.” In this instance, the abstract should be concretized in reference to Daniel. He is not “desirableness,” but one who exemplifies that quality. He is highly esteemed. Joel Burnett suggests “concretized abstract plural” as a designation for this usage. The word ‘elohim still retains its other uses (the simple plural, etc.), but can be used to refer to singular subject. ‘Elohim, then, means “divinity,” or “deity.” The God of Israel exemplifies divinity.
- Paal (11/23/2013 7:20:10 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
Fresh off the Biblical Hebrew instruction course, and Elohim is plural in the sense of plural majestic, it refers to a supreme or transcendent concept. "the waters" where a large, overwhelming body of water is noted. And, here "the gods" refers to the supremacy of the One God. Also note that "in beginning" is a point on the wheel, for if there is a beginning, there is an ending, and for an ending, there is a beginning. Very profound, this Hebrew text.
- Anon (11/22/2013 5:45:17 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
English isn`t really my language

Gen 1:27 So God created man in HIS own image, in the image of God created HE him

Gen 1:26 is the proposition, 1:27, then singular, the act
- Paal (11/18/2013 8:32:41 AM)
- Posted on Ephesians 4:1.
in a similar but different list
there are 8 things versus the 6 here
5 are similar here in this verse
and 3 are missing in this verse
which leads me to think
that dogs might be related to those 3

Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable,
- JOSHH (11/16/2013 1:29:20 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 22:15.
The verse speaks of God's displeasure of the people. Instead of truly repentance , they come crying to show to the physical man or flesh that they mean business with God. But God who sees the heart knows that this attitude is not from inward. And it shows no respect to the altar. If they met the requirement in Joel 2:12, 13,and17, God would not have considered the weeping an offense . Hence covering the altar here means crying with pretense and outward show displayed.
- Steve cole Brooklyn Park, MN (11/13/2013 3:31:42 PM)
- Posted on Malachi 2:13.
This verse speaks of what an undershepered should know. That he ought to be diligent in his pastoral duty, discerning about the behavior and attitude of God's sheep yet very concern and caring for them.
- Ador cruz (11/11/2013 6:52:00 AM)
- Posted on Proverbs 27:23.
Never encountered "one sheep" in proper English usage, Paul.

At one time, it was proper use to say, "one fish" or two or more fishes. Either for plural isnow acceptable.

As for Elohim, that is indeed old Hebrew for the Hebrew plural, which unlike as in modern English usage, does not mean two or more. It means THREE or more.

Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:

- Mac (11/6/2013 8:45:58 PM)
- Posted on Ephesians 4:1.
Elohim IS Yahweh. It is plural in form but not necessarily in meaning. It depends on context, grammatical rules or grammatical indications. It`s like sheep or fish in english.
- Paal (11/5/2013 3:33:55 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
- F GNT (11/5/2013 2:40:20 AM)
- Posted on Job 38:4.
My understanding of Genesis 1:1 is that the Eloheem [Elohiym] are Eloheem [Elohiym] God's children, family in the heavens. They are the ones who participated in the creation of the heaven and the earth, with the Son, as the chief. Does anyone have any thoughts on this comment? Thank you.
- Inquirer (11/4/2013 11:56:41 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
My understanding of Genesis 1:1 is that the Eloheem [Elohiym] are Eloheem [Elohiym] God's children, family in the heavens. They are the ones who participated in the creation of the heaven and the earth, with the Son, as the chief. Does anyone have any thoughts on this comment? Thank you.
- Inquirer (11/4/2013 11:30:16 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
MT 1 Joseph the Father Of Mary makes more sense and the puzzle is complete
- Joseph (11/1/2013 12:48:01 PM)
- Posted on Numbers 21:20.
So good.

- andy (10/26/2013 1:19:49 AM)
- Posted on Habakkuk 2:11.
What is the Glory of Gods children?

- G.E (10/24/2013 3:48:06 PM)
- Posted on Romans 8:21.
Im wondering what kind of battle "exactly" and war is this talking about? Spiritual like fasting and prayer or like literal the end day man vs man?
- Rebecca M (10/17/2013 10:56:10 AM) []
- Posted on Job 38:23.
I am having. a biblestudy on 3 john. 1:2what yhis verses lesson about.
- faye (10/16/2013 10:00:03 AM)
- Posted on 3 John 1:1.
This scripture is saying the wise understand the truth.(which is and is given unto man). The Hebrew word translated "looketh well" is the word which means to understand(which means to distinguish and discern). Also, given the Hebrew word for trust is used as an action verb, this word means to act accordingly. Thus, " The seducible act according to every word(spoken word): but the cunning ones look well(understand) to his going. This is not a matter of walking without surety in the case of the cunning ones, this is a matter of the cunning ones looking into (researching) and examining their way before they take it, as opposed to the simple hasting into a way. The Spirit, which CHRIST sent leads and guides us into all truth. There is no need to worry about or ask the famous question of Plilate "What is truth?", because the Holy Spirit will shed light on everything in the path of God.
- Smooth (9/28/2013 8:52:23 AM)
- Posted on Proverbs 14:15.
Did you know there are about 878 different gods that man created be careful what you say about anybody or any one who knows who is right and who is wrong our bible or scriptures are not the original as like the bible how do we know what they left out when they translated it ?
- G (9/19/2013 3:16:07 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 14:15.
En lugar de algunas cosas...
Creo es mejor "ideas" y no cosas, ya que una cosa es algo físico.
- Hictor (9/18/2013 3:27:16 AM)
- Posted on 2 Peter 3:16.
- s (9/14/2013 7:41:31 AM)
- Posted on Matthew 19:6.
What is the true meaning of this verse, I see it as figuratively not literally?
- Melissa (9/13/2013 6:10:02 AM)
- Posted on Deuteronomy 6:8.
"The words of the Sagas are as goads. The Masters of Collections are established as firm nails."

Did Solomon use this word(goads) in a disciplinary way or simply in a positive sense to incite to encouragement? I know that planted nails was merely a metaphor for something that is sure and true(sturdy).
- R.J. (9/10/2013 8:27:41 PM)
- Posted on Ecclesiastes 12:11.
"The words of the Sagas are as goads. The Masters of Collections are established as firm nails."

Did Solomon use this word(goads) in a disciplinary way or simply in a positive sense to incite to encouragement? I know that planted nails was merely a metaphor for something that is sure and true(sturdy).
- R.J. (9/10/2013 2:02:41 PM)
- Posted on Ecclesiastes 12:11.
Don't answer a question until you understand both the question and the subject it was asked about.

Don't speak of a matter before you investigate and come to a certain conclusion.

"Don't judge a book by its cover" is a similar English proverb.
- Robert (9/10/2013 7:03:32 AM)
- Posted on Proverbs 18:13.
need meaning for psalms 34: 18-20
- God's child (9/7/2013 7:24:01 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 34:18.
What version of a "very old bible" reads Psalms 149:5 "Let the saints be joyful in glory, let them sing for joy upon their beds."

someone stole my bible out of my truck at my church and still looking to replace it... (was my favorite bible)

- jackie (9/3/2013 1:20:44 PM)
- Posted on Psalms 149:5.
Keep preaching the Truth, that you do not faint before doing greater greater works in Christ Jesus.
- Elder Lindsey (8/26/2013 5:48:03 PM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 12:5.
Give it a rest about "racism"! If it were truly as important as PC has lead us to believe, Christ would have probably mentioned it at least once. Its an excuse to whine and play the victim. The ones who bleat the loudest about it are those who feel guilty because they truthfully feel BETTER than other races or those who are jealous of other races. Have some dignity or realize you insult other races with your self righteous PITY!!!
- TRUTH (8/18/2013 8:04:07 AM)
- Posted on Proverbs 30:17.
It is quite clear from the blogs below haw Satan has blinded the eyes of so many people. Using scripture to preach racism and separation of the classes. God so loved the world that he sent his Son to pay for your sin so that whosever believeth on him may have everlasting life. Whosoever is a personal decision made by each and every individual exclusively not based on race color or creed. Satan is the one who comes to divide and separate the peoples. The bible clearly teaches that there are people of all origins in heaven.
As to the person that says PETER was the first Pope you need to go back and study history. The church is built upon Christ who id the rock of your salvation. History also proves out from the vast commentary of witnesses and the Bible that Christ did raise from the dead and ascended in heaven whereas Mohamed to this day is in his tomb well is Mary. Christ is the mediator of our souls and Savior of the world
- Don (8/18/2013 6:51:28 AM)
- Posted on 1 Corinthians 11:10.
How did they know if the sacrifice was pleasing to GOD or not.
- Min. Redden (8/8/2013 11:45:32 AM) []
- Posted on Deuteronomy 17:1.
- RAMON (8/4/2013 7:22:36 AM) []
- Posted on Numbers 21:20.
Read passages before and after and look at the context of why and how it was written. It will mean more to you when you have understood it for yourself and you the Holy Spirit and it will be revealed.
- TL (8/3/2013 7:46:36 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 66:9.
What does Isaiah 66:9 mean?
- Mo (7/27/2013 5:23:07 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 66:9.
I think it means that the way we are, in the deepest part of us, is not hidden from God. But others don't know because He made us in secret where they can't go, in the lowest parts of the earth--at the foundation.
- Zippora (7/26/2013 11:28:36 PM)
- Posted on Psalms 139:15.
and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth " what does this mean? Can anyone tell me why David thought this?
- Soo (7/20/2013 3:36:50 PM)
- Posted on Psalms 139:15.
im only 13 and im doing it for sunday school and its too difficult........
- armani (7/20/2013 12:31:22 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 27:20.
I'm teaching my Sunday School class a little Hebrew by going over Ps. 119. They've never studied it before, but are interested. So glad to have found It is a great help!
- Lianiel (7/18/2013 5:00:13 PM) []
- Posted on Psalms 119:1.
"Nothing but good, is Elohim, to Israel..." -Ps. 73
- GordonP (7/13/2013 7:01:44 PM)
- Posted on Psalms 73:1.
Mr Gordon Monette can be found now at
- Mr Gordon Monette (7/13/2013 2:44:14 PM)
- Posted on Psalms 74:9.
Yes god speaks once but his word so PROFOUND that it echos (twice). All said once from his mouth is heard twice bc his word is final. Everything belongs to God. You mean to tell me you have never been given a word & followed it, then God spoke again to you to confirm your order? Truly all power belongs to him.
- LaShawndra Jones (7/6/2013 3:31:59 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 62:11.
God is no respecter of persons... Acts 1o:34

In this paradoxical parenthesis The Holy Spirit leads us to understand the basics of being a Christian whom God approves for His ministry !

CAIN...( ACQUISITION) is a type of mere man of the earth who reflects attitude of self- righteousness and religiosity, being devoid of adequate sense of need of true ATONEMENT.
They do not WORSHIP God in TRUTH and in Spirit... This type is not approved of God for ministry and has no REWARD...

ABEL (EXALTATION or that which ascends) is a type of spiritual man who is ready to sacrifice in which Atoning Blood has been shed. (Heb 9:22). This type is ready to express of his faith in the interposition of a Substitute (Heb. 11:4)... This type is approved of God for ministry...
- Evangelist Kunal Mukherjee (7/4/2013 11:47:33 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 4:7.
I love Sunday school evin when it is off
- Sophie (7/2/2013 12:33:58 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 107:43.
we are blessed,not going to be blessed again eph 1 vs 3,this blessing enriches us in all ereas of life in blosom prosperity.another thing to notice from the hebrew word translated '' blessing'' here is that we have become a source of blessing,that makes christianity a thing of influence.the blessing of God in our lives prevents sorrow(hurt,harmtoil and struggles)notice apostle paul's statement in phil 4 vs 19 ''my God shall supply all your need according to his RICHES IN GLORY....God is rich,he's nt broke or poor
- pastor nicholas ify (6/29/2013 5:45:12 AM)
- Posted on Proverbs 10:22.
“One who is good will leave an inheritance to sons of sons,” states Solomon. (Proverbs 13:22a) What a valuable inheritance parents leave behind when they help their children to take in knowledge of Jehovah and cultivate a good relationship with him!

Eventual possession of the earth is promised to the righteous; the wicked are to be cleared out of the earth as “a ransom” for the righteous, (Ps 37:10,11,and 29), for as long as the wicked are in control, the righteous cannot have peace. And the possessions of the wicked will go to the righteous, as the proverb states: “The wealth of the sinner is something treasured up for the righteous one.”—Pr 13:22; 21:18.

- Maxie (6/26/2013 5:27:48 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 13:22.
what does this verse mean?

- sara (6/18/2013 9:54:26 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 13:22.
Technically the word of God aka BIBLE (Basic Instruction before Leaving the Earth) is written for our own good, so that we can learn from it.
Simply, my take away from this passage is that if I disrespect someone, specially my elders, God¡¦s messengers even family member like role model, could be my mother, father, uncle, or any influential person: I would ripe the consequence. Eaten by the bearƒº
That being said, this may be a very good study for us today, the Zebra (melting pot) generation in America ¡Kwe need to respect authority even if we may not agree with them completely. I believe that no one is authorized to do and perform anything and everything unless Jehovah allowed!
However in contrast, that does not mean we have to agree with every cultural decision that we see on media, or our next door neighbor! In the meantime, I don¡¦t know about you but I am sticking to my root In order to be a good example and allow the Spirit of Yahweh to flow within me and Through the Blood of Christ of Nazareth I am also protecting my city, country and continent in which I reside in!

