NASB — Jeremiah 3 — KJV

The Polluted Land

  1 [God] Isays°, “aIf° a husband° divorces° his wife°
  And she goes° from him
  And belongs° to another° man°,
  Will he still° return° to her?
  Will not that land° be completely° IIpolluted°?
  But you bare a harlot° [with] many° IIIlovers°;
  Yet you cturn° to Me,” declares° the LORD°.
  2 “Lift° up your eyes° to the abare° heights° and see°;
  Where° have you not been violated°?
  By the roads° you have bsat° for them
  Like an Arab° in the desert°,
  And you have cpolluted° a land°
  With your harlotry° and with your wickedness°.
  3 “Therefore the ashowers° have been withheld°,
  And there has been° no° spring° rain°.
  Yet you had° a bharlot’s°° forehead°;
  You refused° to be ashamed°.
  4 “Have you not just now° called° to Me,
  ‘aMy Father°, You are the Ibfriend° of my cyouth°?
  5aWill He be angry° forever°?
  Will He Ibe indignant° to the end°?’
  Behold°, you have spoken°
  And have done° evil° things°,
  And you have IIhad° your way°.”

[1] ILit saying IIOr alienated IIILit companions aDt 24:1-4 bJr 2:20; Ezk 16:26, 28, 29 cJr 4:1; Zc 1:3
[2] aDt 12:2; Jr 2:20; 3:21; 7:29 bGn 38:14; Ezk 16:25 cJr 2:7
[3] aLv 26:19; Jr 14:3-6 bJr 6:15; 8:12
[4] ILit leader aJr 3:19; 31:9 bPs 71:17; Pv 2:17 cJr 2:2; Ho 2:15
[5] ILit keep it IILit been able aPs 103:9; Is 57:16; Jr 3:12

Faithless Israel

6 ¶ Then the LORD° said° to me in the days° of Josiah° the king°, “Have you seen° what° faithless° Israel° did°? She awent° up on every° high° hill° and under° every° green° tree°, and she was a harlot° there°. 7 aI Ithought°, ‘After° she has done° all° these° things° she will return° to Me’; but she did not return°, and her btreacherous° sister° Judah° saw° it. 8 And I saw° that for all° the adulteries° of faithless° Israel°, I had sent° her away° and agiven° her a writ° of divorce°, yet her btreacherous° sister° Judah° did not fear°; but she went° and was a harlot° also°. 9 Because° of the lightness° of her harlotry°, she apolluted° the land° and committed° adultery° with bstones° and trees°. 10 Yet° in spite of all° this° her treacherous° sister° Judah° did not return° to Me with all° her heart°, but rather°° in adeception°,” declares° the LORD°.

[6] aJr 17:2; Ezk 23:4-10
[7] ILit said a2K 17:13 bJr 3:11; Ezk 16:47
[8] aDt 24:1, 3; Is 50:1 bEzk 16:46, 47; 23:11
[9] aJr 2:7; 3:2 bIs 57:6; Jr 2:27; 10:8
[10] aJr 12:2; Ho 7:14

God Invites Repentance

11 ¶ And the LORD° said° to me, “aFaithless° Israel° has proved° herself° more° righteous° than° treacherous° Judah°. 12 Go° and proclaim° these° words° toward the north° and say°,
  ‘aReturn°, faithless° Israel°,’ declares° the LORD°;
  ‘bI will not Ilook° upon you in anger.
  For I am cgracious°,’ declares° the LORD°;
  ‘I will not be angry° forever°.
  13 ‘Only° Iaacknowledge° your iniquity°,
  That you have transgressed° against the LORD° your God°
  And have bscattered° your IIfavors° to the strangers° cunder° every° green° tree°,
  And you have not obeyed° My voice°,’ declares° the LORD°.
  14 ‘Return°, O faithless° sons°,’ declares° the LORD°;
  ‘For I am a amaster° to you,
  And I will take° you one° from a city° and two° from a family°,
  And bI will bring° you to Zion°.’

