NASB — 1 Kings 4 — KJV

Solomon’s Officials

1 Now King° Solomon° was king° over° all° Israel°. 2 These° were his officials°: Azariah° the son° of Zadok° [was] athe priest°; 3 Elihoreph° and Ahijah°, the sons° of Shisha° [were] secretaries°; aJehoshaphat° the son° of Ahilud° [was] the recorder°; 4 and aBenaiah° the son° of Jehoiada° [was] over° the army°; and Zadok° and bAbiathar° [were] priests°; 5 and Azariah° the son° of Nathan° [was] over° athe deputies°; and Zabud° the son° of Nathan°, a priest°, [was] the king’s° friend°; 6 and Ahishar° was over° the household°; and Adoniram° the son° of Abda° [was] over° the men° subject to forced° labor°.

[2] a1Ch 6:10
[3] a2S 8:16
[4] a1K 2:35 b1K 2:27
[5] a1K 4:7

7 ¶ Solomon° had twelve°° deputies° over° all° Israel°, who Iprovided° for the king° and his household°; each° man had° to IIprovide° for a month° in the year°. 8 These° are their names°: Ben-hur°, in the ahill° country° of Ephraim°; 9 Ben-deker° in Makaz° and aShaalbim° and bBeth-shemesh° and Elonbeth-hanan°; 10 Ben-hesed°, in Arubboth° (aSocoh° [was] his and all° the land° of bHepher°); 11 Ben-abinadab°, [in] all° Ithe aheight° of Dor° (Taphath° the daughter° of Solomon° was his wife°); 12 Baana° the son° of Ahilud°, [in] aTaanach° and Megiddo°, and all° bBeth-shean° which° is beside° cZarethan° below°° Jezreel°, from Beth-shean° to dAbel-meholah° as far° as the other° side° of eJokmeam°; 13 Ben-geber°, in aRamoth-gilead° (bthe towns° of Jair°, the son° of Manasseh°, which° are in Gilead° were his: cthe region° of Argob°, which° is in Bashan°, sixty° great° cities° with walls° and bronze° bars° [were] his); 14 Ahinadab° the son° of Iddo°, [in] aMahanaim°; 15 aAhimaaz°, in Naphtali° (he also° married° Basemath° the daughter° of Solomon°); 16 Baana° the son° of aHushai°, in Asher° and IBealoth°; 17 Jehoshaphat° the son° of Paruah°, in Issachar°; 18 aShimei° the son° of Ela°, in Benjamin°; 19 Geber° the son° of Uri°, in the land° of Gilead°, athe country° of Sihon° king° of the Amorites° and of Og° king° of Bashan°; and [he was] the only° deputy° who° [was] in the land°.

[7] ILit nourished IILit nourish
[8] aJsh 24:33
[9] aJg 1:35 bJsh 21:16
[10] aJsh 15:35 bJsh 12:17
[11] IOr Naphoth-dor aJsh 11:1, 2
[12] aJg 5:19 bJsh 17:11 cJsh 3:16 d1K 19:16 e1Ch 6:68
[13] a1K 22:3-15 bNu 32:41 cDt 3:4
[14] aJsh 13:26
[15] a2S 15:27
[16] IOr in Aloth a2S 15:32
[18] a1K 1:8
[19] aDt 3:8-10

Solomon’s Power, Wealth and Wisdom

20aJudah° and Israel° [were] as numerous° as the sand° that is on the Iseashore° in abundance°; [they] were eating° and drinking° and rejoicing°.

[20] ILit sea aGn 22:17; 32:12; 1K 3:8

21IaNow Solomon° ruled° over all° the kingdoms° bfrom the IIRiver° [to] the land° of the Philistines° and to the border° of Egypt°; c[they] brought° tribute° and served° Solomon° all° the days° of his life°.

