NASB — Joshua 10 — KJV

Five Kings Attack Gibeon

1 Now it came° about when Adoni-zedek° king° of Jerusalem° heard° that Joshua° had captured° Ai°, and had Iutterly° destroyed° it (just° aas he had done° to Jericho° and its king°, so° he had done° to Ai° and its king°), and that the inhabitants° of Gibeon° had bmade° peace° with Israel° and were IIwithin° their land°, 2 that Ihe afeared° greatly°, because° Gibeon° [was] a great° city°, like one° of the royal° cities°, and because° it was greater° than° Ai°, and all° its men° [were] mighty°. 3 Therefore Adoni-zedek° king° of Jerusalem° sent° [word] ato Hoham° king° of Hebron° and to Piram° king° of Jarmuth° and to Japhia° king° of Lachish° and to Debir° king° of Eglon°, saying°, 4 “Come° up to me and help° me, and let us Iattack° Gibeon°, for it has amade° peace° with Joshua° and with the sons° of Israel°.” 5 So the five° kings° of athe Amorites°, the king° of Jerusalem°, the king° of Hebron°, the king° of Jarmuth°, the king° of Lachish°, [and] the king° of Eglon°, gathered° together and went° up, they with all° their armies°, and camped° by Gibeon° and fought° against° it.

[1] IOr put under the ban IILit among them aJsh 8:21f bJsh 9:15
[2] ILit they aEx 15:14-16
[3] aJsh 10:23
[4] ILit smite aJsh 9:15
[5] aNu 13:29

6 ¶ Then the men° of Gibeon° sent° [word] to Joshua° to the camp° at Gilgal°, saying°, “Do not Iabandon°°° your servants°; come° up to us quickly° and save° us and help° us, for all° the kings° of the Amorites° that live° in the hill° country° have assembled° against° us.” 7 So Joshua° went° up from Gilgal°, he and aall° the people° of war° with him and all° the valiant° warriors°. 8 The LORD° said° to Joshua°, “aDo not fear° them, for I have given° them into your hands°; not Ione° of them shall stand° before° you.” 9 So Joshua° came° upon them suddenly° Iby marching° all° night° from Gilgal°. 10 aAnd the LORD° confounded° them before° Israel°, and He Islew° them with a great° slaughter° at Gibeon°, and pursued° them by the way° of the ascent° of Beth-horon° and struck° them as far° as Azekah° and Makkedah°. 11 As they fled° from before°° Israel°, [while] they were at the descent° of Beth-horon°, athe LORD° threw° large° stones° from heaven° on them as far° as Azekah°, and they died°; [there were] more° who° died° Ifrom the hailstones°° than° those whom° the sons° of Israel° killed° with the sword°.

[6] ILit slacken your hands from
[7] aJsh 8:1
[8] ILit a man aJsh 1:5, 9
[9] ILit he went up
[10] ILit struck aDt 7:23
[11] ILit with aPs 18:12f; Is 28:2

12 ¶ Then° Joshua° spoke° to the LORD° in the day° when the LORD° delivered° up the Amorites° before° the sons° of Israel°, and he said° in the sight° of Israel°,
  “O asun°, stand° still° at Gibeon°,
  And O moon° in the valley° of Aijalon°.”
  13 aSo the sun° stood° still°, and the moon° stopped°,
  Until° the nation° avenged° themselves of their enemies°.
Is it not written° in bthe book° of Jashar°? And cthe sun° stopped° in the middle° of the sky° and did not hasten° to go° [down] for about a whole° day°. 14 There was no° day° like that before° it or after° it, when the LORD° listened° to the voice° of a man°; for athe LORD° fought° for Israel°.

[12] aHab 3:11
[13] aHab 3:11 b2S 1:18 cIs 38:8
[14] aEx 14:14; Dt 1:30; Jsh 10:42

15 ¶ Then Joshua° and all° Israel° with him returned° to the camp° to Gilgal°.

Victory at Makkedah

16 ¶ Now these° afive° kings° had fled° and hidden° themselves in the cave° at Makkedah°. 17 It was told° Joshua°, saying°, “The five° kings° have been found° hidden° in the cave° at Makkedah°.” 18 Joshua° said°, “Roll° large° stones° against° the mouth° of the cave°, and assign° men° by it to guard° them, 19 but do not stay° [there] yourselves°; pursue° your enemies° and Iattack° them in the rear°. Do not allow° them to enter° their cities°, for the LORD° your God° has delivered° them into your hand°.” 20 It came° about when Joshua° and the sons° of Israel° had finished° Islaying° them with a very° great° slaughter°, auntil° they were destroyed°, and the survivors° [who] remained° of them IIhad entered° the fortified° cities°, 21 that all° the people° returned° to the camp° to Joshua° at Makkedah° in peace°. No° one Iuttered° a word° against any of the sons° of Israel°.