[11] aEzk 16:51, 52; 23:11
[12] ILit cause My countenance to fall aJr 3:14, 22; Ezk 33:11 bJr 3:5 cPs 86:15; Jr 12:15; 31:20; 33:26
[13] ILit know IILit ways aDt 30:1-3; Jr 3:25; 14:20; 1 Jn 1:9 bJr 2:20, 25; 3:2, 6 cDt 12:2
[14] aJr 31:32; Ho 2:19 bJr 31:6, 12

15 ¶ “Then I will give° you ashepherds° after My own heart°, who will bfeed° you on knowledge° and understanding°. 16 It shall be in those° days° when° you are multiplied° and increased° in the land°,” declares° the LORD°, “they will ano° longer° say°, ‘The ark° of the covenant° of the LORD°.’ And it will not come° to mind°, nor° will they remember° it, nor° will they miss° [it], nor° will it be made° again°. 17 At that time° they will call° Jerusalem° ‘The aThrone° of the LORD°,’ and ball° the nations° will be gathered° to it, to Jerusalem°, for the cname° of the LORD°; nor° will they dwalk° anymore° after° the stubbornness° of their evil° heart°. 18 aIn those° days° the house° of Judah° will walk° with the house° of Israel°, and they will come° together° bfrom the land° of the north° to the cland° that I gave° your fathers° as an inheritance°.

[15] aJr 23:4; 31:10; Ezk 34:23; Ep 4:11 bAc 20:28
[16] aIs 65:17
[17] aJr 17:12; Ezk 43:7 bJr 3:19; 4:2; 12:15, 16; 16:19 cIs 60:9 dJr 11:8
[18] aIs 11:13; Jr 50:4, 5; Ho 1:11 bJr 16:15; 31:8 cAm 9:15

19 ¶ “Then I said°,
  ‘How° I would set° you among IMy sons°
  And give° you a pleasant° land°,
  The most° abeautiful° inheritance° of the nations°!’
  And I said°, ‘You shall call° Me, bMy Father°,
  And not turn° away° from following° Me.’
  20 “Surely°, as a woman° treacherously° departs from her Ilover°,
  So° you have adealt° treacherously° with Me,
  O house° of Israel°,” declares° the LORD°.

[19] ILit the aPs 16:6 bIs 63:16; Jr 3:4
[20] IOr companion aIs 48:8

  21 ¶ A voice° is heard° on the abare° heights°,
  The weeping° [and] the supplications° of the sons° of Israel°;
  Because° they have perverted° their way°,
  They have bforgotten° the LORD° their God°.
  22 “Return°, O faithless° sons°,
  aI will heal° your faithlessness°.”
  “Behold°, we come° to You;
  For You are the LORD° our God°.
  23 “Surely°, athe hills° are a deception°,
  A tumult° [on] the mountains°.
  Surely° in the bLORD° our God°
  Is the salvation° of Israel°.

[21] aIs 15:2; Jr 3:2; 7:29 bIs 17:10; Jr 2:32; 13:25
[22] aJr 30:17; 33:6; Ho 6:1; 14:4
[23] aJr 17:2 bPs 3:8; Jr 17:14; 31:7

24 ¶ “But athe shameful° thing° has consumed° the labor° of our fathers° since° our youth°, their flocks° and their herds°, their sons° and their daughters°. 25 Let us lie° down° in our ashame°, and let our humiliation° cover° us; for we have sinned° against the LORD° our God°, we and our fathers°, bfrom our youth° even to this° day°. And we have not obeyed° the voice° of the LORD° our God°.”

[24] aHo 9:10
[25] aEzr 9:6, 7 bJr 22:21

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God's great mercy in Judah's vile whoredom.