[21] ICh 5:1 in Heb III.e. Euphrates a2Ch 9:26 bGn 15:18; Jsh 1:4 c2S 8:2, 6

22 ¶ Solomon’s° Iprovision° for one° day° was thirty° IIkors° of fine° flour° and sixty° IIkors° of meal°, 23 ten° fat° oxen°, twenty° Ipasture-fed° oxen°, a hundred° sheep° besides°° deer°, gazelles°, roebucks°, and fattened° fowl°. 24 For he had° dominion° over everything° Iwest° of the IIRiver°, from Tiphsah° even to aGaza°, bover all° the kings° Iwest° of the IIRiver°; and che had° peace° on all° sides° around° about° him. 25 aSo Judah° and Israel° lived° in safety°, every° man° under° his vine° and his fig° tree°, bfrom Dan° even to Beersheba°, all° the days° of Solomon°. 26 aSolomon° had I40,000°° stalls° of horses° for his chariots°, and 12,000°°° horsemen°. 27 Those° deputies° Iprovided° for King° Solomon° and all° who came° to King° Solomon’s° table°, each° in his month°; they left° nothing°° lacking°. 28 They also brought° barley° and straw° for the horses° and aswift° steeds° to the place° where°° it should be, each° according to his charge°.

[22] ILit bread III.e. One kor equals approx 10 bu
[23] ILit oxen of the pasture
[24] ILit beyond III.e. Euphrates aJg 1:18 bPs 72:11 c1Ch 22:9
[25] aJr 23:6; Mi 4:4; Zc 3:10 b1S 3:20
[26] IOne ms reads 4000, cf 2Ch 9:25 a1K 10:26; 2Ch 1:14
[27] IOr nourished
[28] aEs 8:10, 14; Mi 1:13

29 ¶ Now aGod° gave° Solomon° wisdom° and very° great° discernment° and breadth° of Imind°, blike the sand° that is on the seashore°°. 30 Solomon’s° wisdom° surpassed° the wisdom° of all° athe sons° of the east° and ball° the wisdom° of Egypt°. 31 For ahe was wiser° than° all° men°, than° bEthan° the Ezrahite°, Heman°, cCalcol° and IDarda°, the sons° of Mahol°; and his IIfame° was [known] in all° the surrounding° nations°. 32 aHe also spoke° 3,000°° proverbs°, and his songs° were 1,005°°. 33 He spoke° of trees°, from the cedar° that is in Lebanon° even to the hyssop° that grows° on the wall°; he spoke° also of animals° and birds° and creeping° things° and fish°. 34 IMen acame° from all° peoples° to hear° the wisdom° of Solomon°, from all° the kings° of the earth° who° had heard° of his wisdom°.

[29] ILit heart a1K 3:12 b1K 4:20
[30] aGn 29:1; Jg 6:33 bIs 19:11; Ac 7:22
[31] IIn 1Ch 2:6, Dara IILit name a1K 3:12 b1Ch 15:19; Ps 89: title c1Ch 2:6
[32] aPv 1:1; 10:1; 25:1; Ec 12:9; So 1:1
[34] ILit they a1K 10:1; 2Ch 9:23

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Solomon's princes.

1 ¶ So kingº Solomonº was² kingº over² all² Israel.º 2 And these² [were] the princesº which² he had; Azariahº the sonº of Zadokº the priest,º 3 Elihorephº and Ahiah,º the sonsº of Shisha,º scribes;ºª Jehoshaphatº the sonº of Ahilud,º the recorder.ºª 4 And Benaiahº the sonº of Jehoiadaº [was] over² the host:º and Zadokº and Abiatharº [were] the priests:º 5 And Azariahº the sonº of Nathanº [was] over² the officers:ºª and Zabudº the sonº of Nathanº [was] principal officer,º [and] the king'sº friend:º 6 And Ahisharº [was] over² the household:º and Adoniramº the sonº of Abdaº [was] over² the tribute.º

[1] 2S 5:5; 1K 11:13, 35; 12:19; 1Ch 12:38; 2Ch 9:30; Ec 1:12.
[2] Ex 18:21; 2S 8:15; 20:23; 1Ch 6:8; 27:17; 1Co 12:28.
[3] 2S 8:16; 20:24, 25; 1Ch 18:6, 15; Is 62:6.
[4] 1K 2:26, 35.
[5] 2S 7:2; 8:18; 12:1, 25; 15:37; 16:16; 19:37; 20:26; 1K 1:10; 4:7; 1Ch 27:33; Pv 22:11; Jn 13:23; 15:14; Jm 2:23.
[6] 2S 20:24; 1K 5:13; 9:15; 12:18.