- Yemesrach (6/13/2013 4:30:24 AM)
- Posted on 2 Kings 2:24.
It means the same thing! Why do you think there are so many deffinitions that means essentiallally the same thing? In concordance with Kill- "If you were torn apaert - broken- broken apart- tore in peices etc." I am fairly certain one would be dead! Don't you?
- Rhodes (5/30/2013 10:10:50 PM)
- Posted on 2 Kings 2:24.
The Hebrew translated word nah'-ar actually means YOUTHS. The bears would not look like American Bears, but a lot smaller. Another thing is that not all of the youths would of been hurt. If you see a bear heading your way are you going to stand still? A lot of the youth's would of ran away. The rest may of stayed to fight the bears. Atheist love to quote this verse and state that they died. But does this verse say that they died? The KJV version says that the bears 'tare' them KJV. If you look into it further in the Lexicon-Concordance it uses the word baw-kah which means -#1234 Tare. Here is a definition

1) to split, cleave, break open, divide, break through, rip up, break
up, tear
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to cleave, cleave open
1a2) to break through, break into

Not to kill!!
- Geoffrey Graham (5/28/2013 6:23:26 AM)
- Posted on 2 Kings 2:24.
But the LORD [is] with me as a mighty terrible one: therefore my persecutors shall stumble, and they shall not prevail: they shall be greatly ashamed; for they shall not prosper: [their] everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten
- Andy (5/24/2013 5:01:39 AM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 20:11.
I made a video outlining the messianic prophecies involving the following verses based on Adam as a type of Christ (Romans 5:14):
Genesis 2:10-14
Genesis 2:17
Genesis 2:19-20
Genesis 2:21
Genesis 2:23
Genesis 3:6
Genesis 3:7
Genesis 3:13
Genesis 3:16
Genesis 3:18
Genesis 3:22
Genesis 3:24
Genesis 4:1-8
Matthew 24:9
Matthew 26:63-64
Matthew 26:66
Matthew 27:29
Matthew 27:35
Mark 14:62
Mark 15:17
Mark 15:24
Luke 22:3
Luke 22:70
Luke 23:34
John 13:26-27
John 16:33
John 19:2
John 19:5
John 19:7
John 19:24
John 19:34
Romans 5:14
Romans 8:35-36
Romans 11:17
Ephesians 5:23-24
Colossians 1:18
Revelation 1:9
Revelation 2:9-10

- J. Clontz (5/19/2013 1:37:02 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 2:10.
Does all living creatures in the water refer to just fish or also to invertebrates
- Peter Waller (5/16/2013 7:08:53 AM) []
- Posted on Leviticus 11:46.
Amen, Rich
- Linda (5/2/2013 5:48:53 AM)
- Posted on Joshua 1:8.
Comment On Jesus not being a Jew. Go study your bible before you make yourself look stupid.
- Rich (5/1/2013 7:49:59 AM) []
- Posted on Joshua 1:8.

- true (4/24/2013 4:12:11 PM)
- Posted on Lamentations 4:2.
- NEW NAME (4/23/2013 10:37:27 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 13:33.
Jesus is speaking to the JEWS in this verse. Thus Jesus is not a JEW, but rather He is an Israelite from Judah and Levi, both King and Priest tribes. According to this verse JEWS are related to the evil one ( devil)(satan)
- john (4/21/2013 7:08:56 AM) []
- Posted on John 8:44.

’1 L U K U
Lupaus Pyhästä Hengestä
1. Edellisen kertomukseni, arvoisa Teofilos, kirjoitin kaikesta, mitä Jeesus alkoi tehdä ja opettaa. ’

OMK: Kuriositeettina liitän tähän Raamattu Kansalle ry:n käännösvalmistelussa syntyneestä väliversiosta 11.1.1997 kopion tästä jakeesta;

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Johdanto (1:1-14)
Lupaus Pyhästä Hengestä
1. Edellisen kirjani, arvoisa Teofilos, kirjoitin kaikesta, mitä Jeesus alkoi tehdä ja opettaa. ’


APOSTOLIEN TEOT APOSTOLITTEN TEOT, P. LUUKKAALTA KIRJOITETUT Toinen osa P. Lucan Evangeliumist / Apostolitten Tegoista .
1938 1776 1642

1 LUKU 1 LUKU I. Lucu .
1:1 Edellisessä kertomuksessani kirjoitin, oi Teofilus, kaikesta, mitä Jeesus alkoi tehdä ja opettaa, 1:1 Ennen olen minä tosin, oi Teophilus, puhunut kaikista niistä, mitä Jesus rupesi sekä tekemään että opettamaan, 1:1 ENnen olen minä/ Theophile/ puhunut caikista nijstä/ cuin Jesus rupeis sekä tekemän että opettaman:

UK 1992 :
” 1 Edellisessä kirjassani, hyvä Teofilos, kaikesta siitä, mitä Jeesus teki ja mitä hän opetti, alusta alkaen. ”

Ven. ( Synod. ) :
” 1 Первую книгу написал я [к тебе], Феофил, о всем, что Иисус делал и чему учил от начала. ”


- Osmo Mäkinen, FIN (4/20/2013 8:33:13 AM) []
- Posted on Acts 1:2.
daily we see people who have made wrong decisions even when they knew better===but we are all like paul--we are all the same, read romans 7--we know right and don't do it---so we can't judge others ---reproach---we need to look at others like a fireman--or medic looks at people in trouble---as people we run toward to help--- whom we can help and not run away--we need to comfort people where they are in their trouble.
- anne (4/18/2013 9:28:54 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 69:20.
And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.

What is the meaning of this.
- keke (4/17/2013 4:07:39 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 14:17.
Daniel is god?

- johnraj (4/17/2013 2:43:19 AM)
- Posted on Daniel 2:46.
no this means ,let no man there for judge you in meat or in drink, due to men who are of flesh and then the second part says , ( you have to break this down ) the second part says , pretty much _ let no man there fore judge you also in respecting the feast day or new moon or sabbath day , he is saying let no man judge you for respecting it
- Ireenii (4/16/2013 10:16:05 PM)
- Posted on Colossians 2:16.
I dont understand, so does this mean that we dont all have to observe the sabbath?
- Beatrice (4/13/2013 6:20:59 PM) []
- Posted on Colossians 2:16.
wow...This is on my heart for Saeed who is in prison right now...praying supernatural release and he be set free in Jesus mighty name....
- Dana E... (4/8/2013 5:14:06 PM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 33:1.
Fields represent workplace, farm, marketplace of business activity. This scripture tells us that belivers will buy over business & companies
- OVIE EBEGBARE (4/6/2013 2:11:22 AM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 32:43.
It is literal. If I pray it will not happen. Would I?
- ibrahim (4/5/2013 6:36:39 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 19:20.
the timing of this event when is it ?s it literal or symbolic
- jalabani machila (4/2/2013 12:15:39 PM)
- Posted on Revelation 19:20.
Paul is closing his arguments for a man not to cover his head while praying and a woman to cover her head while praying (or drawing near to God in any form of worship). if any man still wants to be contentious, "We, The Apostles--Apostolic Authority, have no other practice (than what Paul has been teaching in the verses above) neither do the churches of God (The example of the other churches). Hence, Paul taught the same thing everywhere and the churches practiced the same thing as Paul is setting forth for the Corinthians to practice (See 1st Corinthians 1:10; 4:17; 7:17; 14:33-34; 16:1-1; and look again at 11:26).
- Michael Baggett (4/1/2013 7:33:07 PM)
- Posted on 1 Corinthians 11:16.
I want any of those with any doubts about the Lords voice sounding like "Many Waters" to know that is exactly true!I have heard His Voice audibly in my head after almost got into car crash."Jesus frees us"
- Randy Snow (3/29/2013 1:11:30 PM)
- Posted on Revelation 19:6.
NegOs A-Sir...You use the writings of Paul to assert your point of view but fail to see how he spoke of Yeshua Hamashiach...May Yahweh have Mercy on your soul. Psalm 2:12...
- Yeshua Lives (3/26/2013 7:45:36 PM) []
- Posted on Psalms 31:5.
Thank you for asking for a comment on Matthew. I was
remmeber a verses from my child hood . and i wanted to
read it agian. It was the frist verses i remember from
sunday school.
- Ertha (3/24/2013 1:17:10 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 23:24.
its seems this verse was poorly translated from the greek. the correct translation seem to me to be;

Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for i came out of God am arriving not yet, for from myself i have come, but he(god) commmisions me.

notice that jesus says that he comes from himself, namely god since he is god, but makes distinction between the hypostases of the god!

- BaalHaRazim (3/19/2013 12:10:00 AM)
- Posted on John 8:42.
At dm, I believe this will help you! Check this link out:
- ssunt (3/16/2013 7:26:28 AM)
- Posted on Exodus 24:12.
can anyone tell me if the "...tables of stone..." were actually read in hebrew as "...tables of (the) stone..."? because that would actually mean that the commandments were written on sapphire. i just want to confirm what a pastor said about this is actually true. thank you!
- dm (3/15/2013 5:52:32 AM) []
- Posted on Exodus 24:12.
Elohm is truth and his word is truth. Rom.3;4.john 1;17,17;17.Elohim can,t lie titus. 1;2. Who does Ruach Qa Desh say are liars? Every man is a liar. That teaches any different doctrines from Elohims word. Is a liar. Prov. 30;1-4.Matt. 10;26.
Who is the father of lies. John 8;44;45?
Who are Shatan companion in lying gog of magog. Rev.20;7-9.
What are their lies? Easter is the creator son resurrection day.
a. Yes, The Holy one's son Emmanuel rised but Elohim word never called it easter.1cor.15;1-4.
b. Shatan and Gog of magog teaches this lie. For generation after generation .
c. They called it a holiday, just like christmas,thanksgiving.
They teach these liars in;
a.Roman catholic, Church of christ and all protestant
b.Some protestant has tried to rejected easter and christmas.The power of peer pressure and lie-loving wives and daugther. Psa.58;1-6,
c.Natural wives and women are the main subjective to carry lies 1cor.2;12-16.She controls what the man and children are inoculation in, 99% of all american household. Most men has no clue of her Power. Prov.2;16-19,5;1-14,eccl.7;26-29.
If she can't control the man with coitus and her natural wisdom . You can,t have her in your assenter natural,lie-lover,deaf-adder lifestyle.

- NegOs A-Sir (3/14/2013 7:43:09 PM)
- Posted on Romans 3:4.
Who put easter in the King james Version 1769,and the 1611 version. Gog of magog /Shatan rev.20;7-9. Remember Psa. 116; 11, Rom.3;4.
a. Men are liars . Their wisdom is 1cor.2;12-16.Their diety and savior ,churches and doctrine are lies as well. Idenitified as.
1. Doctrines of demons,1tim.4;14.god, jesus,gospel,easter,
christmas, none of there liars can be validated your Greek book you called the bible.
a. Prov.30;1-4, Matt.1;23 call all roman catholic ,church of christ, all protestant. liars.
2.Congregation of hyprocrite. Job 15;34. all protestant, roman catholic ,church of christ.
3. Synagogue of Demons. Rev. 2;9,3;9.Roman catholic, church of christ and all protestant.
4. Congregation of the dead. Prov. 21;16. Roman catholic,
church of christ, all protectant.
- NegOs A-Sir (3/13/2013 6:29:54 PM)
- Posted on Acts 12:4.
Who put easter in the King james Version 1769,and the 1611 version. Gog of magog /Shatan rev.20;7-9. Remember Psa. 116; 11, Rom.3;4.
a. Men are liars . Their wisdom is 1cor.2;12-16.Their diety and savior ,churches and doctrine are lies as well. Idenitified as.
1. Doctrines of demons,1tim.4;14.god, jesus,gospel,easter,
christmas, none of there liars can be validated your Greek book you called the bible.
a. Prov.30;1-4, Matt.1;23 call all roman catholic ,church of christ, all protestant. liars.
2.Congregation of hyprocrite. Job 15;34. all protestant, roman catholic ,church of christ.
3. Synagogue of Demons. Rev. 2;9,3;9.Roman catholic, church of christ and all protestant.
4. Congregation of the dead. Prov. 21;16. Roman catholic,
church of christ, all protectant.
- NegOs A-Sir (3/13/2013 6:29:39 PM)
- Posted on Acts 12:4.
I would like to know the Hebrew word Barak in Numbers 22. What does this word mean?
- marti (3/12/2013 5:53:27 PM)
- Posted on Numbers 22:6.
Who is gog of magag that joined themselves with Shatan to make war against Elohim, and his son Emmanuel church?They are in the four corner of world.
1.Gog of magog people father is japheth in Gen.10;1-5,
a. Gog of magog are caucasian people in america,russian-etc. Rev. 20;7-8.they are Elohim enmity .
b.What they have done in the Elohim world.
1. Changes his word by adding and taking from it. Rev. 22;18-20.= plagues and disease that only caucasian carry.
2.They teach the doctrines of demons.1tim.4;1-4.
a.Faith only, Original sins, infant baptism, Modern miracles,
tonque -speaking, sabbatarianism,Centralized government,
subjectism, syncretism, intrumental music, perseverance of the saints, latter-day revelation.
2.What is the name of the congregation of hyprocrite that
teaches these hyprocrite teaching.Job.15;34
a.Roman catholic
3.What is the name of the congregation of the dead that teaches these dead doctrines. Prov. 21;16, Church of christ.
4.What is the name of synagogue of demons that teaches
these demon doctrines. Rev. 2;9,3;9. All protestant church
Gog of magog and Shatan=Rev. 12chpter. 20;7-8,
a.Added =interpolated the names god , jZesus,holy ghost,
b.Some of the words they added, gospel=god spell,godliness, godly, godhead,hood, holy ghost.
c. The holidays they added were easter. Acts 12;4,as the
resurrection of Elohim son. lies.
1.Christmas as the birthday of Elohim son.lies
2. Thanksgivings= giving thanks to their racist gog of magog deity = killing 95% of native american of smallpots too take their land.

- NegOs A-Sir (3/12/2013 9:43:34 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 20:8.
Job 1:20-22 Job experienced monumental loss of loved ones. In grief, pain and sorrow worshipped Almighty God. Did not accuse God of any wrong doing. His understanding was shouldn't we expect from God if we received good then also to expect evil.(evil not meaning sin). God gives and takes. A most wonderful hymn that captures the essence of a loving Heavenly Father as he takes us from the top of the mountain into the valley is... "Be Still My Soul" . And Linda Randall singing " The God of The Mountain".