[16] aJsh 10:5
[19] ILit smite their tail
[20] ILit striking IILit and had aDt 20:16
[21] ILit sharpened his tongue

22 ¶ Then Joshua° said°, “Open° the mouth° of the cave° and bring° these° five° kings° out to me from the cave°.” 23 They did° so°, and abrought° these° five° kings° out to him from the cave°: the king° of Jerusalem°, the king° of Hebron°, the king° of Jarmuth°, the king° of Lachish°, [and] the king° of Eglon°. 24 When they brought° these° kings° out to Joshua°, Joshua° called° for all° the men° of Israel°, and said° to the chiefs° of the men° of war° who had gone° with him, “Come° near°, aput° your feet° on the necks° of these° kings°.” So they came° near° and put° their feet° on their necks°. 25 Joshua° then said° to them, “aDo not fear° or be dismayed°! Be strong° and courageous°, for thus° the LORD° will do° to all° your enemies° with whom° you fight°.” 26 So afterward°° Joshua° struck° them and put° them to death°, and he ahanged° them on five° trees°; and they hung° on the trees° until° evening°. 27 It came° about at Isunset°° that Joshua° gave° a command°, and athey took° them down° from the trees° and threw° them into the cave° where°° they had hidden° themselves, and put° large° stones° over° the mouth° of the cave°, to this° very° day°.

[23] aDt 7:24
[24] aMal 4:3
[25] aJsh 10:8
[26] aJsh 8:29
[27] ILit the time of the going of the sun aDt 21:22, 23

28 ¶ Now Joshua° captured° Makkedah° on that day°, and struck° it and its king° with the edge° of the sword°; ahe Iutterly° destroyed° IIit and every° IIIperson° who° was in it. He left° no° survivor°. Thus he did° to the king° of Makkedah° bjust° as he had done° to the king° of Jericho°.

[28] IOr put under the ban IISome mss read them IIILit soul, and so throughout the ch aDt 20:16 bJsh 6:21

Joshua’s Conquest of Southern Palestine

29 ¶ Then Joshua° and all° Israel° with him passed° on from Makkedah° to aLibnah°, and fought° against° Libnah°. 30 The LORD° gave° it also° with its king° into the hands° of Israel°, and he struck° it and every° person° who° [was] in it with the edge° of the sword°. He left° no° survivor° in it. Thus he did° to its king° just° as he had done° to the king° of Jericho°.

[29] aJsh 15:42; 21:13

31 ¶ And Joshua° and all° Israel° with him passed° on from Libnah° to Lachish°, and they camped° by it and fought° against it. 32 The LORD° gave° Lachish° into the hands° of Israel°; and he captured° it on the second° day°, and struck° it and every° person° who° [was] in it with the edge° of the sword°, according to all° that he had done° to Libnah°.

33 ¶ Then° Horam° king° of aGezer° came° up to help° Lachish°, and Joshua° Idefeated° him and his people° until° he had left° him no° survivor°.

[33] ILit smote aJsh 16:3, 10; Jg 1:29; 1K 9:16f

34 ¶ And Joshua° and all° Israel° with him passed° on from Lachish° to Eglon°, and they camped° by it and fought° against° it. 35 They captured° it on that day° and struck° it with the edge° of the sword°; and he Iutterly° destroyed° that day° every° person° who° [was] in it, according to all° that he had done° to Lachish°.

[35] IOr put under the ban

36 ¶ Then Joshua° and all° Israel° with him went° up from Eglon° to aHebron°, and they fought° against° it. 37 They captured° it and struck° it and its king° and all° its cities° and all° the persons° who° [were] in it with the edge° of the sword°. He left° no° survivor°, according to all° that he had done° to Eglon°. And he Iutterly° destroyed° it and every° person° who° [was] in it.