His twelve officers for provision.

7 ¶ And Solomonº had twelveºº officersºª over² all² Israel,º which provided victualsºª for² the kingº and his household:º each manº his monthº in a yearº made provision.ºª 8 And these² [are] their names:º The son of Hur,º in mountº Ephraim:º 9 The son of Dekar,ºª¹ in Makaz,º and in Shaalbim,º and Bethshemesh,º and Elonbethhanan:º 10 The son of Hesed,ºª¹ in Aruboth;º to him [pertained] Sochoh,º and all² the landº of Hepher:º 11 The son of Abinadab,º in all² the regionº of Dor;º which had Taphathº the daughterº of Solomonº to wife:º 12 Baanaº the sonº of Ahilud;º [to him pertained] Taanachº and Megiddo,º and all² Bethshean,º which² [is] byº Zartanahº beneath²² Jezreel,º from Bethsheanº² to² Abelmeholah,º [even] unto² [the place that is] beyondº² Jokneam:º 13 The son of Geber,º in Ramothgilead;º¹ to him [pertained] the townsº of Jairº the sonº of Manasseh,º which² [are] in Gilead;º to him [also pertained] the regionº of Argob,º which² [is] in Bashan,º threescoreº greatº citiesº with wallsº and brasenº bars:º 14 Ahinadabº the sonº of Iddoº [had] Mahanaim:º 15 Ahimaazº [was] in Naphtali;º he² also² tookºª² Basmathº the daughterº of Solomonº to wife:º 16 Baanahº the sonº of Hushaiº [was] in Asherº and in Aloth:º 17 Jehoshaphatº the sonº of Paruah,º in Issachar:º 18 Shimeiº the sonº of Elah,º in Benjamin:º 19 Geberº the sonº of Uriº [was] in the countryº of Gilead,º [in] the countryº of Sihonº kingº of the Amorites,º and of Ogº kingº of Bashan;º and [he was] the onlyº officerº which² [was] in the land.º

[7] 1Ch 27:1.
[8] Jg 17:1; 19:1.
[9] Jsh 19:42; 1S 6:12, 20.
[10] Jsh 12:17; 15:35; 17:2.
[11] Jsh 12:23; 17:11; Jg 1:27.
[12] Jsh 3:16; 17:11; Jg 5:19; 1S 31:10, 12; 1K 7:46; 18:46; 19:16; 2K 23:29.
[13] Nu 32:41; Dt 3:4, 8, 13, 14; 4:43; Jsh 20:8; 21:38; 1K 22:3; 2K 9:1, 14; Ps 22:12; 68:15.
[14] Gn 32:2; 2S 2:8; 17:24, 27.
[15] Jsh 19:32; 1S 18:18; 1K 4:11.
[16] Jsh 19:24.
[17] Jsh 19:17.
[18] Jsh 18:20; 1K 1:8; Zc 12:13.
[19] Nu 21:21; Dt 2:26; 3:1; Jsh 13:9.

The peace and largeness of his kingdom.

20 ¶ Judahº and Israelº [were] many,º as the sandº which² [is] by² the seaº in multitude,º eatingºª and drinking,ºª and making merry.º 21 And Solomonº reignedºª over all² kingdomsº from² the riverº unto the landº of the Philistines,º and unto² the borderº of Egypt:º they broughtºª presents,º and servedºª² Solomonº all² the daysº of his life.º

[20] Gn 13:16; 15:5; 22:17; 1S 30:16; 1K 3:8; 1Ch 12:39; Jb 1:18; Ps 72:3; Pv 14:28; Ec 2:24; Is 22:13; Mi 4:4; Zc 3:10; 9:15; Ac 2:46.
[21] Gn 15:18; Ex 23:31; Dt 11:24; Jsh 1:4; 1S 10:27; 1K 4:24; 2K 17:3; 2Ch 9:26; 17:5; 32:23; Ezr 4:20; Ps 68:29; 72:8, 10; 76:11.