- Ron Orris (3/11/2013 2:38:50 PM)
- Posted on 1 Thessalonians 1:3.
God gave me this scripture just 14 days after my son was totally destroyed when a tractor trailer run over him...I have hung onto this Word for thirteen years now...some say not for today, only for then...comments please
- Jessie (3/11/2013 6:41:28 AM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 29:11.
work for I am with you-God will tell you to work, then God will provide that work which he speaks of & be with you in it. If he brings you to it, he'll bring you through it.
- lld (3/9/2013 6:29:10 PM)
- Posted on Haggai 2:4.
Who are the congregation of hypocrites today. What is their doctrine of demons..
a.They are Roman catholic , church of christ and all protestant. All are validated by man's natural wisdom.
b.They drink iniquity like drinking water.Original sin, pope,
purgatory, faith only, gog of magog inane name god.
c. Their nescient pseudonym gog of magog savior they call zesus christ.This folly savior for natural discerned wisdom people. 1cor. 1;20,2;12-16,3;19.
The creator never called himself god. but hosea 2;16, Psa.111,9-10,
The creator never called his son,s jesus. Matt. 1;23
Their no salvation in jesus . The creator salvation is in his
son's name Immanuel, Matt.1;23, Isa.7;14,8;8, 9;6-9,
- NegOs A-Sir (3/8/2013 5:27:42 PM)
- Posted on Job 15:34.
What do the following verses teach about wisdom? proverbes3:13-14,9:10,and 19:20
- daryl (3/7/2013 11:35:16 AM)
- Posted on Proverbs 3:13.
NegOs A-Sir praise yahuwah, I am who is, was, will be
- set apart from frominiquity (3/5/2013 11:46:17 PM)
- Posted on Romans 1:25.
Who are the vile people,in the world that speak villany religions and doctrines of dead, and hearts are working iniquity.
1. The vile people are in Rev. 20;7-9. japheth,=gog of magog=caucasian are companion of Shatan against Elohim.
a. They identify themselves as pseudonym [white people].
1. White is the only curse color of Elohim scriptures. 1kings. 5;26-28. = Gehazi and offspring was curse to be a curse white color.
2. Why? greed, lying to/on El, love for money and power .That is the gog of magog mental connection to Gehazi curse.They have no DNA connection to Gehazi.
3. Gog of magog has added too/taken from Elohim word.
a.Added god, jesus christ, easter, christian, gospel, godliness,godhood, goliness ,.
The vile people churches are, Roman catholic, church of church, and all protestant churches.
a. They were all establish by man.Which is what iniquity means.
1. Iniquity mean perversion ,change from what Elohim doctrines teaches.
The vile people are completely against Elohim TRUTH . Their next vile holiday is EASTER=THE DAY THE GOG OF MAGOG CAUCASIAN PSEUDONYM SAVIOR WAS RESURRECTED FROM THE GRAVE. This is a lie. Why?
A.1COR. 1;20, 2;14, 3;19,
- NegOs A-Sir (3/5/2013 11:56:14 AM)
- Posted on Isaiah 32:6.
perhaps the issue is not how most think of when the lord has come because then too many things can grow and fester and not be judged for the benefit and well being and thus what can fester is a enabling of bad behavior while claiming one is being good by not judging what needs judging SO what might aid in understanding this verse is more along the lines of understanding how the the counsels of the heart DOES NOT MEAN HOW MANY TAKE

thus it might not be a gill commentary suggests... fixed time will certainly come to judgment..rather it is a fluid time depending on a proper understanding coming that is not what most consider WHEN THE LORD HAD COME TO JUDGE
- HEART AND SOUL (3/4/2013 11:01:39 AM)
- Posted on 1 Corinthians 4:5.
They that regard lying vanities are those who worship idols and other gods, etc.

And they who forsake their own mercy are those who forsake the promise God has given to always be there for them in time of need and in time of plenty.
- Sharon3-4-13 (3/4/2013 7:07:27 AM)
- Posted on Jonah 2:8.
in this vers what i have understand is when Jesus have drink that wine ,he will drank and can for get what was happening on on his it shows me how greet his love was for me and to the wold..
- lina (3/3/2013 10:01:42 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 27:34.
Who are the people in the world that will not listen to Elohim and his son Immanuel voice on his Truth.
They are the Gog of magog =caucasian in the four corner of the world. Rev. 20;7-8,. How are they making war on
the believers of YHWH.
A. Rev.22;18,They have added god ,jesus,easter, christmas, to Elohim word of truth. Rom. 1;25.
B.They have establish congregation of the dead prov. 21;16,
synagogue of demons rev. 2;9, 3;9, Roman catholic, church of christ and all protestant.
C. They teach the doctrines of demons. easter, christmas, infant baptism, faith only, purgatory, etcs.
Elohim plagues in usa , is the results. Rev. 22;18.
- NegOs A-Sir (3/1/2013 5:27:50 PM)
- Posted on Psalms 81:11.
This is a scene reminiscent of the Levitical priestly courses. I wonder then what the "leaves of healing" are in reference to (as opposed to the 12 months/courses 12 fruits)...
- JohnD (3/1/2013 4:16:11 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 22:2.
Who are the gog of magog nation of people in the world today. Who has joined with Shatan to do battle with the believer of Elohim. They are the offspring of Japheth in Gen.10;1-6,= Caucasian=they called themselves pseudonym [white peoples].The only curse color in Elohim word is white. 1kings 5;26-27.
What are they doing for Shatan? Teaching his doctrines of demons 1tim.4;1-4, in the congregation of dead,rev.2.9,3.9,synagogue of demons prov.21;16 Roman catholic, church of christ and all protestant church.
Easter, is a doctrine of demons,taught from generation to generation.Inoculated in million as truth of Elohim. Liar has never save any one. 1john 2;21-22. No lie is of Elohim truth.
- NegOs A-Sir (2/28/2013 8:38:26 PM)
- Posted on Revelation 20:8.
God loves His covenany people but He won't put up with their sin forever. He will even raise up a wicked nation to humble them. He could very well do the same thing to America.
- Robin Biscorner (2/27/2013 10:33:54 PM)
- Posted on Habakkuk 1:5.
In many greek king james version bibles today. The interpolated gog of magog pseudonym easter terminology was added to deceive many natural discerned lie-lovers, Rev.22;15,deaf-adder,psa.58;1-6.Many parents was taught is dogmata from generation too generation.
Those that accepts easter has naturally discerned propensity. 1cor. 2;13-15.
a. They love the doctrines of demons. 1tim.4;1-4 more than the doctrines of Emmanuel. 2jn.9-10.
The process of silencing all who stand on Elohim truth has begun in the USA.
Elohim word can,t be stop by man. Persecute a few will not stop it.
- NegOs A-Sir (2/25/2013 6:26:56 PM)
- Posted on Acts 12:4.
The natural man can only understand lies;
Why? lies is his version of true until his death.
1.@2thess. 2;8-12. Because the natural love doctrines of demons over the doctrines of Emmanuel. 2jn.9-10
a. Elohim gave them over too believe lies to be religious truth. Roman catholic, church of christ and all protestants
b. What a judgement of justice from ELOHIM, EL, ELOAH,YHWH, HOLY,REVEREND. 2COR.2;13-14.
- NegOs A-Sir (2/22/2013 11:46:57 AM)
- Posted on 1 Corinthians 2:14.
Natural discernment is their love for Roman catholic ,church of christ , and all protestant doctrine of demons. 1tim.4;1;4
Their next doctrine of demon is Easter
Acts 12;4 in most greek interpolated bible are easter.
a. The corrected term is passover.
b. The greek added and take away Elohim word.
c. Now it will come back to make liars out of them. Prov.30;1-4, Matt.10;26
- NegOs A-Sir (2/22/2013 11:35:38 AM)
- Posted on 1 Corinthians 2:14.
Who are the spiritually discerned and who are the natural human ?Let Elohim word be lucid on this matter.
a. The natural human are those who think Elohim ways and truth is foolishness.
1. It can,t be the only truth. john 1;17.17;17.
2.It can't have the only religion concepts accepted by Elohim. Not.Matt. 5;18
3. Salvation comes through Emmanuel only. Acts. 4;12.Can,t be Elohim truth.I a natural human will not accept this. Then stop death and Elohim is a liar.If you can,t,
you are a natural human liar.
a. Salvation comes through gog of magog ,jesus, budduist,hinduism, jewish, etc...because of different believes that man has. Not.
b. All roman catholic , church of christ , protestant are natural when it comes too Elohim truth.
1. They propensity are 1tim.1;7, 4;1-4,2tim3;7, rom.10;1-4, Heb. 5;12,
- NegOs A-Sir (2/20/2013 6:38:06 PM)
- Posted on 1 Corinthians 2:14.
"Common", koinos derivative. Also translated "unholy". We are cleansed by our believing in the Lord Jesus Christ unto salvation, therefore we are holy, we are sanctified, we are separated out from the rest of the world. That is a big deal! We are not subject to the same fate as the rest of the world, we do not have to accept the five-senses knowledge and results that come from not being born again. We must also think of ourselves as we can believe for healing and whatever else we need to access the promises of God! For example, when we go to the doctor we do not have to accept a death sentence! Since Christ has healed us by his stripes, we remind ourselves that we are holy and have been cleansed, therefore we have a right to believe God for healing for ANY disease! We do not have to accept defeat in any area of life since we have been made victorious by the blood of the Lamb.
- Linda Carter (2/20/2013 7:19:18 AM)
- Posted on Acts 10:15.
Who religious doctrines doesn,t abide in the doctrines of Emmanuel? Matt. 1;23
1.Jewish doctrines of the dead abide in the laws of moses.
a. They don,t accept Elohim son ,Immanuel
b.They don,t accept Emmanuel church or his doctrine.
2. Islam religion doesn,t abide in the doctrines of Y'Shua.
a. Their doctrines of the dead is of Mahummad who died in 632. This religion was founded in koran.
3.Roman catholic ,doctrine of the dead ,doesn,t abide in the doctrines of Ammanuel. Boniface 111 was it founded in rome.
4.Church of christ , doesn,t abide in the doctrine of Immanuel. Their founded is Alexsander Campbell in USA.
5. All protestant, doesn,t abide in the doctrine of Immanuel.
a All their founder are men .

- NegOs A-Sir (2/19/2013 9:28:39 AM)
- Posted on 2 John 1:9.
Who are the churches , doctrines and religions that's exchanging Elohim truth for lies.
1. They are the Roman Catholic , church of christ, all protestant,Buddhism,Hinduism,jewish,islam,confucianism,shintosism,taoism,zorostrianism,animism,communism.The are congregation of the dead and synagogue of demons.
a. Their doctrines are doctrine of demons.
- NegOs A-Sir (2/18/2013 4:48:06 PM)
- Posted on Romans 1:25.
Kwa maana waliibadili kewli ya Eloah kuwa uongo, wakakkisujudia kiumbe na kukiabudu badala ya Muumba anayehimidiwa milele. Amina.
- NegOs A-Sir (2/18/2013 8:37:02 AM)
- Posted on Romans 1:25.
Meiner Auffassung nach ist im hebräischen Ur-Text bei Jeremiah 47:4, mit i kaphtor als Herkunftsort der Philister, weder von einer Insel, noch von einem Land (mit Namen) Kaphtor die Rede, ...geschweige von einer Insel Cappadocia oder Kreta; es ergäben einfach keinen Sinn:
Das alt-hebräische }i{ bezeichnet ein (wie auch immer geartetes) Land. In diesem Falle die Gegend, Region oder den Ort, wo Kaphtor steht. €
- (2/17/2013 4:56:21 AM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 47:4.
And the Lord said unto Moses, Go on before the people, and take with thee of the elders of Israel; and thy rod, wherewith thou smotest the river, take in thine hand, and go
What does this mean

- www (2/17/2013 1:47:47 AM)
- Posted on Exodus 17:5.
Why are evil congregation of dead,prov. 21;16, Roman catholic,church of christ and all protestant without Elohim truth. They are lie-lover.rev. 22;15, deaf-adder,psa.58;1-4,
Iron sharpen Iron,Prov. 27;17.
1. Gog of magog/Shatan is Elohim enmity. Rev. 20;7-8
They have added and taken away from Eloah word.
1.They added god as the creator name. Prov. 30;1-4, Matt.10;26,
a. When Elohim word Identify himself as -- @ Hosea 2
16,Gen.1;1, Rev. 1;8, psa 111;9-10.
2. They added jesus christ as the creator son .
a.When Elohim word Identify he son as --- @
1. Isa. 7;14 8;8, 9;6-9, matt. 1;23
2. His race Dan.7;9
3. His black description in rev. 1;13-15.

- NegOs A-Sir (2/14/2013 8:56:50 PM)
- Posted on Hosea 4:1.
Who is the synagogue of the Satan today in America?
Roman catholic =founder =boniface the 111,in rome ,time 606 A.D.
1.Their doctrine of shatan-satan is . The roman catholic church was founded by peter and is builded on peter.
a.Peter was their first pope and his successors were popes.
What Eloah word teaches
1.Emmanuel is the rock-TSur. 1cor.10;4,petra.
2. He is the builder and head of Emmanuel church.Matt.16;18
- NegOs A-Sir (2/13/2013 2:32:10 PM)
- Posted on Revelation 3:9.
Who is using seducing spirits and doctrines of demons.
a. Roman catholic ,church of christ, and all protestant.
1.A Roman catholic= Purgatory = The roman catholic dead
going there to be purified.
2.Church of christ.= The son of Tsur is shatan/ gog of magog . greek jesus christ.
3. Protestant=Episcopalian=infants are born in sin.
None are these teaching are Elohim law of truth.
1. They are all doctrine of demons. 1tim.4;1-4
- NegOs A-Sir (2/12/2013 6:10:16 PM)
- Posted on 1 Timothy 4:1.

I asked God if there is anything between Him and I and He gave me Psalm 69:20......

Please tell me what He is saying to me....Help...Please.....