[36] aNu 13:22; Jg 1:10, 20; 2S 5:1, 3, 5, 13; 2Ch 11:10
[37] IOr put it under the ban

38 ¶ Then Joshua° and all° Israel° with him returned° to aDebir°, and they fought° against° it. 39 He captured° it and its king° and all° its cities°, and they struck° them with the edge° of the sword°, and Iutterly° destroyed° every° person° [who was] in it. He left° no° survivor°. Just° as he had done° to Hebron°, so° he did° to Debir° and its king°, as he had also done° to Libnah° and its king°.

[38] aJsh 15:15; Jg 1:11; 1Ch 6:58
[39] IOr put it under the ban

40 ¶ Thus Joshua° struck° all° the land°, athe hill° country° and the INegev° and the lowland° and the slopes° and ball° their kings°. He left° no° survivor°, but che IIutterly° destroyed° all° who° breathed°, just° as the LORD°, the God° of Israel°, had commanded°. 41 Joshua° struck° them from Kadesh-barnea° even as far° as Gaza°, and all° the country° of aGoshen° even as far° as Gibeon°. 42 Joshua° captured° all° these° kings° and their lands° at one° time°, because° athe LORD°, the God° of Israel°, fought° for Israel°. 43 So Joshua° and all° Israel° with him returned° to the camp° at Gilgal°.

[40] II.e. South country IIOr put it under the ban aDt 1:7 bDt 7:24 cDt 20:16
[41] aJsh 11:16; 15:51
[42] aJsh 10:14

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Five kings war against Gibeon.

1 ¶ Now it came to pass,² when Adonizedekº kingº of Jerusalemº had heardºª howº Joshuaº had takenºª² Ai,º and had utterly destroyedºª it; as² he had doneºª to Jerichoº and her king,º so² he had doneºª to Aiº and her king;º and how² the inhabitantsºª of Gibeonº had made peaceºª with² Israel,º and were² amongº them; 2 That they fearedºª greatly,º because² Gibeonº [was] a greatº city,º as oneº of the royalº cities,º and because² it² [was] greaterº than² Ai,º and all² the men¹² thereof [were] mighty.º 3 Wherefore Adonizedekº kingº of Jerusalemº sentºª unto² Hohamº kingº of Hebron,º and unto² Piramº kingº of Jarmuth,º and unto² Japhiaº kingº of Lachish,º and unto² Debirº kingº of Eglon,º saying,ºª 4 Come upºª unto² me, and helpºª me, that we may smiteºª² Gibeon:º for² it hath made peaceºª with² Joshuaº and with² the childrenº of Israel.º 5 Therefore the fiveº kingsº of the Amorites,º the kingº of Jerusalem,º the kingº of Hebron,º the kingº of Jarmuth,º the kingº of Lachish,º the kingº of Eglon,º gathered themselves together,ºª and went up,ºª they² and all² their hosts,º and encampedºª before² Gibeon,º and made warºª against² it.

[1] Gn 14:18; Jsh 6:21; 8:2, 22; 9:15; 11:19; He 7:1.
[2] Ex 15:14; Dt 11:25; 28:10; Jsh 2:9, 24; 1S 27:5; 2S 12:26; Ps 48:4; Pv 1:26; 10:24; He 10:27, 31; Rv 6:15.
[3] Gn 23:2; 37:14; Nu 13:22; Jsh 10:1, 5; 12:10; 14:15; 15:35, 54, 63; 18:28; 2S 2:11; 2K 18:14, 17; 2Ch 11:9; Mi 1:13.
[4] Jsh 9:15; 10:1; Is 8:9; 41:5; Mt 16:24; Jn 15:19; 16:2; Ac 9:23, 24; 21:28; 2Ti 3:12; Jm 4:4; 1P 4:4; Rv 16:14; 20:8.
[5] Gn 15:16; Jsh 9:1; 10:6; Is 8:9.

Joshua rescueth it.

6 ¶ And the men¹² of Gibeonº sentºª unto² Joshuaº to² the campº to Gilgal,º saying,ºª Slackºª not² thy handº from thy servants;º² come upºª to² us quickly,º and saveºª us, and helpºª us: for² all² the kingsº of the Amoritesº that dwellºª in the mountainsº are gathered togetherºª against² us. 7 So Joshuaº ascendedºª from² Gilgal,º he,² and all² the peopleº of warº with² him, and all² the mighty¹ men² of valour.º

[6] Dt 1:15; Jsh 5:10; 9:6, 15, 24; 21:11; 2K 4:24; Ps 125:2; Is 33:22; Lk 1:39.
[7] Is 8:12, 14.