1 ¶ They say,ºª If² a manº put awayºª² his wife,º and she goºª from²² him, and become² anotherº man's,º shall he return² unto² her again?¹ª² shall not² that² landº be greatly¹ª polluted?ºª but thou² hast played the harlotºª with manyº lovers;º yet return² again¹ª to² me, saithºª the LORD.º 2 Lift upºª thine eyesº unto² the high places,º and seeºª whereº thou hast not² been lienºª¹ª with. In² the waysº hast thou satºª for them, as the Arabianº in the wilderness;º and thou hast pollutedºª the landº with thy whoredomsº and with thy wickedness.º 3 Therefore the showersº have been withholden,ºª and there hath been² no² latter rain;º and thou hadst a whore'sººª forehead,º thou refusedstºª to be ashamed.ºª 4 Wilt thou not² from this time²² cryºª unto me, My father,º thou² [art] the guideº of my youth?º 5 Will he reserveºª [his anger] for ever?º will he keepºª [it] to the end?º Behold,² thou hast spokenºª and doneºª evil thingsº as thou couldest.ºª

[1] Lv 18:24; Dt 4:29; 22:21; 24:1; Jg 19:2; Is 24:5; 55:6; Jr 2:7, 20, 23; 3:9, 12, 22; 4:1, 14; 8:4; Ezk 16:26, 28; 23:4; 33:11; Ho 1:2; 2:5; 14:1; Mi 2:10; Zc 1:3; Lk 15:16.
[2] Gn 38:14; Dt 12:2; 1K 11:3; 2K 23:13; Pv 7:11; 23:28; Jr 2:7, 20, 23; 3:1, 9; Ezk 8:4; 16:16, 24; 20:28; Lk 16:23.
[3] Lv 26:19; Dt 28:23; Ne 9:17; Is 5:6; Jr 5:3, 24; 6:15; 8:12; 9:12; 14:4, 22; 44:16; Ezk 3:7; 16:30; Jol 1:16; Am 4:7; Zp 3:5; Hg 1:11; Zc 7:11; He 12:25.
[4] Ps 48:14; 71:5, 17; 119:9; Pv 1:4; 2:17; Jr 2:2, 27; 3:19; 31:9, 18; Ho 2:15; 14:1; Mal 2:14.
[5] Ps 77:7; 85:5; 103:8; Is 57:16; 64:9; Jr 3:12; Ezk 22:6; Mi 2:1; 7:3; Zp 3:1.

Judah is worse than Israel.

6 ¶ The LORDº saidºª also unto² me in the daysº of Josiahº the king,º Hast thou seenºª [that] which² backslidingº Israelº hath done?ºª she² is gone upºª upon² every² highº mountainº and underº every² greenº tree,º and there² hath played the harlot.ºª 7 And I saidºª afterº she had doneºª² all² these² [things], Turnºª thou unto² me. But she returnedºª not.² And her treacherousº sisterº Judahº sawºª [it]. 8 And I saw,ºª when² for² all² the causesº whereby² backslidingº Israelº committed adulteryºª I had put her away,ºª and givenºª² her² a billº of divorce;º yet her treacherousºª sisterº Judahº fearedºª not,² but went¹ª² and played the harlotºª also.² 9 And it came to pass² through the lightnessº² of her whoredom,º that she defiledºª² the land,º and committed adulteryºª with² stonesº and with² stocks.º 10 And yet² for all² this² her treacherousº sisterº Judahº hath not² turnedºª unto² me with her whole² heart,º but²² feignedly,º saithºª the LORD.º 11 And the LORDº saidºª unto² me, The backslidingº Israelº hath justifiedºª herselfº more than treacherousºª² Judah.º

[6] 1K 14:23; 2K 17:7; Is 57:7; Jr 2:19, 20; 3:1, 8, 11; 7:24; Ezk 16:24, 31; 20:28; 23:11.
[7] 2K 17:13; 2Ch 30:6; Jr 3:8; Ezk 16:46; 23:2; Ho 6:1; 14:1.
[8] Dt 24:1; 2K 17:6, 19; 18:9; Is 50:1; Jr 3:1; Ezk 23:9, 11; Ho 2:2; 3:4; 4:15; 9:15.
[9] Is 57:6; Jr 2:7, 27; 3:2; 10:8; Ezk 16:17; 23:10; Ho 4:12; Hab 2:19.
[10] 2Ch 34:33; 35:1; Ps 18:44; 66:3; 78:36; Is 10:6; Ho 7:14.
[11] Jr 3:8, 22; Ezk 16:47, 51; 23:11; Ho 4:16; 11:7.