Thank you in Christ,
Sandra in Bon Accord, Alberta
- (2/11/2013 11:27:36 PM) []
- Posted on Psalms 69:20.
What congregation of dead ,Prov. 21;16? Teaches this doctrine of demons.
1. Salvation comes at the time of faith.
a. All missionary bapist.
2. Ellen White's testimonials are inspired like the Bible.
3.Sinless perfection, as a result of the second work of grace.
a. Assemblies of god
4.Footwashing is law of Elohim.
a.Primitive baptist,free will baptist
No protestant doctrines/church has Elohim scripture validation too exit.
That is why! They are doctrines of demons and synagogue of demons and congregation of the dead. Phil. 1;7,17, 1pet. 4;10-11, Isa. 8;20.
They can add and take away from Elohim word and lasted until the earth end . Death and Gehenna will conquest all lies. Heb.9;27.
- NegOs A-Sir (2/11/2013 4:34:03 PM)
- Posted on 1 Timothy 4:1.
What race of people rejects/despised Elohim word,with their congregation of dead churches,synagogue of demons and doctrines of dead today,2013?rev.2;9,3;9,prov.21;16,
a. Gog of Magog/Shatan companion. Rev. 20;7-8
1. That called themselves pseudonym [ white people] ,the only cure color in your greek interpolated bible. 2kings 5; 26-28
2.Elohim calls them Japhethic, Magog. Gen.10;1-5.
a. Their only connection to Gahazi is not DNA.
b.It is mental greed, lies, for power and advantage.
Their congregation of dead ,synagogue of demons church are .
1.Roman Catholic= founder, gog of magog man /shatan,
2.No Roman catholic can depend their doctrine of demons .
a.With their interpolated,Greek or the original Aramaic or Hebrew bible.
1.The Aramaic To English New Testament by.
Andrew G. Roth,
b. All protestant congregation of dead and doctrine of demons church are condemn/judged by Elohim word as liars.1.John 12;48, 1john 4;1-4,john 8;44-45,Rev. 12.
c. No Roman catholic/ protestant can take a greek gog magog interpolated bible and prove their doctrine of demons.
d.Everybody [here as you say. can stand together as a majority,quantum against Elohim word.
1.What does your everybody majority or quantum means to Elohim word. warning Matt. 5;18-18,rev.22;18-19
a. Isa. 40;1-15.= a drop of water in a bucket.

- NegOs A-Sir (2/11/2013 3:31:19 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 5:24.
How can you judge and say the protestant churches are doctrines of demons . Everybody can see you dont understand the bible and everytime you talk about the Gog and Magog you accused the Christians .Find rest in CHRIST THE SON OF GOD and you will stop accusing people.

- Haven (2/10/2013 9:57:52 AM)
- Posted on Malachi 1:6.
Wherein have America and its follower despised Elohim name ,Immanuel his son, and Immanuel church.
America and all of it follower are called a liar by Elohim word.
1.Prov. 30;1-4, Matt. 10;26.
2.Mal. 2;5-6 .Elohim law of truth
3. Is unconquestable by a human.Matt. 5;18;19
The Roman catholic, church of christ, and all protestant churches and doctrines.ARE!!!!!!!!!!
a.Congregation of the dead. Prov.21;16,
b.Synagogue of demons. Rev. 2;9,3;9
c.Doctrines of demons. 1tim.4;1-4

- NegOs A-sir (2/8/2013 9:49:19 AM)
- Posted on Malachi 1:6.
Peruses!!!! you must extracted the gog of magog/Shatan interpolations in your greek bible to learn Elohim truth.Rev.20;7-8,Gen.10;1-5
It is lucid that Elohim, the creator Gen.1;1,and his son,Immanuel Matt.1;23. Has only one true church.
It is identified as Emmanuel one true church.
Founder Emmanuel , Matt. 16;18
Purchaser Emmanuel. acts 20;28
Head Emmanuel Eph.5;23.
Lawgiver Emmanuel Acts 2;36.
Emmanuel is the Savior, Acts. 4;12
b. Syngogue of demons. Rev.2;9,3;9,
c. You follower the doctrines of demons. 1tim.4;1-4.
a.Jesus christ
1. This is a gog of magog terminology used by gothic,teutonic [GOG OF MAGOG] society.
2.The letter J wasn't used until the 15 century.
3. 1434 years after the original Aramaic and hebrew bible was completed. The name jesus was added.
4.Their no Aramaic or Hebrew transliteration for any person call jesus. It is a pseudonym of Shatan /Gog of magog Rev. 20;7-8.

- NegOs A-sir (2/6/2013 2:12:31 PM)
- Posted on Acts 20:28.
What churches and church doctrines that wasn,t planted by Elohim or his son Emmanuel.
a.The congregation of dead.Prov.21;16,= Roman Catholic.
b.Synagogue of demon. Rev.2;9,3;9,= church of christ .
c.Doctrine of demon, 1tim.4;1-4 all protestant churches.

- NegOs A-Sir (2/5/2013 2:17:25 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 15:13.
Through what medium does Eloah/Elohim speak to human today?
a. Elohim word has all the answers to all celestial questions.
For those who are earnestly searching for Ishi celestial path of life.Jude 1;3, phil.1,7;17.
1.All you have to do is searched Elohim word with a propensity too accept it and be corrected by it. John 5;39.1tim.3;15-16.
2. Elohim can't lie and has no doctrines of lies. titus 1;2,1
3.No lie is of truth. 1john 2;21. easter, god,jesus,christmas,
thanksgiving.jan.1, is new year.4 seasons, are lies.
If your beliefs and doctrines can,t be validated by Elohim true. Acts 17;11.1pet.4;10-11.
Your believes and your doctrines are a lies.
Stop being gullible and naive with the propensity of a child.
Salvational true is Elohim word, offer to human. john 1;17, 17;17.
Elohim salvation only comes through he son. Acts 4;12.
a,Immanuel 7;14, 8;8, 9;6-9,matt.1;23
b.There is no salvation in Shatan/gog of magog
god,jesus, easter, christmas, thanksgiving.rev.20;7-8.
Roman catholic, church of christ, and all protestant church
were all founded by a human not Elohim son.
Elohim is aware of Shatan/gog of magog addition and changing of his word. Prov. 30;1-4.matt.10;26.
Elohim has conquest the matter beyond man worldly wisdom.Matt.10;26.1cor.1;20.
1.All that has these kinds of propensity will never accept,or learned Eloah word.
a. 1tim.1;7, 1tim.4;1-4,2tim.3;7, heb.5;12, rom.10;1-4.
b. WHy?Elohim identify your mindset as .2thess. 2;8;10,
c.You will never enjoy his light [psa.49;19-20] in your life time or learn it. Isa.8;20.
Your parent is not at fault here ,regardless of what you were taught.
- NegOs A-Sir (2/4/2013 3:54:57 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 17:5.
- Zelpha (2/4/2013 6:00:35 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 30:12.
In its form we seek visions of truth. The bible a complex yet factual account. Notice the extremities between 2corimthisn 3:30 and Jeremiah 17:1. It compels that the law is written in our hearts and as epistles of Christ we know truths.
- Lil (2/4/2013 12:16:17 AM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 17:1.
שת is the qal affix masculine singular of the verb שית to put,set,place or appoint. So it is God who appointed. So that part of the verse translates:
"for God hath appointed to me another seed in place of Abel". Some translations add in "she said" as understood, but that not there in the Hebrew Masoretic text.
In full the translation reads something like this:
And Adam knew (ie had sexual intercourse with) his wife (Eve) and she (Eve) bare a son, and she (Eve) called his name Seth (which is a little used masculine singular noun from the same root שית, understood here to mean 'compensation'), for (she, Eve, said) "God hath appointed to me another seed in place of Abel."
I hope this helps. May God bless you in your study of His Word.
- Ann Pangbourne (2/2/2013 3:43:52 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 4:25.
I'm trying very hard understand the bible ,so that I can be accepted by christ as one who is worthy
My question who is the she that spoke to adam and appointed seth to be his seed

Greeting may GOD's grace and glory be upon you I'm trying real hard to follow the instructions of2 tim;2:15 my question is who is the she that spoke to adam , seth for God said she hath appointed me another seed instead of abel whom cain slew I know it's not eve the only woman on earth.

- tony c:-) (1/31/2013 7:44:42 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 4:25.
Who has Eloah common salvation? Who can contend earnestly for his faith which was once delivered unto Immanuel followers.
Moja.There is only one Elohim , an he has only one true and gospel. not two trues and two gospel. .2thess.1;7-8,2cor.15;1-4
a.Psa. 119;140, Phil.1;7;17, 1pet.4;10-11.Prov.30;1-4
b.Set apart believer= kristianay, Is Ruach O A Desh
identity of followers of Immanuel gospel.2cor.4;4.
Are there two gospel? yes.
Elohim gospel john 1;17,17;17, and Shatan gospel jn,8;44-45,1tim.4;1-4.
Who represent Shatan gospel /doctrines.John 8;44;45,Rev. 12;1-12
a.Congregation of dead,Prov.21;16,Roman catholic
b.Synagogue of demon,Rev.2;9,3;9,all protestant.
c.Doctrines of Demons, 1tim.4;1-4 church of christ.
Askari kuwa keweli neno mtu.
- NegOs A-Sir (1/31/2013 1:28:35 PM)
- Posted on Jude 1:3.
Does this verse refer to Israel? Trying to take the land away
- val a (1/30/2013 7:25:29 AM)
- Posted on Proverbs 23:10.
Who has been taught the only true doctrine of Eloah?John 1;17,17;17.
Those who are members Immanuel church and those who have research the true of Elohim. 2cor.13;5.Acts 17;11, matt.22;29.
Immanuel church founder is Immanuel matt. 16;18.
a.Eloah scriptures, including the greek interpolation,aramaic, and hebrew validated this claim.
b.All validates, He only built one. Eph 4;4, col .1;18
When did Ammanuel church begin?
a.It begin in Jerusalem on the day of penticost
c.33. A.D.
b. Gog of magog/shatan Church of christ make this claim as well.
C.They called the creator the gog of magog/shatan god, and they hope to be saved by the gog of magog/shatan pseudonym pagan greek pagan they called jesus.
D.In their greek bible, Ruach O A Desh=holy spirit didn,t called him jesus.
E. All Roman catholic,all protestant are psuedonym.
Those who are members of shatan/churches and teach his doctrines.
Congregation of the dead.Prov.21;16,
Synagogue of Demons. Rev.2;9, 3;9
Doctrines of demons,1tim.4;1-4.
Roman catholic, church of christ, all protestant.
The greek version gog of magog=greek=caucasian bible.The enmity of YHWH but companian of Shatan. Rev. 20;7-8.
They interpolated into the greek bible there gog of magog terminologies.
1.god, jesus,christ, christian, godhead,godliness,
2.easter, christmas,church of christ, christian,etc,etc.
b. Chruch of christ.
What wrong with the church of christ?
a.Examine all of their doctrines
b. Their savior is jesus christ a pseudonym shatan/gog of magog invented savior .
Aramaic or Hebrew has no tranliteration of any search savior with that name.
a. Aramaic and Hebrew , the creator name is .Prov.30;1-6, Matt.10;26
1. Elohim, Eloah gen.1;1,Yahuah, YHWH rev.1;8,Ishi/Baali ,Hosea 2;16,Holy/Reverend,111;9-10
b. His son name in Aramaic and Hebrew is
1.Ammanuel, Immanuel, Emmanuel,Y'SHUA
a.Isa.7;14, 8;8,9;6-9,Matt. 1;23, lk.1;26-38,
b. Immanuel genealogy .Lk 3;23 -38
c. Race =judia and black color. Dan. 7;9, Rev. 1;13;15
- NegOs A-Sir (1/29/2013 5:58:21 PM)
- Posted on John 6:45.
There are two origins of the scripture. One came from Antioch, Syria, the other from Alexandria, Egypt. Antioch is the place where those who were disciples of Christ were first termed Christians by the religious ruling class in Alexandria!
- Lance (1/29/2013 5:49:41 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 13:11.
Who are teachers?
- Kimi (1/26/2013 2:40:37 AM)
- Posted on Isaiah 30:20.
i think these are not souls that cannot enter..
as a unversalist of sorts..all souls will be redeemed
so what cannot enter are past sinful thoughts of the type of things listed in the verse...
these type of things are what are purged from souls to be redeemed and reenter the kingdom
- psalm110 (1/25/2013 4:05:29 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 22:15.
youve been enlightened
- ki (1/25/2013 2:08:52 AM)
- Posted on Nehemiah 10:1.
Lady Sopha (wisdom) is the best, you understand.
- Jr. (1/25/2013 12:34:40 AM)
- Posted on Proverbs 24:7.
lady wisdom is fine
- a.j. (1/25/2013 12:29:47 AM)
- Posted on Proverbs 24:7.
What does "teacheth his mouth" mean? Also it is interesting the Greek Septuagint reads "grace to his lips" whereas the Hebrew reads "learning to his lips". Indeed, there is so much to learn!
- Sam (1/24/2013 6:14:46 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 16:23.
Who is the servant ruling over princes in america?The Black president ruleing over xenophobia gog of magog.
Why is he a servant ?
a. He is not a rich man
b. Support the working class people.
c. Will help the poor.
No gog of magog power including guns will stop him.
Servant don,t compromise too any rich man pressure. The slave history taught him what duree mean and how to conquest it. Patience and timing= never compromise. You will compromise or put your gun to your head to conquest your egg shell pseudonym -white propensity.
- NegOs A-Sir (1/23/2013 6:25:36 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 19:10.
- kk (1/23/2013 10:06:36 AM)
- Posted on Acts 13:14.
Genesis 28:8,9 And Esau saw that the daughters of Canaan pleased not Isaac his father. And Esau went unto Ishmael, and took, besides the wives that he had, Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael Abraham's son, the sister of Nebaioth, to be his wife.