8 ¶ And the LORDº saidºª unto² Joshua,º Fearºª them not:² for² I have deliveredºª them into thine hand;º there shall not² a manº of² them standºª beforeº thee. 9 Joshuaº therefore cameºª unto² them suddenly,º [and] went upºª from² Gilgalº all² night.º 10 And the LORDº discomfitedºª them beforeº Israel,º and slewºª them with a greatº slaughterº at Gibeon,º and chasedºª them along the wayº that goeth upº to Bethhoron,º and smoteºª them to² Azekah,º and unto² Makkedah.º

[8] Dt 3:2; 20:1; Jsh 1:5; 8:1; 11:6; Jg 4:14; Ps 27:1; Is 41:10; Ro 8:31.
[9] 1S 11:9; Pv 22:29; 24:11; Ec 9:10; 2Ti 2:3; 4:2.
[10] Jsh 10:11, 28; 11:8; 12:16; 15:35, 41; 16:3, 5; 21:22; Jg 4:15; 1S 7:10; 13:18; 2Ch 14:12; Ps 18:14; 44:3; 78:55; Is 28:21; Jr 34:7.

God fighteth against them with hailstones.

11 And it came to pass,² as they fledºª from beforeº² Israel,º [and] were in the going downº to Bethhoron,º that the LORDº cast downºª greatº stonesº from² heavenº upon² them unto² Azekah,º and they died:ºª [they were] moreº which² diedºª with hailstonesºº than [they] whomº² the childrenº of Israelº slewºª with the sword.º

[11] Gn 19:24; Ex 9:22; Jg 5:20; Ps 11:6; 18:12; 77:17; Is 28:2; 30:30; Ezk 13:11; Rv 11:19; 16:21.

The sun and moon stand still at the word of Joshua.

12 ¶ Then² spakeºª Joshuaº to the LORDº in the dayº when the LORDº delivered upºª² the Amoritesº beforeº the childrenº of Israel,º and he saidºª in the sightº of Israel,º Sun,º stand thou stillºª upon Gibeon;º and thou, Moon,º in the valleyº of Ajalon.º 13 And the sunº stood still,ºª and the moonº stayed,ºª until² the peopleº had avengedºª themselves upon their enemies.ºª [Is] not² thisº writtenºª in² the bookº of Jasher?º So the sunº stood² still¹ª in the midstº of heaven,º and hastedºª not² to go downºª about a wholeº day.º 14 And there was² no² dayº like that² beforeº it or afterº it, that the LORDº hearkenedºª unto the voiceº of a man:º for² the LORDº foughtºª for Israel.º

[12] Dt 4:19; 17:3; Jsh 10:13; 19:42; Jg 12:12; Jb 9:7; 31:26; Ps 19:4; 74:16; 148:3; Is 28:21; 38:8; 60:20; Am 8:9; Hab 2:20; 3:11; Zc 2:13.
[13] Nu 21:14; 31:2; Jsh 10:11, 14; Jg 5:2; 16:28; 2S 1:18; Es 8:13; Ps 19:4; 74:16; 136:7; 148:3; Is 24:23; 38:8; Jol 2:10, 31; 3:15; Mt 5:45; 24:29; Lk 18:7; Ac 2:20; Rv 6:10, 12; 8:12; 16:8; 21:23.
[14] Dt 1:30; Jsh 10:42; 23:3; 2K 20:10; Is 38:8; Zc 4:6; Mt 21:21; Mk 11:22; Lk 17:6.

15 ¶ And Joshuaº returned,ºª and all² Israelº with² him, unto² the campº to Gilgal.º

[15] Jsh 10:6, 43.

The five kings are mured in a cave.

16 But these² fiveº kingsº fled,ºª and hid¹ª themselves² in a caveº at Makkedah.º 17 And it was toldºª Joshua,º saying,ºª The fiveº kingsº are foundºª hidºª in a caveº at Makkedah.º 18 And Joshuaº said,ºª Rollºª greatº stonesº upon² the mouthº of the cave,º and setºª men¹² by² it for to keepºª them: 19 And stayºª ye² not,² [but] pursueºª afterº your enemies,ºª and smite the hindmostºª of them; sufferºª them not² to enterºª into² their cities:º for² the LORDº your Godº hath deliveredºª them into your hand.º 20 And it came to pass,² when Joshuaº and the childrenº of Israelº had made an endºª of slayingºª them with a veryº greatº slaughter,º till² they were consumed,ºª that the restº [which] remainedºª of² them enteredºª into² fencedº cities.º 21 And all² the peopleº returnedºª to² the campº to² Joshuaº at Makkedahº in peace:º none² movedºª² his tongueº against anyº of the childrenº of Israel.º 22 Then saidºª Joshua,º Openºª² the mouthº of the cave,º and bring outºª² those² fiveº kingsº unto² me out of² the cave.º