The promises of the Gospel to the penitent.

12 ¶ Goºª and proclaimºª² these² wordsº toward the north,º and say,ºª Return,ºª thou backslidingº Israel,º saithºª the LORD;º [and] I will not² cause mine angerº to fallºª upon you: for² I² [am] merciful,º saithºª the LORD,º [and] I will not² keepºª [anger] for ever.º 13 Only² acknowledgeºª thine iniquity,º that² thou hast transgressedºª against the LORDº thy God,º and hast scatteredºª² thy waysº to the strangersºª under² every² greenº tree,º and ye have not² obeyedºª my voice,º saithºª the LORD.º 14 Turn,ºª O backslidingº children,º saithºª the LORD;º for² I² am marriedºª unto you: and I will takeºª you oneº of a city,º² and twoº of a family,º² and I will bringºª you to Zion:º 15 And I will giveºª you pastorsºª according to mine heart,º which shall feedºª you with knowledgeº and understanding.ºª 16 And it shall come to pass,² when² ye be multipliedºª and increasedºª in the land,º in those² days,º saithºª the LORD,º they shall sayºª no² more,² The arkº of the covenantº of the LORD:º neither² shall it comeºª to² mind:º neither² shall they rememberºª it; neither² shall they visitºª [it]; neither² shall [that] be doneºª any more.² 17 At that² timeº they shall callºª Jerusalemº the throneº of the LORD;º and all² the nationsº shall be gatheredºª unto² it, to the nameº of the LORD,º to Jerusalem:º neither² shall they walk¹ª² any more² afterº the imaginationº of their evilº heart.º 18 In those² daysº the houseº of Judahº shall walk¹ª² with² the houseº of Israel,º and they shall comeºª togetherº out of the landº² of the northº to² the landº that² I have given for an inheritanceºª unto² your fathers.º 19 But I² said,ºª How² shall I putºª thee among the children,º and giveºª thee a pleasantº land,º a goodlyº heritageº of the hostsº of nations?º and I said,ºª Thou shalt callºª me, My father;º and shalt not² turn awayºª from²² me.¹

[12] Dt 4:29; 2K 15:29; 17:6, 23; 18:1; 2Ch 30:9; Ps 79:5; 86:5, 15; 103:8, 17; 145:8; Is 44:22; Jr 3:1, 5, 7, 18, 22; 4:1; 23:8; 30:11; 31:8, 20; 33:26; Ezk 33:11; 39:25; Ho 6:1; 11:8; 14:1; Mi 7:18; Ro 5:20.
[13] Lv 26:40; Dt 12:2; 30:1; Jb 33:27; Pv 28:13; Jr 2:20, 25; 3:2, 6, 25; 31:18; Ezk 16:15, 24; Lk 15:18; 1Jn 1:8.
[14] Is 1:9; 6:13; 10:22; 11:11; 17:6; 24:13; 54:5; Jr 2:2, 19; 3:1, 8; 23:3; 31:8, 32; Ezk 34:11; Ho 2:19; Zc 13:7; Ro 9:27; 11:4.
[15] 1S 13:14; Pv 10:21; Is 30:20; Jr 23:4; Ezk 34:23; 37:24; Mi 5:4; Lk 12:42; Jn 10:1; 21:15, 17; Ac 20:28; 1Co 2:6, 12; 3:1; Ep 4:11; He 5:12; 1P 2:2; 5:1, 2.
[16] Is 60:22; 61:4; 65:17; 66:1; Jr 7:4; 30:19; 31:8, 27; Ezk 36:8; 37:26; Ho 1:10; Am 9:9, 14; Zp 3:11; Zc 8:4; 10:7; Mt 1:11; 3:9; Jn 4:20; He 9:9; 10:8, 19.
[17] Gn 8:21; Nu 15:39; Dt 29:29; Jg 2:19; Ps 78:8; 87:3; Is 2:2; 6:1; 26:8; 49:18; 56:6; 59:19; 60:3; 66:1, 20; Jr 7:24; 9:14; 11:8; 14:21; 16:12; 17:12; 18:12; 31:23; Ezk 1:26; 43:7; Mi 4:1; Zc 2:11; 8:20; Ro 1:21; 6:14; 2Co 10:4; Ga 4:26; Ep 4:17.
[18] Is 11:11; Jr 3:12; 23:8; 30:3; 31:8; 50:4, 20; Ezk 37:16; 39:25; Ho 1:11; 11:12; Am 9:15; Zc 10:6.
[19] Ps 106:24; Pv 3:35; Is 63:16; 64:8; Jr 3:4; 5:7; 12:10; 31:9, 20; 32:39; Ezk 20:6; Dn 8:9; 11:16, 41, 45; Ho 11:8; Mt 6:8; Jn 1:11; Ro 8:15; 2Co 6:17; Ga 3:26; 4:5; Ep 1:5; He 10:39; 1P 1:3; 1Jn 3:1.