I wonder if/how this was supposed to "give delight" unto Isaac's soul.
- Martin (1/22/2013 9:59:12 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 29:17.
- NegOs A-Sir (1/22/2013 4:22:18 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 30:22.
What have Shatan=your satan. the father of lies=john 8;44;45 and his companions [gog of magog=caucasian=the pseudonym -white people they called themselves.
- NegOs A-Sir (1/22/2013 3:45:11 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 30:6.
Test[peruse,examine,scrutized] your doctrines with Elohim truth.
What is truth? 1john 1;17,1john. 4;1-4,
No Shatan/Gog of Magog
1.Doctrine of the demons.Prov. 1tim.4;1-4
original sins, infant baptism,faith only,latter day revelation,subjectivism ,perseverance of the saints,modern miracles, tongue-speaking,sabbatarianism,centralized government,syncretism,intrumental music,
2. WHO ARE Congregation of the dead.prov. 21;16
3. Synagogue of demons,rev. 2;9,3;9
1.Roman catholic founder is Boniface 111 in rome, time 606 A.D
2.Lutheran -Martin luther -germany 1520 A.D
3.Episcopalian-Henry Vlll,england,1534 A.D.
4.Prebyterian,john calvin,Switzerland,1536 A.D.
5.Congregational,robert browne,england, 1550
6.Baptist,john smythe,holland,1607 A.D.
7.Methodist,john wesley,england,1739 A.D.
8.Latter day Saints,Mormon, joseph Smith, USA, 1830
9.Adventists,William Miller,USA,1830,
10.Christain Scientist,Mary baker Eddy, USA, 1866
11.Jehovah's Witnesses,charles T.Russell,USA,1872.

None of these can be founded in your greek bible or the original hebrew or aramaic. Aramaic English new testament by Andrew G Roth.
a. Proves the original bible was in Aramaic and hebrew, NOT GREEK.
b.Their are no aramaic or hebrew transliteration for the name search as god,jesus, christian, church of christ,etc.
The church of christ can be founded???????Problem
a, They have a doctrine of demons, and founder.
b.Alexander Campbell founder , place,USA, 1800A.D.
1.Salvation is only in Elohim/Ishi, YHWH Son,s name.
a.Ammanuel, Immanuel, Emmanuel, Matt. 1;23, Isa.7;14,8;8,9;6-9, lk.1;30.
B.Acts 4;12, The creator son is not the gog of magog/Shatan rev. 20;7-8
1.Interpolation greek pagan jeZeus is a greek ,gog of magog
terminology from their cultrual society.
2.The true Aramaic is Y"Shua, and Hebrew is Immanuel.
- NegOs A-Sir (1/21/2013 9:31:42 PM)
- Posted on 2 Corinthians 13:5.
Signs,=prophets,tongues,=gifts,knowledge=gifts=given in parts= all has cease in 1 cor. 13;8;
a. When that which is perfect[Complete] come 1cor.13;8
1. That which is perfect is [jame. 1;25].
3.Synagogue of demons. rev. 2;9.3;9.

- NegOs A-Sir (1/21/2013 8:16:36 PM)
- Posted on 1 Corinthians 14:22.
Acts 7 49 to Exodus 24 ( Chapter74 ) verse 9 ( the 74 chosen/Elect )to Revelation 4 Verse 3 ( the 74th Verse in Revelation) to Luke 1 (chapter 974 ) to Verse 9 and to Verse 74
- (1/21/2013 7:17:27 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 74:9.
What would be the correct translation; "these two things have I heard" or "twice I heard this"? Reason why I ask is that there's a big difference between both translations
- Josue (1/19/2013 6:59:48 PM)
- Posted on Psalms 62:11.
Who is careless,reckless,and despise in his ways are? Those that teaches .
1. Purgatory= a roman catholic doctrine of demons. 1tim.4;1-4
2. Faith only saves = baptist doctrine of demons
3. Multi-baptism= many protestant dogmata teaching.
4. The father ,son and spirit are one in the same body.
- NegOs A-Sir (1/19/2013 4:02:31 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 19:16.
Every country,man,woman and child despises Elohim and bring destruction to themselvesl.When they teach the 1.doctrines of demons. 1tim. 4;1-4, only saves, pope is a spokeman for Elohim, women leaders,sodomy,sex-marriage,and civil union.
When they become members of Shatan church
1.Congregation of the dead. Prov. 21;16
Roman catholic,=pope ,catamite priests practices
2.Synagogue of demons ,Rev. 2;9, 3;9.
a,church of christ = honor gog of magog deities for salvation
b. All protestant are the same.

- NegOs A-Sir (1/18/2013 12:37:59 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 13:13.
Who are those that despises Elohim?Prov.14;2 Gen.1;1.They added /taken away from YHWH [rev. 1;8]word. Rev. 22;18.
1. Greek bibles are sold in the USA/world.
a,Their interpolated perversion into the greek bible are.
godhood, godliness, god, jesus, easter,christian etc.
b. Their pagan deity is a gog of magog [caucasian] they called god. This term origin is from the greek gothic teutonic society.
c.The greek roman catholic,church of christ and All protestant are congregation of the dead[prov. 21;16,synagogue of demons Rev.2;9,3;9,
d. Their teachings are the doctrines of demons. 1tim.4;1-
1.They teache that salvation is in their gog of magog =caucasin saviour[a pseudo-white man, they called jesus=Zeus =one of the pagan deity of the greek.
Prov. 30; 1-4, Matt.10;26 Validates Elohim truth that no man
can destroy.Matt.5;18-19. Yes ,they can add and take away.
But never destroy it.
1, Yes, the Creator has a name. He never called himself
a. god, but Hosea 2;16, Ishi/Baali, YHWH,rev. 1;8, Holy/Reverend @psa. 111;9-10,Elohim=gen.1;1.
2. He never called his son the gog of magog greek pagan deity name jezus.
a. He called his son. Y'Shua,Ammanuel, Immanuel ,Emmanuel. matt. 1;23, Isa. 7;14, 8;8,9;6-9

- NegOs A-Sir (1/16/2013 5:48:53 PM)
- Posted on Revelation 22:18.
the greek is better translated
he who loves his soul...psuche in the greek
and he who hates his soul
keeps it in perpetual life ..zoe in the greek
- psalm110g (1/16/2013 4:18:54 AM) []
- Posted on John 12:25.
who are judged here... gentiles
by whom ...jesus
what happens ..their dead bodies fill up places
---their heads are crushed..
why does jesus do this ...
and who is in with jesus on this...the master's people
is that when a believer's thoughts..
[the master's people] are being purged
of their remaining sins so as to develop from baby christians on the milk to matured in the world christian on solid food...
the gentile or heathens are symbolically
the old heart nature that remains in baby believers even tho they have a renewed heart..
and what is going on in this verse then is the purging of remaining sins from believers...
- psalm110g (1/15/2013 6:36:24 PM) []
- Posted on Psalms 110:6.
A. Pseudo -white dogma NAMES= god, jesus,christmas, easter.thankgiving.
b.The context [eccl 7;28] is talking about. righteous man found in that time frame.
a.that obeyed Elohim word.
ISA.7;14,8;8 ,9;6-9,MATT.1.23
2. No righteous woman found in that time frame.
a.That obeyed Elohim word.
REMEMBER 1TIM.1;4, 4;1-4, 2TIM. 3;7, HEB.5;12, ROM.10;1-4.
- NegOs A-Sir (1/15/2013 12:59:22 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:2.
a commentary..keil.... makes a point that
the hebrew actually might mean
one of thousands and refer to jesus
... perhaps not one woman because
jesus had not yet made the holy spirit available
and the holy spirit that teaches all things to believers
with its wisdom might be a woman
as seems to be the case in proverbs 8th chapter
- psalm110g (1/15/2013 8:47:00 AM) []
- Posted on Ecclesiastes 7:28.
The names the divine creator called himself and Ruach O A Desh. Prov. 30;1-6, Elohim-Gen. 1;1, Ishi/Baali Hosea 2;16, Rev.1;8-YHWH, Holy/Reverend. psa.111;9-10,
Who has made a liar out of the gothic, teutonic and greek interpolation? matt.10;26,
a.greek[gog of magog] rev. 20;7-8,=caucasian, Gen. 10; 1-6.
b. The creator never called himself the pagan name god,or his son the pagan name jesus.
What did Ishi/ Ruach Ha kodesh called his son. Immanuel
Isa. 7;14, 8;8, 9;6;9, Matt. 1;23.

- NegOs A-Sir (1/14/2013 5:52:28 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
Re; Yaw-dah' - this is wrong. It is Yad-ah'. The last letter, the ayin, is a strong glottal consonant, not a vowel.
- Gurevich (1/13/2013 7:37:31 AM) []
- Posted on Genesis 4:1.
Re: notes on קַיִן you are in error. Not an oriental tribe of Palestine but Cana'an. Palestine's dates are 165 AD to the fall of Rome.
- Gurevich (1/13/2013 5:55:15 AM) []
- Posted on Genesis 1:4.
Studied & searched for clean Bible Text for almost 2 years, it lead me to the KJV AV1611, with יהוה ‎YHWH on title page, then a Green Interlinear KJV with Hebrew & Greek, it helped me find echad in deuteronomy 6:4 instead of Trinity not Yachid. Which then eventually drew me to the Jerusalem Crown Aleppo Codex which has the same base Hebrew text, imagine Israelites/jews and Christians with the same WORD for WORD of God! Which then lead me to start making Hebrew characters in a Mellel word processor which finally lead here after typing in the first word in the Bible בְּרֵאשׁ֛יח and throwing it into Google Translate and getting "Brashih" which then lead to your wonderful KJV/Hebrew online Interlinear! Thank you qbible, now I wont have to struggle so hard typing in Hebrew and by the looks of it I can also read the Hebrew phoenetic wording so I can start learning the language of Hebrew, amazing website with strong "pop ups" making it a joy to visualize the full meaning of just one sentence without having to labour manually going through a thick book looking up each strongs number.
- Timothy Sorsdahl (1/12/2013 3:26:14 PM) []
- Posted on Genesis 1:1.
God always have a better way not only for the present but the future .A way to trust in.
- Mehir Bein Tomas (1/12/2013 10:12:19 AM) []
- Posted on Genesis 12:1.
Peruse people,Please read Elohim Gen.1;1, ,Ishi/Baali, Hosea. 2;16, Holy/Reverend, psa. 111;9-10. YHWH. Rev.1;8. The names the divine deity called himself By his spirit.[Ruach O.A. Desh.
The Power of Elohim truth can,t be conquest by man,add and take away all you want. Matt. 5;18,rev. 22;18.
a.Preuse souls will find Elohim truth.Phil.1;7,17, Isa. 8;20
b. Scorner, scoffer, lie-lover,deaf-adder,reprobate silver will alway believe and follower perversions and iniquities.No truth is needed to validate their doctrines of demons.1tim.4;1-4. Just gullible and naive assenter scomato dogmata.
Majority/Quantum is like dusts on a scale and a drop of water in bucket to Elohim Isa. 40;13.
Death/aging validates that.!!!!!!!!!! Heb . 9;27. Conquest aging ,death, oh gog of magog. Shatan couldn,t do it.
Then your gog of magog=god,zeus=jesus interpolation in your greek bible is truth.
1. Gog of ma[gog] [caucasian]/Shatan divine deity name is god-g] and his pagan caucasian son is zesus/jesus .Rev. 20;7;8.
Proverbs 14;2 is very lucid in every way.
a. Uprightness is John 6;44-45, and 2tim.2;15-16,3;15-16,john 1;17, 17;17
b. Perverse is, wayward,contrary,falsification,aberration. of Elohim truth. Catholic, church of christ and all protestant teach perversion doctrines.
1. They teach doctrines of Demons. 1tim.4;1-4.
2. They are congregation of the dead. prov. 21;16,
3. They are synagogues of demons . Rev. 2;9. 3;9.
When their ,founder, doctrine,name, begin. is researched . Their lies is expose by Elohim only truth. Prov. 30;1-4, Matt. 10 26.
Aliyeko, Aliyekuwako, atakayekuja, Mwenyezi.
- NegOs A-Sir (1/7/2013 9:49:18 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 14:2.
Peruse people,Please read Elohim Gen.1;1, ,Ishi/Baali, Hosea. 2;16, Holy/Reverend, psa. 111;9-10. YHWH. Rev.1;8. The names the divine deity called himself By his spirit.[Ruach O.A. Desh.
The Power of Elohim truth can,t be conquest by man,add and take away all you want. Matt. 5;18,rev. 22;18.
a.Preuse souls will find Elohim truth.Phil.1;7,17, Isa. 8;20
b. Scorner, scoffer, lie-lover,deaf-adder,reprobate silver will alway believe and follower perversions and iniquities.No truth is needed to validate their doctrines of demons.1tim.4;1-4. Just gullible and naive assenter scomato dogmata.
Majority/Quantum is like dusts on a scale and a drop of water in bucket to Elohim Isa. 40;13.
Death/aging validates that.!!!!!!!!!! Heb . 9;27. Conquest aging ,death, oh gog of magog. Shatan couldn,t do it.
Then your gog of magog=god,zeus=jesus interpolation in your greek bible is truth.
1. Gog of ma[gog] [caucasian]/Shatan divine deity name is god-g] and his pagan caucasian son is zesus/jesus .Rev. 20;7;8.
Proverbs 14;2 is very lucid in every way.
a. Uprightness is John 6;44-45, and 2tim.2;15-16,3;15-16,john 1;17, 17;17
b. Perverse is, wayward,contrary,falsification,aberration. of Elohim truth. Catholic, church of christ and all protestant teach perversion doctrines.
1. They teach doctrines of Demons. 1tim.4;1-4.
2. They are congregation of the dead. prov. 21;16,
3. They are synagogues of demons . Rev. 2;9. 3;9.
When their ,founder, doctrine,name, begin. is researched . Their lies is expose by Elohim only truth. Prov. 30;1-4, Matt. 10 26.
Aliyeko, Aliyekuwako, atakayekuja, Mwenyezi.
- NegOs A-Sir (1/7/2013 9:49:13 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 14:2.
This is a very power bible verse that seems to be over looked? God Only called out two men only two men in that whole camp full of thousands of upon thousands of not more people? Then they were of them written but, obeyed and stayed back as the lord had instructed them thru the holy spirit. Then they prophesied in the camp. Now the lord can take one bible verse and minister to you in such away that you could be chewing on the spirital meat for mounths to come. I bless god for this bible verse it came to me at the right time that I needed it. Mr. Jeff
- Mr. Jeff (1/6/2013 7:01:54 PM)
- Posted on Numbers 11:26.
Elohim is very lucid about the propensity of a fool. His rod of pride inoculated lie-lover,deaf-adder and iron sharpen iron mindset.Psa.58;1-6, prov. 27;17, rev.22;15.
- NegOs A-Sir (1/4/2013 4:53:27 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 14:3.
In think you'll find this is a metaphor for inner vision of the ethereal sun inside in meditation. Much in the Bible is mystic allegory. The sun standing still for Joshua for example. All inside in meditation.
- Bob Wahler (1/4/2013 9:55:00 AM)
- Posted on Isaiah 38:8.
This is a failed prophecy
- Skeptic (1/4/2013 9:07:33 AM) []
- Posted on Ezekiel 26:12.
Yes dis is wat God says
- Ukeme Utuk (1/4/2013 2:07:21 AM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 1:19.
Countries that has legalized civil union and same-sex marriage. THEY ARE CALLING REVEREND TRUTH A LIAR.
Beligium 2003, Span 2005, Canada 2005, South Africa 2006,Norway 2009,Sweden 2009,Argentina 2010,Iceland 2010,portugal 2010,united kingdom 2005, neitherland 2001,mexico city, 2010,
- NegOs A-Sir (1/2/2013 11:55:48 AM)
- Posted on Romans 2:8.