His daily provision.

22 ¶ And Solomon'sº provisionº for oneº dayº was² thirtyº measuresº of fine flour,º and threescoreº measuresº of meal,º 23 Tenº fatº oxen,º and twentyº oxenº out of the pastures,º and an hundredº sheep,º beside² harts,º² and roebucks,º and fallowdeer,º and fattedºª fowl.º

[22] 1K 4:22.
[23] Dt 15:22; Ne 5:17.

The peace and largeness of his kingdom.

24 For² he² had dominionºª over all² [the region] on this sideº the river,º from Tiphsahº² even to² Azzah,º over all² the kingsº on this sideº the river:º and he had² peaceº on all²² sidesº¹ª round aboutº² him. 25 And Judahº and Israelº dweltºª safely,º every manº under² his vineº and under² his fig tree,º from Danº² even to² Beersheba,º all² the daysº of Solomon.º

[24] Gn 10:19; Jg 16:1; 1K 4:21; 5:4; 1Ch 22:9; Ps 72:3, 7, 8, 11; Is 9:7; Lk 2:14; He 7:1.
[25] Jg 20:1; 2S 17:11; 24:15; 2K 18:31; Is 60:18; Jr 23:5; 33:15; Ezk 38:11; Mi 4:4; Zc 3:10.

His stables.

26 ¶ And Solomonº had² fortyº thousandº stallsº of horsesº for his chariots,º and twelveºº thousandº horsemen.º 27 And those² officersºª provided victualºª for² kingº Solomon,º and for all² that cameº unto² kingº Solomon'sº table,º every manº in his month:º they lackedºª nothing.º² 28 Barleyº also and strawº for the horsesº and dromedariesº broughtºª they unto² the placeº where²² [the officers] were,² every manº according to his charge.º

[26] Dt 17:16; 2S 8:4; 1K 10:25; 2Ch 1:14; 9:25; Ps 20:7.
[27] 1K 4:7.
[28] Es 8:10, 14; Mi 1:13.

His wisdom.

29 ¶ And Godº gaveºª Solomonº wisdomº and understandingº exceedingº much,ºª and largenessº of heart,º even as the sandº that² [is] on² the seaº shore.º 30 And Solomon'sº wisdomº excelled¹ª the wisdomº²² of all² the childrenº of the east country,º and all²² the wisdomº of Egypt.º 31 For he was wiserºª than all²² men;º than Ethanº² the Ezrahite,º and Heman,º and Chalcol,º and Darda,º the sonsº of Mahol:º and his fameº was² in all² nationsº round about.º 32 And he spakeºª threeº thousandº proverbs:º and his songsº were² a thousandº and five.º 33 And he spakeºª of² trees,º from² the cedar treeº that² [is] in Lebanonº even unto² the hyssopº that² springeth outºª of the wall:º he spakeºª also of² beasts,º and of² fowl,º and of² creeping things,º and of² fishes.º 34 And there cameºª of all²² peopleº to hearºª² the wisdomº of Solomon,º from²² all² kingsº of the earth,º which² had heard¹ª of²² his wisdom.º

[29] Gn 41:49; Jg 7:12; 1K 3:12, 28; 4:20; 10:23; 2Ch 1:10; Ps 119:34; Pv 2:6; Ec 1:16; 2:26; Is 60:5; Jr 33:22; Hab 1:9; Jm 1:5, 17; 3:17.
[30] Gn 25:6; Jb 1:3; Is 19:11; Dn 1:20; 4:7; 5:11; Mt 2:1, 16; Ac 7:22.
[31] 1K 3:12; 5:7; 10:1, 6; 1Ch 2:6; 6:33; 15:17, 19; 2Ch 9:23; Ps 88:1; 89:1; Mt 4:24; 12:42; Lk 11:31; Col 2:3.
[32] Pv 1:1; Ec 12:9; So 1:1; Mt 13:35.
[33] Gn 1:20; Ex 12:22; Nu 19:18; 24:6; 2K 19:23; Ps 51:7; 92:12; He 9:19.
[34] 1K 10:1; 2Ch 9:1, 23; Is 2:2; Zc 8:23.

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