Israel reproved, and called by God, maketh a solemn confession of their sins.

20 ¶ Surelyº [as] a wifeº treacherously¹ª departeth² from her husband,¹²² so² have ye dealt treacherouslyºª with me, O houseº of Israel,º saithºª the LORD.º 21 A voiceº was heardºª upon² the high places,º weepingº [and] supplicationsº of the childrenº of Israel:º for² they have pervertedºª² their way,º [and] they have forgottenºª² the LORDº their God.º 22 Return,ºª ye backslidingº children,º [and] I will healºª your backslidings.º Behold,² we comeºª unto thee; for² thou² [art] the LORDº our God.º 23 Trulyº in vainº [is salvation hoped for] from the hills,º² [and from] the multitudeº of mountains:º trulyº in the LORDº our Godº [is] the salvationº of Israel.º 24 For shameº hath devouredºª² the labourº of our fathersº from our youth;º²² their flocksº and their herds,º² their sonsº and their daughters.º 25 We lie downºª in our shame,º and our confusionº coverethºª us: for² we have sinnedºª against the LORDº our God,º we² and our fathers,º from our youthº² even unto² this² day,º and have not² obeyedºª the voiceº of the LORDº our God.º

[20] Is 48:8; Jr 3:1, 8; 5:11; Ezk 16:15; Ho 3:1; 5:7; 6:7; Mal 2:11.
[21] Nu 22:32; Jb 33:27; Pv 10:9; 19:3; Is 15:2; 17:10; Jr 2:32; 30:15; 31:9, 18; 50:4; Ezk 7:16; 23:35; Ho 8:14; 13:6; Mi 3:9; Zc 12:10; 2Co 7:10.
[22] So 1:4; Is 27:8; Jr 31:18; Ho 3:5; 6:1; 13:4; 14:1, 4, 8; Zc 13:9.
[23] Ps 3:8; 37:39; 121:1; Is 12:2; 43:11; 44:9; 45:15, 17, 20; 46:7; 63:1, 16; Jr 3:6; 10:14; 14:8; Ezk 20:28; Ho 1:7; Jna 2:8; Jn 4:22.
[24] Jr 11:13; Ezk 16:61, 63; Ho 2:8; 9:10; 10:6.
[25] Dt 31:17; Jg 2:2; Ezr 9:6, 7; Ne 9:32; Ps 106:7; 109:29; Pv 5:13; Is 48:8; 50:11; Jr 2:2, 17, 19, 26; 6:26; 22:21; Lm 5:7, 16; Ezk 7:18; 36:32; Dn 9:6, 10; 12:2; Ro 6:21.

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