- NegOs A-Sir (12/31/2012 7:02:54 PM)
- Posted on Deuteronomy 23:17.
- NegOs A-Sir (12/31/2012 6:13:37 PM)
- Posted on Isaiah 40:8.
"huchal" root chalal #H2490 means to curse. – Gen.4:26 And to Sheth, to him also a son was born. And he called his name Enoch. Then it was begun to call on the name of YHWH.

A Hebraic teacher say that the last sentence of this verse is literally translated that "At that time men profaned or defiled the name of the YHWH." IT IS VERY CONFUSING some translated' began' OR 'begun'???

- Marilyn –– (12/30/2012 11:44:10 PM) []
- Posted on Genesis 4:26.
Call to me or cry to me
Which one is more close original.
- D. lee (12/30/2012 10:02:46 PM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 33:3.
Using the q bible Greek it seems this verse would be properly read,
"And he who does to receive the breath of my Covnant...." Hat makes more sense as well....
- Ch (12/29/2012 9:03:16 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 10:38.
i believe that male can have a baby accoring to jer30;6
- ariel. fluker (12/29/2012 7:24:01 PM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 30:6.
@ NegOs A-Sir
You're absolutely right! How exciting to find folks who can relate to uncorrupted truth as it is originally intended!
Blessings to you.
Digging deep-sod
- Diggingdeep sod (12/29/2012 6:16:58 PM)
- Posted on Exodus 12:2.
America and England celebrated jan 1 as the new year.
What month did Elohim teach man is his first month of the year?
Ex. 12;2, 13;1-8, Nissan= April .
If man didn,t teach his sophism lies .
- NegOs A-Sir (12/26/2012 3:10:39 PM)
- Posted on Exodus 12:2.
I feel it's wrong for Christians to drink. What do u guys think?
- Neseekhah (12/26/2012 11:54:43 AM)
- Posted on Matthew 27:34.
lord please bless me and heal me for you are my praise.
- girish kohli (12/26/2012 4:33:53 AM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 17:14.
Who added to Elohim word, or scriptures? Shatan and his companion[gog of magog=caucasian]]. Rev. 20;7-9.
What did they added?
1.That Elohim word was written in greek=lie
a. It was written in aramaic and Hebrew.
b., Andrew G. Roth.
c.Aramaic to English new testament.
2. Shatan and Gog of magog
1.Interpolated god, jesus, godhead, goliness, into Elohim word.
a. god is the creator is a gog of magog pagan term
b. jesus is a pagan shatan /gog of magog savior term.
c, christmas is his birthday .Dec. 25 in the winter =lie
d. easter is his resurrection day.= lie
The plagues of Elohim book is many uncursable dieases in america .They are only carried by gog of magog where ever they go.
a. both celestially
0.Doctrines of Demons , congregation of dead ,synagogue of demons.Rev.2;9,3;9,Prov.21;16, 1tim.4;1-4.
1.Roman catholic,church of christ and protestant,
2. christmas ,easter,thanksgiving, are shatan/gog of magog=lies
1. The called themselves
a. Pseudo-white person =none can validate their pseudo-white DNA, identity claims with Elohim word.=lie claim
b. The only white people and offspring was Gehazi,2kings 5;26-27 = a curse white color on a human.
c.The only cursed color of Elohm word. IS WHITE.
TWO TERM. 2008-2012.

- NegOs A-Sir (12/25/2012 3:03:48 PM)
- Posted on Revelation 22:18.
Mark4;21-25. . The light hid under a bush
0. Is Elohim truth. You know but has no courage to live or speak his truth.
a. Truth has been hidden too many people;
1.through catholic, church of christ and protestant doctrine of demons. 1tim.4;1-4 .
1. Most has no clue what IMMANUEL gospel is but they think they are saved. 2thess. 1;7-8, 2cor.4;4-4,
2. The bible was not written in greek. They wanted you too believe this lie., Aramaic to english new testatment
a. This gave gog of magog[greek] the opportunity to interpolated their terminology IN ELOHIM BOOK. THE ADDED TO IT. for the creator they called god,
a.His bible true name he called himself is Hosea. 2;16,Psa. 111;9-10,Gen. 1;1, Rev. 1;8
2. Gog of Magog [greek] name for the savior. zesus=jesus
a.The creator called his son Prov. 30;1-6, Isa. 7;14, 8;8, 9;6-9,matt. 1;23
b. The gog of magog savior Zesus was birth on dec 25.
1. Ruach O A Desh inspired salvation comes through Immanuel only . Acts.4;12.
2. He didn,t give is birthday.
3. What measurement you use wiLL be useD to measure yourself.
The companion of mark 4;22, is Matt. 10;26, Prov. 30;1-6.
- NegOs A-Sir (12/22/2012 8:25:16 AM)
- Posted on Matthew 10:26.
"Neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad." - I believe this is very true; even the Parables of our Lord were crafted such that many would not understand the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God, nevertheless the truth contained therein has been preserved down through the ages unbeknownst to those who would have sullied and discarded it.
- Thomas (12/21/2012 1:52:14 AM)
- Posted on Mark 4:22.
Christmas is a superimpose, superimposition doctrine of Shatan, demons, apollyon,abaddon.Designed by Shatan/and his companion gog of magog,[GREEK ,CAUCASIAN GEN.10;1-6] .Rev.20;7-9. To deceived the gullible , naive ,sops,lie-lovers, delusion truth lover,deaf-adder, iron sharpen iron,Matt. 7;21-22, rev.22;15, 2thess.2;8-10, psa.58;1-6, prov.27;17,
There is a book that called all america bible interpolations a lie.
America interpolation in your greek bible are,
1. That the original bible was written in greek. LIE
a.god is the creator name,jesus is his son,s name.LIE is his birth, easter is his resurrection.LIE
c.His race is caucasian .LIE

- NegOs A-Sir (12/18/2012 10:22:17 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 10:26.
Elohim word is man/woman standard of authority today. By Ishi choice, not man/women. It doesn't matter if you accepted it or rejected it. You can,t destroy and your shatan/ gog of magog[greek caucasion] attempt to change,and interpolated his word is in vain. Matt. 10;26. Prov.30;1-6.
1.Your holiday, thanksgiving, easter, christmas are lies
2. Your doctrines of demon churches, catholic, churches of christ, all protestant
3.Your congregation of the dead, strain @ a gnat of truth but swallow camel of lies.
4. Your synagogue of demon, has women leader, and sodomy, catamite practice and members.
- NegOs A-Sir (12/18/2012 6:43:09 AM)
- Posted on John 12:48.
A.god,jesus, godliness,godhead, christian,christmas, easter, new year is jan.1,
B.Catholic,church of christ, and all protestant church.
C.These are all doctrines of Demons,1tim.4;4 and congregation of the dead. Prov.21;16, Synagogue of Shatan, rev. 2;9, 3;9.
- NegOs A-Sir (12/17/2012 9:36:28 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 57:3.
Can you take your scriptures an answer the question in Proverb 30;1-4.What is the creator and his son,s name.
1.god is the gog of magog [caucasian greek interpolation
a. The creator never called himself god. Hosea 2;16, Rev. 1;8, gen. 1;1, Psa. 111;9-10
b. jesus is not his son name. Isa.7;14,8;8,9;6-9,Matt.1;23.
b. What is a lie? Teaching ,doctrines that can,t be affirm by Elohim word. Phil. 1;7,17,
Where is the proof in your greek bible to prove it.
a. All human know there is a creator .Isa.40;2,
b. He has made a decree that can,t pass, psa. 148;6
c.Faith and his word is your only option. You don,t have another option open to any human from Elohim. Heb. 11;1.6
- NegOs A-Sir (12/16/2012 6:15:46 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 30:4.
How do you determine which translation has it right?
- Jan (12/14/2012 7:08:11 PM)
- Posted on Jeremiah 15:4.
Hebrew 2:4 Warning pay attention, there will be signs, wonders, miracles and the gifts of the holy spirit distributed according to his will. There's a time, a season, a reason for everything, from the small to the large, to the little to the big. All is important, if you want to see, and if you want to hear. First you must renew your mind and lean not to your own understanding. I ask God how do you renew your mind? He said to me first, when it come to spiritual thinking, you can not think the way man has taught you. Example: We are taught from the very beginning that 2 is greater than one natually speaking, but spiritualy speaking, with the renewing of your mind, you know that one word or one book or one God, which is one, is greater than anything and everything, everything and anything comes from the one God. AMEN!
- Pot (12/14/2012 2:42:41 PM)
- Posted on 2 Samuel 24:24.
Who are teaching the doctrines and precepts of men? How do you tested a doctrine.1john 4;1-4.
Christmas is a tradition of man holiday[doctrine of men].
1. John 1;17,17;17,prov.30;1-4, psa. 119;140. Elohim word is pure and the only truth on earth given to man.
2. Ruach O A Desh didn,t instructed any one at any time to observe. 2tim.2;15-16,3;15-16, christmas ,easter, thanksgiving, jan 1 as new year.
3. The america greek bible has many interpolations[things that Shatan, and gog of magog[caucasian] has added. Rev. 20;7-8, Rom. 1;25.
4.The interpolations are , god, jesus, christmas, godhead, godliness, easter,christian, etc
5. has the true aramaic /hebrew transliteration.

- NegOs A-Sir (12/13/2012 7:04:46 AM)
- Posted on Matthew 15:9.
There are two kinds of truth. Elohim pure truth prov.30;1-4,psa. 119;140 and Shatan=satan delusion of truth 2thess.2;8-10,john 8;44;45.
Shatan or satan delusion truth = Any,church ,doctrines,teachings,you can,t fine in Elohims books/scriptures.IS A LIE. IT CAN,T BE ANY SIMPLER than that.SOP,Scomata propensity.
1.Doctrine of Demon. 1tim.4;1-4
can't be founded in Elohim word.
a.Purgatory, faith only, god is the creator name,jesus his son name.
2.Congregation of dead. Prov. 21;16
a. Catholic, church of christ, all protestant
b. They can,t be found in Elohim word.
3.Synagogue of Demon
a.Baptist, lutheran, mormon, all are man made.
b.They can,t be founded in Elohim word.
A.THE NAME HE CALLED HIMSELF. HOSEA. 2;16, PSA. 111;9-10, GEN. 1.1, REV. 1;8.
B. THE NAME HE CALLED HIS SON. iSA.7;14,8;8,9;6-9,MATT.1;23
a.john 1;7 17;17,
b. prov. 30;1-4,psa. 119;140
- NegOs A-Sir (12/12/2012 5:44:03 PM)
- Posted on 2 Thessalonians 2:10.
What is meant by paper reeds
- mike (12/12/2012 8:14:05 AM)
- Posted on Isaiah 19:7.
Evil women
1.They painted their face like Jezebel .
a. Today call make up or cosmetic
b.Only evil,senual,devil and earthly women wear it.
c.It give them a superpose, superimpose, clandestine, superimposition propensity.
d.99.99% of painted face evil women celebrate christmas.
What does a painted face and christmas have in common
a. both are superpose and clandestine in purpose.
b. Christmas lie is christ god son. The is a shatan /gog of magog lie. Why?
c. Does the creator have a name and a son . Prov. 30;1-4
d. Was he born on dec. 25, where is your scripture affirmation. I know there is none.!!!!!! = lie.
The superpose cosmetic ,makeup and painted faces.
a. The deception is their real look and opposes to their makeup beauty.
b.Why is makeup used by an evil woman? To deceive those she is trying to snare and trap to come into her evil world of love and copulation.
b. Her painted face and cosmetic makeup is much like a spider web.
c. She is best descripture by Ruach O A Desh in eccl .7; 26 -29.
- NegOs A-Sir (12/11/2012 4:59:22 AM)
- Posted on 2 Kings 9:30.
Why is christmas evil in the sight of Elohim? Why are the average children walking in the doctrine of Shatan christmas steps just like their parents.
a.Parents learned and loved the lie from their parents and taught the same lie to their children.
b.Without question ,with the assumption, million accepting it.
c. It can,t be wrong.
d. Wisdom is always justified by her children. Matt. 11;19,lk.7.35.
e. Generation after generation like a perish beast. Psa. 49;19- 20

- NegOs A-Sir (12/10/2012 2:53:16 PM)
- Posted on 1 Kings 22:52.
How can you try[test] your religious doctrines, teaching,and church name.
1.With Elohim truth. john 1;17, 12;48, 17;17
2. If your church , doctrine ,teaching can't be founded..Isa.8;20. It is a error canard teaching.
3. If your christmas dogmata can,t be founded it is a lie.
4. The father of lies Shatan=satan invented it through, Gog
of magog[caucasian] churches, teaching and doctrines Gen. 10;1-4,

- NegOs A-Sir (12/9/2012 5:43:09 PM)
- Posted on 2 Corinthians 13:5.
what it mean