[16] Jg 6:2; 1S 13:6; 24:3, 8; Ps 48:4; 139:7; Is 2:10, 19; 24:21; Am 9:2; Mi 7:17; Rv 6:15.
[18] Jsh 10:22; Jg 9:46; Jb 21:30; Am 5:19; 9:1; Mt 27:66.
[19] Jsh 10:20; 2S 17:13; 20:6; Ps 18:37; Is 9:14; Jr 8:14; 48:10.
[20] Jsh 8:24; 10:10; 2S 20:6; 2Ch 13:17; Jr 8:14.
[21] Ex 11:7; Jsh 10:15; Is 54:17; 57:4.
[22] Jsh 10:16; 1S 15:32.

They are brought forth,

23 And they didºª so,² and brought forthºª² those² fiveº kingsº unto² him out of² the cave,º² the kingº of Jerusalem,º² the kingº of Hebron,º² the kingº of Jarmuth,º² the kingº of Lachish,º [and]² the kingº of Eglon.º

[23] Jsh 10:1, 3, 5.

scornfully used,

24 And it came to pass,² when they brought outºª² those² kingsº unto² Joshua,º that Joshuaº calledºª for² all² the menº of Israel,º and saidºª unto² the captainsº of the men¹² of warº which wentºª with² him, Come near,ºª putºª² your feetº upon² the necksº of these² kings.º And they came near,ºª and putºª² their feetº upon² the necksº of them. 25 And Joshuaº saidºª unto² them, Fearºª not,² nor² be dismayed,ºª be strongºª and of good courage:ºª for² thus² shall the LORDº doºª to all² your enemiesºª against whom²² ye² fight.ºª

[24] Dt 33:29; Jg 8:20; Ps 2:8; 18:40; 91:13; 107:40; 110:1, 5; 149:8; Is 26:5; 60:11; Mal 4:3; Ro 16:20; Rv 2:26.
[25] Dt 3:21; 7:19; 31:6; Jsh 1:9; 1S 17:37; Ps 63:9; 77:11; Ro 8:37; 2Co 1:10; Ep 6:10; 2Ti 4:17.

and hanged.

26 And afterwardº² Joshuaº smoteºª them, and slewºª them, and hangedºª them on² fiveº trees:º and they were² hangingºª upon² the treesº until² the evening.º 27 And it came to pass² at the timeº of the going downºª of the sun,º [that] Joshuaº commanded,ºª and they took them downºª off the trees,º²² and castºª them into² the caveº wherein²² they had been hid,ºª and laidºª greatº stonesº in² the cave'sº mouth,º [which remain] until² this² veryº day.º

[26] Nu 25:4; Dt 21:22; Jsh 8:29; Jg 8:21; 1S 15:33; 2S 21:6, 9; Es 2:23; 7:9; Mt 27:25; Ga 3:13.
[27] Dt 21:23; Jsh 4:9; 7:26; 8:29; 2S 18:17.

Seven kings more are conquered.

28 ¶ And that² dayº Joshuaº tookºª Makkedah,º and smoteºª it with the edgeº of the sword,º and the kingº thereof he utterly destroyed,ºª them, and all² the soulsº that² [were] therein; he letºª none² remain:º and he didºª to the kingº of Makkedahº as² he didºª unto the kingº of Jericho.º 29 Then Joshuaº passedºª from Makkedah,º² and all² Israelº with² him, unto Libnah,º and foughtºª against² Libnah:º 30 And the LORDº deliveredºª it also,² and the kingº thereof, into the handº of Israel;º and he smoteºª it with the edgeº of the sword,º and all² the soulsº that² [were] therein; he letºª none² remainº in it; but didºª unto the kingº thereof as² he didºª unto the kingº of Jericho.º

[28] Dt 7:2, 16; 20:16; Jsh 6:21; 8:2; 10:30, 32, 35, 37, 39; 15:41; Ps 21:8; 110:1; Lk 19:27; 1Co 15:25.
[29] Nu 33:20; Jsh 6:21; 8:2, 29; 10:28; 12:15; 15:42; 21:13; 2K 8:22; 19:8; Jr 52:1.