- Perry (12/9/2012 5:50:59 AM)
- Posted on Ephesians 2:11.
- NegOs A-Sir (12/6/2012 8:35:17 AM)
- Posted on Philippians 3:16.
- NegOs A-Sir (12/5/2012 7:40:57 PM)
- Posted on Revelation 22:15.
If Moses represents the "Law", and Aaron represents the "Priesthood", I wonder what the "rulers of the congregation" represent... (the congregation?)!
- Dan (12/5/2012 8:13:10 AM)
- Posted on Exodus 34:31.
yo wtf
- motherfucker (12/5/2012 3:38:13 AM)
- Posted on Exodus 33:18.
Here, we learn that even men touched by Grace may fail to live up to their high calling on occasion. Here, also, that the LORD GOD is greater than they, forgiving and delivering them for the sake of His Covenant, from their folly. Here, also, that the LORD GOD is sovereign over all, even great heathen kings. Lastly, that with the LORD GOD are the issues of life itself, and not merely at the creation, but also the procreation of new life.
- BRIAN F. STUART (12/3/2012 8:11:06 PM) []
- Posted on Genesis 1:20.
- NegOs A-Sir (12/3/2012 5:27:23 PM)
- Posted on 1 Timothy 4:1.
Amen. Why must the sacrifice not be left over for the next day?
- Tracy (12/3/2012 3:56:27 AM)
- Posted on Exodus 34:25.
Was this only for the era that Paul was it or does it apply today?
- Dawn (12/1/2012 5:24:23 AM)
- Posted on 1 Corinthians 14:35.
Elohim said, "Let US make man in OUR image ... My Question who is "US?" Father & Son ??
- Marilyn C (11/29/2012 9:33:35 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 1:26.
Ammanuel ,Immanuel, Emmanuel. Isa. 7;14,8;8, 9;6-9,Matt.1;23? A black skin jew. Dan. 7;9, Rev.1;13-15. His DNA ,Abraham and David. All has more than 1/16 percent black skin DNA.
WHY DID ?Immanuel gives an example for all, who thinks their doctrines ,teaching are THE PREACHING OF THE GOSPEL.
1. If your teaching can,t be validated with Elohim,Ruach O A Desh,Yahushua word . You believe ,and follower a teaching, doctrine of Demons. 1tim.4;1-4.
2. The scripture that he was validating
a. In lk 4;18 is Isa.61.1
b.Ruach O A Desh validation of his action and preach his gospel.
Ammanuel gospel is not the mose law.
1.His gospel is 1cor. 15;1-4
2.First taught by him.
- NegOs A-Sir (11/28/2012 4:26:30 PM)
- Posted on Luke 4:17.
Who is preaching other doctrines that can,t be founded in Elohims word,rightly divided. They are catholic ,church of christ and all protestant churches.
1.Their gog of magog name for the creator was interpolated into the greek bible by caucasians.
2. What he called himself through Ruach O A Desh, are Holy/Reverend,psa.111;9;10,Hosea. 2;16 ,Ishi/Baali
a.The creator never called himself the pagan ,gog of magog name. god or his son's jesus,yesus,or christ.
b.All theses are man,s maded demagoge names.
2.Gal. 1;8, lucidity on the matter of other doctrines ,teaching is out standly clea. To those that are not.
a.Lie-lover,Rev. 22;15
c.Iron sharpen Iron-prov.27;17
e.scorner prov.9;7
Delusionary mindset is the major reason for catholic, church of christ and all protestant church doctrine of demons.1tim.4;1-4.

- NegOs A-Sir (11/27/2012 12:36:57 PM)
- Posted on Galatians 1:8.
7 49 74 9 *74* 974 9 74 (74 9)
- (11/26/2012 8:16:55 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 74:9.
Must one be a member of Ammanuel ,Y'Shua church to be saved. Absolutely!!!!!!!Yes.
1.Philip in this scripture preach Y'Shua gospel to the
b an baptized him
c.The Eunuch was baptized after he believe the gospel preach to him by Philip.
1.These action put him in a save state and into Immanuel church.
No catholic , church of christ and protestant doctrine can offer you salvation in there doctrines of Satan.
- NegOs A-Sir (11/23/2012 1:54:42 PM)
- Posted on Acts 8:38.
A.COL. 2;14-18, NO
B.HOSEA 2;11, NO
C.GAL. 4;10-11 NO.
- NegOs A-Sir (11/22/2012 7:09:50 AM)
- Posted on Colossians 2:14.
Nor in any.
3. ELOHIM TRUTH DOES. JOHN. 1;17, 17;17.
- NegOs A-Sir (11/22/2012 1:18:51 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 22:14.
WORD.ROM. 1;25

The creator Name his called himself. Prov.30;1-4, matt.10;26.
DAN. 7-9,REV. 1;13-15
- NegOs A-Sir (11/21/2012 7:18:23 AM)
- Posted on 1 Timothy 4:1.
- STANLEY (11/21/2012 2:33:47 AM)
- Posted on Isaiah 38:8.
What is the light? Isa.8;20, Ishi truth, 2 tim.2;15,3;16 his teaching,doctrine,jn.12;48 word,phil.1;7,17, affirmation,
Who are thoses? Who REBEL TODAY,against Elohim ,word,doctrines,teaching ,light?
They are catholic and protestant churches, teaching and doctrines.
1.They don,t know his way from his book of books, word, teaching and doctrines.
2. They have no clue of what he confirm or validate in his scriptures.
3. Why? They inoculated propensity and mindset are in a illusion, perverted ,iniquity, subversion, caricature, anamorphic eschatological ,token of perditional state.2thess.2;8-10
- NegOs A-Sir (11/20/2012 6:44:21 AM)
- Posted on Job 24:13.
Why are we commanded by Yahuah rev.1;8 ,YHWH,rev.1;8, Elohim gen.1;1, Ishi hos.2;16,Holy, Reverend,psa.119;9-10 too check all religious doctrines ,teaching,churches?
1.Congregations of the dead=prov. 21;16.
a.Those that worship on the sabbath ,mosiac law that was
fulfill and ended. gal. 3 chpter.
b. Those that church name,founder and place can't be founded in Yahuah word.
2.Synogogue of devil=Rev. 2;9,3;9
a.They are people that loves shatan lies to a delusion state
b. Their volition eschatological token of perdition is their requite. From Elohim because they prefer lies on his truth jas. 1;28.
3.Doctrine of Shatan-satan, devil, demons, error. 1tim. 4;1-4.
a.Any doctrines that can,be affirmated by Elohim word is a
doctrine of Shatan.Isa. 8;20
b. All catholic and protestant doctrines are doctrines of
- NegOs A-Sir (11/19/2012 1:29:58 AM)
- Posted on John 5:39.
What is the creator son's name? Immanuel, Ammanuel, Emmanuel. He never called him the gog of magog[rev.20;7-9] ,greek, catholic and protestant-pseudo-savior jesus. The letter j was not used until the 15 and 16 century. Isa. 7;14, 8;8,9;7-9, Matt. 1;23
- NegOs A-Sir (11/16/2012 5:02:13 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 1:23.

- NegOs A-Sir (11/15/2012 12:29:37 PM)
- Posted on Galatians 4:10.
What is Purgatory? A doctrine of Shatan=satan. Inoculated by the roman catholic religion. Taught in their[ council of Florence 1439]. They teach a catholic celestial state can be changed after death, by prayer/mass[council of trent[Fulton J. Sheen,world book 'p' 803.
What does Elohim word teaches on this matter.Heb.9;27 saying death locks us in whatever state we died in.
Righteous acts of other can,t change anyone that,s dead state. 2cor.5;10,rom 2;6,eph;2;8-9,
no partials /plenary changes lk.16;19-31.
- NegOs A-Sir (11/14/2012 1:41:19 AM)
- Posted on Hebrews 9:27.
Who condemn sodomy, men w/men,catamite, men w/boy,lesbian women with women. /son or any relative.
These token of perdition actions has eschatological wages to all that die in their practices.Heb. 9;27
- NegOs A-Sir (11/14/2012 12:58:37 AM)
- Posted on Romans 1:27.
What determines what is right of wrong ? What the scriptures affirms is Elohim word 1jn.4;1,jn.1;7, 17;17, . What the scripture doesn,t affirms is doctrine of Shatan.1tim. 4;1-4,1tim.1;7, 2tim. 3;7, heb.5;12, rom. 10;1-4. What can,t be founded in Elohim word,originally in hebrew and aramaic. thanksgiving, christmas, easter,god,jesus, godliness, godhead, christian. All of these are shatan /gog of magog {rev. 20;7-9] interpolation added to the america greek bible. Yhwh truth has and will make liars out of them. Prov. 30;1-4, Matt. 10;26. New
Aramaic English Bible. Has conquest greek, lies.
- NegOs A-Sir (11/13/2012 11:10:34 AM)
- Posted on Acts 17:11.

- NegOs A-Sir (11/12/2012 2:07:08 PM)
- Posted on Galatians 4:16.
What is the works,teachings,doctrines of a reprobate mind?Rom.1;8, 2;8; . They are lesbians, catamites, sodomites,autoerotic, homoerotic, whoremonger.
Who is the judge of what is morally right or wrong? Elohm word.John 12;48.
What is truth ?john 1;7, 17;17. Elohim word an!!!!!! no other.
Scorner, reviler, reproacher, reprobate silver ,scoffer rejects ELOHIM WORD TO THEIR ESCHATOLOGICAL PREDITION. But can.t destroy IT. Matt. 24;35.
- NegOs A-Sir (11/9/2012 10:12:37 AM)
- Posted on Romans 1:28.
could you tell me the meaning of 1 samuel 28:19 you and your sons
- diana (11/8/2012 4:17:32 PM)
- Posted on 1 Samuel 28:19.
Many refused to be reproved, corrected by Elohim word or truth. They follower the quantum, majority,feeling, mother, father, sophism, religious teaching and members of the churches of dead. rev. 2;9, isa.40;13,eze; 16;44,2tim.3;15-17.prov. 21;16,1tim.4;1-4
- NegOs A-Sir (11/8/2012 8:23:51 AM)
- Posted on Proverbs 29:1.
Guess "God" proves he and satan are one and the same here, since this episode elsewhere in the bible referances satan as the one who orders David to count the people.
- John Roger Holte (11/8/2012 4:07:11 AM) []
- Posted on 2 Samuel 24:1.
This sounds just like the story of an eagle's rebirth.
- Jonathan Fleming (11/7/2012 3:56:44 PM)
- Posted on Psalms 103:5.
The mosaic law has not ended, is a doctrine of satan in many protestant churches.
Here are the rightly divided Elohim truth on this issue. That all of the law of moses has ended.
Till all be fulfilled;
Immanuel came to fulfill it and not destroy it. Matt. 5;15-17
Ammanuel nailed the law of moses to his cross .col.2;14
Emmanuel declared , the law was finished john 19;30.
Ruach O.A. Desh through Jeremiah called Emmanuel gospel
[jer.31;31,1cor.15;4,2thess. 1;7-8, a new covenant.
Hosea 2;11 clearly saying the the whole/all of the mirth/[laws] would cease.
Yahweh word ,death, and judgement can,t lie. Titus. 1;9

- NegOs A-Sir (11/7/2012 8:53:31 AM)
- Posted on Hosea 2:11.
The first day of the week is Ammanuel day not the sabbath day. [seventh day]. nor did Elohim spirit Ruach O.A.Desh called it sunday. Psa. 2;7
The first day of the week Immanuel/Y'Shua resurrection 16;9.
It is the day Y'Shua was begotten from the dead. roman 1;4
It is the day the stone became the head of the corner. Psa.118;22, Acts 2;30,31, 4;11, Isa.28;16,
This is the day the Elohim hath made. Psa. 118;24,
It is called the lord day by John in Rev. 1;10
Elohim began his work of creation Gen. 1;1-5.
He brought joy to the .24;33;34,
He established his church Acts 2;47.
He ascended is throne Acts 2;30.
He added three thousand to his church , Acts 2;41.
He became the head of the church Acts 2;33.
The congregation of the dead,prov.21;16, ,synagogue of shatan rev. 2;9,39, doctrine of Demon 1tim.4.1-4. chruch of pseudo -christ, roman catholic pseudo-christ, and protestant -pseudo-christ is their pseudo ,sophism,caricature, anamorphism pagan savior.

- NegOs A-Sir (11/6/2012 1:46:30 PM)
- Posted on Psalms 2:7.
The voice of Elohim scripture history declared that, Y'Shua, Immnauel his son, would built his one true church or kingdom. Matt.16;18.The doctrine of demon are the chruch of christ ,catholic and protestant teaching and doctrine1tim.4;1-4.
Elohim scriptures declared his son Immanuel, only built one true church,eph. 4;4, col.1;18.
Immanuel,Ammanuel, Emanuel one true church was built in 33. A.D. on the day of pentecost in jerusalem. This is the only church salvation and Eloah son,s, salvation comes through.Acts 4;12.
Yhwh salvation doesn,t comes through the gog of magog,Rev.20;7-8, pseudo god or his pseudo son jezus.This is a doctrine of demon 1tim. 4;1-4.Nor does it come through any tradition or church or doctrine of man.Matt. 15;8-9.
- NegOs A-Sir (11/5/2012 4:32:21 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 16:18.
This was a proverb of the new testament church.written over 1000 years BC.The church started small in the time of JESUS but look how big is it today.

- Attie (11/5/2012 1:50:31 PM)
- Posted on Job 8:7.
- NegOs A-Sir (11/5/2012 6:41:36 AM)
- Posted on 1 Timothy 1:3.
- NegOs A-Sir (11/4/2012 9:09:00 PM)
- Posted on Hosea 2:16.
May you know now the true Name of God in the Bible as revealed by Maestro Erano Evangelista in the website:

Please click on this link:
- Earl (11/4/2012 3:38:25 AM)
- Posted on Exodus 20:7.
Who are teaching the traditions of men. Matt.15;2,3,6, Mk.73,5,8,9,13,col 2;8,1pet.1;18,gal. 1;14. The heb/aramaic=khabouris ,greek =paradosis,=,churches, teaching or doctrine handed down from generation to generation. The most popular of all tradition religion is the Catholic. Its church name is Catholic. Its founder is Boniface 111 ,location rome. time 606 A. D. This is a doctrine of demon church. None of its teaching and doctrine are affirm in Elohim word. Isa. 8;20. Phil. 1;7,17, 1pet. 4;10-11., Aramaic English New testament. Andrew G. Roth
- NegOs A-Sir (11/3/2012 4:21:27 PM)
- Posted on Matthew 15:2.
Who does Elohim[gen. 1;1,Ishi/Baali[Hosea 2;16,] Yhwh[rev. 1;8]Holy/Reverend[psa 111;9-10] identify as given to celestial delusion because they love lies?Those that refuses to accept his scriptures as the only truth. John. 1;7, 17;17, john 12;48.
Their delusionary state, causes them to believe a lie until perditional death. They are also identified as deaf-adder-psa 58;1-4, iron sharpen iron-prov. 27;17, lie-lover -Rev. 22;15.They are members of catholic and protestant. They celebrate traditions gog of magog[rev. 20;7-9]iniquities of men holy-days, ex. easter ,christmas , thanksgiving, jan 1 as new year. They invent a pagan name for the creator =god and his son jeZus. Both names are gog of magog invented not affirm by Elohim word.You have been warned eze 3;16;19,33;5-9
- NegOs A-Sir (11/2/2012 11:00:44 AM)
- Posted on 2 Thessalonians 2:10.
Who are those that has seducing spirits and doctrines of Demons. They are catholic and Protestant. What is a demon doctrine of catholic. purgatory, pope,and name catholic church.
Immanuel and Immanuel church was build in jerusalem in 33.AD. It is the only name and church salvation comes through. Acts. 4;12, . Obeying Immanuel gospel is the only membership salvational plan to Immanuel church. 2cor.4;4, 1thess.1;8-10.Protestant doctrines are many, baptism not
essential to salvation, music in worship, women celestial leader. All Sophism and anamorphism men churches teach salvation in the gog of magog and satan doctrines. None can be affirm rightly divide by Elohim word.2tim 2;15,3;15
- NegOs A-Sir (11/2/2012 8:53:55 AM)
- Posted on 1 Timothy 4:1.
What is the creator son name? The creator never called his son. The gog of magog pagan name[ jesus christ] a pagan name of jesuitry/teutonic catholic dogma and origin.Does the creator has a name Prov. 30; 1-4. Yes! What did the creator tell man to called him Hosea. 2;16, Psa.111;9-10, never the gog of magog name god. Elohim and Ruach O.A .Desh can his son Immanuel. Isa. 7;14,8;8,9;6-7,Matt. 1;23. Their is salvation Immanuel, Y,Shua. Their is no salvation in Shatan lies[John 8;44-45] and gog of magog =pseudo -jesus =Elohim enmity[rev.20;7-8 .
- NegOs A-Sir (11/1/2012 5:45:26 PM)
- Posted on Acts 4:12.
According to Revelation, the patience/endurance of the saints is their observance of God's commandments and Jesus' faith. What does "the faith of Jesus" refer to?
- Marcus (11/1/2012 11:47:36 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 14:12.
Who is the nation[enmity of Elohim} call gog of magog today. Their ancestors can be traced back to Gen. 10;2. The father of the magog was japheth. The magog today are the people that call themselves pseudo-white[A curse man and offspring color put on Gehazi by Elohim. Historian called them caucasian because of their gog location. Their only pseudo connection to Gehazi is not his curse color. But his curse mentality.His greed for money and power and lying to the [Ruach O. A. Desh,Ha koDesh].Caucasian today has added , christmas, god,jesus,to YahWeh word.Matt.10;26, Prov.30;1-4.He will and has made liar out of Aramaic English new testament. by Andrew G Roth. His bible is not accept in nescient america.
- NegOs A-Sir (11/1/2012 11:12:48 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 20:8.
Can any lie be a part of Elohim truth . Absolutely not!!!! 1John 2;21. What are some lies that Elohim truth condemns Matt? 10;26. Jan. 1 as years. Ex.12;4, 13;8, Nissan is the first of the year, Spring time. Aliyeko ,
- NegOs A-Sir (11/1/2012 3:28:59 AM)
- Posted on 1 John 2:21.
Who are members of the congregation of the dead and synagogue of Satan.Rev.2;9,3;9, Those who believe the father of lies in Rev. 12;12-13.Who came to decieved the whole world rev.12;9. How ?!through catholic, protectant religious dogma and propaganda.Inoculated and cultivated from childhood as Elohim true. Psa.58;1-4, Prov.27;17., The aramaic english new testament.
- NegOs A-Sir (11/1/2012 2:17:21 AM)
- Posted on Proverbs 21:16.
Who are the outside dogs?Those that invent iniquity and refuse to obey Elohim gospel. [catholic]sorcerers[communism],whoremongers,[protestant]murders-islam],and idolaters,poly,pan,tribism]. Who are lie lover and maker of lie. They are 1tim. 1;7,4;1-4,2tim.3;7, 2thess. 2;10-12, heb.5;12,rom.10;1-4. Their father of lies is jhn.8;44-45
- NegOs A-Sir (10/31/2012 9:43:27 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 22:15.
"Yahweh had not sent rain on the earth."

This is an interesting verse to contemplate from an ecological or geological standpoint...
- Martin (10/30/2012 11:25:13 PM)
- Posted on Genesis 2:5.
All america greek translated bibles or scriptures has gog of magog, rev. 20;7-9, or the pseudo-white people interpolation of Elohim word. Prov. 30;1-4,Matt. 20;26.White is a curse color put on man by Elohim,Yhwh,in. 2king 5;21-26 . and Aramaic english new testament by Andrew G Roth has the correct scripture interpretation.It never use god, jesus, easter,christmas, because they are lies and gog of magog interpolations.
- NegOs A-Sir (10/30/2012 11:14:16 AM)
- Posted on Revelation 22:21.
Roman 1;7 in, Aramaic english new testament Bible. The truth aramaic and hebrew transliteration.
To all those who are at Rome,beloved of Elohim, called and santified:Peace and grace be with you, from Elohim our Father and from our master [Y'Shua the Mashiyach-aramaic ,Immanuel -Hebrew].There is know transliteration in hebrew/aramaic. Where the creator called himself god or his son jesus christ. This is the lies taught by the father of lies. John 8;44, swallow by gog of magog . Elohim enmity in Rev. 20;8-9 .
- NegOs A-Sir (10/29/2012 3:59:40 PM)
- Posted on Romans 1:7.
In rev. 22;21 from a greek usa bibl. It has the froward ,haughty gog of magog[rev.20;7-9] interpolation.The creator never call himself gog of magog name god. Nor did he ever call his son, Jesus christ. The creator name is Hosea 2;16, Psa.111.9;10. His son,s name is Immanuel, Isa. 7;14, 8;8, 9;6-7, and Matt. 1;23. Rev.22.21 is relating to Immanel not the forward gog of magog lie. Rev. 22;15.
- NegOs A-Sir (10/29/2012 3:37:23 PM)
- Posted on Revelation 22:21.
baba black sheep
- Wane (10/17/2012 11:37:07 PM)
- Posted on Judges 5:28.
Salt can never lose it's flavor, that's Messiah's point.
- Joseph (10/17/2012 1:09:42 PM)
- Posted on Mark 9:50.
what jobs wife told to job
- joshua (10/12/2012 8:01:19 AM) []
- Posted on Job 2:9.
Hello what do you do if you have lost that salty flavor? The best answer we have discovered is get the water of the Word
- Patty (10/6/2012 10:57:48 AM) []
- Posted on Mark 9:50.
Blessings and Truth be upon all that love The Most High thru His Only Begotton Son Yahoshua the Lamb. All the references to the left are reverencing my Lord Haile Selassie-I Jah Rastafari Lion of Judah Elect of God-SELAH! This banner in Psalm 60:4 is the ancient Ethiopian flag. Those who can, thru the holy spirit, see Him as Jehovahnissi (St John 14:22) will humble themselves under This Negus Negast (King of Kings) in truth and spirit. They are called by His New Name "Ras Tafari" and they will sang the new song as prophesied long before any of these last generations where born. If anybody rejects this TRUTH, I pray that you would read Hosea-4:6 and Amos-9:7 and Micah-5:8 and Psalm-2 and Psalm-87 and Pslam-110 and I could go on and on like endless water, but I'll stop there becasue the whole Bible should be read anyway. I pray that people would stop judging by appearance but do judge with righteous judgement, always remebering mercy according to the Holy Bible and beware of wolves in sheep clothing. First know that James 1:6 says to ask the Most High for wisdom=overstanding and He will give it to you abundantly but you MUST have faith. Psalm 132:11 + Rev 5:5 & 22:16
SHALOJAH BLESS! (Haile Selassie stopped John from weeping in Rev 5:5) just like he stopped us who are now called Rastafari from weeping also)
- Ras Demetrist Tafari-Price (10/6/2012 7:22:16 AM)
- Posted on Psalms 60:4.
This verse shows two things
1 -To move israel to jealously with those that are not a people.
2 -To provoke israel to anger with a folish nation.

- Phoka Molise (10/5/2012 8:11:23 AM)
- Posted on Deuteronomy 32:21.
Would I be right in assuming the prophecies preceding this statement should be witnessed in their fulfilment by those present when they were spoken? And would one of those prophecies have been about the second coming?
- Simon (10/5/2012 7:27:36 AM)
- Posted on Matthew 24:34.
What's this script about ? Was he hiding because he didn't want to do it ? Or did he not believe that God was calling him in to something ?
- Adrian (10/3/2012 7:07:27 PM)
- Posted on 1 Samuel 10:21.
Hi Julia'

Are you talking about Proverbs 1v6 and eccles3 v 15
- Attie (9/28/2012 12:46:13 PM)
- Posted on 2 Chronicles 8:17.
does it mean the heavens are the Lords, no matter what and the earth was given to the children of Israel in the house of Aaron? Very interesting...
- julia (9/28/2012 10:06:21 AM)
- Posted on 2 Chronicles 8:17.
who is being refererred to as children of men in psalm 115.16
- rob (9/27/2012 9:46:30 PM)
- Posted on Psalms 115:16.
On the Day of Atonement the primary sacrifices, besides the necessary burnt offerings, were a young bull, a perfect specimen, and a goat, called the ‘goat for Jehovah.’ Another goat was brought in also, over which the sins of the people were confessed by the high priest, and the goat was led into the wilderness, to die there.—Lev. 16:3-10.
The bull was stood by the north side of the altar of burnt offering and then slaughtered. (Compare Leviticus 1:11.) The high priest went first into the Most Holy with a portable censer or incense burner with coals taken off the altar. (Lev. 16:12, 13) After burning the incense in the Most Holy he again entered, this time with some of the bull’s blood, which he sprinkled on the ground in front of and toward the Ark of the Covenant with its propitiatory cover or mercy seat. This blood was an appeal to the mercy of God for propitiation or covering of the sins of the high priest and “his house,” which included all the tribe of Levi.—Lev. 16:11, 14.
The third entry into the Most Holy was with blood of the ‘goat for Jehovah,’ which was sprinkled before the Ark for the sins of the people. Some of the blood of the bull and the goat was put on the altar of burnt offering and on its horns. The fat of the animals was burned on the altar, and the carcasses were taken outside the camp and burned, skin and all.—Lev. 16:25, 27.
By this means the people received the satisfaction of knowing that they were doing what God commanded, what pleased him, and that their sins were rolled back or held off for another year. The apostle Paul remarks about the Law’s sacrificial arrangement: “The blood of goats and of bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who have been defiled sanctifies to the extent of cleanness of the flesh.”—Heb. 9:13.
But the Israelites had to observe the Day of Atonement each year, and between times had to make specific sacrifices for certain personal sins. As the apostle went on to say: “How much more will the blood of the Christ, who through an everlasting spirit offered himself without blemish to God, cleanse our consciences from dead works that we may render sacred service to the living God?”—Heb. 9:14.
The Law, with its tabernacle and temple, only had “a shadow of the good things to come, but not the very substance of the things,” because “the reality belongs to the Christ.”—Heb. 10:1; Col. 2:17.

- GoodNewsPreacher (9/22/2012 4:39:44 PM)
- Posted on Leviticus 16:7.
this is the bible for real and i love it
- jojo (9/21/2012 4:04:02 PM)
- Posted on Romans 11:20.
It is now proven that the Greek Septuagint (LXX) version of Zechariah 14:5 is correct (it shall be blocked), and the Masoretic version (you shall flee) is not. Also, the location of Azal mentioned in this verse is no longer a mystery. Search the Internet for zechariah + azal + yasul to find this info.
- Dave (9/7/2012 10:29:14 AM) []
- Posted on Zechariah 14:5.
It is now proven that the Greek Septuagint (LXX) version of Zechariah 14:5 is correct (it shall be blocked), and the Masoretic version (you shall flee) is not. Also, the location of Azal mentioned in this verse is no longer a mystery. Search the Internet for zechariah + azal + yasul to find this info.
- Dave (9/7/2012 10:24:31 AM) []
- Posted on Zechariah 14:5.
- lee (9/6/2012 5:55:50 PM)
- Posted on Proverbs 7:23.
The reason "Drink" has a capital "D", has to do with grammar. In the Bible,in the King James Version, there are not quotation marks around what someone says. If something someone says does not have quotation marks, they capitalized the first word of the quote. If you look at the New American Standard Bible, a more recent version, there are quotations.
- Cheryl (9/2/2012 5:59:34 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 24:14.
Hi, can anyone tell me why the word Drink is spelled with a Capital letter, the 2nd time its used in this verse?
- Stephan (9/2/2012 1:44:10 AM)
- Posted on Genesis 24:14.
(sorry Im not fluent in english, I can roghly write) but let me tell you guys (i hope you understand) this is so, so wonderful to have such a priceless material on line, God bless you and prosper your ministry, its so rich. I find it so time saver...I study the bible of course in spanish/hebrew interlineal, but is so time consuming cause i need to read it in hebrew then in english to understand it in spanish. i have the privilege to teach in God's church.
i have a question for you guys. is it possible to buy a program like this somewhere? I'm crazy about this!!!
- Carlos Menendez (8/27/2012 12:51:11 PM)
- Posted on