31 ¶ And Joshuaº passedºª from Libnah,º² and all² Israelº with² him, unto Lachish,º and encampedºª against² it, and foughtºª against it: 32 And the LORDº deliveredºª² Lachishº into the handº of Israel,º which tookºª it on the secondº day,º and smoteºª it with the edgeº of the sword,º and all² the soulsº that² [were] therein, according to all² that² he had doneºª to Libnah.º

[31] Jsh 10:3, 5; 12:11; 15:39; 2K 19:8; 2Ch 11:9; Is 37:8; Mi 1:13.
[32] Jsh 10:30.

33 ¶ Then² Horamº kingº of Gezerº came upºª to helpºª² Lachish;º and Joshuaº smoteºª him and his people,º until² he had leftºª him none² remaining.º

[33] Jsh 12:12; 16:3, 10; 21:21; Jg 1:29; 1K 9:16; 1Ch 6:67; 20:4.

34 ¶ And from Lachishº² Joshuaº passedºª unto Eglon,º and all² Israelº with² him; and they encampedºª against² it, and foughtºª against² it: 35 And they tookºª it on that² day,º and smoteºª it with the edgeº of the sword,º and all² the soulsº that² [were] therein he utterly destroyedºª that² day,º according to all² that² he had doneºª to Lachish.º 36 And Joshuaº went upºª from Eglon,º² and all² Israelº with² him, unto Hebron;º and they foughtºª against² it: 37 And they tookºª it, and smoteºª it with the edgeº of the sword,º and the kingº thereof, and all² the citiesº thereof, and all² the soulsº that² [were] therein; he leftºª none² remaining,º according to all² that² he had doneºª to Eglon;º but destroyedºª it utterly, and all² the soulsº that² [were] therein.

[34] Jsh 10:3; 12:12; 15:39.
[35] Lv 26:44; Jsh 10:32, 37; Jb 19:10.
[36] Gn 13:18; Nu 13:22; Jsh 10:3, 5; 14:13; 15:13, 54; 21:13; Jg 1:10; 2S 5:1; 15:9; 1Ch 12:23, 28.
[37] Jsh 10:23, 35.

38 ¶ And Joshuaº returned,ºª and all² Israelº with² him, to Debir;º and foughtºª against² it: 39 And he tookºª it, and the kingº thereof, and all² the citiesº thereof; and they smoteºª them with the edgeº of the sword,º and utterly destroyedºª² all² the soulsº that² [were] therein; he leftºª none² remaining:º as² he had doneºª to Hebron,º so² he didºª to Debir,º and to the kingº thereof; as² he had doneºª also to Libnah,º and to her king.º

[38] Jsh 10:41; 12:13; 15:15, 49; 21:15; Jg 1:11.
[39] Dt 3:3; Jsh 10:33, 37, 40; 11:8; 2K 10:11; Ob 1:18.

40 ¶ So Joshuaº smoteºª² all² the countryº of the hills,º and of the south,º and of the vale,º and of the springs,º and all² their kings:º he leftºª none² remaining,º but utterly destroyedºª all² that breathed,º as² the LORDº Godº of Israelº commanded.ºª 41 And Joshuaº smoteºª them from Kadeshbarneaº² even unto² Gaza,º and all² the countryº of Goshen,º even unto² Gibeon.º 42 And all² these² kingsº and their landº did Joshuaº takeºª at oneº time,º because² the LORDº Godº of Israelº foughtºª for Israel.º

[40] Ex 23:31; 34:12; Dt 7:2; 26:16; Jsh 6:17; 8:2, 27; 9:24; 10:35, 37; 15:21; 18:21; 19:1, 40; 1K 15:29; Ps 9:17; 2Th 1:7.
[41] Gn 10:19; Nu 13:26; 32:8; 34:4; Dt 9:23; Jsh 10:2, 12; 11:16; 14:6; 15:51; Jg 16:1, 21; 1S 6:17; 1K 3:5; Zc 9:5; Ac 8:26.
[42] Ex 14:14, 25; Dt 20:4; Jsh 10:14; Ps 44:3; 46:1, 7, 11; 80:3; 118:6; Is 8:9; 43:4; Ro 8:31.

Joshua returneth to Gilgal.

43 And Joshuaº returned,ºª and all² Israelº with² him, unto² the campº to Gilgal.º

[43] Jsh 4:19; 10:15; 1S 11:14.

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